Household appliances: irreplaceable helpers or a hidden threat? Hazards associated with the operation of electrical appliances

How dangerous are electrical appliances?

Under certain conditions, when using well-known equipment and devices, dangerous situations can arise for you, for your loved ones and for your home.

Such situations can arise for two reasons. In the first case, you yourself can create a dangerous situation by violating the rules for using equipment and household appliances. In another case, a dangerous situation may arise regardless of you: the electrical voltage in the network has increased sharply, the faucet is leaking, turning off the water in the bathroom, etc.

In order for you to know how to avoid the occurrence of a dangerous situation in everyday life, and if it does occur, to reduce its harmful consequences, we will look at the main everyday situations in which certain rules must be followed.

Rules for using electrical appliances.

When electric current passes through the human body, it heats up and can cause burns. Electrical burns can cause serious damage to the internal tissues of the human body. In addition, electrical shock can cause cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

To prevent this from happening, in everyday life it is necessary to follow a number of general rules for the safe handling of electricity:
- do not use faulty electrical appliances, never leave a switched-on electrical appliance unattended;
- do not connect several electrical appliances to one outlet;
- follow the order of connecting an electrical appliance to the network: first connect the cord to the device, and then connect the cord to the network.

Switching off the device is done in the reverse order;
- do not touch the switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands;
- remember: you cannot use electrical devices while in water;
- Immediately inform your parents or elders about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, exposed or poorly insulated wires.

Do not extinguish burning electrical devices connected to the electrical network with water.

A computer is a very useful and sometimes necessary thing. However, improper handling can be harmful to health.
Rules for working at the computer:
- make sure that the position of the monitor corresponds to the direction of view, the middle of the monitor screen is located on a horizontal line drawn at eye level or 10-20° below;
- do not work in a dark or semi-dark room.
- in accordance with established standards, the continuous duration of a student’s work at a computer should not exceed 25 minutes;
- After each long session on the computer, it is recommended to perform certain physical exercises.

Household gas and its properties

Perhaps, with your parents' permission, you use a gas stove for cooking. To use domestic gas, a gas pipeline is installed in the apartment and a gas stove or gas water heater is installed. You constantly use various electrical appliances: iron, lamp, TV, radio equipment. For this purpose, there is electrical wiring, and in certain places there are electrical sockets and room lighting switches.

Currently, household gas is widely used in everyday life. It can be used in gas stoves for cooking and in gas water heaters for heating water.
Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas.

Household gas has neither color nor odor, but in order to detect its leak, special substances that have a specific odor are added to it.

Rules for safe handling of gas appliances

A gas leak can lead to human poisoning and explosion of the premises. To prevent this, you must follow safety rules when using household gas. We list the main ones:
- to light a gas burner, first bring a lit match, and then smoothly and carefully open the gas tap.
- do not leave switched on gas burners unattended.
- make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame.
- if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to light it again - this may lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas tap, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult.

The most ordinary gas stove in the kitchen can become a source of many troubles if you do not take certain precautions: after all, when burning, the gas releases various toxic substances into the air.
Therefore, while the gas is burning, keep the window or transom open, and be sure to close the kitchen door.

Make sure that the flame above the burner is blue, without any admixture of yellow or red.

Try to place teapots or pots with a wide bottom on a high stand, otherwise the access of air to the burner is reduced and the gas does not burn completely.

Gas is convenient and safe only if you handle gas appliances skillfully and correctly.
You must always remember and follow the rules for using it:

Do not leave switched on gas appliances unattended;
- do not allow preschool children to use gas appliances, as well as persons who do not know the rules for handling these appliances.

Keep gas appliances clean and in good working order.
During the period of soil freezing, the possibility of rupture of underground gas pipelines cannot be ruled out. Gas coming out of damaged areas can spread over long distances and penetrate into basements and first floors of even non-gas-free buildings. When going down into the basements, do not use open flames or electrical switches without making sure that there is no smell of gas.

If you smell gas, immediately report it by calling 04. Before the emergency vehicle arrives, take safety measures: do not allow open fire and, if possible, ventilate the room.

Be careful and careful!

Don't neglect safety measures. Save gas.
Do not allow gas burners to operate for long periods of time without utensils.
Adjust the flame of gas burners. Reduce the gas to the minimum flame size after the water in the pan boils.
If you have gas burners of different wattages, use the larger burner only when necessary.

Prevent scale formation in kettles. Boiling water for a long time increases scale deposits.

Cover dishes with lids while cooking; this technique allows you to save 15% of gas.

What to do if there is a gas leak?

Turn off the gas burners. Turn off the gas valve.
Avoid any actions that cause sparks and increase the room temperature. Do not touch electrical switches, this may also cause a spark. Ensure intensive ventilation of the room by opening all windows. Remove everyone present. Stop the gas supply if possible. Call the technician on 04.

Devices containing mercury

Household appliances containing mercury:
- fluorescent lamps (these are gas-discharge tubes containing inert gases and mercury vapor). All such lamps contain mercury - from 40 to 70 mg.
- mercury thermometers;
- instruments for measuring pressure (pressure gauges).

Thermometers are found in every home; they are made of glass and easily break if dropped. In this case, mercury balls easily roll into floor cracks or are sucked into the carpet.

Fluorescent lamps are often thrown together with household waste into trash cans, where they break easily and release mercury vapor into the surrounding atmosphere.

Children and teenagers who break such lamps out of hooliganism usually do not even suspect what gets into their lungs.

Poisonous properties of mercury

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal, silvery in color. It has a highly convex surface. In small quantities it collects into very mobile balls. It easily penetrates into the cracks of floors, furniture, walls, is absorbed by porous bodies, including wood, paper, fabric, plaster, remaining there for a long time, and is a source of indoor air pollution. Mercury freezes at -38.9°C. Mercury evaporates at room and even zero temperatures, mercury vapor is colorless and odorless.

Mercury and its compounds can enter the body through the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.

Mercury vapor and its compounds are very poisonous. Chronic poisoning with mercury and its compounds results in a metallic taste in the mouth, loose gums, severe salivation, excitability, and weakened memory. The danger of such poisoning exists in all rooms where mercury is in contact with air. The smallest drops of spilled mercury that have clogged up under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, and in floor crevices are especially dangerous. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

Children, a few hours after they start inhaling mercury vapor, may develop severe pneumonia (pneumonia) - cough, shortness of breath, and fever. In case of severe poisoning, pulmonary edema is possible (this is a deadly condition). Possible diarrhea (diarrhea), drowsiness, followed by nervous excitement.

Actions in case of mercury spill

The smallest drops of spilled mercury that have clogged up under baseboards, linoleum, furniture, and in floor crevices are especially dangerous. The total surface of small mercury balls is large, and evaporation is more intense.

If the device breaks and mercury gets on the floor, you should carefully collect all visible balls in a hermetically sealed bottle, wipe the area of ​​the mercury spill with a rag moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then contact a specialized organization, which will check whether there are any mercury vapors left in the apartment, and if there are any left, it will help remove them.

It is better not to use mercury fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps) in residential premises at all. Remember that one mercury fluorescent lamp, broken in a medium-sized room, can create a concentration of mercury vapor in the air above the permissible limit.

We live in a time when electrical devices that emit electromagnetic radiation that is dangerous to humans surround us everywhere. In this review, we will identify the five most unsafe devices and appliances that can be found in every kitchen.

Energy-saving lamps.

These wonderful, economical light bulbs hide many unpleasant nuances. In addition to the fact that they contain mercury inside, and therefore the lamps cannot be thrown into a regular trash bin, they are also sources of ultraviolet and electromagnetic radiation. It is not recommended to be closer than one meter from the source of such light.

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Energy-saving lamps are not as harmless as manufacturers claim


In the process of heating food, a microwave oven distributes powerful electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range around. Within a radius of 1 meter from a working oven, it is 10-20 times higher than the norm, so every time you start the microwave, you should leave the kitchen for a while.

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The microwave oven is the most dangerous appliance in the kitchen.

Mobile phone.
Everyone has heard about the dangers of this device. Scientists have proven that during prolonged communication, the temperature in the ear area rises by 2-2.5 degrees, and this can harm brain cells. In addition, if at the beginning of a conversation the electromagnetic radiation increases slightly, then after 10 minutes it already becomes dangerous.

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Mobile phone harms brain cells


Many people still have old-style CRT televisions in their kitchens. Unlike new-fangled plasma panels, units with cathode ray tubes emit powerful electromagnetic radiation, and you should not get closer than one and a half meters to such colossuses. As for modern TVs, their radiation is lower and at a distance of more than 50 cm from the screen, you will be safe.

Sockets, extension cords and power supplies.

Sockets and extension cords, of course, also create an electromagnetic field, but a relatively weak one. However, if a powerful working device is stuck into them, the picture changes. For example, when you plug in a microwave oven, it emits a field that is 20 times higher than the standard one.
It is also worth noting that power supplies and chargers also emit electromagnetic radiation within a radius of 1 meter.

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Sockets, wires, extension cords and power supplies also emit electromagnetic pulses

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It's hard to believe, but the kitchen really is considered a dangerous place. We're not talking about monsters lurking under the sink or that ball of dust accumulated somewhere in the corner. We are more concerned about dangerous gadgets with their rotating elements and knives with sharp blades that end up in the most unexpected places. And ordinary household appliances are fraught with many dangers. If you care about your own health, please join us in reading this publication. Be careful: these things are found in every home.


The magnetic field created by a working hair dryer is 10 times greater than the radiation generated by a TV or computer. Scientists have proven that when the device is turned on when drying hair, it can damage human DNA and create conditions for the death of brain cells. Know: a non-working hair dryer is no less dangerous, if you forget to turn off the electrical appliance from the network.
Use the hair dryer only in exceptional cases. The electromagnetic field emitted by a hair dryer causes a constant feeling of fatigue and headaches. If you do use a hair dryer, make sure that the distance between the device and your scalp is at least 30 centimeters.

Electric kettle

It is believed that an electric kettle is indispensable in everyday life. It boils water quickly, thereby saving valuable time. But he doesn’t care at all about the health of your household. When heated, the plastic from which the walls of the device are made releases dangerous substances formaldehyde and phenol into the water. All this, together with the next mug of tea, enters our body.
Long-term use of an electric kettle in everyday life leads to various diseases, the worst of which is cancer. Even if your kettle is made of metal, when scratches appear on the internal coating of the device, iron oxide and heavy metal salts are released into the water, leading to irreversible processes in the body. Before it's too late, remove this gadget from the kitchen.


Doctors remind you to keep the air in your apartment well humidified. However, using an electric humidifier for this purpose is extremely dangerous. Experts say that this device can provoke diseases. You will not be able to control the humidity level in the room.
In this case, you will get a favorable environment for the development of microbes that cause pneumonia. Young children are least protected in such conditions. Mold and germs actively multiply on the walls of this device, and we inhale them every day. The problem is further aggravated by water poured into the device directly from the tap. To protect yourself from inhaling germs, buy a device with a built-in humidity sensor, clean it regularly and change the filters.


Vegetables bought in the supermarket are completely filled with nitrates and pesticides. If you cook food on the stove, some of the harmful substances evaporate. But the sealed container of the multicooker preserves them completely. The Teflon coating of the device can cause cancer if used for a long time. Be careful.
If you notice scratches appearing inside the unit, know: they produce one of the most dangerous and toxic substances - synthetic acid. Carcinogens and toxic chemical compounds accumulate in the body and cause irreparable damage to our health. A multicooker whose non-stick coating is damaged should be immediately removed from use.


It's hard to imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator. It preserves food, prolonging its life. But this irreplaceable unit has a big disadvantage. It has a powerful electromagnetic field. If you start decorating the refrigerator with numerous magnets, you will further increase the degree of radiation. You are at risk of chronic fatigue syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and even cancer.
Also pay attention to the internal condition of the unit. In plastic containers, when there is insufficient air circulation, various pathogens multiply. Pay close attention to the cleanliness of the internal compartments, scratches and other damage, and promptly remove expired food from your refrigerator.

The modern world is impossible without all kinds of electronic devices. All of these devices have an impact on human health to one degree or another, but is it really as harmful as we were previously told. Now electronics are around us every day - we carry phones, tablets, heat food in the microwave, work on the computer, watch movies on TV and much more. In our article we will look at the most commonly used sources of electromagnetic radiation that are located directly with us.

The computer has become an integral part of our life. And when they talk about the threat of electromagnetic radiation, PCs are considered one of the most common sources of EMR.

A typical personal computer consists of several devices - a system unit, a monitor, a mouse and a keyboard. And, for some reason, when they talk about its dangers, they always mean a monitor. In principle, there is nothing surprising in this, because it is the monitor screen that is always in direct contact with a person’s eyes.

Of course, a display can have some impact on a person’s health, but the myth about the exceptional harm of a computer was created at a time when monitor screens had a rather primitive structure, which increased the possibility of their X-ray, ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

At the moment, manufacturers are increasingly concerned about user safety and are improving the technologies used in displays every year. They limit harmful effects on consumers. Of course, this does not mean that you can “stare” at a computer screen all day long.

Modern televisions are perfect as a computer monitor, so everything that was said above about computer displays also applies to televisions. The main condition for limiting exposure to TV is a sufficient distance when watching it, given the fairly large size of modern TV models. The recommended distance when watching TV should not be less than two meters in front of the TV and one meter and ten centimeters on the sides, but it all depends on the signal and diagonal ().

Microwave ovens and convection ovens are the most powerful sources of electromagnetic waves. The impact of this electrical device depends on the parameters of the specific model, namely the power frequency indicators. Naturally, the higher it is, the greater the influence of the magnetic field of a microwave oven on human health. However, this was true for microwave ovens manufactured before 1995. At that time, users complained of skin, nervous and cardiovascular diseases, explaining this by the harmful effects of the electronic device.

A modern home is almost always equipped with air conditioning to protect itself from the heat. Climate control equipment not only helps to normalize the microclimate in dry weather, but also prevents the possibility of poor health due to heat and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

But almost 20 years ago, people were frightened by the possibility of an incredibly large influence of electromagnetic waves, the source of which was an air conditioner. Of course, such information was not plausible, and the advantages of using air conditioners were much greater than the disadvantages.

But a hair dryer and electric razor can have a really detrimental effect. The alternating electromagnetic radiation from these small electrical devices can cause DNA damage and cell death, but these processes may not be noticed for a long time. The most unusual thing is that such harmful effects have the ability to accumulate. However, it has not yet been fully established how dangerous short-term use of these devices is.

Every device can cause harm to health if used unwisely, including a regular audio player. This mobile device may damage the user's hearing when listening to music at high volume levels. Also, such handling of audio equipment while walking can lead to impaired vigilance of the road user.

Mobile phones are an integral part of our lives today. Prolonged use of phones can actually have a detrimental effect on your body. A smartphone can cause headaches, ringing in the ears, and a feeling of heat on the face. Also, the telephone can cause addiction, psychiatrists report.

You can also remember the time when in most families all household appliances consisted of a tube TV and a refrigerator living in the kitchen. Now the home of a modern person is filled with a variety of assistant devices: electric stoves, microwave ovens, computers, air conditioners, hair dryers, multicookers, washing machines, mobile phones. We will not list everything, because it will take a lot of time. It’s no secret that all these devices have electromagnetic radiation of varying power, which they constantly scare us with, and, apparently, for good reason. It is enough to pay attention to the fact that, fleeing from radiation, cockroaches, mice and even moths have disappeared from modern apartments. And mosquitoes instantly disappear as soon as you turn on the Raptor. Perhaps the increasing frequency of human ailments: fatigue, insomnia, headaches can also be associated with the appliances operating in our home.

How do household appliances affect the human body?

It is not correct to assume that low-power electromagnetic radiation is less dangerous than powerful radiation. It is possible that the impact of household appliances on the body may be stronger than if you were near power lines for a long time. That is, we have placed ourselves on a powder keg, thereby constantly disrupting the bioenergetic balance of the body. Scientists have been concerned about the problem of electromagnetic radiation and how it affects the human body for a long time. Italian scientists have found that these radiations can cause infertility. American scientists have come to the conclusion that electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the brain. Swedish scientists have determined a safe limit for the electromagnetic field, which, in their opinion, is equal to 0.2 microtesla. But they all clearly recognized that radiation from household appliances has a negative effect on the cardiovascular, central nervous, and hormonal systems.

How can you measure radiation from household appliances?

Of course, it is impossible to make accurate measurements using a home test, but the presence of electromagnetic radiation and its degree can still be determined. A regular radio may be suitable for this. Turn it on and find any wave on which no radio station is working, that is, only a uniform rustling sound will come from it. Turn on the appliances that you use most often: computer, iron, electric kettle, microwave (there is no need to turn on the refrigerator, since it is always plugged in). Approach each device with the radio turned on. You will hear that it begins to make different sounds, crackle, and make noise. Based on these sounds, it is possible to determine the radiation that comes from each device: the louder and more frequent the interference, the stronger the radiation.

We must not forget that electromagnetic waves can penetrate walls, so it is worth testing those places in the apartment where you are most often.

Dangerous household appliances.


The danger of a refrigerator directly depends on the time of its manufacture. The more modern the refrigerator, the more functions it performs, the stronger its electromagnetic radiation. Probably many people remember the old ZIL refrigerator and other refrigerators of that time. Although it is believed that they are almost safe from the point of view of electromagnetic fields, however, sleeping in a place where an old refrigerator is working behind the wall is not recommended, and they do not like these devices if they are leaned against the wall. If we talk about modern models, it is worth mentioning that it is advisable not to approach the compressors installed in them closer than ten centimeters, since at this distance the permissible level of radiation intensity is exceeded. But it is better not to approach refrigerators equipped with a non-freezing freezer at all. Quickly take what you need from it and immediately leave, since the excess of the permissible norms of the electromagnetic field near it is noticeable already at a distance of a meter from the door.

Electric stove.

A distance of twenty-five centimeters of radiation from the front panel of an electric stove can be considered safe, only 1-3 µT, and from the burners - fifty centimeters. Therefore, it is better to prepare lunch and eat food, moving to this safe distance, where the intensity of the field is no longer different from the magnetic field of the entire kitchen.

Electric kettle.

These small devices, which have become familiar to us, become dangerous at a distance closer than twenty centimeters, since the radiation from them within this radius is 0.6 µT. Therefore, after turning on the kettle, it is better to move away from it.

Washing machine and dishwasher.

The control panel of the washing machine creates an electromagnetic field with a power of more than 10 µT. A safe distance will be a radius of about one meter, so you should not observe the washing process close up. For a dishwasher, this radius is half a meter.

Vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum cleaner has a very powerful field - about 100 µT. However, the length of the hose protects from the harmful effects of radiation. If you turn on the vacuum cleaner, do not stand next to it, but immediately get to work.


In the heating mode of most irons in the heating mode, you can detect an electromagnetic field that exceeds 0.2 μT at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from the handle. You can protect yourself from harmful effects only by placing the iron aside while heating. Of course, this is not very convenient, but there is no other choice.

The most dangerous household appliances.


This is one of the most dangerous and most commonly used devices. The safe distance at which you can be from the TV is determined by its diagonal. As a rule, it should be at least one and a half meters. This is not only the permissible limit for exposure to radiation, but also the safest for the eyes. Try to reduce the amount of time you spend with your “family friend.”

Air conditioner.

This device is also on the list of the most dangerous. Try not to get closer to him than one and a half meters.


The microwave oven ranks first on the list of the most dangerous household appliances that can cause real harm to human health. The intensity of its electromagnetic field at a distance of thirty centimeters is 0.3-8 µT. It’s probably worth saying that their design is such that it can provide shielding. However, there is no guarantee that the field does not penetrate outside through the almost invisible gaps in the door seal. The most dangerous place is located in the lower right corner of the door. Therefore, treat the device with care, do not slam the door, so as not to break its seal.

Mobile and radiotelephones.

We can no longer imagine our lives without cellular communications. Mobile phones pose a greater danger not by the power of their radiation, but by their close proximity to us. During a conversation, we hold the phone to our ear and it actively affects the brain, in a shirt pocket - on the heart, if we carry it in a trouser pocket, then reproductive function suffers. Try not to be near it when charging your mobile phone and, if possible, turn it off at night. Buy modern phone models that meet security parameters. Place the radiotelephone away from your vacation spots or places where you spend a lot of time.


This is generally a topic for a separate discussion. The computer distributes electromagnetic radiation in all directions over a distance of no less than seventy centimeters. The Electromagnetic Safety Center conducted a study of the most common computer models. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the level of radiation that the user receives exceeds biologically hazardous levels. Also, a safe distance from the monitor was determined (one and a half to two meters).

Desk lamp.

It’s hard to believe that such a primitive household appliance also poses a threat to the human body. However, the radiation from a table lamp can be put on a par with the radiation coming from a TV. Therefore, if you can do without a table lamp, it is better to do so.

Energy-saving lamps.

The danger of these lamps lies in mercury vapor, which begins to evaporate with the slightest damage to the bulb and it is hardly worth talking about in those cases when it breaks. Leakage of mercury vapor can occur due to improper disposal of lamps, and due to improper, careless use of them. The high degree of ultraviolet radiation that comes from these lamps cannot be discounted. People with sensitive skin or suffering from skin conditions should take particular care. Such lamps should only be used with shades and should not be installed in rooms where children spend a lot of time.

How to reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation.

Be sure to carry out the test with the radio receiver, which we wrote about at the beginning of the article, to determine which of the devices “living” in your apartment are the most dangerous. Try to spend as little time as possible near these devices. Remember that walls are not a barrier to electromagnetic waves, only distance can save you from them.

Unless absolutely necessary, do not purchase powerful household electrical appliances, because the radiation power of the equipment directly depends on it.

Do not turn on several dangerous household appliances at the same time.

Eliminate the habit of turning on the TV “for background”, as you and your family members will constantly be exposed to its radiation.

Use extension cords to connect equipment as little as possible, as they increase the radiation area.

Watch electrical cords so they do not become loops or rings.

An interesting fact is that properly done electrical wiring does not pose any danger at all.

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