What to do if the Task Manager disappears in Windows. What to do if Windows Task Manager does not work

One of the built-in Windows tool programs, focused on diagnosing and managing system service processes, is (in English - Task Manager).

Restrictions on using Task Manager can be removed.

What to do if the Task Manager does not open in Windows - what control levers do we have to regain control of the PC?

Reasons for calling the Dispatcher

We have already said that the Dispatcher is used to control services, programs, and processes. In simple terms, it means closing frozen applications and analyzing resources. It also configures system startup.

In Windows 10 it has more significant functionality compared to Windows 7. Initially, it should open in a simple (collapsed) form. If one of the applications is frozen and does not work, the Task Manager will be able to handle the termination of its work from this state. To do this, select it with the left mouse and activate the “Cancel task” command:

A detailed view of the running (launched) Task Manager is obtained by clicking the “Details” button. On Windows 10 it will look like this:

And this is how it happened in seven:

Here, compared to Windows 10 and 8, the Manager has up to ninety percent of the same potential. But significantly less convenience and interaction:

  • The “Applications” tab (W 7) does not display utilities running in the background (invisible) mode;
  • “Performance” (W 7) is functionally equal to “Performance” (W 10, 8);
  • The "Network" tab did not find a place in W 10, 8 - this data is included in "Performance";
  • In the “Users” tab (W 10, 8) you can not only see their list (W 7), but also the applications they have opened.

Opening programs

In addition to normally closing programs, Task Manager can also launch them. The relevance of such a maneuver arises when the conductor fails - when nothing is visible on the desktop except sad wallpaper.

For via Task Manager (for everyone Windows versions the same) you need to tap on launching a new task from the “File” menu:

In the next window you need to enter the name of the executable file or specify it through “Browse”, confirming “OK”:

Treating the Dispatcher's call

If none of the above methods open the Task Manager, then it is blocked. Most often this is the result virus attack. There are such malicious viruses that not only infect some of the programs, but also block the Task Manager and even editing the registry (it is necessary to unlock the Manager):

You need to start with antiviral treatment- without it, any actions are meaningless. After a course of treatment for viruses, a convenient solution to all problems would be to roll back the system to the restore point of the pre-virus state of the PC. If you don’t have or want to use special utilities, you can resume your PC manually:

Method 1

In the menu, click on the “Start-Run” button or in the window after simultaneously pressing “Win ​​+ R”, type “gpedit.msc”:

This action opens the “Group Policy” window. From it you need to go through “User Configuration” to “Administrative Templates”, and through “System” to “Resources Ctrl+Alt+Del”. On the right side of the dialog box, enter (by double-clicking) the “delete” characteristics:

In it you select “Disable”, you can select “Not specified” (one of two):

Method 2

Likewise the previous method Now enter another command - “regedit”:

Click the “OK” button to enter the registry and follow the route “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft” in “Windows”. Next through “CurrentVersion\Policies” in “System”. Delete or assign null value parameter "DisableTaskMgr". After carrying out such actions, the work of the Dispatcher is restored.

We hope that with the help of our article, the problem “Task Manager does not start” was successfully resolved by you.

Like any operating system, Windows 8 has protection against errors or failures associated with third party program or downloaded application. However, this protection sometimes does not work, and we observe a freezing process executable programs. The best way To solve the problem that has arisen, use a special system service tool - Task Manager, which allows you to forcefully terminate any frozen process. Now we will find out what to do in those extreme cases when the dispatcher does not start Windows tasks 8?

How to restore the dispatcher's work

A frozen program or application can tax the processor to its full capacity, causing a sudden drop in performance. Windows performance 8 and zero response to user actions. We will look at the main ways and methods of restoring the functionality of the task manager and opening this program.

Via Group Policy Editor

This method may not work if you have basic version operating system, in all other cases it is very convenient.

The editor opens by simultaneously pressing the +[R] keys; in the window that appears, enter the command gpedit.msc and click OK.

In the right window (“Policy > Local computer») double click open "User Configuration".

The next item is to click on “Action options after pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL”

You are taken to a menu where you need to find the “Delete Task Manager” item on the right. Its normal state is “Not Specified”. Virus programs can change its status to “Enabled”.

Double-click on it, go to properties and change the switch to “Not specified”. Click “OK” to save and exit.

Then we restart the PC to update our settings that we made in the editor.

Through the registry editor

This method of solving the problem is a little more complicated, but is suitable for absolutely all versions of Windows 8. As in the previous case, press the combination + [R], in the window that appears, enter the regedit command and click on “OK” or simply click on .

A Registry Editor window will open.

We are interested in left side window. Double-click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then follow the chain “Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System”.

After we're done last step, pay attention to right side editor window, namely, to the line DisableTaskMgr, which has the value 0x00000001. For the task manager to work normally, we must either delete this line or change the value to zero: hover the mouse over DisableTaskMgr, click right click and select “Change” or “Delete” from the menu.

To be completely sure, also check the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and then in the order “Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System”. At the end, we check the presence of the same parameter in the right window and deal with it in the same way as the previous method.

After completing these steps, we reboot the system. If you don't have it antivirus program, be sure to download and install!

Ways to launch the dispatcher

So, we have fixed the Task Manager and now we will look at almost all the ways to bring it up on the screen:

We hope that the solutions mentioned in the article for solving problems with launching Windows Manager 8 will help you find the cause, troubleshoot the system and bring it back into working order.

Task Manager does not start in Windows 8: Video

Task Manager is an integral part of Windows any versions. This is a built-in shell program that gives us information about the use of computer resources and running programs and processes. But sometimes it happens that the task manager does not start or cannot perform the necessary actions due to virus infection.

There is one more nuance here. Such viruses block the launch of the registry editor in order to completely tie your hands. In this case you will see a message

There are several ways, but it is useless to do so, because... it sits in memory and after turning on the task manager, it will immediately turn it off again. But even after treating your computer for a virus, the task manager may still not work, and you need to do some things to enable it.

HELPFUL ADVICE: If there is a restore point before the virus attack, then it is better. You never know what else the virus has done.

RegtickPro and AVZ programs

I myself have been successfully using simple and free program, which does not require installation and consists of a single file RegtickPro.

Download the program from me and run it from the archive.

In the program, go to the “System” menu, uncheck “Disable Task Manager” and click “OK”. That's it, the task manager should become available!

To unlock the registry editor, additionally uncheck “Disable MS Registry Tools”.

For the same purposes, but it is more heavyweight and complex than this (in Regtick a couple of clicks and the problem is solved). IN AVZ program For this purpose the following points are used: “11. Unlocking the task manager" and "17. Unlocking the registry editor."

Editing Group Policies

You must have administrator rights to perform these steps. Launch the local editor group policy:

“Start -> Run” or the “Win ​​+ R” button and enter in the field:


Let's go to “User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> System –> Action options after pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL” and on the right side of the window, double-click on the “Delete Task Manager” option

In the window, select “Disable” or “Not configured” and click “OK”

After the actions taken and a reboot, the task manager should work.

To enable the registry editor, follow the path “User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> System” and on the right go to “Deny access to registry editing tools”. We also set “Disable” or “Not configured”

Manually editing the registry

Registry editing must be available to unlock Task Manager. If the Registry Editor is not working, you first need to unlock it using one of the methods listed above.

So, let's go to the registry: via “Start -> Run” or “Win ​​+ R”, write in the field


and we follow the path:


And on the right we find the “DisableTaskMgr” parameter. It must either be deleted or assigned the value “0”.

If all else fails

The standard task manager can be used. They are built into the system, called by the same or other hot buttons and have richer functionality.

There are harvester programs that can treat Windows from many ailments. It also works to prevent similar troubles in the future, optimize computer performance and eliminate dozens of popular problems.

Task Manager is one of the most important Windows tools, allowing you to manage running processes, services and startup elements, which is why it is most often attacked by viruses. As a result of such an attack, the Task Manager often turns out to be disabled, and it is not possible to launch it either through the taskbar menu, or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, or by clicking on the executable file Taskmgr.exe in the System32 system directory.

In the first case, the menu item turns out to be inactive, in the second, it is completely absent, and when you try to launch it from the “native” Windows directory, it gives the error “Task Manager has been disabled by the administrator.” It also happens that the Taskmgr.exe file is not found on the system at all, having been deleted by the malware. What to do in such a situation and is it possible to somehow restore it?

Let's start with the fact that not everything is so hopeless, so in most cases normal work The task manager can be restored. The first thing you need to do is make sure that executable file Taskmgr.exe is located where it is supposed to be. To do this, run in the console cmd command C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe. If the system reports that the Manager has been disabled by the administrator, then the file is in place.

In order for it to start normally, you need to unlock it. For this regedit command open the registry editor and expand the following branch:


Most likely, in the last subsection you will find the System directory, and in it - the DWORD parameter DisableTaskMgr with the value 1. This parameter should not be there; as a rule, it is created by a virus. Value 1 in in this case indicates that Task Manager should be disabled. Therefore, you need to replace the 1 with a 0 or simply remove the DisableTaskMgr parameter itself. After this, the Task Manager will work again.

If, when running the command C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe through the CMD console, you receive the message “...taskmgr.exe is not an executable file...”, when running from the Start menu the message “This file is not associated with a program to execute...” , and through the “Run” window the message “Cannot find “C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe”…”, then most likely the Task Manager executable file was deleted by a virus.

It’s unpleasant, but you can cope with this misfortune. Launch a command prompt as administrator and run the command sfc recovery/scannow. In this case, the program will execute and restore damaged or missing backup copies.

Have a great day!

As a rule, we find out that the Task Manager does not open on the computer at the most inopportune moment - for example, when we need to stop a frozen program. This is where the real panic begins, because it is this application that allows you to monitor the operation of the system and troubleshoot problems that arise in a timely manner. Let's try to figure out why it doesn't open and how to restore it.

Possible reasons

Like other system processes, Task Manager is loaded by default when Windows startup, so the user cannot disable it accidentally. In most cases, problems with this program indicate that the computer is infected with viruses.

Malware creators often inject corresponding code. This is done with the expectation that regular user doesn't know how to turn the process manager back on and won't be able to stop it viral processes in the computer's memory. But, fortunately, in most cases this can be fixed without the help of specialists.

Check if the taskmgr.exe file is on the system

In the worst case, the executable file responsible for this system process, could be deleted from memory completely. Therefore, first we will check whether it is in the system. How to do it?

  1. Open the Run window (via Start or using Win combinations+ R).
  2. Type cmd to launch a command prompt.
  3. Enter the full path to the required file and press Enter (usually it is located in the System32 folder).
  4. If an error message appears on the screen, this is good sign. This means that the process file is in place and you just need to unlock it. If the console writes that taskmgr.exe could not be found, most likely it was deleted by a virus.

Important: before doing anything, be sure to scan your computer for viruses. For reliability, it is recommended to use 2 different programs and scan in "Safe Mode".

Enable Task Manager in the Registry Editor

As you know, Windows stores information about all programs and accesses in the registry. If your Task Manager does not open, it means that the virus has reached these files and added its own additions that block the launch of this utility. Our task is to find and remove them. What is needed for this?

  1. Launch the Run application.
  2. Open the registry editor using the regedit command.
  3. In the subdirectories, find the Policies folder. As a rule, viruses add the DisableTaskMgr parameter here - it is responsible for the fact that your “Task Manager” does not open.
  4. Change the parameter value from "1" to "0" or remove it completely.

After rebooting the PC, the process manager should work in normal mode. However, the problem is not always solved so simply.

What if the Registry Editor is also unavailable?

Some particularly “advanced” viruses block the operation of this system application to make life even more difficult for the user. How can this be fixed?

Method #1: Changing Group Policy settings

If you cannot open the "Task Manager" and the Registry Editor, you can try to enable the appropriate access as an administrator.

  1. In the Run window, enter gpedit.msc. The screen will appear
  2. Find the User Configuration tab. We are interested in the "Administrative Templates" > "System" section.
  3. On the right, in work area, you will see the option “Deny access to registry editing tools”. Right-click on it and select "Edit".
  4. Check the box next to "Disabled" and save the changes.

It is worth noting that this option does not work in "home" Windows versions(Home).

Important: often in Group Policy settings you can also remove the Task Manager blocking. Try doing this - you may not need to tinker with the registry at all.

Method #2: Using a fileUnHookExec.inf

Especially for such cases, the company Symantec, which develops antivirus software, has published Free access a small INF file that allows you to easily remove the ban on editing the registry. All you need is to download this file to your PC, right-click and select "Install". Please note that there will be no new windows or notifications on the screen.

Method #3: Enabling the registry using a direct command or BAT file

Another option that will help you return system settings to standard values.

  1. Launch the console as administrator.
  2. Enter the command from the screenshot and then press Enter.

After this, the Registry Editor should work. If you don’t know how or for some reason don’t want to use the command line, you can take a different path and create a BAT file.

Unlocking Task Manager using the Command Line

Some users find it more convenient to create new file, which removes the ban on starting Task Manager using a direct command. What is needed for this?

  1. Log in to the command line as an administrator (in Windows 7 and below - by right-clicking on the application in the Start menu, in versions 8 and 10 - through the Win + X menu).
  2. Enter the code you see in the screenshot and press Enter.

If you can't open Task Manager and Command Prompt is also unavailable, there is an alternative option.

  1. Copy all the code.
  2. Paste this line V empty file"Notepad".
  3. Save the document with the extension .BAT.
  4. Run the file as administrator (in Windows XP you can just open it).

If a window flashed on the screen command line and then disappeared, then the command was executed successfully and the Registry Editor is available again.

Creating a REG file to restore access

Another option is what to do if the “Task Manager” does not open. In this case, we add a new file to the registry that enables the program and removes the message that it has been disabled by the administrator.

To do this you need to create in Notepad blank document and enter the following code:

Useful programs

1) AVZ. Excellent antivirus utility from Russian programmer Oleg Zaitsev. The best option for those who cannot open the Windows 7 Task Manager. Unblock system application you can do it in just a couple of clicks ("File" > "System Restore").

2) UVS. A more complex program designed for IT specialists. You can enable the process manager in the "Advanced">"Tweaks" menu. In addition, it allows you to create your own lists safe files, virus detection criteria, etc.

3) RegWorks/Registrar Registry Manager. Alternative editors registry that can be used to find and remove settings introduced by malware.

4) Hacker. If you can't open the Task Manager in Windows 10 (or another version of the operating system), you can use it instead third party application. These programs are different simple interface, and in some ways they even surpass standard tools in capabilities.