How to remove unnecessary applications on Samsung Android. How to remove system (standard) applications in Android. Removing system applications

The issue of deleting programs or games installed on a phone or tablet with the Android operating system arises for users regularly. The game may become boring, the program may become irrelevant, and space in the device’s memory needs to be freed up for something more necessary. In addition, very often the manufacturer includes in the firmware some standard programs that are of very dubious usefulness, but occupy the internal storage of the device and consume its resources.

In this article, we will reveal some secrets regarding how to remove applications installed on Android, both standard and installed by the user.

How to remove standard android applications installed by the user

The easiest way to remove programs and games installed on the Android OS is by the user himself. In order to remove an unnecessary application from the memory of your phone or tablet, perform the following operations:

1. Go to Menu -> Settings -> Applications;

2. Select the application you want to remove;

3. Click the "Delete" button;

If you have selected an application in which the “Delete” button is not clickable (inactive), then this application is a system application and it is impossible to remove it using standard methods.

Uninstalling an application via Google Play Market

Some users who frequently download applications using the Google Play Store may find it more convenient to remove such programs in the following way:

1. Launch the Google Play Market application on your phone or tablet;

2. Click on the characteristic Google Play Store icon at the top of the screen (a bag with an arrow to the right);

3. Select “My applications”, a list of everything that you have installed will open in front of you;

4. Select the one you want to uninstall from the list of installed programs and click the "Uninstall" button.

5. The application will be deleted from your device’s memory.

How to remove stock apps on Android

Standard applications that are installed in the operating system along with the firmware, as a rule, cannot be removed using the methods described above. Such applications are called system applications, and to remove them you need to perform additional operations. However, the only difficulty in deleting standard applications is the need to obtain Superuser (Root) rights on your phone or tablet.

In short, a Superuser, or Root in the Android operating system, is a system user with unlimited access rights. The so-called “rooting” of Android devices can take place differently on different phones or tablets. In many Chinese smartphones, manufacturers include root rights in the standard firmware from the factory, thereby making our lives easier. Tier 1 brands generally believe that this level of control over their devices is not beneficial for ordinary users, and their phones and tablets have to be manually unlocked to gain root access.

Obtaining Superuser rights is a simple operation in itself, but it is the subject of a separate article. In the meantime, we will give some recommendations for removing standard programs, assuming that you have already received Root on your smartphone or tablet:

All standard applications are located in the device memory in the /system/app folder;

You can access this folder only using specialized software, for example, the Root Explorer application. Using his example, we will further explain how to remove unnecessary applications;

Think carefully before deleting standard applications. Perhaps some of them, which seem useless to you, are actually responsible for the operation of services needed by the system. Consulting about this on forums dedicated to your device seems to be good practice for us;

Google applications (Maps, Mail, etc.) can be safely deleted if you don’t need them. It is not recommended to remove Google services, since they are responsible for the operation of Google services, and uninstalling them can lead to problems with the operation of these services and even the entire firmware.

If you have decided exactly which standard programs you want to get rid of, use Root Explorer to go to the /system/app folder of your device. There you will find all the *.apk application files you have installed.

1. Enable R/W mode in Root Explorer;

2. Delete the apk files of the application you do not need;

3. Together with the apk file, delete the odex file of the same name for this application;

4. The application will be deleted from your device’s memory.

Exactly the same algorithm of actions is preserved for any other file manager that can use root rights to access the system partition and remove programs from there. Some system applications may also be located in the /data/app folder, check and remove them from this folder too.

We hope that this short instruction will be useful to you, and you will learn how to remove standard Android applications, and a bunch of unnecessary programs that the manufacturer has crammed into your phone or tablet will not take up precious space on your device after reading the article. Be careful when deleting system programs and uninstall only those whose purpose you know for sure, so that you do not have to re-flash the entire operating system due to failures. Good luck!

Many smartphone buyers can be called inexperienced. Such people don’t even know how to uninstall applications. They think that removing a program shortcut from the desktop entails eliminating the application itself. But in reality, everything is somewhat more complicated. We will talk about deleting programs and games in today’s article. We will also tell you how to remove standard applications - those that were preinstalled by the smartphone manufacturer.

The easiest way is to remove those utilities that you previously installed yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you did this using Google Play or downloading an APK file from a third-party resource. There are two methods to remove programs and games. The first is the following:

Step 1. Go to the menu.

Step 2. Hold your finger on the icon of the application you do not need. The system will prompt you to move the shortcut to your desktop.

Step 3. Instead, move it to the " Delete" located at the top of the window. A pop-up menu will pop up in which you need to confirm your action.

Step 4. The program will be removed from your smartphone fairly quickly.

As for the second method, it is somewhat more complicated:

Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Select " Applications».

Step 3. You will see a list of all applications installed on your device. If this is not the case, then click on the item “ Application Manager» (usually required on smartphones Samsung).

Step 4. Click on the program you are going to remove.

Step 5. In the menu that appears, click the button Delete».

Step 6. Confirm your action, after which the operating system will get rid of this application.

Removing pre-installed applications

It is much more difficult to eliminate system applications. The fact is that some smartphone manufacturers preinstall some games and programs in order to receive money from their developers. Most often, such programs cannot be removed, otherwise the creators of smartphones would not be able to make money. But in fact, there are workarounds that still allow you to remove system applications.

However, be careful! You always need to understand which standard applications can be removed and which ones are better left alone. The fact is that eliminating some of them will result in unstable operation of the entire operating system. If it is quite possible to get rid of any browser or navigation application, then it is better not to disturb “Calendar” or “Camera”.

You can only remove built-in applications using workarounds using root rights.

If you have superuser rights, then download ES Explorer or some other serious file manager, and then do the following:

Step 1. Launch ES Explorer or its equivalent.

Step 2. Enable the Root Explorer item, at the same time giving the utility root access.

Step 3. Navigate to internal memory along the path /system/app.

Step 4. Select the APK file of the application you do not need. If there is an ODEX file nearby with the same name, then select it too.

Step 5. In the context menu, select " Delete».

Step 6. On Android 5.0 and later versions of the operating system, all standard programs are located in folders. This does not change the essence of the matter - you will simply need to delete the entire folder, and not individual files.

Step 7 Next follow the path /data/app. Updates to pre-installed applications may be stored here. They should also be removed. On devices running Android 5.0, again, updates are stored in separate folders. But this only makes the task easier.

Step 8 You can also (and even need to) delete the database of system services and applications along with the cache. All this is stored along the way /data/data.

Using Root Uninstaller

There is another way to eliminate unwanted programs. It consists of using Root Uninstaller. This application also only works on gadgets with unlocked root rights.

Step 1. Launch the program, giving it root access at the same time.

Step 2. Select the utility or game you want to remove.

Step 3. Click the button Delete" In the same menu you can make a backup just in case.

Step 4. It is done! You can freeze applications in the same way. This will not free up space, but the program will definitely disappear from the menu.

The Android operating system has been around for quite some time and is well known to a wide range of users. However, search query statistics tell us that some users still have difficulties with even simple questions about using Android. It is to them that we address this article, in which we will tell you how to remove unnecessary applications from your smartphone or tablet. When it comes to ordinary applications, this is not at all difficult to do, but if you need to remove system programs, you will need some tricks.

How to remove third-party programs

There are several ways to remove programs that you installed or received with your device, but are not system programs. The first one is to use the standard Settings application.

1. Go to the settings of your gadget and open the “Applications” section.

2. Swipe left or right to the “Third Party” tab.

3. Find the application you need and tap on its name to open its properties.

4. Erase all program data by clicking on the “Erase Data” button so that no garbage remains after deletion.

5. Click on the “Delete” button and wait until a message appears indicating that the program has been correctly removed.

The second way to remove unnecessary programs is using the standard Play Store application.

1. Open the Play Store application.

2. Pull down the menu from the left side of the screen. Click the “My Applications” button in it.

3. Find the name of the program you are interested in on the “Installed” tab. Tap on its icon.

4. On the program properties page that opens, you will see the “Uninstall” button, after touching which the application you have selected will be uninstalled.

The above methods for removing programs work on almost any version of Android and do not require any additional tools. However, there are also a large number of third-party utilities that provide additional functionality. They can remove applications in batch mode, make backup copies of programs and user data, can temporarily “freeze” processes, and much more.

How to remove Android system apps

All Android smartphones and tablets come into our hands with a number of standard programs already installed. Among them there are vital and irreplaceable utilities that should never be touched, but there are also not very useful programs that most users want to get rid of.

If you do not have superuser rights, you will have to limit yourself to disabling unnecessary programs. To do this, open the device settings, go to the “Applications” section and swipe to the “All” tab.

Here you will see a list of all programs installed on your gadget, including system ones. Find the required element and in its properties you will see the “Disable” button. If this button is active, then you can disable this application without any consequences. Thus, it is not possible to deactivate all programs, so you have to resort to the following method, which requires root.

If you have superuser rights, then you can get rid of system applications simply by deleting the corresponding .apk file in the /system/app directory. To do this you will need any file manager that has access to this folder, for example

In the process of searching for the right application, it is not uncommon to test dozens of other applications. And after suitable applications are found on the Android device, there remains a lot. If you do not remove these applications, you will quickly run out of memory and your device will start to work extremely slowly. In this article we will talk about how to remove applications on Android.

The easiest way to remove an application on Android is to use the standard application manager, which is built into the operating system itself. With it, you can remove any applications except standard ones. To do this you need to have some knowledge.

So, in order to access it, you need to open Android Settings and go to the “Applications” section. After opening the “Applications” section in Android settings, you will see a list of all installed applications, sorted alphabetically. Find the application you want to remove from this list and click on it.

After this, a screen with information about the application you have selected will open in front of you. There are several buttons on this screen: Stop, Delete, Erase data and Clear cache. In order to delete the application you need to click on the “Delete” button.

After clicking the “Delete” button, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. In this window, you just need to click on the “Ok” button, after which the application will be removed from your smartphone or tablet.

Uninstalling applications via Google Play Market

If you cannot find the application you need in the list of installed ones, then you can use the Google Play Market application. Open Google Play Market and enter the name of the application you need into the search, and then go to its page. There will be two large buttons on the application page: Delete and Open. Click on the “Delete” button and then confirm the deletion by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Uninstalling an application through third-party applications

Another way to remove applications is through third-party applications. Quite a few applications have been developed for the Android operating system to remove and manage other applications. For example, you can use the Easy Uninstaller application. This application is completely free and you can use it.

The main advantage of Easy Uninstaller over the standard application manager is a simpler uninstallation process. At the same time, Easy Uninstaller allows you to remove several applications at once, which can be very convenient if you want to do a thorough cleaning on your Android device.

Easy Uninstaller is very easy to use. All you need to do is launch this application, check the boxes next to the applications, and click on the “Delete” button.

Once confirmation is received, the selected applications will be removed.

It should be noted that the methods described above do not work for standard applications that were preinstalled by the manufacturer of your Android tablet or smartphone. You need ROOT rights, as well as special software. For example, you can use the System app remover.

It's not too late to learn how to properly clear memory Android devices. This will help you significantly speed up your gadget and free up disk space.

It is easier to prevent any problem than to fight it. That's why we advise you to prevent any files from being saved to your phone's memory. It's better to configure your phone so that content is initially saved to the microSD card. The voice recorder, camera, browser you use, messengers and downloaders, navigators have such settings. If the application asks you to specify a specific path where you want to save the content, create a corresponding directory on the map, indicating its location.

How to quickly move files on Android?
So, we figured out the settings. Now you need to detect and remove unnecessary files. Check the following folders: Bluetooth, DCIM with photos and videos, download or downloads, sounds, music, video. We strongly ask you not to delete files whose purpose you doubt. You can also quickly transfer files using a computer. It is enough to connect the device via a microUSB cable and complete the task.

The most convenient way to move files on your phone is using a special file manager. You can select several files at once and then batch move them to the desired directory. Files are selected with a long press. After that, you click the “More” button, select “Move to sdcard” and specify the destination folder.

How to transfer games to a microSD card?
To prevent the internal memory from becoming clogged with programs, it is recommended to transfer them to a memory card immediately after installation. The best program for these purposes is Link2sd or. The latest application is very functional. After launching it, you go to the “Toolkit” tab and select “App2SD”. Select programs from the list provided and send them to the card.

How to clean your Android device from junk?
Like a Windows computer system, Android OS can become clogged with various files, program remnants after uninstallation, etc. Manual cleaning is ineffective and time-consuming: you will have to review the entire file system in the hope of finding an extra file. In addition, you can accidentally delete the desired file and disrupt the performance of the entire device.

To clean your Android from garbage, you can use the utility. This is a free and easy-to-use tool for high-quality memory cleaning. You launch the program, select “Trash” and perform cleaning. Nothing complicated!

How to store files online?
The safest way to store files is the Internet. Even if you lose your phone or it malfunctions, you can always access the files you need from any device. For these purposes, we recommend using Google Drive, Dropbox, Yandex. Disk, etc.

Now you know how to clean your Android of all junk, how to transfer programs to a microSD card, how to move files and store them on the Internet.