Why doesn't the pedometer on my phone work? You might be interested. Detailed video instructions for using a pedometer

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more firmly established in our lives. Many people begin to devote time to something they have never done - physical education. Against this background, there is a growing demand for devices and software that make life easier during sports activities, allowing you to better plan your exercise schedule, spend “excess” calories more efficiently, or avoid overstraining the body, which is fraught with harm, but not good for it.

One type of such means is pedometers, which allow you to measure the distance traveled to determine quantitative indicators of the load received. They exist both as separate devices and as smartphone applications. The latter will be discussed in our short article.

Functional modern smartphones allows you to monitor the movement of the device without third party programs. Special software only converts the received “dry numbers” into visual information on the display. In the case of pedometers, the main component needed for their operation is the accelerometer. This special sensor allows you to track the movements of your smartphone in space, determine their speed and direction. Often the accelerometer is functionally combined with a gyroscope - a related unit that is capable of monitoring the position of an object in space.

The main functions that use the accelerometer and gyroscope are automatic screen rotation and control in 3D games. Pedometer programs also use data from it. The principle of their operation is based on determining the dynamics of the smartphone’s movements.

As you know, a person moves unevenly: in the process of taking each step, both acceleration occurs (at the moment of “pushing off” the foot from the ground) and deceleration (at the time of “landing” on the foot). It is the amplitude of these imperceptible changes that is recorded by sensors, information from which the program reads when it counts steps. In addition, the general acceleration indicator is determined, which makes it possible to calculate the speed of movement.

How accurate will the measurements be?

Very rarely, manufacturers of such sensors (especially for budget devices) take care of them high precision. Moreover, different models and the sensitivity is different, so in rare cases very large (30% or more) deviations are possible, negating the entire value of such functionality.

In general, smartphones are equipped with accelerometers, the reliability of which is quite sufficient at the everyday level. But they can depend on many criteria, including how you hold your smartphone. For example, if it hangs on a cord around the neck, then due to vibrations that do not coincide with the movements of the legs, it is possible to obtain huge errors in the indicators. But in the trouser pocket, as a rule, everything goes well: the accuracy is as close as possible to real indicators, the error is no more than 3-10%.


In order to count steps, special applications use readings from the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope. Based on identifying patterns in the movement of an object, a calculation occurs. As for accuracy, everything is individual. More expensive devices (for example, the iPhone) are distinguished by fairly high reliability of indicators, but “no-name” smartphones of Chinese origin can allow gross inaccuracies. The fastening also plays an important role: it is necessary that the device does not make independent movements due to inertia during walking, and this requires a relatively rigid fixation. This can be achieved by putting the smartphone in your trouser pocket or attaching it to your waist belt, in a holster, etc.

Those who are involved in fitness or perform exercises to lose weight need a device that counts the number of steps - a pedometer. This is a small and easy-to-use device that controls the number of steps taken when walking or jogging. Often this function included in other portable devices - Cell phones, watch, music players. Let's figure out what principle the device works on and why it sometimes counts steps incorrectly.

Pedometer appearance

What is this device and how does it work

How a pedometer counts steps depends on the type of device. Their counting principle is different, since pedometers come in three types:

The device records the step, taking into account the negative acceleration of the body at the moment of lowering the foot to the ground. This is what the electronic sensor takes into account.

Reliability of testimony

Pedometers are often attached to belts, but full person this is not easy to do. It is better to use devices that start automatically upon initial movement. The pedometer must be attached to the belt near the front thigh area, in this place creates the least amount of interference. Another option is a fitness tracker that also counts steps.

The best use for a pedometer is to attach it to your belt.

The accuracy of the device also depends on the evenness of the surface on which a person walks. Asphalt is a smooth surface, and the pedometer gives a much more accurate reading. If you walk along a dirt road, sand, or the edge of a sea or river, then in this case the angles of movement change. Since the accuracy of the readings varies, it is recommended to purchase a device with vibration protection. The usual error in the operation of the device reaches 5%, but this is not a high figure.

The accuracy of the readings is also affected by a person’s gait. It is individual and specific for everyone; walking speed is of no small importance.

The length of steps is also an individual indicator and also affects. The readings are even affected by the position of the human body relative to the surface of the earth. If it is tilted too much, the readings will be inaccurate.

To check the pedometer for the accuracy of the readings, you can set it to 0 and test it - walk 20 steps. If the display shows the exact data of the steps performed, then the device is working.

Pedometer clock shape

Reasons for incorrect counting and lack of readings

When the pedometer does not count steps correctly, it is faulty. This device should not be used; incorrect readings will reduce the effectiveness of weight loss training, for example. It is possible that the balance between calories eaten and consumed will be disrupted, and weight correction will also be carried out incorrectly. If a person strives to increase the pace and number of steps, increases the distance planned for the day, then an erroneously calculated value will disrupt the process of increasing loads.

The pedometer must function clearly and correctly, giving activity readings without distortion. A failure in its operation will disrupt the harmony of daily training and reduce its effectiveness.

If the pedometer calculates incorrectly, what should you do in this situation? Frequent species Device malfunctions are considered:

Multifunctional pedometer

In order for the pedometer to work without failures, you must follow the rules for its operation and storage:

  • He must be in temperature conditions: not lower than –10 degrees and not higher than +40.
  • Do not use sharp objects to open the battery compartment, as this may damage the housing.
  • Do not allow liquid, dust or small debris to come into contact with the device.
  • Clean the body wet wipe. Do not use chemicals for this.

If malfunctions in the operation of the device are caused by improper operation, then guaranteed service is canceled.

Why are there no indications?

For a pedometer to work correctly, you need to know how to use it. To get started you need:

Example of setting parameters

  1. In the settings you need to set your step length readings.
  2. Place the device vertically on your belt, on the edge of your pocket, or on your wrist or leg - depending on the pedometer model.
  3. Start moving.
  4. Take data from the device at the end of your workout or day.

If you decide to count the number of steps for the whole day, then no matter where you place the device, it will not show an accurate step count. Because during the day a person does various actions: drives a car, eats, sits at a computer and moves a mouse, the pedometer can also mistake these erroneous movements for walking. Therefore, in the end there will be a large error, which will affect the purity of improving the quality of training.

The pedometer bracelet is quite popular among athletes. It's reliable and lightweight device, it counts steps and monitors activity; some models additionally count calories. The model is distinguished by accurate counting and ease of use. It is light weight and is not felt on the wrist.

Basically, these pedometer models come to the market from China. This electronic device, requiring configuration, installation of a special application and registration on a computer or phone. The bracelet itself must be worn correctly so that the sensor can count your pulse. Therefore, it must be placed exactly on the pulse, otherwise the device will not show anything.

Device in the form of a bracelet

A pedometer is a useful and safe device that will show the load on the body, distance traveled, calories burned and other parameters. You need to know how to use it correctly, for which it is enough to study the instructions for use.

A healthy lifestyle is increasingly becoming part of our lives - now many people include compulsory physical education in their daily routine. But there are also types of physical education that can be done, so to speak, “on the go,” for example, walking. But in order for this to have any benefit, you need to organize the classes systematically and control them. And here without pedometer no longer possible.

Modern smartphones are equipped with all kinds of sensors, including an accelerometer and a gyroscope. These sensors are mainly used for screen rotation and 3D game control.
It turned out that a phone equipped with an accelerometer can also count steps and distance traveled, that is, perform the function of a pedometer.

How to enable a pedometer on a Huawei (Honor) smartphone?

The accuracy of the smartphone pedometer reading is quite sufficient for self-training. And most often it depends on where we place mobile device: whether it hangs on a cord around your neck or lies in your trouser pocket. Due to vibrations that do not coincide with the movements of the legs, errors appear in the readings about the steps taken, therefore, when the device is in the pocket of the trousers, its readings are closest to the real ones.

On a HUAWEI (honor) smartphone, the pedometer can be enabled in two ways:

  • Method 1: through the main settings of the smartphone.
  • Method 2: through the Huawei Health application.

In order to know the number of steps taken per day on a Huawei (Honor) smartphone, it is enough to make a small change in the smartphone settings without launching additional applications.

1 way to turn on the pedometer through the Settings of your smartphone without launching additional applications:

1. You need to log in « » smartphone.

On the first page, select "Security and Privacy".

On the next screen, under “Lock Screen”, under "Pedometer on lock screen" turn on the pedometer.

And from now on, the number of steps taken per day will be displayed on the lock screen.

2 way to turn on the pedometer through the application "Huawei Health":

1. Launch the application "Huawei Health".

2. On the first screen of the application, at the top there is information about the number of steps taken during the current day. (In our case, 26 steps).

3. If you click on the numbers of steps taken in the center of the screen, you will go to next page With detailed information:
— the number of steps taken by hour of the day;
- the number of steps taken per week, per month, per year;
percentage between walking, running and lifting.

4. The Huawei Health application allows you to conduct workouts under the control of your smartphone. At the same time, using the (geolocation) function of the phone, you can create a training plan and plot a route, and then track the progress of the training.

At the beginning, to start training, you need to create a training plan:

A) To do this, click on the icon "Exercise" in the center of the screen.

C) Now you need to enter the parameters of the new workout (for example):
- Type of exercise - Walking on the street;
— Duration — 1 hour;
— Distance — 5 km.

After this it is necessary new entry workouts need to be saved, to do this you need to click on the “checkmark” at the top of the screen on the right.

5. To start the workout itself, you need to click on the icon "START TRAINING".

On the next screen you will be presented with a map of the area indicating your current position as the starting position for the start of the workout. If you wish, you can add a finish point to the map.

During a workout, you can pause the workout if you wish; to do this, you need to click on the Pause icon (“two bars” in a red circle).

To continue the workout, you click on the Continue icon (“triangle” in a green circle), and to end the workout, click on the Stop icon (“square” in a red circle).

After finishing your workout, you can go to the “Training History” section to review the data of the completed workout.

Application "Huawei Health" included in standard set applications HUAWEI smartphone(honor) allows you to organize the following types workout:
— running on the street;
- walking on the street;
- bike;
- running on a treadmill;
- pool.

This application in its work allows you to pair during training following devices:
smart watch;
smart bracelet;
- scales;
- heart rate monitor.

This will be discussed in more detail in other articles.

Everyone knows the wisdom that movement is life, which is why so many people are now trying to make sure that they move often and regularly. Check this process allows for very interesting and useful device– pedometer. With it, you can see the number of steps taken over a certain period of time.


The main and special function of this device is the ability to count the number of steps. Another name for it is pedometer. Previously, such devices were used for military and sports training, but now other categories of citizens also have it. It allows you to maintain health and stabilize daily activity. Main feature pedometer is what's in modern conditions, when most of the population uses transport, people walk very little. This device allows you to take into account the distance traveled and encourages you to walk more often.

Scientists have long found out that for an adult, the norm for physical activity per day is about 10,000 steps, but not all people fulfill this norm; some simply do not have time for this, while others cannot and do not want to do it on their own control it. All this negatively affects human health, and an invention such as a pedometer allows you to get rid of such problems and tone your muscles. It has a beneficial effect on health, breathing becomes smoother and more correct, and all excess calories are quickly spent.

Walking is the easiest and quick way spend excess energy, and a pedometer is a device that makes it very easy to control this process.

The wristband pedometer is a smart, lightweight activity tracking device that measures steps. It is also often equipped with a calorie counter. This bracelet is characterized by accurate counting and ease of use. It has very little weight and therefore is almost not felt on the hand. Another feature of the pedometer bracelet is its stylish and modern design.


A heart rate watch in the form of a bracelet is electronic device, which is distinguished by the particular accuracy of its readings. This bracelet is equipped with a special electronic sensor, which records every movement and transmits a signal to the device mechanism. The most important thing is that such a bracelet with electronic design takes into account only steps; other movements, turns or bends will not be counted as a step. This is what determines the accuracy of this device.

In addition, all electronic bracelets are divided into devices with 2D technology or a 3D step counting system. They are very different from each other, each type has its own characteristics and advantages. 2D step counting can only capture movement in 2D space. This way, only steps and movements in vertical and horizontal space will be counted, so the pedometer bracelet will see when and how a step was taken.

The information received will appear on special screen bracelet But in order for this information to be as correct and accurate as possible, it is important to properly fasten the 2D bracelet on your hand so that its free movement and movement are not counted as steps.

The second type of bracelet is a pedometer device with 3D technology. This is newer and interesting system counting steps, since here the calculations are carried out in three-dimensional space and absolutely every movement will be correctly reflected on the device’s display and recorded by the sensor. This device can easily distinguish movements during running from normal walking.

It can also be used to count jumps and other movements.

A pedometer bracelet with 3D technology does not make mistakes in determining when a person is walking and when he is simply moving in place. The Chinese 3D pedometer is very popular because it is inexpensive and accurate. Both of these types are very healthy and reliable; the second option is more suitable for athletes. It will be able to display the results of your workout as accurately as possible.

Review of popular models

The very first pedometer in the form of a bracelet can be considered a device Jawbone Up, he had a very interesting design and was different budget price, so its appearance on the market created a sensation. But then buyers discovered a flaw in this device - it distorts the indicators if it gets wet. That is why manufacturers had to make major changes to the design of this device.

Any model of pedometer bracelet from Xiaomi Mi Band. These devices can also be used as watches. Their feature is great amount functions, including a pedometer, calorie measurement, determination of distance traveled, time, heart rate, timer, stopwatch and many others. It can communicate with the phone via special application, its application can be installed on any device, including Apple equipment.

Another popular pedometer device is the fitness tracker from Chinese manufacturer Edwo, outwardly he looks like Digital Watch and also equipped big amount functions. It is perfect for both iPhone and other devices. It is very comfortable to carry on your hand, it has protective system from losses. With its help, you can control not only physical activity, but also sleep.

No less famous on the pedometer bracelet market is a device called Fitbit. It has the function of communicating via Bluetooth with your phone to transfer information to it. It can also function as a watch and can even be synchronized with your computer using special cable, you can also use it to track sleep duration, it can record food data and count calories. This is an excellent device that will become an indispensable assistant people leading active image life.

Very important advantage This device is that it holds a charge for a very long time - its power lasts for a period of 7 to 9 days.

A very popular wrist fitness device with a pedometer function is very popular among athletes. Nike. Its only disadvantage is its relatively high cost, but this is due to its good technical characteristics and versatility. It comes in a wide variety of colors. There are a lot of models, all of them transmit the most accurate data on physical activity and more. In addition, Nike's pedometer bracelet has high level protection from moisture.

How it works

The principle of operation of such a device differs depending on its design, since there are mechanical, electronic-mechanical and electronic pedometers. The first type has the most simple device. It has a small, pendulum-like weight that rotates as it moves, thus moving the internal mechanical parts, which also move the needle on the dial.

This is how you can calculate how many steps have been taken.

The most common model is an electronic mechanical pedometer, which transmits body movements during steps to a special sensor that converts these movements into electronic impulses. The digital reading then appears on the display. Device electronic type has the most complex design, since it uses connections with navigation system and other ways to count steps.

The pedometer bracelet is the latest invention among such devices, which is why every equipment manufacturer is striving to release its own model; pedometers are gaining popularity faster and faster.

In order to avoid problems when operating this device, it is necessary to clearly study the instructions and the principle of its operation.


In order for this device started to work, you need to install a special application on your phone or computer device. You need to register in a program that is designed specifically for this pedometer bracelet using Email. After this, the device is activated and you can immediately start using it. It synchronizes with your computer or phone and transmits data on activity and the number of steps taken, as well as other indicators that were measured with its help. Typically, many of these devices are also designed to measure heart rate and calories burned.

You can control all these indicators by logging into the application or opening a special website this application using an Internet browser.

How to setup

Tune this device very simple, some applications for this bracelet require entering height, body weight and others. This data is necessary to provide the clearest and most accurate display of your activity level and recommended daily movements. The setup is done step by step, all this can be done easily through the application, and the bracelet itself does not require configuration, it is only important to put it on correctly and fix it on your hand.

Why doesn't it count steps?

It is very important to wear the pedometer bracelet correctly, because if the hand does not have close enough contact with this device, movement and activity data will not be transferred to the program, and thus the bracelet will not be able to count steps or will transmit incorrect data. That is why you need to make sure that such a bracelet fits snugly to your hand and has good contact with her.

Harm or benefit

Many people tend to believe that this device can cause some harm, but this statement has long been refuted by scientists. A pedometer bracelet cannot cause any harm to your health, but will only help you receive only benefits from its work. With its help you can conduct more healthy image life, control your movements, as well as your pulse. The latter is very important for those who have problems with cardiovascular system or with pressure.

In addition, for those who follow a diet or regimen proper nutrition It will be very important that with the help of such a bracelet you can count calories. It will provide you with knowledge of how many calories have been burned, and using the application you can also find out your calorie intake per day.

How to choose

In order to choose the right device in the form of a bracelet, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing it. If you just want to focus on the function of measuring the number of steps, heart rate or calories burned do not matter to you, you can give preference to the simplest and most inexpensive pedometer. It is also perfect if you do not have health problems. For those who suffer from certain cardiovascular diseases, it is better to choose a device that has an additional pulse detection function. It easily and correctly identifies heartbeat, therefore it is perfect for rehabilitation after any surgery and treatment.

Such devices are a little more expensive, but they help monitor your health.

For those people who want to lose weight or go on a diet It is best to give preference to a pedometer with the function of measuring calories burned while walking. Usually such bracelets have a lot additional functions to prevent unnecessary effects on the body's heart and respiratory system.