Step-by-step setup of the Zyxel Keenetic Start router. Step-by-step setup of the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router

The Zyxel company never tires of delighting us with more and more routers (routers) of the ZyXEL Keenetic series. And, despite the variety of models presented, the various technical features and characteristics, as well as the software part of all devices, are almost identical, and the settings are made in the same way. And in this faq we will deal with setting up and updating the software of the ZyXEL Keenetic series routers. If you are wondering whether this article is for you, then here is a complete list of router models for which the presented settings are suitable: Show→

ZyXEL Keenetic Lite; ZyXEL Keenetic Lite II; ZyXEL Keenetic Start; ZyXEL Keenetic; ZyXEL Keenetic II; ZyXEL Keenetic 4G; ZyXEL Keenetic 4G II; ZyXEL Keenetic Omni; ZyXEL Keenetic Giga; ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II; ZyXEL Keenetic Ultra.

All routers on the list run the NDMS V2 firmware, which is why the settings are made identically. And if suddenly your model is not on the list (this is possible if the router appeared after the article was written), then look at your model on the website, in the “Support” section, check what firmware your router uses.

First connection of Zyxel Keenetic

To start working with the Zyxel Keenetic series router, just power up the router and connect to it for initial setup. Let's see how to do this. Show→

After connecting the power, Zyxel Keenetic will immediately start turning on, this takes about 1 minute. If it suddenly doesn’t turn on, take a look - perhaps your model has a power button (it’s located on the back, next to the power socket).

After turning on, we can connect to the router to perform the initial setup; this can be done in two ways:

over a wireless Wi-Fi network. After turning on, the router immediately creates a Wi-Fi network, the network name and password for connection are written on a sticker on the bottom of the router; via Ethernet (using a wire). Everything is simple here - just connect the router and the network card of your computer with a twisted pair cable (included in the kit). It doesn’t matter which connector you connect the cable to the router - now all Zyxel Keenetic models come with NDMS V2 firmware (the connector operating mode is LAN/WAN is determined automatically). If you suspect that your router has an old firmware version when you first connect, connect the twisted pair cable to the yellow socket.

If you just need to create a network between several devices, then no configuration is required - just connect all devices to Zyxel Keenetic and they will “see” each other.

Basic setup of Zyxel Keenetic

Internet connection: Show→

It all depends on the provider: unfortunately, there are no universal instructions. If no configuration is required, or you already have a configured router or modem, and you want to connect Zyxel Keenetic to it, then simply connect the devices with twisted pair cable, then turn on Zyxel Keenetic. The router itself will understand what is required of it. If configuration is required, check the settings with your provider and proceed to "First login to the WEB interface (Quick setup)".

First login to the WEB interface (Quick setup): Show→

If setting up is required to access the Internet, and we know its parameters, then let's see where and how to specify them.

First of all, connect the twisted pair cable (network cable) of your provider to the router, and the router to the computer (see "First connection of Zyxel Keenetic").

Access point

Let's see what settings are available to us on the "Access Point" tab:

  • "Enable access point" - checkbox to enable/disable the Wi-Fi network.
  • “Network name (SSID)” - you can set the network name (what your Wi-Fi network will be called).
  • “Hide SSID” - you can hide the name of the network, then it will not be visible in the list of available networks (but devices on which this Wi-Fi network was saved, and the automatic connection option was enabled, will still connect to the wireless network automatically) .
  • “Network protection” - here you can select the type of password encryption for connecting to the Wi-Fi network. If you do not have antediluvian computers with WinXP SP2, then select "WPA2-PSK". If you have legacy devices, you can select "WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK". If you want an open network, then select "No".
  • “Network key” is a password that must be entered to connect to a Wi-Fi network; for WPA2 it must be at least 8 characters (Latin letters and numbers). Keys 1-4 are used for WEP encryption, but it is used extremely rarely.
  • "Standard" is a communication standard; for a successful connection, your network card must comply with the selected standard. I recommend choosing “802.11bgn”, all devices should work with it.
  • “Channel” is the frequency at which the wireless network will be broadcast, select “Auto” - then the router itself will determine the least noisy frequency and will work on it.
  • “Signal strength” - signal strength, for an average apartment 25% will be enough; If the signal is weak in some places, you can increase it.

After all the necessary settings have been specified, do not forget to click “Apply”. If you were connected to the router via Wi-Fi, then after changing most of the available settings you will disconnect from the network and you will need to select the network again and connect to it.

When changing the password, you should also change the network name (otherwise, to connect, you may need to manually delete the old saved network on the device from which you are connecting).

Guest network

The essence of a guest network is that devices connected to it have access to the Internet through your router, but do not have access to your home network (the parameters of which are set on the “Access Point” tab). After enabling the guest network, you will see a new network in the list of available networks, which will be completely independent from your home network.

All settings are almost identical to the settings in the “Access Point” tab, so there is no point in describing them. But it’s worth paying attention to “IP settings for guest access”. In general, everything here should be left as it is, but just in case - “DHCP address pool size” is equal to the maximum possible number of devices connected to the guest network.

Access list

This tab provides the ability to control access to the network created by the router using MAC addresses (MAC address is a unique identifier of a network device). The function is very convenient if you have a fixed number of devices connected to your router, and you do not plan to connect more to the router. Then you can add their MAC addresses to the white list, and only they will be able to connect to the router.

The following blocking modes are possible:

  1. “Do not block” - entered MAC addresses are not taken into account;
  2. “White list” - only those devices whose MAC addresses are on the list will be able to connect to the router’s network;
  3. “Black list” - only those devices whose MAC addresses are on the list will not be able to connect to the router’s network.

To add a new MAC address to the list, click “Add address”, in the window that appears, specify the MAC address and click “Save”.

The MAC address of the device can be viewed if it is connected to Zyxel Keenetic, in the “Home Network” section (icon with two miniature monitors at the bottom left) or at the link

Connecting a USB modem to Zyxel Keenetic

All Keenetic series routers (except Lite/Lite II, Start routers) can be connected to a USB modem (3G/4G) to access the Internet; this feature is widely used. Let's see how to connect a Modem to Zyxel Keenetic. Show→

In fact, everything is very simple - turn off the router, connect the Yota Modem to the USB connector, turn on the router. Everything should work (the modem should be detected by the router).

You can check whether the modem is detected or not on the main page of the router’s WEB interface - information about the new connection should appear there.

Yota modem connected to the router

If the modem is not detected, try resetting it to factory settings (press and hold the "RESET" button on the device case for 15 seconds). If it doesn’t help, make sure that the router software version is latest and update if necessary.

Saving and restoring Zyxel Keenetic settings

It is often necessary for one reason or another to save the current router configuration (for example, to transfer to a similar device or to restore the configuration after a firmware update). On Zyxel Keenetic routers, of course, the ability to save and restore settings is provided.

Saving Zyxel Keenetic settings: Show→

1) Open the “System” section of the router’s WEB interface, the “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

2) Click on the “startup-config” file.

Restoring Zyxel Keenetic settings: Show→

1) Just like when saving settings, go to the WEB interface in the “System” section, “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

2) Click on “startup-config” and in the dialog box that appears, click “Select file”, select the previously saved “startup-config” file from the computer. Then click “Replace”.

Select "Replace"

3) In theory, the router should reboot itself with the new settings, but in practice for some reason this does not always happen (perhaps it depends on the model/firmware version). Therefore, go to the “Reboot” tab and click “Reboot”.

The router will reboot and start working with the settings from the file.

Zyxel Keenetic firmware update

Let's look at how to update the Zyxel Keenetic firmware. There is one peculiarity here: a number of models were previously produced with firmware fundamentally different from NDMS V2, but in new models it was abandoned.

The old firmware looks something like this:

Old firmware

The new (current) firmware (NDMS V2) looks something like this:

Firmware NDMS V2

Updating Zyxel Keenetic with an old firmware version: Show→

There are several nuances that should be taken into account - when updating, all settings will be lost - you cannot transfer them to the new version (you will have to configure them again). Rolling back is quite difficult.

Let's get started (a connection to the Internet must be configured on the router):

2) Go to the WEB interface of the router (, go to the "System" section, select "Firmware" there.

Firmware installation

3) Click "Browse" and select the previously downloaded *.bin firmware file, click update.

4) Wait for the process to complete, this may take up to 3 minutes. The router will reboot during the update process.

Updating Zyxel Keenetic with new firmware version (NDMS V2): Show→

1) Open the WEB interface of the router (

2) On the “System Monitor” page we find the “System Information” block and there we look for the “Updates” line. If a newer firmware version is available (than the current one), then opposite the “Updates” line there will be a “Available” link.

Update available

3) Click on “Available”. The "Components" tab section will open (in the "System" section), where we will be asked to install updates. Click "Ok" and wait until the update is downloaded and installed.

This method has one drawback - an Internet connection must be configured. But it may turn out that the firmware needs to be updated, but the connection to the Internet is not configured on the router. Therefore, there is the following option to perform the update under these conditions:

1) Download the current firmware version for your router model from the website Extract the *.bin file from the archive.

2) Open the “System” section of the router’s WEB interface, the “Files” tab (the page is also available via a direct link -

3) Click on the “firmware” file, and in the dialog box that opens, first select “Select file” - select the *.bin firmware file, then click “Replace”.

4) Wait for the installation to complete.

We will definitely talk about more complex settings in future articles. If you are interested in a specific topic, or have questions, write in the comments.

If you have just signed an agreement with one of the Internet providers and purchased everything you need (router, cable), you may want to install and configure network access yourself, without additional expenses for technical specialists. That's why you came to this page and that's why everything will work out for you.

This article will discuss in detail the process of independently connecting the Internet via an Ethernet cable to the Zyxel Keenetic ii router for various providers and data transfer protocols (PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP).

How to start the router?

Carefully remove all components of the device from the packaging and follow the following algorithm when connecting it:

  • Unpack and connect the power supply to the device;
  • Insert the cable from the provider (the one through which Ethernet data is transmitted) into the WAN port that is selected among all;
  • Take it out of the package and connect the connecting cable to the router, as well as to the network card of the main PC: it is quite short, the same at both ends, inserted into any of the five free connectors of the router and the only one available on the computer/laptop;
  • Plug in the power supply, then press the power button on the rear panel;
  • Wait until the device starts up completely, as a result of which 3 diodes will light up on the indicator panel: power, network, connection to PC.

The new connection should now appear in the bottom right corner of your PC screen. Let's do some preparatory work:

  • Right-click on this icon and open Control Center;
  • On the right side of the window that opens, the name of your connection will be located, highlighted in blue. Click on it;
  • Another window opened. Open properties by clicking on the corresponding button;
  • Scroll down the list of parameters for the current connection and find Internet Protocol version 4: select it and open properties (the button below the list);
  • Make sure that in both cases IP and DNS are set to receive settings automatically. If this is not the case, set the selectors to the appropriate value;
  • Apply the changes.

This completes the preparatory work. Let's move on to the main settings.

Connection setup

When configuring the Zyxel Keenetic ii router, we will use a web configurator common to the entire Kinetic family. Therefore, by learning how to configure this model, you will be able to cope with connecting third and third generation devices and other types like Lite, 4G, etc.

And so, first we need to open this very web configurator:

And now you are in the main menu of the device. In it you can find information about the current firmware (top list on the right), about connected connections (top left), as well as two types of menus: a text menu at the top and a bottom one, consisting mainly of graphic icons. We are interested in the second one – “Internet”.

But before you proceed to entering parameters, find the provider’s contract or obtain the following data from the support service:

  • What access protocol is used: we have already listed the most popular ones above (PPPoE, L2TP);
  • Authorization data (personal login and password - contained in the contract);
  • Is it necessary to specify the IP address as well as the dedicated server name (VPN). These values, if required;
  • Is a static address assigned to you, or is it updated (dynamic) in each new session?
  • Does the provider register MAC addresses (for example, does this) and, if so, which one belongs to you;

We will need all this to connect the Zyxel Keenetic ii router to the network.

After going to the Internet tab of the main menu, you will see an updated list of tabs at the top of the page. Go to the PPPoE/VPN section and click on the add connection button. In the window that opens, make the following settings:

Example of setting up a router in PPPoE mode

  • We check the first two selectors, which will enable the connection and designate it as the main one for accessing the external network;
  • In the protocol field, indicate the one that your provider told you. For example, PPPoE;
  • If the supplier reported that this is necessary, indicate the server address;
  • Immediately after it we indicate our personal data as a user;
  • The protection method (i.e. authentication) is set only at the request of the Internet provider;
  • Below, if you are supplied with a dynamic IP, we do not change anything. And if it is static, then we select manual settings and enter the corresponding values ​​for the address, subnet mask and gateway used (Some providers do not supply an IP address on the client wan port at all. In this case, you must select the “Without IP address” option);
  • All other parameters are optional for owners of the Zyxel Keenetic ii router and are assigned only at the request of Rostelecom, Beeline or any other company with which you have entered into an agreement;
  • Click on apply settings and wait for changes to be made to the router configuration;

Example of setting up a router in PPTP mode

If the supply agreement provides for a static IP, and you were unable to configure the connection using the algorithm above, try the following additionally:

  • While in the same “Internet” section of the Zyxel Keenetic ii router, open the IPoE tab of the top menu;
  • Click on the name of the only interface indicated in the table;
  • In the pop-up window, we also check the two top selectors;
  • Find the IP parameters line and select the manual configuration method;
  • In the fields that appear, enter the data from the provider;
  • If domain server addresses were provided, please indicate them below;
  • Here you can also specify the static MAC address assigned to you by your provider. To do this, remove the “Default” setting in the corresponding field;
  • We apply the changes and check the Internet availability again.

Example of manually setting IP addresses

To be sure, you can reboot Zyxel Keenetic ii and turn it off, then (after 15 seconds) turn on the network adapter of the PC you are using.

If the router is not new, and the setup was carried out previously for other providers, you need to reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, you need to find the Reset button on the back panel of the device and press it for 10-15 seconds, after which the router will reboot. In this case, the login password (1234) and other parameters will become initial. Now you can configure it again and continue to use a high-quality Internet connection using the Zyxel Keenetic ii router.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Currently, wireless connections to the Internet using external USB modems via 3G and 4G cellular networks have become widespread. Keenetic 4G is an Internet center that allows you to constantly use the World Wide Web. Thanks to Keenetic, a user can simultaneously connect several of their home or office PCs and laptops into a network and activate simultaneous Internet access for them from any location that falls under the coverage area of ​​a mobile operator.

To do this, you only need one USB modem. A built-in access point to a wireless Wi-Fi network with a powerful antenna allows you to connect laptops, tablets and other network devices that support the IEEE 802.11n standard (operating speed 150 Mbit/s) to the Internet center. If necessary, Keenetic 4G can also be connected to an Ethernet line, which operates at a speed not exceeding 80 Mbit/s. This speed is enough to easily use any Internet sites, social networks, receive IP television and use local servers of providers.

The ZyXEL Keenetic 4G router has passed special certification under the “Yota Ready” program. In order for the Yota modem to start working, you just need to connect it to the router and the entire home network will automatically gain access to the 4G Internet.

How to connect and configure Keenetic 4G yourself

And so let's get started. Your computer is already connected to the router. We launch a web browser on it. Next we proceed step by step:

It should be noted that Keenetic 4G can work with more than 25 models of USB modems. It does not require the installation of specific firmware or additional adaptation. As mentioned above, to work, you just need to connect the modem and select the operator you need from the list. After this, users of all devices that are connected to Keenetic 4G will be able to freely access the Internet not only via Ethernet, but also via Wi-Fi. In order to organize a home network, you can use the built-in wireless access point.

Connection via dedicated Ethernet line

Using Keenetic 4G, the user has the opportunity to access the World Wide Web via a dedicated Ethernet line. Internet speed over a dedicated line reaches 100 Mbit/sec. This speed allows you to:

  • use file-sharing networks and information and entertainment resources;
  • receive IP television, and quite high definition;
  • use local servers of providers.

ZyXEL Keenetic 4G is in no way inferior to routers or wireless routers in its capabilities, and some of them are even superior. Keenetic 4G, in addition, can be connected to VLAN-based services that operate according to the IEEE 802.1Q standard. ZyXEL Link Duo technology allows all devices on your home network to simultaneously access not only the World Wide Web, but also the regional network via a dedicated line. Thanks to TVport technology, the user has the opportunity to receive various IPTV channels without loss of quality. In the summer, thanks to the Keenetic 4G Internet center, you can provide yourself with mobile communications in your dacha, and in the winter, using a dedicated line, you can provide yourself with a mobile connection in your city apartment.

How to connect a laptop via Wi-Fi

In order to connect a laptop via Wi-Fi, we will use WPS technology for this.

Not all of us are experts in technologies such as Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Many people worry that they won’t be able to connect and make the necessary settings themselves. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Even if this is your first time setting up and connecting the Internet and IP-TV on your own, you will not need the help of specialists. Any new user, regardless of his level of knowledge, will be able to configure ZyXEL Keenetic 4G, thanks to the program ZyXEL NetFriend and a new, convenient and, moreover, web configurator in Russian.

ZyXel Keenetic routers are considered one of the highest quality models presented on the modern domestic market. Despite the fact that they differ from their analogues in their higher cost, their popularity is steadily growing. Users note that such a purchase is worth the money paid for it. Among other advantages, consumers highlight the ease of setting up ZyXel Keenetic routers, which can be done independently, without the help of a specialist. This section will tell you how to do it correctly.

When it comes to a new device, before moving on to connecting and setting up a VPN on the ZyXel Keenetic router, you need to check its configuration. The packaging must contain all the elements specified in the product annotation.

If everything is in order, you can start working. First you will need to do the following:

  1. Connect the router to your PC or laptop via a cable. One end of it needs to be inserted into the yellow connector on the router. In addition to highlighting with color, it can be marked with special markings. The other end of the cord must be placed into the computer's network card.
  2. Connect the router to the Internet via cable. It is inserted into a connector colored blue. There may also be a corresponding inscription on it.
  3. Apply power to the router by plugging it into a power outlet. After this, the lights on the panel should light up, and if this does not happen, you will need to additionally press the start key on the device.

Attention! When using a previously used router, you will need to reset its parameters before performing configuration. To do this, you need to find the “Reset” button on the back panel of the product and hold it for 10-15 seconds using a pointed object. First, all indicators will go out, and then they will become active again, and you can begin further work.

How to enter settings

After activating the device, the question arises of how to enter the router settings.

This should be done as follows:

  1. Open any browser on your PC or laptop.
  2. In the address bar, enter the combination “” or “”.
  3. Press the “Enter” key to go.

After this, access to the router interface should open. If this does not happen, the address may have been entered incorrectly, and you should try entering it again first.

On a note. In some cases, a different combination is used to open the settings menu; this information can be found by turning the router over and inspecting its back side. There should be a label attached there, on which the address is written.

VPN setup

Before moving on to the next step, you will need to find out what type of connection your provider is using. It can be dynamic or static IP, PPPoE or L2TP. The sequence of further actions depends on this.

Setting up a connection for static IP, PPPoE, L2TP

After opening the router menu, you need to do the following:

  1. Move to the quick settings sub-item.
  2. Select the type of IP address to use (automatic or static).
  3. In the next window, enter the login and password issued by your provider to open access to the network.
  4. If this does not happen, you will need to go to the Internet tab and move to the web configurators sub-item, where you select the PPPoE/VPN line and click on the button to add a connection. After filling in the required fields, access will be opened.
  5. Select the type of connection, enter identification data and other parameters that are specified in the contract.

After the manipulations have been made, all that remains is to save the changes made. This is done by pressing the corresponding sticker.

Setting up a connection for dynamic IP

In this case, you will also need to go to the quick settings item. With this technology, the program will offer a firmware update, so you should click the button to agree and wait until the necessary parameters are installed.

After this you need to act like this:

  1. In the window that appears, press the “Next” button.
  2. After moving to the next item, check the box next to the filter. As a result, all sites that are considered malicious will be unavailable. If this is not necessary, you can ignore the specified item and move on.
  3. After a message appears indicating that the connection has been established, you can complete the work at this stage.

Now all that remains is to configure the wireless connection and install reliable protection.

Setting a password

Setting up a Wi-Fi connection is also done through the menu in the router interface.

The work must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Enter the wi-fi networks tab.
  2. Specify the network name specified in the contract.
  3. Select the type of protection. It is recommended to give preference to WPA2, since WEP is used only when connecting older devices that do not support the updated version.
  4. Enter the security code in the appropriate field. It is better if it consists of 8 or more characters, not only digital, but also alphabetic.
  5. Press the key to save the data.

On a note. Here you can also set up a parallel connection by going to the guest networks tab. As a result, users who are able to connect to Wi-Fi will only be able to access the Internet but will not be able to make any settings changes.

Advanced settings

Since setting up a router manually, although not too difficult, takes a lot of time, there are other methods. There is a program for setting the necessary parameters on the router, a disk with which is most often included with the product upon purchase. But if it is not there, you can download the resource from the manufacturer’s official page.

After launching the installation disk, all settings will be carried out automatically. The user does not have to manually enter all the necessary parameters; he just needs to select the network name, and then enter the login and password. The configuration software will do the rest.

Let's look at the most common difficulties and ways to solve them:

  1. The device interface does not load. In this case, the reason may be that the address was entered incorrectly. This information can be clarified by examining the router label.
  2. There is no access to the Internet after all the necessary actions have been completed. Here you will need to check how correctly the parameters specified in the contract have been entered and, if necessary, enter them again.
  3. A connection to the Internet cannot be established if all actions are performed correctly. The reason may be software glitches, which can be resolved by resetting the device to factory settings.

Sometimes the problem is outdated firmware. To update it, you will need to do the following:

  1. Connect to the Internet.
  2. Download the current firmware version from a trusted resource.
  3. Go to the router interface.
  4. Visit the systems and configurations section.
  5. In the appropriate sub-item, select the new firmware file and confirm the replacement.
  6. Wait for the updated version to download and reboot the router.
  7. Check the installation of the new firmware in the versions section under the code “NDMS” and begin setting up the router.

If none of the above methods for solving the problem helped resolve it, it is better to stop experimenting and seek professional help. Perhaps the reason lies in malfunctions or serious software failures of the router. Failure may also be caused by problems on the part of the provider.

To properly configure the router, you need to find out the network connection parameters and, first of all, the Internet access protocol. To do this, open the “Network Connections” window. If, in addition to the standard shortcuts, you see an additional connection icon, then your provider uses the L2TP, PPTP or PPPoE protocol. Which one will be indicated under the connection label.

If the connection to the Internet is carried out using the L2TP, PPTP or PPPoE protocol, you will need a login and password assigned by the provider. When connecting via PPTP and L2TP, you must also specify the operator's server or destination IP address. To define them, open the “Properties” of your connection. The data should be rewritten and the shortcut should be deleted.

Now open the context menu of the Local Area Connection shortcut and select Properties. Click on the line “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button. In case of a dynamic IP address, the fields will be empty. If the IP is static, then save all the specified parameters. Check the boxes “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically” and confirm your choice by clicking “OK”.

It remains to find out whether your provider filters by MAC addresses. Open the Local Area Connection shortcut menu again. Select "Status". In the window that opens, go to the “Support” tab and open “Details”. Find the line “Physical Address” and write down the information indicated there.

Turning on and setting up the router

Plug the power adapter into a power outlet. Wait until the power light stops blinking and connect the router to your computer. To do this, connect one of the router’s connectors to the network adapter using an Ethernet cable or set up a Wi-Fi connection. The Wi‑Fi network name and security key are indicated on the router label.

Launch your web browser and go to The Internet center web configurator will open. In new models of Zyxel routers, the functions of the NetFriend utility have been transferred to the firmware. Click the "Quick Setup" button. A wizard will launch that will help you configure the connection.

A “Network cable is not connected” warning will appear on the screen. Plug your provider's Ethernet cable into the WAN connector and click Next. In the window that opens, you need to answer the program's question whether your provider registers MAC addresses, and if necessary, specify the registered address.

If using a static IP address, select Manual and enter the IP address, gateway IP address, subnet mask, and DNS server in the appropriate fields. These parameters are assigned by the provider. If your service provider has not assigned you an IP address, select Automatic and click Next. If you need to specify DNS parameters, check the box “Set DNS server addresses manually” and enter the IP address in the “DNS Server” field.

Next, you will be asked to enter your username and password to connect to the Internet. If they are in the contract, fill in the appropriate fields. To connect to a VPN (L2TP or PPTP), you will need to specify the IP address or name of the VPN server. When connecting to PPPoE, you may need the PPPoe service name and PPPoE concentrator name (provided by your ISP).

If all data is entered correctly, a connection to the Internet will be established. The wizard will check for updates. If available, click the “Update” button. After downloading and installing the updates, the device will reboot. The message “The Internet center is configured and has established a connection to the Internet” will appear on the screen. This completes the master's work. More experienced users can go to the web interface and configure additional features.