Connecting the router to the Internet. Connecting two routers into one network using wifi. Device Manager - setting up the operation of a computer with a router

Wireless Internet is gaining more and more popularity and this process can no longer be stopped. To have wireless Internet or a Wi-Fi access point at home. I tried to describe in detail the process of connecting a Wi-Fi router with photographs and videos.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but you will need a little care and, perhaps, the phone number of your Internet provider. The whole process can be divided into three stages: physical connection, setting up a router and setting up a computer or laptop.

Connecting the router to the computer

After you have taken the router out of the box, you need to connect it to your computer. By default, I will mean that you have a regular wired Internet.

Enter the router settings

After turning on the router, it needs time to boot and get itself in order. At this time, the lights on the front panel may light up and go out, wait 1 minute. We need to go to the administrative interface of the router and configure it. This is done through any browser, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Opera. To log into the “admin panel” of the router you need to write in the address bar:

login: admin

password: admin

A small note: the address is used in most routers. If you receive a “Page not found” or “Page cannot open” error, then try using a different address, for example:

If there is an ambush here, then you need to find out the correct address, for example from the sticker on the back of the device:

If it’s not there, then you need to look at the instructions, which may be on the included disk, or search the Internet from your phone. The same applies to the login (username) and password (password), i.e. not everyone has admin/admin. If the device is used, then maybe someone changed the default settings. In this case it is necessary. To do this, you need to find the “Reset” hole on the router and press the button inside with a match.

Network cable is not connected

Let’s say the login address and login/password are known, but you still can’t log into the admin panel due to a network error. Then you need to check the network card settings in Windows 7/10. Let's go “Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center”. There on the left we find “Change adapter settings”. The “Local Area Connection” connection should NOT be in the “Network cable not connected” status:

If this is so, then most likely this is the problem, i.e. The cable is not connected, is connected in the wrong place or is faulty.

Also, the status should not be “Disabled”. If this is the case, then right-click on the icon and select “Enable”.

Incorrect TCP/IP settings

If you still can’t log into the admin panel, then right-click on the connection icon and select “Properties”, and there we find “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)” and double-click on it. In the protocol properties, you need to check that the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” checkboxes are checked. Click “OK” twice. Now wait 10 seconds and you can check.

I hope this was sorted out and I was able to log in to the admin panel of the router without any problems.

Quickly setting up a Wi-Fi connection on a router

It's more complicated here, because... All routers are different and the interface may vary greatly. Yes, and Internet settings among providers can also differ dramatically. If you have a TP-Link router or another with the ability to quickly set up, then you are in luck, everything can end very quickly. Find the “Quick Setup” item in the menu on the left or top and follow the instructions of the wizard:

On the first screen just click “Next”

I have a 3G router, so I'm prompted to select my preferred connection type: 3G or cable. I don't have a 3G modem so I select "WAN only"

If you don’t know what to choose, then try automatic mode. The router itself will try to determine the type of connection. If he succeeds, the wizard will move on to the next configuration step. But you may need to enter your login and password (in case of PPPoE connection)

or network settings (in case of “Static IP” connection type)

The provider should have given you all this information; look carefully in the contract. If the technician is unable to determine the connection automatically, then he will have to call the provider and ask, or try at random, there seem to be not many options

At the next step, the wizard prompts us to enable the Wi-Fi module:

  • “Wireless Radio” - this is Wi-Fi, must be in the “Enabled” position
  • In the “Wireless Network Name” field, enter any name of the point in English
  • Parameters: “Channel”, “Mode”, “Channel Width”, “Max Tx Rate” set as in the screenshot or leave it as default.
  • , safety. Don't leave Wi-Fi without a password! Not only will everyone around you use your Internet and download the channel, it will be such a huge, huge hole in your security! Virtually anyone will be able to access all of your personal data. Set the switch to WPA/WPA2 and enter a complex password.

A small digression: when everything works, if it turns out that the Internet is too slow or if there are problems, then try selecting “Channel” not “Auto”, but some number from 1 to 13 and saving the settings. You can go through all the numbers to find the right one. The fact is that now there is a lot of wifi equipment around, and each device needs its own channel to work. As a result, devices operating on the same channel interfere with each other.

It’s good if you don’t have the cheapest router and it can operate at a frequency of 5 MHz. In this case, there will be a corresponding option to select a frequency of 2.4 or 5 MHz. There are much fewer devices operating at this frequency, and therefore the likelihood that someone will interfere is reduced significantly.

Manual setting

Well, if there was no automatic setup, then you will have to go through the items manually. We find a section something like “Network” and there is an item with the word “WAN”:

There should be similar settings items. Here everything is the same as for automatic setup, only we ourselves must select the type of Internet connection and enter the login/password.

  • “Secondary Connection” leave “Disabled” or “Dynamic IP”, this is only needed to access the provider’s internal network.
  • “Connection Mode” set to “Connect Automatically” so that the router connects to the Internet automatically after each reboot.

If the provider requires you to specify the IP address and DNS server, then this can be done in the Advanced settings, but usually this is not necessary:

But, for example, I have a provider with problematic DNS servers and I register the Google server: , which always works! How does a problematic DNS server manifest itself? This is when not a single site or website, but Skype or torrents work without problems! However, if you install the server on Google, then the internal sites of some providers may not open, for example, such as account replenishment and statistics.

It is here, in the manual settings, that you can specify the connection type - VPN, if you have one. To do this, select “L2TP”, enter the name/password and VPN server address (provided by the provider). If an IP address, mask, gateway and DNS are provided, then select “Static IP” and enter all the data. Don't forget to check the automatic connection box at the bottom.

That’s it, save the settings and look for the “Wireless Settings” menu section:

All settings have been described above. For Wi-Fi to work, the checkbox must be checked. "Enable Wireless Router Radio".

Next point, here we enable encryption, that is, we set up security as already mentioned above:

The router setup is complete! I advise you to save all parameters from the menu "System Tools -> Backup & Restore". Button “Backup” - saves, “Restore” - restores from a saved file. This will be useful in case everything suddenly goes to hell and all settings are lost. You can easily restore them from a file

Oh yes, I almost forgot, change the default password for logging into the admin area. This is done in the section “System tools -> Password”.

How to connect a laptop to WiFi

In Windows 8/10, you need to click on the icon at the bottom of the screen:

A panel will appear on the right where you need to select the desired wireless network. Remember when we gave the name of the network in English? This is where you need to find it. If this is a public institution and you don’t know which network to connect to, then choose any one with a higher signal level. When you hover over a network, a hint appears whether a password is required or not. If, when you hover, you see something like WPA/WPA2, this means that you need a password to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

You can leave the “Connect automatically” checkbox. Next, the system will connect to the router and ask for the Wi-Fi password that we set earlier. If your device supports QSS technology, then you don’t have to enter a password, but simply press the button on the router labeled “QSS”. In this case, the password will be filled in without our participation!

When the system asks about file sharing, I advise you to select “No, do not enable sharing” if you do not know why it is needed:

I made a short video tutorial on how to do this:

In Windows 7, everything is the same, only the icon and the window with found networks look “Semerovsky”

Here you also find the desired connection, click on it and voila.

No Wi-Fi icon or not connecting

First, check whether the wireless module is turned on using the switch on the laptop body. Many Asus, Toshiba, Sony and Acer models have this switch. On some laptops, wifi can be activated using hot buttons, for example “Fn+F2” (look for the antenna icon on the F1-F12 buttons). In any case, the method works through the “Network Control Center”, the same way when we “turned on” the network interface to connect to the router via wire.

In more severe cases, please study.

I hope everything worked out for you! Most likely, questions will arise regarding setting up the router, because... The interface and parameter names are different for everyone. To receive an answer in the comments, immediately send a link to a screenshot of the window.

Many people are faced with the problem of a short wireless network range, which greatly complicates the use of tablets, smartphones and other devices connected to the network. Such situations arise in apartments, offices and other premises. Buying a second one will not change the situation, because it requires a free Internet cable. Therefore, you need to know how to connect a router through a router and whether it is possible at all. It is advisable to choose a second router to connect from the same company as the main one. This way you will not be affected by connection incompatibility issues.

Connection methods

Of course, connecting one device through another will increase the scale of network access. You can connect the router via the router in two ways:

  • via cable;
  • via a wireless network.

Both methods are quite easy. Choose the one that is more practical for you.

How to connect a router to a router via cable?

This method is the simplest. The only caveat is that the routers must be nearby. Let's find out how to connect router to router via cable. To do this you must:

  1. Purchase a UTP cable of the required length. On both sides there are special plugs for connectors in routers.
  2. We insert one end of the cable into the router, on which the wireless network is already connected to the “Internet” connector.
  3. We insert the second end of the cable into the LAN connector on the second router marked Lan2.
  4. We go to the “Network and Sharing Center” through the control panel.
  5. Click “Local Area Connections”, then call up properties.
  6. Select the connection type “Dynamic”.
  7. Then set up your WiFi connection network as usual.
  8. Save the settings and reboot the main router.

This connection option may not work due to a conflict in device addresses. Therefore, let’s consider another option for how to connect two routers via cable:

  1. We connect the device ports with a cable.
  2. In the connection properties, disable the DHCP server.
  3. In the “Local Network” section, change the IP address of the main router to the second one.
  4. Save the settings and restart the routers.

How to connect router to router via WiFi?

This method of network expansion is more correct. To do this, WDS technology was installed in the routers, which allows you to connect the router through a second router. Each router is a station of this technology and must be properly configured to connect with other devices. If you do everything correctly, then the question of how to connect a router to a router via WiFi will be resolved fairly quickly.

First, make sure that your router model is capable of connecting via WDS. You can find out about this on the model manufacturer’s website. The router that connects becomes a repeating device. Set it up using these steps:

A notification about network distribution and connection will appear on the screen. Check for a wireless network at other scales and connect. If there were no problems, then you were successfully able to connect the router through a second router and can use the Internet. If you were unable to do this, then turn off the routers completely, reset the settings and reconnect. Contact the manufacturer’s website for help, because new router models have some deviations from the usual schemes and their own nuances.

Almost all modern gadgets can be connected to wifi networks. This makes it possible to use the convenience of the Internet at high speed almost everywhere. There is an opinion that this only applies to small devices, such as a tablet, phone or laptop (printer, camera, etc.). Many users are interested in the question of how to connect a computer to wifi, is it difficult, and what devices may be needed for this.

A stationary computer is called stationary because it means connecting all communications to it through various wires to a “permanent place of residence.” The PC can be moved in the future to another location, but this requires a major revision of cable routes, location of sockets, etc.

A novelty in recent years has been the emergence of wireless networks, thanks to which even a PC can be connected to the Internet using wifi technologies.

Below we will figure out what is needed for this, and in what order it is recommended to connect a desktop computer to the Internet “wirelessly”.

The outline of the article will be like this:

Necessary equipment:

  • External wifi receivers;
  • Internal;
  • Router.

Installing devices on a computer and setting them up:

  • External receiver;
  • Interior;
  • Router.

Necessary equipment

Since a PC in most cases is deprived of the ability to find and connect to wireless networks, you must first take care of purchasing equipment that will give it such privileges. Let us consider in detail how it happens.

External wifi receivers

Such devices look very similar to a large flash drive: they are small gadgets with a USB plug at one end (see Fig. 1). In addition, they may have a small antenna to increase the “collected” signal.

Fig.1 External Wifi adapter (network card) from Tp-Link.

This device for connecting a PC to a wireless network is quite inexpensive (can be purchased for 10-20 USD). After purchasing, all you have to do is connect it to your computer via USB, install it from the included driver disk, make the simplest settings and connect to wifi. We will consider all these operations in detail after we get acquainted with another type of wireless network adapters.

Internal (built-in) wifi receivers

Their name comes from the fact that they are built inside the PC system unit. To connect to the motherboard, they use the PCI interface, through which they are connected to a special connector.

rice. 2 Internal wifi receiver (adapter).

These devices differ little in price from external ones, and installing them on a computer also does not take much time and should not cause any particular difficulties.

So which type of adapter should you choose? External or internal?

  • The external one can be quickly disconnected and connected to another PC;
  • The internal receiver will not take up free space on the table; in addition, it is less susceptible to damage, since it cannot be touched by the user.

The choice is yours.

Router (router)

A wifi receiver can connect a computer to a network only if it can “reach” it. In other words, the signal source - the router - must be within range.

Fig.3 Router TP-LINK AC1750

It receives a signal from the provider via an Ethernet cable, passes it through itself and “distributes” it to wireless devices (including a computer). Routers are more versatile and easier to use than access points. They allow you to simultaneously connect several gadgets (laptop, tablet, smartphone, PC...) to one network.

Connecting equipment

We move on to the promised description of the process of installing a Wi-Fi receiver for a desktop computer.

External wireless network adapter - installation and configuration

As an example, let’s take the TP-LINK TL-WN721N receiver model, which has proven itself to be a reliable receiver. It can be purchased for 13-18 USD, and it is ideal for Windows 7. In addition, it supports all types of data encryption, and it is possible to quickly create a connection. The maximum signal reception speed is 150 Mbit/sec.

rice. 4 External wifi network card TP-LINK TL-WN721N.

Step 1

We take the device out of the box and carefully examine the package, which should include:

  • The receiver itself;
  • USB cable (can be connected through it and used as an extension cord when searching for a better signal);
  • Instructions in several languages;
  • Driver disk.

Step 2

We connect the adapter to the PC directly, or through an extension cord (it can strengthen the signal, acting as an additional antenna) to a USB port. Next, ignore any messages about the successful installation of device drivers. You need to install them yourself from a special disk that we found in the receiver box.

Step 3

Insert the driver disk into the computer, and then launch the installation wizard. In the program that opens, select our model and click “Install driver and utility” (see Fig. 5)

Fig.6 Dialog window of the installer program.

During the installation process, the following messages may appear (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8):

rice. 7 Notification on a 32-bit system that the utility cannot be installed. This is not scary, so feel free to click “Yes”.

rice. 8 Windows 7 security may warn you about an unknown driver manufacturer. This is also not critical, click “Install anyway...”

After a minute or two, the process will end, and you will find such an icon on the taskbar (see Fig. 9). It signals that the receiver is ready to connect the computer to wifi.

rice. 9 Icon indicating the presence of wireless networks within the range of the receiver.

Step 4

Now that the adapter is ready to connect the Internet to your computer, all you have to do is click on that icon and select the appropriate wifi network.

Fig.10 Selecting the desired network from the list of available connections.

And then enter the password (security key) and click OK.

Fig. 11 Specifying the network security key (password).

All. Your computer is now connected to the network via an external wifi receiver. You can start using the Internet.

Now let's move on to the next chapter of the article.

Installing the Internal Wireless Network Adapter

Step 1

For example, let's take the TP-Link TL-WN751ND model (approximate price: $15).

We take the device out of the box and unscrew the antenna if it is connected to the module (Fig. 12), since with it it will not be possible to install it in the system unit.

Fig. 12 Separating the antenna from the network adapter (by unscrewing).

Step 2

Open the cover of the system unit and look for a slot for the wifi module on the motherboard (one of the PCI slots through which you can connect a wifi receiver is usually located at the bottom, under the sound card) (see Fig. 13)

Fig. 13 Slot for adapter on the computer motherboard.

We connect and, after screwing the antenna back, we get something like this:

Fig. 14 Built-in wifi module ready for configuration at your workplace.

Step 3

Setting up an internal wifi card is no different from setting up an external one: first you need to “install” the drivers, then find a network and connect your computer to it. We discussed these steps in detail in the previous chapter.

Installing and configuring the router

For example, let's look at the process on the TP-Link TL-WR841N model.

Fig. 15 TP-Link TL-WR841N.

Step 1

First you need to connect the router to the computer through which it will be configured. Figure 16 shows the connectors through which the router is installed (blue - for power supply; red - for the Internet cable entering the apartment; green - for connecting to the main PC, from where the network will be managed).

Fig. 16 back side of the router with connectors.

Step 2

We go to the web interface of the router.

Fig. 17 entering the IP address to enter the router settings.

To do this, in the browser, in the address bar, enter the router’s IP address with the http:// prefix (as in Fig. 17). This “set” of numbers varies. It can be read where it will be indicated by the manufacturer in 99% of cases - on the back cover of the device.

Step 3

Enter the username/password pair. In 90% of cases this is admin/admin.

Step 4

Once in the settings, look for the “Network” tab, and in it “WAN”. Here you need to specify the network type. To determine which connection is suitable in your case, you can consult with your provider. Click “Save” and move on.

Step 5

We go to “MAC Clone” (in the same place, in “Network”) and click on “Clone MAC Address”, after which we save the changes again (save).

Step 6

We go to “Wireles” > “Wireless Settings”, where we enter all the values ​​as shown in the figure below. The only thing you can think of is the name of the network and indicate your real region. Don't forget to save.

Step 7

Now go to the “Security” tab. Indicate the encryption type and its algorithm as in the screenshot (you can simply fill in everything in the same way as in the figure above). And, most importantly, come up with your own password for the created network.

Save all changes again and complete the router installation by rebooting. To do this, look for the “System Tools” > “Reboot” tab, in which we click the only “reboot” button.

This completes the router setup process. Now you can connect wireless Internet to the computer on which you installed the wifi receiver. You need to go through that PC to “Available connections” (as stated above), select the created network and connect to it.

The question of how to connect a wi-fi router to a computer is asked by users when they want to use the Internet throughout the apartment and have free access to the wi-fi network from several devices. In addition, they are interested in how many computers can be connected.

Installing and connecting a router is a simple process, which, however, requires careful adherence to the algorithm of actions.

Router installation

Installing a router can be done in two ways:

  • over a wireless network;
  • using a twisted pair (a special wire that usually comes with the device).

The second method is less preferable. In order to make a connection, three main components are required:

  1. Actually a wi-fi router;
  2. A desktop computer or laptop with an installed network card;
  3. Network cable.

Before purchasing a router, it is recommended to study the parameters of your own computers and other devices, since not all routers are compatible with all computers. Moreover, the older the laptop and/or software, the more difficult it is to find a compatible router.

ASUS routers are considered one of the most universal. ZyXEL also has good characteristics. Also, before purchasing, check the signal range of the device.

If you only need a Wi-Fi router to use the Internet from a phone or tablet at home, then inexpensive router models designed for 4–6 devices are quite suitable for you.

However, still pay attention to how many computers can be connected to the network at the same time.

Advice! Special requirements for the device should be made if you plan to create a powerful local home network for storing data. Also, when choosing, it is worth checking what speeds the device supports; they must be gigabyte. Otherwise, working on the Internet will become very difficult.

Wired connection

Connecting a router using twisted pair is quite simple, but with such a connection its operation becomes much more complicated.

In particular, you will not be able to move the computer away from it more than a certain distance. Therefore, this option is not applicable for laptops. But it may be a good solution if you have a desktop computer.

This wi-fi connection has its advantages. For example, it is believed that in this way the Internet causes fewer interruptions during operation.

  • First, connect an Internet cable to the router.
    Find the WAN port on the back of the device and plug the cable into it. Then take the network cable and connect it to the router into the Ethernet port, and the other end into the corresponding port on the computer.
  • Set up your router.
    Open any browser and enter the device's IP address in the address bar. The address must be in the format The true IP of the router can be found on the sticker on its bottom or in the technical documentation for the equipment.

After the IP is registered, the setup program will require you to enter your login and password. Then you can change the password for convenience. After this, the main wired network settings menu opens.

Important! If you are using a wired connection, then pay attention to the number of connectors in the router. How many there are - so many computers you can connect to the device.

Wireless connection

If you intend to connect your Wi-Fi router wirelessly, you will have to set up the connection in two stages. The first of them is the actual settings, and the second is work on network security.

  • In the router menu, open the “Wi-Fi” tab, and there find a tab called “Manual settings settings”. The names of the tabs may vary depending on the type of router, but their meaning is usually obvious.
  • In the main settings we find the SSID field. We write the network name in it. This is the name that you will see when connecting to the Internet from any device. Set the correct region in which the wi-fi network will work.
    Next, you need to select a channel for data transmission. It is better to leave the one indicated initially. However, over time it can be changed if problems arise with access to the Internet.
  • Choose wi-fi standards. It is advisable to leave the mixed ones installed by default. Now choose how many network users can connect several computers to it at the same time.
    If the number of users should not be limited, select “0”.
  • Go to the “Security” or “Security Settings” tab. In the field at the top, select the type of protection. WPA2-PSK will do. Enter the password in the “Key” field. Such measures will protect you from hacking and from those who like to use the Internet at someone else’s expense.
    Only someone who knows the password can connect the device to the network.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the Internet throughout the apartment. And, in addition, only with this type can you connect a second, third, or more computers located far from the device to the network.

Connecting a wired network is a little easier; it requires not so much additional work with security parameters as entering data that is not always at hand. Go to the “Network” tab in the router menu, and from there to the “Connections” tab.

Fill in the blank fields, if any. If all fields are filled in, confirm your selection.

Go to the “IP Settings” tab. Here you need to specify the LAN network address and subnet mask. This data must be specified in the contract for the provision of services by the provider. However, sometimes this data is not provided. In this case, you can call the provider's customer support.

There you will be required to provide this information. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Save” or “OK” button.

A wired network, although more secure, is not very convenient and does not allow you to connect the Internet to a second or even several computers. However, the choice of connection type depends solely on the user's needs.

How to connect a router to a computer

In order to connect the router to the computer, you need to connect a blue cable to one of the four blue sections. In the computer settings, the connection is configured in the Network and Sharing Center.

The number of smart gadgets used in our homes is growing every year. Therefore, having a good and stable WiFi network in every room becomes not a whim, but a vital necessity.

With its help, you can easily connect all devices into a common local network with Internet access.

The article will examine step by step and in detail all the stages of connecting a wi-fi router, starting from choosing the installation location, laying wires and installing Internet sockets - where, how and in what way it is best to do this.

And ending directly with setting up the Internet connection and network on the computer. Plus, we’ll touch on the issue of finding possible problems and malfunctions.

How to connect

Let's start with tools and materials. If you install the router directly next to the computer, then the factory patch cord included in the kit will be enough for you to connect.

Then you can skip this stage of installation work and proceed directly to the settings below.

But when the WiFi router is mounted in the hallway on the wall, for good distribution of the Internet throughout the apartment or house, then you will have to purchase some materials:

Utp5e or utp6 is used, the so-called twisted pair.

You can take single or double, depending on the number of gadgets.

  • directly the Wi-Fi router itself

Installation location of the Wi-Fi router

First of all, choose the correct location for the router. The speed and quality of the signal in remote rooms will largely depend on this.

Those who, in addition to the switchboard, also install a low-current shield, usually place it next to it. In this case, there will be less hassle with connecting and pulling wires.

It is into the low-current panel that the cable from the Internet provider is inserted from the entrance of the house.

For those who do not have such a shield, choose a place in the corridor on the wall in the upper part. The higher the signal, the better the signal.

At the same time, do not forget that there are places where it is strictly forbidden to install a wifi router:

  • near devices operating at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz (microwaves, cordless phones)

By the way, the 2.4 GHz frequency range is in turn divided into 13 channels.

This is done so that several different gadgets do not interfere with each other when working.
At the same time, it is not at all a fact that you will be able to find a completely empty channel that is not occupied by neighbors. You will have to look for the most free one in order to avoid future connection breaks and improve the quality of communication.

  • directly opposite a mirror or cabinet with glass doors
  • in a deep niche with a metal door

This also applies to low-current shields. Some people place the router in it, along with the rest of the weak point. For example, video surveillance.

Be careful and pay attention to the material from which the shield is made.

Connecting a UTP cable and installing Internet sockets

You can connect it either directly to the router or make a separate outlet for it. Thanks to such an outlet, your router will not be tied to one place, and the design of your apartment will look much nicer. Compare a neat outlet with a lonely wire sticking out of the wall.

To avoid confusion, label this cable as WAN.

From this place where the WAN cable ends, stretch four-pair UTP cables into the rooms where Internet sockets will be installed for all your other gadgets.

Number these wires as LAN1-LAN2-LAN3, etc.

Of course, the router itself, hanging from the ceiling, needs to be somehow connected to power. To do this, you do not need to pull a separate 220V cable directly from the switchboard. Make a connection from the nearest distribution box of the socket group.

Stretch the VVGnG-Ls 3*1.5 cable from the junction box to the installation location of the future 220V outlet near the router.

Having completed the installation of all the wires, we proceed to installing accessories - electrical sockets, Internet sockets and connectors. First of all, you need to connect an Internet power cable from your provider signed as WAN.

Remove the outer insulation from it by 2 or 3 cm, and separate the multi-colored veins on the sides separately from each other.

The correct connection can be seen on the body of the outlet itself. Place the wires inside and snap the lid on.

All that remains to be done is to secure the Internet socket in the socket box and cover it with a decorative frame. All other computer sockets near the router itself and in all rooms are made using exactly the same scheme.

In this seemingly simple matter, you can initially make a bunch of mistakes, due to which you will never be able to set up your network. You will tinker with the settings, reflash the drivers, and the problem will turn out to be an incorrectly mounted socket.

How to avoid such mistakes is discussed in detail in the article below. Be sure to check it out, especially if you have network problems.

Each outlet on the sockets is labeled, and the router itself is fixed on the wall.

You can, of course, purchase them ready-made, but they do not always come in the required length. It’s better to measure the size yourself, strip the wire on both sides and carefully arrange the wires in a row according to the T568B diagram:

  • white- orange
  • orange
  • white- green
  • blue
  • white- blue
  • green
  • white- brown
  • brown

After this, carefully insert the wires into the RJ connector until they stop and crimp the ends of the cable with a crimper. You do the same with the rest of the patch cords for other devices.

All that remains is to connect the router itself with cables. Find the blue connector on the back panel with the inscription WAN and connect it with a patch cord to the Internet power outlet from the provider.

Some manufacturers may have connectors of the same color, so be careful not to mix them up. In this case, be guided by the WAN name. By inserting the provider's Ethernet cable into the LAN connector, you will not have Internet access.

Also note that on older models, where the Internet is distributed over a telephone line, this connector is in RJ-11 format. These routers have a built-in DSL modem. They are intended for those providers who provide ADSL connections.

But this technology is already considered outdated, and such modems are not so in demand, although they are used.

Yellow output connectors – LAN1,2,3 are intended for connecting wired Internet. Connect Internet sockets in all rooms through them.

And then to them, your smart stationary gadgets - TV, set-top boxes, etc.

Plug the power supply into a 220V socket and supply voltage to the WiFi router.

Don't forget to switch the corresponding lever or Wi-Fi button to the ON position.

Otherwise, the device will work for you like a regular cable router, without creating a wireless network. If your router is not new, or it was set up when checked in a store, then you need to reset all old settings to default. This is done by long pressing (several seconds) on the Reset button.

You have completed the physical connection of the router itself, all that remains is to configure it correctly on the computer.

Setting up a router on a computer

Insert the patch cord from LAN1 into the appropriate connector on the computer. When connected, two indicator lights should light up.

If a disc is included, insert it and run the installation wizard.

In it, select your country, city and provider from the drop-down list.

All settings from this provider are already built into the router. This assistant will automatically detect the type of WAN connection available.

If your service provider is not on the list, you will need to choose the connection type yourself. To find out, read the contract or call technical support.
The most common is a dynamic IP, where the address is registered automatically.

When the disk is missing, enter the default address in the browser line, which is indicated on the back of the router.

Enter your username and password. They are also indicated on the sticker.

Or simply dial the universal addresses or After that, also enter the password and name (admin).

After completing this, you will be taken to the main page of all settings. We will consider the settings using the example of a router from TP-Link.

The first tab “status” provides general information on all device parameters. Including the state of the Internet signal connection.

“Operating mode” – in this window you can change the main operating modes of the router’s wireless module to the “access point” or “WiFi signal amplifier” mode. A detailed description of these modes is given at the side.

Now you can go directly to setting up your Internet connection.

When you select “quick settings”, click automatic detection of connection type and click next. This process is very fast and configures the local network.

To configure the Internet itself, select the “Network” tab and then the WAN subsection.

In the window that opens, call up a list of available connections. The default is dynamic IP.

If your provider uses exactly this type, then essentially you do not need to make any settings in this subsection. The router itself will work to obtain an IP address, subnet mask, etc.

The next type is “Static IP”. This type of connection is the exact opposite of the first, since all network parameters will have to be entered manually. Your provider should provide you with all the necessary information.

L2TP point - this type of connection is one of the types of VPN connections. Therefore, to connect, you must enter a lot of identification data.

Login, password, server IP address. Be careful with the latter, since both dynamic and static addresses can be used, which of course increases the amount of information entered during setup.

Next “PPTP connection”. The setup is similar to the previous L2TP.

The last tab is “BigPond Cable”. This is a very rare compound and there is no point in considering it within the scope of this article.

Let's take a closer look at the third type - PPPoE. Very often it is used by the Internet provider Rostelecom. Here you need to enter your login and password, which are specified in the Internet services agreement.

It is advisable to leave all other data unchanged. After that, click “connect” and “save”.

This completes the manual Internet connection settings. Now you can open any Internet page to check.

Sometimes a bad connection can be caused by an old firmware version. To check the software is up to date, return to the “status” tab and remember or write down the software data indicated at the top.

After that, in the search engine, enter the version of your device with the control phrase “official website”. Select the required link and check the hardware version.

In the screenshot this is V5. Go down and click on the “firmware” tab. It compares the latest available version with the one installed on your router.

As seen in in this case no update required.

Setting up the router's wireless mode

Now let's take a closer look at the wireless mode. To do this, select the appropriate menu item on the left and the “Basic settings” subsection.

In this window you can change the standard network name to your own.

The mode and channel width change if any of your wireless communication devices have problems connecting to this WiFi router. In other cases, it is better to leave these parameters as default.

Thus, your router has changed the network name. However, the password remained the same, which came from the factory. Therefore, find your network with a new name and click connect.

Next, enter your previous security key. The new network is connected. Return to the settings menu.

The next subsection is WPS.

In this window, you can enable or disable the WPS function, which allows you to quickly and password-free connect devices by pressing the corresponding button on the router case.

“Wireless protection” - this page allows you to make the network open or change the version, encryption type, and most importantly the Wi-Fi network password.

Since you changed the network key, you need to reconnect, but with a new password. To do this, you must first “forget” the old password in the wireless network settings menu.

Then reconnect and enter new data.

This completes the basic settings of the router.

Connection errors or why WiFi doesn't work

What to do if you have gone through all the stages of settings, but there is no Internet. Or one day, after a long successful operation, your WiFi network suddenly disappeared, or devices stopped seeing it and connecting normally.

Where to start looking for the cause, and how to solve it? There are many reasons and methods; we will list only some of the most common ones.

The first, simplest, but nevertheless effective and working method, which helps in many cases, is a simple reboot of the router or computer.

When WiFi disappears on only one device, but is available on others, then look for the problem first of all on this device.

For example, there is no Internet on the laptop, but the TV and phone work fine. For many people, the error is hidden in the power supply of the wifi adapter. Go to the following path: device manager - your network adapter - properties.

Select the "Power Management" tab and uncheck the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save energy" checkbox.

If there is no network on all devices, then the reason is in the router. To find the problem, find out whether WiFi itself works at all? To do this, you need to make it open.

Go to the router settings address in the wireless network section and then remove encryption by setting the value to “open system” or “disabled” depending on your model.

Also open the network SSID.

If Wi-Fi appears, then the reason is encryption. You can try other signal encryption methods, there are several of them.

Another reason could be the WPA key length. If there are too many characters, the router stops working.

Using the enumeration method with a gradual increase by one, you can select the maximum length.

Firmware update

If the problem is not with encryption or key length, then try resetting the settings to factory settings and going through the connection procedure again.

When this does not help, it is worth updating the firmware. On the manufacturer's website, look for the latest current version, download it and update the file.

Computer problems

If the reason for the performance of the router is not the router, but the computer itself, then in the device manager, check the properties of the network adapter for the WiFi network. When the device works normally, there is a problem in the software.

And when an error clearly appears, update the driver.

How to determine that the problem is in the software? This can be done using recovery checkpoints. Restore the system from the last automatically created point and return Windows to a few days ago when the network was functional.

If everything goes well, then the problem is definitely on the side of the operating system, or some other programs in Windows related to the Wi-Fi network.

Authentication Error

If you receive this error, the first thing you need to do is check your password. If you doubt its correctness and want to find out whether you are entering the right characters, you need to go to the router settings.

Again - security settings - encryption key.

When connecting your device to WiFi, enter it in the login field again. If nothing has changed, you may have to reinstall the drivers on the network card or network adapter.

Other causes of the malfunction not listed above can be found in the video: