A plugin - what it is in simple words, where you can download it, how to install and update the plugin. How to install a plugin on WordPress – installation methods and configuration

So, WordPress plugins are, in simple terms, plug-in mini programs, scripts that can expand the capabilities of your WordPress website or blog. Initially, the WordPress content management system itself already has all the most necessary functions so that your website, in general, looks and works normally. However, with the use of plugins, the capabilities of your site increase significantly.

WordPress plugins. From the official description from the developer code:

Plugins are a tool for extending the functionality of WordPress..

Plugins allow you to secure your favorite website, add spectacular pictures and galleries, optimize content, automate many routine processes, add an online store to your pages, create forums and even social networks. There are already tens of thousands of plugins, and their number is only growing every day. Of course, plugins can be very useful and often even necessary, and sometimes not so much. How to navigate this sea of ​​scripts? How to find exactly what you need?

How do you know which plugin you need?

  • The “poke” method, that is, put everything that matches the name, description and look at the result. The result can be very different. From “Hurray, it worked!” to “I installed it, but still don’t understand how it works” or even “why did my site stop loading?”
  • Select in advance the most useful plugin for your needs, after carefully studying the issue on thematic Internet resources. Fortunately, there are now many such resources on the Internet. Including on this site. Needless to say, the second method is more reliable, more useful and safer.

Where can I get it and how to install it?

  • The simplest one is directly from the WordPress admin area. The procedure is as follows: Plugins – Add new. Next, you can enter the name of the desired plugin in the search bar or use popular tags (labels) just below. You can also use a filter by the most popular or latest plugins. And of course, you can simply use the search, for example, if you already know the name of the plugin you are looking for. Find the plugin you need and click Install. If you wish, you can click and look before this Details. It can be very useful if you install an unknown plugin. There you will find various useful information and at the same time look at the rating of the plugin. If it is less than three stars or does not exist at all, then this is a good reason to doubt your choice. After the plugin is installed, click “Activate”.

Select “Install plugin”

Use search, download or tags

We look at the details and click “Install”

  • Download from another site and install manually. To download a plugin manually from the WordPpess general repository, go to http://wordpress.org/plugins/ and select the one you need and download it to your computer.


Unpack the archive with the plugin.
We go to and to our hosting.
Find the plugin on your computer.
Finding the folder /wp-content/plugins on your hosting.
Download the folder with the contents of the plugin files to the hosting folder /wp-content/plugins.
Go to the site admin panel http://your_site/wp-admin/.
Go to the plugins section and find the appropriate plugin.
Click the button under the plugin name "Activate".

Not all plugins can be downloaded from the link above. Some are available only on author's pages or on sites offering paid plugins. For example, here - http://codecanyon.net/category/plugins/wordpress. In any case, the procedure for installing them after downloading will be the same as I already described above.

How to configure the plugin?

Most plugins have their own settings, but not all. Some may not have them at all and they start working immediately after activation. If the installed plugin still has settings, then after activation, look for a menu with settings, usually by the name of the plugin in the sections Options, Tools or even separate from everything else. However, there is no clear rule here and I have more than once found a page with settings in the most unexpected places in the admin panel. It all depends on the author of the plugin.

Sometimes all the settings of a new plugin can be concentrated, for example, in widgets. Accordingly, to do this you need to go to the section Appearance - Widgets and find a new widget there.

And another way to find the settings of a new plugin is to go to the general list of active plugins and find the installed one by name. Under the title there may be a line like this - Settings | Deactivate | Change. This is the first point you need.

And of course, detailed descriptions of the most popular plugins on my website.

Programs that complement the basic functionality of the engine are called plugins. Plugins are designed to increase the functionality and capabilities of your sites. Just like themes, plugins are implemented by a set of program code that increase the capabilities of the site. With WordPress plugins, you can create many add-ons on your site, presented in the form of galleries, surveys, and even turn your blog into a selling online store with billing settings for payment. How to install a WordPress plugin and how they can make our life easier, more on that in the sequel.

What are WordPress plugins?

WordPress plugins These are additions to your standard capabilities provided by the base platform installation. Each installed plugin adds php files to your files on the web server. The plugins available for download and installation from wordpress.org have been tested and are in working order for the version of WordPress indicated in the description.

The use of plugins is not mandatory, but some of them are difficult to get by without programming knowledge. Add-ons can also be written independently and implemented into your “engine”, for the serviceability and correct operation of which only you yourself are responsible.

Each installed plugin, in addition to additional functions, also carries a load on the server, which can affect the speed of data processing and transfer. On the other hand, some plugins are designed specifically for .

The core of WordPress is created in such a way as to provide the user with the minimum necessary capabilities, which can be supplemented by plugins.

It is worth carefully studying the plugins that you install, do not trust little-known and untested plugins, study the reviews and ratings of the plugins on the official website.

The WordPress platform is open source, which means that any user can make changes to absolutely any core files and fill it with various custom additions.

Default WordPress plugins.

Basically, with a “clean” installation, without any changes, WordPress has only a few available plugins.

This is due to the fact that on the WordPress developer site alone at the time of writing this article there were 38,701 plugins available.

You can imagine how heavy the WordPress “installer” will be when it comes with all the available plugins. Don’t forget about a very important feature of plugins - they slow down site loading; the more plugins installed on your system, the longer your visitor will wait for loading. How many of you like it when pages take a long time to load? Usually we simply close such pages without waiting for the end.

In most cases, you will need about ten plugins on your site, which will be enough to achieve the required results. In addition, in most cases you can do without plugins; before implementing this or that add-on, search the Internet, maybe just a few lines of code can solve your problem. In this case, the use of third-party modules will be absolutely unjustified.

How to install a WordPress plugin?

Traditionally, you can learn how to install plugins using video lesson.

To install plugins in your WordPress build, and then activate them, you need to go to the add a new plugin tab. Next, either use a search to enter the name we need, or download the plugin from the site.

Installation methods

Installing the plugins is identical, so if you are familiar with this procedure, you should not have any problems.

There are three ways to install WordPress plugins. The first two methods are more time-consuming and require more actions, although there is little difficulty. The last method is fully automated by WordPress. Whichever option you choose, you should not have any special problems. The choice of method probably depends more on the user and his habits of working with the site. Let's look at all the options and you can decide for yourself which one suits you best.

Installation via FTP access to the site.

This method is the longest of all those proposed, but the safest. If any problems arise, you can easily return everything to its original position.

What do we need to do?

  1. Download the plugin from any source, it is recommended from the official plugin database.
  2. Unpack the downloaded archive.
  3. Go to the plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  4. Copy the previously unpacked folder to the specified directory.
  5. Go to the WordPress admin panel, menu item Plugins/Installed.
  6. Find the name of the new plugin and click “Activate”.

After activation, the plugin will work, but in most cases it will require configuration, which is individual for each person.

Installation via Console. Option 1.

This installation option is faster and does not require additional work with programs, which will significantly speed up the installation process.

  1. Just like in the previous example, we download the plugin, but do not unpack it.
  2. Go to the Console, then go to the Plugins/Add New menu.
  3. Next, at the top of the screen, click on the “Download” button, indicate the path to the archive and click “Install”.
  4. After successful installation, we will have the opportunity to immediately activate the plugin.

As we can see, we are getting faster and faster each time, so let’s move on to the simplest and fastest implementation of add-ons.

How to install a WordPress plugin via the Console. Option 2.

The easiest and fastest way to install the plugin is direct installation through the administrative panel.

  1. From the Console, go to Plugins/Add New.
  2. Use the search to find the plugin we need.
  3. Click “Install” and wait for the plugin to load.
  4. We activate it after installation.

This method is the simplest and fastest. How to install a WordPress plugin is up to you to decide; all the options presented are working and will provide you with the necessary addition.

How to find the right plugin?

Plugins are an additional part of the WordPress CMS, the code of which is open for editing, which means that you can, with special programming knowledge, independently create your own custom plugin and implement it in WordPress. But what if you don’t have such knowledge and you need to find the required upgrade from the thousands offered?

The easiest way to find a plugin is based on its purpose. For example, to find a plugin for page caching, you need to search for a plugin that suits you on the Internet using the query “WordPress Caching Plugin.” Carefully study reviews, recommendations and configure your plugins correctly, because some of them can harm the site if the settings are incorrect.

Also, to search for plugins, tags related to their functionality were created. In order to sort plugins by a certain parameter, when searching for plugins, just use the provided filter from WordPress.

This method of filtering out plugins will allow you to analyze and select the ones that are right for you. In addition, in the description of the plugins there is their trust rating, formed on the basis of voting, the number of installations and downloads, which will allow you to analyze the plugins by popularity among users. Another important point is the pages with descriptions of how plugins work on wordpress.org.

All this data will help you make the right choice of the plugin you really need.

Plugins that are hard to live without.

This selection is optional, but is aimed at helping you install plugins that will become an integral part of the life of your WordPress sites.

  1. Akismet - the plugin will allow you to weed out spam, which is so difficult for popular sites to fight “alone”.
  2. - this plugin will allow you to configure the meta tags of your pages in a quick and convenient way, and will also provide the necessary SEO tools.

Having figured out how to install a WordPress plugin, you can proceed to the next point of ours, analyzing the “Settings” tab in the WP admin panel.

What is a plugin, what is it for, and how to install the plugin, I will tell you in this article in detail.

What is a plugin

So, a plugin is a module that is connected to an already running application (a program that expands the capabilities of this very application). At the same time, the plugin cannot work without an application, but the application itself (program) can work without plugins. But for plugins to work in the program itself, such an opportunity must be provided.

That is, as you already understood, plugins expand the functionality of the application. And using the example of a blog that does not run on SMS Wordpress, with the help of plug-ins, a blog running on the Wordpress engine is “overgrown” with new functions.

Regarding this sms, I want to say that there are now more than 120 plugins for it, created by the developers themselves, several dozen paid plugins created by third-party programmers.

How to install the plugin

Installing a plugin on a WordPress blog is quite simple. To do this, you need to go to the “Plugins” section and either load the plugin that you previously downloaded from your computer, or enter the name of the plugin and find it directly in the control panel. Then the plugin is activated and is already working.

As for installing plugins in different programs and applications, the installation process may vary. For example, to install the Adobe Flash Player plugin in an Adobe program, you don’t need to do anything special, since it offers to install itself as an add-on to the browser. This entire installation process can happen by accessing a web page that contains information that you need to play.

As an example, I would like to give the well-known file manager Total Commander, which allows you to implement the entire list of its rich functionality using plugins. And all add-ons are structured by groups and list of tasks to be performed. That is, when installing this file manager, you simply select the version that implements what you need to solve your problems.

Based on what was written above, it follows that it is better to have a program with basic capabilities, to which, using plugins, you can connect additional functionality that is necessary for a specific user, than to have a ready-made program that has all the functionality and which consumes significant computer power.

I think in this article, you received the answer to the question of what a plugin is and how to install the plugin.

At the end of the article, I would like to suggest watching a funny video in which a guy joked with his girlfriend. (If the video player is not visible, refresh the page or press F5)

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site. In this article I will try to talk about plugins as simply as possible - what they are and how to work with them. Naturally, we won’t ignore the practical part - I’ll show you with examples how to install plugins for the Mozilla Firefox browser and for sites running the WordPress CMS. I put another lesson on this topic in a separate article (there is a lot of material there) - these are instructions for installing and updating the Adobe Flash Player plugin -.

What is a plugin in simple words?

This word came into our language without distortion from English (English plugin - plug-in module) along with dozens of others (for example, or).

Plugins are small program codes that complement the functionality of the main application for which they are created. Simply put, these are add-ons, additions or fixes that make the original program better (more functional) from the point of view of a particular user. The peculiarity of modules is that they cannot work independently; they are only add-ons that work inside the main program. At the same time, the base program for which plugins are created can do just fine without them.

An example of a plugin that every network user has come across is the above-mentioned Adobe Flash Player, it allows web browsers () to display videos and other content based on Flash technologies. Without this add-on, browsers fulfill their main purpose - they open websites and work with Internet services, but, for example, they cannot “watch” videos from Youtube.

Add-ons are created for different categories of programs, but the most popular such “gadgets” are for applications that work with the Internet, such as web browsers, for sites, more precisely for their control systems and for games (in the gaming world the term “Mod” is more often used - modification - this is the same plugin). Many offline programs also use plug-ins, such as Photoshop.

Why do we need plugins?

Now about the purpose - for what purpose are plugins created? It may seem strange why developers don’t immediately provide their applications with all the necessary functionality, why bother with individual modules - download them, enable them, update them - do all this extra work on setting up - after all, it’s easier to use the product out of the box.

Indeed, it is simpler, but not more expedient. Individual modules perform 3 important functions:

1. Make individual settings for applications

All people are different and use the same programs for different purposes. Using plugins makes it possible to customize a specific version of the program to the needs and preferences of a specific person.

2. Reduce the size and speed up programs

If all programs are initially released with a full package of all possible functions, they will become very large and will take up extra space, consume computer resources, which will reduce their performance.

For example, webmasters often have to work with various website parameters; for them there are special browser plugins like RDS bar, other people like to see the weather or traffic jams in the browser panel, others need exchange rates - if you show all possible information, then half the screen will be occupied by unnecessary icons instead of showing the work area.

3. Allows you to improve programs

The use of a modular scheme in the operation of programs, where each plugin can be connected or disabled without causing disruption to the operation of the main functions, allows you to improve programs not only by the developers, but also by any other programmers. For example, if you need to add a function to a program, you simply write the add-on code, rather than wait for the developer to decide to add the functionality you need.

How to install plugins?

Depending on the specific program, there are three different installation methods:

  1. Manual – by directly copying code files to a special program folder;
  2. Automated - installation through the menu in the program itself, if such a feature is implemented;
  3. Automatic - through a special launch file, which itself finds where and what to copy (such as Adobe Flash Player)

The process of installing modules is individual for any program. As I already said, most often I come across two types of plugins - for my sites and for web browsers. I’ll tell you more about them.

How to install a plugin on CMS WordPress?

WordPress is a special website management program, I use it for my resources. It is famous for having a huge number of all kinds of plugins. My recommended list of WordPress plugins.

Video tutorial on installing modules on WordPress (I showed how everything works in the most accessible and detailed way):

How to install plugins for the Firefox browser?

For the web browser, all add-ons are installed automatically when you open any pages or applications, or they can be installed manually through the plug-in search built into the program shell. The installation process itself is identical in different browsers, at least in Google Chrome and Yandex Browser it is almost the same as in Firefox.

The first step is to open the settings menu in the form of three horizontal stripes.

In this menu, look for the “Add-ons” item and go to it:

Then you can select the necessary modules from the recommended lists or use the search, specifying the desired functions, parts of the names or any words characterizing the purpose of the plugin.

For example, I typed “ad blocking” into the search and received a list of two add-ons that matched the description. All you need to install them is to click the install button.


Plugins are powerful tools that make our lives easier. As a rule, the time spent searching and installing the necessary add-on pays off many times over in the future due to the resulting functionality. So don't be afraid to search and try to install the plugins you need.

Good luck, Dmitry Zhilin

Useful articles:

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And begins to get to know him, i.e. for newbies.

Let me remind you once again that this engine has a number of capabilities and is universal. Its functions can be constantly improved, both by yourself, having certain knowledge, and with the help of ready-made solutions.

What is a plugin?

A plugin is a software module that is connected to the main program and is designed to expand its capabilities.

They add the necessary functionality to the site and make it more beautiful. Let me give you a comparison, for example, with a bodybuilder. If a person wants to look beautiful and have physical strength, he goes to the fitness room and builds muscle mass (pumps up). We do the same with the engine. WordPress by installing plugins on it.

An example of their work: the “up” button on the site, page navigation, pop-up windows, installation of social buttons, site maps, etc. Each plugin has its own task, function.

The number of their installation depends on the preferences of the site owner. But it's not that simple. Each plugin is unique and has its own weight, i.e. carries a load on the site. Which affects the page loading speed and the operation of the entire blog as a whole.

So just before installation, collect as much information as possible about the plugin. To do this, type the name into a search engine and read everything, including comments about it (what reviews visitors leave).

Installing a plugin on a blog.

Installation can be done in several ways. Let's look at them all, and choose which one is more convenient for you. Also, in addition to installation, we will decide how to remove it.

First way. This method is the easiest. Go to the WordPress admin panel in the “Plugins” section.

Then “Add new” and in the empty search engine window that opens, enter the name of the plugin we need (in this case Rus-To-Lat) and then “Search for a plugin”.

The search engine gave us a result that the plugin was found and offers us to look at detailed information about it or install it immediately. Click “Install” and confirm your action.

That’s it, the plugin files are installed on the hosting and now we need to put it into operation - click “Activate plugin”.

This completes the installation. Some plugins require configuration after installation. To do this, you need to find where they are (perhaps in “Tools” or in “Options”). Each has its own individual settings and location.

Second way. It often happens that the above method does not give results, i.e. The search engine in the admin panel does not find the plugin. Then you have to search for it through the main search engines and download the plugin archive first to your computer, then to your hosting. The procedure is almost the same.

Third way. Installation via FTP connection to hosting. I use . This option is the most reliable if done correctly. As in the second method, the archive must be downloaded to the computer’s hard drive. Just before uploading it to your hosting, you should unzip it. Here is the path to the folder with plugin files /public_html/wp-content/plugins. Then, after installation, activate it in the admin panel.

Removing plugins.

To remove a plugin, you must first deactivate it. Go to the admin panel, go to “Plugins”, then “Installed”.

We are looking for the required “Deactivate” and “Delete”. You can get rid of an unnecessary plugin via FTP access to your hosting.

Where to download the necessary plugins.

I note that wordpress.org is the official website WordPress .

Plugins are good, but don't get carried away.