Why a used MacBook is better than a new Windows laptop. The main advantages of Apple MacBook laptops. Which is better: MacBook or regular laptop?

Microsoft has learned to make beautiful and modern devices. I looked at the new Surface Book with envy - Apple, I want a laptop like that! It looks great, converts into a tablet, and has a cool Surface Pen stylus. I was ready to throw money at the screen, but I remembered one important detail - Windows. I've been using macOS for five years now and have no intention of going back to tiles.

It makes more sense to buy it for 68 thousand than the new Surface Book. And there are several reasons for this.

1. Mac is safer than Windows

What do you do after buying a Windows computer? That's right, install an antivirus. Because after some time it turns into a dump and starts to get dull. The antivirus license must be renewed once a year, which costs approximately 2,000 rubles. However, it does not guarantee 100% protection against viruses, but it readily consumes resources.

But macOS helps with work and creativity, and does not create additional problems. All you have to do is open the lid of your MacBook. You still have to manage to catch a virus on macOS. They exist, but in smaller quantities than on Windows. It is enough to observe basic caution and not download applications from anywhere. The registry is not cluttered with garbage, because there is simply no concept of a registry on Macs.

It doesn't matter if you bought a new Mac or - it just works.

2. You can make calls and text messages from your MacBook

Just log in to your Apple ID, and your photos, music, notes, and messages will appear on your MacBook. You can answer calls and make purchases using Apple Pay from your laptop. To do this, you do not need to install third-party applications, everything works out of the box.

The Apple ecosystem is like a puzzle in which all the pieces are neatly fitted and fit together perfectly. Having a tandem of iPhone and MacBook you get much more profit than from iPhone and Surface Book.

Windows doesn't yet have a similar ecosystem, although Microsoft is working on it.

3. You can also install Windows on a Mac

Someone may object that there are no games and some programs on the Mac. This is partly true, but you can easily install Windows as a second system. Apple itself provided this possibility.

For this purpose, there is the Boot Camp application, which is installed initially on every Mac.

Windows starts up as native, there are no problems with drivers. As a result, you have a cool laptop, with beautiful macOS, the Apple and Windows ecosystem for specific tasks.

Some craftsmen use it on a PC, but it’s a completely different experience. Even after spending a few hours, you still won't get a MacBook. And the problems of hardware compatibility have not been canceled.

4. Mac is more profitable than Windows

Initially, a MacBook is more expensive, but after a year or two it can be sold more profitably than most competitors. Apple equipment slowly loses value and remains liquid for a long time. You can successfully sell your old MacBook and, having saved a lot, buy a new one.

It has long been no secret that Apple products have conquered almost the whole world. And this is far from an accident, since computers from this manufacturer have always been distinguished by the highest performance, as well as the quality of the components and assembly used. Even though the price of these devices is much higher than that of practically similar devices from competitors, the choice of buyers still falls on Apple gadgets.

If we talk about the main advantages of Apple MacBook laptops, we can say that this particular series is distinguished by significant power, which is perfect for professional work. In general, Macbooks are almost head and shoulders above all competitors on the market, at least that’s what both users themselves and employees of a huge number of service companies say.

However, even unsurpassed reliability does not provide a 100 percent guarantee that the machine will not break down and require professional repair. Our company offers each of you to use the services of truly emergency and fully professional computer assistance, and at the lowest prices. Among our services that are available to each customer are the following:

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The main disadvantages of Apple MacBook laptops

We all understand perfectly well that having such an electronic assistant as a MacBook is simply wonderful. But if such a product breaks down, the user will face significant expenses, as well as a considerable headache, because not all computer services can carry out a truly reliable restoration. What are the main disadvantages of Apple MacBook laptops:

  • Possibility of overheating of the video chip, which burns out almost instantly;
  • There are frequent malfunctions in the motherboard system that occur due to mechanical damage, as well as due to other reasons;
  • There may be a malfunction of the hard drive, which is quite difficult to restore;
  • There is a breakdown of the system used to backlight the display and much more.

Which is better: MacBook or regular laptop?

Whatever you say, the main advantages of Apple MacBook laptops are visible almost immediately. This kind of device contains very powerful server processors, which were developed by Intel. Also, the manufacturer took care of a powerful graphics device. Still, most potential buyers cannot decide which is better: a MacBook or a regular laptop.

Our service staff believe that you should only purchase an Apple computer if you have expanded financial capabilities and are willing to easily shell out several thousand for system repairs. Just as mentioned above, the machine in question is necessary for its intended use, namely to solve some complex and voluminous problems. In any case, the choice always remains with the buyer, and we are only ready to organize

While even in Moscow people are often interested in buying a laptop within 25 thousand rubles, only a couple of modern MacBook models (2016) cost approximately 60 thousand rubles. And the price tag of most laptops from the Cupertino company exceeds 100,000 rubles. Undoubtedly, MacBooks are very cool in terms of components, but the quality... There are many cases where people even filed massive lawsuits due to breakdowns that Apple refused to acknowledge and repair. For example, the emergence of the new Apple MacBook Pro was not without its darkening technical problems with graphics. Users observed image artifacts that were very disruptive.

You need to pay extra for adapters

Apple is known for its commitment to using all the latest technologies and standards. Therefore, for example, if you buy a late 2016 MacBook Pro, you will find yourself with a laptop to which you cannot connect anything without adapters. Even the iPhone 7, which came out the same year. Unfortunately, there is no adapter for everything at once (“regular” USB Type-A, RJ-45, Lightning, HDMI), so you’ll have to buy a bunch of adapters. Each one ranges in price from $20 to $70. Plus, the new Apple MacBook Pro does not have one of the most important distinguishing features of previous models - a magnetic charging connector.

Difficult and expensive to repair and update

Apple's achievements in laptop manufacturing are also clearly visible in terms of miniaturization. The company manages to be the first to equip extremely thin laptops with the most powerful hardware. But this does not go unnoticed for maintainability and upgradeability. Each new generation of Apple laptops receives lower and lower ratings in this area from experts. Of course, it’s nice to have the coolest laptop, but only until you need to replace something in it. This will cost you a pretty penny, since in most cases there is simply no way to replace something without the help of specialists and tools.

Competitors offer more form factors

For better or worse, Apple still remains committed to the classic laptop form factor. If this suits you, then there is no problem. However, the industry has long stepped forward, and competitors have flooded the market with a wide variety of hybrid laptops: some have a detachable keyboard, others have a 360-degree rotating keyboard, and so on. Perhaps some of these would suit you better than a regular laptop, but as long as you remain a fan of MacBooks, you have no choice.

Apple laptops are usually a little more expensive than laptops from other manufacturers with similar technical characteristics. Now Apple laptops are made on the same hardware as laptops from other manufacturers. Accordingly, the question arises - is it worth paying so much money for a MacBook?

I have at hand a budget laptop from Apple, which was purchased back in 2008 - exactly five years ago. It was purchased for 36,500 rubles. There is also a budget laptop from Lenovo, which was purchased the other day for 21,000 rubles. Both laptops have Intel processors. Both laptops belong to the class of budget models from their manufacturer. One laptop is black and the other is white. One laptop runs the MacOS operating system, the other runs MS Windows.

And although a Lenovo laptop is almost twice as expensive as an Apple laptop, if you consider that it was manufactured in 2013 (and electronics are constantly getting cheaper), we can say that after five years of development, any new laptop should be better than a laptop five years ago. But what happens in practice?

In practice, the new laptop from is really very powerful. More than 700 gigabytes of hard disk space and 4 gigabytes of RAM allow you to open a lot of applications at the same time and not worry about performance. But as for everything else, a regular laptop is inferior to a MacBook by an order of magnitude.

Firstly, the keyboard on an Apple laptop is devoid of unnecessary buttons. Due to this, typing large texts here is a real pleasure. The touchpad allows you to work practically without a mouse, and various little things like magnets on the case mean that if you trip over the power cord, it will simply become magnetized from the MacBook. The laptop lid closes with magnets. And if you put a Lenovo laptop into a backpack, you will notice that the laptop lid does not close tightly and constantly dangles.

Purely subjectively, working on an Apple laptop is much more convenient and comfortable than on any other modern laptop. I worked on laptops from Samsung and Sony, and now I’ve been working closely on a Lenovo laptop for about a week. I can say that next to MacBooks, no other laptop of any other brand even came close in terms of convenience.

I could be accused of saying this because I have a MacBook. But since I am the owner of not only a MacBook, but also a classic laptop based on the Windows operating system, my opinion is more or less objective.

What are the benefits of a regular laptop? The Windows operating system is installed here. This means that you will be able to work in 1C, MS Word and the Alfa-Direct trading system. You can also install Windows on a MacBook using a virtual machine or the BootCamp application, but this is like jumping over your head, because... The whole point of the MacBook is the synergy of software solutions and hardware solutions.

If you need to work with the web, write small texts, as well as listen to music and look at photos, then I would recommend looking towards the MacBook. Especially if design, convenience and comfort are important to you.

But if you need performance and MS Windows, then you are better off choosing a classic laptop.

Many have wondered, “what is the difference between a MacBook and a regular laptop and which is better”? Numerous wars on technical forums and in all kinds of comments. But this question itself is fundamentally incorrect. What is a laptop? A compact version of a computer, which has all its functions and similar “stuffing”, as well as the presence of a battery with which it can be used away from sockets. These have been sorted out. What is a Mac? It turns out that it’s the same laptop, only from an Apple company.

And the difference in them is a difference in OS, but people perceive this as something different from each other as much as a pen is different from a banana. Let's figure it out. The vast majority of laptops immediately run Windows OS, but Macs, in turn, boast Mac OS X - a proprietary development from Apple only for Apples. This is what makes people fight sparingly in disputes about what is better. It’s especially funny when people buy a Mac and install “old Windows” on it, without having time to understand Apple’s unknown and incomprehensible invention. It should be clear to everyone that in this case it is better to take a regular laptop, because its hardware is specially adapted for Windows. However, let's try to compare them.

Cons of Mac OS X

So, first of all, it’s worth saying about a certain “elitism” of the system: it cannot be installed on any other device except Apple. You can install the familiar Windows on a Mac, but installing the Apple system on another device will not work, and even if it does, nothing worthwhile will come of this idea. Seriously, don't try it.

The second point is, of course, the price. You will pay quite a bit of money for a Mac, and you should clearly understand why you need it: you can surf VKontakte and watch videos on YouTube from a regular laptop, so if this is the whole range of your requirements, then it will not pay for itself, that’s too much exactly. However, this is quite powerful hardware that does not stand still, is constantly updated and sets the pace for all laptop manufacturers, so if you want to squeeze performance out of your compact companion, then you will really like the Mac.

And the third minus, for me personally, is the most striking: there is simply a meager number of programs and games optimized for the system. Seriously, you’ll have to forget about DotC with it, at least you won’t be able to play on it. Game and application developers, of course, are trying to fix this, but things are not happening quickly.

Pros of Mac OS X

Well, the advantages are simple: it works faster, there are fewer viruses, better optimization, management is simpler and more convenient (you just need to get used to it). There are many nice “goodies” from developers and different drivers.

Cons of Windows

First, there are frequent problems with software incompatibility. Here, of course, the huge craving of our people for illegal, “pirated” programs makes itself felt. So, there is no need to remember about licenses and technical support. Millions of users suffered from stinginess and from the fact that the antivirus tends to let some malicious files into the bowels of your hardware.

The second disadvantage is energy consumption. A Windows laptop consumes energy, like a good company of soldiers eats porridge in the morning. Wherever you decide to go, take your charger with you. Don’t think or try to calculate anything, take it and that’s it. Four to five hours of battery life is perhaps the limit. And the older the laptop, the more this is felt. Oh yes, and I’m talking about just working with the laptop; in games these numbers turn into one and a half to two hours. Therefore, autonomy is only nominal. Sitting in a cafe - only at a power outlet, traveling - only with a charger, and so on.

And the next point is quite controversial. It's about the interface. Undoubtedly, many users are accustomed to it and find it very convenient, however, it is often overloaded and if you get used to the Apple interface, many things on Windows will seem simply inappropriate and funny in a bad way (hello, start menu ).

Pros of Windows

Taken together, the huge pile of software that has been released on Windows over the years is simply amazing. Yes, standard software is not always pleasing, but no one forbids you to install more convenient and “cool” programs; the system is very flexible.

But Microsoft itself doesn’t just get its salary: patches are constantly released on licensed versions, improving the performance of the hardware from time to time and correcting old errors. So, don’t think of throwing your laptop in the trash at the first lag; most likely, in a couple of days the craftsmen from Microsoft will quickly fix everything and everything will be fine.

If the hardware allows it, then almost all the toys and useful software are just perfect on the laptop. You can pump up your system to suit your taste and needs and do just whatever you want. And this is a colossal advantage!

Bottom line

Well, now you can decide for yourself what is better and more necessary for you. We have described, perhaps, all the differences, advantages and disadvantages of both devices, so the choice is yours!