Connecting active speakers to the TV. Correct connection of speakers to the TV. Connecting passive speaker systems

Sometimes you look at your medical record and can’t figure out whether you were diagnosed with flat feet, a heart attack, or Parkinson’s disease.

Why do most healthcare workers have such illegible handwriting?

Victoria Kosogova
psychologist, graphologist

Let's start with the fact that handwriting is a reflection of the personality as a whole.

Our handwriting reveals our natural inclinations (type of nervous system, temperament, psychotype), character traits and psychological problems: complexes, consequences of prolonged stress, etc.

We know that any profession into which a person is immersed inevitably has an impact on his personality.

In the case of doctors, the influence of the profession begins to be felt even from the student’s bench. At the first stage, a medical student needs to absorb a huge amount of information and learn to quickly record it in writing.

The student develops such qualities as speed of perception and analysis of information, the ability to quickly put together a puzzle of symptoms into a single clinical picture. And these qualities are reflected in handwriting, which becomes fluent, different from the standard school copybooks, and less legible.

At the second stage, in the process of medical practice, with experience, the specialist develops professional intuition.

In handwriting, intuition manifests itself in the form of thread-like forms (the thread in handwriting is like a flexible and hair-thin stroke; it makes the form somewhat amorphous).

This often has a negative impact on readability.

And at the third stage (which, fortunately, does not always occur), emotional alienation from patients occurs, expressed in indifference to the person’s mental experiences associated with the disease.

In this case, the doctor’s role is reduced only to a function, even an effective one, but, for example, in the field of pediatrics this is already a big problem: warm emotional contact is important for children in the frightening situation of going to the doctor.

The loss of the positive emotional component in handwriting is expressed in the deformation or disappearance of the middle zone of the letters (the middle zone is the core of the letters without taking into account the upper and lower processes).

Handwriting can become similar to an electrocardiogram recording - it is clear that the readability of handwriting will suffer greatly.

I would also note such qualities that some doctors develop, such as impatience, irritability, and a feeling of constant fatigue.

At the same time, more sharp strokes (outliers), angular elements, and distorted letters appear in the handwriting.

I didn’t specifically collect statistics, but, in my opinion, traumatologists, therapists and surgeons write most illegibly.

Vladimir, pulmonologist

My handwriting is legible, but when you write seven or eight A4 sheets by hand in an eight-hour working day, I think it leaves an imprint.

Plus, if it is written illegibly, then during analysis it is more difficult for the authorities to get to the bottom of it; many even write the numbers in the diaries in such a way that it is unclear, for example, whether the pressure is 130/80 or 150/60. (With)

Jokes about doctors' handwriting are widely known. There is an opinion that doctors write so illegibly that later no one can accuse them of prescribing the wrong treatment. And, as you know, every joke contains only a fraction of a joke.

What's wrong with illegible handwriting?

Scientists from the United States have estimated that about 7 thousand people die every year due to unclear handwriting on prescriptions, and about 1.5 million more develop complications. This occurs because patients and pharmacists are unable to understand medical advice.

A similar situation occurs in different countries: for example, researchers from Switzerland, who studied thousands of archival records, concluded that in half of the cases the recipes were written in poor handwriting, and in 4% it was completely impossible to read them.

There are often cases when a pharmacy employee asks a patient about the symptoms with which he went to the doctor in order to understand which particular medicine may be “encrypted” in the prescription. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to guess.

Here is just one example: in an American pharmacy, a pharmacist sold the parents of a child suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder methadone, a narcotic opioid analgesic, instead of the drug they needed, Metadate, a psychostimulant that was actually prescribed to the child.

Even if the name of the drug or active substance is indicated correctly, illegible or sloppy handwriting may lead to the patient taking the medicine at the wrong dosage - for example, 10 times more than prescribed.

Doctors themselves, which is typical, recognize the handwriting of their colleagues quite well. This is supported by the results of a 2017 study in South Africa. For the experiment, scientists took handwritten notes from 20 doctors of different specialties and asked doctors, nurses and pharmacists to read prescriptions and medical records. In total, they were asked to familiarize themselves with 300 records.

88% of doctors, 82% of nurses and only 75% of pharmacists were able to correctly understand what was written. A fifth of all participants misread the dosage of lorazepam: 4.0 mg was read as 40 mg, which corresponds to a lethal dose.

In reality, there may be much more incorrect prescriptions than scientists have been able to count. The thing is, explains Robert Kane from the University of Minnesota, that errors in prescriptions often go unnoticed - they can only be found out if the incorrect use of medications leads to certain complications.

What is the reason for such poor doctor handwriting?

The thing is that doctors really have to write a lot. Ruth Brocato of Mercy Medical Center explains that in most cases, even those who wrote perfectly in school begin to write "like a chicken paw" after starting a medical career.

Brocato notes that completing medical records can take up to 10 hours a day. This leads to the fact that some muscles of the hands are subjected to excessive stress, and therefore soon you have to forget about accuracy - coordination of movements worsens.

However, researchers from Cambridge decided to find out whether doctors really have bad handwriting, or whether society is simply accustomed to thinking so, who in 1996 invited 209 people working in medical institutions to participate in their experiment. Among them are doctors, clinic managers, and administrators. They were all asked to write the same sentence.

After this, 4 volunteers who had nothing to do with medicine looked at these recordings and rated them on a scale from 1 to 4, where one was the worst score and four was the best.

It turned out that doctors wrote no worse than non-medical specialists: both doctors and administrative employees scored the same number of points on average - basically, all participants were given scores between “satisfactory” and “good.”

Some researchers believe that the widespread belief that doctors have poor handwriting may be due to the fact that in everyday life we ​​encounter medical handwriting more often than the handwriting of people in other specialties. Agree, it’s much less common for our work partners, salespeople in a store near our home, and a waiter in your favorite cafe to send us letters and notes written by hand.

A computerized reporting system - electronic cards, electronic recipes - can be a solution to the problem. This is much more convenient for both doctors and patients, however, as everyone knows, it has not yet been possible to introduce such a system everywhere, and in some especially remote corners of the world it may never be possible.

Elena Bezrukova

After visiting the local clinic, the patient tries to understand the new medical records. The task is not easy. As a rule, after five minutes of effort, even the most curious person gives up. You can read below about why doctors have incomprehensible handwriting and how to understand it.

How to read a doctor's handwriting?

The attending doctor usually does not have a stylish calligraphic handwriting, but how you want to read the medical history yourself, and later find folk recipes on the Internet for healing the disease.

The following will help you decipher the recipe:

  • . In 2014, representatives of ABBYY Corporation completed the development of the MedText module. What the user needs to do is scan a referral for treatment or a prescription to a pharmacy - the program will do the rest.
  • Caricature . This science is not known to the general public, but doctors like to use it when describing diseases. The point is to learn to recognize letters from foreign elements: tendrils, extraneous strokes and lines, serifs and squiggles in letters, etc. If you have no problems with imagination, in a short time you can learn to read even very complicated text.
  • . To help pharmacists and druggists, special medical alphabets are produced. It should be noted that there is no single alphabet! The healer writes in Russian or Latin, and the style may differ markedly.

This video will show a case in which Irina from the Omsk region won a lawsuit for 100,000 rubles due to the doctor’s illegible handwriting:

Why do doctors have bad handwriting?

There are many versions about why medical workers have bad handwriting. Not all of them are true. The fact that even pharmacists make mistakes when choosing a medicine prescribed by a doctor causes a storm of discontent among pharmacy visitors. The main reasons for unsatisfactory calligraphy of a doctor:

  • Workload . A simple pediatrician at a public clinic is given no more than ten minutes to see a patient. During this short time he must:
    1. Listen to the complaint.
    2. Carry out an inspection.
    3. To diagnose.
    4. Prescribe treatment.
    5. Fill out the appointment on your medical card and write out a prescription at the pharmacy.

A natural conclusion: where the doctor saves his time is in writing a medical history.

  • Healing mystery . There is an opinion that doctors write incomprehensible hieroglyphs deliberately. In most cases, they serve two purposes:
    1. Thus, they protect the nerves of overly suspicious patients.
    2. This is how you can “get out” in front of your superiors during a consultation: the pressure is 130/60, which can be interpreted as 150/80.

As you can see, under various circumstances, healers are able to encrypt diagnoses and test results.

How small issues turn into big problems

In 70% of cases, the beauty of a doctor's letter is stolen by daily routine work. Everything goes harmlessly if the diagnosis includes a common ARVI. Another thing is serious illnesses.

An incorrectly chosen course of treatment can be fatal for the patient:

  • Hospital treatment . Difficulties in reading outpatient cards are easily resolved: the neurosurgeon calls the cardiologist and clarifies what conclusion he wrote in the patient’s history.
  • Recipe . The patient takes a prescription sheet and goes to the pharmacy. If a pharmacist misreads the name of a prescribed medication, serious problems may occur, which may even result in death.

There is a way out of the situation - as soon as possible, all medical documentation should be transferred to electronic format. Two problems are solved:

  1. Data correctness . All medications will be in a single database, which will not allow prescribing an incompatible medicine to a patient.
  2. Current statistics . In unusual situations, such as a simple epidemic or a widespread pandemic, the Ministry of Health, having up-to-date data, can quickly solve serious problems.

The fight against bad calligraphy by doctors in Russia

In addition to the unpleasant situations that arise from misunderstanding what is written, the usual assignment sheet has turned into a commercial project for many sales managers. Businessmen began to visit attending physicians and offer rewards for the fact that the drug they provided would be included in the patient’s prescription.

In 2013, the Russian healthcare system stopped this unscrupulous practice:

  • Active substance . In the prescription, you can only write the active ingredient of the drug, and not the commercial name of the drug. The pharmacist will help you choose the appropriate option:
    1. Finance . A pharmacy visitor will help you buy medicine based on your financial capabilities.
    2. Lobbying. Original foreign-made drugs are overly advertised and promoted to the domestic market of the country. The innovation will allow the development of domestic pharmacology.
  • Transition to electronic format . By the end of 2017, every clinic in the country must be computerized. This practice exists in many countries around the world, and this significantly increases the efficiency of medical institutions.

Do you know that:

  1. In ancient Rome, ointments, decoctions and lotions were made from natural ingredients: tree resin, palm oil, dates, honey, or from animals: donkey blood, fat, bile and even droppings.
  2. In China, the profession of a doctor was passed down by inheritance, and in ancient Mesopotamia, healers were specially trained priests.
  3. Egyptian doctors reached considerable heights in medicine. Archaeologists have found ancient papyri that described symptoms and treatments for more than 800 ailments.
  4. The first medicinal powders appeared in Byzantium, and the first tablet, already in the 18th century, in Great Britain.

Now it becomes clear why doctors have incomprehensible handwriting: excessive workload and many years of routine work force them to write the same diagnoses, and over time, calligraphy begins to “limp.” The second reason is the doctor’s duty to protect the patient, who is already in a depressed state, from unnecessary emotional disturbances.

Despite the obvious explanations, the incomprehensible handwriting of healthcare workers remains the butt of jokes around the world.

Video: how to understand what the doctor wrote?

In this program, neurologist Larisa Novikova will tell you why doctors write so illegibly, which provokes them to do so:

“The world will never be the same” is a well-known phrase that can very accurately describe changes in the television segment. Manufacturers come up with new technologies every year, implementing amazing ideas that lead to more advanced devices. Televisions have come a long way from “information boxes” to flat and functional wall panels that can be used for a variety of purposes. You can watch movies. You can play games. As a result of the development of mobile processors, TVs now have their own operating system, and the TV market is reaching a fundamentally new level. Among the great variety of functional and quality improvements, there was no place in all senses for sound. The thickness of a modern TV, reduced up to an incredible 0.5cm, and within such a narrow framework it is physically impossible to obtain the full range of reproduced frequencies. As a result, there is a conscious need to connect a separate sound source. Let's look at an example connecting active computer speakers.

It is worth noting that most of these speakers are active. It is not difficult to verify this; just find the power connection wire and the volume control on the back panel of the device.

Please note on the back or side of the TV.

Computer speakers are most often connected via a 3.5 mm round jack (another common name is mini Jack). Easy to find by the earphone icon. If difficulties arise in determining, you can use a paper version of the instructions or download an electronic version from the manufacturer’s website
To connect you will need a standard miniJack - 2 RCA cable, which is most often included with the speakers

The second part of the cable is connected to the RCA inputs, which are located on the rear panel of the speakers.

Attention! When connecting, you should turn off the power to the devices to avoid failure. We turn off the speakers and the TV from the outlet, and if you have one, you should also turn off the cable TV or active antenna. If your TV does not have a mini Jack output, you can use 2 RCA. To connect you will need 2 RCA-2 RCA cables.

In high-end speakers, digital is possible SPDIF a type of connection that uses an optical cable to transmit data. Its inputs and outputs are made on Toslink type connectors and are closed with plugs.

Let's see what this one looks like connector on the back of the TV:

Connecting computer acoustics to a TV allows you to get higher quality sound in a wider range of reproduced frequencies, but when it comes to building a home theater, the lowest segment from two hundred to twenty hertz remains no less important, it is this that affects the perception of special effects: explosions, shots, blows, etc., which
Contemporary film abounds. Equally important is the reproduction of low frequencies for modern music, and many music lovers pay a lot of attention to this. In this discipline, computer speakers cannot boast of success and it becomes necessary to connect an active subwoofer.

We bought a plasma panel - the question arises how to connect the speakers to the TV. Eyewitnesses say: the special effects are loud, close your ears, the voices of the actors are barely audible. The modern world positions television as a luxury item. Others watch movies from a computer and are content with stereo sounds.

Why connect speakers to your TV?

  1. Green – stereo sound from the left or right speaker.
  2. Red – stereo microphone.
  3. Blue - stereo input.

Speakers and TV

Signals are analog. Anyone watching video from a computer does not need good sound. Small speakers are unable to reproduce low frequencies; there are two channels. Left and right. Professionals consider the arrangement of Diamond speakers to be ideal. A diamond with one vertex in the center of the screen.

A complex scheme does not fit well with the shape of the rooms; in practice, a standard called Surround is used. Provides for the installation of at least six speakers:

  • The two front ones stand on the sides of the screen, in the corners of the room.
  • Side rear. Also two on the sides.
  • Central under the TV.
  • The subwoofer is on the floor, to the left of the TV.

The rear speakers create ambience. Responsible for volume. The voice comes out from the screen where the actors are standing, and is output from the central column. To make it clearer, let’s look at the outputs available on a modern computer sound card:

  1. Green stereo output, front speakers Sound Surround.
  2. Yellow acts as the source of the signal from the central speaker and subwoofer.
  3. Black forms the signal from the rear speakers. Surround sound.

TV input connectors: digital combo HDMI, analog VGA input, component interfaces

The PC connector was jack (mini jack). A metal pin with two or three metal rings around its perimeter. The tip goes to the left speaker, the middle ring supplies the right speaker with a signal. The ground is closer to the plug. Each output of the sound card carries information in analog form to two speakers. The rear speakers are in the order shown, but the connector is yellow. Black: Center speaker/subwoofer.

The PC interface is HDMI, tulip, and some others. Other protocols are combined, others specialize in sound. Speakers are connected to the TV extremely rarely. The home theater unit acts as the communication center. The photo above demonstrates the state of affairs: an abundance of inputs, zero outputs.

Speakers Sound Around are active. Requiring power supply from 230 volts. Raw signal strength is not enough. The TV can receive digital or analog from the outside. The S/PDIF connector is easy to remember, thanks to its intricate abbreviation, the standard was adopted by Sony/Philips and served to transmit the Digital format (Format).

  1. Stereo (uncompressed package). Abbreviated as PCM (derived as a type of modulation), the sound is output to two speakers.
  2. Sorround 5.1/7.1 (compressed package). This includes DTS.

How to connect speakers to a TV. Whatever the source of the signal when operating the digital S/PDIF output, speaker systems that can recognize the digital directly are expensive. There are few benefits, since the length of the cable is minimal. Systems Sound around is completely rare. Foreign example

DMX 6Fire USB for 1600 rubles will allow you to sing karaoke, equipped with an electric guitar input. Although it is not so easy to find a description, there are quite decent drawings on the official website (

Applicable connectors

Analog audio is output from an RCA plug. A computer jack rod with a set of black rings is rare. 3RCA is popularly called a tulip. The number 3 indicates the number of plugs in the cord. The letters are inherited from the name of the American company that first proposed the interface in the forties.

PlayStation game console adapter cord (composite video plus two speakers)

The RCA is a metal pin surrounded by a steel cap. The early version was called a tulip; the outer part was equipped with characteristic (flower) smooth teeth. The white (blue - pictured on the left) and red channels are attached to the left and right columns. Use RCA-jack adapters if necessary. The S/PDIF digital interface connector is a single orange tulip. Sound is transmitted. Digital audio transmission minimizes distortion.

The HDMI channel is released bidirectional. Check the availability of analog outputs for Surround systems before purchasing a TV. And then you have to decide how to connect the speakers to the TV.

Home system Surround sound

  1. Home cinema. We will direct the sound flow to the central unit, from there we will distribute it to the speakers.
  2. Receiver. The scheme is the same.
  3. TV S/PDIF output. The digital channel needs to be decrypted. Use the DMX 6Fire USB attachment.

The RCA connector is used as image and sound output. Switching must be carried out according to the color pinout (Wikipedia will help Protection There is no harm from incorrect connection (except for colors). If you want to listen to Surround format, you need to select the appropriate TV in advance so that Surround Sound is broadcast via S/PDIF.

Surrounding sound can be transmitted in 5.1, 7.1 formats. They differ in the number of columns. Used primarily by home theaters. Professionals say: the latest version of S/PDIF is very rare, the stream needs to be decoded.

You solder the circuit wires yourself. The corresponding dismountable type connectors are sold in markets. Readers now understand how to connect speakers to a TV. Digital video channel standards, like HDMI, were discussed in detail in reviews of the VashTekhnik portal. We recommend checking out the official VESA website.