Why won't my iPad charge from my computer? The iPad does not charge from the computer: instructions for solving the problem. What to do if the error “This accessory is not certified” appears

If your iPad does not charge, this indicates a serious problem. This often happens when severe damage, when the breakdown occurs due to simple user carelessness. This also happens in system failures. It can be difficult to identify the cause of a lack of charge. Diagnostics are required, which will be performed by an experienced technician using professional equipment. If the problem is in the power system, iPad repair may be required. This problem cannot be solved on your own, so it is recommended to contact service center.

Type of service iPad Air 2 iPad Air iPad mini 3 iPad mini 2 iPad mini iPad 4 iPad 3 iPad 2
Diagnostics for free
Problem: iPad won't charge after diagnosis
Main board repair from 2500 from 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from 4000 from 4000 from 4000
Firmware 1500 1000-1500 1500 1500 1000-1500 1000-1500 1000-1500 1000-1500
Replacing the battery (battery) 5000 4500 4500 3000 3000 3500 3500 2500
After exposure to moisture (water, drinks, alcohol) from 2000 from 2000 from 2000 from 1500 from 2000 2000 2000 2000
Replacement and repair of connectors and interfaces 2500 2500 2500 2500 from 1500 from 2500 from 2000 from 2000

The iPad may not charge from the computer, there is nothing to worry about; almost all owners of such a tablet have encountered this problem. But usually the iPad displays the message “No charging” and slowly charges in standby mode. It could also be the computer itself. Not all USB port You can charge this device.

The most common reasons for iPad not charging

Most often, the service center identifies the following reasons for lack of charging:

  • Damaged charging cable. With constant use, the contacts may simply break and move away. No matter how high quality original cable- he is not immune from this. Contacts could break in a clogged bag, and cables are a favorite toy of pets. IN in this case you will have to buy a new original cable.
  • Using non-original Lightning cable. Starting with iPad 4, developers began to implement the Lightning interface. Thanks to it, the iPad uses a microchip to determine whether the cable is original. If not, the tablet will categorically refuse to charge. iOS blocks it (message about not connected certified cable). It will also not charge from the laptop. Therefore, if your cable is broken/lost, you need to buy only the original one. Even if a fake works when purchased, it usually lasts no more than two months.
  • Battery. The battery's resources may be depleted and it may fail. iPad won't turn on or charge, shows no signs of life. If this happens, you need to immediately contact a specialist. The battery needs to be replaced. You can't do this on your own: it's very difficult to open an iPad and it can be easily damaged. To open the case and replace the battery, you will need special tools and equipment.
  • The charging connector is damaged. He could have gotten loose from frequent connection cable and careless handling. The contacts were damaged due to this. It could also be damaged by a power surge. This happens when using low-quality chargers, especially car chargers. In such cases, major repairs are usually required.
  • The power controller has burned out. The reason is also low-quality chargers, voltage drops when charging from the network. Needs renovation.
  • Liquid entering the housing. Irreversible processes may occur. As soon as liquid gets into the iPad, turn it off. Do not disassemble or dry it yourself. This will break him. Show the tablet to the technician, he will examine it and dry it professionally. Please note that this is done using special equipment. A hair dryer and battery will only ruin the tablet completely!
  • Temperature factor. When sudden temperature changes occur, the battery experiences stress. The iPad usually turns off. It's better to bring the iPad into a warm place, wait and connect the charger. If all else fails, diagnostics and repairs will be needed.
  • Impact, fall. Contacts could come loose and hardware parts could be damaged. If the charge does not proceed after an impact, immediately contact a specialist. The matter could be very serious.
  • Software glitches. Crashes in iOS work- Not unusual. Especially if you try to charge from USB. A system restore may be required. An experienced programmer is able to determine the cause of problems and eliminate them.

Solving the problem

If your iPad stops charging, you can't fix it yourself. This mistake leads to catastrophic consequences. If the first symptoms of charging/power problems occur, contact the service center. You will be offered:

The hands of an experienced craftsman will put the iPad in order, and it will charge as before.

Have you ever experienced cases when your iPad, when connected to a computer, reports that “no iPad charging"? If yes, then it is useful for you to read this article on how you can get rid of this problem through the various methods described below. What's going on with the iPad and why does it say: no charging?

We would like to assure you that nothing bad happened to the iPad, it was not broken or glitched, as a rule, the computer or its USB port is the culprit. How and why?

You see, a tablet device needs a little more charging than regular iPhone, and therefore can be recharged from a computer only in complete blocking, when all functions are disabled and do not waste energy. If you use computers MacBook Pro, iMac or Mac Mini, it is unlikely to affect you this problem, since they have more powerful ports and can provide enough energy to charge the iPad, unlike other weaker computers.

The most common USB port is capable of working with devices connected to it, delivering power of no more than 2.5 Watts. By technical requirements such power is not permissible when charging a tablet, since the standard power it requires must provide at least 10 watts.

Therefore, if you still have to recharge your tablet from a computer, then, firstly, do not count on fast speed recharging, secondly, do not turn on the iPad, but rather, keep it locked or in sleep mode. However, you should remember that the tablet will not charge if the computer goes into sleep mode. Naturally, you don’t need to use Wi-Fi or synchronize devices at this time; the iPad can only be charged from the computer in a passive state.

Reasons for iPad not charging

In some cases, the iPad may not charge from a regular charger. What happened? Perhaps the reason for this is a Chinese non-certified charger, which your iPad 4 does not accept and refuses to connect to it, seeing it as a threat.

Starting with the model equipped with iOS 7, Apple has provided protection against uncertified power sources, prohibiting its devices from seeing other chargers that have not passed certification. Therefore, when you try to connect someone else’s or illegal charger, the tablet may write to you: “This cable is not certified” and, accordingly, the device does not charge.

What methods can help solve the iPad charging problem?

1 If you don’t know why your iPad won’t charge, or you don’t have the ability to charge it original charger, you can try the following effective and safe methods. 2 Soak the ear stick in alcohol and squeeze it out, then wipe the socket in the computer where the charging cable is inserted, since the port may be too dusty. 3 Insert the charger as usual, but set it to iPad mode"air". 4 Follow the steps to eliminate the “protect mode” of the iPad. Namely, connect the tablet to charger, however, if a message appears about an uncertified cable, ignore it by closing this window. Press the tablet unlock button. If the same message appears again, close it again. Then, refraining from any unnecessary actions with iPad screen, disconnect the cable and put it back in place. If the charge goes to the tablet, it means you managed to bypass the mode iPad protection from non-certified power sources.

How to speed up iPad charging

If you are in a hurry, and the tablet, unfortunately, charges from the computer very slowly, then you can try to speed up this process with the following manipulations.

Find out how many free ports are on your computer. Keep in mind that the charge coming from them is completely different: one produces a current of about 500 mA, while the other, for example, is capable of delivering up to 900 mA. why is that? The fact is that all ports different power, therefore they distinguish USB ports 3.0 and USB 2.0, and even USB 1.0, hence the different current strengths. Therefore, if you look for a USB 3.0 port on your PC, perhaps moving the charging cable into it, the tablet will charge three times faster. In the future, remember the location of this port on your computer and use it when you are in a hurry.

To others effective way faster recharging tablet device will use a special double USB adapter in the form of a Y-shaped wire. This wire Can use 2 times more energy than normal. Having purchased this cable, you will be able to charge your devices much faster and, accordingly, be on time everywhere.

If possible, install an additional small special utility, which can convert regular USB ports into enhanced mode, while ensuring high power. For example, you can use App Charger or Ai Charger. They are usually downloaded from the website of companies that produce motherboards. At the same time, there you will find out which board models are compatible with the utility you need. Having installed the right utility, you can charge your tablet faster.

As you know, the iPad can be charged either using a charger from the mains or from a personal computer via a connection to a USB port. However, having a right does not always mean the practical ability to realize it.

Users often ask why, when connecting an iPad to a laptop or desktop PC, a message appears indicating that the battery is not charging? Did the store really give you an unusable tablet? Don’t rush to run to a phone shop and write a complaint. Most likely, the reason is in the personal computer itself from which you are trying to charge the iPad.

Why won't my iPad charge from my computer?

The thing is that during the charging process the device consumes quite a bit. more power and not everyone Personal Computer able to meet such high requirements.

If you have a production computer Apple no older than 2011 – problems with charging tablet computer should not arise. New Mac computers equipped with a specially adapted USB interface for connecting and charging iPad tablets.

If you do not have a Mac, but a regular PC based on the operating system Windows systems, standard USB connectors may not be powerful enough to charge your iPad.

Usually, system unit Has multiple USB outputs on the front or rear panel. All these interfaces can be different types and, accordingly, can produce different current strengths. Just try to find the most powerful USB connector. Perhaps during the experiment, the iPad will throw out a notification on one of the outputs that charging has started successfully.

To reduce the load, charge tablets only in sleep mode. To put it into sleep mode, you need to lock the tablet tap. If after this the device does not want to charge, you will have to look for more sophisticated ways to solve the problem.

In fact, it would be best to charge directly from the electrical network, connecting through a special adapter. Resort to mediation desktop computer or a laptop is only advisable in cases where you don’t have a special charger at hand or you are somewhere in a remote area. For example, let's go to the dacha. There is a laptop there, but my wife forgot to put the charger in her backpack. Or is completely absent from the place electrical network and you need to recharge the iPad at least a little from the laptop battery.

Install a utility to increase the current on USB

Knowing about such user problem, many manufacturers computer equipment developed special programs, which allow you to increase the power of the energy flow via the USB interface to a level sufficient for normal charging of the iPad.

These utilities are developed strictly for specific motherboards, and not only will not work with other hardware, but can also lead to serious damage to the equipment.

Therefore, find out exactly the brand installed on your PC or laptop motherboard and look on the manufacturer’s official website for advice software. It is quite possible that to turn on the current amplifier for USB you will have to do some additional settings in BIOS. In this case, if you doubt your computer competence, it is better to invite a professional for such a responsible task.

  • The iCharger utility is designed for MSI laptops.
  • AiCharger is suitable for Asus laptops.
  • The ON/OFF Charge program is for GIGABITE laptops.

Tricks and Tricks

Your favorite iPad Can't charge from your computer? It's time to get a little smarter. USB interface has one such remarkable property - if you connect to two ports simultaneously, the total energy output also doubles.

And here is a simple way to charge your iPad even from a desktop that is not suitable for this purpose. Purchase an adapter cable with two USBs on one end. Connect these two connectors to two inputs on the computer, and connect the remaining end to the tablet. Now the iPad will receive electricity simultaneously through two channels and this should be quite enough for the normal charging process.

  1. Use only the USB cable included with your tablet to connect devices, as other types of interfaces may have reduced power and may not charge the battery effectively.
  2. Charge the iPad only in sleep mode, otherwise the charging process will take a very long time - a day or even more.
  3. If the tablet has not been recharged for a very long time, the battery energy level will be very low and then, even after connecting to the charger, it will take about twenty minutes until the charging notification appears on the screen.
  4. The computer or laptop itself from which the iPad is charging should not be in sleep or standby mode.
  5. It is advisable that the laptop is in charging mode. Otherwise, the system will limit the flow of current to the USB in order to protect the battery itself.
  6. To charge the iPad, it is recommended to use, if possible, devices made by Apple - MacBook, MacBook Pro or Mac Mini. All of these machines are equipped with powerful USB ports specifically designed for charging iPads.

If you are the happy owner of an iPad, then sooner or later you will definitely be faced with the question of how to properly use and charge the battery on your tablet.

Let's try to figure out together how to prolong the work of your device's heart.

Battery usage rules

iPad battery - how to properly use and charge your iPad

In order to extend the battery life, you don’t need a lot of knowledge, you just need to follow a few simple rules :

  1. Do not use or store iPad at temperatures below 0 or above +35 degrees. Optimal temperature for operation and storage of the device - from 0 to 30 degrees.
  2. Don't leave your iPad without a charge a long period time (1-2 weeks), otherwise it may not turn on.
  3. Be sure to use your tablet, don't let it lie idle for a long time with a full charge, this way the battery capacity can be preserved.
  4. Discharge and charge your iPad completely, at least once a month.
  5. Charge your device properly.

These are the five basic rules that you should consider when using your tablet.

How to charge an iPad

The tablet can be charged using an adapter that connects to a 220 W outlet (usually included with the device) or from a computer via USB cable.

Charge iPad via adapter. In this case, everything is simple, connect the iPad to the adapter, then plug it into a power outlet and wait for the device to be fully charged. This usually takes about 6 hours.

How to charge an iPad - charging an iPad using a 220W adapter

How to charge iPad from a computer. Everything is just as simple, but there is one “but”: you can charge the iPad via USB 2.0 only in standby mode (i.e., off) since the USB port does not have enough power. Charging using this method can take up to 12 hours, and your computer must be turned on.

How to charge iPad - charging iPad from computer

How to charge ipad correctly

According to experts Li-ion batteries, it is better to charge the battery until it is complete discharge. The remaining charge can be like 10% , so 40% , but try not to allow a smaller discharge. My words can be confirmed by a message on the iPad at a time when the charge remains less than 20%.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is a rumor that overcharging the battery has an extremely negative effect on its condition, but this is not entirely true. All well-known manufacturers have long been integrating a special circuit into the battery, which allows it to be protected from overcharging.

Also earlier, in metal hydride batteries, the effect was observed "memory" incomplete charging, but in current generation batteries this effect is very insignificant.

iPad battery capacity

  • On iPad 3 contains two batteries connected to each other with a common capacity 24.8 Wh., which is approximately 6,613 mAh. The operating time of a tablet with such a battery is approximately 10 hours.
  • On iPad 4 this capacity has been increased by almost 2 times and thus equal 42 Wh, which corresponds to 11,666 mAh. Despite the large battery capacity, its operating time is about 10 hours, and all due to the fact that the insides of the device consume much more energy.

How to save iPad battery power and extend its life?

Let's take a point-by-point look at how you can save battery power when using a tablet.

Display. This is the most voracious element that consumes the device’s charge the most. By using brightness settings you can reduce this consumption. How brighter display, the greater the charge consumption, the dimmer the less. Thus, your task is to adjust this parameter to suit your eye. To do this you need to go to “Settings” - “Brightness”. A slider will appear in front of you, moving which you can change the value this parameter.

Stay tuned for firmware updates. Try to update the firmware as it comes out new version, since the company is constantly working to improve certain functions that in one way or another can affect charge consumption.

Turn off the 3G adapter. Turn off this adapter when you don’t need it at all or there is an alternative to wi-fi. It (3G) consumes too many resources.

Turn off the Wi-Fi adapter. This will allow you to save some of the charge. To turn off Wi-Fi, go to “Settings” - “Wi-Fi” and change the switch position to "Off" (“Off”)

Turn on Airplane Mode. If you are out of range 3G or Wi-Fi signals , then use the function "Air mode"– this will allow you to increase your battery usage savings. Go to "Settings", in the left menu, the very first item in the list will be "Airplane mode", change the switch to "On" (“On”).

Turn off "Notifications". Over time, the iPad becomes overgrown with applications, some of which constantly send notifications to your screen. By turning them off, you can extend the time iPad operation. Let's go to “Settings” - “Notifications” and turn off everything we don't need.

Disable Location Services. Pay attention to those programs that are constantly interested in your location. Disable some of them that do not need this function at all. Let's go to “Settings” - “Location services”.

Turn off Bluetooth. “Settings” - “General” - “Bluetooth” - “Off”.

Turn on auto-lock mode. Be sure to enable this mode. Set the values ​​to the minimum interval of “2 minutes.” “Settings” – “General” – “Auto-Lock” – “Auto-Lock”. This way we will force the iPad to turn itself off when we stop using it.

Turn off unnecessary sounds. For example, the sounds of the keyboard, turning the device on and off. Let's go to “Settings” - “General” - “Sounds” - “Sounds” and turn off everything unnecessary.

Remove automatic check mail and delete mailboxes that you don't use. “Settings” – “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” – “Fetch New Data”, here we change the position "Push" on "Off" (“Off”) and set the boot option "Manual".

If you have questions, comments or additions, leave them in the comments.

Tricky question. How many hours does your iPad charge?

You can charge not only with the charger it comes with, as well as charging from your iPhone, but also from your computer using a USB cable. All of these methods can charge the battery, although some will do it more slowly than others. However, sometimes an error occurs in which the message “No charging” is displayed. Most often this happens when trying to charge from a computer, but sometimes when connected to an iPhone charger.

The "no charging" message can appear for many reasons, but it is almost always related to the power source. Fortunately, this error can be easily fixed. Below we will talk about the most common reasons for the “no charging” message, as well as how to solve the problem.

1: Check portiPad

Before you do anything, check the charging port on the iPad itself. It may contain dust or small debris.

Use a wood or plastic toothpick to clean out the port until nothing is left in it.

It sounds stupid, but this is actually the most common cause of the error. iPad ports often get clogged because they are carried in bags and given to children to play with. Strange lumps of dust, plasticine, crumbs, dirt, etc. - all this can get into the port, which can cause the iPad to stop charging altogether. Anything on the port could be causing the error. Therefore, try to keep your device clean.

2: “No charging” message when connected to a computer

Often the error occurs when the iPad is connected to a specific Mac using a specific USB cable. This means that the USB port does not transmit enough energy to charge the iPad, and instead of charging, it continues to discharge. There are two possible solutions:

  • Try connecting the cable to a different USB port on your computer.
  • Try using a different USB cable.

Note: If the USB cable is damaged, it is better not to use it at all. We recommend purchasing only certified cords, as others in many cases do not work at all with Apple products.

3: ConnectiPad to regular 12W charging

Almost always the problem can be solved iPad connection to a standard charger that plugs into an outlet. It comes included with every iPad.

Note that you need to use a 12W charger rather than the iPhone's 5W charger, as the latter will charge the device much more slowly. If you play a game on your iPad while it is being charged by an iPhone charger, the battery may generally discharge due to insufficient energy being transferred. With standard charging, the device should charge perfectly.

If these methods do not solve the problem, contact a specialist. Some parts of your iPad may be damaged.