Testing for glue. Automatic service for determining domain mirror gluing. Where to check if a domain is free

In order not to get into trouble when intercepting a domain with good dimensions, it is necessary to check it for gluing.

First, let's look at why domains are glued together in general. Let's take specific example: main domain of Ru-center (domain registration center) - www.nic.ru. In addition to it, glued as mirrors a large number of similar domains, including www.nic.su.

This was done so that visitors coming to the site using direct input URL in the address bar of the browser; if there was an error in entering the URL, it would still go where needed, and also to ensure that competitors do not use the similar domain for their own purposes.

Sometimes domains are purposefully put together for deception, by selling them to newcomers at inflated prices.

While the domain is identified by the search engine as a mirror, it is assigned some indicators of the main domain, in particular belly fat. This can be seen when analyzing parameters, for example, with the Site-Auditor program:

From time to time such domain mirrors various reasons they don’t renew, and then domains with “high” size appear in the lists of released domains, which are often intercepted by newcomers.

In fact, there is no benefit from glued baby bumps, and they will quickly reset after automatic unsticking. Therefore, before registering your favorite domain with baby bumps, you need to check it for glue. This is done simply.

1. Via Yandex.Catalog.

Enter the URL into the address bar: http://search.yaca.yandex.ru/yca/cy/ch/ domain.ru/
where you replace domen.ru with the domain being checked.

If the result of the request shows a different domain, then there is a gluing. If the domain name matches the same domain name, and the TCI value coincides with the value issued by any TCI checking service, then there is no gluing.

2. Via the site adding form.

Try adding the domain you are checking to the standard form for adding Yandex sites:

The system reacts to an attempt to add the nic.su domain as follows:

That is, the gluing of domains is obvious.

3. Using a special service.

As an example, let's take the service - tcy.in

This is the result the service produces when checking the domain "www.nic.su":

Checking domain matching in search engines Google system usually done using the info operator:

If the domain being checked is an additional mirror, then the result of the request will display information on the main domain.

Domain merging is the joining of several sites with different domain names in the search engine index into one. Glued to the main site additional domains are called website mirrors. During domain merging, the link weight and trust are transferred from the merging domain to the main one. It is noteworthy that bad story and poor link juice as well as various sanctions from search engines are not transferred. This is why gluing is often used to remove sites from AGS.

I think there is no need to inform you about why and why domain gluing is needed. I’ll just say that the same content is available on two different sites (including on the same domain only with www and without www - for search engines these are two different domains, then bish the site according to them) - this is very bad, it makes your content and naturally your main and only site in search results.

How to merge domains?

In general, domain gluing is a very important stage when creating and promoting any website, so if you can’t do it yourself, it’s better to entrust this matter to professionals.

There are many cases when gluing domains is used to transfer bellies (tIC and PR). Example: the owner of the site decided to change the domain name, but does not want to lose the site’s performance, this is where you need to glue the domain with the domain. That is, make a domain gluing.

Domain gluing is also done on purpose, an example would be the situation of buying and selling a domain. To do this, they also make glue for the domain being sold, the domain from which has bulges. But, some domain sellers themselves do not have information whether the domain they are selling has glue. For example, first the user created a blog on a free service, say Blogspot. Then I registered a domain name and put my own domain. But the old third-level domain is redirecting, and over time the domains have become stuck together. And you can’t write a host directive for Blogspot, because it’s impossible.

In general, when purchasing a domain, you must check the domain for glue or gluing. In principle, even if you are simply registering a vacant domain, you still need to check the domain for gluing.

How to merge domains correctly

  • Domain merging for Yandex. TIC.

You can correctly glue domains to transfer TCI and PR parameters in different ways. But there is one well-known method to make domain glue. This is editing the robots.txt file, and specifying the host directive:

host: www.saytik.ru or host: saytik.ru

Thus registering for the directive - the url of the site to which the baby bumps will be transferred, as well as in order to indicate to Yandex which of the two domain names is more important. In principle, over time, Yandex itself will determine the importance and choose one of the two domains. Indicators such as link mass (the number of links that point to one of the domains) will be affected.

  • Domain merging for Google. PR

But most importantly, unlike the Host directive, which is written in the robots.txt file, 301 redirects are reproduced on the server. In this regard, Yandex TCI and Google PR are glued together in different ways.

Domain glue does not happen quickly; gluing domains together will take time and unfortunate updates; after two or three ups, domain glue will definitely happen.

Check domain for gluing

It can be done in different ways check the domain for gluing or glue. To check the domain for glue indicators of baby bumps, use different ways, are essentially the same for both search engines.

  • To check the gluing for the TCI indicator, you need to enter in the browser:
  1. Firstly, in this way you can find out whether the site is in the Yandex catalog, whether there is a TCI.
  2. Secondly, if the domain has glue, then the query will display the domain that is glued together. In other words, if the directory returns another domain instead of the one being checked, then this is a one hundred percent mistake.
  • To check the gluing for the Google - PR indicator, you need to: address bar enter two essentially identical links:

google.com/search?q=cache:http://your url/
webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://url_of the site being checked/

Google will show you the cache of the page being checked; if it shows the cache of a completely different domain, then the domain is glued together by it.

Another way to check domain glue by PR, entered into Google search:

info:website address

It produces other information not related to the domain name being checked, which means there is glue present.

I also can’t help but mention one service that allows you to determine glue without any problems sell.orderdomains.net/glue/.

Are you offered to buy a domain or website with high performance in Yandex or Google? Do you want to place a link on a site with high Yandex TIC and Google PR? It is necessary to check first domain gluing, otherwise high domain scores in search engines(PS) can burst in a few days like a soap bubble!

Also, it is worth paying attention to domain age. If it was registered recently (up to 3 months old) and has high TIC and PR indicators, there is a high probability that this is a so-called intercepted domain, and the indicators in the PS can quickly disappear. The domain age is determined using .

Domain merging in Yandex

Domain merging in Yandex determined in several ways. And if at least one of them gives a positive result, it is not recommended to deal with such a mirror domain.

Mirror(Mirror), gluing(Glue) Alias(Alias) - are identical concepts when it comes to domains.

Glue via Yandex bar

You can find out if a domain is merged in Yandex by typing the following URL:


If in the response there is another domain in the url domain="DOMAIN" section, then the domains are merged.

Checking gluing through the Yandex catalog

Check if not is the domain glued? site with a different domain, you can use information from the Yandex catalog. Unfortunately, after the Yandex update on December 9, 2011, this method does not work for sites that are not located in the directory. Link to check domain matching for sites located in the Yandex catalog:


Instead of the word "DOMAIN", you must enter the domain name without "http://". It is necessary to check for gluing in Yandex both a domain with and without www, since it may turn out that, for example, a domain without www is not glued to any other site, but with www, it is, or vice versa.

Checking gluing in Yandex via Yandex-webmaster

Using the form for adding sites in Yandex, you can also determine whether the domain being checked is mirror in Yandex for another site:


If after adding a domain to the form you receive an error: “The site you specified is not the main one site mirror DOMAIN NAME" and the domain name is different from the requested one - domain merging has been detected. If the domain is fused with the same domain, differing only in the presence or absence of the www subdomain, such mirrors are not dangerous.

Domain merging in Google

Check if not Is the domain merged in Google? with another site, there are also two ways.

Checking domain matching in Google via search


If the result for the desired domain found in Google, and the response contains a site with a different domain - this is a mirror of the requested domain.

Unlike Yandex, for Google, according to my observations, it makes no difference how the domain is entered: with or without www and http://.

Searching for domain mirrors in Google cache

Domain mirror can be found in Google cache. To do this, you need to open the following link:


After opening the page, you need to pay attention to the line at the top: “This is the version of the page http://DOMAIN/ from Google cache. It represents a snapshot of the page as of..." If the domain in this inscription differs from the requested one, the site link has been found.

These two methods of checking glue in Google can be implemented by entering search bar Google www.google.com: info: DOMAIN or cache: DOMAIN.

Automatic domain mirror gluing detection service

The most comfortable free service, which allows you to simultaneously check the gluing in Google and Yandex - xseo.in. Within an hour, with its help, you can check whether a domain is a mirror of another site for 20 different domains.

But the price you pay for convenience is not always accurate results. Xseo caches the results of its work in order to reduce the number of requests to the PS, which in turn can lead to the display of outdated data. Those. if someone checked a certain domain a few days ago, when it had not yet been merged, and today you check the same domain that was identified by the mirror of another site in the PS one day ago, you will not see that the merge has already occurred.

Different domains

  1. Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

Domains with www/without www

Main mirror

About dropping out of search

Report a new site

  1. Host: (protocol http:// https://)
  2. Report a new site.

Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not so complex processes, if you follow several simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and reliable way gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates search databases(up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to secondary mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Common mistakes, due to which proper gluing/re-gluing does not occur:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf ( Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.


Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.


Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.


Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.


Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.

Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.

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Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.

Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.


Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.

Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in a www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the Main Mirror tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the Report a new site form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains using the Report a new site form.

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How to properly glue/re-glue mirrors - NOT RELEVANT!

Gluing and re-gluing mirrors is not such a complicated process if you follow a few simple rules. In this post I will try to describe step by step the simplest and most reliable method of gluing/re-gluing.

Different domains

Suppose we want to place a website on the domains site.ru and site.rf (do not forget that our site can also be accessible at the addresses www.site.ru and www.site.rf).

  1. We decide on the main mirror. Let’s say website.rf is more suitable for us, and that is what we will develop in the future.
  2. We configure the domains to return the same content, and we do not allow situations where information on one domain is updated, but not on another.
  3. We write in all robots.txt files of each domain the Host directive with the address of the desired main mirror, we will have this:

    Host: xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai

    (since our domain is Cyrillic, its name must be indicated in Punycode).

  4. We check that site.ru/robots.txt, www.site.ru/robots.txt, site.рф/robots.txt and www.site.рф/robots.txt contain the same instructions to the main mirror.

Domains with www/without www

If we need to select the main mirror in the www/non-www pair, then we can simply use the tool in the Yandex.Webmaster service. The period for gluing/re-gluing mirrors for these pairs is 1-2 updates of the search databases (up to 2 weeks).

About dropping out of search

The main reason why sites stop being indexed and fall out of search when changing mirrors is the installation of a redirect to a non-main mirror. If the form showed that your site is not the main mirror, then there is no need to install a redirect to it. Sites are indexed and participate in searches only at the address of the main mirror; in this case, setting a redirect to the non-main mirror will lead to the fact that the site will not be indexed at all until the mirrors are re-glued and may disappear from the search results.

Also, do not abuse the change of the main mirror: think over this issue from the beginning and focus on one domain. Frequent changes in the instructions to the main mirror in the Host directive, a change in the redirect from one domain to another can affect the number of pages participating in the search and, as a result, the ranking of the site as a whole.

Typical mistakes that prevent proper gluing/re-gluing:

  1. Content on sites varies.
  2. The Host directive is spelled incorrectly:
    Host: (the http:// protocol does not need to be specified, unlike https://)
    Host: site.rf (Cyrillic domain must be specified in Punycode)
  3. All domains have a different Host directive, so the choice of the main mirror is not obvious to the robot.
  4. Some of the domains are prohibited from indexing in robots.txt.
  5. One of the domains is unknown to the robot. Initially report all domains via the form.