Problems that arise when connecting and setting up the set-top box. The Tricolor receiver often freezes - solving the problem

Digital television is a modern alternative to standard TV. With this technology, image quality becomes significantly better at the same cost. The essence of this technology is that the signals are a sequence of digital combinations of electrical pulses. Digital technologies provide new opportunities for transmitting and receiving data.

It has its advantages. For example, mobility. There is no longer any need to run wires and cables; all you need is a TV, an antenna, a digital receiver and a power outlet. This is an autonomous system that you can take with you, for example, to the country and watch TV programs with the same high-quality signal as in the city. In addition, digital TV has a large number of broadcasts, and you can also access the Internet, TV guide, etc.

Possible causes of interference

A digital signal is generally reliable and much better than an analog signal, but even it is not immune to various types of interference. In any case, if the quality of the broadcast deteriorates, you will have to find out the reason why this happened. For example, if the TV does not show well and they are on, you need to check the antenna. Maybe it was installed poorly or just went wrong. The antenna can also break due to a large snowball or piece of ice. In addition, the TV may not show well due to a broken or faulty receiver, etc.

If, when connecting digital TV, the technicians fed the cable into the apartment, and further wiring was done independently (especially if there is more than one TV), then perhaps there is a bad tee. There may also be interference if there is also a computer nearby and they are connected via an HDMI cable. As a rule, interference on TV begins when the computer is turned on, and as soon as the computer is turned off, the image becomes high-quality again. In this case, interference may occur due to the computer (or rather, a video card with an HDMI port).

If you live on the top floor and the signal is weak, the nuts on the dividers may have oxidized or burned, the equipment has not been configured, or the optical receiver has failed. There can be many reasons for the appearance of interference, and the easiest way would be to call a specialist so that he can find the true cause and eliminate it.

Having a digital television in your home gives you the opportunity to watch a range of different digital television programs. Digital TV is delivered to the consumer by connecting to the appropriate cable television. At the same time, you can continue to watch analogue channels in full.


You should know that to receive a digital signal, you need to install equipment that has the function of receiving and playing the standards of the transmitted signal on the TV screen.

These may be the following devices.
Cable receiver, free-standing, standard DVB-C (when using cable networks) or DVB-T (for regular broadcasting), having a separate control panel. The receiver should connect to the audio-video inputs of almost any TV, both analog and digital;
A modern TV that has a built-in DVB-C and/or DVB-T tuner. In this case, just a cable through which you receive the network signal to the antenna socket, and you can receive the signal after setting up the TV.
Computer, however, viewing here requires an additional PC card or an external tuner connected via a USB port.

Rostelecom users connect to interactive television, which has certain advantages over analogue, cable and satellite. However, this television system has disadvantages. Users are faced with the fact that television from Rostelecom freezes or stops working. Not everyone is familiar with the principle of operation of the device, so the question of what to do and how to fix problems remains unresolved.

Rostelecom connects users to interactive television in two ways. The encrypted digital signal is transmitted in two ways:

  • dedicated IPTV line;
  • interactive TV.

To decrypt it, prefixes are needed. In the first case, it is characteristic that television does not depend on the speed of the Internet, since the signal passes through an additional channel. In the second case, the Internet and television use the same channel. Since the connection methods are different, the reasons why Rostelecom television freezes are different.

To determine how the connection was made, you need to look at the box. All useful information is written in the instructions for the gadget or its characteristics.

Why does the TV stop working or freeze?

Before taking action to fix the problem, you need to check whether the device is plugged into the outlet, and whether the set-top box is connected correctly. If these points are completed, then the next step is to find the causes of the problems.

There may be several of them:

  • breakdowns related to the work of the provider;
  • router failure;
  • cable damage;
  • attachment failure.

Some of the problems associated with the fact that the set-top box freezes can be solved independently, without contacting the provider. To do this, you just need to know what to do.

What to do if the TV freezes

If the connection goes through an IPTV line, then Rostlecom will not be able to eliminate the causes of television freezing on its own. The causes of the problem may be either poor line quality, or the incorrect operation of the gadget or the fact that it gets very hot, so you should contact your provider to fix the problem or replace the device.

With the second type of connection, one channel is used for both the Internet and television. Interactive television broadcasts all programs in HD format, which guarantees high picture quality, but at the same time requires a wide channel for transmitting information. When using the Internet on a computer or other gadgets, the line is also loaded for these devices. This is the reason why Rostelecom television freezes. To resume normal operation, a wider data channel or a reduction in line load is required.

Possibilities of interactive television: video instructions

If the set-top box freezes once, you should completely reboot the Rostelecom device. With this procedure, the gadget checks for new software and updates if necessary. It doesn't hurt to reboot the router, unplug the cable and plug it in again.

However, rebooting will not solve all problems. After a restart, the device may begin to perform worse, freeze and slow down, since the update may not have installed correctly. To solve this problem, you should return the settings of the set-top box to the factory settings through the main menu of the gadget.


In certain cases, the cause of Rostelecom television freezing can be detected and localized independently. You just need to determine how the connection is made. Interactive television requires a large channel for transmitting information, since television and the Internet operate through a common line. Problems may be associated with this. Rebooting the set-top box in certain cases also helps bring the device back to life, since at the time of restart the set-top box updates the software. If the breakdown turns out to be more serious, then the device must be taken to the provider for repair.


This is not a very common malfunction, and it cannot be called a malfunction, meaning when the quality of the received DVB T2 signal fluctuates. Most often this is due to the position of the cable from the antenna to the TV, reception conditions and a number of other reasons. Why this happens is simply incomprehensible to an inexperienced user in such matters, and he can explain this behavior of the tuner as a malfunction of the set-top box or antenna, but that is not the point. However, let's take things in order.


The intensity with which the dvb-t2 signal jumps depends on the height at which the cable has such a horizontal section and how long it is; if it is located close to the ground, then the influence of interference is minimal. It is clear that the longer such a section is, the more the useful signal will be suppressed. To avoid this, place the antenna close to the set-top box; using a high-quality cable also helps.

The digital TV signal also begins to jump when it is tilted, for example when it descends from the ridge of the roof to the wall. It is worth noting that there is a known case when, with an inclined cable, the receiver showed for quite a long time after tuning, and with the onset of summer and hot weather, the signal level began to change abruptly from 0 to 100, and the quality signal remained at 5%.

There have been cases in practice when, in urban conditions, with a nearby tower located, an active indoor antenna was used to receive the first and second multiplex. The signal arriving at the tuner was very large, which led to the protection being triggered and, as a result, the signal began to jump on the digital tuner.

There were also opposite cases when the signal was artificially lowered. This refers to obstacles in the form of buildings or trees. Moreover, if there is a tree between the antenna and the tower, the reception is excellent in winter, but in summer the foliage dampens the signal and jumps in its level also occur. In this case, it is enough to move the antenna. By the way, for this reason, the signal also fails on satellite TV; the installed dish was showing correctly for several years and suddenly glitches began to occur, the picture crumbles into squares. It turned out that the tree had grown over the years and began to block the dish from the satellite.

There are many nuances here and they can have an impact - weather, cable quality, tower location range (signal strength), so you need to understand each case when the signal starts to jump when receiving or configuring T2, and it doesn’t matter what World Vision console you have, Rolsen, etc..

Avoid twisting the wire into a coil, as well as long sections with horizontal and inclined cable positions; use in these cases.

To avoid interference, the cable must be placed away from power electrical wires and avoid crossing the cable with power lines, and when crossing, make it at a right angle.

Wire the TV cable in one piece; if breaks cannot be avoided, then use special connectors with reliable wire contact and shielding, and not twisted with electrical tape.

If you encounter freezes on your Rostelecom set-top box and do not want or cannot contact the provider’s service department, you can try to solve the problem without outside help. To neutralize faults that interfere with the correct operation of the equipment, it is necessary to determine its type.

What types of TV set-top boxes are there from Rostelecom?

For its users, Rostelecom provides several types of set-top boxes, on which television freezing can be solved using different methods. The provider distributes the digital signal in two ways:

  • dedicated IPTV line;
  • (transmission on any network).

Accordingly, each type is provided with its own digital set-top box, which is capable of decoding the received signal sent in encrypted form.

A dedicated IPTV line is an option for receiving a TV signal directly from a provider. This method of data transfer involves connecting an additional service over an Internet line from Rostelecom connected to the user’s apartment. The advantage of IPTV technology is the absence of any load on the Internet itself, since the signal passes through an additional channel. This allows you to simultaneously watch digital television and use the Internet, even when choosing a minimum tariff with low bandwidth.

Interactive television, called 2.0, does not depend on the Internet provider and can be used even on your tablet or smartphone located on another network, for example, 3G/4G connections. Why might digital television 2.0 from Rostelecom freeze on a set-top box? This may happen due to the use of the same line as for surfing and downloading content from the Internet. In this case, a double load is placed on your channel. The set-top box uses HD images. A high-quality picture requires a wide Internet line, and when using a browser and torrent clients simultaneously on a computer located on the same network, the bandwidth is divided between two clients.

How to determine which set-top box is used in your home

In order to answer the question of why Internet television from Rostelecom freezes, you need to determine what technology is used to provide the service. To do this, the first thing you should pay attention to is the box in which the television equipment was received, or the instructions for it. A description of the characteristics of the set-top box on the cover or instructions will help to accurately determine the technology for obtaining a television picture (or Interactive).

Among the provider's IPTV equipment, the most popular set-top boxes are the following models:

  • SML-482 HD;
  • SML-282 HD Base;
  • SML-292 HD Premium;
  • Infomir MAG-250;
  • Infomir MAG-200 (mini, micro);
  • RT STB HD Standard;
  • HD 101;
  • HD 103;
  • Yuxing YX-6916A;
  • Motorola VIP1003.

Interactive set-top boxes from Rostelecom, on which image freezes may occur, are represented by only some of the models described above that support modern firmware for TV 2.0. All the differences lie only in the method of obtaining information, but displaying it on the screen requires supported firmware. For official interactive TV, the provider offers the SML-482 HD set-top box.

What to do if Rostelecom television freezes

It is advisable to find out what should be done if the set-top box from Rostelecom freezes from the local representative office of the provider. Users of interactive television 2.0 can fix this problem themselves by reducing the load on their own Internet line or connecting a wider channel.

In cases where the problem occurs on IPTV equipment, you most likely will not be able to solve the problem yourself, since the problem may be hidden in the low quality of the line throughout the house. Freezing of the image can also be associated with overheating of the equipment or malfunction of some components of the set-top box. In this case, there is only one solution - to have the set-top box repaired or replaced with a new one from the provider.

In order to solve problems with the Rostelecom set-top box, it is first recommended to determine the type of your connection to the service - interactive TV or IPTV. This will eliminate possible problems on the Internet line. Also, the problem may lie in the set-top box itself, regardless of the type of connection. To resolve equipment malfunctions, you will need to contact the provider’s service center.

If, as a result of the search, only 10 digital channels are found instead of the desired 20, then first of all you should make sure that viewing all channels in your location is in principle possible. This can be done by using, interviewing neighbors, or calling specialized organizations involved in installing antenna equipment. You should not call Eldorado or Auchan, since in most cases they do not have such information. Call a company that specializes in installing antennas. As a rule, these are companies that also install satellite dishes, and you can find their coordinates, for example, on the website in the “Where to buy” section. If reception of all 20 channels is possible in your area, check the antenna and cable.

Channels freeze or signal disappears

For stable operation of digital television, it is important that the received signal is of sufficient level. More precisely, a good signal-to-noise ratio is important. When this ratio drops below a certain limit, viewing problems begin. The easiest way to see the signal level is to double-press the INFO button on the problem channel on the remote control of the DVB-T2 set-top box. A “quality” scale should appear on the screen and its value should be as high as 50%. Often, next to the signal scale, a “level” or “strength” scale is displayed - there is no need to focus on it. If the signal level is low, then the advice is still the same: check the cables and antenna and, if necessary, replace it.