How to get VK stickers. How to get different types of paid stickers on VK for free

A lot of people use social networks. In Russia, one of the popular ones is, of course, Vkontakte. On the social network, you can communicate not only using words and phrases, but also send emoticons and stickers. This is known. True, he gets up interest Ask, how to get VK stickers for free? There are a couple of ways, but they are legal, so don’t even hope that you will come across an article here to get something by deception...although we’ll see.

What are VK stickers? These are similar to emoticons - small images expressing some emotions. For example, to write a message to someone and send a sticker, you need to open a dialogue with the person in VK, click on the smiley icon on the right and select the set of stickers you like.

How to get VK stickers for free

The easiest way to get demons paid stickers is in front of your eyes when you open sticker packs to send them to someone. So, click on the same one smiley icon and next to it we see an icon in the form of a store, which is called a sticker store.

By clicking on the store, a window opens where there are tabs with types of stickers, which can change each time. The tab we are interested in is Free. We go to it and see 8 or 10 sets of free stickers that you can immediately add to yourself.

Naturally, in VK you will also find paid stickers, the price of which varies from 35 to 98 rubles.

Browser extensions with stickers for VK

Another well-known way to get free stickers VK – install the browser extension. An extension that provides just a huge set of stickers is called EmojiPlus. You can install it for any popular browser.

Of course, if you search the Internet, you can find other plugins, but the one I mentioned is the most reliable and well-known.

Important! On this moment Browser extensions do not work because VKontakte blocks them. The extensions “New VKontakte stickers for free” and “EmojiPlus” do not work.

How to get paid stickers on VK for free for the mobile application

In other words, you have the VKontakte client installed on Android, and you want to somehow get stickers from it. Okay, this is also possible.

To do this, go to Play Market and enter the query " Set of stickers for VKontakte" Install this program on your phone.

Now launch the program and select the stickers that you want to see in your VK application, of course, you will first be asked to log in through your account. It is safe. - on this service you can make money a large number of likes on photos, videos and recordings and many other services in VK are quite inexpensive.

Services for receiving free VK stickers

Internet research to find sticker services led me to JoySmile. Now I will explain how to work with it, although this is already written on the site itself. By the way, here is the link:

You choose any set of stickers. All images from the set open. You simply press a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy the sticker.

Return to the dialogue in VK and insert the sticker using the keys Ctrl+V.

How to get durex stickers on VK

It’s very simple, we follow this scenario:

  • We go to the official Durex community - ;
  • We write in messages: "Hello";
  • The bot will ask your age, where do you answer? "Yes";
  • You write about your desire to receive stickers again "Yes";

They only send you 8 pieces. If you want to get all 12, then follow these steps:

  • When asked if you want to get all 12, you answer "Yes";
  • Next you are asked to enter a passphrase. You answer "Lovesex".
  • Here you go, get your Durex stickers.

How to get Dota 2 stickers on VK

For true doters, stickers are obtained in VK using the following method:

  • We go to the VK Dota group - ;
  • Subscribe to the community and open any video on the wall to watch;
  • We watch until we receive a notification about receiving stickers.

Usually the stickers arrive within one or two hours. You can simply turn on the video without sound and go about your business. The video should not be paused, this is important.

How to get a set of Christmas tree stickers

Since it is already January 2019, you can get these stickers for free. Here's what you need to do:

  1. We go to the sticker store using the link -

Many users of the social network VKontakte are interested in how to get paid stickers on VK for free.
After all, stickers are not only interesting pictures, but also unusual way send quick messages, showing with a sticker not only an emotion, but also some topic. So, gamers want stickers with characters popular games. Patriots want stickers with national flavor. And so on.
So it turns out that everyone is looking for how to get stickers on VK - Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan - all these countries mainly use the social network VKontakte, and social network clients want to get stickers for free.

How to get free stickers on VK?

How to get Ukrainian stickers on VK?

The feeling of patriotism, when it is healthy, is absolutely understandable. Exists special set Ukrainian stickers, developed by designers from this country.
In order to get this interesting set of stickers, created for the anniversary of Ukraine's independence, you just need to open your VKontakte page, set the language to “Ukrainian” and place of residence - any city in Ukraine.
Despite the language, we think you will intuitively guess how to turn it all back off later, the languages ​​are very similar.

After adding stickers, they do not disappear - when you go back to your page, you can see that the set of stickers remains.

What other stickers can you get this way?
There are competitions from the League of Legends games, the Snapster application, and the Tik Tak company. If you are interested in how to get Sneppy stickers on VK, we advise you to download from mobile phone Snapster application, try to publish at least one photo there, linking your Snapster account to the VKontakte social network, and then
You will immediately, on the spot, receive a set of stickers with the Snappy fish.
If you are interested in how to get “Timo” stickers in VK for free, or how to get “GG WP” stickers in VK, then there is only one way out - find those who already have them installed. Occasionally (that is, very rarely) game broadcasts for the game League Of Legends are held on VKontakte. And sometimes there are people there who give out such stickers for free to everyone who comments on the game.

If you need to know how to get Tik Tak stickers on VK, also try looking for those who have them. Or shares from the Tik Tak company itself.

How to get new VK stickers 10 years? To do this, you just need to go through the “VK 10 years” page, which provides you with statistics of your stay on the VKontakte social network.
After this, you can easily get free stickers.
As a rule, for completing this page with statistics you will receive a set of “Let's go!” or the “Spotty in Space” set.
So, how to get stickers in “VK 10 years”? Follow the link

and scroll the page to the end. Most likely, after this you will receive a message from VKontakte. If it doesn’t arrive, you probably already have this set of stickers, and you don’t need to look again for how to get VK stickers “Spotty in Space”

There are some other ways to get stickers in VK. So, there are groups where they voluntarily share stickers. Ask them, for example, how to get stickers on VK in space, and perhaps they will answer you.
Finally, I would like to note that many people forget about the sticker store. Open the field personal message, click on the smiley face, then on the stylized image of a store window, and get necessary sets stickers are absolutely free. Choose the sets that you like.

When you select a set, you can try immediately turning on the “Show only free” mode.

We hope our advice helped you. Enjoy your holiday on social networks!

Nowadays, when social networks have become a part of life ordinary users, many of the participants continue to wonder how they can get paid stickers in VKontakte absolutely free. Many of today's users don't even realize that the stickers themselves are not only beautiful pictures, along with these seemingly amazing emoticons, the user can send and express their emotions. Meanwhile, many users prefer such stickers, original pictures, such as characters from popular games and other famous pictures.

How can you quickly get the long-awaited stickers on VK for free (2019)

Absolutely all users of any country are looking for such original stickers, regardless of where they live. Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan - all these users are also on social networks, including VKontakte, they also want to receive stickers absolutely free.

There are many ways you can use to get the long-awaited stickers. But the fastest of them is, of course, getting votes. You can also get the long-awaited votes for free, spending a few free minutes. To do this, first of all, you should pay attention to Special offers, which are created by social network advertisers themselves. In order to take advantage of one of these offers, you should go to the settings section, and then open the “Payments and Transfers” page, then click on “Top up your account”. When all of the above is done, you will be able to see these same promotional offers, just click on the candy icon.

When the candy icon is pressed, you will be able to get these very free votes. Meanwhile, you will only need to perform a few functions, play any of the famous games, or just repost some advertising content. The offers are quite different, they primarily depend on what city you are from, or what groups you belong to.

How to get Ukrainian stickers on VK?

Users from different countries are looking for their own unique stickers, Ukrainian users are no exception, they want to express their individuality through their unique pictures. Today there are many stickers, including Ukrainian ones, which were specially developed by the developers of this country.

In order to receive one of these stickers, you need to do only a few of the mentioned actions, namely, open your VKontakte page, set the language to Ukrainian in the settings and set your place of residence. After all this, you will be able to get such a famous sticker as for the anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

Once the sticker has been successfully added, you can give it to absolutely any user, especially since this sticker will not disappear anywhere in the future. Here's how to get stickers on VK for free.

What other stickers can you get this way?

Independent developers of popular games such as Snapster, League of Legends and other independent application developers are constantly introducing various promotions and offers that also reward you with free stickers. So for example

Meanwhile in special application Snapster can also get free votes, in order to get votes, you will first have to publish any of your photos, meanwhile the application itself must be linked with social network. Then you can get free stickers for your VK.

Everyone knows and popular stickers“Timo” can be obtained as follows, first you need to find those users who have it installed. Sometimes in popular applications There are game users who give free stickers to everyone just for commenting on the game.

Also, how to get new stickers in VK (2019)?

Besides everything else, there are other few known methods to get free stickers and coins, there are such special groups, whose participants share among themselves famous stickers. I would also like to note next fact, which few of the current users realize or even forget about the sticker store. In order to check your free stickers, first go to the personal message field, and then simply click on the emoticon, the stickers you need will immediately appear on the tab, choose any one you like.

When the set is selected, you can mark the function to show only free stickers.

There are currently 82 sticker packs available, of which 24 were free!

Table of free stickers

A small table for receiving free stickers on different topics:

Tomboy Stickers Finding yours unique code in widget on page FRIDAYS! Open and write your unique code to the bot. We send until the bot sends you stickers.
Stickers from Coca-Cola To decide on a New Year's gift, go to and choose the gift you want.
Free set of stickers “Korzhik” Opening and install stickers!
Free set of Durex’s New Year stickers Opening