How to make a Google form to collect information. Quick start in Google Forms

Of course, you can create a survey on the site using plugins, for example, but many webmasters do not want to install unnecessary plugins if they can do without them: they increase the load on the site and, accordingly, the site load time increases, and search engines do not like this.

This is especially true for such powerful plugins as the mentioned WP-Polls.

In addition, I strongly suspect that Google will be very supportive of you using its services to increase the interactivity of your site.

2. Setting the desired language

This section applies only to those who, when opening Google Docs, will have a language other than Russian. If you open it in Russian, you can skip this section.

So, go to Google Docs You should see this page:

The page should be in Russian, but if it also opens in an incomprehensible language for you (for me, for example, for some reason it was in Slovenian, although all other Google services are in Russian), then you need to go to the settings (Fig. 1, right arrow ), a list of commands will appear:


You need to click on the fourth line and in the “Settings” page that opens, select the desired language, and then click the “Save” button (rightmost at the bottom of the page).

3.Creating a new poll (voting)

In Fig. 1, the left arrow points to the “Create” button, click on it. A list of commands will appear:



Despite the small size of the page, it is fraught with many possibilities, so we will be here for quite a long time: I will try to show different options for using it, and you can see the results in a sample survey at the end of the article.

Column "New form". Here you enter the name of the survey, for example, “What do you think about this article?”

In the next window you can provide explanatory information. It will be written in gray on the website. Explanation is often necessary and very helpful.

Column "Question title". Here we enter the question that interests us, there is nothing tricky here.

Column “Explanation”: in these columns I will indicate which answer to this question I chose.

The column “Type of question” is formulated poorly: it is rather the type of answers, i.e. How exactly the answer options for questions will be displayed. There are various options, some we will look at so that you can understand what they look like, and some we will skip because of their simplicity.

In the first question, I chose the answer type - “One from a list”; regular radio buttons are used there, allowing you to give only one answer. You can see what it looks like at the end of the article.

We will not consider the columns “Text” and “Text (paragraph)”: they look like a window where you need to enter the answer, they differ only in size.

The type of questions (answers) “Several from the list” was used in question 2,

"Drop-down list" - in the third question,

“Scale” - in the fourth question,

“Grid” is in the fifth question.

Look and choose the answer option that suits you best.

After you have chosen the type of question, you need to determine whether the answer to this question will be mandatory or not and, if necessary, put a tick in the checkbox (next to the “Done” button). Then click on this button, thereby completing the entry of the first question. If necessary, you can always change, edit, delete it; below we will see how this is done.

Let's move on to the second question. Its creation is somewhat different from both the first and subsequent ones.


In order to submit a second question, you must first click on the “Change” button (Fig. 5). This column will open and become exactly the same as the first question. It must be filled out exactly as before. I don’t know why it was done this way, I’m confused, but apparently some thought came to the Googlers and they implemented it like this.

If you do not want to do exactly as I wrote above, then you need to completely delete this question by clicking on the “Delete” button. Otherwise, this second question will continue to hang around in your survey and exactly as you see it. In addition, this type of question editing will be useful to you later when editing the necessary questions and the survey as a whole.

The third question of our questionnaire (like all subsequent ones) is filled out differently. First of all, you need to click on the “Add element” button:


In the drop-down list of commands, you must immediately select the type of answers and you will see a form that is already familiar to us for filling out the elements of the question.

And what is indicated in Fig. 6 at the very bottom - “Section Heading” and “Page Break”?

The first is if you group questions according to some criteria and you need to somehow highlight this group of questions. You create a poll (voting) section and place these questions in it. Questions related to another topic can be posted in another section, etc. It is clear that in this case you may end up with a too long list, which can be divided into smaller pages using the “Page Break”.

Having formulated all the necessary questions, you must click on the “Save” button. Now we can see what we got. In Fig. 6 at the top there is a “View answers” ​​button. By clicking on it, you will see your survey as it will look on the website:


You may immediately think that the white background color does not really suit the style of the site. This can be fixed. And you will immediately think: “Eh, I should have formulated this question like this, but in this case, it would be better to have a different type of answer, etc.” J. Maybe a little later, but you will still come to the conclusion that you need to edit the survey. We will now look at how to do this.

4.How to edit (change, remove) a survey

Go to the main page of Google Docs:


Here it is, our created survey. Click on it and a page with a survey will open in a new tab:


This sign will be seen only by you and those to whom you grant access. With its help, it is good to analyze answers to questions. By the way, visitors will see other reports.

Click on “Form” (arrow), a command window will appear:



Now, when you hover the cursor over a question, it will turn yellow and the buttons will become visible (on the right side). You have already seen them (Fig. 5), so feel free to click on the pencil (“Edit”) and this question will open for editing (as in Fig. 4). Edit, save and enjoy life.

By the way, here you can change both the name of the survey and its description.

And here you can change the appearance of the survey. Now we will deal with these.

5.Changing the appearance of the survey

If you look at the top part of Fig. 11, then next to the “Add element” button you will see another one - “Theme: Plain”. Click on it and you will see thumbnails with topics:


There are 97 such topics in total and you can choose something suitable for yourself. But I want to warn you right away that if there is a drawing on the miniature, it will also be on the site, and these drawings are not small at all. Click on the thumbnail and you can see what the survey will look like. If this survey design suits you, then you need to click the “Apply” button (above) and you can start posting the survey on the site.

You can designate the survey to be placed anywhere on your site. We will begin our review by placing a poll (voting) in one article.

Figure 11 at the top shows the “More Actions” button (closer to the right edge). By clicking on it, you will see a list of commands; we need the “Embed” command. By clicking on it, we will see a pop-up window:


By the way, this window can be called in another way: in the table (Fig. 9), you must first click on the “Form” tab, and then on the “Embed form in web page” link and you will see the same pop-up window with the code (Fig. 13).

This code must be copied and pasted into the desired place in the article (the article must already be uploaded to the site, even if it has not been published). Since this article has not yet been completed, I will show it on the test site.

Open the article edit, go to the HTML tab and place the copied code in the right place. I posted it after the article (the same will be done on the novichkoff blog).


Click the “Update” button and go to the website to see what we got:


Oh, how ugly it turned out - the survey climbed onto the sidebar. It would be necessary to make it narrower and not so high (the bottom of the survey is not visible in the screenshot). To do this, we need to slightly change the code we copied and posted. If you look at Fig. 14, you will find that the width of the survey (width parameter) is 760 pixels, and the height (height) is 997 pixels. You need to set the width to the same as in the main part of the site (look at the width of the content in CSS or try it scientifically), and the height to your taste. It should look something like this:


If you have created a survey that is suitable for placement in all articles, you can place it, for example, in a suitable place in the single.php file or in the sidebar.

To place a survey in the sidebar, we need a “Text” widget. Drag it to the “Sidebar” section, write a title and paste the copied code:


We save the widget and look at the website to see what we got:


Everything is fine at the top of the survey, but what about at the bottom?


Please note that the “Grid” element did not fit completely, and this is despite the fact that I have a fairly wide sidebar. This means that this element should be used only when placing a survey not in the sidebar, but on the page, under the content. Or we need to edit the survey: we need to reduce the width and height of the survey here. But we already know how to do all this.

If we now put some answers to the questions in our survey and click the “Done” button, then we will see this message:


I don't really like this message. First, instead of a dry “Your answer has been recorded” message, you can thank the survey participant for expressing their opinion. Secondly, I didn’t like the “Send another reply” link, which means that each visitor can participate many times, distorting the picture of opinions. Alas, we can’t do anything here - that’s how the Google survey works. Thirdly, there is nowhere to look at the voting results. We will now address the first and third shortcomings.

8. Changing vote confirmation

We go to the page for editing the survey form (if you forgot how to do this, return to section 4 of this article). Click on the “Additional actions” button and then on the “Change confirmation” link:


You will see a popup window:


In the main window you can change the text, and if you check the “Publish a summary of answers” ​​checkbox, the results of the previous vote will be shown to the visitor on your site:



I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the voting results will appear in the same place as the survey itself, i.e. if you place it in the sidebar, the results will open there and will be very inconvenient to view. Here again you need to edit the survey to achieve the desired size.

Of course, there is a little editing, but you can ensure that the survey matches the style of your site as much as possible.

9. Advantages and disadvantages of polls (votings) made using Google Docs.

I would include the undoubted advantages of this method of creating surveys:

  • No need to place plugins on the site,
  • Storing survey information and processing it on a third-party server, which greatly reduces the load,
  • A good selection of question types, you can choose the most suitable one for a given question,
  • A more favorable attitude of search bots towards your site.

I would consider the following disadvantages of working with Google Docs:

  • The need to edit the survey code,
  • 97 design options, although a lot, will seem insufficient to many; I would like to be able to add my own design options,
  • There is no way to edit the design of voting results, which makes it almost impossible to use them in sidebars,
  • The ability for one user to send a large number of replies.

As a summary, I can note that I personally liked such surveys and will use them in articles from time to time. This is my opinion.

In this article I’ll tell you how the Google Form service can help you create a questionnaire from scratch. The new platform has become popular, and not surprisingly, creating surveys and tracking statistics is very easy. Modern companies use this tool, including Avon and numerous dating sites.

Google Form: create a questionnaire, step by step instructions

To create a questionnaire on Google Forms, you need to go through several steps; go to the service itself using this link. There is no price for the service, it is completely free. Press the big blue button.

When working, you need a Google account.

We choose the standard one, we will work with it. Or click the big red plus sign in the lower right corner.

Now you need to write a description and title.

  • We write the title and description.
  • Add an element, click and look further.
  • Question and description.
  • Select the response type, I chose one from the list. There are many options, if you want to ask, leave a text.
  • I don’t know what this check box is for.
  • Enter the answer options, one per line.
  • Click done, don’t worry, the Google form can be corrected at any time.
  • Please mark if the question is required to be answered.
  • Add next element.
  • There are two interesting options: 1- change the theme; when you click, design options will appear in the right column. When you click on 2, a preview will appear in a new tab.

    We set up sending for Google questionnaires and create a form on the website

  • You can copy and send the link to the questionnaire so that it is not cumbersome, you can click on “Short url”.
  • In the field we write the email addresses, one per line, to which the shipment will be sent.
  • Message text.
  • Send by clicking.
  • The embed button allows you to insert the form on websites, or send it via HTML email. Click and go to the next screenshot.
  • We can copy the Google Form code itself to create a questionnaire on your website.
  • Set the width and height.
  • Click ready, and the code is automatically copied to the clipboard, now you can paste it.
  • To send out html code en masse, use modern mailing services; simply inserting it into a letter will not work, even through mozila thunderbird. I will send out a newsletter on the participant’s profile for my competition.

    Google takes care of cross-browser compatibility of its applications, making them as simple as possible. To insert the code into an article, you need to go to the “text” tab in the WordPress editor and copy it. After all the manipulations you will see the result. And there is no need to do these operations to order.

    That's all, I showed how Google Form helps you create a questionnaire and insert it on your website, or send it by letter. I look forward to your advice in the comments, good luck.

    P.S. In conclusion, a detailed video on the topic.

    Surely, you, dear readers, have more than once encountered filling out an online Google form when taking a survey, registering for an event or ordering services. After reading this article, you will learn how easy it is to create these forms and you will be able to independently organize and complete any surveys, promptly receiving responses to them.

    To start working with survey forms, you must be logged in to Google.

    On the main page of the search engine, click the icon with squares.

    Click "More" and "Other Google services", then select "Forms" under "Home and office" or simply go to. If this is your first time creating a form, review the presentation and click Open Google Forms.

    1. A field will open in front of you, which will contain all the forms that you created. Click on the round button with a red plus to create a new shape.

    2. On the Questions tab, enter the form title and a short description in the top lines.

    3. Now you can add questions. Click on "Untitled Question" and enter your question. You can add an image to a question by clicking on the icon next to it.

    If you chose a survey format, come up with answer options in the lines under the question. To add an option, click the link of the same name

    To add a question, click “+” under the form. As you have already noticed, a separate answer type is specified for each question.

    If necessary, click on "Required Answer". Such a question will be marked with a red asterisk.

    All questions in the form are created using this principle. Any change is instantly saved.

    Form settings

    There are several settings at the top of the form. You can set the color scheme of the form by clicking on the palette icon.

    An icon of three vertical dots—additional settings. Let's look at some of them.

    In the "Settings" section, you can give the ability to change answers after submitting the form and enable the answer scoring system.

    Be careful, different links are used for respondents and editors!

    This, in a nutshell, is how Google Forms are created. Play with the settings to create a shape that is unique and best suits your application.

    The holiday is approaching - International Women's Day. Let's prepare for it in advance. You can congratulate girls and women in an original way by using the postcard services discussed below.

    You can use the same services that we used for. Ready-made postcard services Create a postcard for March 8 online

    Use the following services to create a postcard practically from scratch.

  • Canva is a well-known functional photo editor. Here you will find many templates. Registration required.
  • Printclick If you have your own business, then you can order a batch of postcards with the logo and contacts of your company. You can use the princlick postcard generator. Great promotion and inexpensive.
  • Crello is an editor that requires registration. Don't be afraid of the English language, you can switch to Russian in the settings.
  • An online postcard is for those who have a well-developed imagination, since you will have to create a postcard from scratch.
  • Mumotiki - prepare a beautiful picture, and you can add a congratulatory text here. By the way, if you just need to add text to a picture, then you can check out.
  • I hope that by using one of these generators, you will be able to adequately congratulate your ladies on March 8th!

    Author: Ivanova Natalya 2019-02-17

    The content of the article:

    Google Plus is being closed The Google Plus platform did not live up to the hopes of the developers and will be completely removed on April 2, 2019. Along with it, the albums associated with it in Google Photos will disappear, and authorization on sites with a Google Plus account will become unavailable. As of February 4, the function of creating Google Plus profiles, channels and pages has become unavailable. If valuable content was stored on your account, then you can download a backup copy.
    The changes will most affect bloggers who run their blogs on Blogspot. Some G+ widgets, G+ comments, and your Google + profile will no longer be available. This is stated in the notification in the Blogger admin area:
    Following the announcement that the Google+ API will be decommissioned in March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger's integration with Google+ on February 4th.
    Google+ Widgets. Blog designs will no longer support the +1 Button, Google+ Followers, and Google+ Badge widgets. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
    +1 buttons. The +1 and G+ buttons will be removed, as will the "Publish to Google+" links under blog posts and in the navigation bar.
    Please note that if you are using a custom template that has Google+ features, it may need to be modified. Please contact the person who provided you with this template for recommendations.
    Google+ Comments. Support for comments using Google+ will be discontinued, and all blogs that use this feature will be restored to standard Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted via Google+ cannot be transferred to Blogger, so they will no longer appear on your blog. Deleting Google Plus comments Unfortunately, comments that were published in the system will be deleted permanently. You can only use the same tool to say backup comments from Google+ to your computer. Only there is no bootloader for it and you can only restore comments manually in a rather crooked way. It’s good that I was on time in due time. How to replace a Google Plus profile with a Blogger profile If you are blogging on Blogspot, then it is advisable to now return from the Google Plus profile to the Blogger profile (for those who switched to Google Plus at one time). I recommend doing this right now to avoid unexpected situations that may occur when deleting Google Plus accounts. How to get your Blogger profile back. This is easy to do in the Blogger admin settings:
    Settings –> User Settings –> User Profile – here select Blogger

    Save your changes.

    Confirm the transition to and enter your name or nickname.

    Don't forget to upload an avatar on your Blogger profile.

    How to delete a Google Plus profile If you decide to get rid of your G+ profile once and for all, then go to your Google Plus page -> Settings -> scroll to the bottom of the page -> delete Google Plus account:

    Author: Ivanova Natalya

    Today I’ll tell you what CSS3 is, what it’s used with, where to look for it, and how to write it correctly. I warn you, I will tell from myself, simplified for the general public, as I see it + examples. So, let's start from afar.
    CSS are styles in which the properties of an object are written. This means that they are in all existing engines, if you cannot find them, then either you are looking in the wrong place, or they really do not exist ( crooked site). Where are they usually found? Usually this is the root of the site, the name of the style.css file, although, in principle, the name is not as important as the .css extension if the file with such an extension is a style file.
    See also on my blog.

    Where to look for them? The path to the file is assigned in the template between