Why doesn't Google say? Google search with voice functionality was missed in the App Store

You can use the OK Google voice command to search the Internet and control other functions Android devices. But, this function only works in the app Google Now. In order for this voice command to work in any application, you need to make some changes to the settings. Now you will learn how to enable Ok Google on Android.

To enable the OK Google voice control feature, open the Google Now application. In most cases this application opens with a swipe from on-screen button home. On Samsung smartphones For Google discovery Now you need to press the mechanical “Home” button, and then press Google button at the bottom of the screen.

After opening Google apps Now you need to click on the button that opens sidebar. She's on the left top corner screen.

In the settings window, you need to go to the “Voice Search” section, and then to the “Okay Google Recognition” subsection.

After repeating the OK Google command three times, a message indicating that the setup is complete will appear on the screen. Now you can use voice control from any application.

What to do if nothing works? If this instruction did not work for you, then you may need to update the application responsible for the OK Google voice control function. To do this, go to the application store Google Play and find there an application called “Google” (yes, this application is simply called Google) and update it by clicking on the “Update” button.

What can you use OK Google voice control for? Voice control allows you to perform many typical mobile device actions hands-free. For example, using voice commands you can create a reminder, find an event in the calendar, open an application, call, write a message, get directions, and of course you can search the Internet.

Google search has learned to respond in a “human voice” to user queries. The dialogue turns out like in Pushkin’s fairy tale, where the queen talked with a magic mirror. IN mobile applications for smartphones and tablets running on operating systems iOS systems and Android, now you can not only ask a question by voice, but also receive an audio answer. New possibilities for dialogue with a search engine were demonstrated on Wednesday in Moscow at an event in a specially equipped house, which received Google name House.

Opportunities that first appeared in science fiction works of the 20th century have become available to everyone who has something in their pocket. modern smartphone. In order to start communicating, you need to install the Google search application, launch it, and then ask your question. After processing the request, the result will appear on the screen, and if the answer to the question is simple enough, it will be announced by a speech synthesizer. The answers are in Russian and voiced in a pleasant female voice.

The most amazing thing is that the search engine can now analyze the connections between queries. So, by asking when Alla Pugacheva was born, you can find out how old her husband is and what the names of her children are. It is not necessary to mention the name of the star every time. If you need more detailed information, you can follow the links that are displayed on the screen in the same way as with a regular query typed in the search box.

The search engine easily copes with queries related to mathematical calculations- addition, subtraction, multiplication, extraction square root. All answers will be announced - no need to touch the screen. What’s interesting is that when dealing with mathematical questions, the search engine understands speech and it won’t be difficult for him to solve the example in a few steps. So, we managed to calculate how much a vacation trip would cost us - the search engine not only summed up the cost of air tickets and accommodation, but also easily converted total amount to euros and back to rubles. At today's Central Bank exchange rate.

New functionality is available to device users on Android platforms version 4.1 and higher, as well as iOS versions 6 and above. Updated free apps for voice search can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. Besides, voice search in Russian is possible using the Google Chrome browser application on desktop computer or laptop.

Users of Android devices running platform version 4.1 and higher additionally have the ability to control a number of functions using voice. They can ask Google to set a reminder or alarm, add an appointment or date to the calendar, send SMS messages and emails to e-mail, and call the person whose number is saved in the phone book.

For Russian-speaking Android users, the function of instantly activating voice search has also become available. To start searching the Internet, just say “Ok Google.”

"People are used to communicating through dialogues, not keywords. This is exactly the principle we try to implement when interacting with Google search,” the company says. So far, answers to questions are best obtained if you ask about objects, people, organizations, weather, exchange rates and other things and phenomena that require specific answers. Philosophical and other complex questions are still too much for him.

To show new Google technologies“built” “Google.Dom” in Moscow, where company employees simulated the work of search in real life situations. Guests of Google's home visited the kitchen, where the hostess can search for recipes and launch video cooking instructions without touching the screen with her hands. In the nursery the search helped to do homework schoolboy, in the boudoir of a young girl, the search helped the beauty prepare for a party at her friend’s. In the owner’s office, the guests were shown stock quotes, and a route for a business trip to the Moscow region and a training plan were drawn up. There was also some curiosity. When asked to tell where there are ATMs nearby, the search engine found terminals of banks whose licenses had been revoked. Google promised to draw the developers' attention to this misunderstanding. In the living room, with just voice commands, “hosts” and “guests” turned on (via Chromecast - this digital media player from Google), a movie purchased from the Google Play app and compiled a detailed family travel itinerary.

From a technological point of view, this looks impressive, but, alas, in city conditions it is sometimes not immediately possible to create the correct voice request. They interfere background noise and his own shortcomings - a quiet voice and speech impediments. In addition, there is a danger that less advanced fellow citizens may mistake you for a madman shouting into the telephone and talking to himself. However, over time this may become the norm, and conversations with a robot lady in a minibus will become the norm.

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All you have to do is run the program and allow it to work on your computer or laptop; it’s absolutely free.

How to install and enable OK Google in Chrome

At the beginning of the service’s existence, to use voice search you had to separately download and install it on Google Chrome extension GNow Voice Search. Now this is not required, the application is already built into the browser, however, by default it is turned off.

If you have old version browser needs to be updated Google Chrome to the latest version.

In the “Search” section, check the box next to “Enable voice search OK Google.” To disable the feature, uncheck...

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New service Okey Google on your computer will make searching easier. Find out how to install and use the Okay Google service on your PC, as well as what features this voice search from Google has.

Not so long ago, during the next major update search engine Google has introduced a new unique opportunity voice search using regular microphone connected to the computer. Of course, this function will only be useful to those who have a microphone on their computer, and there are many such users. This function was developed to facilitate the search process; with it you can specify search query not from the keyboard, but by dictating into the microphone. The service is designed in such a way that it recognizes certain template voice commands, and not any phrases; this will be discussed in more detail below.

At the very beginning, when this service just came out as an open beta, it required separate installation official...

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Android Project It is constantly evolving and new features are appearing, one of which is activating the search with the phrase “ok Google” in some situations this is very convenient, especially since knowing all the voice commands you can not only search for information, but also send SMS, make calls, and much more .

Unfortunately, the “OK Google” service may not work on older versions of Android. Everyone else can activate the search using these instructions.

Google Search

Voice search with the command Okay Google is part of the Google search application, which is usually installed on Android phones by default. But there are devices in which this application is not installed, their owners must first install Google search, link below:

Cost: Free To install manually, go to Play Store, enter the query “search” and select Google search from the results:

After installation, you need to run a Google search.

Voice activation...

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Why “Hey Google” doesn’t work and how to deal with it Geek corner / Tips and guides “Hey Google! Why doesn't “Ok Google” work for me? Voice search from Good Corporation is one of the most effective and useful functions operating room Android systems. First of all, it’s cool - you take out your phone and tell it what to search on the Internet. Secondly, search results are always personalized and highly relevant. And finally, voice responses allow you to receive information without picking up your smartphone or looking at its screen.

But there is one small but quite serious problem. “Okay, Google!” Doesn't work on every device. But this does not mean that you will have to suffer and type search queries yourself!

Why doesn't "Ok Google" work?

The first problem is the lack of a suitable application. A...

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Many people report problems with the operation of Okay Google (including those not in Russia). Okay, Google! Doesn't work on every device. If not, then below is a description of how you can install Okay Google on your computer in just a minute.

"OK Google" is a command to launch voice control in the Google app. Wherein Moto smartphones X devices that have voice control enabled allow you to use this feature without changing your Google app settings.

The first and most important thing is that anyone who wants to get a voice search, activated by the command “Okay, Google!” - special application Google Search for the latest version. After installing and quite simply setting up this application - just agree to all the points on the start screen - voice search will already be available.

You will need to open...

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Google has updated its search system for mobile phones. It's about about the new voice search feature Okay Google. How to set up a search in ok Google, how to enable this application, can I install it on my computer?

Using the “Okay Google” application, the user can now not only set a wide range of voice commands for the system or Internet search, but also receive answers to queries in audio format.

How to install Okay Google?

Installing and launching OK Google on Android, and further work The application is quite simple. Depending on the version of Android, the user should click on the Google search bar or on the microphone next to it and speak one of the available commands into the phone. For the most part, Okay Google queries are simply typed into search bar, in some cases the answer may be spoken by a robot. For example, to the question “Where was Pushkin born?”, the robot will answer you “Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow”, and it will display...

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Many people have probably heard about this application for smartphones, but not everyone knows how to install Okay Google on a computer. And this is very simple, in fact, if you already have Google browser Chrome, then you don’t need to install anything.

Attention: “Ok Google” function on desktop Chrome browsers Disabled from version 46! But, voice search and the commands described below work.

How to enable Okay Google on your computer

To work with Okay Google you will need the Google Chrome browser and a microphone. If you have a laptop, then most likely it already has a built-in microphone.

Let's enable the function itself. It's already built into latest versions Google Chrome. To do this, click on the menu button and go to your browser settings.

In the settings, in the search section, check the box next to “Enable voice search using the command “OK Google.”

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Google Chrome appeared in the browser new feature this is voice search ok Google that is search necessary information on the Internet using your voice and microphone
All you need to do in order to launch ok Google is install the extension and allow it to be used

How to set up ok google

In the Google Chrome browser you need to open the settings

Enable ok Google in Chrome browser settings

In the settings you need to find the paragraph (Personal information) and check the box (Enable voice search using the command “OK, Google”)

Ok Google how to install

You can download OK Google to your laptop or computer

In this store, enter the name of the extension (GNow Voice Search) and press Enter on the keyboard.
Now you need to click the button (+Free) which is located opposite the GNow extension...

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You can use the OK Google voice command to search the Internet and control other Android features devices. But, by default, this function only works in the Google Now application. In order for this voice command to work in any application, you need to make some changes to the settings. Now you will learn how to enable Ok Google on Android.

To enable the OK Google voice control feature, open the Google Now application. In most cases, this application is opened using a swipe from the on-screen home button. On Samsung smartphones, to open Google Now, you need to press the mechanical “Home” button, and then press the Google button at the bottom of the screen.

After opening the Google Now application, you need to click on the button that opens the side menu. It is located in the upper left corner of the screen.

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Hey Google isn't just about voice search!

From television advertising, one might assume that the famous "OK Google" is the ability to specify a search query by voice. On computers, if you install the Google Chrome browser, you will also have this option - voice search.

But for owners of smartphones and tablets running Android OS, “OK Google” provides much more options. "Okay Google" on Android allows you to control your smartphone using voice commands. You can call, send SMS and email without touching the touchscreen - completely or almost completely hands-free!

  • Call a person from the phone book.
  • Send SMS to a subscriber from the phone book.
  • Send Whatsapp message.
  • Send short email to the subscriber from the phone book.
  • Check the weather.
  • Launch the application.
  • Open the site.
  • Find out the result of calculations (for example, 2 multiplied by 189).
  • Find out the translation of a foreign word. Or translation from native to foreign.

This is not a complete list. And besides this, “Ok Google” allows you to use voice input of text, instead of typing this text on the keyboard. That is, for example, you can dictate a full e-mail letter.

Terms hint

  • Tap, tap- short finger touch touch screen. Similar to left clicking on a computer.
  • Long tap - touch with finger holding. Similar to right-clicking on a computer.
  • Swipe- movement of a finger (or several) on the touch screen. By swiping, for example, you scroll the contents of the screen by mobile devices. Or conclusion additional panels controls (swipe from the top or side edge of the screen).

How to enable voice control on Android

For voice control to work, you must permanent connection to the Internet! While this may work to a limited extent without the Internet, in this case the quality of your voice recognition will be so poor that it will be virtually impossible to use voice control.

The Google app is most often already installed in those versions of Android used by smartphone manufacturers. "Synthesizer Google speech"Smartphone manufacturers install less frequently.

It is not difficult to check their presence on your device. Open "" and scroll through the list of applications:

If " Google app"is not in this list, then you need to install it from the Play Store.

Check whether it is installed or not speech synthesizer You can also do it through the settings (" Settings - Personal - Data - Language and input") there should be two options " Voice input " And " Speech synthesis":

If both the "Google App" and "Speech Synthesizer" are installed, then you can enable voice control in the settings.

First in the section " Settings - Device - Applications“You need to make sure that the “Google Application” is not disabled. And if it is disabled, then enable it.

After that, in the section " Settings - Personal Data -Google"open settings screen" Search andGoogle Now":

This is what the screen looks like:

Then open the "Okay Google Recognition" screen. Here you need to specify the settings for "OK ​​Google Recognition":

  • From the active "Google application". First, you will need to manually launch this application, for example with a shortcut from the Desktop, and then you can execute voice command.
  • If you enable the option " On any screen", then you can perform a voice command at any time, when the screen is on. Even on the lock screen. You will only need to say the phrase "Ok Google" to activate voice assistant Google.

Voice typing (voice text)

If you tap on this icon, it will open the voice recognition screen:

However, the program adds spaces before these characters! Voice dialing The text is absolutely real, but you will have to correct the dictated text manually. Unfortunately, the program cannot yet separate paragraphs; this will also need to be done manually.

How to download voice control for Android

If your device does not have the required two applications, then you will need to install them through the Google Play Store. This is not difficult at all, just like turning on the “Ok Google” service. However, there is one non-obvious aspect to this issue. This is the integration of the "Ok Google" service into graphical shell devices (launcher), so that Google voice search is convenient to use.

There are launchers in which the “Okay Google” service is already integrated, for example the Chinese “Launcher 3”, which is particularly used in custom Android called Freeme OS. However, not all launchers integrate the service. voice assistant"Okay Google."

And if your device has just such a launcher (Launcher), then it makes sense for you to try the launcher from Google, which is called "Google Start". This launcher integrates not only the voice control “OK Google”, but also another technology of the company - “Google Now”. At the same time, the launcher itself is very simple and compact - nothing superfluous.

The "OK Google" voice assistant, by default, in this launcher, is available on the start screen and on the "Google Now" screen. However, you can configure settings to make voice control available on any screen, including app screens and the lock screen.

Start screen luncher" Google Start":

Google Now screen in Google Start launcher:

Application screen in the Google Start launcher:

She tells jokes, you can play cities with her. Uses the entire Google voice framework (synthesizer and speech recognition).

Alice Yandex uses its own speech synthesizer (not Google's, unlike Dusi and Sobesednitsa). There are no settings in the program. Speech recognition is good. Be that as it may, we must make allowances for the fact that this is the “youngest” program of this type. As far as I know, it was released only in 2017. Considering the seriousness of the developer, it can be assumed that it may have a good future.

Microsoft Cortana. Yes, Cortana is also available for Android. However, she only understands English and speaks only English herself. At the same time, its set of commands is smaller than in “Okay Google”. Cortana has the functionality of an interlocutor, but its interlocutor is useless. She does not shine with intelligence and a sense of humor. For example, to the request “OK Google”, Cortana responds trivially - “Google is ok, but this is Cortana”. But the main problem This is of course English. You need to have pretty good American pronunciation for her to understand you. It’s easier with short phrases, but long phrases (for notes, SMS, etc.) are difficult for her to dictate.

Cortana cannot be installed directly. First you need to install "Microsoft Apps" and from this application you can install Cortana. You will need a Microsoft account!

High-speed Internet

In order to use voice control normally, your smartphone must have a stable and high-speed Internet connection. If the connection is slow or unstable, then it will not be controllable, but a hassle.

Ivan Sukhov, 2016, 2017 .

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Google Assistant is designed to help us all exist in a futuristic utopia, where permanent assistants would always be at our fingertips. But instead many Android users We found that the function kept asking us to repeat the phrase "Okay Google", and did not give any results in return.

But you shouldn't despair, there are several simple ways fixes for this problem that will allow you to return personal assistant V working condition. Therefore, in today’s article we will tell you in detail how to enable, configure, and also what to do if Okay Google does not work on your Android phone.

How to enable and configure Okay Google on Android?

  • To activate the voice assistant, you need to go to the menu "Settings", and then follow the instructions as in the image below.
  • After this, you need to activate the option so that after pronouncing the phrase "Okay Google" results for your query were displayed.

What to do if ok Google doesn't work on your Android phone?

Solution #1. Check your language settings

If Google Assistant isn't responding to your queries, it's most likely because you're speaking the wrong language. English language will be the default language for many users, so you should go to the menu "Settings" and, if necessary, change it to another.

  • Go to the Google app and then to the main menu, then open "Settings"> "Voice Search", and then select "Russian Russia)" from the menu "Languages".
First, check that the default language is set to Russian (Russia).

Updating your language pack may also solve your problem. From the same menu "Voice Search" go to "Offline speech recognition" and download or update your language pack in Russian (Russia).

Make sure your offline languages ​​are up to date.

Solution #2. Check the microphone on your device

As voice system Google Assistant uses continuous access to your smartphone's microphone. When you open the Google app, the microphone icon on the right side of the search bar should be bold, with fully formed lines. If in your case there is a dotted line on the microphone, then most likely the microphone of your smartphone is not working.

Sometimes applications running in background, create interference that may prevent the microphone from working, so close all unnecessary processes and applications. If this doesn't help, check your microphone settings in the Google app.

Solution #3. Disable S Voice or Bixby if your device is Samsung

It looks like Google Assistant (and more) old Google Now) are not compatible with Bixby (or the old S Voice app) on Samsung phones. If you have a Samsung with Bixby or S Voice installed and would rather use voice instead Google Assistant, the best option You may want to disable Bixby or S Voice on your device. To do this, simply find the S Voice or Bixby app icon and then go to "Settings" and select "Disable".

Solution #4. Activate voice recognition option

This may be pointing out the obvious, but Google Assistant requires Wi-Fi or mobile data, so make sure your device is connected to the Internet.

In addition, it never hurts to restart your smartphone - sometimes it really helps. Last but not least, check if the feature is actually enabled.

  • To do this, open the Google app and then its main menu, then open "Settings" > "Voice Search" > “Recognition OK Google”. From there, enable the feature "From Google App".

Activate the "From Google App" item in the menu Google settings Assistant.

How to download voice search ok google?

Below is the official source that will allow you to download the voice assistant ok google on android.