A combination of buttons for a screenshot. All ways to take a screenshot on your computer. Screenshots from a computer screen using special programs

Recently, many users of personal computers have been interested in the question: how to take a screenshot on a computer? The answer is both simple and complex at the same time. Let's start with the Windows operating system. Fortunately, the developers of this system took care of this. They've attached a screenshot feature to the "print screen" key, which is located in the top right corner of your keyboard (Figure 1).

How to take a standard photo?

Interesting fact: If you have a multimedia keyboard, then most likely the key can mean quickly sending a document to the printer.

Tip: Consult your keyboard's documentation. Basically, a special disk is supplied with the keyboard which will help you reconfigure the keyboard keys.

Although this is one of the oldest methods, it is also the most reliable. When you press this key, a screenshot of your screen is saved in temporary memory (clipboard). Also, when you press the key combination “Alt” + “print screen”, a screenshot is taken in the window on which the focus is located, or, more simply put, which is currently open.

Once you have copied a screenshot of your screen to the clipboard, you need to save it as a graphic file. To do this, we will need any graphic editor, in our case it will be “Paint”. Despite the fact that this is a very simple graphic editor, it is quite suitable for our purposes. In order to open it, you will need to go to the “Start” menu, click on the “All Programs” tab, find the “Accessories” tab, and then click on the “Paint” icon (Figure 2).

A working window of the graphic editor will open in front of you. Now you need to go to the “Home” menu and click on the “Insert” tab or press the key combination “Ctrl” + “V”. You will see that the screenshot taken will appear in the graphic editor window (Figure 3).

Next, you will need to save this screenshot in graphic format. To do this, click on the menu tab and select the “Save” tab. You will be offered several formats for saving the graphic file, select one of them. Give your file a name and save it (Figure 4).

Cutting the screen with scissors

This stage of saving the screenshot has come to an end. But what if you only need to save a certain part of the screen? If you have the operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8, you can use the “Scissors” tool. This program is located at “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Scissors” (Figure 5).

When you run this program, the entire screen will become light and you will need to select the area of ​​the screen that you want to save. Hold down the left mouse button and move smoothly to select a fragment of the screen. When you release the button, the cut fragment will open in a new window (Figure 6).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a rectangular selection of the screen is used as standard. If you click on the arrow to the right of the “Create” tab, you will be offered four options for selecting the screen.

  • Freeform is any shape you want to apply when drawing with your cursor.
  • Rectangular shape is the standard screen highlight shape.
  • Window - screenshot under the cursor, highlighted in red.
  • Whole screen – respectively, a snapshot of the entire screen except the cursor.

The Windows 10 operating system also includes the Scissors program, and the developers have added interesting functionality to it in the form of a timer. Now you can take a screenshot after a certain period of time.

Also, the Scissors program can take a screenshot of a drop-down menu. To do this, you need to hold down the key combination “Ctrl” + “Print Screen”. The program will take a screenshot which you will need to save.

Working with screenshots - programs that will help you

Now it's time for programs to work with screenshots. One of the main programs that I would like to describe is Lightshot. This is an easy and accessible program that will help you take a beautiful screenshot. You can download it on the Internet, and the features of the program will be described below.

After installing and launching the program, the Lightshot icon will appear in the lower right corner next to the clock (Figure 9).

First, let’s get acquainted with the settings of this program; to do this, right-click on the Lightshot icon and select “Settings” (Figure 10).

The settings window will open and you will see four options:

  1. Basic – standard program settings, in which you don’t need to change anything.
  2. Hotkeys – You can change the keystrokes to save a screenshot.
  3. Formats – allows you to change the graphic format of the screenshot.
  4. Proxy – allows you to run a proxy server (an unnecessary function in this program).

We've sorted out the settings, now let's move on to the best part - working in the program itself.

To take a screenshot, press the well-known “Print Screen” key. Your computer screen will darken a little, now you must select the area of ​​the screen you are interested in and save it by clicking on the floppy disk icon in the program (Figure 11).

Pay attention to the small menu on the side; it displays additional features of the program (Figure 12).

These include the following:

  • Pencil – allows you to draw or highlight randomly on a screenshot.
  • Line – allows you to draw a line, it is very convenient to mark certain areas of the screenshot.
  • The arrow is a very convenient feature that allows you to point in a screenshot.
  • Rectangle – allows you to mark the places you need in the screenshot with a rectangle.
  • Marker – you can highlight any area of ​​the screenshot with a marker.
  • Text – as the name suggests, can sign your screenshot.
  • Color – selects a color from the palette to mark the top items.

The bottom menu allows you to send or save your screenshot (Figure 13).

The bottom menu has the following items:

As you can see, the Lightshot program has all the necessary capabilities for creating screenshots.

Description of some programs for taking screenshots

There are a lot of programs for creating screenshots. And each user likes this or that program according to his tastes. A small list and descriptions of these programs are given below.

FastStone Capture

A very good program for taking screenshots (Figure 14).

Its features include:

  1. Setting up hot keys. You can choose the keys yourself instead of the “Print Screen” key
  2. Built-in graphic editor. After taking a screenshot, you can easily edit the image in the editor
  3. Supports all known graphic formats.


One of the most popular programs on the Internet (Fig. 15).

The amazing features of this program are described below:

  1. The ability to create high-resolution screenshots, in other words, several pages long.
  2. Built-in graphics format converter.
  3. A graphic editor that allows you to finely edit screenshots.
  4. Timer for the frequency of taking screenshots. You can set a time period for taking a screenshot.
  5. Russian language support.


A very simple and effective program (Figure 16).

The main advantages of this program:

  1. Take a snapshot of your screen with one click.
  2. Ability to send a screenshot to your server for further work.
  3. Doesn't take up much memory.

There are programs for secretly taking screenshots on a computer. The features of such programs include such functions as secretly capturing and sending a screenshot to the user’s email at a specified frequency.

Looking for “print screen” or how to take screenshots on Macos

Now it’s the turn for Apple connoisseurs. What should those users do who do not have the “Print Screen” key and have a completely different operating system? Let's take a closer look at the steps needed to take a screenshot on the Macos operating system. The main keys that replace “Print Screen” on this system are:

  • "Cmd" + "Shift" + "3" - a screenshot that is saved on the desktop
  • “Cmd” + “Shift” + “4” - A specific area marked by the user and saved to the desktop
  • “Cmd” + “Shift” + “4” + “Space” - Select a specific window with the ability to take a screenshot

But several unpleasant situations arise:

  1. Screenshots are saved only in png format.
  2. All screenshots are saved on the desktop.
  3. A small shadow along the entire outline of the screenshot.

In order to fix these problems, you should use the Terminal program and its commands. To do this, you must go to the “Go” menu, then click on the “Utilites” tab and find the “Terminal” program (Figure 17).

After the console (terminal) has opened, you need to enter the commands. To change the graphic format, enter the commands:

  • defaults write com.apple.screencapture type format…
  • killallSystemUIServer

After the word format we put one of the graphic format options (Jpeg, tiff, etc.).

If you need to remove a shadow from a screenshot, then to do this, enter the commands:

  • defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true
  • ekillall SystemUIServer

And finally, the solution to the third problem, file location. Accordingly, enter the following commands:

  • defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Documents (or any other folder)
  • killall SystemUIServer

Programs for taking screenshots in Macos

Naturally, there are programs for taking screenshots for this famous operating system. Let's take a closer look at them:


One of the best developments for Macos (Figure 18).

The possibilities of this program are endless:

  1. Cutting out any part of the screen.
  2. Inscriptions of any type and format.
  3. History of your saves.
  4. Free, which is rare for the family of these operating systems.


Very beautiful program. (Figure 19)

The advantages are not so great, but they are:

  1. Built-in browser for creating screenshots for websites.
  2. Converting graphic formats.
  3. Grouping screenshots in iPhoto.

Unfortunately, the program is paid, but there is a trial version.

Of course, the list of programs does not end there, but the remaining programs simply copy the functionality of the ones described above and there is no point in dwelling on them. This is where I would like to end this review. I hope that you were pleasantly surprised and that you learned a lot about taking screenshots on your personal computer.

Hi all! Marat Nauruzbaev is with you. In this article, I will tell you and show you in a video how to take a screenshot on a computer using standard Windows tools, and also consider seven popular programs for taking screenshots.

Many people ask me how to take a screenshot on a computer, what programs are best to use for this, and how to make a screenshot without using third-party programs?

Screenshot(from English screenshot) or simply " screen” is a screenshot of your computer, simply put, a photograph of what is displayed on the monitor screen or a certain area on the screen.

A screenshot is taken for various purposes, mainly to communicate with support, send a screenshot to social networks, publish on a forum, capture a still frame in a game, in a movie, etc.

Guys, I looked at the main features of the seven most popular free programs for taking screenshots, and in this article I will show their main features and describe the pros and cons of using them.

Taking a screenshot using standard toolsWindows

First, let's look at the option of how to take a screenshot using standard Windows tools.

To do this, press the key “ PrtScr» on the keyboard (may appear as PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc)

If on a laptop, then press two keys “ Fn» + « PrtScr»

To take a snapshot of only the active window, click " Alt» + « PrtScr", on the laptop press " Fn» + « Alt» + « PrtScr»

After pressing the " PrtScr" or " Alt» + « PrtScr"A snapshot of the monitor screen is saved to the clipboard, this is the so-called temporary memory of the computer. Now we need to save this image to a file on the computer for future use.

To do this, you can use any graphic editor. Windows 7, 8, 10 already have a built-in simple graphic editor “ Paint" To launch it, click menu " Start" and in the search bar " Find» enter: paint and click on “ Paint»

The graphic editor will launch. Paint»

Paste a screenshot from the clipboard. To do this, press the button “ Insert»

Note: To paste from a buffer, you can use cl. "Ctrl » + « V »

We see how our desktop snapshot was inserted in the editor “ Paint»

IN " Paint» you can apply simple operations on a screenshot: draw with a pencil or brush, fill with color, enter text, apply various shapes

Next, save this screenshot file on your computer. To do this, in the menu “ File» select « Save as" and indicate in what format we want to save the file. In this case, I chose the JPEG format

As a result, our screenshot will be saved to a file on your computer. Now you can send it by mail, post it on social media. networks, forums, etc.

Scissors program

A more convenient way to take screenshots in Windows is to use the standard program " Scissors" It is more convenient because it allows you to photograph an arbitrary shape on a computer screen, but there are practically no image editing tools in it :)

To start the program, in the menu " Start", in the search bar enter: Scissors and click on “ Scissors»

The program will start " Scissors»

When you click the down arrow button " Create", you can select the area for creating the screen: rectangular shape, rectangle, window or the entire screen

Let’s say you have selected “ Rectangle", now when you press the button " Create", press the left mouse button and without releasing it, move the mouse around the area on the screen that you want to record, then release the mouse button

The selected area will be automatically photographed and appear in the program

Now we can do simple operations on the screen. I will only say that the capabilities in this program are quite simple, including “ Paint"More opportunities...

Next, click on the button with a floppy disk to save this screenshot to a file

Give the file a name and click " Save»

The screenshot file will be saved in the location you specify on your computer or laptop.

Programs for taking screenshots

For those who often take screenshots, it will be much more convenient to use special programs for creating and editing screenshots.

I took away 7 free programs, which in my opinion are most intended for creating screenshots and their subsequent editing.

I will not describe how to install them and how to use them, I will describe only one program that I use myself, and for the remaining programs I will describe the main functions, pros and cons of each program.


Tool " all in one" for each. Full featured screen capture, intuitive image editor, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, slate and more.

A powerful program for creating and editing screenshots. There is a Portable version (portable version that works without installation). Free for home use.

I use it myself, since I have not yet found any free analogues in terms of capabilities. If you find it, write it in the comments.

I’ll briefly describe the process of creating and editing in the program “ PicPick"That's exactly how I do it.

IN " PicPick"You can take a snapshot of different areas of the screen: the entire screen, the active window, a window element, a scrolling window (a very necessary function, not all programs have it), a selected area, a fixed area and a custom area. Each of these functions has assigned hotkeys that can be changed at your discretion.

Using this program I take screenshots for...

Try to guess why?

To create screenshots for these articles that you are currently reading at the moment :)

So, when I take a screenshot (picture) of a window or a certain page on the Internet, I immediately put all sorts of explanatory frames, lines, arrows and text on the picture.

Now I’ll show you how I do this in this program.

First, I take a screenshot of the window or area I need in the browser. In this case, I took a screenshot of one of my blog articles in a browser. To do this, I pressed the key combination " Shift» + « PrtScr” and pointed the mouse at a specific area on the screen. The screenshot of the area I selected was automatically inserted into the program PicPick.

Then I selected under the button “ Figures", a certain shape, in this case a rectangle

And I move the mouse with the left button pressed over the area of ​​the screen that needs to be highlighted with a rectangle, and at the end I release the button. In this case, I highlighted the logo of my site

In this case, you can change the style, color and thickness of the frame, apply a shadow to it, etc.

I draw arrows in the same way

The arrow format can also be customized: change the style, outline, thickness, transparency and color. Look at the picture below, arrow 1 is made in the form of dots, arrow 2 is thicker and more transparent

You can also add text, a watermark, blur, rotate, change brightness, contrast, tone, resize, and much more on a screenshot.

Or upload directly to a web page, to the cloud, send to Facebook, Twitter, by mail or upload to an FTP server

You can also upload a screenshot to the cloud on Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, etc.

Besides, PicPick has a number of additional tools, such as " color selection" (will help you find the exact color code of a pixel on the screen with a built-in magnifier), " ruler" (to measure the size of objects and place them in an exact location on the screen), " color palette», « magnifying glass», « crosshair», « protractor" And " slate».

Let's look at how these tools work using the example " Color under cursor" And " Ruler».

Sometimes you need to know the exact color of a certain object on the screen. To do this, right-click on the icon PicPick in the tray and select " Color under cursor»

Then we move the mouse pointer over the object on the screen whose color value you want to remove. In this case, I hovered the mouse over the program shortcut " PicPick" We see the color values ​​for a given pixel under a magnifying glass.

When you click the left mouse button, a window appears with the value of this color. We can select the value in HTML, RGB(), C++, Delphi format and click " Copy" to copy this value to the clipboard for later use

Tool " Ruler» You can measure the size of objects on the screen and the distance between them. To do this, right-click on the icon PicPick in the tray and select " Ruler»

A ruler will appear on the screen that you can use your mouse to move across the screen. Having placed the ruler where you need it, measure the distance in pixels

You can also rotate the ruler 90 degrees and change its length.

Program PicPick I liked it because of its capabilities. Of course, it has two minor drawbacks (where would we be without them 🙂), which I personally miss.

This is a normal straight line for arrows, I would like to be able to change the straight arrow style to cone-shaped And also, if you need to put a shadow on an object (for example, on an arrow), you have to point it all the time, that is, you would like PicPick I remembered that the superimposed object should have a shadow, IMHO.

But these are all minor things compared to its advantages.

Pros and cons of the programPicPick:

+ capture scrolling window

+ multi-window interface

+ a lot of extras functions like ruler, color under cursor, etc.

- regular arrows

- the shadow on the arrow must be pointed at all times


Greenshot is a program for creating screenshots with rich functionality for overlaying various objects and effects on the taken screenshot.

The program has good capabilities for editing screenshots, sending the screenshot to “ cloud” (Imgur (direct links), Dropbox) or into one of the Microsoft Office applications, the ability to print directly from the program, it is possible to apply effects, in addition to the effect of overlaying a frame and shadow, I especially liked the effect “ Torn edges»

The result of the effect " Torn edges»

Greenshot also knows how to capture a scrolling window (Internet Explorer only)

Pros and cons of the Greenshot program:

+ capture scrolling window (Internet Explorer only)

+ effect “Ragged edges”

- regular arrows


Monosnap- free program for Windows and Mac OS X. Monosnap allows you to take screenshots, add notes and send screenshots to “ cloud”.

The program has fewer features than PicPick, but some may find it more convenient due to the ease of creating screenshots. The program has a function to record your desktop in video format. It is possible to send a screenshot to your own cloud Monosnap(registration required), as well as on SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3.

Among the shortcomings of the program that I discovered when creating a photo: screen area, where the context menu given by the menu is not included in the screenshot.

Example of a context menu...

Also, I did not find the possibility of creating a screenshot of a scrolling window, for example, of sites in the browser that need to be scrolled.

Pros and cons of the programMonoshap:

+ it is possible to record desktop video

+ cone-shaped arrows

+ there is a small shadow near the arrows

- there is no capture of the object’s context menu when capturing a screen area


Joxi– a cross-platform program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki). There are also plugins for browsers (Chrome, Yandex, Opera).

In the free version, you can only upload to your own “ cloud” (not direct links, disk space: 1024 MB, storage period: 90 days). In the paid version, restrictions are removed and it is possible to upload screenshots to FTP/SFTP and Dropbox.

Pros and cons of the programJoxi:

+ capture and edit on the fly (in the same window)

+ cone-shaped arrows + contour thickness adjustment

- there is no way to open a separate file

- no scrolling window capture

- no arrow shadow


Clip2net– a standard program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, google+). There is a version for iPad and Android.

For additional features of the program (direct links (c2n.me) and no advertising, recording videos and uploading files to your servers) you will have to pay an annual fee (information about tariffs on the website).

Pros and cons of the programClip2net:

- no scrolling window capture

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Lightshot– a simple program for creating screenshots. Knows how to post screenshots on social networks (facebook, twitter, VKontakte, pinterest).

There are plugins for browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera. There is a function to search for similar images on Google.

Pros and cons of the programLightshot:

- no scrolling window capture

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Shotnes is a cross-platform free program for creating screenshots. Able to send screenshots to your own “ cloud” (direct links).

Shotnes can record video from your desktop in format. mp4 And. gif(you need to register on their website). Among the disadvantages of the program, it is worth noting that at the time of writing, it could only save screenshots in the . png.

Pros and cons of the Shotnes program:

+ record video from desktop

- no scrolling window capture

— saving the file only in .png format

— arrows are normal, without shadows


Well, I told you how to take a screenshot on a computer, we looked at all the ways to create screenshots on your computer or laptop. Standard methods for creating screenshots were described, as well as the main features of free programs for capturing and editing screenshots.

Personally, I liked the multifunctional program PicPick, which I use for these purposes. This program has many features for the free version. The program is also quite good in its capabilities. Greenshot

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  • Well, proven folk wisdom does not age as quickly as our smartphones and laptops go out of fashion. “It’s better to see once than to hear 100 times”.

    Have you tried to explain to someone through correspondence how to set up a WI-FI router? Then you probably understand that it would be better, indeed, for a person to see 1 time than to hear 100 times or read 100 messages! That's why many people ask how to take a screenshot on a computer.

    A few words of theory

    The word screenshot was exactly transferred into the Russian language from international English. It means an exact image of the user's screen, a screenshot. A shortened version of this concept, “screen,” is in common use.

    How to take a screenshot on Windows

    Actually, here are the main groups of solutions:

    • standard Windows tools;
    • online services that allow you to take a screenshot on a computer;
    • special programs.

    Method 1. Screenshot on Windows using system tools.

    If you look at the top left of your keyboard, you can find a button there PrtScr. The name of this button comes from English Print Screen- screen printing. Previously, by pressing this button, the printer would print the active screen. Now, when we click this button, the screen image goes to the clipboard. All that remains is to paste the image into some program from which it can be saved.

    Honestly, on a laptop, this button can be anywhere on the right side of the keyboard. Sometimes, as in the example below, for this button to work you need to start a button with it Fn(Functions - this is usually located on the lower left side next to the button Ctrl) and without releasing it, press the button labeled PrtScr.

    To action: press PrtScr, go to the Paint program, it is available in any Windows operating system and click “Insert”.

    You can access Paint through the Start menu → All Programs → Accessories → Paint.

    The Start menu differs depending on the version of Windows; the screenshot below shows how to open Paint in, because I use this particular operating system.

    In the Paint program you need to click "Insert" and our screenshot ends up here. If necessary, it can be edited using the program or simply saved using the button "File" and than "Save" or t.

    IMPORTANT. When you press just the PrtScr key, a screenshot of the entire computer screen is copied to the clipboard. When you press the Alt+ PrtScr combination, the active (selected) window is copied. If you use the Win + PrtScr combination, the image of the entire screen is saved in the c:\Users\Username\Pictures\Screenshots\ folder. It can be easily found from the Computer menu. In the left column, click the “Images” menu item and then select the “Screenshots” folder.

    So, to take a screenshot on Windows using the system, you need to press the PrtScr key, go to any image editing program, for example Paint, and click the “Insert” button.

    Method 2. How to take a screenshot on a computer using an online service

    It happens that a screenshot needs to be edited and it is often more convenient to do this using some kind of website than an installed program. For example, let's take 2 such services. They are united by the general principle of how to take a screenshot. Press the button PrtScr(if you don’t know where it is, see the first method just above). We go to the site and click Ctrl+V.

    And, as we are advised, we press Ctrl+V.

    We see that the screenshot has been inserted into the site window. If you need to save it, then click on it, it opens in a new browser tab.

    Congratulations! The image is saved on the computer.

    So, to take a screenshot on your computer using an online service, you need to press the PrtScr, or Alt+ PrScr key, go to the service that we have chosen, press Ctrl+V to paste the image and save it to your computer.

    Method 3. How to take a screenshot on a computer using special programs

    It is worth saying that there are actually a huge variety of programs that allow you to take a screenshot of your computer screen. If you look at the Softportal service, the request “screenshot” returns 181 applications.

    Of course, each of them has its pros and cons, but often people use such programs out of habit. Once installed, figured it out and that’s it. There are especially powerful applications, even paid ones, that allow you to quickly not only create a screenshot, but also edit it. For example, you can add arrows, frames, and other effects.
    One of the decent and free options is the Joxi program.

    You can download it from the official website joxi.ru.

    After installation, an icon for this program appears in the taskbar. The first time you launch it, in the bottom right corner you'll be given the option to choose whether you want to capture the entire screen, a snippet, or other options. Subsequently, after clicking on the icon, you can select the area of ​​the screen that you want to save and after selection, the program looks like this:

    Notice the blue icon in the top right corner. By clicking on the small arrow on the right, you can select:

    Conclusions from our “screenshot production”

    If you make a resume, there are 3 main solutions that allow you to take a screenshot on a computer

    • Use Windows tools;
    • Online services;
    • Special programs.

    Here, as they say, who likes what and for what purposes. Try it, experiment.

    Every PC user, sooner or later, will be faced with the question - how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer? And this question will arise at the most unexpected moment, when you need to very quickly take a screenshot of a computer screen for some purpose. And so that you can approach this problem in all weapons, I decided to tell you about two ways to take a screenshot.

    How to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows tools?

    So first I'll show you, how to take a screenshot in Windows 7, XP and Vista using the keyboard.

    Not long ago, to my surprise, I learned that even experienced PC users sometimes do not know about this method. But it is very simple, in order to take a screenshot, just press the PrtScr key, which is located to the right of the F12 button. Sometimes this key is labeled like this: Psc or PrtSc, but it is pronounced like this – Print Screen.

    After the image is inserted, you can save it, File -> Save, select the location and name. Now you can go to the place where you saved the picture and check it. I talked about all this in detail in the video lesson below.

    In Windows there is another type of screenshot, this is a snapshot of the active window. In what cases is this function needed? It is needed when you need to take a picture not of the entire screen, but only of a small program window. For example, as shown in the picture below:

    Of course, you could first remove the entire screen, and then trim off all the excess in the same Paint. However, if you can make it simpler, why not use it? In order to remove a separate window, you first need to make it “active”. What does this terrible word mean? The active window is the window in which you are currently working, if suddenly you are not sure, then click in this window, with the left mouse button, on any place, for example, on the area that is located just to the left of the minimize, maximize and close buttons ( ). Then pinch Alt button and, without releasing it, click to the Print Screen key.

    Well, then go to Paint and follow the same procedure that I described above.

    Pros and cons of taking screenshots using Windows.

    First I'll talk about the advantages:

    • The most important advantage is that the picture can be taken instantly. It all depends on your reaction, i.e. depends on how quickly you press the Print Screen button.
    • There is no need to install any special programs.


    • Not a quick save. After removal, you need to separately open the graphic editor and insert the picture there.
    • You can take a photo of just the entire screen or a selected window. It is not possible to remove any small piece.

    These are the main pros and cons, the rest you will see for yourself when you start using this function.

    How to take a screenshot of a computer screen in Windows 7, XP and Vista using a special program?

    Now I will show you how to take a screenshot in Windows 7, XP and Vista using a special program. This program weighs very little, about 800 kilobytes, but it has a lot of functions, both necessary and unnecessary, but I only use one - taking screenshots. The program is called, you can download it from the link at the end of the article.

    You don’t need to install it, once you download it, just unpack the archive and you can run it. There are two whole articles on how to unpack archives: and

    Before it turns on, the following message may appear:

    When you run it, you will see this window:

    To minimize it, click on the middle button in the upper right corner of this window, shown by the red arrow in the image above.

    Now, in the notification area, you will see a small yellow square, right-click on it.

    And in the future, if this window pops up, press it.

    A settings window will open in front of you. In it we need to change the language to Russian, to do this, click on english.xml and select russian.xml from the drop-down list.

    Then click OK. If the window I mentioned above pops up again, you know what to click.

    Well, now, if you right-click on this program, you will see that everything is in Russian. And let me show you right away how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer using this program.

    So, right-click on this program and select Capture screen area.

    Well, now, let me explain to you in order what each point means, and how and when to use it.

    1. The first item in the list is “Window/Object”. I don’t use this item because it works a little unclearly.
    2. The next item is “Area”. This is the item I use most often. It is very convenient because you can use it to screenshot rectangular-square shapes of any size and anywhere on the screen.
    3. The third item is called “Manual”. I rarely use this item, but sometimes I still have to. If in the points above and below this, you can take a screenshot of an area of ​​only rectangular and square shapes, then with this point, you can take a screenshot of an area of ​​any shape.
    4. “Fixed size” item. At this point, before you capture the area you need on the screen, you must set the dimensions in advance. In what cases is this necessary? For example, if you want to post a photo on a forum, but there is a restriction there, they say, “the width of your image should not exceed 600 pixels and the height 500.” In this case, you immediately set the allowable height and width, and take a photo. To be honest, I only found this item useful a couple of times; I haven’t seen restrictions on image sizes for a long time. Before and besides, there are special services for reducing the size to the required size.
    5. “Scrolling” - this item is inconvenient, just like the first one, so I don’t use it at all.
    6. Well, as for the “Full Screen” item, a snapshot of the entire screen, just like using the Print Screen button.

    You (and I) do not need the points below. As you understand from the description above, I mainly use only two items - “Area” and “Manually”. If you suddenly don’t understand how to use them, watch the video lesson at the end of the article, where I clearly showed everything.

    By the way, after you take a screenshot using the method you have chosen, the graphic editor will immediately open, and all you have to do is save your image on your computer, to do this, click on the button shown in the picture below:

    Then save the image in the same way as in any other graphics editor.

    And one more thing, this program has a hotkey function. If you noticed in the previous image, next to each item it is indicated which hot keys can be used to call it. This is very convenient, you don’t need to right-click and call up the program menu, just press Ctrl+Shift+R and you can select and remove the area you need.

    Advantages and disadvantages of taking pictures using the CaptureFree program.


    • You can take screenshots of different shapes and sizes.
    • You can take quick pictures using .
    • The image is saved faster than in the first method.
    • The program is lightweight and easy to customize.

    I didn’t find any shortcomings, well, at least I never came across them.

    There is only one thing I want to say in advance. This program is needed by those who have to “screenshot” something quite often; if you need it once a week, then you don’t have to download this program. It is enough to trim off all the “extra” in any graphics editor, for example Paint.

    To do this, click on the button circled in blue, select the desired area, right-click on it, and then crop. And then save.

    Here are two methods I use. I hope you now understand how to take a screenshot on your computer. If you still have questions, you can watch the video lesson below.

    Hello, my regular and new readers!

    In the previous article I told you about what it is needed for. In this material, as promised, I will tell you how to take a screenshot of a monitor.

    There are a huge number of various programs for creating a screenshot and its further editing, for example, magicscreenshot, light shot, FsCapture, which you can find on the Internet.

    But, it is not necessary to use auxiliary software. For monitor snapshots, the programs that you probably have on your computer are quite suitable: Picture Manager (Microsoft Office suite) and Paint.

    Note! These two programs do not take pictures; they are suitable for further processing of screenshots taken using standard Windows tools

    How to create a screen without additional software?

    A screenshot is created in three stages:

    1. Freeze the image (Print Screen key).
    2. Transfer a photo from the clipboard to the image editor available on your PC. Editing the picture (optional).
    3. Save in any format.

    Now let’s look at all these points in detail.

    Stage 1

    First of all, you need to press the Print Screen key. At the moment of pressing, the entire screen is photographed and the image is placed on the clipboard. As a rule, on the keyboard the required button is called “Prnt Scr” and is located in the upper right corner.

    If you have a multimedia keyboard, then after clicking on Print Screen you may see a print window rather than a screenshot. This is due to the fact that one button is designed for two commands simultaneously: Print and Print Screen. In this case, you should first switch your keyboard to Screenshot mode. This is usually done by simultaneously pressing the buttons and one of F1 - F12.

    Take a screenshot using the on-screen keyboard

    If you were unable to take a Screenshot using the method described above, then you can use a backup option - the on-screen keyboard. To do this, go to “Start”, in “Programs” select “Accessories”, and in them - “Special Features”. In “Accessibility”, click on “On-screen keyboard” and find the button you need.

    Screenshot of a game or video

    Taking photographs of a page does not cause any difficulties, but what about capturing images while playing a game or watching a video?

    As a rule, during a video game or when playing a video clip, a black square may appear instead of a screenshot. In such a situation, in order to capture some moment from the game or a frame from the video, you must first pause and take a screenshot.

    Well, the screenshot is ready.

    Stage 2

    Editing in Paint

    Paint is the simplest software designed specifically for creating and subsequently editing pictures. Where can I find it? Paint is included in the standard Windows OS package. To launch it, you need to go to “Start”, select “Programs”, click on “Standard”, where in the list and find the editor.

    Once you open the program, you will see a tab at the top left called “Insert.” Click on it or press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys. After all these steps, your screen will be displayed in Paint from the clipboard.

    If you want, you can edit the photo, for example.

    Editing in MO Picture Manager

    If you have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, then you probably have the Picture Manager application. Open it by going to the Start menu and among the programs, find the Microsoft Office folder, and in it the graphic editor.

    At the top you will see a menu, in it find “Edit” and click on it. Click on “Insert” and you will see the created screenshot.

    You can change the appearance of the picture in the “Changing images” or “Editing” column.

    Stage 3

    Saving in almost any program occurs according to the standard procedure: select the “Save As” line in the “File” menu, give a name to the image to be saved, select an acceptable format and the place where it will be stored, and click the “Save” button. All.

    Review of additional software

    The first program I would like to consider is magicscreenshot. Its capabilities:

    • you can take a screenshot of the entire screen or part of it;
    • add graphic elements and text to the resulting image;
    • make a title and description for the screen;
    • upload a photo or any other image from your hard drive to a web page;
    • Save the screenshot on your local disk and on a web page.

    Light Shot— the fastest and most convenient way to take a screenshot. You can select an area for the screen, edit it, share a link to the picture with network users, and even search for similar images.

    FastStone Capture is a powerful and convenient utility that allows you to take screenshots of various areas, windows, the entire screen, free-form areas, and entire web pages. It also provides the opportunity.

    That's all I wanted to tell you about today. As you can see, everything is very easy and simple. Especially when you have my instructions at hand. If the information in the article is not enough for you and you would like to study the topic much more deeply, I recommend the course “ Computer genius».

    Follow the blog updates, share information on social media. networks and the computer will reveal all its secrets to you and your friends! See you!

    Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan