Gives a VPN connection. VPN technology and what you need to know about it. The most common mistakes

Many people are interested in knowing what a VPN connection is and why it is needed. Let's deal with this in simple layman's language, without using professional terminology, so that everyone can understand what it is. A VPN connection is a secure network (tunnel) created within the Internet, which is not protected. If we consider the simplest type, it is a tunnel consisting of a VPN client, which is located on the user’s PC, and a VPN server. What happens in the tunnel:


Changing the information exchanged between the user’s PC and sites located on the Internet.

Advantages of this protection

And what is its merit? Sometimes a VPN is required to hide your IP address in order to become an anonymous user. There are cases when it is needed to download files from a network that prohibits this from the IP addresses of the countries in which the clients are located. There is also a need to encrypt traffic transmitted from the user’s PC to the destination. It turns out that there are quite a few situations in which a VPN connection is used.

Mechanism for using a VPN connection

Let's look at an example that we often encounter in real life. Free and often open Wi-Fi networks are growing in popularity these days. They are everywhere:

In restaurants;

In hotels;

In others in public places.

The number of devices that allow you to connect to the Internet is constantly increasing. There are PDAs, mobile phones, netbooks and other devices. This makes me happy modern people, as it allows you to easily connect to your email and log into social networks in many places, and now you can work while on vacation, combining business with pleasure.

But have you ever thought about how safe it is? We are sure that in open space unsecured networks, no one will steal your credentials and passwords? Not everyone knows, but by analyzing such traffic that does not have protection, it is easy to gain access to personal information, having already established control over your PC. This is where a VPN connection comes to the rescue. It must be installed before connecting via an unsecured network.

How to install a VPN

Windows 7 is not difficult. The principle is almost the same as in any case. You will need a control panel, there go to the section called “Network and Internet”, in which click on “Set up a new connection or network”. After that, select a connection option. We are talking about the “Connect to a workplace” item, which will allow you to set up a VPN. Then you need to provide information about how the VPN connection will be made. Over an existing Internet connection or a dedicated phone number. If in doubt, choose the first option. At the next step, enter the IP address (you can use the name of the PC) to which you will connect using the VPN tunnel. Find out from Then enter your access credentials. Next, click the “Connect” button.

It is important to create a VPN connection; after installing a secure channel, there is no longer any risk of data interception. You can safely check your email and access necessary sites using your password.

From year to year electronic communication is being improved and information exchange increasingly high demands are placed on speed, security and quality of data processing.

And here we will look at a VPN connection in detail: what it is, why a VPN tunnel is needed, and how to use a VPN connection.

This material is a kind of introductory word to a series of articles where we will tell you how to create a vpn on various operating systems.

VPN connection what is it?

So, virtual private network vpn is a technology that provides secure (closed from external access) connection of a logical network over a private or public one in the presence of high-speed Internet.

This network connection computers (geographically distant from each other at a considerable distance) use a “point-to-point” connection (in other words, “computer-to-computer”).

Scientifically, this connection method is called a VPN tunnel (or tunnel protocol). You can connect to such a tunnel if you have a computer with any operating system that has an integrated VPN client that can “forward” virtual ports using the TCP/IP protocol to another network.

What is a VPN for?

Basics advantage of vpn is that renegotiators need a connectivity platform that not only scales quickly, but also (primarily) ensures data confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication.

The diagram clearly shows the use of VPN networks.

Rules for connections over a secure channel must first be written on the server and router.

How VPN works

When a connection occurs via VPN, the message header contains information about the IP address of the VPN server and the remote route.

Encapsulated data passing over a common or public network, it is impossible to intercept because all information is encrypted.

The VPN encryption stage is implemented on the sender's side, and the recipient's data is decrypted using the message header (if there is a shared encryption key).

After correct decoding messages between two networks, a VPN connection is established, which also allows you to work on a public network (for example, exchange data with a client

Concerning information security, then the Internet is extremely unprotected network, and a VPN network with OpenVPN, L2TP / IPSec, PPTP, PPPoE protocols is completely secure and in a safe way data transmission.

Why do you need a VPN channel?

VPN tunneling is used:

Inside corporate network;

To unite remote offices, as well as small branches;

For service digital telephony With large set telecommunications services;

To access external IT resources;

For building and implementing video conferences.

Why do you need a VPN?

vpn connection necessary for:

Anonymous work on the Internet;

Downloading applications when the IP address is located in another regional zone of the country;

Safe work in a corporate environment using communications;

Simplicity and convenience of connection setup;

Provisions high speed connections without interruptions;

Creating a secure channel without hacker attacks.

How to use VPN?

Examples of how VPN works can be given endlessly. So, on any computer on the corporate network during installation protected vpn connections, you can use mail to check messages, publish materials from anywhere in the country, or download files from torrent networks.

VPN: what is it on your phone?

Access via VPN on a phone (iPhone or any other Android device) allows you to maintain anonymity when using the Internet in public places, as well as prevent traffic interception and device hacking.

A VPN client installed on any OS allows you to bypass many of the provider’s settings and rules (if the provider has set any restrictions).

Which VPN to choose for your phone?

Mobile phones and smartphones running Android OS can use applications from Google Playmarket:

  • - vpnRoot, droidVPN,
  • - tor browser for surfing networks, aka orbot
  • - InBrowser, orfox (firefox+tor),
  • - SuperVPN Free VPN Client
  • - OpenVPN Connect
  • - TunnelBear VPN
  • - Hideman VPN

Most of these programs serve for the convenience of “hot” system setup, placement of launch shortcuts, anonymous surfing Internet, selecting the type of connection encryption.

But the main tasks using a VPN on the phone - this is a check corporate mail, creating video conferences with several participants, as well as holding meetings outside the organization (for example, when an employee is on a business trip).

What is VPN on iPhone?

Let's look at which VPN to choose and how to connect it to your iPhone in more detail.

Depending on the type of network supported, when you first start the VPN configuration on your iPhone, you can select the following protocols: L2TP, PPTP and Cisco IPSec (in addition, you can “make” a VPN connection using third-party applications).

All of the listed protocols support encryption keys, user identification using a password and certification are carried out.

Among additional functions When setting up a VPN profile on an iPhone, you can note: RSA security, encryption level, and authorization rules for connecting to the server.

For iPhone phone From the appstore you should choose:

  • - free Tunnelbear app, with which you can connect to VPN servers any country.
  • - OpenVPN connect is one of the best VPN clients. Here, to launch the application, you must first import RSA keys via iTunes into your phone.
  • - Cloak is conditional free application, since for some time the product can be used for free, but to use the program after the demo period has expired, you will have to buy it.

VPN creation: selection and configuration of equipment

For corporate communications in large organizations or associations deleted friend from other offices use hardware equipment capable of supporting continuous, secure work on the network.

To implement VPN technologies, the role of a network gateway can be: Unix servers, Windows server, network router and the network gateway on which the VPN is installed.

The server or device used to create vpn networks enterprises or VPN channel between remote offices, must perform complex technical problems and provide a full range of services to users on both workstations and mobile devices.

Any router or VPN router must provide reliable operation on the network without freezing. And the built-in VPN function allows you to change the network configuration for working at home, in an organization or in a remote office.

Setting up VPN on a router

IN general case VPN setup on the router is carried out using the router's web interface. On “classic” devices, to organize a VPN, you need to go to the “settings” or “network settings” section, where you select the VPN section, specify the protocol type, enter the settings for your subnet address, mask and specify the range of IP addresses for users.

In addition, to secure the connection, you will need to specify encoding algorithms, authentication methods, generate agreement keys, and specify DNS server WINS. In the “Gateway” parameters you need to specify the gateway IP address (your IP) and fill in the data on all network adapters.

If there are several routers in the network, you need to fill out the VPN routing table for all devices in the VPN tunnel.

Here's a list hardware equipment used when building VPN networks:

Dlink routers: DIR-320, DIR-620, DSR-1000 with new firmware or D-Link router DI808HV.

Routers Cisco PIX 501, Cisco 871-SEC-K9

Linksys Rv082 router with support for about 50 VPN tunnels

Netgear router DG834G and routers models FVS318G, FVS318N, FVS336G, SRX5308

Mikrotik router with OpenVPN function. Example RouterBoard RB/2011L-IN Mikrotik

VPN equipment RVPN S-Terra or VPN Gate

ASUS routers models RT-N66U, RT-N16 and RT N-10

ZyXel routers ZyWALL 5, ZyWALL P1, ZyWALL USG

Technology that creates logical network on another network, received the abbreviation “VPN”, which is literally English language stands for " Virtual Private Network". Speaking in simple language, VPN includes different methods connections between devices within another network and provides the ability to use various ways protection, which significantly increases the safety of information exchanged between computers.

And this is in modern world very important, for example, for networks of large commercial corporations and, of course, banks. Below are detailed guides on how to create a VPN, procedure instructions for making a VPN connection and how to make competent setup created VPN connection.


To make it easier to understand what a VPN is, you just need to know what it can do. A VPN connection allocates a specific sector in an existing network and all the computers located in it, and digital technology have constant communication with each other. But the most important thing is that this sector is completely closed and protected for everyone else in large network devices.

How to connect a VPN

Despite the initial apparent complexity of determining a VPN, its creation on Windows computers and even setting up a VPN itself will not be particularly difficult if you have detailed guide. The main requirement is to strictly follow the strict sequence of the steps below:

Next, the VPN setup is carried out, taking into account the various associated nuances.

How to set up a VPN?

It is necessary to configure it taking into account the individual characteristics of not only the operating system, but also the operator providing communication services.

Windows XP

For VPN to work successfully in the Windows XP operating system, the following sequential steps must be taken:

Then, when functioning in the created environment, you can use some convenient functions. To do this you need to do the following:

Note: entering parameters is always carried out differently, since they depend not only on the server, but also on the communication service provider.

Windows 8

In this OS, the question of how to set up a VPN should not cause much difficulty, because here it is almost automated.

The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

Next you need to specify network options. To this end, perform the following actions:

Note: Settings entered may vary significantly depending on your network configuration.

Windows 7

The process of making settings in Windows 7 is simple and accessible even inexperienced users computers.

To produce them Windows user 7 you need to take the following sequential steps:

Note: for the purpose correct operation careful individual selection of all parameters is required.


To set up normal functioning gadget with Android OS in a VPN environment, you need to do several steps:

Connection characteristics

This technology includes different types delays during data transfer procedures. Delays occur due to the following factors:

  1. It takes some time to establish a connection;
  2. There is a constant process of encoding the transmitted information;
  3. blocks of transmitted information.

The most significant differences are found in the technology itself; for example, VPN does not require routers or separate lines. To function effectively, all you need is access to world wide web and applications that provide information encoding.

They have become commonplace. True, no one really thinks about what is behind the concept like “VPN, setup, use, etc.” Most users prefer not to get into the weeds computer terminology and use standard templates. But in vain. From knowledge about such connections, you can derive a lot of benefits, for example, increase traffic or connection speed, etc. Let's look at what a connection to a virtual network actually is, using the example of interaction between operational Windows systems on a desktop computer terminal and Android on a mobile device.

What is VPN

Let's start with the fact that VPN setup is impossible without general principle understanding the essence of the connection being created or used.

If you explain in simple words, in such a network there is necessarily a so-called router (the same router), which provides computers or mobile devices trying to connect to existing network, standard additional IP addresses for access to LAN or the Internet.

At the same time, a virtual network in which there is activated setting VPN connections are accepted by any device connected to it and assigned a unique internal IP address. The range of such addresses is in usual standard from zero to value 255.

What’s most interesting is that even when accessing the Internet, the external IP address of the device from which the request is made is not so easy to determine. There are several reasons for this, which will be discussed below.

The simplest VPN setup for Android

Almost all virtual networks using wireless connection By Wi-Fi type They work on the same principle - assigning free IP addresses from the available range. It's no surprise that any mobile device can easily be connected to them (but only on condition that it supports the appropriate connection protocols).

However, today any smartphones or tablets based on the Android OS have in their functionality the option of connecting the same Wi-Fi. The network is detected automatically if the device is within its coverage area. The only thing you may need is to enter a password. The so-called “shared” ones do not require a password at all.

IN in this case You need to go to the main settings on your smartphone or tablet and activate the Wi-Fi connection. The system itself will determine the presence of radio modules at a distance of 100-300 meters from the device (it all depends on the model of the distribution router). Once the network is identified, a menu will be displayed with all available connections and their blocking indication. If the network has a padlock icon, it is password protected (however, this will be indicated initially in the message). If you know the password, enter it.

On networks common use, where login using a password is not provided, and even simpler. Has the network been determined? All. Click on connection and use it. As is already clear, VPN configuration in this case is not required at all. Another thing is when to use Windows settings or another operating system (even mobile) to create a connection or assign computer terminal or laptop as a VPN server.

Creation on Windows

With "OS" Windows family not everything is as simple as most users think. Of course, automatic recognition of a network or connection via Wi-Fi, ADSL or even direct connection via network Ethernet card they produce (subject to availability installed equipment). The question is different: if the distributor is not a router, but a laptop or desktop computer how to get out of this situation?

Main settings

Here you will have to delve into the VPN settings. Windows like operating system is considered first.

First you need to pay attention not even to the settings of the system itself, but to its accompanying components. True, when creating a connection or using it to the maximum, you will have to configure some protocols such as TCP/IP (IPv4, IPv6).

If the provider does not provide such services in automatic mode, you will have to make settings indicating previously obtained parameters. For example, when connecting automatically, the fields in the Internet browser properties for filling will be inactive (there will be a dot on the item “Obtain an IP address automatically”). That is why you do not have to enter the values ​​of the subnet mask, gateway, DNS or WINS servers manually (especially for proxy servers).

Router settings

Regardless of whether the VPN is configured on an ASUS laptop or terminal (or any other device), access to the network is still common.

To get it right you need to go to it own menu. This can be done using any Internet browser, provided that the router is directly connected to a computer or laptop.

In the address field, enter the value (this corresponds to most models), after which you should activate the enable function (using the router parameters in advanced mode). Typically this line looks like WLAN Connection Type.

Using VPN Clients

VPN clients are quite specific programs that work like anonymous proxy servers that hide the true IP address user computer when accessing local network or on the Internet.

Actually, the use of programs of this type is reduced to almost complete automation. The VPN setting in this case, in general, is not important, since the application itself redirects requests from one server (mirror) to another.

True, you will have to tinker a little with setting up such a client, especially if you want to make the most of your home virtual network available connections. Here you have to choose between software products. And it should be noted that some applications, even the smallest in size, sometimes surpass the commercial products of many famous brands, for which you also have to pay (by the way, a lot of money).

What about TCP/IP?

It goes without saying that almost all of the above settings affect the TCP/IP protocol to one degree or another. Today nothing better has been invented for comfort. Even remote ones anonymous proxy servers or local data stores still use these settings. But you need to be careful with him.

It is best to contact your provider or system administrator. But one thing must be clearly remembered: even when setting the values ​​manually, as a rule, the subnet mask has the sequence (it can change), and all IP addresses begin with the values ​​192.168.0.X (the last letter can have from one to three characters ).


However, these are all subtleties computer technology. The same VPN client for Android can provide communication between several smart devices. But the biggest snag is whether it’s worth using such a connection on a mobile gadget.

If you notice, especially in technical details we didn't go into it. This is rather a descriptive instruction about general concepts. But even that simple example, I think, will help, so to speak, to understand the very essence of the issue. Moreover, with a clear understanding of it, the whole problem will be reduced only to the system settings, which will not affect a specific user in any way.

But here you need to be very careful. Actually, for those who do not know what a VPN connection is, this will not help much. For more advanced users it is worth telling what to create virtual network using native Windows OS tools is not recommended. You can, of course, use initial parameters settings, however, as practice shows, it is better to have some kind of reserve additional client, which will always be like an ace in the hole.

Who would have thought 5-7 years ago that in 2017 every Russian who reads the news would know about VPN technology? Today, thanks to new laws, it is difficult to use the Internet without tools for changing IP. If you haven't set up a VPN yet, because:

  • You don’t understand why you personally need this;
  • You think that the settings are too complicated and you are too lazy to bother with them;
  • You've already tried using a VPN, but you didn't like it.

Now we will finally figure out whether you need a VPN, show you the easiest way to start using it and help you choose one that will satisfy all your needs.

Very briefly about what a VPN is

For those lucky people who suddenly woke up from their sleep in 2017:

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Roughly speaking, this is a secure communication channel through which your devices can connect to the Internet. When connecting via a VPN, a person receives two main benefits: a new IP address and traffic encryption.

Why is this necessary?

Benefit of VPN #1. Access to blocked sites

The vast majority of our readers live in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. And in all these countries ISPs block access to many sites. For example, the register of resources prohibited in the Russian Federation, maintained by the public organization Roskomsvoboda, already contains more than 73 thousand links.

Changing the IP address is useful when traveling abroad when using some Russian services. For example, Yandex.Music and work only in some CIS countries. And the full functionality of Avito is available only to Russians.

If, when you access your favorite site, you see a message about blocking by your provider, then just configure yourself with using VPN IP address desired country and prohibitions will cease to exist for you.

Benefit of VPN #2. Saving, Amazon, iTunes, Adobe and many other sites were found to be substituting prices for goods and services depending on the country. Sometimes the difference can be huge.

In May 2016, the site published an article with examples of how the visitor’s country affects the ticket price. Here is an example from it that clearly shows how you can save using a VPN.

In the first picture is the price for the flight Akureyri (Iceland) - Moscow on June 1, 2016 from Icelandic IP, and in the second from Russian. Savings amounted to $59.

If you buy something in international stores, then take the time to spend five minutes looking at the price from different IP addresses, remembering to turn on the “Incognito” mode in your browser.

Skyscanner commented: Those who want to see prices for other markets can easily change the region settings, language and currency in the site header, no VPN is needed for this. In the vast majority of cases, flights within Russia or from Russia abroad will be cheaper on the Russian domain, since Russian partners can offer best price tickets due to their specialization. In rare cases, a better price for foreign domain As a rule, we are talking about an insignificant difference caused by fluctuations in exchange rates.

Isolated cases of larger price discrepancies are explained by the fact that different partners operate in different markets and can provide more favorable prices for the same tickets depending on their local agreements with airlines.

Benefit of VPN #3. Safety

If you sometimes use public wifi, then you need to take care of encrypting your traffic. If public Wi-Fi network is configured incorrectly (and there are at least 20-30% of them worldwide), then any passerby will be able to intercept data about your traffic using publicly available programs for a computer or smartphone.

Yes, if the public router is configured according to all the rules, then everything will be OK even without a VPN. But where is the guarantee that the owner of the hotel where you unexpectedly stayed is concerned about the safety of his clients and that he changed something in the settings of his router after its installation back in 2005?

Benefit of VPN #4. Anonymity

Do you want to freely express your opinion on websites on the Internet, post links to any content on forums, talk about religion and not be afraid of being identified by your IP? Then a VPN is a must for you. If you think that you can do whatever you want on the Internet and no one needs to figure you out, then I recommend reading our collections of court cases:

Most of the people in the stories above didn't think they were doing anything illegal and weren't concerned about their anonymity. And in the end they received fines and prison sentences. Even if you are a polite and law-abiding citizen, you should not tempt fate - set up a VPN and sleep peacefully. It's very simple.

Remember that VPN can only be used for legal purposes.

There are other VPN services. Why should you use

Advantage No. 1. Focus on Russian clients

Most VPN services set prices in dollars and they are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. And clients pay for VPN in rubles and the price is stable, except that it rises by a few percent every couple of years.

You can pay for your subscription using convenient and familiar methods for Russians: QIWI, Yandex.Money, from your account mobile phone or through Sberbank.Online. Naturally, WebMoney, PayPal and international bank cards are also accepted.

Advantage No. 2. Complete confidentiality

The provider does not store information about users and their traffic.

The company's office and servers are located in the Kingdom of Belize. If someone wants to gain access to the company’s servers, they will need a local court decision to do so. In ten years of operation of the service, this has never happened before.

To register for a VPN service you only need Mailbox. If you wish, you don’t have to “shine” your online wallet or bank card. For people seriously concerned about anonymity, anonymous payment in bitcoins is provided.

Advantage No. 3. 10 years on the market and excellent reputation

The service has been operating since January 1, 2007 and was previously known under the name Since then, the Internet has accumulated many reviews left by satisfied users. But there has not yet been a single public scandal due to the fact that leaked the data of its clients to someone and is unlikely to happen.

(4.00 out of 5, rated: 1 )

website The simplest and fastest way to start using the technology needed in 2017.