How to download bitcoins. — Investing in bitcoins for long periods. Disadvantages of mining on your own computer

Where can I get virtual money? What programs do you use to make money? electronic money in the Internet? Is it possible to earn bitcoins using a computer on a machine?

There is an opinion that in the future cryptocurrency will become the main and only means of payment on the planet. But for now, serious investments in bitcoins and other digital money are considered a high-risk, although potentially highly profitable, way of earning money. If you are ready to take risks, then this article is for you.

Denis Kuderin is in touch - financial expert of HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to earn bitcoins using a computer what are the extraction methods? virtual money do not require investment, and what cloud mining different from usual.

Let's sit down comfortably and read to the end - in the end you will find out which services for earning bitcoins are now the most popular, and how to get a lot of cryptocurrency by investing a minimum of your own funds.

1. Bitcoins – earn virtual money on the Internet

Bitcoins (bitcoins, BTC, BTK) are the most popular electronic currency. It is used to pay for goods and services, both in dollars, rubles and euros, bought and sold on stock exchanges, and exchanged at electronic exchange points.

However, Bitcoin has a significant difference from other currencies. This electronic money is not controlled by any institution in the world. They cannot be cashed out at an ATM. They are a self-sufficient system and exist only within the network. At the same time, bitcoins are not backed by either gold or silver, but only source code(script).

The number of bitcoins is limited: it is known in advance how many of them will be produced before 2140. This is partly why this cryptocurrency is so valuable.

The emission of currency is ensured by the work of millions of computers around the world. It, like gold, is mined industrially and artisanally.

The whole point is that Bitcoins are distributed relatively randomly– among those who use special equipment for computing. The more powerful the equipment for creating mathematical algorithms, the higher the likelihood of receiving bitcoins.

What are the advantages of Bitcoins:

  • they are transmitted directly from one person to another over a network– there is no need to use the services of banks and other payment institutions;
  • Bitcoins are an international currency: it can be used in any country in the world;
  • the account cannot be frozen– the currency is not controlled by any centralized institution;
  • there are no restrictions on the amounts and time of transactions– unlike bank transfers;
  • low transfer fees– at instantaneous speed.

Because it's pure digital currency, 1 BTC is divided almost indefinitely. The smallest coin is called " satoshi"(in honor of the program developer) and is equal to 10 -8 bitcoins.

The entire history of Bitcoin transactions that have ever occurred is stored on the network and is a blockchain ( blockchain).

Mining Bitcoins using a computer is called " mining" A few years ago, mining cryptocurrency was extremely simple - no additional equipment was not required.

Now everything is much more complicated - requires substantial expenditure on hardware and software, which pay off only within 6-24 months.

First of all, mining provides the Bitcoin infrastructure itself, and making a profit is an additional incentive. Mining on regular video cards and processors is final outdated way earnings.

Only specialized hardware has prospects, but a lot of people with a lot of money and the appropriate equipment are already involved in this area.

Mining – not the only way to earn bitcoins. What other options does the average user have? Read on.

A short video educational program on the topic of cryptocurrency.

August 1, 2017 Bitcoin was divided into two cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin And Bitcoin Cash.

2. 5 proven ways to earn bitcoins

Experts and analysts warn against large investments in mining equipment. In general, it is advised to treat cryptocurrency as an additional, but not the main, source of income.

Iron becomes obsolete within a couple of months after its purchase, and Bitcoin rates are unreliable. They are influenced by a lot of speculative factors. The high cost of Bitcoin now does not guarantee a secure future for those who currently have a lot of cryptocurrency.

Everywhere they write that Bitcoin exchange rate is growing and is not going to fall. It seems that everyone around you is making tons of money on Bitcoin, and you are missing out on profits. But I do not recommend taking risks and spending all your savings on cryptocurrency.

This is still an experimental project with an unpredictable future. . If you take a risk, then exclusively free money, which you don’t mind losing.

Cryptocurrencies are just technologies for making transactions. Bitcoins by themselves are of no use to anyone. If you want to really earn a lot on cryptocurrencies, become a manufacturer of mining equipment. Then your revenue will really be real.

Nevertheless, available methods earning bitcoins exist. And I will tell you about them in detail.

Method 1. Mining

Specialized mining equipment costs serious money. Miners generally do work that is useful for the Bitcoin system - they ensure its vital activity and the reproduction of new units of cryptocurrency. This is the foundation on which everything rests.

What equipment is required for traditional mining:

  1. powerful modern video cards - not the same as those installed in your home computer;
  2. no less powerful power supplies;
  3. ventilation and cooling systems;
  4. latest generation processors.

Modern miners create entire farms for mining bitcoins - several computers that perform calculations 24/7. The “farmer” spends not only on equipment, but also on paying for electricity, which is consumed in an intensive mode.

In addition, we need specialized programs– CGMiner, DiabloMiner, BFGMiner, Phoenix or others: mining software is constantly evolving, as are the technologies themselves. Read a separate publication about that.

It is alarming that some major players, who opened their farms some time ago, are now selling off their equipment. Does this mean that the Bitcoin market is heading for a reversal? It's impossible to say for sure. While 1 BTC is worth 2.5 thousand dollars . And this is more expensive than gold.

Attention! While we were preparing this article for publication, the Bitcoin rate has increased again! On August 8, 2017, one unit of this cryptocurrency exceeded the mark for the first time 3500 dollars!

Small farm for mining bitcoins

There is another, much less expensive type of BTK mining - cloud mining. Its essence is that you use rented equipment that is located somewhere else. You pay for using the program by renting it for the period you need.

Cloud mining is industrial enterprise for bitcoin mining. You no longer mine cryptocurrency as a lone miner, but use the services of an entire “mining company.” The bitcoins mined by this company are distributed among the tenants of the cloud server.

The algorithm is simple:

  • choose a cloud mining site;
  • register and deposit cryptocurrency into your account;
  • purchase power for as long as you have enough money;
  • mining is carried out automatically or semi-automatically automatic mode.

You need to choose a site carefully - in this area, like any other related to finance, there are a lot of scammers who want to make money at your expense. And some popular services are typical hype - financial pyramids with a limited lifespan.

Method 2. Passing captcha on faucets

Cranes- these are sites that offer everyone satoshi as payment simple tasks – click on the banner, enter the captcha, watch a video or web page for a fixed time. Money is credited to your bitcoin wallet.

The average reward is small - 100-300 Satoshi, but some sites constantly give out larger prizes. Cryptocurrency withdrawal is available after accumulating a certain amount of Satoshi. Most faucets have a referral fee system.

The advantage is that no investment required from users. Initially, faucets were created to popularize cryptocurrency, but gradually became a full-fledged way to earn it.

Method 3. Gambling

In essence, these are ordinary online games, only winnings here are not in rubles and dollars, but in cryptocurrency.

There are two ways to make money on such Bitcoin games - play yourself or attract referrals. The first option involves a known risk - There are not only wins in the game, but also losses. The second option is more reliable, and earnings depend only on your ability to attract referrals.

Method 4. Affiliate programs

Quite a promising and highly profitable method. You place an affiliate link on your website, social network page, LiveJournal blog and receive a reward for it. Money drips every time your link is clicked a new user goes to the affiliate site.

Where to look for users who will follow your link? In the vast expanses worldwide network. Place your affiliate program wherever you can, including in communities, on thematic forums, in comments on sites where this is allowed.

Method 5. Trading

Cryptocurrency is widely traded on exchanges, just like dollars and rubles. Those who purchased a decent amount of bitcoins 5-7 years ago are now millionaires. But this does not mean that the rise will continue.


One Finnish student purchased bitcoins in 2009. 27 $ and happily forgot about my purchase. When he remembered this a few years later, his savings were already worth $886,000 .

Making money from exchange rate fluctuations is the topic of a separate article. Here I will say one thing - engage in trading on Forex or special ones without initial training risky.

3. How to earn bitcoins using a computer on a machine - 5 simple steps for beginners

Let's move on to practice. Let's look at it step by step, how to earn bitcoins using mining software, which I wrote about above.

First you need to start bitcoin wallet. It stores The secret key to access bitcoin address. Since Bitcoins themselves are immaterial, the key is the only way to access funds.

Exist official wallets and “light”, hardware and online wallets, as well as for PC and mobile devices. The choice is yours. Next, follow the expert guidance.

Step 1. Select a service

Select a service for automatic earnings. The advantage of this method is that you don’t need to waste time installing and debugging equipment. All you have to do is launch a program that will work for you.

The problem is that there are many services and many of them do not mine bitcoins themselves, but just intermediaries. In the next section you will find an overview of proven sites that are trusted by thousands of users.

Step 2. Register

Registration on the service is extremely simple and takes a few minutes. You are required to provide an address Email, country, login, password and date of birth. Some systems have other fields, but in any case they are few.

Step 3. Download the program and go to your personal account

Then everything is simple - you need to download the program and install it on your computer. It is for the program that the user pays. Most suitable version The program itself will be recommended to you by the service itself, depending on the database you use.

Available different tariffs service– from the most inexpensive to the most expensive, involving the conclusion of a long-term contract with the service.

If you want to know more, read our article “How to mine with a video card.”

Step 4. Launch the program

Now the program needs to be launched. There are no difficulties here either - a person with minimum level preparation.

Of course, the rules for using both the program and the services of the service itself need to be studied in advance. This will save you from unnecessary questions. But if they do arise - Feel free to write or call the site support service.

Step 5.

We receive bitcoins to our wallet. Parallel attracting new users to the service and we have a percentage of their income.

You can make money on bitcoins, but there are no guarantees of earnings

How much you earn depends on earnings no

How much you earn depends on the capacity you purchased and the cryptocurrency rate. Those who took up cloud mining a couple of years ago have done well. But this does not provide any guarantee of profit in the future.

A separate issue is the exchange of bitcoins for other currencies. There are hundreds of exchange offices online different levels reliability. How to find the most profitable rate?

- I recommend using it professional service- monitoring of exchangers. Presented here best courses currencies at the moment in all working exchangers. At the same time, unreliable and compromised sites are excluded from the list.

I personally have repeatedly used this resource and still use it when I need to exchange money on the Internet or withdraw it from payment systems. For cryptocurrency miners, exchangers are the fastest and most safe way convert digital money into real money. And searching for the most profitable rate using BestChange monitoring gives real savings.

4. Where to earn bitcoins - review of the TOP 3 services for earning money

I offer an overview of the most popular services to earn bitcoins. These are international platforms available to everyone.

Thousands miners have already withdrawn money from them and are withdrawing them now, so - no deception, only program code.

1) HashFlare

Cloudy mining HashFlare– new generation service with equipment designed specifically for cryptocurrency mining. The platform connects users to pools - special web services that allow them to receive bitcoins more evenly and predictably. The user has the right to select several such pools to reduce risks.

HashFlare is a division of more large company HashCoins, which develops professional mining software. So the service uses its own products, not third-party equipment.

The service guarantees clients low risks, a minimum entry threshold and low costs for program support and maintenance. The company's head office is located in Tallinn.

2) Kryptex

“Kryptex” is the name of the server and special program. You download it to your computer, it starts generating cryptocurrency. Profit comes in both bitcoins and dollars, rubles and other currencies for which you exchange virtual money.

The application makes special calculations using the power of your device. The operating algorithm is as simple as possible: install the program, register, leave Kryptex running, and make a profit.

Earnings are small - up to 9,000 in rubles on average-power computers, but don't forget - you get this money without making any effort.


Mining platform for mining the most popular cryptocurrencies. Estimated earnings are 2-3% per day from investments. 100 Gh/s (power units for mining bitcoins) as a gift.

Using affiliate programs, you receive an additional 5-12% of the power purchased by your referrals.

Service comparison table:

5. How to earn a lot of bitcoins by investing a little - 5 golden tips

Earning Bitcoins is unlimited. More precisely, there is only one limitation - the amount in 21 million bitcoins, and it is set by the system code itself. However, for an ordinary user, several thousand BTK, or even hundreds, will be enough for a comfortable life.

Read our articles and take advantage of expert advice.

Tip 1. Invest in mining correctly

Buying equipment and software is expensive and not always profitable. Much easier make money on rental and cloud services. But don't invest money in one program - try it different variants. Bitcoin mining is an unpredictable process.

Tip 2. Use the services of brokers

Advice for traders who make money on cryptocurrency price fluctuations. The most reliable and professional broker on the Forex exchange is. You need professional support and guarantees of profitability - register with Alpari, choose an intermediary and make a profit.

If you are a sociable person and know how to persuade, then affiliate programs are your cup of tea. There are people who earn bitcoins exclusively from referrals without investing a single satoshi of your own funds.

Tip 4. Learn how to make money on cryptocurrencies

As with any activity, you can learn how to earn cryptocurrencies. There are those who know how to not only earn bitcoins, but also teach others how to do it.

The network is full of information and video lessons from professional cryptocurrency miners. There are also paid courses– although their value cannot be predicted in advance.

Tip 5. Properly assemble a mining rig

If your option is your own mining farm, then pay special attention to the quality and functionality of the equipment.

Beginners often forget about important little things - for example, saving on the cooling system for the processor and other computer components. But for full production, farms must work around the clock.

Seek the help of experienced “farmers” - look for them online on special forums and websites.

6. Conclusion

Now you know how to earn bitcoins using a computer. The topic of cryptocurrencies is vast and multifaceted, and our magazine is preparing a whole package of interesting and informative articles on this topic.

Question for readers

What do you think is the most promising way to earn bitcoins?

Friends, if you are interested in finding out what other cryptocurrencies are popular today, be sure to read our review article.

HeatherBeaver magazine wishes you success in all your endeavors! We are waiting for comments, additions, questions. Share the article with friends on social networks and rate it. See you again!

Earning bitcoins in 2019 has become much more difficult than 1-2 years ago. At that time, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general were just beginning their ascent; it was possible for anyone to earn the average salary of an office worker, even on a home PC.

Now, with the advent of great competition and specialized equipment (ASIC miners), we have to come up with new ways to earn cryptocurrency, since buying your own equipment no longer brings that income? which was in 2017.

All current methods We will look at receiving bitcoins in 2019 in this material. The most effective and profitable of them require investment, but there are options where you can get bitcoins, or rather several satoshis, without investing your own funds (in this case, you invert your time), although it’s worth noting right away that you won’t be able to earn anything significant without investments.

Material navigation:

Cloud mining - earning bitcoins automatically

Most best option how can you earn bitcoins in 2019? It allows you to use the rented capacity of data centers. You don’t need to take such equipment to your home; it is already installed somewhere. The cryptocurrency miner simply pays to rent the program for a certain period, usually the contract duration is 1-3 years.

The essence of cloud mining is that you don’t have to spend money on a computer, video card, and so on. They offer you a rental computing power on remote servers. The purchase of capacity occurs in hashes. The computer unit increment system is identical to bytes.

Cloud service for mining bitcoins and others digital coins acts as a simple industrial data center focused on the extraction of cryptocurrency, including . The attractiveness of this method is that the miner does not need to buy necessary equipment and keep an eye on him.

The essence of working with a cloud service is extremely simple; for cloud mining you need:

  • choose a site for a cloud service (we recommend IQ Mining and HashFlare);
  • register on it;
  • deposit funds into your personal account;
  • choose a tariff and mined cryptocurrency (contract for 1-3 years);
  • receive income semi-automatically or automatically.

Reviews of the three most reliable cloud mining services based on the results of 2018:

Detailed review all leading cloud mining services. Top tip- choose only trusted sites and do not fall for the promises of scammers promising 1000-2000% per annum, this is an obvious deception. The editors of Mining-Cryptocurrency recommend it as the most reliable and profitable service in this niche at the beginning of 2019.

Mining on your own equipment (farms or ASICs)

Mining is the extraction of currency using a video card, one of the first ways to earn cryptocurrency. It has its drawbacks, although it is considered the most reliable and profitable.

About two years ago, you could earn money thanks to a video card, which did not require any expenses. The whole point was that the currency “hunter” in game form built gold mines, mined gold and exchanged it for real money.

Now, in order to earn money, you need to create or buy a special computer configuration with an expensive video card. Not only will the configuration cost a lot of money, but you will also have to pay twice as much for electricity. That is why mining, as an unprofitable method, goes down a step from the top every month.

Pros of mining on own computer

Disadvantages of mining on your own computer

  • It is possible to sell equipment at a discount at any time.
  • Complete minimization of speculation.
  • You choose which currency to “hunt” for.
  • Automatic earnings of bitcoins.
  • The equipment when handled in this way has high risk breakdowns. Added to all this is the low likelihood of warranty service.
  • Noise and doubled electricity use.
  • It is not possible to create large farms in your own apartment.
  • Due to Internet outages, work is completely interrupted (even if it has been going on for several days), and the farm has to be started again.

We suggest you consider the offer of classic mining only if you have the opportunity to pay half the cost of electricity or not pay for it at all. Or if you have the opportunity to purchase equipment from China at wholesale prices(It is also important to take into account warranty service here).

Trading on cryptocurrency exchanges and purchasing from exchangers

Cryptocurrency is traded on specialized exchanges, just like on regular dollar and ruble exchanges. Those who purchased a decent amount of bitcoins 2-3 years ago are now millionaires. But this does not mean that the rise will continue.

But to make money from fluctuations in the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies relative to each other, you need a lot of knowledge and constant immersion in the life of the market and monitoring news. One thing is certain: trading on Forex or special Bitcoin exchanges without initial preparation is extremely risky.

Therefore, if you just want it, it is much easier and more convenient to use. If you choose reliable and verified exchangers, then the likelihood of fraud is reduced to zero because thousands of transactions go through them every day, and if someone is deceived, this will almost instantly become known in the rating of cryptocurrency exchangers and they will be excluded from the list of verified ones.

The best options with a minimum entry threshold for beginners and people with zero knowledge of crypto will be:

  • - here you only need to buy a contract in personal account and make a profit, you pay for power and receive income from the cryptocurrency mined with its help. For the user, it all comes down to paying the bill and monitoring the income received in your personal account.
  • — purchase and sale of cryptocurrency on specialized crypto exchanges (exchange reviews are available on the website at top menu) or through brokers.

Let's consider trading cryptocurrency pairs. On this moment Some forex brokers offer investing or trading in cryptocurrency, this is good for us as clients. A high-quality and time-tested broker will work according to all market rules and will not be able to manipulate your funds.

Brokerage companies offer a number unique opportunities, this is trading on the Forex market, investing in PAMM accounts, it is possible to copy transactions from successful traders and receive constant profit. In a nutshell, the broker invites you and me to trade cryptocurrency and invest in a cryptocurrency portfolio selected on the basis of reliable signals. Although reliability for cryptocurrencies is a very relative concept, due to the fact that the market is still very young and there is not enough history for fundamental analysis.

Comparison of cryptocurrency trading and classic mining

Separately, we need to discuss the advantages of cryptocurrency trading in relation to mining. Let us immediately note that we're talking about specifically about classic mining on your equipment. With regard to cloud mining, the situation is completely different, namely in cloud services(the most reliable) we advise you to invest at the moment, but only in proven ones with real confirmed hashrate power and resources. But mining on your own equipment is no longer as interesting as before, now we will try to explain why.

Initially, those who were optimistic about the prospects for Bitcoin started by buying powerful computers and setting them up for mining digital coins, but at the moment it is obvious that trading cryptocurrencies is more convenient and most often more profitable than mining them on your own equipment. At a minimum, because when the Bitcoin exchange rate decreases, mining becomes less profitable, but trading does not, since at any time you can open a sell transaction and receive income from the decrease in exchange rate.

In addition, there will be no need to constantly monitor the performance and performance, as well as maintain the level of energy consumption and cooling of the room. But as you understand, in order to trade you need starting capital, but you can start mining with 1-2 powerful cards if you already have them, the income will of course be small and you will not be able to mine Bitcoin, since this requires a specialized one, which is very expensive. You can mine another currency and sell it on an exchange or simply exchange it at (list of reliable exchangers on our website).

But if your level of technical knowledge allows, then mining on your own equipment can be extremely profitable. However, it now has practically no advantages over cloud mining, and the process itself is much more time-consuming.

The most reliable crypto pairs for trading in 2019

In 2019, we should expect growth and renewal of the previous maximum value of Bitcoin, but only if it technically consolidates higher important level$6000. The price of Bitcoin is also positively affected by the news that the largest online retailer Amazon may soon begin accepting cryptocurrencies as payment.

China's policy of encroaching on this area is fading away or being compensated by other countries. For example, Japan will open the first official cryptocurrency exchanges for its citizens soon, and a number of countries are preparing the legislative framework for.

Among other cryptocurrencies, it is worth paying attention to Ripple, which may well increase in price and cost much more than the current 25 cents, as well as Monero, which flew from $50 to $150 a few weeks ago and is preparing to repeat this breakthrough. I also recommend paying attention to:

  • NEO - a lot depends on Chinese legislation in the coming months,
  • Ethereum - 90% of all ICOs are carried out on ETH with the ERC20 standard,
  • Ripple,
  • Dash,
  • Monero,
  • Ethereum Classic,
  • Litecoin
  • Zcash.

Where to earn bitcoins without investment - 4 best ways

Servers that distribute free bitcoins are called bitcoin faucets. Earnings are low, but so are you complex tasks you don't comply. Initially, faucets were created to “promote” currency, but now they are essentially showcases for advertisements.

ICO is a collection of investments from people in exchange for cryptocurrency for new startups. Successful projects can grow up to 10,000% in price in a year.

Therefore, you should not miss this opportunity, especially since registering even for 10 such Bounty takes a total of 5-10 minutes.

Cloud mining without investment

Some cloud mining services give a small bonus in the form of a free hashrate for registering on the service, and it is not necessary to top up your account at all to withdraw (tested).

The only disadvantage is that this type of earnings can be classified as HYIPs (pyramids). Therefore, sites in this topic usually live for 6-12 months. But we monitor all such projects and have selected several of the most reliable ones that exist and have been paying for many years, in full.

Bitcoin games without investments with withdrawal options

You can have fun playing games and get Satoshi into your account for it. It seems that this is impossible, but there are several honest projects where you can actually earn money without investments!

  1. Stake is the most popular platform, where about 10 gambling games are collected. There is a faucet there that gives 100 satoshi and you can easily make 10 thousand of them in a day.
  2. BitKong - similar to the game minesweeper, only here the monkey hides fruits under boxes. There is also a faucet inside the game where they give 100 satoshi to your account.

There are so many reliable sites in this topic, so we advise you to use only the two above; if more worthy services appear, we will also add them to the list.

How to earn bitcoins using your own computer?

First of all, the miner (the one who mines bitcoins or other cryptocurrency) will need to take care of choosing a storage location digital money. To do this, you can use special cryptocurrency exchanges or. The second option is the most preferable because it:

  • as safe as possible;
  • extremely easy to use;
  • carries less risk of hacking than exchanges.

On his own computer, each user can independently. To do this, just select the option suitable for the one installed on your PC. Windows versions or Linux. There are also versions for mobile devices, but in our opinion this is a less secure option.

Now it’s worth getting acquainted with the options for earning bitcoins on your computer. There are several methods, and this is not only standard mining on video cards, processors, farms or cloud mining, which is also quite in demand and popular today.

Mining is the most popular and widespread way to earn bitcoins. To mine cryptocurrency this way, you will need to purchase specialized equipment (mining rigs), and not just powerful modern computer. Accordingly, mining will require serious first initial investment.

With the help of processors and video cards, from which many miners independently assemble farms, calculations take place special code. It is the chain of such calculations that makes it possible to identify the hash, which, in turn, brings digital coins to the user.

The attractiveness of creating a farm and mining with their help is that the user himself does not waste time mining electronic coins. This happens automatically and continuously.

However, it is worth considering that the miner will have to invest heavily not only in purchasing equipment, but also paying for the Internet, electricity, and installing ventilation and cooling systems. But even with this, wear and tear on the equipment cannot be avoided. So the investment here is colossal, but will you be able to earn enough to cover the expenses? This is already a serious question.

In addition, for mining you need to install special programs. The most popular and productive of them (there are versions for both Nvidia and AMD GPUs, as well as for CPU).

How to build a Bitcoin farm with your own hands?

See our website for details. Here we will touch on this point very briefly, for common understanding process and what you need for it.

To earn Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on your computer, you should purchase:

  • some modern video cards with high powers;
  • a set of strong power supplies;
  • several cooling and ventilation systems;
  • latest generation processors.

Then all purchased equipment is simply assembled according to the principle of a regular server. What does this mean? Nothing complicated! The sequence of this work is quite simple:

  1. First, the racks are installed.
  2. A plan is drawn up for the placement of the monitor, video cards, and system unit.
  3. Based on the drawn up plan, you need to start assembling the base of the mining farm: connect the hard drive, processor, and motherboard. The RAM and monitor are installed.
  4. Next, the video cards are connected to motherboard via PCI. It is not recommended to do this directly. It's worth using risers.
  5. Now the risers are directly placed on the racks. The optimal distance between them is 10 cm.
  6. Pin cables are used to connect video cards to the power supply.
  7. The computer is connected to the power supply and the Internet.

It remains to install the water systems, air cooling and configure the program for mining the selected cryptocurrency.

How to earn Bitcoin? Earning Bitcoins is now more relevant than ever. IN this section compiled step-by-step instruction how to earn Bitcoin from scratch. Bitcoin today is the most profitable way investing money. It’s no joke, in 2017 the Bitcoin rate increased more than sixteen times, from $970 in January to $16,600 in December. Many crypto enthusiasts simply do not know how to start making money on Bitcoin from scratch, and they also believe that it is too late to enter this market. But these are completely wrong assumptions! Bitcoin is developed based on innovative Blockchain technologies, which is in great demand in the world. Investors believe in Bitcoin and are ready to invest and invest entire fortunes in the first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is capable of replacing the financial system we know in the future; sooner or later every progressive person will start using this coin. In the article you will find answers to the following questions: “What is Bitcoin”, “How to start earning Bitcoins on the Internet”, “How to make money on the difference in Bitcoin rates”, “What are the reviews about earning Bitcoins”, “How can you earn Bitcoins at home”, “Where earn Bitcoins”, “How to make money on Bitcoins with investments” and “How to buy, trade on the exchange and withdraw Bitcoin”. You can buy Bitcoin as quickly and easily as possible at reliable exchange cryptocurrencies Binance:

Most big income You can learn from the growth of the Bitcoin rate by trading on the stock exchange. Binary options broker Binomo offers an excellent trading platform for making money on Bitcoin. To earn money, you do not need to have special skills or study stock trading tools. You just need to predict whether the Bitcoin rate will fall or rise during the selected time interval. Binary options are much simpler than Forex trading and much more profitable. You can get up to 80% profit in one trade. The broker credits all new traders with 10 thousand dollars to a demo account, which will help you learn how to trade binary options absolutely free. In my opinion, Binomo is the best trading platform for earning Bitcoins today. For a detailed review of the broker, see. Click on the banner below to register on Binomo and start earning money on Bitcoin:

How to start making money on Bitcoins from scratch. Many newcomers to the crypto industry do not know where to start making money on Bitcoin. The first step is to study Bitcoin itself and understand what prospects are inherent in this coin. This section contains a lot useful information, at the beginning of the article there are links to useful articles that analyze in detail the mechanism of Bitcoin and everything connected with it. Be sure to study all these articles, so you will have a clear understanding of how to make money on Bitcoins from scratch. After studying the background information, of course we need to buy Bitcoin. Without the coin itself, you won’t be able to make money. This is the first point from which you start making money on Bitcoin.
How to buy Bitcoin. The procedure for purchasing Bitcoin is quite simple. But beginners may have difficulties. Especially for beginners we wrote detailed manual" ". There are two ways to buy Bitcoin favorable exchange rate: through the BestChange service or on the Binance exchange. Buying BTC on the exchange is more profitable. It is possible to deposit rubles, dollars or euros on the exchange with bank card and popular payment systems (Payeer, WebMoney, Perfect Money, Advanced Cash, QIWI). Then you instantly exchange this money for Bitcoins inside the exchange itself. The exchange is the most convenient, fastest and easiest way to buy Bitcoin profitably. After an investor has bought Bitcoin on an exchange, he either begins to trade on it, or transfers Bitcoin to his wallet if he plans to simply store it.

Investing in Bitcoin

To make money by investing in Bitcoins, you need to choose a reliable crypto exchange and master the basic rules of trading on it. As I said earlier, Binance is the best exchange for trading Bitcoins, I recommend everyone to invest in Bitcoin through this trading platform. After purchasing Bitcoin, you have two options: store it for months or even years, increasing your funds due to the constant increase in the value of the coin, or trade Bitcoin on an exchange.

The choice is up to the investor. If you have chosen to increase your money over the long term, we have already discussed reliable ways to store Bitcoin. If you want to trade Bitcoin, which I recommend you do, then read the article “”. Here you will find detailed information how to make money on the Bitcoin exchange rate, learn profitable Bitcoin trading strategies, understand how to use tools for technical and fundamental analysis of the crypto market, and much more.

The audience of this blog is Russian-speaking, so I am constantly asked how to earn a lot of bitcoins in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. In principle, it does not matter what country you live in and what language you speak. Bitcoin can be used anywhere in the world, all you need is an Internet connection. The process of earning Bitcoin is the same in all countries, and this process is described in detail in this section.

The only thing I would like to clarify regarding this topic is the choice of Bitcoin exchange for trading. The exchange should be focused on Russian-speaking traders. There are many popular American, European or Chinese exchanges with high trading volume and good reputation. But all of them do not support the Russian language, which complicates the trading process, they require you to go through a complex verification procedure, documents for which are very difficult to obtain in CIS countries, technical support does not answer questions, and in general there are many cases of groundless blocking of accounts. This is why I recommend trading on Binance, it is the ideal exchange for Russian-speaking traders.

Ways to make money on Bitcoin

1) Investing in Bitcoin. We have already discussed how to make money on Bitcoins with investments above in this article, I see no point in repeating it.

2) How to make money on Bitcoins without investments. Many novice crypto enthusiasts want to earn Bitcoin easily and for free. This possibility exists. You can earn free Bitcoins using your computer using various services. Basically, these are the so-called faucets and Bitcoin boxes. The essence of earning money is simple: you enter a captcha and view ads on these services, and receive a reward in the form of BTC. You won’t earn much this way, but taking into account the fact that Bitcoin always rises in price, if you don’t spend your wages, the amount of earnings will increase over time.

How to make money on Bitcoin faucets and boxes without investments, read.

Just below you can find a table with all the reliable faucets. I recommend collecting satoshi from all faucets, so you can earn the maximum. Explanation of the table: project – name of the crane; distribution – the name of the cryptocurrency that is distributed on a specific faucet; interval – time after which cryptocurrency can be collected; satoshi – earnings in satoshi; payments – which wallet the faucet pays to. The faucets are sorted by profitability, the very first faucet in the list is the most profitable. Most faucets distribute free cryptocurrency once every five minutes, that is, you can earn cryptocurrency without interruption. Bookmark this page and come back here as soon as it appears. free time and earn cryptocurrency on all faucets presented in the table (also, under the table there is detailed video lesson explaining how to earn Bitcoin without investments):

Project Giveaway Interval Satoshi Payments
FreeBitcoin Bitcoin 60 min 22 — 2158664 Binance
FreeDogecoin Dogecoin 60 min 0.15-26000 Exmo
BonusBitcoin Bitcoin 15 min 18-5000
BitFun Bitcoin 5 min 10-5000
MoonBitcoin Bitcoin 5 min 10-40
MoonBitcoinCash BitcoinCash 5 min 50
MoonDogecoin Dogecoin 5 min 0.35-4
MoonLitecoin Litecoin 5 min 600
MoonDashcoin Dashcoin 5 min 120
adBTC (books) Bitcoin axle boxes ~2000+/day Binance
BTCClicks (books) Bitcoin axle boxes ~600+/day Binance
FreeBitcoinIO Bitcoin 60 min 8-4617864 Binance
CoinFaucet Ripple 60 min 0.0003-350 Bitcoin 60 min 10-1000 Binance

At the beginning of the year, 1 bitcoin was worth around $200, and you could save up for it without investments in 3 weeks. And now its price exceeds the $500 mark and most likely will continue to rise.

That’s why many people have this question: how to earn Bitcoins without investment, preferably quickly and automatically? — I will answer this question in the article.

In addition to ways to earn Bitcoins without investments, I will also tell you how you can increase your mined Satoshi, of which there will be a lot in your wallet!

It may seem completely nonsense to some that it is possible to earn bitcoins by simply pressing a button on special sites, but it is true!

All sites that allow you to earn money without investment are built in such a way that advertising pays for your clicks. Well, it’s worth choosing the most generous ones! Now let's move on to the methods.

Bitcoin lottery (faucets)

There are hundreds of free Bitcoin faucets on the Internet that present themselves as “ free lottery" You press a button, it comes out random number and you get a random amount of money.

One such lottery can bring 3-10 thousand satoshi per day ($0.1) - which is very little! Therefore, many register in 20-30 lotteries and save satoshi in order to invest them in investment projects.

The best Bitcoin faucets without investment:

  1. FreeBitcoin - allows you to earn 350-800 satoshi every hour. The service also has the opportunity to earn additional income.
  2. Getfree-Bitcoin - earn 200 satoshi every hour.
  3. BonusBitcoin - gives 100 satoshi every 15 minutes (400 satoshi per hour).

Free games with real Bitcoin withdrawals

There are such free games, which offer withdrawal of real Bitcoins. They are similar to the lottery above, but differ in that earnings can really depend on your actions.

Games can bring from 1,000 to 100,000 thousand satoshi per day. It all depends on the game you choose and your strategy. I will recommend only a few of these games that actually pay.

Best games for Bitcoins:

  1. BitKong gambling, where you need to guess the cells. Somewhat reminiscent of a casino, only the game is completely free!
  2. BoxBitcoin - open boxes and receive a random amount of btc. Sometimes you get 250,000 satoshi in a chest.
  3. ChopCoin - completely repeats popular game Agario, only here you can earn bitcoins if you get into the top 5 on the map.

Automatic taps

Automatic taps- these are sites that require users to register, and then you can visit such sites once a month to collect satoshi.

When registering, you automatically receive satoshi as a gift, which is enough for one of the tariffs, which will generate profit, but if you want to earn more, then you will have to invest real money.

With an investment of 1,000 rubles, you have the opportunity to increase your account by 25%. That is, after 4 months you will be able to fully win back your money. And for the year your income will be 3,000 rubles.

All the methods described above will be able to bring in a stable 30-150 thousand satoshi per day ($2 per day). Which is small enough to really make money from it.

Cloud mining

Cloud mining is investing in the production of new bitcoins, and this is the safest way to make money, where you steadily increase your capital by 15-20% per month or 180-240% per year.

It’s true that a good website that provides cloud mining services is not easy to find. Since there are many projects on the Internet that simply deceive investors.

Hi all! I hope you all have a few minutes of free time, because today we will delve into the subtleties, secrets and intricacies of the very current topic is the increasingly popular “mining” of the so-called cryptocurrency.

I will tell you in detail about how to make money on bitcoins in 10 ways - the most relevant and accessible methods.

So, if your focus is on digital cash, then it makes sense that main question– how to get maximum profit efficiently, quickly and without significant investments?

Therefore, first, let’s get acquainted with the most accessible and active options, while simultaneously studying some of the “usefulness” and underwater rocks of this type of activity.

The methods listed below will help you quickly and cost-free earn money with virtual money and collect it into your online wallet, for example Xaro, which was discussed in.

Your task will only be to decide personal choice the most suitable option for you. Therefore, let’s start with the most popular ways to earn bitcoins on the World Wide Web:

  1. Collecting Bitcoins.
  2. Earning money using Bitcoin faucets.
  3. Earnings on bitcoin-mining.
  4. Completing tasks.
  5. Virtual games.
  6. Partnership programs.
  7. Bitcoin resale.
  8. Cashing out and exchanging bitcoins
  9. Forex market.

You can understand those users who are trying to start their career in digital world without deposits from their own savings, simply not having a penny in their pocket. In this case, the simplest and most suitable option would be to collect bitcoins using various resources.

It’s not realistic to collect a lot, although some people make good money from it.

I won’t give examples, because... quite often these resources stop working. Current resources can be easily found by Googling on the Internet.

If you have decent and working options, write in the comments;)

In general, all you need to do is register on a suitable Bitcoin resource, indicate your Bitcoin wallet number and off you go.

At the specified time, you visit the project and complete (if possible correctly) such tasks as surfing sites, entering captcha as an answer, and so on, after which your balance electronic wallet(it must be created in advance) Bitcoins or Satoshi will be credited.

Just like that, simply, without investments and with the possibility of income flowing into your pocket.

Earning money using Bitcoin faucets

You can collect cryptocurrency at special resources offering instant earnings in the Internet.

Such services are called “faucets” on the Internet. One of the most popular and accessible is the project website

The principle of earning money is the same as in the previous case: after registering, every hour you go to the site, complete the task, then confirm your action by entering a captcha or checking the box.

The specific amount of earnings is mainly affected by the current Bitcoin exchange rate.

There are various bots that automate the process and help you collect currency almost automatically.

Among the risky options akin to roulette, which promise both instant reward and big losses, the Freebitco website has a multiplayer that works on the principle of bets.

You should not get carried away with this functionality, since if necessary, you can easily “drain” all the accumulated virtual coins.

Therefore, the most reliable type of income is this resource– this is attracting referrals, using the entire user “potential” for this purpose social networks and all kinds of forums.

Earning cryptocurrency on bitcoin-mining

If the operation of “faucets” does not involve initial investments, then an option such as mining will require a certain starting capital from you.

But in this case, the bitcoins installed on your computer will be “mined” for you. automatic program, which is very convenient, understandable, and quite accessible to most users.

Bitcoins begin to be credited to your e-wallet in just a couple of months; all you have to do is control the process.

Some of the high cost and energy consumption of the equipment is fully justified by its payback. Here are some resources that provide mining: Hashflare, Givecoin.