Megafon guide personal account. Video instructions for registering your Megafon personal account. Mobile operator "Megafon": personal account, password for logging into the system

Mobile phones have become a part of our lives in a short time. Now it’s hard to imagine how we managed without them before. Along with the new opportunities came issues with cost control, problems with unexpected connection of various types of services, changes in tariffs, etc. But there is a way out - you need to use the services of a personal account on the official website of your mobile operator.

Your personal account is available on the official websites of Beeline, Megafon, MTS. I will tell you about your personal account on the Megafon website, which is called Service Guide and allows you to self-service your mobile phone, or more precisely, a SIM card from Megafon. I repeat that on the Megafon website the Service Guide and the personal account are one and the same.

There are tablets where the connection to the Internet is via a SIM card, which is located inside the laptop or tablet. Taking a SIM card out of a laptop and inserting it into a mobile phone to find out the balance, and then putting the SIM card back into a laptop or tablet, of course, is not convenient. It is much easier to log into the Service Guide on the Megafon website and immediately see the balance of your SIM card.

1 How to connect Service Guide Megafon

On the official Megafon website you need to select the region of your mobile phone. It is important to keep in mind that Megafon does not have one single official website, but several of them.

  • for the North-West,
  • for the Republic of Tatarstan
  • etc.

When you are on the Megafon website, you can always see your region in the upper right corner. Just in case, check this, because services and even prices may differ in different Megafon regions.

After you have decided on the region of your mobile phone, you can go to Megafon’s personal account, that is, to the Service Guide (Fig. 1, all pictures are clickable):

Rice. 1 Select your region on the official Megafon website and enter the Service Guide

To enter any personal account, you usually need a login and password. A mobile phone number in the form, for example, 921 12345678 is used as a login in Megafon’s personal account.

To connect the Megafon Service Guide, on the official Megafon website for your region, enter your login (this is your mobile number) and click on the “Get password” button. An SMS message with a password for Megafon’s personal account will be sent to the specified mobile phone number.

The received password for entering the Megafon Service Guide should be saved in a safe place. Enter the password received in the SMS in the appropriate field on the page that opens.

You will also need to enter the security code (these are multi-colored English letters in the picture) in a special field and, finally, click on the “Login” button. In this case, a message is often displayed: “The security code is out of date.” Then simply enter the new security code that appears and click on the “Login” button. To update the security code, you can also click on the two green arrows “Update code”.

Rice. 2 Login to Megafon Service Guide

In Fig. Figure 2 shows the entrance to Megafon’s personal account using the example of the North-West. For other regions, the entrance to your personal account may differ from the above, because each region has its own Megafon website with its own unique data entry.

In addition to the specified method of obtaining a password in order to connect the Megafon Service Guide, there are other ways. All of them are listed on the official website of the corresponding Megafon region (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Options for getting a password for Megafon Service Guide

2 Megafon Service Guide Login

Connecting Megafon Service Guide is the same as registering in your personal account (i.e. Service Guide) of Megafon. This procedure only needs to be done once.

After registration, each time you enter Megafon’s Service Guide you will need to enter your login, password (therefore you should save it) and security code (Fig. 2).

In case of possible loss of your password, it is advisable to indicate the answer to the security question in the Service Guide settings. This will be needed when recovering your password.

3 How to find out your account status

In order to find out the status of Megafon’s mobile phone account, it is not at all necessary to go to Megafon’s Service Guide. It is enough to enter the command *100# (asterisk, 100, hash) on your mobile phone and after that the account status will be known.

All this is good when you have a mobile phone in your hands. But what to do if the mobile phone “went” together to summer camp, or with a loved one in another region? In such cases, the Megafon Service Guide is very helpful if you know the login (mobile number) and, most importantly, the password for Megafon’s personal account.

  1. In the left column of your personal account, click on the “Personal Account” button, then on the “Account Status” option.
  2. After this, in the right column of Megafon’s personal account, all information about the balance, spending of funds, etc. will be presented. (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4 Account, Payments, Services in Megafon Service Guide

“One-time detailing” is an interesting service for “Personal Account”, but it is paid.

4 How to change the tariff to a more favorable one

Life does not stand still. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to think about changing the tariff to one that is more profitable for you at the moment. True, analyzing tariffs on the Megafon website and making a decision to switch to another tariff requires some effort and time, but the result is worth it.

The algorithm for changing the tariff is simple:

  1. We go to Megafon’s personal account.
  2. In the left column of your personal account, click on the “Services and tariff” button (number 1 in Fig. 5), then on the “Change tariff plan” option.
  3. In the right column of Megafon’s personal account you will be able to see information about which tariff is currently connected. In the “Change to a new tariff plan” column, we examine the available tariff options.

Having decided to switch to a new tariff, put a tick next to the tariff you like. Click on the “Order” button. If switching to another tariff is paid, then it is necessary that such an amount be on the mobile phone account.

Rice. 5 Changing the tariff in the Service Guide on the Megafon website

I switched to other tariffs a couple of times, and each time I regretted that I had not done this earlier. For example, it was important for me to reduce costs for incoming Megafon calls when roaming in Russia, because our roaming is not cheap.

Imagine my amazement when I found out that by activating the option for free (called “Around the World”), all incoming calls while roaming in Russia became free for me. I remember specifically checking my balance after an incoming call while roaming. I thought there was probably a catch. It turned out there was no catch, I was always in touch and roaming suddenly became free.

5 How to disable unnecessary services

I’ll tell you how to disable unnecessary, imposed services.

For various reasons, different services may be connected to a mobile phone number, including those with a daily subscription fee. Unfortunately, quite often we do not notice this.

Actually, it only makes sense to connect Megafon’s Service Guide in order to see what services you have connected and, if necessary, disable them.

So, to disable unnecessary services (using the example of the Megafon website for the North-West):

  1. We go to the personal account (that is, Service Guide) of Megafon for your region.
  2. In the left column of the Service Guide, click on the “Services and tariff” option. Then in the list that opens, click on the link “Change the set of services” and look at the right column (Fig. 6).
  3. In the right column you need to view all sets of services (number 4 in Fig. 6) for each group (number 3 in Fig. 6). In this case, pay attention to the slider (number 5 in Fig. 6), otherwise you may miss some unnecessary services.

Rice. 6 Disable unnecessary services in the Megafon Service Guide

In Fig. 6 presents a set of services for the “Other services” group.

Connected services are highlighted in bold and, most importantly, there is a checkmark next to the connected services.

It’s easy to disable an unnecessary service - uncheck the box next to the service you don’t need and be sure to click on the “Make changes” button (number 6 in the figure). Make sure that after clicking this button there is no checkmark next to the service you do not need. That's all - the unnecessary service is disabled.

After checking the services for the “Other services” group, also check the services for other groups:

  • "Mobile Internet",
  • “Prohibitions on connecting services”,
  • "Voice and video mail services"
  • “Mobile positioning” (number 3 in Fig. 6).

In Fig. 6 pay attention to “Mobile subscriptions” in the left column. Perhaps you should also disable something there as a service you don’t need.

6 How to connect the necessary services

If, on the contrary, you need to connect services, then from the description above it is clear that to connect you need to check the box next to the desired service (Fig. 5) and click on the “Make changes” button.

If the connection to the service is paid, then the required amount must be on the phone balance.

7 Where is Exit from Megafon’s personal account

In Fig. In the lower left corner of Megafon’s personal account there is a “Logout” button. If you click on this button, then this will be the correct exit from Megafon’s personal account.

If you click on the browser cross in the upper right corner, this means closing the Megafon personal account window, but this is NOT the correct exit from your personal account.

8 Where to contact

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), not all issues related to Megafon can be resolved independently, for example, using your personal account. There are situations that can only be resolved if you contact Megafon support.

To contact Megafon:

  • go to the official Megafon website (see point 1 above),
  • Make sure that your region is open on the Megafon website in the upper right corner. If this is not the case, then select your region, or more precisely, the region where your SIM card is registered. To do this, click on the triangle (in Fig. 7 there is a triangle next to St. Petersburg). We are interested in the “Support” tab:

Rice. 7 How to contact Megafon support

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions. If the problem cannot be solved in this way, you should contact Megafon specialists. To do this, follow the link:

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In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine life without mobile phones and other gadgets. According to statistics, a person has at least one mobile phone. In an active social life, it is simply necessary to keep up with new technologies.

Along with the latest technological capabilities, a lot of questions arise about their use. Not everyone is able to immediately understand the connected services, tariff plan, or control of monetary expenses for communication. Using Service Guide Megafon you can Easily resolve all customer issues that may arise.

How to log into your Megafon personal account?

Service Guide is the entrance to the personal account of the Megafon operator. Currently, this service has been made free of charge and is available to all Megafon subscribers. By time Entry takes no more than 2-3 minutes. You need to familiarize yourself with the menu on the official website. To log in, you need to enter a login - this is the subscriber’s phone number and a password - this is the PUK code of 1 subscriber. PUK code 1 consists of an eight-digit number located on part of the SIM card.

Megafon personal account web interface:

The control system includes six most necessary functions:

  1. Personal account – the state of the current balance and all additional information about it;
  2. Payments – a detailed report on payments made, it is also possible to connect an express payment card;
  3. Services and tariff – information about the tariff plan, its changes, as well as adjustment of available services;
  4. Bonuses and discounts – information about bonus programs in full, as well as the possibility of obtaining a loan for communication services;
  5. Setting up the Megafon Service Guide - editing, changing the password, automatically informing the subscriber;
  6. Additional services – replenishing your account using a bank card.

Service Guide Megafon and its capabilities:

The service allows subscribers to independently and to the fullest control absolutely all settings, the status of your personal account, connected services and much more. This feature is not only convenient, but also very profitable. Subscribers no longer need to go through a complicated registration procedure and wait for a long answer when calling the operator.

Service Guide Megafon has become a real assistant for mobile phone users, which does not require long and tedious actions. It is convenient, understandable and rightfully indispensable for absolutely all mobile subscribers.

Useful links for logging into your Megafon personal account in the regions:

  • service guide megaphone Ural
  • service guide megaphone Caucasus
  • service guide megaphone Volga region
  • service guide megaphone Siberia

The Megafon personal account is a special account for Megafon cellular subscribers in which they can view all information on their expenses and independently manage services.

When you click on the link, a welcome window from your Megafon personal account will appear in front of you, in which you will need to enter your login and password to log in. In the login field, enter your phone number. It is important that the number belongs to the Megafon operator.

In the password field you must indicate your password for your personal account. But if you don’t have it, you can log in without it; read on to learn how to do this.

How to log into your personal account

The method described above was how to get to the LC through a special official website. However, this is not the only way to use this service.

  1. You can use your mobile phone, having previously downloaded a special application from the market, App Store or on the operator’s official website. To access the application, you will also need authorization. To do this, you can use the previously obtained confidential data for the site. If you have not received it before, you can do this using the algorithm described above.
  2. You can also log in through your social media account:VKontakte, Facebook or others. To do this, you will also need to download a special application. For example, for the first social network it is located at the link In this case, in addition to the standard set of services, you will be able to use your account: share news, read friends’ posts, etc.
  3. If it is not possible to log into your account via a desktop computer , and the application is not installed on the phone, you can use an alternative method - enter it through a special number by sending a corresponding request to the system. To do this, type the combination on the keyboard *105# and make a call. Then you will be connected to the account menu, which is designed as a USSD version.
  4. An analogue of this version is ability to manage your account via short number 0505. Only in this case the system will supervise you in voice mode via audio recording.

Did you know? In this case, the management of the account takes place through the introduction of special requests, and the activation of services is carried out by entering the appropriate codes.

How to register

  1. To log into your MegaFon personal account, registration is required. Only after this you can receive your unique password and log in. To complete the registration procedure, the subscriber will need to type the address in the search bar of the browser. In the open window in the upper left corner there will be a login form for the service, through which you can get into it.
  2. To register you will need user's personal number,which allows you to obtain a unique password. You can get it in several ways. First of all, you can send a request to the service by entering*105*00# . Then you need to press the call button and wait for an SMS message, through which you will receive authorization data.
  3. MegaFon has provided an alternative way to find out the password to your personal account. You must send a message containing 00 to phone number 000110, after which the necessary information should come. If these methods do not work, you can dial 0505, where the robot will tell you step by step what actions you need to take.

Important! In the latter case, you will not receive a ready-made password; you will need to provide it yourself. Think of it in advance.

Only after receiving this data can you resolve the issue of how to enter your MegaFon personal account. After opening the authorization form, you must enter your phone number and the password obtained through any procedure described above. Then press the enter button and you will be redirected to the desired page. Now you have access to all the functions provided by this service.

Important! If you enter the wrong password five times in a row, access to your account will be blocked. You can remove the blocking if you obtain new information using any of the methods described above..

How to recover your password

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to recover the password to your MegaFon personal account. To recover your password, you can use the same methods that are provided for obtaining it for the first time, that is, described above. If you do this through the website, the system will require you to provide the code word that was entered during registration. If you do it through your phone, it will send you the password via SMS without requiring confirmation.

To change your password, just go to your personal account, From there, go to settings, where you can find the item for managing this data. By going into it, you can change the secret data to the required one. Another method that allows you to change your password via SMS. To do this, a message is sent to number 000105 with the following content: "PAS new password." You can create a new one by typing a service request on your phone *105*01#, after which you need to enter new data.

Features of Megafon personal account

A subscriber’s personal account with a mobile operator is no longer exclusive. This service makes it easier to provide, use and manage other operator services in a short time, without being distracted by communication with the subscriber department. MegaFon, like other operators, provides access to the service only to its subscribers. The service, called “Service Guide,” is provided by default, automatically; the subscriber only needs to register and log in to the account. We will tell you how to do this below.

In your Megafon personal account you can take advantage of the following features:

  • Monitor the status of your Megafon personal account and top it up if necessary
  • Disable/enable additional services and options, as well as manage your tariff plan
  • View balances of service packages and extend them if necessary
  • See the number of accumulated bonus points and spend them
  • Use all this from any device, be it a smartphone/tablet/PC
  • get detailed information about calls;
  • activate the “Promised payment” service;
  • receive a report on the transactions performed;
  • block a number;
  • change tariff;
  • connect or disconnect any service;
  • transfer money to another MegaFon account;
  • to get a consultation.

A personal account service (service guide), or a subscriber self-service system from the mobile operator Megafon, which opens up truly limitless possibilities for the clients of this company. Using this service, you can monitor the current status of your personal account at any time, receive up-to-date information about completed payments and charges, easily change tariff plans, order various additional services and tariff options, manage accumulated points in the Megafon-bonus system and much more. . In a word, by connecting to your personal account, you will get a great chance not only to fully control the status of your account, but also to optimize your expenses and reduce expenses on mobile communications.

Today, many subscribers of this company want to install this service, but do not know how to connect a megaphone personal account. This is quite easy to do. There are several very easy, clear and quick ways to do this:

How to connect your MegaFon Personal Account

First way- just call a specialized contact center by number and submit a request to create a personal account. After this, you will need to create your own unique password to access your personal information. The password must consist exclusively of numbers and range from 6 to 26 characters. For safety reasons, it is better to avoid too simple combinations or, for example, multiple repetitions of the same number. When you come up with a password, be sure to write it down or remember it by heart, since you will certainly need it in the future for authorization;

Video instructions for registering in your MegaFon personal account

Second way- This is an independent connection to the service. To do this, you need to dial the combination *105*00# and make a call. In a couple of minutes, the service will be activated automatically, and you will have the opportunity to choose your personal password. If the service is not connected after some time, contact the contact center;

Third way- this is to send an empty SMS message to the number 000110. As in the previous case, your personal account will be connected automatically;

Fourth method— you can get access to your own account by registering on the official website of the Megafon company. Just type the address and follow the instructions on the site.

How to log into your MegaFon personal account

Open the main page of the subscriber self-service system (Megafon Personal Account) -, enter your phone number in the login field - ten digits without +7. Next, enter the password you previously received via SMS message, as well as the security code from the picture, which will allow the system to verify that you are not a robot. That’s all, all the possibilities for “tuning” your tariff plan and options are open to you.

MegaFon-bonus - how to give accumulated points to another subscriber

To give your accumulated Megafon-bonus points to another subscriber, click on the “bonuses and gifts” menu on the left side of the page and the “Megafon-bonus” menu will open in front of you. Log in there and see all the necessary information: the name of your program, activation date and the number of points accumulated. Just below there will be the “Reward Activation” menu we need. It gives you two options to spend your points: either on your own number, or you can activate the reward on another phone number. Enter the phone number connected to Megafon to which you want to transfer your points and, after confirmation by SMS, the points on the number you need will be activated and one of your friends or relatives will be delighted with a small but very pleasant gift.

That's basically it. We hope that now you know perfectly well where and how to register in Megafon’s Personal Account and know how to manage the services that are provided there, because it is absolutely easy and simple.

That's all. Bye everyone.

Modern man strives to control as many aspects of his life as possible. And one of the objects of his control must necessarily be quality control of cellular communication services. Most mobile operators have provided services for their network subscribers that make number management easier. MegaFon also has a similar service available to every client. It's called Service Guide.

The operator renamed the Service Guide to “Personal Account”, now it is one and the same.

What can you do in MegaFon Service Guide?

Service Guide provides the following services:

  • balance control;
  • information about expenses for the current month;
  • management of connected paid options and services;
  • receiving call details;
  • tariff plan management;
  • activation of bonuses;
  • activation of the "Promised payment" service;
  • refill;
  • setting up call forwarding and blocking a number.

Registration in Service Guide

The service is provided to absolutely all subscribers of the MegaFon mobile network and does not require additional financial costs. In order for the service to become available, you will need a password.

Where can I get the password?

There are three ways to obtain the password:

  • Call to operator
  • SMS message
  • USSD request.

You just need to generate the password once and remember it.

How to get a password from the operator

In order to obtain a password from the operator, you need to call a fast toll-free number. Following the computer's instructions, go to the "Services" section and select a random password there, or create your own.

How to receive a password via SMS

In order to receive a password via SMS, send the request “00” to the free short number 000105 and wait for a response message.

How to get a password using USSD request

The password can be obtained by sending a USSD command *105*00# call button.

Password recovery

If your password is lost, use one of the above methods to restore access.

Attention! MegaFon has renamed the computer version and mobile application Service Guide to Personal Account, without changing the functionality of the service. The password generation process also remains unchanged.

Modem access

In order to gain access to the Service Guide with a 3G and 4G modem, you do not need to obtain a password.

Login to MegaFon Service Guide

To operate your Personal Account, you will need an Internet connection and a browser. In order to get into your Personal Account, you should:

  1. Go to the official page of the mobile operator MegaFon (
  2. Select "Personal Account" from the menu.
  3. In the "login" field, enter the phone number in the format 927ХХХХХХХ.
  4. In the “password” field, enter the password obtained using one of the methods described above.

Confirm your entry by pressing the appropriate button.

Service Guide without Internet

You can use the Service Guide services from a mobile device without an Internet connection. You will need to enter the USSD command *105# call button. Next, follow the menu that appears and perform the planned actions. The service is provided free of charge and does not require registration or a password.

Video about MegaFon Service Guide