Beats headphones kill. Enjoy the sound while Monster Beats headphones kill extraneous noise - Archnet.Info. And never buy Chinese Beats again.

Or how I bought a fake.

Why did I do this

Who buys Chinese Beats? So I don’t know. But they exist.

I decided to figure it out and compare. Suddenly you don’t have to overpay? I didn’t have to look for a fake for long; I clicked on the first ad on Avito.

Here they are - Beats Solo 2 for 4000 rubles:

At first glance, these are real Beats: a neatly sealed box, the necessary inscriptions and stickers in place. Even the serial number appears correctly on the official website. Wow. After this, it became clear that a full-fledged comparison article was needed.

I had fake Beats Solo 2, but for real ones I went to a trusted store, reStore. There I compared it.

1. Pay attention to the little things

On the left is the original Solo 2, on the right is a copy. Or vice versa... At a quick glance, it’s difficult to say where they are, but if you compare them head-on, a bunch of little things come up.

2. First of all, look for the serial number

What is the difference: On the original box, the serial number should be printed on a sticker.

Although it turned out that the serial number is not a panacea, it should be on the box. In the original it is located at the bottom end of the box, look there first. IMPORTANT! The serial number must be printed on a sticker; for a fake, it is imprinted in the packaging.

3. Compare the quality of printing

What is the difference: The images and text on the fake box are of poor quality.

The fake has low quality printing. The headphone image is dim and blurry. And in general, the colors are faded, this is especially noticeable on the red elements. The fonts are also unclear and poorly printed in places. You need to pay attention to these things first of all, since the Chinese save on this.

4. Read the description carefully

What is the difference: Is there only hieroglyphs in the description? Most likely yours is fake.

The description on the original box is written in 5 languages. If it’s less or more, it’s definitely fake. My fake had 5 languages, but mostly hieroglyphs! Naturally, this shouldn't happen. Even if the headphones are not PCT, the description is written in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.

In addition, the description may contain typos and various errors. So read it carefully.

5. Compare the quality of the box

What is the difference: In Chinese Beats, the packaging is sloppy.

We open the box, in front of us is a case with headphones. The case is not made as neatly as in real Solo 2. Poor stitching, letter "B" is dull. Make sure everything in the box is folded correctly and not just lying around.

6. Carefully examine the packaging

What is the difference: In Chinese Beats, the packaging is made of cheap materials.

Put the cover aside and take out the tray. And here are two points:

– The fake does not have a strap by which you can pull out the tray. You just have to shake it out of the box.
– The original tray is made of textured material, and the copy is made of ordinary glossy plastic.

7. Assess neatness

What is the difference: Everything about the original Beats is done with quality and attention to detail.

Under the tray there is documentation and cable. In a fake they are upside down: where the cable is in the original, the documents are in the fake, and vice versa. The documents must also have a tab; my copy did not have one.

8. Connect the cable to the headphones

What is the difference: The Chinese Beats have a cheap cable, the color does not match the color of the headphones.

Well, the cable, of course, is of poor quality, some kind of gray color. The original white Beats come with the same white cable. Later it turned out that the headphones did not work with it at all, so I had to use another one.

9. Look at the materials and design

What is the difference: Chinese Beats are made of cheap plastic, cracks and chips are possible.

When you pick up a fake, everything is immediately clear. They are put together disgustingly, the parts don’t fit well together, there are cracks everywhere. Plastic, of course, is cheap, like some kind of toy. The ear pads on the copy are made of a terrible “rubber” material, and with a pink tint.

10. Just for yourself, compare the color of the headband

What is the difference: The headband in Chinese Beats is made of cheap rubber, the color does not match the headphones.

The headband is rubberized on the inside. Only on the original Beats it is white, but on the fake it is dirty gray and falls off in places.

The main thing: listen, you will understand everything right away

What is the difference: Chinese Beats sound like an echo in a toilet.

And, of course, the sound. It's terrible, even if you connect a normal cable. Noisy, boring, very cheap. In short, the headphones are headed for the trash heap, but I disposed of them differently :)

And never buy Chinese Beats again.

One Italian DJ, a lover of the sweet life, parties, high-end equipment and accessories for discos, remarked: “Buying Monster Beats headphones means purchasing both pleasure and protection... from the inside they give my ears perfect purity and power of sound, and from the outside - the only noise they can miss is silence." He is far from alone in receiving positive reviews. Indeed, MonsterBeats by Dre is a technological treasure for connoisseurs of good sound. The manufacturer offers many different models: Studio, Studio Wireless, solo HD, MIXR, PRO, Wireless and Executive.

The main three types, the so-called OVER - EAR, are solo HD, PRO and Studio. The most convenient pair of headphones for those who like to listen to music outside the home, perhaps on the way to work or while traveling, is the Solo HD. Having the smallest size among all models, it is convenient for transportation and use. This does not completely isolate the ear - as with the Studio, which is much larger - but the unique shape of the earphone creates a sort of vacuum plug that becomes an impenetrable barrier between the ear and any external noise that interferes with listening. At the same time, the speaker produces such high quality sound that true connoisseurs definitely prefer the Monster Beats brand, despite the fact that the price is quite high. And if something is bought at a serious price, this is a clear indication that the product offers the client parameters that are significantly above average.

The MonsterBeatsStudio model, although not intended by the creators for use by professional DJs, was nevertheless awarded their close attention for its technical characteristics and is used with all its might by both passionate high-level music lovers and DJs who have fun in clubs at the console. The increased size of the earpiece completely covers your ear, tuning out all sounds from the outside world and giving you the feeling of being in a soundproof studio.

However, the pinnacle of dreams for professional performers, studio technicians and DJs who work seriously and a lot is, without a doubt, PRO. The quality of this model is legendary. It's not so easy to use the PRO for listening while walking in the park. After all, the weight of these headphones is about 500 grams, because they are made not of plastic, but of aluminum. As DJ put it, “They are indestructible!”

Studio is recognized as the most aesthetically advanced model. But all other Monster Beats, despite their classic design basis, are easily distinguishable from most other headphones. The high class is visible to everyone - from the appearance and presentable details to the unique technical characteristics.

By the way, the demand for all Monster beats models, and especially Studio and PRO, is great among serious buyers. Still: these are the best headphones! When there is high demand, the potential for purchasing a counterfeit increases. Therefore, be careful not only when choosing a model, but also when deciding “where to buy”. As a rule, the official website of the manufacturer or large trusted audio equipment centers are recommended.

Beats by Dr. Dre headphones are positioned as a product of the highest quality. This is a kind of “iPhone” in the market of acoustic equipment for listening to music. Are they as good as they say they are? Do they correspond to the value stated on them? And what exactly are Monster Beats by Dr. headphones? Dre? This is exactly what we will look at in this article.

Beats Electronics Company ("Beats Electronics")

The brand under which Beats by Dr. Dre headphones are known is produced by the Beats Electronics company, the founder of which is Andre Rome Young, a rapper and hip-hop performer who performs under the pseudonym Dr. Dre. The company was co-founded by Jimmy Iovine.

Interesting fact: at the beginning of the article there was a comparison with Apple products, and Beats Electronics from the year before last (2014) is indeed a division of this corporation. She, as we know, has long made a splash all over the world, continues to do so and, apparently, is not going to stop.

The company was founded ten years ago, and Beats by Dr. Dre headphones marked its debut in the music equipment market. Two years later, Monster Cable acquired exclusive rights to produce these products. This is how Monster Beats by Dr headphones appeared on the market. Dre, still associated with the Beats to this day. But the contract was concluded for five years, and in 2012 cooperation with this company was terminated.

Half of the excise packages of Beats Electronics belong to HTC, which has the right to produce headphones. The brand name includes the company name. Thus, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation based on bilateral “PR” of one corporation by another.

Features of Beats by Dr. headphones Dre

Beats by Dr. headphones Dre, whose price is sometimes horrifying based on what Monster marketers claim about them, have the following advantages that set them apart from the rest:

  • extra size speaker and high power digital amplifier, an incredible combination of this equipment;
  • the ability to reproduce both very low and very high frequencies, clear sound of instrumental accompaniment and vocals without distortion;
  • noise cancellation.


The response of Dr. Dre headphones is high - from 20 Hertz to 20 kHz, which means the sound is of the highest quality (see point 2 in the previous list). The “bass” is especially noticeable. This feature of the product can be directly linked to the manufacturer - after all, Andre Young is a rapper, and the power of the “bottom” in this musical style is more important than ever.

However, because of all of the above, Beats by Dr. Dre, headphones, from the name of which it is immediately clear that “beats” will be given special preference, are also often criticized. After all, they do not convey the original sound of the compositions, but always increase the bass, “twisting” them to full power. But this approach is still not for everyone. But fans of “Doctor” and the entire rap culture definitely liked them.


Equipment, no matter how good it is, is of no use if it cannot provide ease of use. But Beats Electronics coped with this task. They are large-scale and at the same time compactly designed, with many bending parts. Despite the dimensions, the manufacturers tried to make the Monster Beats by Dr. headphones. Dre as comfortable as possible. Moreover, to their credit, the fact that the technology is naturally felt on the head is compensated by good sound.

The material for production, both for parts and for wires and pads, is pleasant to the touch, durable and perfectly selected. The “status” of the product is felt.

Box and accessories

Reliability during transportation is ideally observed by Beats by Dr. Dre. The headphones fold in three, have a removable cable, and a carrying case. All this comes in a box along with a cleaning cloth and all sorts of operating instructions. The kit also includes additional batteries, adapters and cables.


All Beats Electronics audio equipment bears the brand's logo. The main colors are black and red, with metallic inserts. But this does not mean that such a design is the only option from Beats. For example, Beats by Dr. headphones. Dre Studio New delights fans with a variety of colors, in addition to those already mentioned - blue, orange, pink, light gray or white. It’s not just this model that stands out. Beats by Dr. headphones are also available in snow-white colors. Dre Solo.

The headphones have two buttons: to turn the sound on/off and a microphone button on the cable. There is also an LED charging and activity indicator (in new models).

A little about "Solo"

Since we mentioned this model, we should say more about it. “Solo” is positioned by the producers as a replacement for “Studio”, which (it’s easy to guess from the name) are mainly studio-based and fully deserve the name given to them by Beats by Dr. Dre. But the same cannot be said about the compact “Solo” - if “Beats Electronics” tried to create a smaller copy of the “Studio” with the same advantages, they failed to fully succeed - this is exactly what users say.

About the disadvantages

Despite all the praises that are sung to the headphones, and indeed to all Beats Electronics audio equipment, there are some shortcomings. Some users complain that the headphone cable is short, which causes inconvenience to use. Bendable parts are, of course, an original and excellent solution at first glance, but at second glance you involuntarily begin to wonder how many “bends” the metal will withstand before becoming unusable.

The tendency of Beats from “Dr. Dre” to overstate the bass of any composition may not be to everyone’s taste, because, after all, such equipment requires a clear transmission of musical material, without “gag.”

And a little more about the price

The price of headphones from Beats Electronics is sometimes more striking than their sound (there are models for 40 thousand rubles). You have to pay for quality - it seems that this is the motto of the manufacturer. But is it just for the sound? Over the years of its existence, the brand has become a whole fetish, fashion and style. Beats headphones are now available not only from Dr. Dre, but also from Lady Gaga, Bieber and other performers. They complement “looks”, appear on celebrities, are replete with cheaper fakes, and so on and so forth.

Real “Monster Bits” are not cheap (from 8 thousand rubles), but if in the case of “Studio” the price is still justified, then for the money claimed for “Solo” you can find another product of better quality.

Beats by Dr. Dre are also ambiguous in their cost (price - from 14 thousand rubles). On the one hand, Beats Electronics tried to release an excellent product for an active life, without cables, with a Bluetooth connection, and twelve-hour battery life. At the same time, it is the same reworked “Solo”, the shortcomings of which were already mentioned just above. Not to say that the sound is so bad, but it does not live up to the declared characteristics.

To take or not to take is everyone's personal choice. The Beats have many advantages that outweigh the few disadvantages. In addition, it is always worth considering that a branded product gives a greater guarantee and receives broad support from its manufacturing company.

Not long ago we talked about how to choose budget headphones for your smartphone. And in one of the comments we were asked to talk about Beats headphones. Many people have diametrically opposed opinions about these headphones: some love them very much, and some simply hate them. But in the end, it was decided to talk about how to buy Beats headphones, but most importantly, we will tell you about the history of the origin of these headphones and, most importantly, why they should at least be respected.

Let's start with how Bits headphones appeared on the market in principle and end with how to distinguish original Bits headphones from fakes when buying in a store in America.

Everyone associates Beats by Dr. Dre headphones with the famous rapper. In fact, the story began much earlier. It started with the Monster Cable brand. This is one of the best companies in the world for the production of various cables: for music, video and professional equipment. But in 2008, the company decided to enter the headphone market. A lot of different directions were launched, among which were Dre headphones. They were based on the concept of very aggressive marketing to attract celebrities to these headphones. That is why, among all the lines of headphones, Beats by Dr. Dre took off.

Monster Beats by Dr. Dre is what they were originally called, and if you think that the price of $250 headphones is too high, then just look at the cost of an ordinary HDMI cable on the Monster website. Here, for example, is this cable for the same $250:

Beats by Dr. Dre needs to be respected. And here's why: this is the first brand that, in principle, popularized the direction of headphones. Now headphones have become not just a source of sound, but also a separate subculture. And by buying Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, you begin to identify yourself with a certain segment of the population. You may not agree with the sound quality of the headphones or their price, but it cannot be ruled out that these headphones have made a big impact on the market.

Now headphones have become a fashion accessory; it is no longer just a story about sound. This is an image.

Thanks to high-quality Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, people began to buy more headphones, look for cheaper alternatives, compare headphones by sound and design, and certain types of businesses improved their position quite well. For example, there are stores that only sell headphones. And if it weren't for Beats, this probably wouldn't have happened.

Now for some practice. How to distinguish fake Beats by Dr. Dre from non-fake ones and how much beats headphones cost in America.

You can buy Beats by Dr. Dre in the USA in two ways: in the official store, where the guarantee of receiving an original product is very high, or on the website; or you can buy bits a little cheaper on eBay or Amazon. But the most important thing when choosing headphones on these sites is to ask the seller for photographs of the product that he will send you.

What photos should you request from the seller?

Firstly, a photo of the packaging. Look carefully at the box and if you see the word Monster, this is a fake. You won't find any mention of Monster on original modern Beats headphones.

Second, be sure to request a photo of the bottom of the box. The original Beats by Dr. Dre always have the serial number listed there. You can use it to check information about the headphones on the official website, because all Beats by Dr. Dre headphones are unique and each has its own serial number.

But, of course, this is not a panacea, because the seller can take a photo of the original box and put a fake inside. Therefore, you need to also request a photo of the headphones themselves. There you need to pay attention to the following things:

This is the check you can do when purchasing Beats by Dr. Dre headphones.

Best Beats

  1. Beats By Dr.Dre Solo 2 Wireless— taking into account the fact that everyone’s hearing is different, I will still take responsibility and say that these are the best wireless on-ear headphones. I tested them on three smartphones: iPhone 6 Plus, Huawei Mate 7 and HTC One M8. In all cases the sound was slightly different, but in the overall picture my favorite Death Metal played expressively.
    You can buy Beats By.Dre Solo 2.0 Wireless for $70 cheaper than prices in the official store on ]]> Amazon.]]>
  2. Beats By Dr.Dre Mixr- incredibly high-quality headphones in terms of assembly, although a little heavy. The iPhone rocks them in spades, but some Android smartphones fail to unleash their potential. These headphones sound best on Mac computers. Just be careful with the volume level - you can go deaf.
  3. Beats By Dr.Dre Studio. These are the best headphones for smartphones and bass lovers. The bass in them is accompanied not only by deep sound, but also by physical sensations: the headphones have a mechanical “noise canceler” and a physical bass amplifier in the form of a motor. They literally vibrate while listening to music, the effect is incredible. But for this you need to recharge or change the battery. Despite their impressive dimensions, they sit very comfortably on the head, and their weight is only 260 grams.
  • Beats Pro Headphones
  • Cable
  • Adapter for 6.3 mm jack
  • Carrying case
  • Manual

What sets Monster Cable products apart from all other competitors? Here we can list for quite a long time, this includes the design of the packaging, the design of the headphones themselves, the rich equipment, and even (in some cases) the sound quality. And also – no matter how mundane – the price. Let's say, today we will look at headphones for 20 thousand rubles. Looking ahead, I will say that the price is quite justified. In the meantime, let's get acquainted - the headphones are called Monster Cable Beats by Dr. Dre Pro. This means that they are part of the Beats series, “rhythms”, created in collaboration with rapper Dr. Dre and are a professional solution. It's that simple.

Packaging and accessories

The red and black packaging consists of two parts - the dust jacket and the main “module”, which, in turn, is itself divided into two parts.

What is inside? The headphones themselves, a bunch of documentation, a wire (detachable), a screw-on adapter to a “large” 6.3 mm jack, which is used mainly in professional equipment. And also a fabric carrying case.

Alas, there is no wood, palladium and other attributes of expensive headphones - but one way or another, the design cannot be called cheap. You can safely buy such headphones as a gift for someone, you won’t be ashamed.

Appearance and ease of use

Oh, the cunning people are in the Monster company. Judge for yourself - the headphones are made of aluminum, just like Apple products. An excellent aluminum friend for your aluminum laptop, marketers want to say. The impression of a brutal thing is complemented by screws and ribbed guides, which are visible when adjusting the headband. Backlashes? There is none of them.

However, there was also a place for leather - or very high-quality leatherette - the ear pads and headband are well covered with this wonderful material.

Let's put aside the irony - let's see what the headphones will allow us to do in terms of adjustments. Yes, the headband will have to be adjusted manually, this is not Audio-Technica. But you can tilt the cups back, this is a fun “feature” that DJs may need. On the other hand, a DJ is unlikely to use exactly these headphones - it’s too “cool”.

The headphones provide high-quality noise insulation; you don’t need to travel in the subway – but otherwise, the Beats Pro do a good job of cutting out external noise. I will say this – among closed monitor headphones, this is almost the best result.

In terms of fit, there is initial discomfort, but the pressure of the headphones to the head is quite strong. However (here is a paradox) you can sit in them for a long time, and after that your ears will not hurt. Maybe they used a clever design of ear pads, or maybe the secret is something else. In short - convenient.

The wire is replaceable, and it can be connected to any of the two cups. What’s interesting about the cable is that it has a relatively short main part (about a meter), and in the area of ​​the plug that plugs into the headphone jack there is a twisted part. The plug itself is “L”-shaped, very massive. In general, the creators of the headphones hint that you can plug them into the player, but it’s better to use something more serious.

What more can be said? There is a fly in the ointment; distinguishing the left earphone from the right is not so easy. There are faintly visible markings on the inside of the headband, in the area of ​​the hinges - and that's about it. Well, there are spots on the Sun too. Moreover, you can remember which cup the wire is connected to.


We’ll still have time to listen to the “monsters” from the iPhone, but for now we’ll evaluate their sound with a normal source.

The headphones were tested with the Hifiman HM-801 player with a Game Card amplifier, using the Prime Test CD1 test disc.

Here I would like to write this. Closed monitor headphones are always a compromise. Like any headphones, however. However, there are different compromises, and in the case of Beats Pro it works out well. There is also a pleasant bass, quite deep and free from hum. Well, except that sometimes the low-frequency register begins to “strain” slightly, but this is nitpicking. In fact, addiction occurs extremely quickly.

Mid frequencies are presented neatly, in detail and legibly – there are no complaints here. The high frequencies are a little muffled, but here, too, I don’t want to go into nitpicking – everything is audible and neatly drawn.

The stereo panorama is small, but voluminous and with clear localization of instruments. There is nothing more to add here.

In general, I would characterize the sound signature as rather soft. The headphones lack speed a little, this is noticeable on some classical and “heavy” compositions. Perhaps the problem is in the source, and not all compositions are affected by such “softness”.

In short, you can only find fault if you keep the cost in mind - but for 20 thousand rubles, in my opinion, they turned out to be good headphones with good sound. Otherwise, it’s a fairly universal option.


Let's listen to the headphones with the iPhone 4, and I just want to write: “for fun.” The sound becomes toy-like, the bass depth is lost and excessive brightness appears, the weak phone amplifier simply “does not drive” the Beats Pro. You can describe it in more detail, but it’s better to say right away that headphones require high-quality amplification - and end with “beating babies.”


In my opinion, of the entire host of closed monitor headphones, the only adequate competitors are the Denon DH-D2000 and Denon AH-D5000. In Moscow, these cost from 16 and 30 thousand rubles, respectively, and in the USA or Japan you can buy them 30-40 percent cheaper.

Denon portable sources are not treated with much love, although they have high sensitivity and low impedance, there is a kinship with Beats Pro.

As for the sound, I listened to Denon for a long time, but there are similarities. The sound is quite open for “closed” headphones, pleasant bass.


Let's sum it up.


  • Excellent design of both the packaging and the headphones themselves
  • High quality and original wire
  • Good sound insulation
  • Great sound (even without the closed speaker discount)


  • High price
  • Requirement for the source

I think it’s clear that the disadvantages are not just “made up” - they are actually disadvantages, but they are not so critical for those who like to listen to high-quality music on a high-quality source. And even though Beats by Dr. Dre are mostly associated with “meatballs,” Beats Pro are very good for any music.

To be honest, I would buy it, but I somehow prefer the open STAX SR-007.

The editors thank the store for providing Monster Cable Beats Pro headphones for testing.

Ilya Tarakanov ()