Reliable laptop models. Choosing a laptop: what the manufacturer doesn’t tell you

How many times have you had to buy a laptop? After the second or third product from the same company, many people form strong preferences - unless, of course, they had to visit the service center too often. It’s much more difficult for “beginners” - their space of choice is much larger, but they lack experience. There are too many options - the market has hundreds of models, and the price does not always reflect real consumer qualities (especially in the case of a specific consumer) - therefore, choosing a laptop often begins with choosing a brand

How many times have you had to buy a laptop? After the second or third product from the same company, many people form strong preferences - unless, of course, they had to visit the service center too often. It’s much more difficult for “beginners” - their space of choice is much larger, but they lack experience. There are too many options - the market has hundreds of models, and the price does not always reflect real consumer qualities (especially in the case of a specific consumer) - therefore, choosing a laptop often begins with choosing a brand.

100,000 hours of testing...

...and every EliteBook goes through 50,000 separate steps before it hits the shelf. At least that's what HP marketers say. Let’s not scoff at the fact that 100,000 hours is 11-odd years (and when do they manage to do it all?) - we’ll just note that in recent years laptops from this brand have occupied far from the first places in “reliability ratings”.

Another interesting test shows that the best laptop for Windows is none other than Apple MacBook Pro. To domestic “Apple fans,” this very idea will seem blasphemous, but in the USA this is a fairly common option (unlike Hackintosh on WinIntel devices). However, we digress - according to the results of this test, the number Windows crashes on MacBook Pro 13 - 0.88 times a week, freezes - 1.06 times a week. For comparison, the last place (out of 10 contenders) was taken by the Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon with 1.69 crashes/week and 1.34 freezes.

It’s interesting that analysts themselves explain the MacBook’s leadership not so much by its technical excellence, but rather by the fact that Windows was installed on it “from scratch” and, as a result, was not “contaminated” with various and not particularly necessary “branded” utilities - which manufacturers love to install. . However, the MacBook Pro 15 Retina for some reason took only 6th place in the same test.

Analyzing analytics

What exactly did I want to illustrate with this? Wait a minute - let's look at another oft-cited reliability rating from RESCUECOM. The initial data for it were sales volumes in the USA and the number of calls to the service. According to its results, Samsung (!), Asus and Lenovo are in the lead, and Dell, Sony and Acer complete the “leadership table”. There is another similar rating - this time from the SquareTrade agency. The leaders in it are Asus, Toshiba and Sony, and the outsiders are Lenovo, Acer and HP.

I agree, these ratings date back to different years - but why do the same brands turn out to be either the most reliable or the most “broken”? This can be explained by anything - from real change brand quality to the imperfection of analytical techniques. There is another popular type of rating called “ask your local service center.” Of course, this is one of the best methods for obtaining statistics on breakdowns, but it does not take into account the relationship between brands in terms of sales volumes. The most “unreliable” may well be the best-selling laptop.

There are a lot of letters, but the conclusion is simple - no objective data exists in nature showing that brand X is better than brand Y. Asus and Apple, of course, are always in the forefront - but the first is always noticeably more expensive than its “classmates”, and the second is simply many times more expensive.

As for the reviews of “non-specialists”, their objectivity simply cannot be assessed. I'll bring you real example: “I vote for Hewlett Packard ultrabooks. Specter 13 is generally a great thing! Even though I haven't had the opportunity to use it, the design and functionality, especially in terms of ergonomics, are quite impressive."

Two reasons why laptops are unreliable

Are you familiar with the term “planned obsolescence”? The bottom line is that the manufacturer, by one measure or another, pushes the consumer to buy new product- more often than due to objective reasons. The growth of real processor performance (we are talking about Intel/AMD) has slowed down significantly over the past few years, along with a slowdown in the growth of resource intensity of the OS and popular applications. In other words, if you do not take into account games and “heavy” professional applications, the resources of a device even 3-4 years old are quite enough for “ordinary” tasks. In addition, you can often get by with a little expense - adding RAM or replacing the HDD with an SSD.

If there are no real reasons to buy a new computer, you need to create them. And not only marketing ones are suitable for this ( new design, tricks) and “software” (lack of drivers, removal of OS support) tricks. It is quite possible to make a laptop much more resistant to wear and tear and easily upgraded - however, it is more profitable for the manufacturer to force you to buy a new device. Some analysts also note faster-than-expected degradation batteries in some devices - their “death” after 2-3 years may well be programmed into the charging controller, and by that time they may already be discontinued.

The second, no less important reason for laptop failure is due to the fact that consumers quite reasonably want to get thinner and lighter, but at the same time powerful devices. It is difficult to effectively cool the processor and video chip in a very limited space - especially if you do not clean your “vacuum cleaner” on time. About a third of all (including mechanical damage) breakdowns are caused precisely by overheating.

I’ll close the topic of laptop reliability on an unexpected note - an expensive device is not at all more durable. As for failure due to overheating, it is budget models with integrated video and relatively “weak” processors that are least susceptible to it - due to lower heat generation.

These complex selection criteria

To have at least a minimal idea about the subject of purchase, it is worth knowing what classes of devices are currently offered on the market.

Netbooks. They are relatively cheap and low-performance; at the moment they are losing their positions - on the one hand to tablets, and on the other - to ultrabooks. Suitable for only the simplest tasks.

Chromebooks. All work in Google's Chrome OS is done through the web interface and cloud storage data. They load and work quickly, and are inexpensive. Disadvantages - the range of tasks is limited, work without the Internet is impossible. The question of whether you should trust your confidential data to a “good corporation” must be decided before purchasing - since there will be no alternative later.

Entry-level laptops. Most often these are decorated, but low-quality products from little-known brands. Cheap and not very reliable.

Gaming laptops. The most expensive (price starts from $1,700) and powerful devices, however, they are noticeably inferior in characteristics to gaming desktops (careful reading of holivars on this topic contributes to the non-illusory growth of technical knowledge). They may not be very durable - especially if you play them around the clock on the couch.

Professional laptops (mobile workstations). Technically they are very similar to gaming ones (powerful hardware, high price), but they have a more serious design and a video card optimized not for DirectX, but for OpenGL and 3D graphics and video processing. Evil tongues, some analysts argue that this difference is artificial (the chips used are the same, the difference is only in the firmware and drivers) and serves as another “drink” of money from the consumer’s pocket.

Ultrabooks. Actually, these are ordinary laptops - only thinner, lighter (less than 2 kg) and “elite”. And, of course, more fragile and expensive.

Budget (office) laptops. The widest class. The hardware is average, the video card is integrated into the processor. They are relatively silent (because they don’t get very hot), and are well suited for any non-resource-intensive tasks. As a rule, they are very reliable.

Universal (multimedia) laptops. The hardware is more powerful than in budget ones (often due to discrete video). They get hotter and make more noise. They are often deliberately (and even maliciously) positioned by the seller as gaming (optionally, conditional gaming), because they provide the opportunity to play many games at minimum and medium settings or to “process” videos. A purchase often means wasted money - as a logical consequence of an overly compromising approach.

Transformers (touch). A new-fangled trend with currently dubious practical value. Heavy, thick and mechanically vulnerable devices controlled by the G8 are still better suited for emphasizing the status of the owner rather than for active use. Although the future, of course, lies in such decisions.

To some, the above will seem like another description of well-known truths, but for others this is a good reason to understand that you shouldn’t meddle with an ultrabook on public transport, and you shouldn’t torment a modest “office” worker with another “Rat”. The same goes for buying a show-off transformer for everyday serious work.

What the manager won't tell you

As a matter of fact, the average manager knows little “in general” - except for excerpts from manufacturer advertising and mindlessly memorized characteristics of his main products. Unfortunately, the average consumer does not know this either - and is easily “led” by the admonitions of the seller.

CPU. If you are not an avid gamer and do not use a laptop as a full-fledged replacement for a graphics workstation, then limit your choice to non-top Intel processors of the Ivy Bridge and Haswell families - their price and heat dissipation are much lower. Especially Haswell - the energy efficiency of these processors is a third higher than that of Sandy Bridge. The performance of “atoms” is insufficient, and AMD processors are at this stage are behind Intel on many counts.

Memory. 4GB will only be enough for office tasks. The more free memory, the more noticeable the effect of caching disk data (especially if the disk is not an SSD), so there is no need to save on it. The “average optimal” volume for a new device should be considered to be 8GB. It’s very good when a laptop has a free memory slot - installing an additional module will help “delay” the end of its life by a year or even two.

What should the matrix be? Some manufacturers (especially HP and Acer) do not want to admit that the era of cheap TN matrices and low resolutions gone into the past. The modern standard for a high-quality laptop is an IPS (or “wide-angle” TN) display with a resolution of at least Full-HD (1920x1080), the rest is the lot of inexpensive smartphones.

Oddly enough, too high resolution matrices (for example, the Retina display on Apple, or the screen with a resolution of 3200x1800 on the Samsung Ativ Book 9 Plus) are also not very good. True, only for Windows - where the interface of many applications is “designed” pixel by pixel, and the standard system tools are not yet very ready to solve this problem.

It remains to be hoped that the problem will be resolved in the next Windows releases 8. In the meantime, read the reviews from the owners: “On a MacBook with Retina (under Windows), even a 150% scale looks small and is poorly perceived. At a larger scale, the interface spreads out, the text crawls out of the buttons and all that - I can imagine what it will be like at 3200x1800.” So only OS X and Linux users will feel comfortable with such a display. And for users of the Seven, apparently, such displays are initially contraindicated.

Which disk should I choose? The question is very individual. Despite the fact that disks on solid media have become noticeably more durable, they can be destroyed (especially with a small volume) by round-the-clock torrents quite quickly, and large-volume SSDs (512GB and more) are still very expensive. Optimal choice there seems to be a standard HDD with 7200 revolutions and a capacity of 1TB - plus the ability to install an SSD of your choice without overpaying for unnecessary space - because for movies, music and photos, the type of media is not important.

Raid on SSD - is it necessary? Appeared in top models new way breeding hamsters, a new fashion trend has appeared - to install 2 identical SSD media, combined into RAID 0 to improve performance. The solution is quite reasonable for a highly loaded server and undoubtedly unnecessary for a laptop.

The point is not even that you will see the effect of the “raid” only in tests - because the load disk subsystem laptop (for a noticeable time) to such an extent to feel the difference with a single disk requires very, very specific tasks. In addition, this is a so-called “fake” raid, implemented in software and using the computing power of a central processor rather than a special controller.

The problem is different - disk array with data interleaving is much less fault-tolerant, and its rebuilding and recovery requires a BIOS that supports the same metadata format. In simple words, “pulling data” from such an array can only be done on a similar device - simply connecting disks from a broken laptop to the desktop will not have any effect. More money- more risk. Are you okay with this?

Chromebooks (Googlebooks). Is there a catch? Google recently announced that released Chrome OS devices will reach "end of life" - meaning your Chromebook will one day no longer receive next update, will no longer be compatible with Google and will not exist at all - until you purchase a new one. Of course, craftsmen have already found the opportunity to install Ubuntu on these devices - however, taking into account the limited volume of built-in media - only 16-32 GB, they still will not make full-fledged laptops.

And finally...

Don't forget that your new laptop is equipped with all the necessary peripherals - it has a sufficient number of USB connectors, the necessary video outputs, and optionally a WWAN modem and an Ethernet port. When choosing, give preference to models that support the new 802.11ac wireless network standard - with speeds of up to 1.3 Gbit/s and reduced power consumption.

A laptop is a lighter and more mobile version computer equipment, which is a rather tempting alternative to a full-fledged personal computer. As in any other technology segment, there is its own division into target (and price) categories. Inexpensive models are a working device limited functionality, suitable for home and office tasks. As a rule, such models have a small screen diagonal (from 13 to 15 inches), as well as purely budget “stuffing”. More modern and productive laptops allow you to combine your work process with gaming, and the level of suitability of a gadget for new projects in the gaming industry depends entirely on its cost. Such laptops are characterized by a maximum screen diagonal (from 15 to 17 inches), as well as advanced hardware with a huge supply of resources.

Today, the laptop market offers users an extremely wide selection of models, some of which, unfortunately, do not meet the requirements for quality and operation. As a recommendation for purchase, we have selected for you the ten best laptops in four thematic categories. The following criteria were adopted as the basis for the rating:

  • positive and negative reviews from consumers;
  • opinion of experts in the field of computer technology;
  • performance and reliability parameters;
  • optimal combination of price and quality.

All models presented in the top list have received high marks from their owners and are among the best in the lines of their series.

The best inexpensive laptops: budget up to 30,000 rubles

The choice of inexpensive laptops for home or office is huge, so when buying them, first of all, you should pay attention to the size random access memory(ranges from 2 to 8 GB), processor and storage capacity, which should be more than 500 GB so that there are no problems with storing information. It’s not worth overpaying for a powerful video card or an advanced cooling system, since such a laptop is not positioned as a gaming laptop and individual “chips” will not make it such. It is better to give preference to reliable ones budget models.


Light weight (1.68 kg). High build quality
Country: Japan
Average price: RUB 39,903.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of the best laptops for home with everyone necessary characteristics. 15.6 inches diagonal are represented by a matte TN matrix with Full resolution HD. Reviews complain about screen artifacts - glare at several points. The disadvantage is compensated Intel Core i3 6006U 2000 MHz, 1000 GB of hard disk space and the ability to install an SSD.

Users highlight, among other advantages, the low weight of the laptop with a decent screen diagonal and its compact size. The build quality is excellent - no backlash or gaps, despite the fact that the model is inexpensive. Experienced owners say that after long-term use the battery wears out a lot - it lasts for an hour at most.

2 Lenovo V130 15

Biggest time battery life
Country: China
Average price: RUB 30,404.
Rating (2018): 4.8

One of the best laptops in its history price category. It exists in several modifications. The most attractive of them runs on an Intel Core i3 7020U 2300 MHz processor and boasts a Full HD resolution of a 15-inch screen with a matte TN matrix. There is also a 4 GB DDR4 RAM slot inside and 500 GB of hard drive space. The webcam is nominal - only 0.3 megapixels.

The laptop is great for home use, and even better for traveling. It's all about the powerful battery, which ensures the operation of the device for 6 hours. Bonus for those who still use discs - there is a DVD-RW drive. And the matte body pleases with its aesthetics and the fact that it does not collect fingerprints.


The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 33190 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Great inexpensive option office laptop with a rather powerful filling. This is perhaps the best offer with a 13-inch diagonal: it has a hardworking Intel Core i3 6006U processor or Intel Pentium 4405U 2100 MHz, 4 GB of RAM and 500 GB HDD. Acer has provided two slots for RAM; a total of 16 GB can be installed in them.

Reviews write that upgrading a laptop is easy - the lower part of the case can be removed without much difficulty, and to access hard drive and memory modules do not need to disassemble the entire laptop. The cooling system works very quietly, and if the HDD is replaced with solid state drive, the device will switch to a barely perceptible whisper. The main disadvantages of this model: the budget TN matrix with all the ensuing consequences, such as color inversion when deviated, and the poor design of the touchpad - it plays when pressed.

The best laptops for quality and performance

High-performance laptops are often used to work with graphics editors and multitasking applications. The main idea of ​​such devices is to provide top-end performance with small dimensions. A distinctive feature of this class of laptops is a large amount of RAM and video memory, a powerful processor and a fast network adapter. Apple can rightfully be considered the leader in the productivity laptop market.

3 Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13.3" 2018

Gaming performance in a compact size
Country: China
Average price: 59,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Laptop with a diagonal of 13.3 inches, weighing 1.3 kilograms and powerful iron. Inside there is an Intel Core i5 8250U 1600 MHz, 8 GB of DDR4 RAM and SSD drive 256 gigabytes. To finally melt the hearts of demanding customers, Xiaomi installed a capacious battery that lasts for almost 10 hours. Windows 10 is also pre-installed on board – the version for home use.

The reviews strongly praise the premium thin frames and build level - high quality felt in every detail. The fingerprint scanner is fast and accurate. Objective disadvantages: few ports, no card reader, glossy screen that glares in the sun. Subjective disadvantages: when you sit in a cafe with a laptop, the “apple” does not light up on the lid. This model is ideal for both home, office and business trips.

2 Apple MacBook Air 13 Mid 2017

The best laptop for office tasks
Country: USA
Average price: 66,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Apple's latest trends are bringing alarming thoughts into the hearts of loyal brand fans - their product line is experiencing purely targeted improvements, avoiding major restylings and breakthrough projects. Average Apple version MacBook Air 13 2017 is a clear confirmation of this. A slightly changed appearance and minor modernization of the filling could not create the illusion of a fundamentally new device in the line, and we must admit that this is a positive point. It is positive, since the main base of the new Air is the model of the same name produced in 2012-2014.

In terms of performance parameters, the new laptop in the “fattest” configuration is only slightly superior to the prototype of previous years. The peak frequency of the dual-core Core i5 processor reaches 1800 MHz, and together with 8 GB of RAM it provides a solid performance reserve even under a decent load. In terms of the video card, nothing fundamentally has changed - the place of the “long-lived” Intel HD Graphics 5000 was taken by a later integrated Intel card HD Graphics 6000.

In general, Apple once again did not present any surprises to users, but it is definitely not worth denying the still high class of the Apple MacBook Air 13 2017 as a branded and business item. Deserved second place in the category.

1 Apple MacBook Pro 15 with Retina display Mid 2017

Best technical characteristics
Country: USA
Average price: 205,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The representative of the most powerful line of laptops from Apple did not hit the dirt with the monitor - numerous fans of Apple devices received exactly what they expected from the updated device. The base in the form of a quad-core Core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM, as before, make it possible to work with large amounts of information, including video rendering and the development of 3D objects.

The ergonomic side of using a laptop is also very important. When working on it, there is a feeling of honest balance - everything works as required by the law of internal harmony. The Retina display is a pleasure as always high definition images (display resolution is 2880x1800), the sound system does not suffer from the presence of extraneous noise and mediocre sound, and the appearance works exclusively for solidity.

Of course, there were some serious shortcomings. The fact is that the Russian target segment was affected by a burning issue with an exorbitant cost, approaching the mark of 150 thousand rubles for the top configuration, which led to a natural drop in sales and a decrease in the popularity of the functional line.

The best ultrabooks

Relatively recently, a completely new caste has appeared on the laptop market - ultrabooks. These devices have taken the path of reducing size and weight. Thus, almost all modern ultrabooks are lighter than 1.5 kg, while their characteristics are not compromised. Such devices are convenient when you always need to be at hand. The main disadvantage of ultrabooks is their high cost. This is due to the expensive technologies used in their manufacture.

3 Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 12.5"

Quiet operation. Minimum weight
Country: China
Average price: 42,100 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A thin one-kilogram ultrabook with a thickness of 12.9 mm. Despite its modest dimensions, an Intel Core m3, 4 GB of RAM and 128/256 GB of high-speed SSD fit inside. The 12.5-inch screen has a glossy IPS matrix with rich colors and wide viewing angles, and Full HD resolution makes the display even more attractive.

In the fight against extra millimeters, the manufacturer installed passive system cooling. This means that there is no cooler inside, and the laptop itself operates silently, especially since it does not have hard drive, which also accompanies the work with noise. At the same time, heat is dissipated well - no excessive heating of the case or throttling is observed. Still standing inside capacious battery, which should be enough for 11 and a half hours of operation outside the range of the outlet. True, in reviews the owners note that in fact the autonomy is lower than stated. However, this is one of the best laptops with the dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper.

2 Lenovo THINKPAD X1 Yoga

Transformable ultrabook
Country: China
Average price: 135,600 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Second place in the ranking of the best ultrabooks is occupied by Lenovo THINKPAD X1 Yoga. The uniqueness of the model is that its design allows for the use of the device in several configurations. At the same time, the thickness of the transformable ultrabook is only 16.8 mm and the weight is 1.27 kg. With such compact dimensions, it houses an Intel Core i7 6600U processor running at 2.6 GHz and 16 GB of RAM. A pleasant 14” display with a resolution of 3K (2560x1440) has high contrast and clarity of the transmitted image.

Among the advantages of the model in reviews, buyers note a large number of accessible interfaces, comfortable keyboard and good quality speakers. The device includes such features as a touch screen, a fingerprint scanner and a slot for a Kensington lock. The ultrabook has a lightweight and durable metal body. However, the price for such characteristics is quite high - this transformer is one of the most expensive on the market. Weaknesses include poor implementation of mechanical elements and unpleasant flickering on 2K screens.


Best price for an ultrabook
Country: China (Taiwan)
Average price: 51,490 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The leader in the rating of the best ultrabooks is ASUS ZENBOOK UX303UB. This model, with a thickness of only 19.2 mm, is equipped with the latest Intel Core i7 6500U processor and 12 GB of RAM, providing high performance and system speed. Small screen 13.3” with a resolution of 3200x1800 boasts excellent color reproduction and good viewing angles. Thanks to quality optimization and a capacious battery, the ultrabook can work up to 10 hours autonomously.

In reviews, buyers include the presence of a backlit keyboard, quiet operation and light weight as the positive aspects of the device. In addition, the model has a lightweight metal body that is scratch-resistant and looks solid. In terms of price, this ultrabook is much more affordable than most models, but is in no way inferior to them. Negative aspects include poor ergonomics and not the most powerful Wi-Fi signal reception.

Video review

Best Gaming Laptops

Gaming laptops are considered the most productive and powerful among all models. This is due to the high demands of games regarding the amount of RAM, the quality of the video card and the speed of the processor. In addition, such devices must have a well-thought-out cooling system, while remaining quite compact and portable. Maximum speed network adapter It is also not the last characteristic that you should pay attention to when choosing a gaming laptop.

3 MSI GL73 8RD

High performance at low cost. Large diagonal
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 73,670 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of best models from the recognized king of gaming laptops - MSI. The laptop cannot boast of thin frames and elegant dimensions, but it pleases with a large diagonal of 17.3 inches, powerful processor and progressive GTX video card 1050Ti. The standard RAM can be 8 or 16 gigabytes. The screen in all modifications has Full HD resolution.

Permanent memory is implemented in the following format: HDD + SSD or only SSD, the total volume reaches 1128 GB. The design speaks volumes about the gaming content. Reviews complain about a very fragile case that collects prints and a TN matrix, which is not entirely suitable for watching movies and working in graphic editors. But the manufacturer left the m2 slot for installing an SSD, equipped the laptop with loud and pleasant sounding speakers, and thought out a cooling system that is not too noisy and still does its job perfectly.

2 DELL G3 15 3579

Best Selling
Country: USA
Average price: 59,590 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A powerful laptop that is suitable for both gaming and working with “heavy” programs. On board either i5 or i7 latest versions, 8 GB of RAM and a Full HD screen with nice graphics. The manufacturer focused on hardware and saved on the quality of materials. The case looks like it's an inexpensive laptop with modest hardware: there are gaps and creaks, and the touchpad clicks loudly when pressed.

This gaming model, originally from the USA, also pleases with its performance: thanks to the SSD, the user gets to the desktop within five seconds after turning it on. In games and complex tasks The cooling system is quite noisy. The design is minimalist and elegant, so it is suitable not only for home use in gaming conditions, but also for working with graphic editors, for web development and similar purposes. The model is in high demand among buyers - high performance for reasonable money more than compensates for the shortcomings of the assembly.

1 Xiaomi Mi Gaming Laptop

Stylish design and thin frames. High performance
Country: China
Average price: 89,090 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The maximum configuration of this gaming laptop with a minimalistic design includes a top-end Intel Core i7 7700HQ 2800 MHz processor, 16 GB of DDR4 RAM and 1256 GB of permanent memory in total: 1000 GB per HDD and 256 – for solids. There is nowhere to insert disks. Externally, the laptop does not give away its gaming hardware; only the rainbow backlighting of the keys hints at the extraordinary capabilities of this gadget.

Reviews praise the screen: IPS with correct color reproduction, good set ports, thin bezels and complete Windows 10 for home. Disadvantages: loud cooling at maximum speed (but heat is removed efficiently), heavy weight of 2.7 kg (although for gaming models this weight is the norm). This is one of the best models for gamers and demanding users.

Reliability is one of the main criteria when choosing a laptop. The buyer is always looking for trouble-free, repairable equipment that can cope with the required functions, and having become the owner of one, he wants to be confident in its durability. Which laptops from famous world brands can you be sure of the reliability? The best are always in sight and at the peak of popularity. We’ll tell you in more detail about the best laptops according to Russian buyers. We present you a rating of laptops by reliability.

9th place – ACER

Taiwanese company ACER specializes in the production of laptops. Work experience in the market for about 40 years. ACER products occupy a leading position in the field information technologies. The popularity of laptops from this company among Russian consumers is high. The range of proposals is impressive. The line has everything - from elegant, ultra-fashionable to inexpensive portable models that do not lag behind in quality. ACER laptops unpretentious and trouble-free in work. You don’t have to worry about reliability; the technical characteristics and speed of operation are impeccable.

8th place – HP

HP laptops are easy to use for any task; they can handle anything, as they are distinguished by amazing functionality, high quality and affordable cost, regardless of product class. The materials used for production are strong and durable, but this does not affect the weight in any way. These laptops have a stylish design, they are lightweight and ergonomic.

7th place – DELL

DELL products are manufactured at a factory in Ireland exclusively for individual orders and are ready for use immediately after being connected to the network. Users value and buy DELL computers and there are many reasons for this. Laptops are attractive in appearance, functional, they can be taken on a business trip and used for entertainment. Communication with such technology is a pleasure, powerful video cards, large amounts of RAM, ergonomic keyboard, powerful processor, and all this at a relatively low price and durability.

6th place – APPLE

The popularity of the APPLE brand, which took an honorable 6th place in the ranking of laptops in terms of reliability, makes the products of this company in demand and incredibly popular on the world market. APPLE laptops are a striking example of the combination of external and internal beauty. Unique style and look, original design and undeniably high quality are always attractive to the buyer. In addition, a nice bonus is free support in service centers and stores. Each of the brands in the Apple laptop line is almost perfect, and the buyer cannot resist the operating system that is not susceptible to viruses.

5th place – LENOVO

Taking care of customers is one of the priorities of LENOVO. Developing solutions that are in demand by users allows a brand to maintain its competitiveness and maintain its reputation. Among LENOVO laptops there are budget options for ordinary consumers and the latest expensive new products for experienced and advanced users. The quality of the products is always the highest, the cooling system, design, ease of use and level of resistance to all kinds of external influences do not cause any complaints.

4th place – SONY

SONY Corporation has always been famous for its innovations and the highest build quality. The SONY line of laptops is considered almost a standard; they are created for user comfort, distinguished by excellent technical characteristics, power and attractive design. Affordable price and Japanese origin made them “favorites” among Russian consumers.

3rd place – TOSHIBA

The world-famous manufacturing company TOSHIBA constantly invests in new developments and research, the result of these investments can be found in the laptops they produce. Among Russians they use in great demand. Laptops are called one of the most powerful; they are used both on vacation and for performing work of any complexity. Consumers are pleased with the ease of use, excellent acoustic system, image quality, compactness, functionality and reasonable price.

2nd place – SAMSUNG

In the global market, the SAMSUNG brand occupies a worthy place in the top twenty leaders; this largest corporation has specialized in the production of laptops for more than 30 years. The main advantage of SAMSUNG laptops is their durability, and considering that this equipment is often carried with you, this quality is one of the irreplaceable. Users also praise the durability of the electronics; if there is no mechanical damage, such a laptop will last for many years. High build quality and color rendition, convenient operation, compactness, speed, excellent assortment additional features- all these are SAMSUNG laptops.

1st place – ASUS

The leader in the laptop rating in terms of reliability is the supplier of computer equipment ASUS. This Taiwanese giant has won first place in the rankings a long time ago and is not giving up its position. The competitiveness and secret of success of ASUS laptops is in high-quality assembly, electronic components, affordable price and a wide range of models. Each of the numerous models and brands deserves attention. You can use such laptops in the most unexpected situations; they always work flawlessly and flawlessly and pay for all the money spent.

Live in modern world takes place at a crazy pace, which is why you have to do a lot on the go, combining preparing a report with a pleasant pastime in the fresh air, communicating with loved ones via Skype with a coffee break, and work with lunch in the nearest cafeteria. For all this, you need a portable and lightweight, but at the same time productive and autonomous device with an optimal screen diagonal - a high-quality laptop.

Laptops are generally considered the most versatile and reliable portable technology. Unlike computers, laptops are easy to transport. At the same time, they are many times more powerful than their main competitors – tablets. Laptops are much more convenient than them thanks to a full keyboard, stable design, a wide choice of screen diagonals, as well as a number of additions.

Laptops stand out from the rest personal devices and its purpose. Unlike other equipment, laptops are divided into gaming devices, transformers, optimal for studying on the go, two-in-one laptops, lightweight and powerful ultrabooks, and inexpensive solutions for work. There are also quite a few universal devices. However, to choose the best option, you need to take into account not only the manufacturer’s recommendations, cost and technical characteristics, but also the brand’s reputation, reviews of the quality and capabilities of its creations. After all, it is often the company that determines the reliability of a laptop.

TOP 10 best laptop companies

10 Prestigio

Nice price and decent quality. Classic design
A country: Cyprus (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.0

Laptops originating from Cyprus can easily be called the best ratio of price, ergonomics and quality among the most budget models of our time. Although the cost of these laptops varies from 9,000 to 16,000 rubles, which makes the developments of this brand the most affordable, Prestigio is not inferior to many slightly more expensive models in a number of aspects. First of all, Cypriot laptops are very compact and lightweight. Their thickness starts from 13 millimeters, and their weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. Moreover, they are all equipped with an HDMI output and a microSD slot, which compensates for the modest, but not the smallest hard drive capacity on the market, which reaches 32 GB.

U individual models, for example, Prestigio Smartbook 141S, the advantages include good performance and autonomy for a budget employee. Also, among the positive features of laptops from this company, reviews often include a metal case and classic design, without distracting from the main tasks for which these devices are designed - work and study.

9 HP

Popular brand. Wide range of models available
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.4

The developments of this American brand are very famous and popular. They can be found in any hardware and electronics store, and in a wide variety of designs and price ranges. Indeed, today the HP brand is represented by several thousand models and modifications. Most of the company’s laptops, with a half-century history, belong to the budget and middle classes, which is good news. And this partly explains the high demand for HP laptops. But there is another reason - laptops from this manufacturer are quite diverse and come in very different variations: from tiny bright models for study and office work to laptops-tablets and powerful gaming giants with a diagonal of 17 inches.

At the same time, many representatives of the brand are very popular with users due to their fast processor, fairly good operating time and light weight. However, sometimes there are some drawbacks, because the screen has not become the strongest point of a number of models due to the moderate brightness reserve and mediocre viewing angles.

8 Dell

High-quality models for every taste and budget. Execution level and memory reserve
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.4

Dell is one of the largest American corporations, exclusively engaged in computer equipment and electronics. The high quality and outstanding properties of laptops from a top company are confirmed not only by the huge number positive feedback from specialists and ordinary users, but also by the company’s frequent inclusion in the rankings of the best according to popular magazines, judges of electronics exhibitions and independent news agencies. In particular, the world's smallest and most capable 13-inch laptop, the Dell XPS 13, was recently awarded a CES® 2018 Innovation Award. Dell's more basic and less expensive laptops also offer excellent performance.

At the same time, the choice of models is really large and varied. Indeed, among the developments of this brand are not only classic laptops, but also gaming models, ultrabooks, transformers and two-in-one devices. Another advantage of most Dell models is the hard drive capacity, which in most cases reaches a terabyte, and sometimes two.

7 Microsoft

The best laptops and tablets. Versatility and excellent battery life
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.5

The famous Microsoft company is known throughout the world primarily for its software, which is installed on many personal devices from computers to smartphones. The most popular solutions of this brand are operating Windows systems and the Microsoft Office suite of applications. This manufacturer not only develops the most popular software, but also creates great laptops. Microsoft laptops are distinguished by their versatility and practicality, because most of them fall into the category of 2-in-1 devices or laptop-tablets. These devices differ from traditional ones in the ability to detach the keyboard and use the display as a tablet.

As numerous reviews from satisfied owners show, 2-in-1 devices from Microsoft hold a charge for an average of 11 hours, which in itself places them among the best representatives of this type. Also, all laptops of the brand have good speed, high-quality assembly, a comfortable touchpad, and some have an excellent 3K screen.

6 Lenovo

Beautiful matte screen with excellent color reproduction and wide viewing angles
Country: China
Rating (2018): 4.6

The Lenovo brand has won the sympathy of users thanks to quality screen on all models. The vast majority of the company's laptops boast Full HD, 2K, 3K resolution. Some of the best premium devices even have a 4K screen. Therefore, Lenovo's developments are famous for their outstanding image clarity and excellent detail. Wherein distinctive feature All laptops from this manufacturer have steel and large viewing angles, allowing you to look at the screen from any angle without loss of quality and color distortion, the transmission of which is also pleasing at a good level. Another reason why many buyers value Lenovo brand laptops so much is the truly effective matte finish, successfully preventing glare and reflection of surrounding objects, which is especially important when working outside the home and office.

All this has made laptops from this manufacturer one of the most popular. Buyers also note in reviews quality materials, fast fingerprint scanner and fast processor.


Powerful gaming laptops. Exclusive series for fans of the game World of Tanks
A country:
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Taiwanese brand MSI is represented exclusively by first-class gaming laptops and is recognized by many gamers as the best manufacturer of solutions for modern games. The main trump card of all devices of this brand without exception is a very powerful processor consisting of at least four cores. Many of the latest models have record-breaking performance thanks to the use of as many as six processing cores in one device. The processor frequency does not lag behind - the value of this indicator is most often 2200 MHz or more. The most high frequency memory and L3 cache capacity, reaching 8-9 MB, also significantly increase the speed and multitasking of the system.

MSI's iconic creation was the recently released MSI GP62 WOT Edition laptop, designed in the style of the beloved game World of Tanks. Like other models of the brand, the laptop is very powerful with spectacular backlighting and a high-quality Full HD screen. Some slightly more expensive laptops even have real 4K resolution, which is confirmed by many reviews.

4 Xiaomi

The thinnest metal body and ultra-compact design. Film lover's choice
Country: China
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Xiaomi company, which appeared in 2010, is rapidly gaining momentum and today is already capable of seriously competing with the most famous brands, whose history goes back many decades. The company's developments are presented only in the middle and premium classes and are characterized by high quality assembly and materials, which compares favorably with many analogues. The case of all Xiaomi is made of light but durable metal, thanks to which these laptops not only look great, but are also quite reliable and will survive transportation without any problems. At the same time, they are an order of magnitude thinner and more compact than most, so they are convenient to take on trips.

Laptops of this brand are especially popular among fans of watching movies on a laptop. After all, this is precisely what high-quality speakers with amazing sound, a Full HD screen with excellent color reproduction, a large amount of cache and video memory, characteristic of all Xiaomi devices, have. Gaming models with a six-core processor have also become the pride of the brand.

3 Asus

Models for the most different tasks. Lightweight and stylish design
A country: Taiwan (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.8

Asus is a popular manufacturer of personal devices, as well as components and accessories for them. Over many years of success, the brand has managed to achieve a lot and significantly diversify its creations. However, unlike many other companies, Asus strives for versatility, rather than creating hundreds of variations, each of which is suitable for only one thing. Therefore, laptops of this brand are among the most multitasking. After all, most of them boast not only a contrasting matte screen and a comfortable keyboard, perfect for work and educational use, but also a fairly powerful processor and a weight of less than a kilogram, which makes most of the brand’s laptops a good solution for gamers and travelers.

In addition to lightness, good speed and functionality, in reviews people often praise laptops from this manufacturer for their stylish design, which makes them stand out from others. The Zenbook line, famous for its best ultrabooks, is especially loved by customers.

2 Acer

Better L3 cache size. Practicality
A country: Taiwan (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 4.9

Icer laptops are rightfully considered reliable friends of all travelers and active people who often have to work on the go. They tend to weigh more than their closest neighbors in the rating and are not as thin, but they are strong enough to withstand traveling in an overcrowded suitcase without loss. At the same time, laptops of this brand are equipped with a clear matte screen, quite independent of lighting, and often a backlit keyboard, making them convenient to use in any conditions and at any time of the day. Also, Icer models are characterized by multitasking thanks to a good supply of L3 cache. The absolute record holder in this aspect is the elite new 2018 Acer Predator Helios 500, the L3 cache capacity of which reaches 16 MB.

In addition, numerous reviews show that the laptops of this company have a fairly powerful processor and a decent, and sometimes even outstanding, amount of video memory. All this makes a good half of laptops suitable not only for work, but also for gaming purposes.

1 Apple

The most reliable laptops. Best weight with good autonomy and speed
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Rating (2018): 5.0

Gold gets best manufacturer luxury laptops, whose designs are among the most coveted devices in the world. All MacBooks boast durability, stability, reliable data protection and high-quality workmanship in every detail. They are also distinguished by a very thin but durable metal body, low and sometimes minimal weight, backlighting and a fingerprint scanner in all models. Many Apple laptops are much more functional than their analogues and support 3G, 4G, HDMI and even such rare interfaces as FireWire, Thunderbolt 2, eSATA. In addition, they are equipped with an ExpressCard memory expansion slot, a dock connector and two video cards.

Powerful hardware also leaves no one indifferent. Numerous reviews confirm the autonomy declared by the manufacturer - 12 hours at average load, and even more when controlling background processes. At the same time, everyone notes the incredible speed reliable system, great screen and beautiful sounding speakers.

Before you purchase a laptop, you need to be prepared for the fact that when you come to an electronics store or visit the corresponding Internet resource, you will have to deal with a huge assortment of these products. Moreover, there are also quite a few companies producing mobile computers. And although everyone most likely has their own opinion about which manufacturer they should choose laptops from, the rating still won’t be superfluous.

One of the most popular companies producing laptops is Asus - a Taiwanese manufacturer and guardian of the corresponding market. The products are distinguished by high-quality assembly, reliable after-sales service and include models belonging to different price categories. The company was one of the first to market a convertible laptop that combines a laptop and a tablet. By the way, Taiwanese specialists have created a series of gaming devices called the Republic of Gamers, which can compete with the Alienware series from the Texas company Dell. And here is one of them.

Asus G551JM

This model represents best laptops for games, so it cannot be called budget (costs about 70,000 rubles). But despite this, the laptop is very popular among users. Firstly, it is equipped excellent IPS display with Full HD resolution with rich colors and large viewing angles. Secondly, it works very quickly: any task is completed at lightning speed, and the system boots up within 10 seconds.

Thirdly, this and in this regard he fully justifies this statement. It will easily run the latest games, as it has a 4-core Intel Core i7, 8GB DDR3 and a 2GB GeForce 860M graphics card installed inside.

Hewlett Packard

Next, we are transported to the USA, the state of California, the city of Palo Alto. Another well-known laptop manufacturing company is located here. The rating would be incomplete without Hewlett Packard, because it has been on the market for a very long time and is recognized as one of the best brands. Hence the second place. The devices are distinguished by excellent design and robust housing. True, Hewlett Packard produces few good budget models.

The manufacturer divides all its products into several series, starting with those that include simple devices, and ending with elite models with powerful hardware, unique design and the ability to work in 3D programs. As an example, let's look at one of the company's latest models - an elegant, gaming laptop HP Omen.

HP Omen

If you are wondering how much an HP Omen laptop costs, then the price ranges from 90,000 rubles. It has a number of advantages. Among the main advantages are appearance and dimensions. It looks solid, and it only weighs about 2 kg. The aluminum plate on the lid has a texture in the form of small triangles, as well as an inscription reminiscent of the manufacturer.

The laptop has a 15.6-inch touchscreen made using IPS technology and has excellent sensitivity. Good quality is also noted sound system Bang and Oluffsen, which provides good sound. The keyboard has customizable backlighting. And inside there is an Intel Core i7 4720 with graphics core, 16 GB of RAM and GeForce 960M video card.


The next popular brand is Apple. The main feature of all its devices is a different operating system. Mobile computers run on Mac OS, are usually well optimized and have an attractive design. Many people believe that Apple makes the best laptops. All the company's models are in a high price category. For example, one of the latest MacBook 12 devices, which does not even have the Air and Pro consoles, costs about 90,000 rubles.

Apple MacBook 12

As for the characteristics, the new product is equipped with a 12-inch Retina display with a high resolution of 2304 × 1440 pixels. And the work is carried out by M and 8 GB of RAM. This model is so compact that the company had to develop a keyboard specifically for it. Moreover, a completely new mechanism was made for the keys, thanks to which pressing is guaranteed regardless of which part of the button the finger touches.

The autonomy of the MacBook 12 also deserves attention. The battery takes up at least half of the internal space of the device. Of course, the laptop couldn’t break any battery life records, but it can withstand 7-8 hours under average load.


Now about Chinese company Lenovo, which is also a popular brand that produces both high-end and low-cost laptops. The range includes various models: powerful and functional from the ThinkPad and IdeaPad series; devices with average characteristics, as well as compact netbooks. Therefore, Lenovo is able to please both gamers and those who need a laptop for work. In general, it offers devices for every taste and every budget.

Lenovo IdeaPad B5030

This laptop belongs to the budget models. It is made entirely of matte plastic, which in itself is not bad, because fingerprints are practically invisible on it. There are also no complaints about the assembly: the housing design is reliable and durable.

Before moving on to the specifications, let's find out how much the laptop costs. Its price is about 20-25 thousand rubles, so there is nothing for too demanding games on its hard drive. The local video card is simply not designed for such loads. He does a great job with office applications, playing multimedia files, surfing the Internet is a pleasure. And this is easily explained by the fact that the B5030 is powered by a Celeron N2830 processor and 4 GB of RAM. Although there are modifications with more powerful processors.


The Japanese company Toshiba has long been familiar with electronics. Its specialists always try to introduce some new technologies into their devices, while maintaining high quality. As a rule, each Toshiba laptop belongs to a certain series, and the Satellite is considered the most popular. The models included in it have all the necessary capabilities for working at home or in the office. And some of them are so productive that they often end up on the tables of computer game lovers.

Toshiba often produces inexpensive laptops. But this time we will consider a computer from the Portege family, which cannot be called budget. And although this device is not the most powerful, its advantages are portability and impeccable style.

Toshiba Portege Z20T

What is the appeal of this laptop? Its first feature is the hybrid nature of the device, i.e. in an instant it can turn into an elegant tablet. The second feature is a clear Full IPS display with a maximum brightness of 300 cd/m2, which is very good for a 12-inch screen.

And the third feature is the autonomy of the device. The fact is that the manufacturer positioned its device as long-lasting, attributing to it at least 16 hours of operation. And he lied just a little. In practice, the laptop lasted 10-12 hours while surfing the Internet, and even less in tablet mode. But this result is not bad either.

Unfortunately, all these features simply pale in comparison to the outrageous at a high price(about $1300). Therefore, not everyone can afford the Toshiba Portege Z20T laptop. Although it may be worth the money.


Despite the fact that the Japanese company Sony no longer produces laptops, it will still continue the rating. True, not the corporation itself, but its division - Vaio, which it recently sold. It is now engaged in the production of laptop computers. It just can’t boast of a large assortment yet, but based on the devices that are on the market, we can say that they are distinguished by high-quality case materials, versatility and optimization. And all the components developed for them work without problems. At the same time, not everyone can buy a Vaio device, like a Sony laptop. Take, for example, latest model, released under an independent brand.

Vaio Z

This hybrid laptop with a diagonal of only 13 inches and a high resolution (2560x1440). The device itself is equipped with a special rotating Multi Flip design, which allows you to open it 180 degrees. The case materials are carbon fiber and aluminum, so the weight and thickness of the laptop are minimal (1.3 kg and 16 mm). A little unusual device, but that explains the "Z" in the name. According to rumors, it means “zero” and explains the company’s desire to start over.

The transformer is available in two modifications, which differ in processors (Intel Core and the amount of RAM (8 and 16 GB). The device also supports the use of an electronic pen, and its battery life is 12 hours. But for this you will have to pay from 70 to 100 thousand. rubles


It's time to finish listing the most popular laptop companies. The rating, of course, can be continued further, but for now seven manufacturers will be enough. The latest of them is the South Korean company Samsung. Of course, its activities also affect other types of industry, for example, chemical and heavy industries, but electronics account for more than 70% of the concern's sales. This division is engaged in the production of televisions, household appliances, hard drives, LCD displays, RAM, smartphones, etc. As for the company’s laptops, the first thing to note is the lightness and reliability of the devices.

Samsung NP300E5C

In general, it is difficult to find inexpensive samsung laptop with decent characteristics. But this model refutes this fact, given its popularity among users and the price they ask for it (about 25,000 rubles). And the manufacturers themselves hint at increased autonomy of the device.

The laptop demonstrates good performance for its price. Of course for demanding games it is rather weak, but its capabilities are sufficient for working with documents, launching multimedia content and performing everyday tasks.

To make it clear, there are enough resources installed there to run games from two years ago on low settings. But only 4 GB of RAM, which, however, can be increased to 8 GB if desired.