Difference between smartphone and android. “Which is better a smartphone or Android?” - not quite the right question. Let's figure it out


In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to connect the Internet to a computer via a mobile phone.

When answering the question “ What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone? ", most people mention the presence of a processor, while others consider the touch screen to be the main thing. What is the truth?

In order to give the most accurate answer about the differences between a smartphone and a telephone, one should turn to the history of the development of mobile technology, namely the early 90s of the last century, when mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) appeared on the market en masse. The functionality of mobile phones initially consisted only of making phone calls and sending SMS, and PDAs became indispensable assistants for business people as electronic organizers. Later, mobile phones acquired similar capabilities, and pocket PCs followed the path of unification with their desktop counterparts, the first mobile operating systems appeared and the productivity of the devices themselves increased. The unification of these two classes was only a matter of time...

Main features of iPhone, smartphone and Android.

Lately, more and more often, you can hear about such gadgets as smartphone, iPhone And android, but the difference between them is very difficult for many users to understand. And all because most people have only a general idea of ​​this miracle of technology.

What is a smartphone?

Let's start, perhaps, with the “oldest” of them, the smartphone. First of all, it is worth noting that a smartphone is a means of telephone communication, i.e. Cellular telephone. But unlike a simple mobile phone, it is capable of more. With their help, it is much more convenient to visit various sites and view mail. And all because they often use 3G and 4G modules to work with the Internet. But at the same time, the smartphone still remains a means of communication, i.e. A telephone, a gadget oriented for voice communication.

What is an iPhone and How does an iPhone differ from a smartphone?

The concept of iPhone appeared in our lives relatively recently, but has already become not only a popular gadget, but also quite prestigious. However, few people know about it. That the iPhone is the same smartphone, only modified and more powerful. And the developers from the company gave us this miracle Apple"(aka Apple), who created it based on a smartphone. Therefore, this device can use either 3G or 4G modules to operate, allowing it to work quite efficiently and guarantee reliability. Moreover, it is the iPhone that has the maximum number of pixels per inch of the gadget’s screen compared to others. As a result, the picture on the displays is brighter and clearer. And the reliable and correct interface of the iPhone allows it to recognize finger commands as accurately as possible, which makes control simpler and more convenient. The software is also carefully thought out. This makes it possible to run any application for this system for uninterrupted operation. In addition to all this, it is worth noting the many different accessories that make working with the iPhone more convenient, and the model itself more reliable and of higher quality. Thus, the considerable cost of this device is fully compensated by its quality, and has a positive effect on the growth of its popularity in the world.

What is the difference between a smartphone and an Android

As for the concept of android, this refers to the operating system. Those. Software or, more simply put, a platform that makes it possible for all components of an electronic gadget to work together. At the same time, today not all smartphones and other similar devices have this particular platform, since such a system as “Symbian” was also developed. The undoubted advantage of this software is its openness and accessibility. The fact is that Android is capable of working on many modern gadgets, since it does not impose great technical requirements on the filling. Overall, this is a universal platform that can be easily adapted and supplemented with your own applications, which is very convenient. Perhaps this is why Android is a widely popular product.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that Android is widely used in smartphones, as it allows for a sufficiently large amount of memory, collaboration with many applications and the possibility of its independent modification by another manufacturer. Although it is possible that in the future the Android system will be implemented in many other “smart” gadgets. Ultimately, all of these devices and platforms significantly expand the boundaries of what is possible. So, today it has become possible to find out the forecast for tomorrow on the Internet or listen to your favorite music thanks to them, little helpers.

What is the difference between iPhone and Android?

iPhones are made by Apple, and Android phones are made by Google. Otherwise there are few differences, more fanaticism.



With the release of new smartphones from Apple, the question has again become relevant: how is Android different from iOS/ios. If, for some reason, you used only one type of gadget - for example, exclusively Android smartphones, then it will be useful for you to read this article.

From it, we hope you can understand what the main difference between ios and android is. Accordingly, after reading this material it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of gadget.


Hardware is perhaps the first thing in which you can see the difference between an iPhone and Android. Only Apple makes iPhones, so they have significant control over how the hardware and software interact. At the same time, Google supplies its software to a bunch of manufacturers, from Samsung to Motorola.

For this reason, Android phones vary greatly in price, size, weight, features, and quality. If you take an iPhone, then you only need to choose a model. With Android, you need to choose both the model and manufacturer. Those who like freedom of choice value Android, while those who like simplicity and quality usually prefer Apple.

Software support

If you always want to be sure that you have the latest version of your operating system, then take an iPhone. The fact is that Android manufacturers are very slow when it comes to updating their devices. Moreover, if you have an old phone, it will not receive the update at all. In this regard, Apple is much better.

For example, iOS 10 works even on devices released seven years ago. When updates are released, half of Apple device owners install them in the first week, while only a few manage to wait for updates on their Android.


If we talk about applications, then Android has a richer choice.

However, Apple has much stricter requirements for content, so when downloading applications from the App Store, you are less likely to stumble upon some junk.

Moreover, developing software for Android is expensive due to the huge variety of devices on this system. Not all developers will want to bother adapting applications for each phone.


In the near future, iPhones may become the second Nintendo or PS Vita.

All this thanks to the huge range of games that the App Store boasts. Android users are very spoiled creatures and are sometimes accustomed to the fact that everything should be free. It is for this reason that many large game developers prefer to create for the App Store, bypassing Google.

Integration with other devices

In addition to smartphones, many people also use tablets, computers and wearable technology.

For these people, iOS is a great choice since Apple also makes all these devices. Thus, Apple can provide those features that Android lacks. For example, we started writing an email on an iPhone and finished on a Mac. If you wanted to unlock your phone, you turned on your Apple Watch. And there are a lot of such examples. In the case of Android, you will not get such an experience, since few companies simultaneously produce phones, smart watches, laptops, and tablets. Unless it's some Samsung.


Support is another thing that Android and iOS have in common. If your device breaks down, you can find an Apple Store in any country where experts will help you solve your problem. Have you seen something like this on Android?


If we talk about smart assistants, then we have to give laurels to Google and its Google Assistant. This thing uses all of Google's knowledge, as well as the information it has collected about you, to make your life easier.

For example, if you have a meeting marked in Google Calendar for half past seven, and Google knows that traffic is terrible, it will send you a notification advising you to send early. iOS has Siri, but in terms of advancedness it is still far from Google Assistant, although the latter is also available for iPhones.


If we talk about batteries, then everything will be a little simpler for the iPhone. We have only a few models, while Android has devices with a wide variety of screen proportions and hardware.

Accordingly, they hold the charge differently, and the sizes of the batteries themselves are also different. So Android definitely wins here.

Elegance versus customization

Android gives you unprecedented freedom in terms of customizing your phone. If you like to control every little detail, then you should definitely consider purchasing an Android phone. True, there is a pitfall here. Each manufacturer of Android smartphones has its own vision of what should be in this smartphone. Thus, some manufacturers remove useful applications from phones, replacing them with their own, which may not be as convenient. Also, a separate conversation is about shells. While with the iPhone we just have iOS, on Android there is a whole bunch of shells. The problem here is not only one of choice. The fact is that some shells, despite all their external aesthetics, greatly slow down the system.

As a result, applications crash or slow down, and the animation turns out to be somewhat torn. iPhones, on the contrary, although laconic, do not slow down and can boast of stability, which Androids are still far from achieving. So it’s hard to say: if you like to manage everything and don’t like restrictions, then take Android. And if you prefer stability, then the iPhone will clearly be a good choice for you.


Due to its open source code, smartphone manufacturers often install their own software on Android. However, this software may not always be of high quality (hello, Samsung!).

As a result, the user buys a smartphone and is forced to guess which applications have been replaced. In the case of iOS, there is no such problem in principle, because the only developer here is Apple itself. When you get an iPhone, you get high-quality pre-installed applications.

freedom of choice

Apple, as already mentioned, likes to decide for the user. For this reason, the phones of this company are very limited. For example, you cannot download files from a browser, use torrents, record phone calls, transfer files directly from a computer, listen to music via Bluetooth, and so on.

In Android, this is all possible, and if some functions are missing (for example, the phone does not support two SIM cards), then you can always purchase another model. In the case of iOS, you are very limited. But this gives another plus: stability and high optimization (read: speed). That is, there is no evil without good.

NFC for everyone

On iPhone, the only use case for NFC wireless technology is Apple Pay payments. It's all about the closedness of the system.

In Android, developers have access to wireless technology and can create interesting applications for this purpose. For example, on Android you can check how many trips you have left on your pass.

Application costs

It's no longer a secret that you can find many free applications on Android, and those that need to be purchased can be pirated on the Internet. This trick won’t work with Apple - most of the apps in the store are paid, and you can’t just put pirated software on board an iPhone. You will need to hack the device (and thus lose the warranty) or buy a developer account. That is, one way or another you will have to pay for something.

Thus, Android has an unspoken advantage in this regard, because we all love freebies.

These are the pros and cons of Android and iOS. We hope that after reading the article, you understand the difference between an Android and an iPhone, and what to choose depends on what is more important to you personally. The iPhone has the advantages of security and openness, while the advantages of Android are its versatility. But one way or another, a suitable device can be found on both systems, and how to use it is entirely up to you. Thank you for reading!

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August 31, 2017

For the first time, the Android OS was presented to the “public attention” back in 2007, i.e. just a couple of years after Google finally and irrevocably absorbed the Android company. And today, based on the obvious results of such a “merger,” we can say with confidence: Android is not just another startup acquired by Google, it is a 100% high-quality product!

Android 1.0 - the first damn thing is not lumpy at all

HTC Dream is the first smartphone to run on the Android operating system

So, in the not-so-distant year of 2007, Google released the first official public version of Android along with an emulator, while simultaneously demonstrating this system on a push-button gadget a la BlackBerry from HTC.

At the same time, Apple decided to introduce its first iPhone. And it was then that Google, realizing that a new technical revolution was “looming” on the horizon, was forced to turn Android development into a “touch direction”, completely abandoning the concept of all-in-one PCs made in the BlackBerry style.

Unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to see the “first sign” of Android that supports the virtual keyboard - version 1.5, which, at one time, was available to any user, albeit for a very short time. It was with Android 1.5 that the tradition began of giving each version names inspired by sweets. Android 1.5 got a name Cupcake.

Android 2.0

Over a fairly short period of time, the system underwent numerous updates - this continued until the release of the version 2.2 Froyo, with which Android gained truly worldwide fame. After all, it was then that smartphones running this OS became so widespread. In the above-mentioned system, the interface has been completely redesigned, which has become more convenient thanks to the ability to add multiple desktops. There is also support for Adobe Flash 10.2 and the ability to install and transfer applications to a memory card.

In 2010 it was published Android 2.3.x Gingerbread, which existed very successfully until 2013. This version includes a huge number of different updates. Thus, the entire file system and interface design were radically changed, support for ultra-high screen resolutions became available, and a garbage cleaning function appeared, which played a positive role in improving OS performance. And, of course, the best part is that it’s now possible to play new video and audio formats.

Android 4.0 and its variants

Following this, the “four” was released, which differed little from the previous OS, but this particular version is considered to be revolutionary or transitional, because it has received key design modifications that are more pleasing to the eye on devices of any diagonal. And then users began to get acquainted with versions that were strikingly different from the rest. And this was due, first of all, to the increased diagonal of mobile devices. Thus, three-inch smartphones with low screen resolution were quite comfortable running Android 2.3. But if, for example, you install the latest version of Android on an old HTC with a resolution of 320x480, then such a device will become extremely inconvenient to use. Conversely, Android 2.3 on a large six-inch screen will cause similar inconveniences. In other words, the diagonals of gadgets continued to grow, and therefore Google decided to optimize its RAM for large screens.

Let's look at the fourth version in more detail, or rather, at its varieties...

Android 4.0.x Icecream Sandwitch- the camera’s performance was improved (panoramic shooting, video with effects, etc.), it became possible to take screenshots without the help of third-party applications, the kernel and engine were updated, as well as the Google Chrome browser, the notification panel was changed and the ability to create folders on the desktop was added ( method of “overlaying/dragging icons” on top of each other).

Android 4.1.x, 4.2.x and 4.3.x Jelly Bean- these versions are practically no different from one another, representing variations on the theme of Android 4.0.x: the interface has been optimized, it has become smoother, jerks and jumps have disappeared when switching between desktops. Some minor changes were also made to the visual design, support for profiles and a quick settings button appeared.

Android 4.4.x KitKat- this version is also an update, which was primarily aimed at improving the performance of the system, as well as adapting it to some budget device models. In addition, the operation of RAM was optimized and a built-in “Android remote control” service appeared.

Android 5.0 and 6.0 - twin brothers

Later versions of Android 5.0 and 6.0 were not much different from each other; their main features were the final transition to ART instead of Dalvik, as well as a new “flat” design. Simply put, they work even faster and look much nicer.

A small digression for those who are “not in the know”: in a nutshell, ART and Dalvik are a virtual environment, a kind of shell necessary for the correct operation of applications. Sometimes this environment is also called a virtual machine. The main difference between ART and Dalvik is the unique AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) approach when executing applications. In other words, in the ART environment, installing any application will take a longer time, while the programs themselves will take up more space in the Android device’s storage, but this is only initially. Any subsequent launch of the installed program will be much faster, because it will already be compiled. At the same time, less use of RAM and processor due to the elimination of the need for recompilation will lead to less energy consumption as a result.

However, there was a fly in the ointment... According to Google, updating to these versions will significantly reduce energy consumption. But in reality, everything turned out exactly the opposite: the first “fives” “ate” the battery charge and RAM at a gigantic speed. Of course, these problems were fixed very soon, but many users still complain about these shortcomings.

Android 5.0.x and 5.1.x Lollipop- in these versions, the main changes affected the design. Thus, the outer contour of the icons was highlighted with shadows - due to this, they became more detailed and bright. In addition, the battery charging function was optimized, support for multi-user mode and 64-bit processors was added, and a new modification of Bluetooth 4.1 was released.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow- as for this version, which the world saw in May 2015, much more changes were made to it than to the previous OS. This applies to both external and internal updates. In particular, the design has changed, the locking function using facial recognition using the front camera has been improved, the ability to lock the gadget using fingerprints has been added, and the possibility of fast payments through the Android Pay system has been added. And finally, the popular Google Now application has been updated.

Android 7.0 - the well-deserved “seven” in the name

In mid-2016, Google presented to the public a new version of the operating system Android 7.0 Nougat. This version is noticeably different from the previous operating system and almost from the first minutes it became a serious competitor to the latest iOS. So, what's new in this modification?

For example, a very “fresh” innovation - the battery icon now moves when the “curtain” is unfolded directly into it from the top of the screen. So, by clicking on the icon, the user gets the opportunity to view the charge consumption graph. And in order to enable energy saving mode, you no longer need to go to the “Settings” menu.

On the lock screen, you can now customize notifications for each individual application. In addition, Android Nougat has finally acquired such a long-awaited option as the ability to set a background image on the lock screen that would be different from the main screen image. It would seem like a small thing, but it’s nice.

Another interesting “feature” has appeared - automatic screen backlight, which can be activated by going to “Settings - Screen - Automatic screen turn on”. Now, when the user picks up his gadget or receives a notification on his device, the screen will be slightly illuminated.

Working with applications has also been somewhat improved, in particular, the process of switching between already running programs has become more convenient.

And yet the main novelty is the ability to split the screen with parallel use of two applications at the same time.

In addition, “Nuga” has some other design features, such as:

  • filtering by phone number of all incoming calls has been implemented;
  • notifications have been significantly improved, and all notifications of one application are combined;
  • in night mode, you can now achieve optimal display of information on the screen by automatically adjusting the brightness and increasing the contrast;
  • new "Data Saver" mode in the background limits mobile data usage;
  • support for picture-in-picture mode;
  • 72 new emoji emoticons appeared;
  • Full hardware support for virtual reality mode has appeared.

What to choose: Samsung Android or iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 4? Which one is cooler and safer. This question remains unanswered as both types have their pros and cons. The iPhone is not only expensive, it is very expensive, but Android is not only for the poor. Now this comparison is outdated - some flagship Android devices are close to the price of an iPhone.

Although Apple is still the largest and most powerful technology company in the world, it has only recently responded to trends and technological innovations.

The first waterproof smartphone from this company was the iPhone 7. This solution has already been used for a long time in the Android Xperia Z1. There is a similar case with the dual camera in the iPhone 7 Plus - this solution is successfully used in Android.

Android also has features that you won't find in iOS - external memory cards, dual SIM cards, wireless charging, fast boot are just the beginning of the list, but you won't find all these features together in any device.

Let's be honest - most owners of iOS or Android smartphones are not demanding users. The phone works, it has everything you need, including applications especially for Android, which has 84 percent market share.

Therefore, any self-respecting developer would like to be in its place, especially since Gmail, Maps, Chrome, virtual assistant and even the keyboard are better than Apple analogues. In addition to the price - this is a closed Apple system and an open one, in Android - third-party manufacturers can add their services.

However, iOS has an advantage in some aspects, such as security and guaranteed updates, and iPhones work like Swiss watches.

When a company provides a new system update, it is immediately available to users. It even includes older models - for example, the latest version of iOS 10 is also available for users of the iPhone 5, which came out a few years ago.

In Android, updating old models is rarely seen. Additionally, updates often have to wait for the manufacturer to update their overlay.

Apple users are statistically more likely to pay (if you have money for an expensive phone, you will also have money to buy apps or games).

My observations - choose iPhone or Android

In 2007, Apple presented its development and thus began the battle: “iPhone versus Android and Microsoft.” At first it was not difficult, but more than 6 years have passed since the presentation of the first Android smartphone HTC Dream, better known as the Era G1.

This allowed Google devices to spread their wings and in many ways overtake Apple. Here are some reasons why Android smartphones beat iPhones.

Choosing between Android and iPhone – changes and stores

Android allows the user to truly choose every element, to suit every taste - starting with wallpaper, going through icons, and ending with a complete system change.

In the case of an iPhone, you can’t make so many changes, although if there is a Jailbreak, then the road is open for changes.

As for their stores, for some time the play brand officially surpassed the App Store in terms of the number of available applications.

The only problem and eternal struggle is where there is a lot of everything - there is also a lot of garbage. Personally, I believe that the Play Store has great alternatives for paid games and programs.

What's cooler: iPhone or Android - replaceable batteries and memory cards

Today's smartphones are lightweight, but their life cycle is through daily charging, which means that after about a year of heavy use, the battery should be replaced with a new one.

In most Android devices, you can simply open the flip and replace the power source. On an iPhone, this task seriously interferes with the device and voids the warranty.

While modern smartphones have up to 128 GB of internal memory, there are still definitely more popular models equipped with 16 GB or even 4 GB.

Without the ability to use a memory card, this space will quickly be exhausted and personally, when working with an Apple product, I see the frustration of users when I have to decide what to delete.

Additionally, the price difference between individual versions is usually disproportionate to how much you can actually spend on a good quality MicroSD card.

Which is better to take an Android or an iPhone – prices and equipment

Apple's smartphones have been on the market for almost 8 years, but their availability depends on your budget - although the iPhone 4s on the latest software version is not jet-speed.

In turn, we will find many Android phones that offer much more. So, even for a few hundred dollars, thanks to the Chinese initiative, you can find a good functioning device,

Wireless charging, heart rate monitor, dust and water resistance, various types of displays, gestures, additional sensors and much more made Android missing on the iPhone.

This is similar to NFC, which recently arrived in iOS products, but its capabilities are limited to payments only and it is not available everywhere.

What is the difference between Android and iPhone – iTunes and MicroUSB

Android users cannot imagine that by connecting their phone or tablet to a computer, they will be forced to use an additional program to access the built-in memory to transfer photos or music.

In the case of the iPhone, we are limited to iTunes, which often irritates every interaction between the smartphone and the computer. Required permissions, archives and synchronization, complex transmission system and limitations associated with the number of interacting PCs.

Of course, there are alternatives to iTunes, but either way you need to have it running to even transfer the ringtone to your phone.

With MicroUSB we can connect a cable or charger to our smartphone at any time. This standardization allows you to avoid spending money on buying a regular USB cable.

Additionally, if manufacturers decide to use the C-port more widely, the biggest benefit of Apple's patent will cease to exist, as will the point of using it.

Of course, the iPhone also has its advantages, but the most important of them is long-term support from the manufacturer. Let's summarize.

Bottom line - comparison of Android and iPhone

iOS and Android are currently the most popular operating systems available on mobile devices. According to the analytical report, Android Samsung continues to lead in smartphone sales, with 29 percent of the market. Huawei came in second with 23 percent and Apple with 11 percent.

iOS and Android are very different, so our choice should be guided mainly by our expectations and needs.

First of all, this system gives us a guarantee of continuous software updates. When a company introduces a new product, it automatically appears on all users and equipment, often including older models.

Another advantage of iOS is its compatibility with other devices. Both the operating system, applications, and other devices such as iPad are synchronized. Sharing data between all Apple devices is very easy. In addition, there are many devices on the market that work with iOS smartphones, such as a smart light, sports camera or smart kettle.

Many people also talk about ease of use as one of the advantages of iOS. In fact, this system is not complicated - all applications work quickly and very efficiently. Apple recently introduced tools for people with visual or hearing impairments. Such objects are especially appreciated by the general public.

What are the disadvantages of the Apple device system? First of all, iOS has a small amount of personalization options. Smartphones with this system are definitely intended for people who value design and simplicity more than the advanced configuration of the device.

Because the system is closed, we cannot change the original icons, download other software, or install widgets.

The disadvantage is the relatively high price. Apple devices still have a higher price even for flagship Android models. Their price remains at a high level even several months after release.

For whom is it better to choose Android? Most people can boast that it is an open system. Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently intervene in the system.

For example, when installing an application from external sources. Due to the openness of the system, users can add their own applications and modifications to the system. You can also download the new look.

Another advantage is the variety of devices. With a full range of phones available in the market, there is something for everyone. Variety also applies to prices - you can now buy devices with similar features to Apple, but at a much lower price.

One of the main disadvantages of this system is the low level of security. It is not protected from viruses and Trojans. This is mainly due to the ease of installation of software and applications that come from an unfamiliar source.

Another problem is fragmentation. Manufacturers are slow to update and many cheap models will never see the new version of the system. If there is already some update, it is usually only for more expensive models, and soon after release.

An often cited disadvantage is “freezing.” This problem even applies to equipment even with very good parameters. This is mainly due to the lack of system optimization for specific hardware, which causes the phone to freeze frequently and creates performance issues.

There is no doubt that for one there is an advantage, for others it can be a disadvantage. So for so many years, the war between iOS and Android, the question of choosing one or the other cannot be resolved. What about you, which system do you prefer? I'm interested in your opinion!

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