What are open source operating systems. Open programming systems. OS based on Linux

All modern digital devices run on a specific operating system. For example, it could be Windows or Linux, and for smartphones and tablets – Android and iOS.

Operating systems come in open and closed types. The term “open operating system” means a system with open source code. This code is open for editing, and any user can change it (of course, within the framework of the license and the law). And a closed operating system does not allow you to “dig” into its source code.

Open OSs are usually free, develop very quickly, and can be customized in detail for any device. And all because any user who understands this at least a little can correct errors in the system, write drivers, etc. Errors in closed operating systems are corrected only by service packs produced by the official developers of the OS.

Examples of open and closed operating systems

An example of an open operating system for smartphones and tablets is Google Android. This OS allows the user to do whatever he wants - rewrite some drivers, add support for new functions, etc. And here is the operating system Windows Phone is considered private and does not give users any right to interfere. They can only periodically install service packs, buy programs or use free ones.

There are also conditionally open operating systems – iOS and Symbian. You can’t change anything in such OSs either, but you can write programs for them using special software provided by the developers. The most popular operating systems for smartphones are Google Android and iOS. For regular user, who is not involved in creating new programs, the difference between these operating systems will only be in the interface.

When it comes to computer operating systems, Windows is considered a closed operating system, while Linux is considered an open operating system. Naturally, you can only customize Linux. There is another operating system - Mac OS, which is very similar in architecture to Linux, but it is considered a closed OS.

As for the choice of OS to use, each user decides for himself. For example, in closed operating systems the probability of catching a virus is much higher, and in this case you will have to wait until the developers fix the hole in the system with the next service pack. Additionally, Windows and Mac OS are paid operating systems, while Linux is in free access For everyone.

To understand what it means for our organization to use software open/closed source, you need to understand how they differ from each other. This article points out the main differences, but remember that this is a very simplified explanation. Additional information can be gleaned from Wikipedia or by reading specific examples of the use of both types of software.

First of all, open source software means that we can change and develop our program as long as we have the knowledge and skills to do so. On the contrary, it is not possible to modify a closed source program yourself since the source code of the program/application is not available. While not all of us are programmers, we can still benefit from working with open source software.

Such software is provided to users free of charge, not only programs, but also operating systems. It is created and developed by users themselves, who post their creations on the Internet. Most popular programs are updated regularly because so many people use them. Examples include Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird. If the program is not updated regularly, it may be that there are not enough necessary technical resources for this - the whole question is how many users the program has. High frequency updates are a definite guarantee of the safety of using the program. However, if after installing the update it turns out that the program does not work (for example, in new version operating system is not supported by Skype), there are two ways to solve the problem: try to find help on forums on the Internet or fix the problem yourself, which is relatively difficult.

Closed source software is much more popular than open source software. First of all, due to ease of use, and also because we are simply accustomed to it - as a rule, we use Windows OS at school, at work and at home. In the case of programs and operating systems based on closed source code, we are dealing with a finished product that does not require any intervention on our part. It is much more convenient for the average user to work with them. Users of closed source software often emphasize how easy it is to install and use, how convenient it is to have clear help for the program at hand, and the ability to contact technical support if problems arise. Such systems and products are released by companies, and only after several stages of testing. The user simply purchases an entire software package, ready to be installed on the computer. Such software is paid: we purchase a license, and often program updates.

Some software developers support community organizations and offer them software for free or at a discount through their non-profit organizations, for example, through a wide affiliate network TechSoup, whose members are located in different countries. In Russia, the program is implemented by the Greenhouse of Social Technologies (Spiro LLC). By contacting the infoDonor program, you can find out whether your organization can participate in the program. We should also remember that when we choose an operating system, we are also choosing the way we work in our organization. For example, if we chose Linux, we will not be able to use Adobe solutions, and if we chose Windows, we will have to purchase licenses for the number of computers. Each case has its pros and cons. We need to carefully consider what exactly our organization needs, what are the criteria for the effective use of equipment, and make a decision after a thorough analysis.

Of course, open or closed source software isn't just about Microsoft, Mac, or Linux. The issue of licensing comes up in connection with any type of software used in an organization. The main rule is to carefully read all licenses and service agreements. There are many examples where organizations have encountered serious problems with software that was rendered virtually useless due to licensing conditions, or where even the smallest changes to a site were very costly.

Once upon a time, programmers preferred to demonstrate their achievements to each other by exchanging source codes for programs (until a company appeared in the town of Redmond that helped overcome this relic and put software production on a commercial basis). However, recently, thanks to the Internet, open source has started to make a comeback. PC Magazine explores this phenomenon and reviews four Linux distributions, a program widely credited with reviving the open source software movement.

Back to the roots

Nobody expected open source software to become so popular. It has quietly assumed a dominant role in everyday activities such as web browsing and email, which owes much to the development of the Internet. Software manufacturers are forced to support an open source operating system Linux code. And customers are beginning to understand that this is serious. As a result, we should expect the emergence in the near future large number new open source programs.

Open source software is fundamentally different from all forms of commercial software, although it is often confused with shareware. free programs. When distributed, in addition to executable files, it includes the original instructions written by the programmer. In most cases, both are provided free of charge over the Internet. Moreover, anyone can modify and even distribute these programs themselves.

What kind of programs are these? First of all, the Internet itself to a large extent runs on open source software. DNS (Domain Name System) - a system that maps IP addresses to domain names like www.pcmag.com - like the Internet mail service sendmail, are open projects. The world's most popular website, Yahoo! relies on an open source OS (FreeBSD) and the same web server (Apache) to deliver to readers dynamic content Open source scripting language (Perl).

The compact, open-source operating system Linux (pronounced linn-ix) has taken over much of the Unix market and is now threatening Windows NT—or at least starting to annoy Microsoft. Last year, several major software companies, including Corel, Oracle and Sybase, announced plans to port their products to Linux. Others, such as Netscape Communications and Sun Microsystems, have gone even further and applied the open source model to their own software (and even hardware) products.

To better understand and appreciate this phenomenon, we decided to take a closer look at it and look at some programs for servers and desktop systems. It turns out that before open source software is ready to take its rightful place on the desktop, there will be some hard work to do. On the other hand, this software (especially Linux) is becoming a serious competitor in the server market, where preference is given not to ease of use, but to power.

Apache rules the web

No program has done more to eradicate the perception that the open source model cannot survive in real world than the Apache web server. According to a study conducted by Netcraft on a sample of approximately 4 million sites, Apache powers more than half of all domains on the Internet. Closest competitor Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), manages approximately half as many sites. If you take a closer look at what this product offers, it will immediately become clear why it has achieved such success.

Since Apache is an open source program that can be freely used in accordance with license agreement BSD (Berkley Software Distribution), programmers have the opportunity to do whatever they want with it. This freedom, as well as several other developments, made Apache ideal program for ISPs, who typically have the expertise to take advantage of this flexibility.

Apache allows the webmaster to add their own extensions to the system and compile them directly into the web server. A good example is the Apache module called Mod_perl. Many sites use CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts written in Perl to introduce dynamic content into web pages. Mod_perl complements Apache interpreter Perl, which speeds up such scripts and allows the webmaster to extend the functionality of the server.

Important links

More than any other software, open source software relies on the Internet, and vice versa. Below are some starting points.

This relatively young independent organization was created a year ago with the goal of developing the open source software movement. Here you can find the “official” definition of such software and links to important projects.

Described as "news for dummies," Slashdot provides a daily dose of news related to open source software and especially Linux. It is one of the top 100 sites according to PC Magazine.

O'Reilly specializes in books on open source software. Website Open Source Center contains news and links to important projects.

The Open Software Foundation is the organization that runs the GNU Project, which produces many popular open source tools. Its website contains project information, documentation, and source code.

This is where you should go for Linux information. Linux Online is a repository for a wide variety of information about Linux, from project and version information to news articles.

Official source of the Linux kernel. This archive contains a huge library of Linux-related software. Whatever code you're looking for, this is where you should start.

This is the Netscape project home page for the development of the new Communicator. The site contains source code, documentation, and preview versions of the browser.

Official project website Apache web server. It contains product documentation, error reporting, project-related information, and source code for download.

This is where you should start searching for any information about the Perl language. Here you will find links to newsgroups, mailing lists, and resources for using Perl.

This project aims to compensate for the lack of customer support services and offers an extensive database of online help documents, including instructions for installing and using Linux and much more.

Historical Milestones of the Open Source Software Movement

1968 The ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, was created. It was intended for the exchange of programs and information between scientists, but at the same time it became a demonstration of the capabilities of open source software.

1969 Bell Labs employee Ken Thompson writes the first version of the multi-user, multi-tasking Unix operating system. In the seventies, the Unix source code was freely distributed and soon became popular in the university and scientific community.

1971 Richard Stallman, a pioneer of the open source software movement, joins a group of scientists at MIT dedicated exclusively to free software. Later, Stallman, the developer of the first text editor Emacs, became the founder of the GNU Project (from GNU's Not Unix); this leads to the creation of a free operating system based on Linux.

1973 Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) develop the TCP/IP protocol, which becomes the basis of the Internet. Ten years later, the Department of Defense officially calls this Internet network and instructs the use of TCP/IP on all computers connected to it.

1979 AT&T announces plans commercial use Unix. As a result, the University of California at Berkeley is creating its own own version Unix - BSD (Berkeley Software Distributions) Unix. It was adopted by the first commercial suppliers: DEC, Sun, etc. Later, AT&T and Sun entered into an agreement to merge their versions, after which competitors (DEC, HP and IBM) founded the organization Open Software Foundation.

UC Berkeley student Eric Allman is developing a computer-to-computer messaging program over the ARPANET. Allman later includes his program in sendmail. Today, this open source program is used by over 75% of email servers on the Internet.

Netscape joins the movement

Essentially, Netscape Communications built its Internet empire on free software, transforming NCSA's Mosaic browser into the popular Navigator and then Communicator. However, observers were shocked when a year ago Netscape unexpectedly announced its intention to publish the source code for Communicator 5.0.

At the time, Netscape's browser market share was shrinking under overwhelming pressure from Microsoft. Therefore, this move was to some extent a marketing technique aimed at recruiting the growing anti-Microsoft movement as allies. However, this was the first time that a major software company had open sourced one of the world's most popular applications for free. From point of view end users, a new project run by semi-independent company Mozilla.org, promises to bring some significant changes to the Communicator suite.

The Communicator 4.5 looks good on the outside - like a restored old car - but its mechanics are not up to date. Next version Communicator is built on a fundamentally new HTML engine. This major overhaul brings with it a number of benefits.

Firstly, the new browser should be much faster. Specifically, Netscape claims that new mechanism processes HTML tables 20 times faster than previous versions. True, having considered one of his earlier versions codenamed Gecko, we didn't notice any significant speedup over Communicator 4.5 even when loading pages from the local drive.

How to install Linux

Linux has come a long way in its evolution, but don't expect the installation to go as smoothly as upgrading Windows. To make this work, you'll need to do a little research and take some preliminary steps to prepare your system to run multiple operating systems. Details can be found in the documentation that came with your Linux distribution or on the Linux Documentation Project website.

A. Collection of information

Linux is capable of automatically recognizing many devices, but does not have sufficient foolproof protection. During the installation process you may need manual input information, so you must first collect all the data about your equipment (manufacturers and model numbers) and its configuration. On Windows 95, 98 or NT the simplest way- print information from the Device Manager tab of the System Properties dialog ( Control Panel| System).

B. Creation boot floppy

The easiest way to install Linux is to boot directly from the distribution CD, but few newer PCs allow you to boot from a CD-ROM (check the BIOS settings for this). Most users will have to boot it from a floppy disk. Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 and RedHat 5.2 include such floppies, but most distributions require you to create your own boot floppy using a supplied utility like Rawwrite.

C. Hard drive segmentation

Because of the many accompanying applications, the amount of space Linux takes up on a typical workstation varies widely, from about 100 MB to 500 MB or more. Linux is installed on a separate disk segment. If there is only one segment on the disk, busy Windows, you will need to allocate some space into a separate segment. To do this, first of all create a backup copy existing system and run a disk defragmenter to collect all existing data in one place. To resize an existing segment, you can use a DOS FIPS utility or a program like PartitionMagic 4.0 from PowerQuest or Partition Commander from V Communications.

Major Linux distributions

Unlike Microsoft Windows 98 or NT, the operating Linux system is not a single product. There are many distributions on the market, and not all of them are equivalent.

All distributions are built on the same Linux kernel, which includes all the main OS functions and network protocol stack. In addition, all distributions provide standard tools, such as popular system libraries, a number of applications and utilities, some printed documentation, and limited technical support. Each distribution includes the X Window System and a graphical user interface ( necessary for users Windows), web server, email servers and FTP server. The fundamental differences lie in the area of ​​installation, system configuration, support and additional applications.

For example, the installation process can be difficult, and the setup program often refuses to recognize hardware such as network cards. Apart from a few graphical tools, most system and network configuration utilities have impressive command-line interfaces and require some experience. Customer support - at least on the formal side - is limited. Finally, although each distribution includes many applications, not many of them are as mature and easy to use as, for example, Microsoft Office. However, this system can be mastered by anyone who is willing to spend some time. For beginners, Red Hat is the best option - mainly because of the most advanced installation tools. The Caldera version is more difficult to install, but it includes many of the features that make this distribution attractive to small and medium-sized companies.

Linux distribution components

Although Linux foundation forms the core, in order to make up the complete operating environment, much more is required. Here are a few key components of a typical Linux distribution.

Download Manager- a utility that is located in the main boot entry(master boot record, MBR) and boots system BIOS when you turn on the computer. If Linux is added to Windows or another OS, the boot manager allows you to choose which one to run. Exist different managers boots such as V Communications' System Commander, although Linux includes its own LILO boot manager (LInux LOader) that is usually installed by default.

User interface. The Linux kernel comes from Unix, and the default interface of this OS is a command line like command line DOS. There are several graphics add-ons that make Linux look like Windows or Macintosh OS. For example: CDE (Common Desktop Environment), KDE (Kool Desktop Environment) and GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment).

X Window System. It is a graphics subsystem similar to GDI (Graphics Device Interface) from Windows that supports a graphical user interface. One of the most common X servers is Xfree86. During the installation process, you can choose whether to install the X Window System or not.

Caldera OpenLinux 1.3

Caldera has tried to dispel the belief that Linux is not an enterprise OS. Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 is the only distribution that contains a comprehensive set of business applications, including a native NetWare client, a database server and a range of creative tools.

Like Red Hat, Caldera offers a boot floppy disk for easy installation. Overall, Caldera's installation process isn't quite as graphical or intuitive as Red Hat's, but other than having to segment our disk using a crude fdisk utility, the installation was a breeze and didn't require much work. user intervention. Caldera includes the Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) tool, which makes installation and uninstallation easier - at least by Linux standards. To select the basic parameters of the network client and other functions, use graphic tool LISA (Linux Installation System Administration). In practice, we had to tinker with editing the configuration files manually.

One of the most important advantages of Caldera is KDE (Kool Desktop Environment) - graphical environment desktop, which makes Linux much like Windows. Combined with the included Microsoft Office clone, Star Division's StarOffice 4.0, this creates a complete complete solution for small and medium enterprises. Another advantage is that Caldera Systems offers a range of technical support plans, including telephone and e-mail.

Caldera OpenLinux 1.3. Price: $59 (2-CD set, Linux kernel 2.0.36, boot floppy, beginner's guide, 30-day technical support). System Requirements: PC with 386 processor or better, 16 MB RAM, 350 MB hard disk space (450 MB if additional applications are used). Caldera Systems Inc., Orem, UT; 888-465-4689, 801-765-4999; fax, 801-765-1313; www.calderasystems.com; ftp.caldera.com/pub

Debian GNU/Linux 2.0

It is the only major distribution still produced by a group of volunteer programmers. This fact, as well as many powerful features, make it popular among hackers. However Windows users It is recommended to stay away from Debian.

First of all, the Debian version turned out to be the most difficult to install. It does not include a boot floppy disk, but one can be made or booted from a CD-ROM if the system allows. The setup tools include a graphical version of the fdisk utility (for creating the necessary segments on the hard drive), but it is still not easy enough to install. A Wizard-like installation program is suitable only for those who are familiar with their equipment and know how to configure a network. After installation, there will be almost no applications on the system. Programs such as the emacs text editor and web server must be installed separately using the rather complex dselect utility. In Debian GNU/Linux 2.1, the authors promise to introduce a new application installation utility.

Once the installation process is complete, Debian's included X Window interface helps make things a little easier. The most important advantage This version is an alternative Debian Package Management System module manager that scans them before installing new applications, checking the existing system configuration for the presence of the necessary modules and ensuring that there are no conflicts with existing applications. Debian is distributed by Linux Press along with a 268-page user manual.

Debian GNU/Linux 2.0. Price: $38.95 (three-CD set; Linux kernel 2.0.35; user manual; 30-day email technical support). System requirements: 386 processor or better, 16 MB RAM (for GUI), minimum 100 MB hard disk space (200 MB recommended). Distributed by Linux Press, Penngrove, CA; 888-770-4330, 707-773-4916; fax, 707-765-1431; www.linuxpress.com; ftp.debian.org

Official Red Hat Linux 5.2

This is the most important player in the Linux market - Official Red Hat Linux 5.2 has significantly improved the installation process and module manager. This is the best option for those who are installing Linux for the first time.

Like Caldera, Red Hat includes a bootable floppy disk. During the installation process, the equipment is checked and assumptions are made about the installation (PC card support has been introduced for laptop users). In addition, Red Hat makes it somewhat easier to select disk segments by offering standard workstation and server configurations with automatic disk partitioning and selection necessary programs. (To create your own segments, you can use the custom installation mode.) To manual segmentation Red Hat offers graphical Disk tool Druid, which is much more advanced than the fdisk utility included in other distributions; although you still need to have some understanding of the structure of segments and sectors.

Red Hat includes several tools to make system setup easy. Xconfigurator is a wizard-like alternative to XF86Setup for configuring the X Window system. And Linuxconf simplifies setting up network configurations: PPP, DHCP and DNS clients. (Unfortunately, Linuxconf is still a work in progress and not well documented.) What's even better is that if you use the Red Hat boot floppy script during installation, the network information and XF86Config information will be stored on the floppy disk, so you won't have to worry about a lot of data. enter manually.

Red Hat is famous for its module manager (RPM), an open source program that is used in many other distributions. RPM allows you to securely install and uninstall applications, avoid conflicts between programs, and even update the kernel without having to reinstall system software or files.

Official Red Hat Linux 5.2. Price: $49.95 (three-CD set, Linux kernel 2.0.36, boot floppy, installation guide, 90-day technical support. System requirements: 386 processor or better, 16 MB RAM, minimum 120 MB free disk space (450 MB for workstation, 1.6 GB for server) Red Hat Software Inc., Durham, NC; 919-547-0012; redhat.com;ftp.redhat.com/pub

Linux Slackware 3.6

Once the most popular distribution Patrick Volkerding's Linux package has lost market leadership to the better-polished Red Hat, but remains the most recognized among Linux aficionados. Like Debian, Linux Slackware 3.6 does not include a boot floppy. And when creating it, you have to choose many hardware configuration parameters. Ultimately, we were able to find a well-functioning reference disk mapping (bare.i).

The Slackware distribution is not as easy to use as Caldera or Red Hat. But it also has a number of advantages. When, during the installation process, we forgot to save some system configuration parameters in the config script, Slackware automatically sent an email to the main user about what happened and how to fix it. Additionally, it contains a good collection of powerful configuration scripts that perform actions that would require multiple commands on other distributions.

One of the main advantages of Slackware is that this distribution contains completely installed version Linux with X Window on CD-ROM, so you can try Linux without installing anything at all HDD. Slackware contains handy tool RPM module management and FVWM95 window manager. Slackware is distributed by Walnut Creek CDROM, but at the time of finishing this article, Volkerding has opened an official Slackware website.

Linux Slackware 3.6. Price: $39.95 (four-CD set, Linux kernel 2.0.36, installation guide, technical support). System requirements: 386 processor or better, 8 MB RAM, 200 MB free disk space (500 MB for full installation). Distributed by Walnut Creek CDROM Company, Concord, CA; 800-786-9907, 925-674-0783; www.slackware.com; ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware

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"Modern open source operating systems"

Creation of an operating system. 4

Operating System Definition 4

Basic OS 4 features

Additional OS features. 4

Open Source OS 6

Difference between open and closed source operating systems. 6


Creation of an operating system.

The predecessor of the operating system (OS) is considered to be utility programs, as well as their libraries. They began to be developed in the late 1940s. in the 1950-1960s, ideas were implemented that determined the functionality of the OS:

1) Time sharing, multitasking

Allowed the creation of multi-user systems in which there was one central process, and a block random access memory joined the terminals.

2) Separation of powers

Made it possible to avoid the possibility of changing one program's data from another program into the computer's memory.

3) Real time

Allowed simultaneous maintenance of production processes and ongoing tasks.

4) File systems and structures

It was used as a way to store any data on other storage devices.

Operating System Definition

So, the OS is a set of programs that provides work with files, execution of application programs, and outputs and inputs data. The OS also provides control of the computer hardware as a whole. In other words, the OS is the first set of programs that loads when you turn on your computer. Any OS has basic and additional functions.

Basic OS features

1) Execution of program requests, i.e. This is the output and input of data, launching programs, as well as stopping them, both freeing and allocating additional memory.

3) Access to input and output devices.

4) Distribution of RAM between processes, organization of virtual memory.

5) Control access to hard disk data

6) Providing a user interface

7) Storing information about system errors

Additional OS features.

Additional features are:

1) Multitasking

2) Distribution of the necessary computing system resources between processes

3) Restricting access to resources

4) Data exchange, mutual synchronization

5) Protect the system, data, programs from the actions of different users

6) Differentiation of access rights and multi-user system.

Having examined the functions of the OS, it is worth mentioning its components:

1) bootloader is system software that loads the OS after turning on the computer.

2) The kernel is the most central part of the OS, which provides applications with access to computer resources.

3) The command processor serves to provide a command line interface. The command processor itself is an independent programming language that has its own syntax and functions.

4) Drivers – computer program, through which other programs gain access to the software of a certain device. The driver itself is not required to interact with other hardware devices, it can only imitate them.

5) Interface - the interface between two devices, systems or programs, which is determined by their characteristics.

2 OS groups are defined. The first includes systems whose set of programs controls the equipment. The second group includes systems whose set of programs control other programs.

Many devices in our world can do without an OS altogether. So what are they for?

  1. Many programs need to perform the same routine actions. For example, entering the same word and outputting it to the screen. This may require the execution of many machine instructions. In order not to program them every time, the OS uses system libraries.
  2. It is necessary to distribute powers between users and system programs so that users can protect their data and an error in the program does not cause big troubles.
  3. The operator himself must be able to control the execution processes of individual programs. For this purpose, the shell and sets of snails are used. They themselves may be part of the OS. So, the OS can be described as:

a) OS with universal mechanism access to data.

b) OS with separation of powers

c) time-sharing OS

Open source OS

As we know, in the modern world, all devices have an OS. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between open and closed operating systems.

An open source OS is a system that can be edited by any user without violating the license or law. This system is very convenient for smartphones, as it allows users to “customize the phone to suit themselves”: add various functions, rewrite drivers, insert touch support. It should be noted that such conditionally open operating systems as iPhone OS, Symbian do not allow interfering with the system itself, but allow you to write your own programs. For computers, the open source operating system is Linux.

Difference between open and closed source operating systems.

As mentioned above, open source operating systems allow the user to “build their own device”. Closed-source operating systems do not give the user the right to interfere with the system itself. Users can only buy programs, or use free ones, as well as install service folders. Closed operating systems include Windows and Mac OS.

Closed operating systems are characterized by licensing and fees; open operating systems do not require the purchase of a license and are distributed free of charge.



Linux is an open source operating system whose development began in 1983. Richard Stolliman - famous programmer created the GNU project. By the beginning of the 1990s, many system programs and libraries were already ready. In 1991 Linus Torvalds created the core of this system. Thus, from all the components and other software, a working free OS was created.

At first, Linux was distributed only to volunteers, but over time, companies began to contribute and this OS became a significant force. Now Linux ranks first in the smartphone market (64%). In the home computer market, Linux ranks 3rd (12%) (the most popular distribution is Ubuntu, which is preferred by 20 million users).

The most popular OS for smartphones and tablet devices is Android. This system is based on the Linux kernel. Linux distributions are popular with various government agencies. For example, the Federal Government of Brazil actively uses this OS, and the Russian military is developing its own Linux distribution.

In Linux systems, users work through the command line interface, or as it is also called CLI, graphical user interface (GUI), through the controls of the corresponding hardware.

The command line is particularly well suited for automating repetitive or delayed tasks, and also provides a very simple inter-process communication mechanism.

Graphical terminal emulator programs are often used to access the command line from a Linux desktop.

Linux systems typically implement a command line interface using the operating system shell, which is also the traditional way to interact with a Unix system.

iPhone OS

iPhone is a mobile operating system developed and released by the American company Apple in 2007. This system was originally designed for the iPhone and iPod touch, and later for devices such as the iPad and Apple TV.

Unlike Windows Phone and Google Android, it is released only for devices manufactured by Apple. iPhone is based on Mac OS X and uses the same POSIX-compliant set of core Darwin components.

As of May 12, 2012, the App Store contains more than 750 thousand applications for iOS, which together have been downloaded more than 30 billion times.


Cosmos is an open source operating system written in the C programming language. It contains a Microsoft Intermediate Language compiler that allows you to generate complete program modules.

The current release of Cosmos is Milestone 5, but the creators are working on future releases. Most of the work on Cosmos currently is aimed at developing network interface, however, the system already supports some network cards. There are currently two versions of Cosmos, the (later) source version and the release version (known as the custom kit). The source version is for those who want to help develop the kernel, while the custom kit is for those who simply want to use Cosmos to develop their own operating system.


Android network operating system for communicators, tablet computers, e-readers, digital players, based on the Linux kernel. It was originally developed by Android Inc., which was later bought by Google. Subsequently, Google initiated the creation of the Open Handset Alliance or (OHA), which is now engaged in supporting and further developing the platform. Android allows you to create Java applications that control the device through Google-developed libraries. Android Native Development Kit creates applications written in C and other languages.

75% of smartphones sold in the third quarter of 2012 were equipped with the Android operating system.

Some observers note that Android performs better than one of its competitors, Apple iOS, in a number of features, such as: web surfing, integration with Google Inc. services. and others. Android, unlike iOS, is an open platform, which allows you to implement more functions on it.

Unlike iOS and Windows Phone 7, Android has a full-fledged implementation of the Bluetooth stack, which allows, among other things, the transfer and reception of files.

Android devices usually have a MicroSD card reader that allows quick transfer files from computer to phone, bypassing speed restrictions of USB and other transfer methods without removing the memory card; In addition, in iOS and Windows Phone 7 it is not possible to directly transfer any files to or from the phone except through synchronization programs (iTunes and Zune), while Android phones export the file system of the memory card as a USB mass storage device (“ flash drive").

Despite the initial ban on installing programs from “unverified sources,” this restriction can be disabled using standard means in the device settings. This is what allows you to install programs on phones and tablets without an Internet connection. For example, users who do not have a Wi-Fi access point and do not want to spend money on Mobile Internet, which usually costs too much. It also allows everyone to write Android applications for free and test them on their device.

Description of work

So, the OS is a set of programs that provides work with files, execution of application programs, and outputs and inputs data. The OS also provides control of the computer hardware as a whole. In other words, the OS is the first set of programs that loads when you turn on your computer. Any OS has basic and additional functions. The predecessor of the operating system (OS) is considered utilities, as well as their libraries.

In addition to Android, we probably know about the existence of iOS and Windows Phone. BlackBerry OS still exists somewhere far away, and Symbian is a thing of the past. This is what is well-known, but there are several operating systems that are much less known, but still worthy of attention. Like Android, they are built on the Linux kernel and are open source. However, this did not help them achieve the same success.

Ubuntu Phone

Canonical developed out of a desire to standardize everything. Just like Windows, which automatically adapts to your computer after installation, Ubuntu is ready to adapt to any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, TV or computer. Depending on the type of device, the OS itself will adjust to the screen size and type of data input.

Ubuntu Phone users can simply connect their smartphone to their computer and use the desktop experience on the computer screen. Ubuntu version. This ideology coincides a bit with Microsoft, which wants to blur the lines between mobile and desktop OS, as well as applications for them.

HP webOS

webOS was originally owned by Palm, but HP bought Palm in 2010. HP had big plans for webOS; it was planned to release a smartphone, tablet, printer and even a computer running this OS. The HP TouchPad tablet was launched, but it couldn't compete with the iPad and the idea didn't go any further.

LG later used the capabilities of webOS in its smart TV, and it turned out to be a good idea. webOS, despite its unpopularity, has some interesting features that can still be sold.

Samsung Tizen

Tizen is built on the Linux kernel, and the interface of this OS completely copies TouchWiz from Samsung. In other words, there is nothing unfamiliar in this system and at the same time. Today, some smartwatches run on this OS. Samsung, however, the company has no big plans for it. They have a problem attracting developers, and without applications, Tizen is of no use to anyone.

Jolla Sailfish

This OS has a long and interesting story. Nokia once worked on Maemo devices built on Linux. Maemo later became part of the MeeGo OS platform, which was owned by Intel. The only smartphone released on MeeGo was Nokia N9, and it was popular among developers. However, before the deal with Microsoft, the MeeGo project was closed, and the company concentrated on Windows Phone.

Most of the team that worked on MeeGo left the company and started their own, called Jolla. All rights to MeeGo remained with Nokia, and they were forced to create their own based on the MeeGo source codes. This OS can work with both Qt applications and Android applications.

Amazon Fire

On tablets Amazon Kindle It uses what Amazon calls Fire OS. In fact, this is Android, a version of AOSP, which Amazon has seriously worked on. It is simply impossible to find out in Fire OS Android. At the same time, it works with Android applications, but you don’t need to download them from Google Play. Amazon doesn't use Google services, selling content through its own store, and it is quite large.

Firefox OS

Mozilla has been trying to create its own solution for smartphones for a long time. What they have is built on Gecko and Firefox browser. All applications for Firefox OS support modern web technologies, such as HTML 5. Mozilla believes that the era of native applications will pass, and the future belongs to web applications. Steve Jobs thought the same thing when launching the iPhone.

Nokia X

Microsoft is working on this platform. It is a mixture of Android and Windows Phone, but it is still built on Android. Smartphones on this platform have not met with much love from users due to the lack of services from Google, but are sold due to their low cost.

Based on materials from EFYTimes