How to unblock sending to short numbers. How to disable short numbers on Megafon. How much does it cost to connect?

Development mobile communications does not stand still. Every month, mobile operators invent more and more new options for the convenience of their customers. And to be honest, there were more mercantile considerations involved. Mobile companies offer users great amount content, most of which is paid. In today’s article we will learn everything about such a useful service as MTS “Content Ban”. What it is, how to enable or disable “Content Blocking” on MTS, how to use the service correctly - you will learn all this from our review.


If you have already encountered paid MTS services, which in principle were not needed, nevertheless, money was still withdrawn from the balance of the SIM card, which means you just need to know what the “Ban paid content MTS".

The system blocks access to various paid connections And entertainment applications that the provider is trying to impose.

The service sets a limit on sending SMS to paid short numbers. However, this does not mean that the subscriber will not be able to write messages or use intra-system services. Only short paid numbers (not system numbers) are prohibited.

Why do you need to install a “stop service”?

At MTS, as well as at any other cellular operator, you can become the owner of paid unnecessary subscriptions quite simple. The provider takes every opportunity to impose expensive content on the subscriber.

It happens that by sending just one SMS, the user receives a whole package of expensive content. Which, by the way, he may not even be aware of. Most often, the subscriber is connected to some kind of entertainment Internet resource. It is possible that the client will not incur significant financial losses in a day, but on a monthly basis the cost of content can become quite impressive. Therefore, every subscriber should know how to disable short toll numbers.

It is worth noting that many modern parents connect this add-on to their children’s phones. The service allows you not only to save money on SIM cards for your children, but also protects them from various types of unfavorable sites.

How much does the option cost?

On MTS the cost of the service is 0 rubles. The mobile operator provides the service completely free of charge. No money is taken either for enabling the option or for using the service.

There are several ways to activate the “Content Ban” service on MTS.

USSD request

To enable the option, send the following digital combination: * 984 # and press the “Call” key. After that to your number a notification will come about the inclusion of the service.

Personal Area

If you are an authorized user of an MTS number, then it will not be difficult for you to activate the service in your Personal Account. To do this, go to your page, then go to the “ Additional options", then "My Content" and disable all unnecessary subscriptions.

You can install a prohibiting service on your phone by calling technical support. Today, the numbers 88002500890 and 0890 are available to resolve such issues.


This connection method can be called the simplest. Despite the fact that you still need to get to the MTS office, where else can you find out everything? available information by service. Friendly employees are always happy to help their clients with any issue. All you need to do is take your identification document with you when going to the salon.

You can cancel the service in the following ways:

  • through your personal account. To do this, go to the “Additional options” section and turn off the functionality;
  • send USSD request * 985 # ;
  • contact the company's showroom or call 0890.

How can you find out what services are included on your MTS number yourself?

You can find out what subscriptions are available on a number via SMS or system request. For example, after sending an empty SMS to 8111, in a couple of seconds your mobile phone will receive full list all subscriptions valid on the SIM card.

And using the USSD command * 152 # and the call button, you can find out about all the paid content present on the phone. By the way, you can remove it there too.

Clients of cellular companies, including Megafon, often fall for paid subscriptions and various paid services, which are connected by random actions of the subscriber. These paid subscriptions are completely useless for many customers and waste a lot of money. Fraudsters try to trick the subscriber into calling a short number or sending a paid message.

To warn its customers against wasting money, Megafon created a service that prohibits paid entertainment services and called it “Stop content” Megafon.

There are many fraudulent resources on the world wide web that can impose and connect a subscriber to a paid subscription. In this case, the person will not even guess about it. Therefore, when using a smartphone, you need to be careful and not press unnecessary buttons. You can become a participant in paid content completely by accident.

This service is recommended for elderly people and children, who often fall for scammers. However, despite the ban on paid subscriptions, you can get caught connecting to paid services. This will be possible if the service " Mood" Let's look at the order of operation useful service“Stop content” on Megafon, and how it can be controlled.

Mobile paid subscriptions can be activated using special team USSD, as well as by sending a message to a short paid number. The cost of such subscriptions can reach large sums. In addition, young children can access adult content. Therefore, access to such numbers must be blocked, which will protect children from unwanted information and yourself from unnecessary expenses.

The new “Stop Content” service carries out prohibited actions to send messages, USSD commands and calls to paid numbers. Useful services, which subscribers need, do not suffer from this service, since the ban applies only to paid numbers and short commands. You will continue to use online payments, to work in mobile banking, make calls to operator service and others free calls a series " 8-800 ».

The disadvantage in this matter is: the Megafon Stop Content service is valid only in the region where the SIM card is registered ( home region). However, this does not prevent the service from becoming good option restrictions paid access to entertainment. On a positive note is the absence subscription fee and costs for connecting the service.

Methods for connecting “Stop Content”

A positive factor is the ability to connect to the service without leaving the apartment, that is, remotely. To do this, you need to type a certain combination of characters on your smartphone: * 526 # and a call button. After a short period of time (a few seconds), the service is activated.

You will receive a confirmation on your smartphone text message that this service has been activated successfully and that access to paid short numbers is blocked. The negative point is that the USSD team is working to disable the service not throughout the country. In other words, after sending a command to connect the service, you will see a redirection to interactive menu, in which there is no command to connect the service in question.

In such regions, the Stop content Megafon +how service can be activated in other ways, for example, using the “Personal Account”. You can access it using the appropriate mobile app from Megafon, as well as by accessing the operator’s official website through a browser on a computer.

Application for mobile devices can be installed from the Play Store. To authorize, you will need the phone number and password that was given to you when registering in your “Personal Account”. If you have not registered in it yet, then you should go through this simple procedure.

After authorization and logging into your “Personal Account”, you should go to the “options and services” tab. On this page you need to go to the “all available” tab, where a list of services available for connection on your account will be presented. For the convenience of subscribers, these services are divided into groups by category - calls, Internet, messages, etc.

The service we are considering is located in the “other services” group. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the Stop Content service. After clicking on it, you need to click on the “Connect” link, which will activate the ban on paid content on the mobile operator. You will be notified of this by text message. After this, paid subscriptions will become impossible for you; even accidentally clicking on a fraudulent button will not produce a paid subscription.

Other ways to get rid of paid content

The Megafon service banning paid content short numbers is not the only option for banning paid subscriptions. Another reliable method of protection against intrusive services providers is to open an auxiliary content account. If available, mobile operator It is not allowed to debit funds for paid services from the client’s main account.

Therefore, you just need to maintain this account without money, and no paid services will be connected. You can open such an account if personal address to Megafon customer departments, of which there are sufficient quantities.

Features of Stop Content

The ban on paid subscriptions for this service does not apply to the following services:

  1. Payment for car parking using the application using USSD commands and SMS messages.
  2. Short voice messages, own services operator Megafon using USSD commands, text messages.
  3. Calls to toll-free numbers from the series “ 8-800 » are not blocked and remain accessible.
  4. The service does not block purchases in in social networks by using Pay By Click.
  5. If any paid subscriptions are already connected, they will not be disconnected.

Methods to disable the service

If you ever want to use paid entertainment services, then it will be enough to disable the previously activated “Stop Content” service. This procedure is as simple as connecting it. You can disable the service in the following ways:

  • USSD command using symbols request * 526 # and call button;
  • Using the functionality " Personal account" - go to the tab " services and options", then " my", and further " stop content» — « disable».

After these steps, a message will be sent to your number confirming the deactivation of this service. After that, you can use paid entertainment, services and various subscriptions from Internet providers.

Today, life is arranged in such a way that every businessman strives to get into a person’s pocket, imposing on him absolutely unnecessary goods and services.

MTS was no exception, its subscribers often send messages to paid numbers out of curiosity. Such carelessness leads to the fact that the owner of the SIM card, out of ignorance, activates a service that he is not even aware of.

To avoid astronomical phone bills, let's try to figure out how to quickly and freely set up a short-term ban.

Why is such a service needed?

A regular SMS with advertising content can be fraught with potential danger. Often, upon receiving bill details, the subscriber is surprised to notice that the lion's share of expenses is made up of incomprehensible paid subscriptions, which appeared just at the same time as messages with harmless advertising.

Connecting a service that initiates a content ban on MTS allows you to:

  • block all outgoing calls to paid numbers;
  • set SMS blocking for paid services;
  • prohibit receiving messages from paid numbers;
  • be sure that children or random people will not burden your mobile account with unforeseen additional expenses.

How much does it cost to connect?

The operator does not charge for the option to block SMS to MTS short numbers. Every mobile provider has it, but only a few operators make this information publicly available.

This attitude is due to the fact that thanks to paid subscriptions cellular companies earn a significant portion of their total income. MTS and its competitors will continue to impose useless services, because only a small part of subscribers who discover such manipulations contact the office demanding a refund. While people are unaware of their rights, cellular companies are enriching themselves on their gullibility.

Are all numbers blocked by the service for blocking sending SMS to MTS short numbers?

Do you want to have everything useful commands your operator?

No, blocking is installed only for paid subscriptions and services included in MTS-info. On useful options, such as Internet banking and free USSD codes, the ban does not apply.

What is needed to activate the service?

Previously, it was possible to add a service using a simple USSD command, but the operator, hunting for profit, excluded this possibility.

Today, prohibiting sending SMS to MTS short numbers is possible only if the owner of the number provides representatives of the mobile operator with documents confirming his rights. This is done in order to complicate the connection procedure and get as much income as possible from clients.

There are several simple ways:

  1. Call MTS support service at 0890 and follow the instructions to install the option.
  2. Contact one of the company's offices in person.

How to disable the ban on short numbers?

To find out how to disable the ban on MTS short numbers, you need to contact the network support service or visit the nearest operator’s office.

Subscribers should remember that when switching to any corporate rate established ban turns off automatically.

How to get back money illegally debited from your account?

To do this, you just need to contact any of the company’s offices. If the subscriber proves that the extra service was activated without his knowledge, the operator will be obliged to return the illegally withdrawn amount.

What else is useful to know?

Sometimes, even after the ability to use paid services is disabled, advertising messages continue to be sent to the number. In this case, you should not delay and send a complaint to number 6633 (Antispam service) as quickly as possible.

Beeline users often encounter subscriptions, both from the Beeline operator itself and from third party content providers. How to subscribe to receive information is quite clear - send an SMS to a short number, but how to refuse is sometimes unclear to clients and they have to spend a lot of time searching for information.

Paid subscriptions themselves are provided by content providers with daily debits for their provision, but no more than once a day. Write-offs may occur at different intervals, but regularly. One write-off at cost cannot be more than 30 rubles(in view of VAT).

There are several ways to find out if you have subscriptions.

Personal Area

IN personal account There are a number of sections, you need to select “Profile”, go to the Subscriptions tab, where the entire list of what you are currently connected to will be displayed.

This can be done in the “Services” section; in “Connected”, a list of active subscriptions will be indicated under their list.

Everything you don't need. Can be canceled at any time.

Customer Service

By dialing 0611 you can not only identify the presence of paid subscriptions, but also disable them. The service is convenient because it is not necessary to know the name of the subscriptions.

Service Control Center

In this case you will need to dial *111# . A list of existing services and recommendations for connecting or disconnecting them will appear on the screen.

Using USSD command

By dialing *110*09# you can get necessary information. The USSD command is convenient because you don’t need to know the name of the subscriptions.

SMS message

If you know what you signed up for, you can send the word to the number you know "Stop" and it will stop working.

How to block short numbers on Beeline?

For this there is special service called "Black and White Lists".

It blocks sending and receiving messages from third party providers. Wherein the subscriber will not lose the opportunity to receive notifications from Beeline, social networks, will continue to use mobile commerce, as well as messages about new promotions and services of the mobile operator.

The use of “Black and white lists” makes it possible to limit children from free access to information that is not suitable for them both due to age characteristics and ignorance of the fact that they are connecting paid content.

This will prevent the subscriber from sending a reply message by mistake. Connection is made via 0858 , for free.

What is a "Content Account"?

But if there is still a need to receive services from providers, then in order to protect against fraudsters and to save cash in the main account, it is worth creating a separate, so-called “Content” account. Money on it will be spent exclusively on subscriptions. How to do it?

Through your personal account

You need:

  • Log in to your personal account;
  • Go to “Services” in your personal account;
  • Find the parameter “Separate personal account for payment of services of Providers” and make it active by moving the power button to the right. An option with auto-replenishment is possible. You can top up like a regular number, the only difference is its first the number will change from 9 to 6.

Using the USSD command

Use the following combinations:

  • Connect without auto-replenishment - *110*5062#;
  • With auto-replenishment - only through your personal account;
  • You can top up your balance through payment terminals;
  • Check balance - *622#;
  • Transfer money from main to content - *220*(amount)#;
  • Transfer from additional to main — *222*(amount)#;
  • Disable - *110*5060#.

To use or not to use paid subscriptions, both from Beeline and from third-party providers - this is a matter for each client. You can connect or disconnect them at any time, or use them securely.

Posted Fri, 01/03/2014 - 19:07

Currently, a Beeline subscriber, as a result of a virus or other means, may lose money deposited on his phone. If mobile phone infected with a virus, funds may be debited from the phone without the knowledge of the owner. And also through deception, a person can unknowingly send an SMS to a short number, and then it turns out that the number is paid and the SMS message, accordingly, can cost tens or hundreds of rubles. Operator cellular communication Beeline To eliminate this problem, it offers a service for its subscribers "Black and white lists". With this service, you can block voice calls, sending and receiving SMS messages from paid and to paid short numbers of content providers and other companies. If you have been the victim of a scam, this article explains how to "calculate" number incoming SMS messages containing spam. And just as he will contact the mobile operator Beeline with a demand to return the lost money. And a description is given of how to activate the Beeline company's "Black and White Lists" service.

The use of these services, described below, allows any Beeline subscriber to reduce the occurrence of losses and loss of time from unwanted calls and SMS, which can change the course of events in your life. These possible losses and moral damages have no price, but using a certain methodology you can classify and calculate them, putting your affairs in order. About how to calculate possible losses and minimize losses at work, in business when interacting with staff and clients, described in detail here.

And in order to compensate for losses from the Beeline company, from services connected by mistake or without knowledge, how to file a complaint and make a claim and return money to the account will be discussed further.

Beeline blacklist. Services to disable sending and receiving SMS to numbers 0846 and 2013.

Unsubscribe, send spam messages, activate a newsletter or block a beeline short number.

Information about the Beeline service - "Black and white lists".

For its subscribers, Beeline gives the opportunity to connect to the "Black and White Lists" service, which blocks incoming and outgoing calls and spam SMS messages from short and to short cellular numbers. This service makes it possible, out of ignorance, not to send expensive SMS messages to short mobile numbers. According to user reviews, the "Black and White Lists" service does not provide full protection from spam messages and scammers through paid short phone numbers, but significantly reduce the risk of losing money.

The service is provided on all tariff plans.

As of the date of writing the article, the "Black and white lists" service is provided for free.

The service "Black and white lists" has flexible settings. If you wish, you can create:

- black list(block only specific short numbers).

- White list (allow receiving and sending to short numbers specified by you; accordingly, all other short numbers will be blocked).

Options for the Black and White Lists service allow you to:

- block all paid commercial SMS. Those. It is prohibited to receive SMS only from commercial providers; all other advertising SMS will be received (for example, from banks).

- block all SMS. In this case, the ability to receive any (paid, advertising, etc.) SMS is disabled.

- disable the "Chameleon" service. The Chameleon service is activated by default for all new Beeline subscribers. This service allows Beeline partners to send free promotional SMS. Disable the "Chameleon" service and you will get rid of the daily annoying advertising spam via SMS from Beeline and its partners. You can disable the "Chameleon" service by typing the command on your phone *110*20# , then "Call" or by calling 0611

More annoying spam can be blocked by activating the option "Cancel all current subscriptions". This option allows you to disable SMS messages sent according to your subscriptions to Beeline services.

To plug Beeline service "Black and white lists" You can call from your phone to toll free number 0858 .

More detailed information You can find out about the Beeline "Black and White Lists" service on the website . Or by calling the number 0611 .

Here is a list of basic services and commands to disable them:

  • *110*400# – stay up to date with Beeline;
  • *110*1062# – stay informed + Beeline;
  • *110*010# – disable voicemail Beeline;
  • 067410 – disable your Beeline ringtone;
  • *110*070# – AntiAON Beeline;

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3. Service "Beep" disconnected by number 0770 (free or not, I don’t know) – call this number and follow the instructions.

4. Service "Chameleon", which is connected upon purchase new SIM card automatically, you need to: call service number *110*20#.

5. Disable the lottery "1010", send a blank SMS to the number: 3003.

6. Service "Favorite number", type the command: *139*880# .

7. Service “ "Hello": 067409770 or through the menu, to do this, dial *111# . Next you need to select “My Beeline” -> “Services” -> “Hello” -> “Disable”.

Attention: Before disabling a service, be sure to check whether this service is connected or not!

Checking the cost of an SMS message.

Before sending an SMS message to a paid number, you can find out its cost. For this purpose, the MTS website has special form , where you can enter a short number and check its cost. Alternative option checking the cost of calls and SMS messages to short numbers - website - cost determination sending or making calls to short numbers of mobile operators.

Filing a complaint to get your money back.

If, as a result of fraud or a virus, you have lost your money, then in order to file a complaint against the fraudster with the Beeline company, you may need to find out by the short number the telecom operator to which the money was spent. You can find out the name of the operator by phone number on the website .

If you lost money as a result of sending an SMS message or calling a paid short number, you have the opportunity to file a complaint with Beeline. To file a complaint for a refund lost money, use form of address on the website of the mobile operator Beeline. After the investigation, Beeline subscribers who suffered from scammers receive their money back.

How to disable SMS spam, paid services and block sending SMS to Beeline short numbers. How to disable paid SMS and blocking Beeline short numbers. How to disable SMS from numbers 2013 and 0846 Beeline