How to make your computer boot faster. Cleaning Windows of junk and unused programs. Viewing and disabling programs in startup

This instruction will talk about methods that will be useful for speeding up your computer startup, even loading the desktop specifically for Windows 7 ( although they will fit other versions as well). Many users find it annoying long loading, this happens especially often on old systems with weak characteristics.

I'll start with more simple ways and I’ll end with more complex ones. Each action will be accompanied by a picture for clarity.

Cleaning your desktop

  1. To do this, remove from it extra shortcuts and folders ( for example, combine several folders into 1).
  2. Turn off the background art. Can be replaced with a simple color, such as black.

To change the background, go to Start >> Control Panel >> Appearance. Next to the "Display" category, click on "Change Desktop Background" as shown below.

In the window that appears, select solid colors and save your changes.

Disabling the loading screen

Every time you start your computer, you probably noticed a screen with Windows logo and loading bar. Instead, you can make the screen black and the computer will not waste time displaying graphics.

To do this, go to the Start menu >> Run or press Win + R. Enter the msconfig command.

Now go to the download tab and check the box “Without GUI” as shown in the image.

Do not close this window. You will need it in the next method.

Startup programs

Now you need to disable programs that start with the system. This will significantly speed up the computer startup.

Go to the startup tab and uncheck all applications if possible.

Using all processor cores

Typically, by default, the computer starts using 1 core. If you enable all cores at startup, performance will increase noticeably.

Attention! Before doing this, it is advisable to make a system restore point. Some users are having trouble turning on their computer.

Again in the system configurations from the boot tab go to Extra options (having previously selected the OS used).

Here, check the box next to the number of processors and select greatest number. I have 2, but you may have 4, 8 or even more.

Disk Defragmenter

Changes the location of files on disk ( only physically, virtually all your files will remain in their places) and due to their sequential arrangement, their launch speeds up.

IN in this case its execution will only be required for the system disk where they are installed Windows files 7 (usually drive C) and for system files.

I recommend using the free one Defraggler program. Download it and install it. Select system disk and perform defragmentation.

Now here you need to do the same thing, but with system files.

It will start the next time you start the computer.

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PC is complex electronic equipment. In order for everything to work at the desired level, you need to enter the necessary parameters into the system settings.

Exactly from incorrect settings, most often, the computer may work slowly or freeze. Installing different programs it is important to look carefully to see if you are being offered additional applications, they can also slow down the system.

When working at a computer, you want all transitions between folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do to normalize the computer's operation.

Why speed up your PC?

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour of time, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • have more time;
  • do work earlier;
  • be less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

By acceleration we mean:

  • fast opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick transitions between tabs in the browser, etc.

What accelerates the system?

If used Windows system 7, then the question of the advisability of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users adopt full set capabilities of this system.

Therefore, a rational step would be to speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to performing user tasks. As a result, it is possible to work more complex programs and a significant reduction in command processing time. This shift in priorities allows you to more accurately meet the goals of the computer owner.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before speeding up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several methods that will help improve productivity. All of them imply exemption from use unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

The most in effective ways are:

  • disable GUI effects;
  • deletion unnecessary programs from autorun;
  • stopping unused services;
  • deletion extra files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

Cleaning programs in autorun

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you need to:

Stop unused services.

For this operation you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use ( text editor, player and others) in order to activate the necessary services.

This will allow you to highlight what is needed for work:

Cleaning the registry

This way to speed up performance Windows 7 is the simplest if you use a special program for this purpose. For example, suitable for this CCleaner program. It will allow you to part with painlessly unnecessary trash not only in the system registry, but also in other places on the computer. The operation of this application is simple:

HDD defragmentation

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. After this, it is easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure you must:

In the window that appears, you first need to select an analysis, and then perform it based on the results necessary actions. Defragmentation must be done before speeding up startup Windows computer 7 other ways. It happens that this procedure can reduce for a long time inclusions.

Deleting files from the desktop

For fast system operation an important condition there will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that are directly located in this location. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If you have movies on your desktop big size, folders with a large internal structure and other files, then they need to be moved to a logical drive.

This method speeds up the work of an old computer that is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

To disable effects:

Slow computer boot when turning off/on, what to do

To answer the question: how can speed up loading computer, you need to pay attention to the swap file. Before shutting down, the system always deletes it and this takes a lot of time. Therefore, the drastic way would be to disable this operation.

To disable this feature you need to do the following:

The result was that we set 0 seconds to complete the file deletion operation. In fact, the file simply remains in place untouched.

In order to speed up the system boot, you need to perform the following operations:

Increase RAM

Adding to an existing volume random access memory, is a simple way to improve productivity. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but also all programs in general. But if Windows 7 was running critical errors, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods have not given the desired result.

Selection of video card

There will be a noticeable improvement in performance when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take up many resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the quantity own memory in a video card, the more of it, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards require separate power. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common problem with reduced computer performance is infection with viruses. They can enter the system mainly through the Internet, or through removable media information.

At always connected Internet access required Full time job antivirus program. If it is not there, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, which is fast, it is much easier for viruses to enter the system. That's why antivirus program must be on guard. This article should help you configure Windows 7 to maximum performance. Regardless of your computer settings, these tips will help ensure stable work. After taking the steps described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in work speed.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the features of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete data, without which the system will stop working.

How to speed up your computer boot? Review of 10 ways to solve this problem.

You've probably noticed that the longer the period of time passes since the last reinstallation of the operating system, the longer it takes to boot. The reason for this is the fact that startup lists include additional elements that appear after installing some programs. These elements are used to quick launch program, loading its icon into the system tray, or to perform any actions - for example, checking the availability of new version this application. This practice has both pros and cons, and the downside is that it now takes much more time to boot the system. There is another “side effect” - even if you have already uninstalled the application, startup items may well remain, continuing to increase the PC startup time. Let's look at the main steps to solve this problem.

1. One of the easiest ways to optimize system boot is to edit the Startup folder.

You should look at the start menu and find the “Startup” folder in it (in English versions of Windows - “Startup”). If you do not need any of the programs listed there, you should remove them. If the name of the program is not familiar to you, you can always look at the path to executable file through context menu, which can be seen when you right-click on the shortcut you are interested in. Next, select “Properties” and go to the “Shortcut” tab. However, although this method is the simplest, its effectiveness is still far from ideal. Many applications are embedded in the system registry, and then the best option will use special programs to clean the registry and optimize startup. Among them there are both those that will have to be installed separately, and those that are already built into operating system.

2. Second easy one to a certain extent way - using an already integrated solution - system utility MSConfig "System Configuration".

It is called up like this: Start button - Run - Enter the word "msconfig" (without quotes, of course) into the form field and press the OK button.

Next, go to the “Startup” tab, where you can see all automatically downloaded applications in the form of a list. To cancel autoloading of a program, you need to uncheck the box next to its name. However, not all programs can be “identified” - they may not have the developer company or the full path to the program file indicated. In this case, you should search for the name on the Internet - enter the name of the shortcut in any search engine, and then you will be able to get information about the unknown process (Google will help you!). About the program: TweakNow PowerPack 2011 cheats hidden settings various operating system parameters. Optimizing various parameters , using this utility you can speed up the operation of the entire system as a whole. Both software and hardware settings are available from the program. From the software you can select the setting Media Player Messenger Internet Explorer

, and from hardware, setting up memory, processor and video card. A registry cleaning feature is also available.:

    Additional Information

    Year of manufacture: 2011

    Developer's website:

    Interface language: Russian + English

Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7

Download TweakNow PowerPack 2011: TuneUp Utilities 2013

- an updated set of various utilities for configuring your system. It will allow you to clean disks of various garbage, remove incorrect entries from the system registry, manage startup, optimize RAM, permanently delete files using the “TuneUp Shredder” tool (it will not allow you to restore files even with special programs ), change external Windows view

, as well as much more. All utilities are collected into a single graphical shell. This package contains important functions

for configuration, system optimization, maintenance and cleaning in a modern graphical interface. TuneUp stands out thanks to its ease of use. During development, the main focus was on providing the ability Windows users

each level optimize their computer effectively and completely.

    A quick overview of the most important new features: TuneUp Turbo Mode. TuneUp Turbo Mode gives you an immediate performance boost whenever you need it. It disables numerous functions that work in background

    , even when you are not using them. Operational Optimization. TuneUp Utilities offers you two new optimization methods that guarantee optimal performance even when your computer is under heavy load. If necessary, performance will be increased or the process of launching the program will be accelerated.

    TuneUp Utilities gadget. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, there is now a TuneUp Utilities device that always displays the computer's status on the desktop.

    TuneUp Optimization Report. TuneUp Utilities will provide you with a progress report, showing you what maintenance and other optimization tasks you have already done and how it benefited you.

    Main window. TuneUp Utilities have been completely updated: the new Main window is even easier to use and provides even more fast access to each function.

    Adaptation to Windows 7. TuneUp Utilities fully support the new Windows 7 operating system. Just like Windows XP and Vista. TuneUp Utilities also run on 64-bit Windows versions 7.

    Even more extensive Automatic Maintenance options. Automatic Maintenance and Fast decision problems are now being fulfilled more tasks on maintenance. You can also set the launch Automatic Maintenance when you are not actively working on the computer and - (for a laptop) - when it is connected to a power source.

    Defragmenter hard drive. New TuneUp Utilities now offer you two options hard defragmentation disk: full and fast.

    Easier defragmentation of the system registry. IN previous version The system registry should have been defragmented after analysis upon reboot. With the new TuneUp Utilities, you can now defer this optimization until the next time you start your computer and don't have to interrupt your work to do it.

    Liberation disk space has become even more secure. You can now delete unnecessary files and old backups separately from each other to free up disk space on your hard drive. This allows you to safely delete redundant files at any time. After each cleanup, TuneUp Utilities also shows you how much disk space has been freed up.

    Easier to use. Many TuneUp Utilities features have become even easier to use, making it easier for you to optimize your Windows system.

    Detailed information regarding your programs. TuneUp Utilities provide you with detailed description all programs installed on your computer. If you would like to know detailed information Regarding one of your programs, you can get search results from the network.

Additional Information:

    Year of manufacture: 2012

    Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

    Interface language: Deutsch + Russian

    Medicine: Present

    Size: 32.73 MB

Download TuneUp Utilities:

5. CCleaner 3.22.1800

Free program for system optimization and a tool for ensuring user privacy. CCleaner removes unused and temporary files from your computer, providing faster Windows operation and freeing up space on hard drives. Also, as a result, traces of the user’s online activity, such as his browsing history on the Internet, are destroyed.

CCleaner was made for safe use. It has many layers of security checks to ensure that nothing useful is removed. For very suspicious and cautious users, a backup system is also provided.

Basic CCleaner features

Working with browsers: CCleaner can clean web page cache, browsing history and cookies from any of the five most common browsers - IE, Opera, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

In addition, the program can delete index.dat files created by IE and download history Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Working with system files: The program cleans the recycle bin, system buffer sharing, temporary files and files Windows log, list latest files, with which the user worked, etc. There is even a function to clear the tray and list of recently launched programs.

In addition, CCleaner can remove temporary and unused technical files, created by running on a computer third party applications like WinRAR, Acrobat Reader, MS Office, etc. CCleaner has a module for working with system registry

, which allows you to find and clean broken entries, startup items, *.dll files, fonts, etc.

Safety of use

The program uses several levels of verification to protect the user from accidentally deleting the necessary information.

CCleaner has a function to completely erase files - without the possibility of their subsequent recovery. In this case, information is erased by repeatedly rewriting data on the hard drive.:

    System requirements

    Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7

    Bit depth: 32/64-bit

    Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)

Tablet: Not required

Next, go to the “Startup” tab, where you can see all automatically downloaded applications in the form of a list. To cancel autoloading of a program, you need to uncheck the box next to its name. However, not all programs can be “identified” - they may not have the developer company or the full path to the program file indicated. In this case, you should search for the name on the Internet - enter the name of the shortcut in any search engine, and then you will be able to get information about the unknown process (Google will help you!). Download CCleaner: Registry Booster – reliable and, which will clean and optimize the system, as well as correct errors in the registry and defragment disks. RegistryBooster 2010's interface is not difficult to master thanks to its intuitive structure, although the program itself is aimed at advanced users. The utility cleans the registry of errors, as well as defragment it, so the performance of the computer and system increases.

Additional Information:

    OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

    Interface language: Russian

    Cure: Inside (read the file "Read Me")

There are some ways you can make your computer start up faster, depending on the issue that is causing your computer to slow down at startup and start up slowly. One of the first things you should do is remove old and unused programs from your computer, as they can significantly slow down the startup of your PC. You should also look at the programs you use and consider which ones are using their resources during startup, and change the startup of those programs as needed. There are also some computer programs which can be used to speed up startup, although this is not always necessary.
The best way to speed up startup depends largely on your specific hardware and installed software. In general, however, you must understand that old equipment, especially old CPU(CPU) and minimal random access memory (RAM) can significantly slow down your computer's startup. So, whenever possible, you should upgrade your hardware and make sure that your computer is loading slowly simply due to its age.

Beyond the hardware itself, you should also consider the impact of your software as you operate it to speed up your launch. Old and unused software can have a significant negative impact on your computer's boot speed. When you cannot actively use such software, it can still perform background processes, which use memory and affect loading speed. You should remove any software that you no longer use, as this can speed up startup by reducing the number of applications that need to be launched.

Even programs you use regularly can have a negative impact on your download speed. Many programs, such as instant messaging programs, start with your computer during startup. This slows down your boot speed as your computer loads other programs in addition to the operating system (OS). You should consider replacing these programs so that they are not executed at startup to help speed up startup. This can be done in different ways, depending on individual programs and operating system.

You can also use some programs specially designed to help you speed up your startup. These programs often make changes to your computer in many of the same ways that you can change boot speed, such as eliminating old programs and changing which programs are initiated when your computer starts. This makes such programs unnecessary for some users, so you should consider what you can do without additional software. These programs can actually slow down your computer, depending on the software you choose and how it functions.