What you need to know when using an iPhone. iPhone instructions for beginners - everything complicated is simple

Every day we use our iPhone for all kinds of tasks: calls, messages, mail, games, Twitter, social networks, reading, music and much, much more. But not everyone knows that the implementation of most of these tasks can not only be accelerated, but also simplified. We've collected twenty-five useful tips and tricks for you that will make using your iPhone even easier (how much easier?) and more convenient.

Tip #1: Turn iBooks into Audiobooks

Few people know, but any books from iBooks can be easily turned into audiobooks and, for example, listen to them in the car on the way to work: much more interesting and useful than some boring radio program. So what do we need to do? Go to “Settings” - “General” - “Universal Access”. Next, you need to go to the “VoiceOver” section and switch the toggle switch to enable this function.

Once you turn on VoiceOver, all text that appears on your screen will be read back to you. Of course, this is not a professional announcer, but the voice acting is very acceptable. But do not forget that the function is primarily intended for those who have any vision problems, so after enabling VoiceOver, the gestures and controls on your iPhone will change. Not that it’s critical, but to be honest, it won’t be very convenient. By the way, I advise you to turn off “Hints” - it will be more convenient.

Tip #2: Quick access to an unfinished letter

There are situations when you start writing a letter, but then urgent matters arise and there is no time to finish it. Of course, when time is free, we will return to Mail.app and finish the letter, because it still needs to be sent and there is no choice. Having saved a letter in drafts, when you return to writing it, you will have to make more than one “tap”, especially if you have several email accounts, to get into drafts and find this letter there. Why complicate your life when there is a much simpler way, just one touch.

To return to the last email that was sent to drafts, simply open Mail.app, press and hold the Compose button (pencil in the box in the lower right corner). In one or two seconds, the last unfinished project will open in front of you.

Tip #3: Send multiple photos at once

Agree, sending each photo in a separate message or letter is, to put it mildly, a little inconvenient. It is much easier and faster to send several photos in one letter.

In the upper right corner of the photo gallery there is a button with an arrow; by clicking on it, you can select several photos at once that you want to send by email, via SMS, or simply print. Unfortunately, the number of photos sent by email is limited to five at a time, and via SMS even less - only two.

Tip #4: Let Siri fill out the email form for you

Every time I send another e-mail, I don’t want to fill out the entire form of the e-mail: who to send it to, the subject of the letter, and then the letter itself. Now, thanks to Siri, this entire process can be completed in less than a minute.

You simply open Mail.app and the form to write a new letter. Then, press and hold the Home button and tell Siri something like, “Remind my wife about the party tonight and tell her to bring a bottle of red wine.” Done: Siri will already know who your wife is (if not, she will ask about it once and remember for the future) and will automatically add your wife’s email, taking it from contacts, to the “Subject” line, Siri will add the word “Party”, since this is exactly what your proposal is about. And the text of the letter will indicate everything that you asked your wife to say: “Grab a bottle of red wine.” That's all. Simple, isn't it?

Tip #5: Close all unnecessary applications

Very often we are faced with the problem of rapid battery discharge. To at least slightly, but still correct this situation, do not forget to close all applications that you do not need. Moreover, many of them can greatly influence the discharge rate. This is especially true for applications that are somehow related to location and navigation.

To close all unnecessary applications, double-click the Home button to open the multitasking panel. Press and hold your press on the icon of the application that you want to close: after a second, the icons will shake and red crosses will appear next to them, by clicking on which you will finally close the applications you do not need.

Tip #6: Write tweets from almost any application

Often on various forums, many iPhone users complain that they cannot send a tweet from any application, except from the microblogging client itself. And, as a rule, these users do not know one very simple point: in order to write tweets from other applications, they only need to register their account once in the iPhone settings.

To activate your account, you need to go to “Settings” and select the section called “Twitter”. If you already have your own account in this microblogging service, then simply enter your username and password. If you don’t have your own account, you can create one right there – the registration process will take just a few minutes. After these simple manipulations, you will be able to send tweets, for example, from the photo gallery, Safari, camera, maps, YouTube and so on.

Tip #7: fixing “ignoring” Bluetooth devices

Those who have ever connected any Bluetooth device to their iPhone know that the iPhone has the ability to ignore this device. But if you decide to ignore this device, for example, if you have no time to connect now or just by accident, then later your iPhone may no longer see the device when you decide to connect it again. How to fix this awkward situation? — It's easy: just restart your iPhone. When it turns back on, you will be able to connect again to the device you once ignored.

Tip #8: Use Siri for Facebook and Twitter

Everyone knows perfectly well that Apple will add the ability to write tweets and change Facebook statuses to Siri in the new iOS 6 operating system. But there is no need to wait for the release of iOS 6 or install the next beta. Siri is already capable of this today, although, unfortunately, not in all countries (but I advise you to try; I couldn’t check it personally, since I have an iPhone 4).

So let's start with Facebook. To be able to change your statuses on this social network using Siri, you need to send an SMS with the text “hello” to the number 32665 (by the way, these numbers look like FBOOK on a traditional keyboard). After sending the SMS, you will receive a message in response with a link that you must follow to complete all settings. After which you will receive a short number that you need to add to your contacts list and name it “Facebook”. Now you can tell Siri “Text Facebook” and dictate the text, which will appear in your status.

The same needs to be done for Twitter. You need to send an SMS with the word “start” to the number 40404 (USA) or 21212 (Canada), after which you will receive a short number in response. This number must also be added to your contacts list and named “Twitter”. And then everything is the same as with Facebook: tell Siri “Text Twitter” and dictate the desired tweet.

Tip #9: Choose a specific screen orientation

Don't want the screen orientation to constantly change from portrait to landscape when you rotate your iPhone? Then this advice is especially for you.

All you need to do is open the multitasking panel and swipe to the right. The leftmost icon with a round arrow will be exactly the function that will help you fix a specific screen orientation. In the same way, you can then cancel this blocking. As you can see, everything is very easy and fast.

Tip #10: Add PDFs to iBooks

Why download unnecessary applications, especially if they are paid, to view PDF files? - Absolutely no need. That's what I think. If you have been sent a file in PDF format, just press and hold its icon: the iPhone itself will prompt you to open this file in iBooks. In addition, iBooks has a special section for such files so that they do not get mixed up with books.

You can go to this section by clicking on the “Books” button in the iBooks application library.

Tip #11: Keyboard options

Agree, when you are typing an SMS to your friend for a couple of seconds, spending the same amount just to go to the special characters section and add a period is somehow ridiculous. There is a much simpler and faster way: as soon as you have finished writing the next sentence, “tap” twice on the space button - a period at the end of the sentence will be placed automatically, a space will appear after the sentence and the Shift button will already be prepared so that the new sentence begins with a capital letters.

Additionally, if you click on some of the letters provided on the keyboard, you can see a list of additional symbols. Probably everyone is familiar with this opportunity, thanks to situations where you need to write a hard character that is not initially on the keyboard.

Tip #12: Siri is also a calculator

Siri can not only search for information for you, but also serve as a good alternative to the usual calculator. You can ask her to do a variety of math tasks, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, or ask her to solve simple math problems, equations, or functions. Alternatively, you can ask Siri, “If there are four of us, how much should each of us give to tip 20% of a $300 bill?” - Siri will immediately respond that each of your friends should chip in $15.

Tip #13: Quickly delete messages

Many iPhone users spend extra time deleting unnecessary messages. Although you can delete an entire conversation in just a couple of seconds. Just swipe to the left and a “Delete” button will appear next to the conversation, clicking on which will erase the entire conversation from your phone. Much easier and faster than doing it through the “Edit” button or deleting messages one by one, isn’t it?

Tip #14: “tap” to adjust focus

Probably, those who often take photographs with their iPhone know this simple advice, but you cannot ignore it. If, while shooting with a camera, you want, for example, to focus on your friend’s face or the beautiful glass of cocktail she is holding in her hand, just “tap” on this place on the screen of your iPhone and the phone will automatically focus on the selected element. The photo will turn out beautiful and interesting.

Tip #15: Take your time deleting bad photos

Firstly, very often many users delete several photos at once that do not seem very good to them, without even looking at them. It is not right. You can not only delete a photo that turns out to be beautiful upon closer examination, but also accidentally delete a photo that you would not have deleted even on purpose. Secondly, it is best to delete pictures after you look at them on the computer: this way you can understand for yourself exactly whether the photo turned out well or if there is something wrong with it. Well, thirdly, no matter how surprising it may sound, the process of deleting any files, including photos and videos, wastes a lot of energy on your iPhone. If you don’t mind taking photos, then at least save your battery charge.

Tip #16: Create folders

Be careful not to make unnecessary clutter on your desks. Using folders, you can not only quickly find the application or game you need, but also make your desktop look neat and convenient. Move the icons of the applications you use most often to the main desktop, and on all other desktops you can create folders by category.

To create a folder, simply drag the icon of one application onto the icon of another application. Folders can be renamed and placed on the desktop in a way that suits you. It's best to create folders based on app categories, such as games, social, navigation, and so on.

Tip #17: Take photos with ease

I think I’m not the only one who doesn’t find it very convenient to take photographs by tapping the camera button located on the iPhone screen. If in portrait mode this is probably the best option, then in landscape mode it is the worst. But Apple thought of everything; such a company could not make such an offensive mistake. If you hold your iPhone horizontally while taking pictures, simply press the volume up button and your iPhone will instantly take a photo. This is very convenient, because the “+” button is located exactly where the shutter is located on real cameras.

Tip #18: View photos

If you swipe right in camera mode, you will instantly start viewing your latest photos. This is much faster and more convenient than opening a photo gallery by tapping on the icon in the lower left corner.

Tip #19: Listening to Music

Did you know that the standard headphones that come with the iPhone have three switch buttons? Two of them, of course, are responsible for volume control, but the third, located in the middle, between the volume controls, is quite multifunctional. By clicking on it once, you will pause the playing track or, of course, continue playing it; two presses - you will skip the next track; three - listening to the previous song will begin.

And those who have access to Siri can use it to order music from their collection. For example, telling the voice assistant: “Turn on David Guetta.”

Tip #20: Add events to your calendar directly from your email

The Mail.app application is convenient because it can easily determine whether it is a specific day of the week/time or not. For example, if you write in your email: “Don’t forget, we will join your holiday on Friday afternoon” - the iPhone will highlight this day in blue and the person to whom you are sending this letter directly from the Mail.app application will be able to add the specified event to their calendar .

Tip #21: Sync everything

You can synchronize any of your data and files. And we strongly advise you to do this to protect yourself from losing something important, for example, in case of accidental deletion, breakage or theft of your device. Moreover, synchronization does not require any wires, computers or connections. You can make a copy to iCloud over the air.

To create a backup in iCloud, open “Settings” - “iCloud”, at the very bottom go to the “Storage and backups” section and click “Create a copy”. You can choose for yourself which files should be placed in storage and which not. If the provided 5 GB is not enough for you, you can always purchase additional space in cloud storage.

Tip #22: Set limits

Everyone knows that there is a lot of content that should not be seen by anyone but you, or, for example, something that is clearly not intended for the eyes of your children. In such cases, the best solution would be to set a restriction on viewing a particular application or content.

You can enable restrictions like this: “Settings” - “General” - “Restrictions”. First, you'll need to turn on restrictions on your iPhone and enter a four-digit security passcode, which you'll have to enter every time you (or someone else) wants to view protected apps. Once the password is set, you can choose which applications should be closed from public access, and which ones you can leave.

Tip #23: Remove unnecessary apps

Don't turn your iPhone into a dumping ground for apps that "I might use again someday." Starting with iOS 5, you can see in Settings how much space each app takes up on your iPhone.

If you see, for example, that the game Max Payne takes up as much as 1.3 GB, and you haven’t played it for a long time or have completely finished it, then perhaps it’s time to say: “Max, come on, goodbye” and remove the game from your phone.

Tip #24: Avoid unnecessary push notifications

Another way to extend your battery life is to turn off unnecessary push notifications. This is especially true for push notifications that come very often, for example, from Twitter or any other social networking application. Believe me, you can also live without notifications and not miss or forget anything. Although, of course, you don’t have to refuse all notifications.

Tip #25: Enable the Emoji Keyboard

You can enable the Emoji keyboard in “Settings” - “General” - “ ” - “International keyboards”. As a rule, there are only two keyboards: the Russian keyboard is in first place, and the English keyboard is in second place. Add the Emoji keyboard in third place.

With this keyboard, you can send your interlocutor not only text and emoticons that are made using punctuation marks, but also real drawn emoticons and small pictures. Thanks to this, your communication will become even more fun and funny.

Today, a huge number of mobile communications users have new-fangled iPhone gadgets, including models 4 and 5. But no matter how much effort the company makes to develop the most understandable interface, some users still have a question - how to use the iPhone, how to lock or unlock it , and also how to reset the settings? Therefore, this article will review the iPhone instructions, which will help you figure out how to properly configure iPhone programs in a 4s or 5s phone, how to lock it, and also unlock it if the programs freeze.

Start using your smartphone

In a new iPhone 4s or 5s, the first thing you need to do is install a SIM card. Moreover, iPhone smartphones use a micro-SIM card, the compartment for which must be removed using an Apple license key.

Turning your smartphone on and off

Everything here is quite simple - you need to turn on the button on the top end of the device, then connect the device to iTunes. This procedure is necessary to activate an iPhone 4 or model 5. Today, activation of the iPhone 4s and 5s smartphone models is available via wi-fi, and not a computer device.

In order to turn off the iPhone advanced models 4s and 5s, you need to hold down the device's power key on the top of the case and wait for the red slider to appear at the top of the screen with the words “Turn off”. However, even the new iPhone 4 and 5 smartphones can sometimes freeze. If such a situation occurs on a computer, you can reset the freeze using the “reset” button; on any smartphone, you can remove the battery and turn on the device again.

But for iPhone, the use of these methods is unacceptable. After all, it does not have a reset key, and removing the battery is physically impossible. For such cases, the instructions for using the iPhone provide for a “forced reboot” procedure, which works in any situation, even if the keys are locked. So, you need to simultaneously press the “turn on” and “HOME” keys, after which after a few seconds the iPhone 4 or 5 simply turns off. After this, the iPhone 5 reboots on its own.

iPhone Settings

In the “Settings” tab, a number of functions are available that allow you to universally use your iPhone of the new models 4s - 5s. The appropriate instructions will help you use them correctly. The New Data feature gives you the ability to enable or disable active delivery for accounts and programs that must be configured in advance.

Setting and resetting parameters is done manually. All iPhone smartphones, not excluding the 4s and 5s models, are equipped with a function that allows you to adjust the ringer and reminder volumes, as well as select ringtones. The Brightness function allows you to adjust the screen brightness on your iPhone.

This option is relevant for those who are interested in the battery life of iPhones 4 and 5. By reducing the screen brightness, you can increase the operating time of your iPhone. Once your iPhone 4s or 5s is unlocked, the background wallpaper image is displayed.

In order to configure this function, you can select either one of the standard image offers, or place personal photos synchronized from your computer. If you want to change the settings, you must select reset parameters and select them again.

Unlocking iPhone

Today, unlocking an iPhone makes it possible to configure various third-party games and applications on it, as well as choose different mobile operators to provide services. In order to unlock iPhone models 4 and 5 or 5s, you need to use a special program. This instruction will help you figure out how to do this.

So, first you need to unlock your phone, namely enter the password on it, connect the device to the computer and launch the iTunes software application. After this, you should create a backup copy of all the necessary information on your iPhone 4 or 5 and in the iTunes program window, click the Update button, that is, “update”. In addition, you need to download and install the Quickpwn program, which you then need to launch into your phone via a computer and specify the phone type and firmware.

Next, the Installer or Cydia program is installed on iPhone 4 or 5 and the corresponding application database is added. After this, when using installed programs, you need to install and run yellowsn0w. Now you need to turn off the phone, to do this the password lock must be unlocked, remove the SIM card from it and insert a new card that will be used in the future. The name of the corresponding operator will appear on the screen.

The first batches penetrate Russia in a roundabout way iPhone 5, with iOS 6 on board. This means that soon the happy owners will have their first questions about how to use all this goodness and what that button means. This is where our traditional manual with an overview of the main points of the new phone and its OS comes in handy. So let's meet our brief instructions for using iPhone 5 and iOS 6.

Basic elements of iPhone 5

The layout of the icons on the home screen may not match what is shown in the picture. It all depends on your settings and installed applications; this picture shows the “default” arrangement of elements.

The most important iPhone 5 buttons

On/Off button

To lock the iPhone 5 screen, press the On/Off button In this mode, the phone can still receive calls, messages and other data updates, as well as play music. At the same time, touching the screen does not cause any action.

By default, the iPhone 5 screen will lock if you don't touch it for one minute. This parameter can be adjusted in the main phone settings, “Screen” section.

Home button
The home button lives up to its name and allows you to instantly return to the home screen from any application with just one click. It also gives quick access to a number of extremely useful actions, more details about them can be found in the following table:

Volume buttons

They also serve their intended purpose and allow you to adjust the volume during a conversation, listening to music and in many applications in the iOS 6 environment. In inactive mode, they adjust the volume of calls, alarms and other sounds. effects.

Ring/Silent switch

To activate silent mode, simply switch this lever to the position with a red indicator. In this mode, iPhone 5 will not play incoming calls, messages, alerts and other sounds associated with notifications. At the same time, this switch does not affect alarm clocks, games and the player, and sounds from these applications will continue to be played through the built-in speaker.

Installing a SIM card in iPhone 5

The process is extremely simple. Your iPhone 5 comes with a special tool for opening the SIM card tray, which can easily be replaced with a regular paper clip. Using this tool, open the SIM tray, insert our nanoSIM card (how to make a nanoSIM from a regular SIM card) and carefully insert it back. A special latch built into the tray mechanism will not allow you to make a mistake, the main thing is not to mix up the side, but even this, thanks to the special design of the tray, is not easy to do.

iPhone 5 activation
The iPhone 5 activation process is described in detail in one of our previous instructions.
We advise you to look there -

Making a phone call
To launch the “phone” application, feel free to click on the green icon with a handset, which is always located by default in the dock of your desktop.

To make a direct call, you can enter the number manually using the keypad, select the caller from your favorites, contacts or the list of recent calls, and also ask the Siri voice assistant to do this. Special quick access buttons located in the bottom row of the “phone” application will help you get comfortable with calls quickly enough, but we’ll go further.

Launching programs and switching between them

To open any application, simply click on its icon. To minimize it and return to the home screen, press the “Home” button, and to switch between desktops, simply swipe your finger left and right.

Double-clicking the “Home” button will open a list of all running applications, and also allows you to switch between them; to do this, after the list is open, simply click on the required icon.

Keyboard layouts in iPhone 5
To add or remove a particular virtual or physical keyboard, you must follow the following path: “Settings” icon -> “General” -> “Keyboard” -> “International keyboards”. Here you can add or remove one of hundreds of layouts. For any language, you can separately select the layout of both the on-screen and physical keyboard.


To start searching throughout your iPhone 5 (this includes contacts, mail, photos, apps, notes, etc.), you need to go to the search screen. To do this, return to the main desktop and swipe the screen to the right, or simply press the “Home” button again.

The iOS 6 Notification Center collects all available notifications in one convenient place. A short list of available notifications:

— Missed phone calls and voice messages
— New text messages
— New email
— Calendar events
— Reminders
- Social networks
— Weather
- Stock

To open the notification center, simply pull the screen down smoothly, starting from its very top edge. Scroll down the list to view all notifications. The Notification Center also displays a number of notifications on the iPhone 5's locked screen, and notifications received while working with applications will be shown as a small pop-up banner at the top of the screen.

Voice assistant "Siri"
To launch the voice assistant Siri, you need to press the Home button and hold it there for three seconds. After the beep, you can ask a question, or ask Siri to do something for you.

Siri's capabilities are quite extensive, at the moment you can ask her to make a call, write an SMS, schedule a meeting in the calendar, find out the weather and where the best fish is cooked in your area, the list goes on and on... The only fly in the ointment is that Siri still does not understand Russian, so that you will have to talk to her in English.

So, you have become the happy owner of a brand new product from a famous Apple company. How to turn on iPhone and how to start using it? iPhones of all generations are turned on as standard - using the Power button located at the top right of the phone. The same button is responsible for locking and unlocking the phone.

But even after turning it on, it is most often impossible to use the iPhone. In order for the device to begin fully functioning, it must be activated. If you bought a phone from one of the major mobile operators such as MTS or Megafon, then it will most likely already be activated. But if not, then you can do this operation without problems.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to turn on your iPhone and activate your new phone.

1. Take your iPhone and PC cable out of the box.

2. Download and install the special iTunes program on your computer.

3. Insert a SIM card into the phone, turn it on using the Power button, connect the phone to the computer via the cable that was included.

4. Most often, iTunes starts automatically. If not, run the program manually. She herself will offer to activate the device. We confirm the request.

5. Leave the iPhone alone and wait for activation to occur. While there is no activation, the device displays a waiting message. While the process is going on, you can get acquainted with the capabilities of the device that do not require communication, for example, with the camera, importing photos, menus, etc.

6. When activation is complete, try calling. If everything is in order, the phone will dial the number. This means that the full functionality of your iPhone is enabled.

How to turn on iPhone 4s

For this generation of iPhones, the activation process was significantly simplified - using a computer was no longer necessary.

How to turn on iPhone without using iTunes.

1. Insert the SIM card, turn on the phone using the “Power” button.

2. Choose a familiar interface language: Russian-Russia

3. The phone asks whether you will allow it to determine your location or not (this will be needed later to use maps, check-ins on Facebook, etc.). If these functions are needed, then we allow them.

4. Next, the iPhone will ask for a WiFi connection. In principle, this step is optional. It can be done later, at any time. We will still need the Internet to send information to Apple about the successful activation of the device, as well as for the operation of various online services such as iCloud and iTunes Match. For the same purposes, you can successfully use the mobile Internet of a local operator (3G/GPRS).

5. Now the iPhone will register in the mobile operator’s network and receive the necessary settings for MMS and SMS. If you previously had a different iPhone, they will offer to restore the previously saved data from a backup copy. And if the iPhone is new, then you need to select “Set up a new device.” In general, after this you can already use the phone fully. Further steps are in principle optional, but highly desirable.

6. Again, you need to connect to the Internet and log in with your Apple ID (this is a personal account for all Apple services). If you don't have one, you need to create a new account - it's free and easy.

7. An agreement appears that you need to accept (it would be good to read it first), then turn on (or not turn on) the voice assistant.

8. Whether we agree or not that Apple conducts diagnostic reports, click the “Start using” button. That's all, actually.

Don’t forget also that you can activate your iPhone 4s using iTunes.

How to turn on iPhone if the "On" button does not work

If you hold the power button for a long time, but the phone does not respond, it means that the problem is most likely in the upper cable where the button is located. Then there will be problems with the headphone jack, the volume control buttons, and the silent mode switch.

Perhaps the power button has sunk, reaching the same height as the body. You need to check: maybe the fasteners are cracked or the screws are loose.

In any case, if the button does not work, then the phone must be taken to the service. It is better not to open it yourself.

How to turn on iPhone if it's frozen

To do this, you need to use the forced reboot mode: simultaneously press and long hold the “On” button (at the top) and the “Home” button (the only round button under the screen). After this, the phone will turn off. If you turn it back on, it will take longer to reboot than usual, but the problems will automatically be fixed.

How to turn on iPhone 3G

On the main page of the screen you need to click “Settings” - “General” - “Network”. In the next window, swipe the slider. Click the “On” position next to 3G.

When the 3G protocol is used, the information loads faster, but the battery power is also consumed faster.

It is necessary to configure it. Without completing it, the user will not be able to use the phone's capabilities. Many people are mistaken and think that only Apple service center employees know how to properly set up an iPhone. But you can save money on their services. After reading our instructions, everyone can independently activate and configure the device without any special skills.

Selection and installation of a SIM card

Before you set up your iPhone 7, you need to correctly install the SIM card in it. Smartphones use a nano SIM card, which is smaller than a regular SIM card. This is due to the fact that there is little space inside the device and the manufacturing company saves it on different modules. The SIM card slot was no exception.

To install a nano SIM card into an iPhone, you need to press the hole near the tray using the special iPaper included with the gadget. You can also use a regular paper clip. After pressing, the tray will extend slightly and should be pulled out completely. Next, you need to place the card in the tray with the front side facing up, push the tray back and push it completely into the slot. Then you must enter your PIN. If there is no firmware for a specific mobile operator, the phone will automatically detect the operator. If the device cannot detect the network, you need to go to “Settings” and select “Operator”.

First setup steps

Setting up iPhone 7 starts with these simple steps:

  • turning on - involves pressing and holding the power button for several seconds until a greeting appears on the screen;
  • press for 3-5 seconds, and then alternately select a language, country or region;
  • Internet connection - an active Wi-Fi network or mobile Internet is used.

Next, you will need to select whether to enable or disable location services. Activating them will allow you to track the location of the iPhone 7 (which is especially important if the gadget is lost or stolen), use maps and navigation applications, receive a weather forecast, etc. You can enable or disable geolocation services at any time. You need to go to Settings, select Privacy, and then Location Services.

The Location Services feature can be turned on/off completely or for individual phone applications. Turning it off will help extend battery life.

The next step requires you to set up Touch ID and set a password. Touch ID is a feature that allows you to unlock your phone using your fingerprint. The password protects the gadget from use by unauthorized people and protects personal data. To change it, you need to select the “Password Settings” item.

Then you need to select the configuration method: “New Device”, “Recovery from iCloud” or “Recovery using iTunes”. In the second and third cases, you can restore data and accounts from services that a person used on a previous smartphone. On average, the recovery process takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

The next step involves setting up an account that allows you to sign in to various Apple services. You can log in using your already registered Apple ID (username), create a new account, or skip this step altogether.

If you have an account, you should log in to it by writing a username and password, which you will not need to provide later when logging into Apple services. The account allows you to download applications and music from the App Store, synchronize several gadgets, make video calls between them for free, communicate in chats, etc. To obtain it, you must select “Create an Apple ID for free.” Next, you will need to indicate your date of birth, first name, last name, and click “Next.”

Please note that the account creator must be at least 18 years old, otherwise registration will be denied.

After entering your personal data, you must provide an existing email address or get it for free in iCloud. This will be your Apple ID login. Next, you need to come up with a password, select a security question, write down the answer to it, and also enter a backup e-mail. Next, the system will offer to subscribe to updates and news from Apple or refuse by moving the slider. The final step in setting up Apple ID is to accept the Terms of Use. This step cannot be skipped, so you must click “I Accept.” This completes the creation of your Apple ID.

Final setup steps

After creating an account, those who want to set up a new iPhone 7 have the opportunity to connect to the iCloud cloud storage, which will store backups from devices with the iOS operating system, photos, contacts, and applications.

By going to the “Diagnostics” section, a person must decide whether the mobile device system needs to send a daily report to the manufacturer about the technical and functional condition. Consent to the shipment means that the office of the gadget’s creators will regularly receive information about the operation of the hardware and software components, as well as errors and failures in it.

When setting up your phone, you can choose whether to display data on the screen: “enlarged” or “standard.” The first option is intended for people with vision problems.

All of these steps are optional and you can skip them, but they help you better optimize your custom smartphone and get the most out of its capabilities.

Useful additional settings

Turn on the Siri app

An Internet connection is required to use the program. You need to select the following items one by one: Settings⇒General⇒Siri. Next, move the slider to the “ON” position. If necessary, it is possible to select a language for voice commands.

You can then turn on the application by pressing and holding the Home button. An image of a microphone appears on the gadget’s screen, as well as the text “How can I help?” All you have to do is voice a command or ask a question.

You can set Siri to autoplay. To do this, you need to enable the Raise to Speak option. The application will automatically launch when you bring the iPhone to your ear.

Installing the application

You can install any program directly from your phone or by connecting to your computer. In the first case, the Internet must work on the iPhone. You need to go to the App Store online store, select an application and download it. After downloading, you can run the program. The second installation method involves connecting your mobile device to a laptop or personal computer with iTunes installed. After the computer “detects” the phone, you need to select the App Store in iTunes, find the desired application there and download it.

Internet setup

If your cellular operator provides a mobile Internet service, you won’t need to configure anything. You should go to “Settings” and select the required network.

To access Wi-Fi, you need to enable it through the quick menu or “Settings”. If a person is in an area where he has previously connected to a network available in it, the phone will automatically connect to the Internet. Otherwise, you should select the network yourself from the list of available ones. If it has a password, then to connect you must first know it.

It is not necessary to trust the settings of your phone to the sellers of Apple equipment stores. The tips listed in the article allow you to understand how to set up your iPhone yourself. Using them, you can install a nano SIM card, set the language and country, connect to the Internet, select a configuration method, create an Apple ID, etc.