Ensuring the security and protection of personal personal data. If you have become a victim of scammers. Use Secure Folder for Important Data

Setting up the lock screen

In fact, this is the first thing you should do with your device. This action will not take much time, but its importance cannot be overestimated. If your smartphone falls into the wrong hands, this will not allow strangers to see your private messages, or in case of loss or theft will prevent the thief from entering the smartphone. All Cell phones have one type of screen lock, but smartphones running Android, iOS, BB10 and Windows 8 Phone allow the owner to choose how to lock the smartphone.

At the same time, according to security experts, graphic key and other blocking options are inferior in reliability to an ordinary PIN code or alphanumeric password.

Smartphone tracking programs

All major types of smartphones allow you to remotely monitor and control them using special software. This will allow you to determine the exact location of your smartphone on a map in your browser if it has been stolen or lost. But such programs also have a number of additional useful functions. For example, remotely you can increase the volume to maximum phone call, if you think that the smartphone is somewhere nearby. You can also remotely delete all data from the device or display the desired message on the lock screen.

On Android smartphones, these options can be set using Android app Device Manager, which can be downloaded from Google Play. Application for smartphones on iOS and Windows Phone is called Find My Phone. Owners of BlackBerry devices are more fortunate, it is already pre-installed special application BlackBerry Protect, which offers the above features.

If these programs are not yet installed on your smartphone, do it right now! Installing and using them after your smartphone is lost will no longer bring you any benefit.

Location Settings

This recommendation is a continuation of the previous one, since in order to find or track your smartphone, it must have its location function enabled. Of course, you always have a choice, you choose what is more important - long battery life or data protection on your smartphone. Without this feature enabled lost smartphone, most likely, will never be found.

Software update

Software updates and operating systemimportant factor protect your smartphone data. In addition to new operating system capabilities, as was the case with iOS release 9, which you can get acquainted with in the material on our website, fixes are added to the security system, improving it. All operating systems notify smartphone owners about available updates, so the main thing for you is not to miss them and regularly update your mobile OS.

Protecting data on your smartphone: reliable antivirus

Modern smartphones are becoming more and more like computers, so inevitably they have to face a problem possible infection virus programs. And although Google, Apple and Microsoft monitor the applications in their stores quite closely, there is always the possibility of a virus entering another way. So installation and use antivirus application extremely important. Moreover, most of them offer basic security features for free.

Protecting data on a smartphone is too important a set of measures to be taken lightly and neglected. How do you protect your smartphone data? Share your experience with us and other visitors.

Decorating the walls of a room with decorative plaster means choosing a high-quality, durable facing material. However, in order for the work to really look interesting and be durable, you need a decorative plaster master. It makes no sense to work with this decorative item yourself, because... The work requires special tools and, of course, professional skills.

How to protect information on your phone

Personal data stored on the phone is quite vulnerable to Internet scammers, as well as scammers who work with mobile phones. As a rule, it is much more difficult to steal data from a computer than from a phone. And if the computer is at home, and it is almost impossible to lose it, then it is very easy to lose a mobile phone, and then everything is in the hands of the scammers themselves. Therefore, in order to understand,how to protect informationon mobile phone Android , follow the instructions below.

1). Quite important data that needs to be saved are the contacts in the phone book. Now, even if you lose your mobile phone, it is easy to restore them using social networks, however, not all contacts may be there. Therefore, a more reliable source of preservation is the data itself. Google . When adding a contact to your phone, check that it is also included in your account Google . Even if you lose your phone, you can easily restore them all. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the phone must have Internet access, so you need to either configure Mobile Internet, or connect to an available Wi-Fi access point.

2). Notless important point is to save SMS messages. Since in some cases SMS messages contain passwords, important data or just pleasant texts, you must provide protection for them as well. For this, there are special programs, and one of the best is the application SMS Backup +. It is very easy to use, and again all information can be saved on Google account.

So, install and run the program. In the window that appears, find the “Connection” section;

In the notification that appears, click on the “Ok” button;

Now, enter your details Google -account, thereby logging into it;

Then, allow the program to access your mail;

Now, you can save messages for the first time, or you can do it later;

Thus, the linking to the account will be completed. At this point, setting up the program can be considered complete. Now, if you want to save the message, click on the “Backup” function, or to restore, click on “Restore”.

3). Saving applications. Unfortunately, the system Android is designed in such a way that in order to save applications you will need to obtain Root . If you don’t have it, search the Internet for how to get it, and if you’ve already set it up, just do it as described below.

For saving applications there is a very good program, entitled Titanium Backup . In its class, it (the program) is considered one of the best and has a high rating on Google Play.

So, install and launch the application. Immediately, the program will ask for rights to Root , accordingly you must approve them. Now, click in the right corner (at the very top) on the corresponding icon;

And in the window that appears, we find the “Backup” item. It is located at the very bottom, so you should scroll down this window. Next, click on the sub-item indicated in the figure with a highlighted red rectangle.

Then, all applications that are available for backup will appear on the phone screen. You can choose specific applications, or you can select everything at once. After checking, place a checkmark in the upper right corner.

After, it will begin backup, which will take a relatively long time, so put the phone aside and wait for the signal to complete.

Also, some applications can be backed up themselves. They don’t need any programs to do this, they simply ask for permission to access your account. Google , and make their own reservations there.

4). Protect photos, videos, music and so on. There are a large number of applications that allow you to protect or back up your files. Most popular application to perform such an operation is Dropbox . In fact, this program saves files not on the phone, but on one of the servers on the Internet. Therefore, thanks to the installation Dropbox , files can also be accessed from home computer, and from other devices running on Android or iOS . To do this, just register on the main website of the program, thus creating your own account. Now, when you add files to the program, the same files will appear on your computer and will be instantly downloaded. What does this give? – This means that even if you lose your phone, the files will remain on the server.

Second, no less useful program is FolderSync , which can synchronize files with many services. Among such services, again DropBox, also LiveDrive, Amazon, FTP and many others. Synchronization is performed in two clicks, and the file manager will make navigating the application more convenient. Thus, you have seen how to protect information and in what ways you can back up files on your phone.

Our mobile phones, smartphones and other portable equipment can tell you a lot about us. If these devices fall into the wrong hands, a huge portion of personal information, such as photos, calls, SMS, browser history, applications and even banking data, becomes vulnerable. This small phone knows almost everything about us, and you don’t have to lose it to become a victim of theft of personal data and its use to our detriment.

Today, more and more people use smartphones to search the Internet, view email, conduct banking transactions and order various products from online stores. However, many of us do not even use primitive password protection when unlocking the phone screen only because the unlocking process takes precious seconds.

Of course, if it’s more convenient for you, you shouldn’t refuse an ever-increasing range of services and opportunities provided modern models telephones, but in this case you should not forget about the correct and effective protection your personal data.

Use antivirus programs

Viruses and other harmful software are the main threats to the digital space. They not only compromise effective work your device, but are also aimed at collecting sensitive personal information.

Modern virus programs are created in such a way that, in addition to destroying your files and stopping the system, they provide access to personal data: phone numbers, email contents, number bank card, photo and video files. That's why the choice the right antivirus for a smartphone is as important as using security programs on the computer.

Remote blocking and deletion of personal data

In case of theft mobile device you should be protected as much as possible from the use of personal data for the purpose of causing harm, both financial and moral. Fortunately, modern devices offer the possibility of distance protection. If your phone is stolen or lost, you can remotely lock it or erase all data from its memory.

Of course, this feature will not help you find your phone or tablet faster, but you can be sure that no one will know your secrets.

Avoid unauthorized access

You can't be near your phone 24 hours a day. However, this should not negatively affect the security of your personal data. The best solution to protect your phone from unauthorized access are proven applications created to ensure different levels locks: you can lock your phone screen, you can restrict access to applications. These applications can be simple blockers using digital password, or maybe complex programs, recognizing fingerprints and providing parental controls.

Install only verified applications

Most smartphone users don't even realize that apps are the most popular way to collect information, both legal and illegal. Official markets mobile applications such as iTunes, Play Store or Amazon, carefully check the displayed products without missing malicious applications. However, not all sites and forums are as concerned about the safety of their users. Research the app before downloading it from unverified sources and read reviews carefully. Also, pay attention to the permissions that the application asks for during installation, if you see anything unnecessary, uncheck it to protect yourself from the legal collection of personal information.

Enjoy secure network connections

Free Wi-Fi networks- a paradise for beginner and advanced hackers. Especially avoid access points that are not password protected and do not support SSL. If you urgently need to go online and there is no other network nearby, try to avoid entering important personal data, logins, passwords, and, most importantly, do not make any financial transactions. If you often use free public internet, install an encryption application like HTTPS Everywhere and create a virtual private network(VPN). This will at least slightly reduce the risk of losing personal data.

Reliable protection personal information, as well as protecting personal data on the phone is a necessity to avoid large quantity unnecessary problems. Currently, methods for protecting information are presented a huge amount programs. Unfortunately, not all methods of protecting information are effective enough. But there is a special application for smartphones with Android system, with the help of which maximum security of personal data is achieved.

The main function and purpose of the application for smartphones with Android system is information protection. It is designed specifically to prevent unauthorized access to your phone, as well as to manage its data from a distance.

Archiving data on a smartphone can easily be explained by its wide functional potential. Ease of control, speed, compactness, a substantial amount of memory that can be further expanded - all this is the reason that modern mobile phones are widely used both for working with big amount data and for their storage. It should be noted that the security of data stored on the phone is critically low. The bulk of the information was obtained, of course, through direct use of the phone for its intended purpose - messages, calls, voice recordings of important telephone conversations and contacts. This also includes multimedia files, and information obtained from the global network.

Storing information on your phone – maximum protection of personal data!

Do not forget that storing information on your phone is not only a completely ineffective, but also a dangerous method. First, let's look at efficiency. The number of files intended for storage is constant trend to increase. When it exceeds a hundred, find necessary information It will become very difficult. Therefore, the processing of personal data does not take last place in ensuring comfortable use apparatus.

There is also a risk of device failure due to mechanical damage or contact with water, the smartphone may be lost or stolen. This doesn’t really matter, because ultimately the information will be lost forever, and the protection of personal data will be reduced to zero.

So that the protection of personal data has maximum degree efficiency, it is necessary to choose reliable means of information protection.

The main potential of the application, the purpose of which is to protect personal information, is represented by a set of commands sent via SMS or to email box. Each team has its own function. Interestingly, the program can forward duplicates of sent and received messages from a smartphone to a specified email address, protecting information on networks is also possible.

The program's capabilities are great - for example, voice recording important conversation can be instantly sent to email. Data duplication is best protection information. Having a copy valuable information, surviving the loss of a smartphone is much easier.

If the phone ends up in the hands of ill-wishers, then using simple SMS commands sent to the device, it becomes possible to erase necessary information from memory remotely. This applies not only to information located directly on the phone, but also to the contents of memory cards.

Archiving personal data is the best protection for sensitive information

The “personal data archiving” function allows you to store copies of messages from your phone and popular instant messengers. If an immediate need arises, they can be re-read or processed.

All of the above functions are far from full list benefits of this application. TO additional features concerns the protection of personal data on the Internet.

Under any circumstances, even if you don't need protection classified information, the application will increase the productivity of storing and searching for the necessary data, help organize it and keep it in perfect order.

Do you really value your personal data and files that are on your smartphone or tablet? Android provides multi-level protection that allows you to protect the contents of your device.

Let's assume that you have a smartphone or Android tablet and suddenly it was stolen... Naturally, the loss of a loved one mobile device This is already a big loss, but absolutely all your files and data will become available to an attacker if you have enough space there confidential information or data credit cards, then this is a significant loss! This article will provide solutions on how to protect yourself from personal information falling into the wrong hands.

Connected Google account

It seemed that what had to do with the presence Google account? If you connect your Google account, you can use the service device control and remotely detect Android, block it or delete all your personal data, the only thing is that you must have the Internet turned on all the time.

Secure Screen Lock

Undoubtedly remote blocking or deleting all information, great way secure the information, but if the device is blocked by a simple in the usual waythe attacker will have time to quickly turn off the Internet and then you will not be able to delete anything. It's worth thinking about more in a safe way blocking. On the menu Settings -> Lock Screen -> Screen Security -> Screen LockIt is possible to choose other blocking methods that are more secure:

  • Slider - regular blocking
  • Face unlock - unlocking the screen by displaying your face (unreliable, a printed photo of your face or video is enough)
  • Graphic key - entering a secret pattern (the most reliable)
  • PIN code (not SIM) - enter a digital password for unlocking (secure)
  • Password - enter a alphanumeric password (strong)

Data encryption

This method will allow you to be 100% sure that your data will not fall into the wrong hands and here’s why: if the attacker was unable to crack the PIN code SIM cards and he threw it away, or if he stole the memory card, then all these files will be encrypted and will not be able to use them. Therefore, the data encryption method, coupled with previous methods gives the most best effect. To enable encryption go to Settings - Security - Encrypt data, then put the device on charge and start the process. Please note that the process cannot be interrupted and it lasts at least one hour!

How to make life a little easier - Smart Lock

Of course, the security of personal information is good, but sometimes entering passwords drives you crazy! WITH Android versions 5.0 Lollipop Google company introduced new feature Smart Lock. The meaning of this Smart functions Lock - make life easier without having to enter your password or key again. Read in detail in a special article about Smart Lock.

Blocking in the application

Let's say you need to give a friend your Android smartphone or tablet, but you wouldn't want him to go into other applications and see personal information. With Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google has added a new feature " blocking in the application"which allows you to pin one single application on the screen without the ability to exit it in the standard way.

How to enable "app lock"?

Go to Settings -> Security -> Application blocking

Now to activate this function click the "browse all" button running applications"(square) and on required application Click the Pin button. To end this function, click the “review all running applications” and “back” buttons.

You can see how this function works in general in the video attached below.

That's all! Don't lose your loved ones Android smartphones or tablets and stay with the site, it will be more interesting!