FAR Manager: nuances of using the program. FarRus Help Far in Russian

Far Manager is a free program for working with files (in other words, a file manager), which allows you to work both in windowed mode and with the command line. This “hybrid” file management allows not only advanced users, but also beginners to work with the program.

In order to install Far Manager, download the installer for free from the developer’s website in the downloads section. Far Manager has an official website - farmanager.com. If the version of the program you are using is lower than 2.0, it is advisable to register it, otherwise the functionality provided to the user will be limited. For example, the unlicensed version does not save Far settings, which is quite inconvenient. The Far Manager registration process is very simple and does not take much time. For residents of the former CIS and Russia, this procedure is free (up to version 1.61). You can register Far file manager by entering the command “far –r” in the console. In the window that appears, enter the following values: “xUSSR registration” and “name of the current day of the week.” Click “OK” and use the full version.

Far2.0 does not require registration, since from this version the program comes as open source. All functions are available by default.

How to work in Far Manager - basics

To decide how to work in Far Manager more conveniently, you need to consider both available options:

  • Using a graphical (window) interface and menu.
  • Using commands entered into the console.

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so both methods are most often used. Next, we'll take a closer look at both the GUI and the most commonly used commands entered into the command line.

The appearance of the program is quite simple - the main window is divided into 2 equal parts, which display files from the selected folder or disk. Below them is the command line and a list of commands called using the hot keys F1 – F12 and Alt+ F1 – F12.

The transition between panels is carried out with the Tab button. Using the arrows you can move through the list of files in the section. You can navigate through sections using the Enter key.

In order to view the result of executing commands entered into the Far Manager command line, you need to hide one or both panels. There are also hotkeys for this action: Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2 for the left and right panels, respectively. When pressed again, the panels will be displayed.

By default, the headlight manager menu language is English, but the program also supports the Russian version. To change the language, you need to call up the menu bar (by pressing F9 or LMB-clicking on the top of any of the panels). In the “Options” menu, select the “Languages” item and select Russian from the proposed list (main and help).

To change the directory in one of the panels, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F1 for the left panel (or Alt+F2 for the right). Or you can simply left-click on the directory name in the current panel and select the “Change disk” sub-item from the “Left” or “Right” menu.

The main functions of any file manager are file system management. That is, creating, deleting and copying (moving) files and groups of files.

You can create a new file in Far Manager in the current directory by pressing Shift+F4. You will need to enter the name and extension of the new file:

Moving a file or group of files to another directory is done using the F5 (copy) and F6 (move) buttons. In order to perform these operations for a group of files, you need to mark them (Insert button on the keyboard). All marked files are highlighted in yellow.

Plugins in Far

There are additional routines that expand the range of Far-plugin capabilities. The most commonly used plugins in Far provide:

  • Interaction with FTP and SFTP servers.
  • Using regular expressions to match and replace characters (and groups of characters) in a file.
  • Control of external devices connected to the PC (for example, printers).
  • Highlighting syntax in program texts.
  • Working with the Windows registry.
  • Working with the basket.
  • Renaming groups of files using templates.

In addition to plugins, there are a number of useful functions implemented by default in Far Manager; we will look at how to use some of them and how to call them in more detail.

Various modes for presenting information about files. There are 9 such modes in total. You can change the file system display mode in Far Manager using the CTRL+ key combination. Accordingly, there are only 9 available modes:

  1. Brief. Part of the file name is shown (or the full name + extension if they add up to less than a certain number of characters).
  2. Average. Most of the file name is shown (or the full name + extension if they add up to less than a certain number of characters).
  3. Full. In addition to the name (if it fits) and extension (if it fits), the size of the file or folder is displayed, as well as the date and time of its creation or last modification.
  4. Wide. The full file name and size are displayed.
  5. Detailed. In addition to the name, information is displayed about the size, compression ratio, date of creation and last modification of the file, as well as the time of the last access to it and its attributes.
  6. View descriptions. The name and short description of the file (if any) are shown.
  7. View long descriptions. The name, size, and full description of the file (if any) are displayed.
  8. View file owners. The file name, size, and owner are displayed.
  • Various file sorting modes in the panel. There are also only 9 of them; the keyboard shortcut in Far Manager to change the sorting mode is CTRL+. CTRL+F12 displays information about all available modes with the current one displayed:
  • Setting up an FTP connection in FAR

    As mentioned earlier, you can work with FTP and SFTP servers in Far Manager; we will look at how to use these functions further. Depending on the Far Manager build, the FTP plugin may or may not be installed. It’s very easy to check its presence - if there is an FTP item in the disk change menu, then the plugin is there, if not, you can always download and install it.

    The FTP panel displays a list of servers available for connection. If it is empty, you need to add a new connection. This can be done using the Shift+F4 key combination in Far. FTP setup in this case will require entering the following server data:

    • FTP server name or IP address.
    • User login and password required to access the server.

    In addition, you can add a text description for this connection, which will help the user more clearly navigate the list of available FTP servers.

    Attention! If the password field is left blank when creating a new connection, the password will be requested each time you try to connect to the FTP server. This connection option is preferable from the point of view of security and safety of personal data.

    Once the creation of a new connection is successfully completed, its name will appear in the list of available servers. By highlighting it with the cursor and pressing Enter, you will be taken to the root directory of the FTP server. Transferring files from your computer to the server and vice versa occurs in the same way as when working with files on local storage.

    Far Manager is very convenient to use for transferring your own website files to a virtual server. Usually, no questions arise during the transfer, but in case of emergency situations or simply incomprehensible moments, it is better to consult a professional. Such people work for us at RigWEB. Our support team is ready to help customers at any time, so call us! We promptly resolve problems that arise and answer all user questions.

    Far Manager is a text-based file and directory management program for Windows that handles long file names and has a wide range of advanced features. FAR allows you to work with archives. In this case, files in archives are processed similarly to files in folders. FAR provides a significant number of service functions.

    The file used to run the program is far. exe. After starting the program, two equal panels with different information appear on the screen. At the top of the screen, above each of the panels, there is a line indicating the path of the current location. At the bottom of each panel there is a status bar containing information about the selected file or directory (or group of files) - name, date and time of creation or last modification, as well as the size (in bytes) of the files and the word “folder” ) for catalogs. Below is a DOS prompt and a row of F1-F10 keys.

    Directory names are located in panels at the beginning of the list of directory contents. In order to enter a directory, you need to place the cursor on the position with its name and press the Enter key. To exit a subdirectory, place the cursor at the position with two dots (..) and press the Enter key.

    The program interface allows you to work using English or Russian. To switch from English (default) language to Russian, you must perform the following steps:

    F9 – Options – Languages ​​– Russian (main language) – Russian (help language)

    General commands for managing panels:

      Change active Tab

      Hide/show both panels Ctrl-O

      Hide/show left panel Ctrl-F1

      Hide/show right panel Ctrl-F2

      Change current drive in left panel Alt-F1

      Change current drive in right panel Alt-F2

      Edit New File Shift-F4

    • Function key assignments

    F1. Help.

    The Help table of contents contains links that point to topics with more detailed information. To move between links you can use Tab and Shift-Tab. Pressing Enter will bring up the page corresponding to the selected link. The same result can be obtained by clicking the mouse button on the required link. Pressing Alt-F1 or BS takes you to the previous page. You can use F5 to switch between full-screen help and text in a window.

    F2. Main menu.

    The User Menu is designed to make frequently used operations easier. It contains user-defined commands and command sequences that can be executed using this menu. The user menu can include submenus.

    To edit or create a main or local user menu, use the “User Menu” command from the Command Menu. There can only be one main user menu. The main menu is called up if there is no local menu for the current folder. The local menu can be located in any folder. You can switch between the local menu and the main menu at any time using SHIFT-F2. You can also call up the local menu from the parent directory using the BkSpace key.

    To execute a command from the user menu, select it using the cursor keys and press Enter. You can also use the hotkey assigned to this menu item.

    You can delete a submenu or menu item using the Del key, insert a new submenu or menu item using Ins, and edit an existing submenu or menu item using F4. Press Alt-F4 to edit the menu as a text file.

    Numbers, letters and function keys (F1..F12) can be used as hotkeys to access menu items. If F1 and F4 are used, their original functions are lost. In this case, Shift-F4 can be used to edit the menu.

    When editing or creating a menu item, you must enter a hotkey for quick access to this item (“Hot Key”), the title of the item that will be displayed in the menu (“Label”) and a sequence of commands to be executed if this menu item is selected (“Commands”) "). When editing or creating a submenu, simply enter a hotkey and the title of the submenu.

    F3. View file.

    Calls the built-in file viewer. To select a file, you must place the cursor on its position.

    Viewer commands:

    PgUp - page up; PgDn - page down; Home - to the beginning of the file; End - to the end of the file;

    F2 - Line wrap (on, off);

    F4 - Switch text/hexadecimal mode;

    Alt-F5 - Print file;

    F6 - Switch to editor;

    F7 – Search;

    F8 - Switch DOS/Windows text viewing mode;

    Go to next file

    – - Go to previous file

    F10 - Exit.

    F4. Editing a file.

    Call the built-in, external or associated editor, depending on the file type and editor settings.

    Whenever you use a computer, there is an aspect of working with files. File managers are designed to help in this sometimes difficult matter. Each user has his own “favorite” from all their diversity. The user uses a specific program more often than others and, as a rule, its functionality suits him quite well. But there are situations in which the user’s desires remain unfulfilled. Some people lack convenience, some lack beauty, some lack speed, and some lack something else. In most such cases, a person resigns himself to the “shortcomings” of the file manager used, considering them inevitable. The purpose of this article is to show that sometimes a favorite program is fraught with ways to fulfill the user’s wildest desires. We will talk about one of the most common file managers, FAR. At the time of writing, the latest version is FAR 1.70 beta 5 build 1634, and we will talk about it. The author does not aim to increase the number of fans of this software product. The article will use examples to examine some possible user desires and ways to satisfy them. Practical conclusions must be made by everyone personally.

    Note. The potential possibilities of FAR are almost endless, due to the support of external modules and macro commands. Therefore, we will consider only the standard composition and its capabilities. Everything related to additional plugins and add-ons can be found on the official website of the add-ons: http://plugring.farmanager.com/.

    List of standard plugins

    Before moving directly to problematic situations, it is necessary to express a general recommendation for the entire article: “More detailed information about all the things described can be found in the standard FAR help (called contextually by pressing the F1 key), help on external modules (Shift+ F2" in the help window), as well as on the official FAQ pages ( http://plugring.farmanager.com/faq/echo/ And http://plugring.farmanager.com/faq/). The article only describes the main ideas and directions for further research."

    Wish 1. I have configured FAR settings and want to use them on another computer.
    Execution. You can save the current settings to the files "Far\FarSave1.reg" and "Far\FarSave2.reg" using the command file "Far\SaveSettings.bat". To restore the settings, just import the reg files into the system registry (you can use "Far\RestoreSettings.bat").

    Importing a reg file into the system registry

    Wish 2. I want to get more information at a glance on the file panel.
    Execution. The information content of file panels will be significantly increased by enabling the "File Coloring" option in the "Options -> Panel Settings" window and setting this same coloring in the "Options -> File Coloring" window. You can set a specific color and even a special symbol icon in order to immediately see the presence of groups of files and folders that interest you.

    File coloring settings window

    Wish 3. I have configured the FAR colors in "Options -> Colors" and "Options -> File Colorization" and want to use them on another computer.
    Execution. Exporting and importing color settings can be done using the command files export_colors.bat and import_colors.bat from the "Far\Addons\Colors\" directory. In addition, in the "Custom Highlighting" and "Default Highlighting" directories you will find additional color schemes.

    Directory "Far\Addons\Colors\"

    Wish 4. In Windows, I can very quickly get to any of the frequently used directories (for example, "My Documents", "Desktop", etc.). I want the same thing for FAR.
    Execution. FAR implements the "Folder Links" system ("Commands" menu). It allows you to quickly access frequently used folders. You need to create a link to the current folder either from the "Folder Links" dialog box or by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+0..9" in the file panel. After this, you can use "RightCtrl+0..9" in the panels to navigate to the folder recorded in the link. Also, “RightCtrl+0..9”, when pressed in the edit lines, will insert the link path at the cursor location.

    Additionally, FAR can handle the "cd" command for the current panel. By calling it with the appropriate parameter when you need to go to a directory, you can achieve even greater flexibility than in Windows. You can invoke commands in FAR in three ways: in the console, in user menus and in macros (to be precise, a macro only automates the entry and execution of a command in the console). The first method does not provide the required convenience. But the second and third reduce the problem of going to pre-defined folders to pressing hot keys. The main user menu can be used and edited using the "F2" key. You can record and assign a macro command using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+." (the first click is to start recording, the second is to end), in this case it is necessary to correctly set the macro parameters “Empty command line” and “On the plugin panel”.

    Edit Custom Menu Window

    Wish 5. I work with three types of files: texts, images and audio recordings. They are stored in directories of the same name. I want to be able to launch a word processor from the user menu in the folder with texts, a graphic editor in the folder with images, and a sound mixer in the folder with audio recordings.
    Execution. A local custom menu can provide a similar structure. You can create it using the command "Options -> User Menu". You can also edit it in the "FarMenu.ini" file of the corresponding directory.

    Creating a Local Menu

    Wish 6. One of the editors installed on my computer creates *.bak files (backup copies of modified documents). I want that pressing "Enter" on one of them in the current directory will delete all these temporary files.
    Execution. To do this, just set the association for the mask "*.bak" using the menu item "Commands -> File associations". Where as a command executed by "Enter" specify "del *.!`". Here "!`" is a metacharacter that is replaced by the file extension.

    Creating a Local Menu

    Wish 7. I want to create a virtual disk based on a directory with my documents, the name of which is unknown in advance, i.e. it is entered during creation.
    Execution. To determine the parameters of a command directly during its execution, FAR provides the metasymbol "!? ?<init>!", which is replaced by the data entered by the user. Here " <title>" And " <init>" - the title and source text of the edit line. Thus, it is enough to create a menu command of the form "subst !? Which drive? Z!: "C:\My Documents"", and when executing it, change the default parameter (in this case, "Z ") to the required drive letter. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28902.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Create a menu command to mount a virtual disk</i></p><br><b>Wish 8</b>. I would like to automate the execution of identical commands for several files at once. <br><b>Execution</b>. The "Apply command" command ("Ctrl+G") from the "Files" menu is used specifically for this. In this case, file names must be designated using the same characters as in the "File Association". <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28881.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Apply Command Dialog Box</i></p><br><b>Wish 9</b>. Every time I go into my “Unsorted” directory, I am convinced that it is impossible to work normally with files of more than thirty different types in one place. I would like to be able to avoid sorting them by directories, without sacrificing convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to properly classify and organize files into folders, so as not to get lost in the multi-level structure. It’s much easier to throw everything into one directory and use the FAR “File Panel Filter” feature. By pressing "Ctrl+I" you can create a very flexible compound filter for the current panel based on the files present (by extension) and custom masks. It is convenient to set both inclusion and exclusion masks. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28891.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Setting up file panel filters</i></p><br><b>Wish 10</b>. I often copy files onto a floppy disk to transfer them to another computer. And, in order to protect myself from troubles with damage to some sectors, I create copies on the same floppy disk. This process takes a lot of time: you need to copy the first time, then create the directory "A:\Copy\" and copy the second time. I would like to simplify all these actions. <br><b>Execution</b>. Of course, this problem can be reduced to a simpler one in various ways. But the most interesting thing for the author is the use of the copy dialog option “Process multiple file names” for this. When enabled, the destination string can contain more than one target. The symbols ";" are used as separators between them. And ",". It is also recommended to enable the “History in dialog input lines” and “Auto-completion in input lines” options in the “Interface Settings” dialog - this will significantly increase the speed of completing the task considered. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28883.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving to floppy disk with automatic creation of copies</i></p><br><b>Wish 11</b>. I want to have quick and convenient access to the numbers of free and maximum available space on my disks. <br><b>Execution</b>. The free space on the current disk (in bytes) is shown in the file panels when the "Show free space" option is enabled. The volume and utilization of the disk (in bytes) can also be viewed in the information panel ("Ctrl+L"). But the most convenient is to display additional information in the “Disk Selection Menu”. The key combinations "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+6" and "Ctrl+8" respectively switch the display modes of total and free space on the disk (hard), parameters of removable disks and parameters of CDs. However, if access to some of the external disks (for example, floppy disks) is slow, it is not recommended to keep the display of removable disk parameters constantly turned on. Since the request for information occurs every time the disk menu is called up. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28886.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu with additional information</i></p><br><b>Wish 12</b>. I find it awkward to reach for the "Eject" button on the CD-ROM. I would like to perform this action using the keyboard. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR drive menu allows you to use the "Del" and "Ins" keys on the corresponding lines to open and close CD-ROMs (and other similar drives). In addition, the "Del" key allows you to disconnect a network drive and delete a SUBST drive. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28887.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 13</b>. When working in full screen mode, I miss the Windows taskbar significantly. I would like to have access from FAR to currently active tasks. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR provides a “Task List” specifically for these purposes. By calling it either from the "Commands" menu or using "Ctrl+W", you can switch to the task window ("Enter" on the required line) and/or immediately complete the task ("Del"). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28905.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Task list</i></p><br><b>Wish 14</b>. I've been using FAR recently, and I still need to perform some operations using Windows Explorer. I want more integration between the two programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. This desire can be divided into two parts: launching FAR "in the right place" from Explorer and launching "in the right place" Explorer from FAR. To ensure the first, there is a file "FARHere.inf" in the "Far\Addons\Shell\" directory. Once installed (select “Install” in the Explorer context menu for this file, check the last line of the file, it should contain the path to FAR on your computer), it will add the “Far Here” item to the Explorer context menu for any directory (or drive) ). This will open the current directory in FAR. In addition, additional capabilities are added by using the FAR command line parameters. You can use the commands if necessary: ​​"far /e[<строка>[:<позиция>]] <filename>" - to open a file for editing (optional, specifying the line and position in the line); and "far /v <filename>" - to open a file for viewing. Launching Explorer from FAR does not require any special preparations. Simply by pressing "Ctrl+Enter" on any folder you can open it in Explorer. The same is true for disks in the disk selection menu. If the described options are for you not enough, then see Wish 22. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28889.gif' height="358" width="210" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><br><b>Wish 15</b>. I sometimes forget to switch keyboard layouts and discover this when I've already typed a lot. I don’t want to constantly retype the text. <br><b>Execution</b>. To solve QWERTY switching problems<->YTSUKEN" in the directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" there are reg files, one of which ("Qwerty.reg") contains tables for translating English letters into Russian, and the remaining files will allow you to assign hotkeys for the function of transcoding the file under the cursor So, by importing, for example, the file “CtrlShiftX.reg”, you can correct the consequences of typing with the wrong language by pressing “Ctrl+Shift+X” in the editor, command line and dialog boxes. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28900.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" and use of QWERTY conversion<->YTSUKEN"</i></p><br><b>Wish 16</b>. I know about the ability to switch character encoding using "Shift+F8" in the editor and FAR viewer. But I’m missing those encoding tables that are presented by default. I want more. <br><b>Execution</b>. In fact, the standard package includes a fairly large number of encoding tables. This is probably why they don't all connect to FAR at once. But you can always select the one you need in the "Far\Addons\Tables\" directory and import the corresponding reg file into the registry. After that, it will be available in the symbol table selection menu ("Shift+F8"). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28904.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Using different character encoding tables</i></p><br><b>Wish 17</b>. In Wish Fulfillment 4, I read about macros. But I don't want to go through the hassle of assigning simple actions to obvious keys. <br><b>Execution</b>. Especially for people with different habits for hotkeys, some common, but not implemented in FAR by default, combinations are presented in the "Far\Addons\Macros\" directory in the form of reg files. You will find their description in the file "Descript.ion". <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28898.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\Macros\"</i></p><br><b>Desire 18</b>. I often have to view and edit a large number of text files at the same time. It is inconvenient to constantly go to the files panel, closing the current viewing/editing and looking for the next file to work on. I want more convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR has a number of functions that can provide convenient work with several files at the same time. Switching between screens using the Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, and F12 keys allows you to open multiple copies of the built-in viewer/editor. In addition, pressing "F6" switches between the editor and viewer for the current file. The “+” (go to the next file) and “-” (go to the previous file) keys in the viewing window generally eliminate the need to go to the file menu if you are working within the same directory. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28888.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Screen List Window</i></p><br><b>Wish 19</b>. I don’t want to remember which files and in which directories I edited or viewed recently, but to have quick access to them. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR stores the history of changing folders and the history of viewing and editing files (whether to store the history within one session or not is determined by the corresponding options from the system parameters dialog). To access the "Folder Change History" window, use "Alt+F12" in the file panels or in the console window. To access the "Viewing and Editing History" window - "Alt+F11" on the file panels, in the console window, in the editor or viewing window. <br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28894.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>"Folder Change History" window</i></p><br><br><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28895.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>"Viewing and editing history" window</i></p><br><b>Wish 20</b>. On my NTFS drives I use hard (HardLink) and symbolic (SymLink) links. I would like to have the opportunity to work with connections at FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR can create both hard and symbolic links on local disks whose file system supports these capabilities. Hard links have been implemented in NTFS since NT 4.0. Symbolic links, known as "directory junctions", are supported in NTFS since version 5.0 (Windows 2000/XP). To create the appropriate link, use the combination "Alt+F6" for a file or folder. In addition, FAR is able to display the number of hard links for each file in a separate column (by default, this is the last column in the 9th panel mode ("LeftCtrl+9")), as well as sort files by the number of hard links. <br><br><br><b>Wish 22</b>. I want to execute commands from the user menu of FAR itself, and not just external programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR is capable of processing commands from external modules. The standard package includes a special plugin "FAR Commands", which, among other things, provides work with the editor, viewer and macros. The general syntax for plugin commands for use on the command line (as well as in user menus and file associations) is: "<префикс>:<команда> [<параметры>]". In this case, the prefix will be "far", the commands respectively: "view" - for the viewer, "edit" - for the editor, "macro" - for working with macros. We will consider the parameters in each specific case. For the command " view" the only parameter is the name of the file to be opened for viewing (general view: "far:view FileName"). The "edit" command has similar parameters. The difference is that, if desired, you can specify the line or position at which you want to open the file for editing (general form: "far:edit FileName", or "far:edit[line] FileName", or "far:edit[line,column] FileName", square brackets are required The "macro" command is used with the following parameters). : "load" - loads macros from the registry, "save" - ​​saves macros to the registry, "post <sequence>" (<sequence>- sequence of key names as FAR stores them in the registry, for example “c d Space c:\Enter”) - execute commands corresponding to the key sequence. Accordingly, the general form is: “far:macro load”, “far:macro save” and “far:macro post” <sequence>". To fulfill a wish, the most interesting command is "far:macro post <sequence>", which makes it possible to perform almost any FAR action. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the use of other plugins from the command line (you will find detailed information about this in the help for a specific plugin). <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28903.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Creating a menu command for the action: “go to drive “C:” in both panels and exit FAR”</i></p><br><b>Wish 23</b>. I want to use the Explorer context menu in FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. To work with the Explorer context menu, the standard FAR package includes the "EMenu" plugin. It is capable of displaying text and graphical context menus for files and directories under the cursor, for selected files and/or directories, as well as for disks. EMenu is launched in two ways: from the menu "Commands of external modules" ("F11") and using command line prefixes (rclk: [files] - show context menu, rclk_txt: [files] - show text context menu, rclk_gui: [files] - show graphical context menu, rclk_cmd:<команда>[files] - execute the given command, rclk_item:<название>[files] - execute the specified menu item). For convenience of calling the menu, keyboard macro commands are stored in the file "Far\Plugins\EMenu\Hotkey.reg". After importing it into the system registry, the following functions will be available: "Apps" - show a text menu, "Shift+Apps" - show a graphical menu, "Ctrl+Apps" - show a menu for choosing between a text and graphical menu. <br><br><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28907.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Text context menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 24</b>. I want to work with groups of files and folders located in different places on my disk as if they were in the same directory. <br><b>Execution</b>. These and other features are provided by the standard FAR "Temporary Panel" plugin. You can call it either from the “External Module Commands” menu (F11), or from the disk panel, or using the appropriate command line prefix. The panel is also called up from the “File Search” window to place search results on it. By default, the plugin settings allow you to use up to ten temporary panels. To switch between panels, use the keys "Alt+Shift+F12" (show a list of all temporary panels), and from "Alt+Shift+0" to "Alt+Shift+9" (direct switching). Saving and subsequent return to the contents of the temporary panel is carried out using so-called file lists (by default, “*.temp” files). The "Alt+Shift+F2" keys create a list file based on the contents of the current temporary panel. You can load saved data by pressing "Enter" or "Ctrl+PgDn" on the list file. <br><br><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/www1.fcenter.ru/img/softarticle/2003/jul/15/28906.gif' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving the contents of the temporary panel to a file</i></p><br>In conclusion, I would like to say that the tips discussed do not cover all the possibilities of FAR. It is worth paying attention to the use of file colorings, associations, and custom menus. Among the unaddressed issues, the following plugins are of great interest: “FTP Client”, “Network Browser”, “Print Manager” and “Archive Module”. Remember, even the standard configuration contains a lot of opportunities to make your work easier. This article only tries to talk about their presence. The search and implementation of “wish fulfillment” rests entirely on the enthusiasm and perseverance of users. <br><br>Convenient settings and fast work for you. All the best! <br><br> <p>FAR Manager is a console file manager for operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family. It allows you to conveniently perform operations on files located locally on your computer, as well as on files on remote computers.</p> <p>You can download FAR Manager for free on the project support website. We recommend downloading the file with the extension .msi - a standard installer for Windows.</p> <h2>Interface</h2> <p>By default, the FAR Manager interface consists of two panels, which display a list of files and directories.</p> <p>You can move between directories using the arrow keys and the key <b>"Enter"</b>. At the bottom of the application window there is a list of operation prompts corresponding to the function keys ( <b>F1</b> - <b>F12</b>, and they are the same with the key pressed <b>"Alt"</b>). Switching between panels occurs by pressing the "Tab" key. Also, many actions are available using the mouse.</p> <h2>Russian interface language</h2> <p>For ease of use, it makes sense to set the Russian language for the FAR Manager interface. For this:</p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_02.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h2>FTP server connection settings</h2> <p>Let in the left panel of FAR Manager you have a directory open with the files of your website that you want to host. In the right panel we will work with files on the FTP server. To open the FTP panel, click <b>Alt+F2</b>, select <b>"NetBox"</b> and press the key <b>"Enter"</b>.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_04.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>A list of your existing FTP connections will open in the right pane.</p> <p>To create a new connection, click <b>Shift+F4</b>. A dialog box will open in which you need to specify connection parameters.</p> <ul><li>Select FTP protocol. To do this, use the mouse or keyboard shortcut <b>Ctrl+↓</b>.</li> <li>In the “Server name” line, enter the registered domain or IP address of your account. You can get its value through the Hosting Control Panel in the “Account” → “IP Addresses” section.</li> <li>In the “User” line - the user name (username).</li> <li>In the “Password” line - the password for your connection (however, we recommend leaving this field empty and entering the password when prompted later).</li> </ul><p>After specifying the connection parameters, click the “Yes” button.</p> <p><b>Attention:</b> We do not recommend saving passwords in the FTP connection settings. This can harm the security of your site, since passwords stored in popular programs are often stolen when your computer is infected with viruses. Instead, enter your password manually before each connection.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_05.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can assign any unique name to the session.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_06.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After saving the settings, the created connection will appear in the list on the right in the FTP panel.</p> <p>To establish a connection and start working with FTP through FAR Manager, mark the line with the cursor and press the "Enter" key. The root directory of your account on the server will open in the right window.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i0.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_07.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Uploading files to the server</h2> <p>Go to the root directory of your new site and delete the default index.php file. To delete, mark the file with the cursor, click <b>F8</b> and confirm the action.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_08.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To upload your site files to the server, go to the left panel by pressing <b>Tab</b>, and select the files that need to be uploaded to the server: select the file with the cursor, press the key <b>Insert</b>- the file will be highlighted in color. Label all files and folders on your site this way.</p><p>To start copying, press the key <b>F5</b>.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i1.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_09.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Confirm your intention to start copying by pressing the key <b>Enter</b>.</p> <p> <br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/help.sprinthost.ru/img/support/howto/services/ftp/far_10.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the dialog box that appears, ensure that the copy options are selected correctly and press <b>Enter</b>.</p><p>Once the copying is complete, you will see the files that you downloaded from your local computer appear in the right window. Now you can continue working with FAR Manager according to your existing tasks.</p> <p>I'm sure that many people use some kind of file manager, and most probably use one of the most popular - Total Commander. For those who don’t know what a file manager is, I’ll tell you in a nutshell. A file manager is a program that provides a convenient and multifunctional interface for working with the entire file system and the files themselves, respectively. Basically, file managers are designed to speed up work with the following frequently performed actions: creating, editing, deleting, searching for files, renaming, copying, moving, opening/playing/viewing, changing attributes and properties, assigning rights, etc. Others In other words, file managers are not only convenient for daily work, but also significantly save the cost of unnecessary mouse clicks. There are file managers that have a large number of additional functions built in, which are not always needed by every user. Therefore, I was looking for one that would have the bare minimum of functionality by default, but at the same time I needed the ability to add additional modules (plugins) with which I could increase the functionality. And the most basic search criterion was a simple and minimal interface that would not distract from work, but contained everything that was most necessary and frequently used. Of course, almost all file managers met similar criteria, and most of them contain a number of settings with which you can customize both the interface and functionality. There are both paid and free ones, the choice is quite large. I chose for myself <b>Far Manager</b>, which is what we will actually talk about today.</p> <p><b>Far Manager</b>— free console file manager for Windows OS. <br><br>U <b>Far Manager</b> There is a fairly large abundance of plugins, using which you can, firstly, increase the capabilities of the program, and secondly, make this file manager more convenient for yourself.</p> <p>As I said just above, there are a large number of file managers with quite different interfaces. But the most convenient one, in my opinion, is a file manager designed in the form of two columns, which allows you to carry out various operations with files much faster. Accordingly chosen by me <b>Far Manager</b> contains two columns in its interface.</p> <p>Of course, the Windows command line is quite weak compared to the one in UNIX systems, but it still exists. And a file manager <b>Far Manager</b> supports working with the command line, which allows you not to switch between two windows, but to interact with files and the command line. I mainly use the command line in Windows when developing some software, and I very often had to use <b>Far</b> not only as a file manager, but also as a convenient tool for working with the command line. But now I have found for myself, which has a very convenient tool for working with the command line, and <b>Far Manager</b> Now I use it exclusively when working with directories, files and archives.</p> <p>IN <b>Far</b> there is quite good support for working with <b>FTP</b>. But for some reason I got so accustomed to my work that support <b>FTP in Far Manager</b> I practically don’t use it, although everything is done quite conveniently and simply.</p> <p>The capabilities of the FAR file manager can be described endlessly, since there are a number of plugins that significantly increase the capabilities of the program. I just talked about some of the program’s functions that I often use; everything else can be added as needed, and the fact that it comes by default with the basic functions of the file manager is a big plus, since each user will collect from <b>Far Manager</b> just the way he needs it.</p> <h2>Installing FAR Manager</h2> <p>In order to install the file manager, you need to download it from the official website, where several versions are available for download <b>Far Manager</b>, namely:</p> <ul><li>for x86 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)</li> <li>for x64 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)</li> </ul><p>In my case I will download the version <b>v2.0 for x86, msi installation file</b>. In order to download exactly the version that you need, you need to follow the following link - http://www.farmanager.com/download.php. I downloaded Far Manager from the following link - http://www.farmanager.com/files/Far20b1807.x86.20110203.msi. <br>Now I need to run the downloaded file, I have the file name <b>http://www.farmanager.com/files/Far20b1807.x86.20110203.msi</b>.<br>After launching the installation file, a welcome window will appear in which you need to click the button <b>Next</b> to continue.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-2.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The next window prompts you to read the license text, in which you need to check the box <b>I accept the terms in the License Agreement</b>(I accept the terms of the license agreement) if you agree with all the terms of the license. Then you need to press <b>Next</b> to continue.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-3.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The next window offers installation both for the current user and for all users of the system:</p> <ul><li><b>Install just for you (Admin)</b>(Install only for current user) <br>Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-user folder and be available just for your user account. You do not need local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed in the current user's folder and will be available only for this user's account. You do not need to have administrator rights.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory <b>Documents and Settings</b>, namely to the user's folder.</li> <li><b>Install for all users of this machine</b>(Install for all users on this computer) <br>Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-machine folder by default and be available for all users. You can change the default installation folder. You must have local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed for all users on the system. You can change the default installation folder. You must have administrator privileges.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory <b>Program Files</b>.</li> </ul><p>Then you need to press <b>Next</b> to continue.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-4.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the next window you can change the installation location of the program <b>Far Manager</b>. Then you need to press <b>Next</b> to continue.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-5.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the next window, you can select various add-ons and settings that will be installed with Far Manager. If you have marked some additions and then want to return all the default values, you need to click the button <b>Reset</b>. I decided to select all items for testing.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-6.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>For each element, an additional menu is available, in which you can select each element individually( <b>Will be installed on locale hard drive</b>— Will be installed on the hard drive) and the whole group( <b>Entire feature will be installed on locale hard drive</b>— The entire component will be installed on the hard drive), and the third element( <b>Entire feature will be unavailable</b>— The component will not be installed on the hard drive).</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-7.jpg' align="center" height="80" width="311" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Then you need to press <b>Next</b> to continue. And the following window will appear where you can select <b>Install</b> for installation or <b>Back</b> to go back.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-8.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After pressing the button <b>Install</b> The following window will appear where the installation process will take place <b>Far Manager</b> and all selected components. Installation will take no more than two minutes.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-9.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the last window you can check the box <b>Launch Far Manager 2 new</b>(Launch Far Manager 2). Then you need to press the button <b>Finish</b> to complete the installation.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-10.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>That's it for installation <b>Far Manager</b> finished after pressing the button <b>Finish</b> The main menu of the program will appear.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-11.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Registering an earlier version of Far Manager</h2> <p>Earlier <b>Far Manager</b> it was necessary to register in order for all the functionality of the program to be available. And if you have an old version installed <b>Far Manager</b>, then the following instructions are just for you: <br>I will quote paragraph 2 of the contents of the file “ <b>License.xUSSR.txt</b>«:</p> <blockquote><p>2. Citizens of countries of the former USSR have the right to use this version of the FAR for non-commercial purposes free of charge.</p> </blockquote> <p>I will say that this file manager is absolutely free, reading the same file it becomes clear how to register FAR, namely, point 3:</p> <blockquote><p>3. To unlock the functions of the registered version of the specified <br>categories of persons when registering after running ‘far -r’ must be entered in <br>as username: <br><b>xUSSR registration</b><br>in this case, the registration code must be entered in small <br>in Russian letters the current day of the week.</p> </blockquote> <p>And so what should we do about this: <br>launch <b>FAR</b> we write - <b>far -r</b>, after which the window will be removed, and as shown in the bottom screenshot, enter:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-12.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Registration name - <b>xUSSR registration</b><br>Registration code - <b>Tuesday</b>(here we write the current day of the week) <br>Well, that's all for registration of the file manager, good luck! <br>If you downloaded one of the latest versions of the file manager <b>Far</b>, then you do not need to register it.</p> <h2>Russification of Far Manager</h2> <p>By default, the program will speak to us in English. Everything here is much simpler than with the Russification of most programs. If you did everything according to the above instructions, then the Russian language is already installed in the Far Manager program, you just need to enable it, and for this you need to do the following:</p> <ul><li>in the open program window, click on the button <b>F9</b>(launch the Far main menu)</li> <li>go to menu <b>Options</b></li> <li>click on the menu sub-item <b>Languages</b></li> </ul><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-13.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After which a window will open in which you can select a language for the Menu, and there are several languages ​​to choose from, namely:</p> <ul><li>Chez(Czech)</li> <li>English</li> <li>German</li> <li>Hugarion(Hungarian)</li> <li>Polish</li> <li><b>Russian(Russian)</b></li> <li>Spanish</li> </ul><p>We choose the one that you need, in my case it is Russian.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-14.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After selecting the Menu language, the following window will appear in which you need to select the Help language; there are slightly fewer languages ​​here, namely:</p> <ul><li>English</li> <li>Hugarion(Hungarian)</li> <li><b>Russian(Russian)</b></li> </ul><p>But the one I need is still on the list - Russian.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-15.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After all these steps, you should have a file manager installed on your computer <b>Far Manager</b>, speaking Russian.</p> <h2>Using FAR Manager</h2> <p>The default program window contains two panels in which you can open different directories and files. In each of the panels you can use both the keyboard and the mouse, but file managers, in my opinion, are created to speed up the process of working with directories and files from the keyboard. Of course, this not only speeds up the work process, but also increases convenience significantly. <br>In order to sort files in any of the panels, you need to hold down the key <b>Ctrl</b> on the keyboard, after which a menu will be displayed at the bottom in which each item corresponds to a key <b>from F1 to F10 and up to F12</b> in full screen mode:</p> <ul><li><b>F1</b>— show/hide left panel</li> <li><b>F2</b>— show/hide right panel</li> <li><b>F3</b>- sort by file name</li> <li><b>F4</b>- sort by extension</li> <li><b>F5</b>— sort by recording time</li> <li><b>F6</b>- sort by size</li> <li><b>F7</b>- do not sort</li> <li><b>F8</b>— sort by creation time</li> <li><b>F9</b>— sort by access time</li> <li><b>F10</b>— sort by description</li> <li><b>F11</b>— sort by file owner</li> <li><b>F12</b>— launch the sorting menu</li> </ul><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-16.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p> <b>Alt</b>, which is mainly designed to work with files and directories, namely:</p> <ul><li><b>F1</b>— open the current drive in the left panel</li> <li><b>F2</b>— open the current drive in the right pane</li> <li><b>F3</b>— here you can open the file for viewing both in an external program and in the file manager itself</li> <li><b>F4</b>— here you can open the file for editing both in an external program and in the file manager itself</li> <li><b>F5</b>— file printing</li> <li><b>F6</b>— here you can create a link (shortcut) to a file or folder</li> <li><b>F7</b>- file search</li> <li><b>F8</b>— display command history</li> <li><b>F9</b>— resizing the program window</li> <li><b>F10</b>- search for folder</li> <li><b>F11</b>— display browsing and editing history</li> <li><b>F12</b>— display folder history</li> </ul><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-17.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can also open an additional menu by holding the button <b>Shift</b>, which is mainly intended for working with files and archives, namely:</p> <ul><li><b>F1</b>— add files to the archive</li> <li><b>F2</b>— extract files from the archive</li> <li><b>F3</b>— execute archive management commands</li> <li><b>F4</b>- edit new file</li> <li><b>F5</b>— copy the file under the cursor</li> <li><b>F6</b>— renaming or moving a file under the cursor</li> <li><b>F7</b>- absent</li> <li><b>F8</b>— deleting the file under the cursor</li> <li><b>F9</b>— save the configuration</li> <li><b>F10</b>— select the last executed menu item</li> <li><b>F11</b>— use sorting by groups</li> <li><b>F12</b>— show tagged files first</li> </ul><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/uamedwed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/far-manager-fajlovyj-menedzher-18.jpg' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The following menu is launched by pressing the key <b>F9</b> on keyboard. It contains the following points:</p> <ul><li><b>Left</b>— basic operations that relate to the left panel</li> <li><b>Files</b>— basic operations with files</li> <li><b>Teams</b>- various commands</li> <li><b>Options</b>— here are the basic settings for the program</li> <li><b>Right</b>— basic operations that relate to the right panel</li> </ul><p>I tried to reveal some of the small capabilities of the program, but the most important assistant in learning this file manager is one of the items in the bottom menu, namely - <b>Help</b>, which can be launched by pressing a key <b>F1</b> on keyboard. <br>As I said earlier, a large number of additional plugins are available in Far Manager, but at the moment I only use one plugin - <b>Noisy Player</b>. I wrote about this useful and interesting plugin not long ago, namely: it allows you to play music files on your computer. <br>All other plugins can be downloaded from the official website of the program.</p> <h2>Links</h2> <ul><li>http://www.farmanager.com/ - official website of the program</li> <li>http://plugring.farmanager.com/ - plugin directory</li> </ul><p>Happy using!</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/programs/">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/instructions/">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/browsers/">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/windows-10/">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/android/">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/ios/">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="https://viws.ru/en/category/communication/">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/proshivka-samsung-galaxy-j7-2016-sm-j710f-proshivka-samsung-galaxy-j7-2016-sm-j710f-samsung-galaxy-j-7.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/b8d5847a223026b109b6527a6f8945aa.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Firmware Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) SM-J710F Samsung galaxy j 7 firmware" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/proshivka-samsung-galaxy-j7-2016-sm-j710f-proshivka-samsung-galaxy-j7-2016-sm-j710f-samsung-galaxy-j-7.html">Firmware Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016) SM-J710F Samsung galaxy j 7 firmware</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/reshenie-problemy-s-failami-na-karte-pamyati-reshenie-problemy-s.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/453b341834dd5688744c1fbba9235457.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Solving the problem with files on a memory card How to recover files from the lost dir folder" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/reshenie-problemy-s-failami-na-karte-pamyati-reshenie-problemy-s.html">Solving the problem with files on a memory card How to recover files from the lost dir folder</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/pochemu-v-vaibere-ne-vidno-kontaktov-viber-ne-vidit-kontaktov-strannoe.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/f51623076e61b543ecd5737c9fc71df3.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Viber doesn't see contacts" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/pochemu-v-vaibere-ne-vidno-kontaktov-viber-ne-vidit-kontaktov-strannoe.html">Viber doesn't see contacts</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-skopirovat-zagruzochnyi-disk-na-fleshku-kak-v-ultraiso-skopirovat.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/879297c00a18e893ab6a41ce40861ffe.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to copy a bootable flash drive or disk to another flash drive using UltraISO Copy a Windows 7 boot disk" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/kak-skopirovat-zagruzochnyi-disk-na-fleshku-kak-v-ultraiso-skopirovat.html">How to copy a bootable flash drive or disk to another flash drive using UltraISO Copy a Windows 7 boot disk</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="https://viws.ru/en/ne-udalos-nastroit-obnovleniya-pri-zapuske-ne-udaetsya-nastroit.html" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/4934fea8c23794aab20ac6089e98ba33.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="I can't configure Windows updates - 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