How to charge a smartphone without charging: original methods. How do these methods affect battery life?

The African continent is famous for its unusually harsh climate, rich wildlife and unexplored places. But not everyone knows about one of the most picturesque corners of the “dark” continent. This is Lake Nakuru, which is located in the northwestern part of Kenya.

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The lake itself is nothing special, quite the contrary. This is a shallow body of salt water, sometimes turning into a real swamp. It’s not for nothing that the indigenous people called it Nakuru, which means “dusty.” And, when you find out that this place has the status of a National Park, you may experience a feeling of complete disappointment, and the local landscapes are unlikely to cause anything but despondency.

Time passes and the waters of the lake, unsuitable for many representatives of the animal world, and the dusty shores seem to be transformed. Almost their entire surface acquires a pinkish tint, and millions of piercing bird calls can be clearly heard in the air. It's like a living pink blanket covers the waters of Lake Nakuru.

No, these are not expensive special effects that Hollywood directors love to indulge in so much. This is one of the most striking paintings that can be found on the African continent. And the main actors of this grandiose action are the rare pink flamingos, about which so much has been sung, but which still remain one of the main mysteries of the fauna world.

It is believed that previously there was one huge reservoir of fresh water in these places. After the climate on the planet changed significantly, and Africa became one of the harshest points on the map in terms of survival, the freshwater lake became shallow, and as a result, three small lakes were formed. But then, where did the once fresh waters come from so much salt? The fact is that in the depths of Nakuru there are many volcanic springs, which have saturated its waters with soda for several centuries.

It seemed that he could survive in such harsh conditions? Indeed, only certain types of algae and small crustaceans were able to conquer the salty waters. And they are the favorite food of small flamingos, which with pleasure, in the company of millions of their own kind, scurry through the shallow water and are satisfied with these gifts of nature. There are more of these beautiful birds here than in any other corner of the planet. They are the ones who create that fabulous picture that, from a bird’s eye view, seems alive and constantly changes its shades.


It is difficult to meet a person who has not heard about these beautiful birds. But not everyone is lucky enough to see them with their own eyes. After all, photographs and videos cannot convey the full range of colors that nature has endowed them with. Flamingos are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful birds on Earth.

It is not surprising that millions of rare birds, like “honey,” have attracted and continue to attract hundreds of ornithologists. In order to preserve the pristine nature of these places, as well as protect birds from destruction, the territory was taken under protection in 1957, and three years later received the official status of a national park. In addition to flamingos, these places are favorites for many other representatives of the bird world.

The flamingo's beak has an unusual shape, which allows it to effectively select algae by straining the murky lake water. Along with the algae, small crustaceans and some species of vertebrates that inhabit the water remain in the flamingo’s beak.

Flamingo chicks that hatch with sight can cause sincere tenderness. Do you know what makes them special? The fact is that they are not at all like their parents. Their first down is not pink at all, but brown, and their beak is straight and will begin to take on its natural shape only after a couple of weeks. Feathers and down will turn pink only after three years of life. Therefore, young individuals stand out among the general mass with a white-pink tint of plumage. Flamingos owe this exotic-chic color to their diet, which includes small crustaceans. A special pigment contained in their shell gives their feathers a bright red hue.

Flamingos are very caring parents. Throughout their childhood, they do not leave their babies for a moment, feeding them with digested food.

Other inhabitants of the park

Since 1952, when salt-tolerant tilapia fish appeared in the waters of Nakuru, other representatives of the bird world have flocked to these places. Today, the shores of the lake are visited by at least 70 species of birds, including such rare ones as the great white cormorant. In addition, migratory birds heading south stop here every year to rest.

In 1983, the first rhinoceroses appeared in the park, which were forced to leave their former halo due to the threat looming over them from poachers. Today, approximately 76 rhinoceroses live on the shores of Nakuru, among which, according to various sources, there are from 31 to 40 white ones.

White rhinoceroses are not very different from their black relatives in color. But they are much larger in size, and their weight can reach 3600 kg. But for poachers, another species is more valuable - black rhinoceroses. This is due to the fact that he can have up to 5 horns at once, for the sake of which their numerous killings occur.

The local fauna is represented by numerous artiodactyls, primates and predators, among which you can even find rare Rothschild giraffes and olive baboons. Well, who can cause more surprise among tourists if not the huge pythons that either defiantly crawl across the road or hang from the trees.

Tourist attraction

Everyone should see the beauty here. After all, it is difficult to convey in words what is revealed to the eye. The bird's eye view is especially enchanting. It is from there that you can appreciate the original patterns, each of which cannot be repeated. Every second, new pictures will appear before your eyes, reminiscent of either a huge insect running through a swamp, or a pulsating pink ball.

The richness of flamingo shades creates an incomparable pattern and is further confirmation that the first opinion can be deceptive. Indeed, outwardly inconspicuous gray and gloomy landscapes can be saturated with the bright, cheerful colors of millions of flamingos within a few minutes. The heart of everyone who became a happy witness to such a transformation will forever remain here, on the shores of Lake Nakuru in Kenya.

And hurry, because the local climate is very changeable, and the lake is very sensitive to such fluctuations. It has already been repeatedly reported that it has completely dried out. And this could forever block the flow of a huge number of pink birds, which simply will not have anything to eat.

Hundreds of photographers, ornithologists and tourists flock here every year. Everyone wants to see the grandiose action with their own eyes. Many of them are here not for the first time and enthusiastically share their latest impressions of what they saw and show excellent photographs to newcomers.

And, indeed, there is something to see here. Millions of pink birds, like living clouds, slowly glide from above. Each representative of this huge diaspora strives to occupy the best place for food and breeding.

Where else can you see such picturesque landscapes with a purple tint? There is hardly another place on the planet that can amaze tourists with the performance of a bird orchestra, conducted by nature itself!

And all this happens against an equally picturesque backdrop, consisting of dense clearings of yellowbark acacia, behind which you can see emerald fields without borders and mighty mountain ranges. From here there is a beautiful view of the once mighty Menengai volcano, which brought a lot of horror to the local inhabitants of the time when it was active.

  1. The first step is to take part in a safari and travel around the entire territory of the park - to see all the amazing animals that live here. Be sure to take some water, a sun hat, and dark glasses with you. The African heat is no joke.
  2. Look at the flamingos. The birds will not let you get close to them, but at a short distance you can watch them. A million flamingos - this is not something you get to see every day. And what a magnificent picture appears before your eyes when these wonderful birds begin to take off! Words can't describe it. And from the height of flight the sight is even more beautiful.
  3. Climb to the top of the extinct Menengai volcano, also located within the national park. From a height of 2300 meters, a stunning panoramic picture opens up. Don't forget to take your camera with you. It is unforgivable not to take photographs of such beauty.
  4. Visit the large Thompson Falls, located 60 km from the lake. Streams of water fall from a height of 75 meters, forming seething foam below. The road leading to the waterfall is dangerous - you will have to climb a steep path in the rock for 15 minutes.
  5. Head south to the acacia forest, where the rhino nursery is located, to see the black rhino with your own eyes. At one time, these animals were at risk of extinction, but gradually scientists managed to revive their population. The black rhinoceros is a unique animal. The main hunt was not for him, but for his black horn, which, according to Asians, is capable of increasing potency.

Many of us are familiar with the situation when the phone is discharged at such an inopportune moment that there is not even a charger at hand. Very often this can happen during a trip or a country picnic, when the charger is forgotten at home or for some reason it breaks down.

Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger? Certainly! There are several simple ways, including using additional devices, with which you can “wake up” a dead phone.

Method 1: Charge your phone via USB

The easiest way is if you have a computer or laptop at hand, which can become a source of energy for a mobile gadget. Any smartphone comes with a USB cable. Keep it close to you, and in case your phone is left without charging, connect one end to the charger connector and the other to the USB port of your laptop or computer.

Once connected, the USB connection menu will appear on the smartphone screen. Ignore it, the smartphone will still charge in any mode.

Method 2: Charge your phone using a car charger

This method is suitable for those who spend a lot of time on the road driving their car. Be sure to take care of purchasing a special car charger that powers the phone through the car cigarette lighter.

Method 3: Charge your phone using Power Bank

Power Bank is an external battery for charging mobile gadgets. It is a portable device with two connectors: a smartphone is charged via micro-USB, and the Power Bank itself is charged via a regular USB connector.

Nowadays you can find a variety of Power Bank devices on the market. First of all, the user must select the capacity of the external battery. For example, with a 20,000 mAh Power Bank you can charge your phone at least five times.

The price of such devices depends on capacity, compactness, as well as additional “chips”. This could be a charge indicator or a built-in solar battery that charges the Power Bank.

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Method 4: Charge your phone using the frog

You can charge your phone without charging using a special “frog”. To do this, you need to remove the battery from the phone and connect it to the contacts of the device. If the indicator lights up, the polarity is correct. It can take about 2-3 hours to fully charge the battery through the frog. In this case, the “frog” itself automatically stops powering the battery when it is fully charged. After this, the indicator on the device should turn green.

Method 5: Charge your phone without charging using X-life phone

Some push-button phones have the X-life function, thanks to which such a phone can be used to charge a smartphone or other mobile gadget. X-life phones have a large battery capacity and are quite cheap. An example of such phones is available.

We talked about the most common ways to charge a smartphone without a charger. Do you know any other similar tricks? Tell us about it in the comments to this article.