About the square root sign. Historical information about a math tutor. Root as indicated in the computer

A number of users who actively work with mathematics, statistics and other exact sciences may need to type the root symbol √ on the keyboard. At the same time, there is no image of such a symbol on any of the keyboard buttons, and the user wonders: how to do this? In this material I will help such users, I will tell you how to write a root on the keyboard, I will explain what methods exist for this, and how to indicate the root of 3,4,5 degrees on the keyboard.

Writing the root on the computer

How to put the square root sign on the keyboard

Many users, when deciding how to write a root on a PC keyboard, use the surrogate symbol “^” located on the 6 key at the top of the keyboard (activated by switching to the English layout, pressing the Shift key and the “6” button at the top).

Some users also use the letter combination sqrt (square root), cbrt (cube root), and so on.

At the same time, although these are fast, they are not sufficient techniques. To set the root sign normally, do the following:

If you don’t know how to enter a dog from the keyboard, then you definitely need to read the detailed instructions for entering it, since when typing E-mail you cannot do without the dog sign.

How to write a root on the keyboard using a symbol table

An alternative to this option is to use a special symbol table available in the Windows OS.

  1. Click on "Start", then select "All Programs";
  2. Then “Standard”, then “Service”, where select “Character table”.
  3. There, find the root sign √, click on it, click on the “Select” button, then “Copy” and copy it into the text you need using the Ctrl + V keys.

symbol table

The Word text editor (as well as Excel) also has a corresponding symbol table that can be used for our tasks. You can find it by going to the “Insert” tab and clicking on “Symbol” on the right, and then clicking on “Other symbols” just below, this will help you in solving the issue of writing a root in Word.

You can also use the “Formula” option in the “Insert” tab according to the algorithm described in this video.

How to write the 3rd, 4th, 5th root on the keyboard

At the same time, the question may also arise about how to write the square root on the keyboard and others like them.

For example, the root of 3,4,5 degrees on the keyboard can be written like this:

3√X (instead of the number 3 you can use the corresponding designation from the symbol table (³)

At the same time, despite the fact that the system has an image of the cube root ∛ and the fourth root ∜, it will not be possible to type them using Alt and the number keys. This is only possible using HTML decimal codes (∛ and ∜) and Unicode hex codes (∛ and ∜). For me, it is better to use the forms of notation that I described just above.


In this material, I described different options for how to write a root on the keyboard of your computer. The most impatient can use the ^ sign, but it would be more accurate and correct to use the key combination Alt+251 and put the root sign as it is designated in accordance with the generally accepted symbol standard.


How to write the square root sign on the keyboard

Click the mouse on the area of ​​the text you are editing where you need to place this symbol. Press the Alt button and, without releasing it, on the numeric keypad (the area with number keys located relative to each other in a square), type 251, then release the Alt key.

If everything is done correctly, the required icon should appear in the input line. Otherwise, check to see if your numeric keypad is turned on (it's turned on and off by pressing the Num Lock key, and most keyboards have a Num Lock LED indicator).

Using the symbol table

Open the Start panel (bottom left corner of the screen) and find the Symbol Table in the list of programs (you can do this using the search tool, which is located at the bottom of the panel in Windows 7 and below, or in the upper right corner in Windows 8 and above).

Open it and find the icon we are interested in in the table (it is located towards the end of the list). Double-click on it so that it appears in the input line below. Copy it from there using the Copy button or the Ctrl-C combination (the sign will appear on your clipboard), then paste it into the text you need using the Ctrl-V combination or by right-clicking and selecting Paste from the pop-up menu.

Inserting a sign in Microsoft Word

Open your Microsoft Word and create or download the document you need. Place the cursor at the place where you want to insert the symbol and left-click on this area. At the top, select the Insert tab and find the Symbols column on the right. Click on it and in the list that opens, find the root sign, then click on it. If you did everything correctly, the symbol will appear in the document in the place where you previously placed the mouse cursor.

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How to write a root on the keyboard?

From time to time we are faced with the fact that we need to add a certain character to the text, but it is not available on the keyboard. No problem, because the icons use a symbol table. Symbols, in turn, can be written by pressing certain keys on the keyboard. Today we will learn to print the square root sign.

Make sure that the numbers on the right side of the keyboard are enabled. To enable numbers, you need to press the Num Lock button.

Once the numbers are enabled, you will need to press the ALT key and type the number 251 on the numeric keypad you just enabled. That is, you hold down the ALT key and, while holding it, type the sequence of numbers 251, after which you release the ALT key.

A square root icon will appear in front of you.

If you have a keyboard without additional numbers on the right side or you have a small laptop, you will additionally have to press the Fn button.

If nothing works for you, click on the “Start” button, then select “All Programs”, “Accessories”, “System Tools”, “Character Table”. When the symbol table opens, you will need to find the square root sign. Select it, then click the “Select” button, and then “Copy”. Copy the sign to the desired location.

As you can see, nothing complicated.


How to put root on the keyboard

You definitely need to know about how to set the root on the keyboard if you want this character to be placed in the test. Try to do it in a very simple way. You can open the on-screen table and place the specified mathematical symbol in the required place. This is easy to do. In addition to the given symbol, other necessary symbols are established in this way. After selecting the square root icon, be sure to click the “Insert” button, which is located in the table itself. As a result, the sign will be displayed in the text. If you want to quickly find it in the table, you need to go to the special section “Mathematical Symbols”. You already know how to write a root on the keyboard using this method. As you can see, it's very simple and fast.


Do you want to know how to put root on the keyboard in the Word text editor? We recommend using the special menu “Insert” - “Symbol”. If you need to install this sign, select its code - 221A. In this case, it does not matter at all whether you set the letter to English or Russian. By the way, it is worth considering that the set of provided characters in your operating system will directly depend on the font, which is specified in the section of the same name. Although it happens that in some variants the square root may not appear.

Manual assignment. Detailed description

If you know the square root code, you can instantly paste it into a text editor. Almost every application of this type has a special field that is designed to insert combinations for special characters. By the way, you cannot install a root on the keyboard without an auxiliary table or service, since there are no such keys, but if desired, they are assigned by the user himself in the system settings. Please note that then other notations will not work.


If you need to write, for example, technical text, the question arises: “how to write characters that are not on the keyboard?” One such symbol is the root or radical.

You've probably noticed that many sites use this designation. And this is not surprising, because all text editors without exception have such capabilities, and to be more precise, the essence of the issue lies precisely in the keyboard.

How to write a root on the keyboard? - everything is very simple! Although the “root” sign is not located on the keyboard, you can still write it: there is not just one, but several ways to do this. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Method No. 1. Using keyboard hot keys (Alt code, i.e. the first key in the code is Alt).
  • Method No. 2. Using code 10 (HTML code).
  • Method number 3. Using Code 16 (Unicode).

Note! In order to use method No. 1, you must press and hold the Alt key, and then begin entering a numeric code using the additional numeric keys (located on the right side of the keyboard).

Before entering a numeric code, make sure the numeric keys are turned on (the NumLk indicator should be lit). You don’t have to enter the 10th and 16th codes, but simply copy them from the table and paste them in the place where you need them.

√ Square root Alt + 251 √ √∛ Cube root - ∛ ∛∜ Fourth root - ∜ ∜

Now you know how to write a root on the keyboard - to do this you need to remember the combination "Alt+251". More precisely, you need to hold down the Alt key, then press 2, 5, 1 on the number keys and release Alt.

If you did everything correctly, a root sign will appear on the screen. It looks like this: √ (you can also just copy it from here). This way you can write a variety of other emoticons yourself in Word and other text editors.

You can also use the Google search engine. To do this, simply enter into the search what you are looking for (for example, a root sign), and then simply copy it.

If you have any problems (your laptop does not have number keys on the right, etc.), just click Start and go to the symbol table. Depending on Windows, the symbol table may be located either in the Applications section or in the Standard section.

You needed to write some technical text related to mathematics, and you wondered - how to write characters that are not on the standard keyboard layout? For example, the root sign, which is also called a radical. You've probably noticed this designation on many websites. And this is not surprising, because even a standard notepad is able to display it. How to find the root on the keyboard? You will be surprised, but it is very simple!

Method No. 1. Use Alt key and number pad

To use this method, make sure that your keyboard has a number pad (on the right or combined with letters) and that the NumLock indicator is lit. If it is not lit, turn it on using the NumLock/NumLk key.

On laptops or compact keyboards, you may also need to hold down the Fn key; you can learn more about this from the instructions for your laptop. So, to type the root sign on the keyboard, you need to hold down the Alt key and sequentially enter the numbers 2, 5 and 1 on the number pad, and then release the pressed key.

If you did everything correctly, a radical sign will appear on the screen. This is the easiest way to write a root on the keyboard. But what if you need the cube or fourth root? Unfortunately, this cannot be done in the same way, but it can be done in other ways, but they only work in the browser, when creating articles for websites. We'll talk about them a little below.

Method No. 2. If your keyboard doesn't have a number pad

If it so happens that your keyboard does not have a number pad and there is no way to write the root on the keyboard using the first method - do not despair! You can also use any search engine and, by entering the “root sign” into it, you will get a symbol that can already be copied into your article.

If you do not have the Internet, then you can use the standard Windows application - the symbol table. It's very easy to find. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, find the "Accessories" folder in it, and in it - the "System" folder. You can also press the Win+R key combination and enter charmap.exe in the field that opens and press Enter. This method applies not only to the root symbol, but also to others.

Method number 3. Use decimal code (HTML code)

This method also does not require entering numbers from the number pad. To add a square, cube or fourth root to your article in this way, you need to type these sequences of symbols and numbers on your keyboard:

  • √ - for square root;
  • ∛ - for cube root

Method No. 4. Use hexadecimal code (Unicode)

This method is used extremely rarely due to its impracticality, but it would be an omission not to mention it. Who knows when it will come in handy. If the site where your article will be located uses Unicode (although UTF-8 has long been widely used), you can use these sequences:

  • √ - for square root;
  • ∛ - for cube root;
  • ∜ - for a root of the fourth degree.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the question of how to find the square root on the keyboard. Now you know four ways to write it, as well as the cubic or fourth root.

Sometimes working with Microsoft Word documents goes beyond normal typing, fortunately, the program’s capabilities allow this. We have already written about creating tables, graphs, charts, adding graphic objects, and the like. We also talked about inserting symbols and mathematical formulas. In this article we will look at a related topic, namely, how to put a square root in Word, that is, the usual root sign.

Inserting a root sign follows the same pattern as inserting any mathematical formula or equation. However, a couple of nuances are still present, so this topic deserves detailed consideration.

1. In the document in which you need to put the root, go to the tab "Insert" and click in the place where this sign should be.

2. Click on the button "An object" located in the group "Text".

3. In the window that appears in front of you, select “Microsoft Equation 3.0”.

4. The mathematical formula editor will open in the program window, and the appearance of the program will completely change.

5. In the window "Formula" click on the button “Fraction and Radical Patterns”.

6. From the drop-down menu, select the root sign you want to add. The first is the square root, the second is any other higher degree (instead of the “x” sign you can enter the degree).

7. After adding the root sign, enter the required numeric value under it.

8. Close the window "Formula" and click on an empty area of ​​the document to switch to normal operation mode.

The root sign with a digit or number underneath it will be in a field similar to a text field or object field "WordArt", which can be moved around the document and resized. To do this, just pull one of the markers framing this field.

To exit the mode of working with objects, simply click in an empty area of ​​the document.

    Advice: To return to the mode of working with the object and reopen the window "Formula", double-click with the left mouse button in the field in which the object you added is located

That's all, now you know how to add a root sign in Word. Master the new features of this program, and our lessons will help you with this.

Very often, when typing text documents, it becomes necessary to write a character that is not on the keyboard. For example, it is not uncommon to need to write the root or. In this article we will look at several ways to write a root on the keyboard or without using it.

If you just need to put a root sign, then this is done quite simply. To do this, use the key combination ALT+251. This key combination is pressed as follows: first hold down the ALT key on the keyboard, and then, without releasing ALT, type the number 251 on the additional numeric pad (under the Num Lock key).

It should be noted that the number 251 must be dialed on the additional number pad, and Num Lock must be turned on. Otherwise, the ALT+251 key combination will not work. The screenshot below shows an indicator indicating that Num Lock is enabled.

In addition, you can use the Symbol Table program, which is available in any version of Windows. Using this program, you can insert a root sign or any other symbol into the text. To launch the “Character Table”, press Windows-R and in the window that opens, run the command “charmap.exe”.

Or, use the Start menu search and enter the search term “character table.”

After opening the “Symbol Table”, you need to find the root sign, click on the “Select” button, and then on the “Copy” button. As a result, the character you selected will be copied to the clipboard, and you can paste it wherever you want in your text using the CTRL-V key combination or using the Paste command.

If you type text in Word, then you can write the root sign using the built-in formula editor. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab, open the “Formula” menu there and select the “Insert new formula” option.