Open far. How to work in Far Manager - the basics. Installing a disk for USB flash drive

4.1 Theoretical information

File managers are shell programs for working with the operating system. With the help of a file manager, users can view, copy, delete and create directories and files, run programs, etc. One of the first file managers is Norton Commander for working with DOS OS, created by Peter Norton. It uses a two-panel interface for the first time.

In the file manager, the screen is divided into two separate areas or panels, each of which displays the contents of directories and files on disks. The Norton Commander file manager is the founder of a class of programs - classic file managers. Classic file managers include: DOS Navigator, FAR Manager, Volkov Commander, Windows Commander, etc.

Classic file managers inherited the Norton Commander key combinations. Currently, experienced PC users prefer to use FAR or Total Commander. Many users prefer to use FAR Manager due to the availability huge amount additional modules or plugins that allow you to expand the functionality of the file manager.

Let's take a closer look at the FAR Manager program, which is free for non-commercial use by citizens of the CIS countries (author Evgeny Roshal - Russian programmer), and for other users it is distributed as shareware.

A new version: Far Manager v2.0 build 1086 x86

Rice. 1.

Far Manager - console file manager for operating systems Windows family. The file manager provides user-friendly interface user to work with files, i.e. to view files and directories, edit, copy, rename files, etc. Far Manager handles files with long names.

Basic keyboard commands: Panel control commands; File management and service teams; Command line; Other commands.

Let's look at Panel Control Commands.

General commands file managers Far Manager
Team Command Description
TAB Change active panel
Ctrl-U Swap panels
Ctrl-L Hide/show information panel
Ctrl-Q Hide/show panel quick view file
Ctrl-T Hide/show folder tree
Ctrl-O Hide/show both panels
Ctrl-P Hide/show inactive panel
Ctrl-F1 Hide/show left panel
Ctrl-F2 Hide/show right panel
Ctrl-B Hide/Show ruler function keys
File Panel Commands
Ins, Shift-cursor keys Mark/unmark a file
Gray+ Mark group
Gray- Unmark a group
Gray* Invert mark
Shift- Mark all files
Shift- Uncheck all files
Ctrl+M Restore previous marking

"File management and service commands" commands (function keys F1 - F10 are located on the bottom line of the Far Manager window)
Team Command Description
F1 Help
F2 Call up custom menu
F3 View file
F4 Editing a file. Calls a built-in, external, or associated editor
F5 Copying. Copies files and folders
F6 Rename or move folders and files
F7 Creating a new folder
F8 Deleting files and folders
F9 Show horizontal menu
F10 Quit FAR
Alt-F1 Change current drive in the left pane
Alt-F2 Change current drive in the right pane
Alt-F5 Printing files
Alt-F7 Execute the search for files command
Alt-F8 Show command history
Shift-F4 Create text file
Alt-Del Destruction of files and folders

Teams text editor file manager Far Manager
Cursor Commands
Team Command Description
Ctrl-Home To the beginning of the file
Ctrl-End To the end of the file
Home To the beginning of the line
End To the end of the line
PgUp Page up
PgDn Page down
Del Delete character
B.S. Remove character from left
Ctrl-Y Delete line
Block Operations
Shift+arrow Select a simple (line) block
Ctrl-U Deselect block
Shift-A Select all text
Shift-Ins, Ctrl-V Paste block from clipboard
Shift-Del, Ctrl-X Move (cut) block to clipboard
Ctrl-C Copy block to clipboard
Ctrl-D Delete block
Ctrl-P Copy block to current cursor position
Ctrl-M Move block to current cursor position
Other operations
F1 Help
F2 Save file
Shift-F2 Save the file under a different name
F7 Search
Ctrl-F7 Replace all occurrences of a word with another
Shift-F7 Continue search/replace
F8 Switching DOS/WINDOWS (character encodings)
F10, Esc Exit editor
Shift-F10 Save and exit
Ctrl-Z Cancel last action(rollback)

4.2 Purpose of the work

Familiarization with the basic capabilities of the file manager FAR Manager - a program for managing files and archives in operating systems of the Windows family and acquiring skills in working with file managers.

4.3 Problem statement

While working with the FAR Manager, do the following actions:

  • Create a folder structure with the FAR Manager file manager in accordance with the folder and file structure shown in Fig. 2.
  • Create text files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt by entering text from the keyboard.
  • Create the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files by copying the lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt files.
  • Create the files article1.txt and article2.txt by copying a group of files and renaming them after copying them in the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder.
  • Move the files book1.txt and book2.txt to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder from the E:\FAVORITE folder, where you create them by copying and pasting text from other files.

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4.4 Step-by-step execution of work

4.4.1 Turn on PC

Click Power button on system unit PC.

4.4.2 Launch the FAR Manager file manager

After full load Windows OS, click the Start button and in the Main menu select the Programs command, in the submenu that opens select FAR Manager, and then click on the shortcut FAR Manager, the application will start. File manager can be launched in another way by double-clicking the left mouse button on the shortcut FAR Manager, placed on the desktop.

4.4.3 Installing a USB flash drive

Install pure flash to USB.

4.4.4 Familiarize yourself with the management commands of the FAR Manager file manager

File manager control commands:

  1. Change the drive in the left panel and then in the right panel using the Alt-F1 and Alt-F2 commands respectively.
  2. Change the active FAR Manager panel using the TAB key.
  3. Enable/disable the function key bar using the Ctrl-B command.
  4. Swap the information panels using the Ctrl-U key.
  5. Turn off/on both information panels using the Ctrl-O command.
  6. Turn off/on the right panel and then the left panel using the Ctrl-F1, Ctrl-F2 commands.

4.4.5 Create a folder structure with the FAR Manager file manager

According to the folder and file structure shown in Fig.1, create a folder structure.
To do this, run the Alt-F1 command and make the root directory of the E: drive active. Next, using the F7 command, create the FAVORITE and LIBRARY folders. Then go to the LIBRARY directory and create ARTICLE and BOOK folders. Check the created folder structure by pressing Alt-F10. To exit the directory tree, click on the F10 function key.

4.4.6 Create files lesson.1 and lesson.2 from the keyboard using the file manager FAR Manager

Create the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt using the Shift-F4 command. To do this, go to the root directory of drive E: and press Shift-F4, a dialog box will open. In this window, enter a name created file, for example lesson1.txt and press Enter.

A text editor window will open (edit lesson1.txt), in which enter text (the text is arbitrary, the file size must be at least 800 characters, i.e. 10 lines of 80 characters). To save the file with the same name, press F2, to save the file under a different name, press Shift-F2. After saving the file, exit the editor and navigate to the file and directory listings by clicking F10 (Exit).

4.4.7 Create files favorite.1 and favorite.2 with FAR Manager

Create the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files by copying the lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt files. To do this, you need to open the E:\FAVORITE folder on one of the panels, and on the other panel, open the root directory of the E: drive, which contains the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt. Using the F5 copy command, copy the files lesson1.txt and lesson2.txt to the E:\FAVORITE folder, changing the file names to favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt.

For this purpose on active panel Select a file with the mouse manipulator, for example lesson1.txt and click on the function key F5, in the dialog box that opens, enter the full path and a new file name, for example favorite1.txt. Then click Copy or press Enter and a file called favorite1.txt will appear in the E:\FAVORITE directory.

4.4.8 Create files article1.txt and article2.txt with FAR Manager

Create the files article1.txt and article2.txt by copying the group of files favorite1.txt, favorite2.txt and renaming them after copying them in the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder. To do this, you need to open the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder in one of the panels, and open the E:\FAVORITE folder in the other panel, which contains the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files.

Then, on the active panel, use the Ins key to mark the files favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt (the file names will be colored in yellow) and click on the F5 function key. The Copy dialog box will open. The line will indicate the full path to copy, press Enter.

After copying the favorite1.txt and favorite2.txt files to the E:\LIBRARY\ARTICLE folder, rename their names. To do this, select a file in the active panel (for example, favorite1.txt) and press F6. In the Rename/Move dialog box that opens, specify the full path and new file name (for example, article1.txt), click Rename or click Enter key. As a result, the file favorite1.txt will be renamed to article1.txt.

To view the article1.txt file, select it with the mouse and click on the F3 key. Using the cursor keys and Home keys, End, PgUp, PgDn view the text of the file.

To switch from viewing mode to editing mode, press F6. In edit mode, add text to the file and save it by pressing F2. Exit the editor by pressing F10 (ESC).

4.4.10 Moving the files book1.txt and book2.txt to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder using the FAR Manager file manager

Create the files book1.txt and book2.txt in the E:\FAVORITE folder, and then move them to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder. To move the book1.txt file, you need to open the E:\FAVORITE directory in one of the panels, in which the book1.txt file is located, and open the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder in the other panel. Then, in the active panel, select the book1.txt file and click on the F6 key. In the Rename/Move dialog box that opens, specify the full path to move the file and press Enter. The book1.txt file will be moved to the E:\LIBRARY\BOOK folder.

4.4.11 Completing the lab with the FAR Manager file manager

Tell your teacher about your completed work. After allowing shutdown, you can delete the created files and directories using the delete command (F8 key). Next, close the FAR Manager file manager by clicking on the F10 key, then you can remove the USB flash drive.

FAR Manager - console file manager for family operating systems Microsoft Windows. It allows you to conveniently perform operations on files located locally on your computer, as well as on files on remote computers.

You can download FAR Manager for free on the project support website.

We recommend downloading the file with the extension .msi - a standard installer for Windows.


By default, the FAR Manager interface consists of two panels, which display a list of files and directories. You can move between directories using the arrow keys and the"Enter" F1 - . At the bottom of the application window there is a list of operation prompts corresponding to the function keys (, and they are with the key pressed "Alt"). Switching between panels occurs by pressing the "Tab" key. Also, many actions are available using the mouse.

Russian interface language

For ease of use, it makes sense to set the Russian language for the FAR Manager interface. For this:

FTP server connection settings

Let in the left panel of FAR Manager you have a directory open with the files of your website that you want to host. In the right panel we will work with files on the FTP server. To open the FTP panel, click Alt+F2, select "NetBox" and press the key "Enter".

A list of your existing FTP connections will open in the right pane.

To create a new connection, click Shift+F4. Will open dialog window, in which you need to specify connection parameters.

  • Select FTP protocol. To do this, use the mouse or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+↓.
  • In the “Server name” line, enter the registered domain or IP address of your account. You can get its value through the Hosting Control Panel in the “Account” → “IP Addresses” section.
  • In the “User” line - the user name (username).
  • In the “Password” line - the password for your connection (however, we recommend leaving this field empty and entering the password when prompted later).

After specifying the connection parameters, click the “Yes” button.

Attention: We do not recommend saving passwords in the FTP connection settings. This may harm the security of your site, since stored in popular programs Passwords are often stolen when a computer is infected with viruses. Instead, enter your password manually before each connection.

You can assign any unique name to the session.

After saving the settings, the created connection will appear in the list on the right in the FTP panel.

To establish a connection and start working with FTP through FAR Manager, mark the line with the cursor and press the "Enter" key. The root directory of your account on the server will open in the right window.

Uploading files to the server

Go to the root directory of your new site and delete the default index file index.php. To delete, mark the file with the cursor, click F8 and confirm the action.

To upload your website files to the server, go to the left panel by pressing Tab, and select the files that need to be uploaded to the server: select the file with the cursor, press the key Insert- the file will be highlighted in color. Label all files and folders on your site this way.

To start copying, press the key F5.

Confirm your intention to start copying by pressing the key Enter.

In the dialog box that appears, ensure that the copy options are selected correctly and press Enter.

After the copying is complete, you will see that the files that you downloaded from local computer. Now you can continue working with FAR Manager according to your existing tasks.

Among many other file managers, one cannot fail to highlight the FAR Manager program. This application was made based on the cult program Norton Commander, and at one time was positioned as a worthy competitor to Total Commander. Despite the rather simple console interface, the functionality of PAR Manager is quite large, which contributes to the popularity of this application among a certain circle of users. At the same time, some users, despite the intuitive interface of this file manager, do not know some of the nuances of working with it. Let's look at the main points of the question of how to work in the FAR Manager program.

Before starting to work in the FAR Manager program, it would be rational for a domestic user to install the Russian language of the program interface.

After launching the application, to go to the program settings, click on the “ConfMn” (“Call Menu”) button in the bottom panel of FAR Manager, or simply press the F9 key on the keyboard.

A menu appears at the top of the program interface. Go to its “Options” section and select “Languages”.

In the list that appears, select Russian as the main language.

The next window immediately opens, where we set Russian as the help language.

File System Navigation

Navigation through the file system in the Far Manager application is fundamentally no different from the navigation familiar to many users in Total program Commander, because FAR Manager has the same two-panel interface. To change the active panel, simply press the Tab key on your keyboard. To go up a level, you need to click on the colon-shaped icon at the top of the list of files and folders.

For change current disk, in which navigation is performed, you need to click on the letter “and” at the very top of the list.

The folder names are White color, hidden folders– dull white, and files may be marked different colors, depending on the extension.

Actions on files and folders

Various actions with files can be performed using the buttons on the bottom panel of the program. But experienced users It is much more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts.

For example, to copy a file from one directory to another, you need to have the folder with the file to be copied open on one of the panels, and the folder where the copying will take place on the other. After selecting the required file, click on the “Copier” button on the bottom panel.” The same action can be launched by simply pressing the F5 key.

Then, in the window that opens, we must confirm the action by clicking on the “Copy” button.

All other actions on elements are performed using the same algorithm. file system. First of all, we need to select the element we need, and then press the corresponding button on the bottom panel, or the keyboard function key.

Below is a list of the names of the buttons on the bottom panel of FAR Manager, keys on the keyboard, and the essence of the actions performed when they are pressed:

    F3 – “View” – View;
    F4 – “Edit” – Editing;
    F5 – “Copier” – Copy;
    F6 – “Move” – Rename or move;
    F7 – “Folder” – Create a new directory;
    F8 – “Deleted” – Delete.

Actually, the number of the function key for each action corresponds to the number indicated next to the button on the bottom panel of the program.

In addition, when you press the Alt+Del key combination, complete removal selected file or folder, without placing it in the trash.

Managing the program interface

In addition, there are additional features on interface management FAR programs Manager.

To display the information panel, just press the key combination Ctrl+L.

The quick file view panel is launched by pressing the Ctrl+Q key combination.

To return appearance panels to their default state, you just need to repeat the entered commands.

Work with text

FAR Manager supports viewing text files using a built-in viewer. In order to open a text file, just select it and click on the “View” button in the bottom panel, or the F3 function key on the keyboard.

After this, a text file opens. Using the same hotkeys, it is very convenient to navigate through it. When you press the Ctrl+Home combination, the file is moved to the top, and the Ctrl+End combination moves to the very bottom. Accordingly, pressing the Home and End keys performs the same operations only not on the scale of the entire file, but within the line.

In order to select all the text, you need to press the key combination Shift+A, and copying the text to the clipboard occurs, as usual, using the key combination Ctrl+C.


A set of plugins allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the FAR Manager program. To view the list installed plugins, and launch the desired one, click the “Plugin” button in the bottom panel of the program, or the F11 key on the keyboard.

As you can see, a list of plugins pre-installed in the program opens. We will talk about the most important of them below.

The arclite plugin is a built-in archiver; it can be used to view, unpack and create archives.

Using a special case conversion plugin, you can carry out group conversion of letters from lowercase to uppercase, and in reverse order.

Using the network browsing plugin, you can view network connections, if available, and navigate through them.

The special plugin “Process List” is a kind of analogue of the Dispatcher Windows tasks. But with its help you can only monitor the consumption of system resources by processes, but not manage them.

Using the NetBox plugin, you can download and transfer files over an FTP network.

As you can see, despite the fairly powerful functionality of the FAR Manager program, which is also enhanced by plugins, working in this application is quite easy. It is thanks to the ease of working with the program and intuitively clear interface it attracts many users.

Far Manager - free program for working with files (in other words, a file manager), which allows you to work both in windowed mode and with the command line. This “hybrid” file management allows not only advanced users, but also beginners to work with the program.

In order to install Far Manager, download the installer for free from the developer’s website in the downloads section. Far Manager has an official website - If the version of the program you are using is lower than 2.0, it is advisable to register it, otherwise the functionality provided to the user will be limited. For example, the unlicensed version does not save Far settings, which is quite inconvenient. Registration process Far manager very simple and does not take much time. For residents former CIS and in Russia this procedure is free (up to version 1.61). Register Far file manager You can do this by entering the command “far –r” in the console. In the window that appears, enter the following values: “xUSSR registration” and “name of the current day of the week.” Click “OK” and use the full version.

Far2.0 does not require registration, since with this version the program comes with open source. All functions are available by default.

How to work in Far Manager - basics

To decide how to work in Far Manager more conveniently, you need to consider both available options:

  • Using a graphical (window) interface and menu.
  • Using commands entered into the console.

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so both methods are most often used. Next we will look in more detail at how GUI, and the most frequently used commands entered into command line.

The appearance of the program is quite simple - the main window is divided into 2 equal parts, which display files from the selected folder or disk. Below them is the command line and a list of commands called using the hotkeys F1 – F12 and Alt+ F1 – F12.

The transition between panels is carried out with the Tab button. Using the arrows you can move through the list of files in the section. Moving through sections is carried out using the Enter key.

In order to view the result of executing commands entered into the command line string Far manager, you need to hide one or both panels. There are also hotkeys for this action: Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2 for the left and right panels, respectively. When pressed again, the panels will be displayed.

By default, the headlight manager menu language is English, but the program also supports the Russian version. To change the language, you need to call up the menu bar (by pressing F9 or LMB-clicking on the top of any of the panels). In the “Options” menu, select the “Languages” item and select Russian from the proposed list (main and help).

To change the directory in one of the panels, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F1 for the left panel (or Alt+F2 for the right). Or you can simply left-click on the directory name in the current panel and select the “Change disk” sub-item in the “Left” or “Right” menu.

The main functions of any file manager are file system management. That is, creating, deleting and copying (moving) files and groups of files.

Create new file in Far Manager in the current directory you can press Shift+F4. You will need to enter the name and extension of the new file:

Moving a file or group of files to another directory is done using the F5 (copy) and F6 (move) buttons. In order to perform these operations for a group of files, you need to mark them (Insert button on the keyboard). All marked files are highlighted in yellow.

Plugins in Far

There are additional routines that expand the range Far possibilities– plugin. The most commonly used plugins in Far provide:

  • Interaction with FTP and SFTP servers.
  • Usage regular expressions to squeak and replace characters (and groups of characters) in a file.
  • Control external devices connected to a PC (for example, printers).
  • Highlighting syntax in program texts.
  • Working with the Windows registry.
  • Working with the basket.
  • Renaming groups of files using templates.

In addition to plugins, there are a number useful functions, implemented by default in Far Manager, we will look at how to use some of them and how to call them in more detail.

Various modes for presenting information about files. There are 9 such modes in total. You can change the file system display mode in Far Manager using the combination CTRL keys+ . Accordingly, there are only 9 available modes:

  1. Brief. Part of the file name is shown (or full name+ extension if they take up less than a certain number of characters in total).
  2. Average. Most of the file name is shown (or the full name + extension if they add up to less than a certain number of characters).
  3. Full. In addition to the name (if it fits) and extension (if it fits), the size of the file or folder is displayed, as well as the date and time of its creation or last change.
  4. Wide. The full file name and size are displayed.
  5. Detailed. In addition to the name, information is displayed about the size, compression ratio, date of creation and last modification of the file, as well as the time of the last access to it and its attributes.
  6. View descriptions. The name and short description of the file (if any) are shown.
  7. View long descriptions. Displays name, size and Full description file (if it exists).
  8. View file owners. The file name, size, and owner are displayed.
  • Various file sorting modes in the panel. There are also only 9 of them; the keyboard shortcut in Far Manager to change the sorting mode is CTRL+. CTRL+F12 displays information about all available modes with display of the current:
  • Setting up an FTP connection in FAR

    As mentioned earlier, you can work with FTP and SFTP servers in Far Manager; we will look at how to use these functions further. Depending on the Far Manager build, the FTP plugin may or may not be installed. It’s very easy to check its presence - if there is an FTP item in the disk change menu, then the plugin is there, if not, you can always download and install it.

    The FTP panel displays a list of servers available for connection. If it is empty, you need to add a new connection. This can be done using the keyboard shortcut Shift+F4 in Far, FTP setup V in this case will require you to enter the following server data:

    • FTP server name or IP address.
    • User login and password required to access the server.

    In addition, you can add text description For of this connection, which will help the user navigate the list more clearly available servers FTP.

    Attention! If the password field is left blank when creating a new connection, the password will be requested each time you try to connect to the FTP server. This connection option is preferable from the point of view of security and safety of personal data.

    Once the creation of a new connection is successfully completed, its name will appear in the list of available servers. By highlighting it with the cursor and pressing Enter, you will be taken to the root FTP directory server. Transferring files from your computer to the server and vice versa occurs in the same way as when working with files on local storage.

    Far Manager is very convenient to use for transferring your own website files to a virtual server. Usually, no questions arise during the transfer, but in case of emergency situations or simply incomprehensible moments, it is better to consult a professional. Such people work for us at RigWEB. Our support team is ready to help customers at any time, so call us! We promptly resolve problems that arise and answer all user questions.

    One of the most convenient file managers, designed to work with files and folders on disks, primarily through the keyboard. This increases speed and convenience during various operations performed with objects (copying, cutting/moving, etc.). Outwardly, he is very reminiscent of the once popular system Norton Commander, at one time, was installed on almost all machines until the advent of Windows OS. Those who are nostalgic for the “nineties” will be pleasantly surprised! Now, about everything in order and in more detail.

    Russification of Far Manager

    If you are not satisfied with the fact that the program offers to use the interface in English by default, activate the Russian language. Click F9, then, in the horizontal functional panel that appears at the top, click "Options", then open "Languages" and there select our language. Now, Far Manager will be completely in Russian.

    Selecting disks/drives

    If your machine has several installed at once hard drives, then you can select any of them to work in Far Manager by pressing a key combination Alt+F1(select disk in the left panel) or Alt+F2(select disk in the right panel). It is worth adding that Far Manager, in addition to the main hdd connected to the car, also fully works with any external drives, and even with network drives.

    File operations (copy, cut/move, delete, search)

    The main operating window of Far Manager consists of two windows/panels. This is done for greater convenience so that the user does not have to get confused by constantly opening different directories in the same window.

    Copy, move/cut. To implement any of these file operations, to begin with, go to the right panel (key TAB) and open there the desired folder, where you ultimately want to copy/move the objects. Then, go back to the left panel (using the same key TAB) and find the files you need to copy/move in the folders. Select them with buttons "Insert" or "*" (asterisk on number pad keyboard) and press any of the buttons ( F5- "Copy" F6- "Transfer/Cut"). Don't forget to confirm the operation with the key Enter.

    Deleting files/folders. To delete objects, open the corresponding folder, select (mark) everything in it necessary files and press the button F8"Delete".

    Search for objects. To search for folders/files in all directories of your hard drive, use the key ALT+F7. Click it and enter desired name to search, and also (if necessary) set Extra options search.

    Below in the screenshots, more is presented detailed list main function keys in Far Manager.

    Main function menu

    Main function menu in Far Manager is located in top horizontal panel . Initially it is hidden. To access it, click F9, select any of the tabs and options located in them.

    Additional function menu

    To access additional functions for working with folders/files in Far Manager, press and hold button ALT. A list of functions will be displayed in the lower horizontal panel of the manager.

    Sorting files in Far Manager

    To make it more convenient to find and work with objects on the drive, you can use the object sorting function, which has many parameters. Open a folder and press and hold CTRL to select any of the functions to sort.

    Working with file archives

    To work with file archives, there is also a special functionality in Far Manager. To call these additional functions, press and hold Shift. Then in horizontal menu from below, also select the desired one from the options.

    Working with FTP

    Far Manager supports data transfer through this protocol. To create/activate an FTP connection, click Alt+F1 or Alt+F2(depending on which panel you are in) and select the option "Netbox". If you have a ready-made connection, it will appear in the list on the panel. Hover over it and click Enter. If there is no ready connection, then click Shift+F4 to bring up connection creation settings. All you have to do is select the protocol type and correctly enter the values ​​in the required options.

    Console (command) line

    Far Manager also has such a function. Through the console line, you can do various operations through special program commands. For example, copying files from disk to disk: " C:\>copy test.txt d:\test.txt ", etc. But people who are knowledgeable in programming will be able to use the capabilities of the console much more widely!

    Here, in principle, are all the main points for working with this file manager. As you can see, there is nothing really complicated!