Programs for creating an ftp server. Configuring the FTP server directory structure. Reasons why it may not work

Overview of setting up an FTP server under Windows using Serv-U 6.4 as an example.

1. What is “FTP”?

Why was this text even written? Beginner users of many local locales have asked me many times: “how to exchange files with a neighbor”? After all, connect through network, as it was before, no longer works - the NetBIOS protocol, which is responsible for supporting the network capabilities of Windows, has been banned in LAN. By the way, this was done for a reason, but because this protocol is one of the most dangerous holes in computer protection, since it is through this hole that most of the virus infection gets in...

Surely, many have heard about FTP, but not everyone knows that this is not a mysterious spell of the ancient Incas, but an English abbreviation that stands for File Transfer Protocol— file transfer protocol. It is one of the basic Internet protocols designed for exchanging information. Unlike HTTP, which serves mainly for transferring web texts and images, FTP is used for exchanging arbitrary files, often of large size.

In addition, FTP is convenient for “travelling” through directories on a remote computer and for accessing a large, branched file structure. HTTP and FTP support authorization, that is, you can make it so that only knowing your login and password will allow access to you. To share your folders with other users, you need to install an FTP server, and users must have FTP clients. Using the client, users can not only download files from you, but also upload their files to you.

To share your folders with other users, you need to set FTP server, and users must have FTP clients. Using the client, users can not only download files from you, but also upload their files to you.

A few clarifications:

There are other methods for exchanging files - peer-to-peer clients (such as DC++, Emule, Torrent), HTTP, FTP and several more options. But peer-to-peer clients require complex configuration and the content of shared resources is available for download by everyone.

Access to files on remote computer via the FTP protocol is carried out using programs called FTP clients(a www browser, such as Opera, Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer). Almost all modern operating systems also include an FTP client for working in command line, which is called “ftp”.
If you have the Internet, then you can access a large amount of information located in various parts of the Internet. To use FTP, you need a so-called FTP client that connects to an FTP server (the server from which data is downloaded). Anonymous FTP allows you to connect to the server even without being registered on it (without having a login and password). As a rule, anonymous is specified as the login (user name), and your e-mail is specified as the password. This is done on large servers so that everyone can download, for example, a free Linux distribution or some other useful programs.

Files are transferred in multiple modes - ASCII mode (short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used to transfer primarily text files (don't forget that HTML, at its core, is also text file). Binary mode, as the name suggests, is used to transfer binary code(in other words, it is used for non-text files, for example, pictures).
When we surf the Internet and open websites, we use HTTP - this protocol is specifically designed for loading web pages. At the same time, HTTP is also used to download files. Therefore, many users have a logical question: why use FTP for uploading if HTTP allows it? Each of these protocols was designed for its own purposes. As we have already found out, FTP was designed specifically for file transfer, so it implements this process more efficiently than larger size file, the more justified is the use of FTP.

The terms "client" and "server" are often used in computer literature. A server is a program or computer that provides its resources to clients. The server accepts requests from the client and performs the requested actions.
Any server is a program, service (in in Windows terms) or daemon (in Unix terminology). Any service accepts requests from clients on one or another software port - connection establishment and data transfer are organized through this port. For example, the default FTP server accepts requests from clients on port 21.

The FTP client communicates with the FTP server using special FTP commands (depending on the server, they may differ slightly, but in general the set of commands is more or less standard). Then why not allow the user to enter these commands in order to view the contents of the FTP server, upload files, and set transfer modes without an intermediary. This is exactly what happened in the early days of the Internet. Pioneers global web hastily typed commands for the FTP server directly from the console. This possibility still exists today. True, if for users of Unix systems this manner of communicating with FTP is very familiar, then Windows owners probably do not even suspect that their system allows you to do this. It should be noted that using the console version of the FTP client is very exciting at first, and in some cases extremely useful.

To summarize, we can say that HTTP is more universal protocol, which, of course, can be used to upload files. However, if you want to get the most out of your Internet channel and download as quickly as possible, it makes sense to look required file on an FTP server. The FTP address looks like this:

where user is the username, colon is the program separator between the username and password, password is the password. The doggy signifies the separation between user data and address. Next comes the address itself. This can be an IP address, or it can also be a literal value (such as After the address there is again a colon, which separates the address and the connection port number. By default, this port is port 21, but there may be another one assigned by the server administrator.
The address may also look like this: This will mean that the username is anonymous, the password is the e-mail address, and the port is 21.

Convenient to use as a client program the following programs- Total (Windows) Commander, FAR, FlashFXP, CuteFTP, SmartFTP and even some download managers such as FlashGet and Download Master, which have an FTP client built into the program.

2. Selecting an FTP server

There are a huge number of FTP servers on the market, from microscopic (for one-time transfer) to enterprise-level servers (calculated for millions simultaneous connections). For home and semi-professional purposes, several options are sufficient:

Supports multiple domains (IP addresses). This is necessary if you have a local network and the Internet on your computer. And you want to make an FTP server only for local or only for the Internet. Or for both.

Support for multiple users and their rights. For example, user Vasya can download erotic pictures from you, but others will not be able to :)

Support for virtual folders. Very important feature— in order not to create a separate directory for FTP, you can assemble it from several folders located on different drives, but the user entering your FTP will see them as if they were all in one folder.

Ability to limit transmission speed and the number of simultaneously connecting users. Each user is a load on the processor and hard drive of your computer. When there are a lot of them and they are all downloading a file from you at the same time, your computer can slow down very much. To ensure that users do not interfere with you and each other, their number can be limited. That is, let’s say two people are sitting on your FTP, and the rest who are trying to connect to your server receive a message like “Too many people. Try to come back later."

Ability to monitor the actions of the connected user. This is useful for keeping statistics, settings, and just wondering who is doing what on your server :)
Basically, Microsoft company starting from Windows 2000, it includes its own FTP server. But it is very inconvenient both in setting up and in operation, and has many limitations. Having tried many products, I chose the “Serv-U FTP Server” server for myself as the one that best meets the above conditions. This is what I will talk about next.

Also considered professional and stable Gene6 FTP Server. Personally, I also really like the combined HTTP/FTP/Mail/DNS/DHCP free Small HTTP Server. It is distinguished by its simplicity and a very small amount of RAM (about 800 KB!!!).

3. Installation of FTP server Serv-U

For an installation example, let’s take “Serv-U.FTP.Server.v6.4.0.4.Corporate.Edition”, you can find this archive at the end of the article. After unpacking it, you will receive the file “ServUSetup.exe” - this is the server installer, and the file “keygen.exe” - the generator license key for the program. Well, or you don’t want to use unlicensed software, you can pay the developer to use the program :)
Let's launch the installer.
Having agreed to the license, we say where to install the server.
Now we will be asked to indicate necessary components. To install the server we need both.
If you purchased the program, you can now register it as described in its manual. And for the rest, the sequence of actions is as follows: at the bottom right, in the tray, you will see an icon: this means that the server is currently turned off. You need to exit this program by selecting Exit and run keygen, generate a key - it will be automatically copied to the clipboard.
The installation of the server program is complete. Right-click on the icon and select “Start Administrator...” from the pop-up menu.

4. Setting up the server, creating accounts

Having launched the administration program, we will see a window that looks like this:

IN Main menu The program contains the main control elements, but we will not study them in detail; you can do this yourself later by reading the help for the program. The same goes for controls and the status panel. The principle of setting up a server is this: in the settings tree we select the desired section and in the settings and reports panel we see one or more tabs with settings and (or) statistics. First, let's create our own FTP server. By entering the “Local server” section, you can manage the server installed on your machine. When you enter the section, the following information will appear in the settings panel:

If you check the “Start automatically” checkbox, your server will start with Windows every time it boots. Further status is coming servers ( green color- working, red - off). Next is a button that turns the server on/off. And a button asking master password administrator If you set it, no one except you will be able to change your server settings. Here and further I will describe only the main moves for deploying your FTP servers, about the rest additional features You can find out from the program help. First, let’s configure the global server parameters by entering the “Settings” section.

In the “General” tab We are interested in the following points:

Max. Upload speed: maximum speed uploading files to your server from the client
Max. Download speed: maximum speed for uploading files to clients (all together - this is a global setting)
Max. no. of users: maximum amount simultaneously connected clients (also global setting)
Delete partially uploaded files: if a client tried to upload a file to your server, but did not upload it completely, should such an incomplete file be deleted. If it is checked, then delete it.
In all other tabs we leave the default settings.

In the "Activity" section you can view a report on the program’s operation, add an IP address to the list of prohibited IP addresses, or send a message to connected clients. We won’t delve into these possibilities, so let’s move on to the next section.

The “Domains” section is the administrator’s main working tool. It's empty for now. Right-click on the empty settings panel and select “New Domain” from the menu (you can simply press the Ins key). The Create Domain Wizard appears. In the first window you will be asked to select the IP address where your FTP server will “live”. If you leave the field empty, the server will respond to all addresses (for example, both locally and on the Internet). If the server is being made only for LAN, select your IP address from the drop-down list local network:

By clicking the “Next” button, we move on to the next question - you need to enter the domain name. If you are making an Internet FTP, you can enter its address as the name, this will make it possible not to get confused with a large number of domains. Or you can simply enter the name of your FTP, for example “My FTP server”:

“Next” again, select the port for the FTP server. The standard for FTP is 21 TCP port, but if you want to hide your FTP port from scanners, you can specify another one, the main thing is that there is no other program running on it. Also, do not forget to open this port in the firewall or firewall (if you have one), otherwise no one will be able to get to your FTP server! Selecting a port for a domain allows you to organize multiple FTP on different ports with different content. This is what domains are for.

Click “Next” 2 times and exit the wizard. We see this screen of global domain settings:

The elements in the “Domain” tab mean:

Name: domain name
Domain IP address: Domain IP address
Domain type: where domain settings are stored (in INI file or in the registry)
Security: whether to support SSL secrecy
FTP port number: server port number
Enable dynamic DNS: used on the Internet when running the DynDNS service
Domain is... (online/offline): current domain state (green - enabled, red - disabled)
Put Domain offline: button to turn off the domain

Now let's carry out " fine tuning» received domain. To do this, let's go to the “Settings” section of our domain:

In the “General” tab Please pay attention to the following values:

Max no. of users: maximum clients that can simultaneously connect to the domain.
Minimum password length: Minimum password length for the user. If not specified, it is not checked

On the Vitual Paths tab virtual folders and paths in them are indicated! The folder is given a virtual name, which will be displayed to the user logged in via ftp, instead of the real one. At the same time, these folders must be allowed at least for reading (Read) in the settings of each individual user. How to do this - read below.
Mapped to is the path to the user folder to which the virtual folder will be attached (mounted). The user must also have access to it.

Another tab that you can pay attention to is “Messages”:

Here you can replace standard messages servers to their own, for example with the name of your FTP or postal address for communication. Attention! Messages can only be sent to English language or written in transliteration!
We go to the “Users” section and create a new user in the same way as we created the domain before. The Create User Wizard appears. To begin, you will be asked to enter your username. The user will log into your FTP under this name. If FTP is open to everyone, then anonymous should be used as the name. For any other user you will be asked to enter a password; for the anonymous user you will not be asked for a password. Next, we indicate the initial directory, which will contain the contents of your FTP, visible to this user:

The next question should be answered “Yes”. The wizard will complete and the new user will be created. The server is ready to go. You can see some details of the settings, for example how to pick up directories from other drives, in the video file that comes with this archive.

5. Checking the work

Launch your FTP client, choose to create a new connection, in the connection parameters specify the FTP server address, port (if it is not standard) and user name/password (if not specified, the anonymous user will be used and something resembling Email address(few people indicate their real e-mail). Don't forget to specify the proxy server if you are not connecting directly! Now try connecting to your FTP server. If everything is done correctly, the server should respond immediately.
You can also access your server through a browser in passive mode: ftp://login:password@your_ip or simply ftp://localhost.

P.S. Don't forget that if you are closed from outside world firewall or router, then you need to open port 21 for incoming connections (in the router from WAN to LAN from any ip).

The Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 Corporate Edition distribution with video instructions can be downloaded.


There are many programs that allow you to create your own ftp- server on your computer. GuildFTPd is one of them. Download it and install it. Installation is quite simple and does not take large quantity time and knowledge. The main effort will be required during setup. To go to the settings panel at the top, go to GuildFTPd optons, where you will see several category tabs. The General category contains basic settings for the number of connections, port numbers, etc. Execute necessary settings and move on to the next category.

Go to the Server tab, where enter the name of the future ftp- server and, also do not forget to reduce the value of the Log Level slider by moving the slider to the left, otherwise the volume occupied server ohm, will increase rapidly. After this, you need to select a creation method server A. The GuildFTPd system is such that the user of the future server but must be assigned to certain groups, on the basis of which one type will be created server and from two possible:- server based on personal accounts;- server based on entering the desired directory.

First view server but is suitable if you are organizing a file server for friends, while each user can create their own file system. To do this, create a group, name it, and do general access For root directory. (Click on the Add button and go to the Edit Path section). After that, create a user base by going through this path Admin - Add User, where you need to enter logins and passwords for future users server A.

After creating this database, organize a virtual file system for each user, if necessary. To do this, we again go along the Add - Edit Path path and indicate the files and folders that will be available for a specific login. The second way to create a file server but much simpler. To do this, create only one user, in the name field of which enter anonymous. Also, don't forget to uncheck the list value. After that, add the necessary file directories.


  • how to create your own internet server

FTP is a popular protocol used to transfer data over the Internet. It is often used to download various files, distribute software, and access hosting for downloading data. Depending on your purposes, the FTP server can be opened in various programs.


If you want to visit a site made using FTP, you can simply use a browser. Viewing the content of such resources is carried out in the same way as viewing regular sites. To do this, enter in address bar browser program address like ftp://site. If you need to enter a login and password to gain access, a corresponding notification and fields for data entry will appear in the program window.

If you are a webmaster and want to access your hosting using FTP, you can use specialized programs. Among the most convenient applications To access FTP, you can check CuteFTP. To access remote file server also often used file managers Total Commander and Far. Download and install the program you like according to the instructions on the screen.

Launch the installed program and go to its settings through the “Tools” - “Settings” menu. In the appropriate box, enter your server name, port, login and password. Your hosting service provider should have provided you with this information after registration.

Today the material will be devoted to reviewing the process installation and configuration of FTP server in the Windows Server 2016 operating system, and we will also talk about what FTP and an FTP server are.

What is FTP, FTP server and what is it for?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol ) is a data transfer protocol. It was developed quite a long time ago and is currently widely used on the Internet for transferring files. This protocol Quite often used by site administrators to download or upload files to their hosting on the Internet.

The FTP protocol is implemented according to the scheme “ client-server", i.e. there are FTP clients and, accordingly, an FTP server.

FTP server– this is the server on which it is deployed software, which allows you to receive files from remote computers via FTP and send them. The FTP server provides the user with information in the form of a file structure.

FTP client is software designed to gain access to an FTP server. WITH using FTP client users can download and upload files to an FTP server.

There are actually a lot of programs that allow you to implement an FTP server ( Even more FTP clients), today, as you already understand, we will talk about implementing an FTP server in the Windows Server 2016 operating system using standard services roles.

Installing an FTP server on Windows Server 2016

Now we will look at the minimal installation process for an FTP server, i.e. we will install only what is necessary for the FTP server, namely this “ FTP service" And "". In other words, let's imagine that you have nothing on your server, and you have the task of deploying an FTP server, for example, in order to do some remote users, who are not employees of your company, could download and upload files.

Note! If you already have any role services installed " IIS Web Server"and in particular the "IIS Services Management Console", then you, of course, do not need to install them, you just need to check whether the "FTP Service" is installed and if installed, then proceed to setting up the FTP server.

In this material I will show two options for installing an FTP server: the first using a wizard and the second using Windows PowerShell.

Installing an FTP server using a wizard

Step 1

Open " Server Manager", for example from the start menu.

Step 2

At this step of the wizard, we can immediately click “ Further».

Step 3

Then select the installation type " Installing roles or features", click " Further».

Step 4

On next step select the target server, I have only one, so I immediately click “ Further».

Step 5

At the role selection stage, mark the role “ Web server (IIS)».

We will be immediately offered to install and “ Internet Information Services Management Console", click " Add components", since we need these management tools, in order to administer the FTP server, click " Further».

Step 6

At the component selection stage, we do not select anything, since we no longer need any components. Click " Further».

Step 7

Step 8

And now we come to the selection of role services " Web server (IIS)", where we need to uncheck all unnecessary checkboxes ( in case we only need an FTP server), and mark only “ FTP service" And " Internet Information Services Management Console", click " Further».

Step 9

Check the installation parameters and click " Install».

Step 10

After the installation is completed, the wizard will notify us about this, click “ Close"and reboot the server.

Installing an FTP server using Windows PowerShell

To install roles and features in Windows PowerShell there is a special cmdlet Install-WindowsFeature. To install an FTP server from using PowerShell run the following commands.

To install the FTP Service service

Install-WindowsFeature -Name "Web-Ftp-Service"

To install the Internet Information Services Management Console tool

Install-WindowsFeature -Name "Web-Mgmt-Console"

After installation, it is better to reboot the server.

Setting up an FTP server on Windows Server 2016 with user isolation

After installation FTP services and the IIS services management console, reboot the server, you can proceed to setting up the FTP server.

Setting up users for the FTP server

The first thing we need to do is create users or a group and add to it the users to whom we want to give the right to connect to the FTP server.

For example, I'll create a UserFTP user. This can be done in the snap-in " Computer management" To launch this snap-in, go to “ Server Manager -> Tools -> Computer Management».

Then open the item “ Local users and groups", right-click on Users and select " New user " Fill in the required fields and click “ Create" As a result, we will have a new user.

Setting up the FTP server directory structure

Then we need to configure the directories. On drive C, a default directory was created " C:\inetpub\ftproot" is the root directory of the FTP server. In this directory we will create a separate directory for our FTP site, for example I called it TestFTP. In it we will create a directory LocalUser ( case is important) - this is so that user isolation works, and in this directory we create folders with a name that will correspond to the user name in my case - this is UserFTP. As a result, the full path to the user directory will look like this - “C:\inetpub\ftproot\TestFTP\LocalUser\UserFTP”, and in order to further check FTP work server, let's create a test file in this directory, for example Test.txt.

Creating and setting up an FTP site

Open " Internet Information Services Manager».

Then in the window " Connections» click right button click on " Websites" and select " Add FTP site».

Then we enter the name of our FTP site, I called it “ TestFTPSite"and indicate the directory that will be the root of our FTP site ( we created it a little earlier). Click " Further».

On this step indicate the binding to the IP address, I indicated “ All free", You can select a specific IP from the drop-down list. We also indicate the SSL settings here, I indicated “ Without SSL", but it's better to use SSL certificate for encryption.

All that remains is to configure authentication and users who can connect to our FTP server. I choose " Regular» authentication, i.e. anonymous connections I don’t need it, and I indicate a specific UserFTP user, I created it a little earlier. I will have both read and write rights. IN " combat"in the environment, as I already said, it is better to create a group and add FTP users to it, and in in this case here we would select the item “ Specified roles or user groups” and indicated the group we created. Click " Ready».

Configuring FTP server user isolation settings

In order to configure user isolation, i.e. so that each user has his own directory and cannot see others, select the item “ User Isolation».

Check the box " Username directory (disable global virtual directories) " and click " Apply».

This completes the setup, let’s check the operation of the FTP server, i.e. We try to connect with any FTP client, preferably from another computer. I'm connected.

Removing an FTP server in Windows Server 2016

For FTP removal servers, i.e. of the roles that we installed above, you can use the wizard, i.e. " Remove Roles and Features Wizard"or the same Windows PowerShell. In order to launch the wizard, we also open the Server Manager and in the menu “ Control» select « Remove roles and features" After the wizard starts, we do the same as during installation, only we do not check the boxes, but rather remove them.

To remove an FTP server from using Windows PowerShell, you can use the cmdlet Uninstall-WindowsFeature. The removal commands will look like this ( after deletion you need to restart the server).

To remove the Internet Information Services Management Console component

Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name "Web-Mgmt-Console"

To remove the FTP Service service

Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name "Web-Ftp-Service"

That's all for me, I hope the material was useful to you, bye!

Sometimes a person needs to exchange large files on the Internet. It is inconvenient to send such files whose size exceeds 10 MB via email, since not all services give the go-ahead for this, so you either have to split the file into parts or archive it to reduce the size to the required size. But what if you need to send more than one file weighing more than 100 MB? Then you will need yours FTP server. You can do it on a remote computer and upload any files there at high speed through the client. In this article we will look at how to create an FTP server and what the main FTP setup server.

For what cases do you need your own FTP server?

There are many third-party servers on the Internet. They are stored various files, and many of these servers are like storage facilities - users download music, movies, games and other files from there. Especially often, such servers are created over a local network so that data can be exchanged without the Internet.

On the other hand, you need your own FTP server so that you can make changes on your computer from a distance.

Besides, FTP installation servers on the local network are required condition for webmasters who want to test their site before launching it on the Internet on a computer.

You may have your own reason why you want to make an FTP server, as well as the method by which you will implement it. But this article will look at a popular way of generating a “home” - you will learn how to set up FTP using FileZilla programs.

How to make an FTP server in FileZilla

FileZilla is a program that comes in both client and server form. You need to download it online FileZilla version server. It is better to do this through the official website of the developer, so as not to accidentally download a virus along with the program.

The installation process of the program is very simple. First, open the exe file to launch the installer. In the first installation step, you will need to agree to the license rules. In the next step, select the services that you want to install along with FileZilla server, and also determine the type of installation. It is recommended to immediately take “Standard”. Then select the folder where the program will be installed. Next will follow important step- you need to choose how the system will install FileZilla server - as a service or regular program, and whether this application will be launched when the system is turned on. You can also change the port for the admin console at this step. Just don’t forget to write it down somewhere so you don’t have to reinstall the program later.

The last stage of installation is to define users who can use the FileZilla server program. It is better if you are the only user on the computer - then you will not have to configure access to the program manually. After this, click the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete.

Now let's look at how to set up FTP. You can create a server for both the local network and the Internet. At the beginning, after starting the program, a pop-up window will appear in front of you. In it you will need to specify the local IP address, port and password for the administrator. In fact, this data is only needed to prevent strangers from accessing your program from a computer. People will not be able to access the admin interface from other PCs.

Next, you need to go to the “Edit” menu and open “Settings”. In the “General” tab you will see the basic settings for the server. You can set the port through which users will connect to the server, specify the maximum number of clients and threads, and limit sessions with timeouts. Now the port matters - to secure your server, it is better to specify a non-standard port. But then you will need to notify users about this. If you do not plan to limit the number of clients in any way, you can leave the “Max. number of user" value "0", that is, no limit.

The advantage of creating a server using FileZilla server is that you can set all the settings using convenient interface. If you were doing this anywhere in Linux environment, then you would have to register all the configurations, which is not very convenient and difficult. For example, in FileZilla you can even customize a welcome message for users. To do this, you just need to go to the “Welcome message” section and write a greeting text for clients. And in a different environment, you would have to write special commands for this.

In the “IP buildings” item you can specify the IP addresses for which the server will be available. If you specify your IP address, the server will only be accessible on the local network for your computer. If you want to work through a server on the Internet, it is not recommended to restrict IP addresses. If you have ill-wishers and you know their IP addresses, you can register them in the “IP Filters” item, which will prohibit entry for the specified IPs (you can specify ranges).

The main difference between setting up a server for a local network and the Internet is that in the second case you will have to somehow coordinate the configurations with the firewall and router. The firewall may start to complain because someone is trying to connect to the computer, and the router may not allow them through the port. In this case, you need to specify in FileZilla settings external IP address of the computer in the “Passive mode settings” section. You don’t have to do anything like this for a local network—everything will work right away.

You shouldn’t touch many of the settings inside the FileZilla server program at all. For example, you are unlikely to need to configure the “Security Settings” menu item, which is needed to adjust the server-to-server connection. Also, you don't need to configure "Miscellaneous" and many other menu sections. Do not try to sort out all the program configurations at once, so as not to get confused and create conflict situations in the server due to incorrect settings.

Sooner or later, errors will appear on the server - everyone has them. To quickly calculate them, it is recommended to activate log file recording in the “Logging” menu section. To do this, define maximum size for a log file, and also indicate the location for such a document on your computer.

In the “Speed ​​Limits” tab, you can add restrictions for both outgoing and incoming connections in terms of download speed. But you shouldn't do this if there is no need. After all, one of the main advantages FTP protocol- This fast loading, which will cease to be such if you set restrictions. After you understand the settings, add users through the “Users” menu - and your server can already be used! Just remember to pass the login information to your users. If necessary, you can specify anonymous users without logins. Be sure to specify access rights for users.

06.08.10 15:38

Situations often arise when you need to provide remote access to files on your computer from the Internet. For example, if remote administrators game servers S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will have remote access to the server statistics dump, they will be able to use the programSTCS BanTools for a quick and convenient ban. You can use this dump to show statistics server on the site, for which you need to open remote access again.

This article explains how to provide remote access via FTP to your computer files. This information will be useful not only for administrators game servers S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but also to all those who are planning to create an FTP server for any reason.

For example, use operating system Windows 7, however this information applicable to everyone Windows systems, starting from XP and above.

We will open access to the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\STALKER-STCS. Administrators game servers S.T.A.L.K.E.R. know what folder this is. If you have nothing to do with the games in the seriesS.T.A.L.K.E.R., consider it just some folder on your computer, taken as an example, and create it if you don’t have one.

To install an FTP server, you do not need to download or install anything. All necessary software comes with the OS Windows.

Step #1

First of all, you need to run necessary components Internet Information Services.

To do this we go to:

Start\Control Panel\Programs and Features

Start\Control Panel\Add or Remove Programs- for Windows XP

Choose: Turn Windows features on or off:

Step #2

A window will appear in which you need to check the boxes as shown in the figure:

Step #8

The time has come to think about the full remote access with login and password. So that you can not only download, but also upload, change and delete.

Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Computer Management

In the console tree we look for Local users and create a new user, as shown in the figure:

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The main thing here is to indicate and remember Name And password, and prevent the user from changing the password And The password has no expiration date.

Step #9

In the list of users, double-click on the created user:

Enlarge image

We remove this user from all groups so that he does not loom when logging into the system.

At this stage we have created not only Windows user, we have created a login and password to access our FTP server.

Step #10

At this stage, we attach the user created above to our FTP server.

Control Panel\Administrative Tools\IIS Manager

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