How to round corners in an image in Photoshop? Slim frame with rounded edges

Last update:18/01/16

How to round corners in a picture in Photoshop

When designing blogs, I have repeatedly made rounded corners on images, but what is done not so often and not automatically enough is quickly forgotten. And I again complained about the need to describe the work done right away. Therefore, now, almost without delay, I will describe the sequence of actions. True, because of the disease, the “hot tracks” were no longer hot.

For those who like to watch everything, a short video on “how to round corners in Photoshop”:

First of all, you need Photoshop. Where to get it, there are two options:

  • buy on the official website
  • find on torrents

Which option to choose is up to you.

So, let's launch Photoshop. Open the picture whose corners need to be rounded in Photoshop (File → Open). If the image dimensions are larger than you need, you can change the dimensions (Image → Image Size).

On the right, in the preview image, there is a small lock that blocks editing of the original image (background layer). To create a new layer and work with it, double-click on it with the left mouse button, do not change anything in the window that appears, click “Yes”.

If there is no lock, then one of two things:

or in your version of Photoshop the background layer can be edited (which is doubtful, but suddenly)

or the above can be done using another operation: from the top, in the menu bar, select “Layers”, in the submenu that opens, select “New” and follow the arrow - “from the background”, and in the same window that opens, click “Yes”.

Select “Rectangle with rounded corners” in the tools.

Select the mode on the top of the settings panel: “Outlines”. Set the radius to round corners in Photoshop. I chose 40 pixels, you can choose the one that suits your picture.

We draw a rectangle of the required size in the picture: place the cursor (it takes the shape of a cross) at the desired point on the upper left and, without releasing the mouse button, move to the opposite corner to the desired point. Our picture has a transparent rectangle with rounded corners.

Right-click on the rectangle. In the context menu, select “Create selected area”, set the feathering radius to 1 pixel and click the “Yes” button.

Using the menu Select → Invert, select everything outside the rounded rectangle and delete the selection with the Delete key.

If you did not overlay a rectangle over the entire picture, then the excess transparent background can be removed using the sequence of commands Image → Trimming → Based on transparent pixels → Yes.

We received a picture with rounded corners. We save it for the Web: File → Save for Web and Devices. Select Preset: PNG-24, Transparency and click Save. In PNG-24 format, the image is saved with a transparent background so that it can be embedded in any website design.

The same thing can be done with the Ellipse tool, then you will get a round picture or in an elliptical frame.

So, today we learned how to round the corners of any picture in Photoshop.

Everyone has long been tired of traditional rectangular corners in website design. Rounded corners are in fashion, which are made not using images, but through styles, for which the border-radius property is used. This property can have one, two, three or four values ​​separated by a space, which determine the radius of all corners or each individually.

In table 1 shows a different number of values ​​and the type of block that is obtained in this case.

Code Description View
div ( border-radius: 10px; ) Rounding radius for all corners at once.
div ( border-radius: 0 10px; ) The first value sets the radius of the top left and bottom right corners, the second value sets the radius for the top right and bottom left.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 0; ) The first value sets the radius of the upper left corner, the second - both the upper right and lower left, and the third value - the lower right.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 5px 0; ) Sequentially sets the radius of the upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left corners.

Example 1 shows how to create a block with rounded corners.

Example 1. Corners of a block

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


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The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Block with rounded corners

An interesting effect can be obtained if you set the rounding radius to be greater than half the height and width of the element. In this case, you will get a circle. Example 2 shows how to create a round button with a picture.

Example 2: Round button

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Round button

In the Opera browser, rounding to