Tele2 manual setting of mms. Automatic setup of MMS on Tele2

The MMS feature allows people to exchange multimedia messages using a mobile phone without access to the Internet. You can send each other pictures, photos, audio and video files. To make this possible, subscribers must activate the MMS function and correctly configure their phone to meet the requirements of the Tele2 network.

Multimedia messages

Despite the fact that nowadays it is easy and convenient to send any multimedia files via the Internet, this is not always possible, and the MMS function continues to remain relevant, although it is less popular than before. There are file size restrictions for sending MMS, but the phones themselves take on the compression function: they independently prepare any file for sending. To do this, you only need to set the correct operator parameters on the sending and receiving devices.

Many gadgets are configured independently: as soon as a SIM card is inserted into them, a message arrives with the correct operator settings, which you only need to accept, then the device will do everything itself.

But if this device does not automatically configure MMS parameters, you will have to do it yourself. This article will provide details on how to do this.

Important clarification: when installing MMS parameters of any type, after completing the settings, restart your phone, only then will they take effect.

Where can I get automatic settings?

If you inserted a valid SIM card into your phone, but for some reason the necessary parameters did not appear after turning it on, then you need to request them from your operator. There are 2 methods for this:

  1. Call the special number 679.
  2. Log in to your Personal Account and send a request from there.

Almost immediately you will receive an SMS message with all the necessary parameters. You need to click on the “accept” button and reboot the device.

Independent selection of MMS parameters

If for some reason the Tele2 settings are not installed automatically for you, then there is always the option of trying to figure it out yourself. Go to the “Settings” section, where fill in the lines so that the result is:

  • Profile name: Tele2 MMS;
  • Data transmission channel: GPRS;
  • Home page address:
  • Access string:;
  • Port number: 8080 (if you have WAP 1.x, then 9201);
  • IP address: 12.40.65.

There is no need to indicate anything in the remaining fields; let these lines remain blank.

These settings are standard. Depending on the features of the operating system, they may differ slightly on some gadgets. Let's look at the features of setting up the MMS service in these situations.


On Android smartphones, the problem is solved in the “Access Points (APN)” section (Menu – Settings – More – Access Points). There, “creating a new access point” is enabled in the additional menu. In the box you need to fill in all the standard items listed above.


On such devices, the path looks like this: Menu – Settings – Cellular – Cellular data network. For the MMS service to work correctly, you only need to fill in 3 fields:

  • APN:;
  • MMSC:;
  • MMS proxy: 12.40.65:8080.

Do not write anything in other fields.


Here, in addition to selecting the above settings, you must also specify IPv4 in the “Network Type” column, and select “no” in the “Authentication Type”.

If this article lacks information about any subtleties, then it can be clarified on the Tele2 website, where everything about setting up MMS on any version of all possible phone operating systems is described in detail.

After you have configured all the necessary MMS settings and rebooted the gadget, you need to “let the communication system know” that your phone has accessed the service. To do this, you just need to send any MMS message to one of your Tele2 subscribers. Otherwise, your device will not receive full multimedia messages, but only links to the file.

If you have configured everything, but the phone still does not send or receive MMS, check all the settings again, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere. Having corrected this, reboot the gadget again. If suddenly this does not work, then go to any Tele2 office, and the company’s professional employees will solve your problem, and also give useful advice for making the most comfortable use of the company’s services.

An option such as MMS messages is a basic option with which Tele2 subscribers can send not only text, but also photos, video and audio files. As a rule, all settings for sending messages are set automatically. But there are times when the settings are installed incorrectly or are not installed on the device at all, then you will need to do some operations yourself.

In addition, sending MMS may not be completed completely if the recipient of messages has an old phone that does not support this format. Otherwise, instead of an mms, you will receive a link and password to receive data through the site.

If mms on Tele2 are not sent, you need to go to any Tele2 salon and ask a specialist to set the necessary parameters or call the help desk operator who will help resolve the situation. But such methods are not very practical. It will be faster to do all the procedures yourself.

As a rule, the MMS setting is automatically installed on the device after the SIM card is inserted into the phone. They arrive in the form of a message with data that needs to be saved. If such a message was not received on the device or the client independently refused such a message and saving the data, then they can be ordered again. You can do this using a couple of ways:

  1. Subscribers can simply dial the toll-free number 679 and order settings;
  2. You can also use your personal account on the Tele2 website to order.

Using similar methods, the client will receive a message with the necessary data, which simply needs to be accepted and saved. It is recommended to restart your mobile phone after saving the data.

Manual setting

If, after automatic settings, MMS cannot be sent to the specified address or the settings have not been received, then subscribers will need to set the necessary data themselves. Data is entered in the settings of the mobile device, namely in the connections section. Next you will need to enter the following parameters:

  1. In the line with the profile name you must specify any text, let's say it will be Tele2 mms.
  2. In the line with the home page you should indicate the address mmsc.teleru.
  3. Next, in the proxy column you need to select “Enabled”.
  4. The combination used as the IP address is
  5. The port line must also be filled in. If the device is old, then dial 9201 is used, if the phone is of modern models, then you need to use 8080.
  6. In the connection type line, GPRS is selected.
  7. The address mms.teleru is used for the access point.
  8. The remaining fields are not filled in.

Once the parameters are set, you will need to restart the device and then send MMS to any person. This step allows the tele2 operator to determine that the phone can receive and send media messages.

If you do not perform such an operation, the client will not be able to receive such messages, and instead of files, he will receive a link to the gallery, along with a code for viewing the data.

If the phone is configured incorrectly, this becomes the reason why MMS is not sent from Android to Tele2. When sending, the recipient must have a device that can receive such messages, otherwise it is not the file that is delivered, but a link to it, with an access code to the attachment. After clicking on it via a PC, the client finds himself in a gallery where he can view the contents of the MMS.


To be able to send, taking into account all the conditions:

Knowing the basic conditions, it is necessary to accurately understand the reasons why images in a message are not sent, and the principles for solving them.

Reasons and what to do?

Question: I received a message containing text of the form “received image in MMS format”, and below is a regular link. After clicking on it, the picture does not appear, what should I do?

Answer: The link indicates that the settings in the gadget are not configured. To solve the problem, you need to order automatic settings from the operator or specify them yourself. After solving the problem, you need to send a picture to any number and all new incoming MMS will begin to be displayed immediately on the gadget.

Question: It doesn’t work on , I can’t send either a picture or a video to other numbers, but all the parameters are set correctly, what could be the reasons?

Answer: You need to set the parameters manually; if there is no effect, then you need to call support.

Question: When I set the necessary parameters and change the value in the MNC 20 column, all other settings are deleted, what is this?

Answer: You can solve the problem by automatically setting the parameters; to order, you need to call 679.

Question: I received a photo in a message, but it opens through a link. I enter the gallery normally, the photo is visible, but after saving I can’t find the image on the device, where should I look for it?

Answer: This depends on the mobile device, but often images are saved to the gallery or downloads folder.

Question: What do you need to do to set up MMS on Android yourself?

Answer: You should specify the data in the home page, access point, type, and also specify the proxy. Additionally, the MCC line indicates dialing 250 and MNC with code 20. Other columns remain empty.

Question: What to do if automatic parameters are not set or they do not arrive from the server to the device?

Answer: You need to specify the data yourself by clicking on the connection tab, and in the open menu specify the following:

  1. Any information can be entered for the profile name.
  2. For the home page, the path is indicated.
  3. Proxy needs to be enabled.
  4. For the line with the IP address, the set is inserted.
  5. The port is filled with 9201 for older phone models and 8080 for modern devices.
  6. Connection type – GPRS.
  7. Access point –

The reasons are all very similar and each has a solution. After entering the correct information, multimedia messages will begin to be sent to the required addresses.

For people who cannot send MMS messages, it is necessary to find out the reasons, check the settings and whether they are installed correctly. After determining all the factors, you can quickly set the necessary parameters and send data when convenient.

MMS is an excellent Tele2 service for those who, when communicating, often share various photo and video files, as well as music, with their interlocutor. Moreover, sometimes this is the only way to send data. An important point is the fact that for a full exchange of messages of this type, you must be sure that you and your interlocutor have already connected MMS. Otherwise, the recipient will only see a notification about a message waiting for him, which he can only view in a special gallery and the corresponding link. Therefore, we recommend that you first check the status of the service and find out how to connect it.

Of course, when activating a new Tele2 SIM card, you can be sure that within a couple of minutes you will receive a message with automatic settings, which you just need to activate. However, what should you do if you are the owner of an old Sim, or some technical failure has occurred? Below you will find information that will help you resolve this issue.

Of course, you can connect MMS by asking your operator for help or by visiting a communication salon. But this can be quite a lengthy process. Therefore we offer you two options development of the situation.

Automatic connection

The Tele2 operator offers to activate the MMS service by ordering automatic settings to be sent to 679.

The second method requires using your “Personal Account”. Once you log in to the service, you can easily submit a request to receive settings.

Manual setting

If for some reason the long-awaited message still does not arrive, there is only one thing left to do - connect MMS on one's own. Don't be scared, the procedure is not complicated at all and doesn't take much time. All you need to do is enter the correct data in the correct section.

First of all, in the settings of your phone, find the item “Mobile networks” (maybe a different name depending on the brand), and then select the desired access point to change. We present you with all the information that may be required when filling out the fields:

  • The title is a point that is not fundamental; it was created only so that you yourself do not get confused in the future.
  • MMS server - mmsс
  • Set the proxy server to “enabled” mode.
  • IP -
  • Port – 8080 (if the setup is carried out on a phone from the time of the “indestructible” Nokia, then enter 9201).
  • Access point -
  • Password and login – these fields should be left blank.

After entering the data, it is advisable to restart your phone to prevent any glitches from occurring.

Next, Tele2 recommends sending MMS of any content to anyone. This will register you in the system and protect you from messages getting into the Gallery. This means that now you can safely not only send, but also view MMS.

How to find the received MMS?

If the MMS was sent to you before you had time to set up the service, do not worry. The message will be stored on the Tele2 website for several days in a special gallery. A link to the page with your message will certainly be indicated in the notification, which, among other things, includes an access password. By going to the site and entering the requested information in the window, you will finally be able to view the message.

How to send MMS?

In order to send MMS from regular phones, you need to find the item of the same name in the messages section. Smartphone owners are lucky; the message will be automatically converted when you attach media files to it, or after exceeding the text limit you type.

The cost of each message on most tariffs is 6 rubles. Is it easy for you to send dozens of MMS in an evening? Unfortunately, packages for this service are not provided by the operator. But there is also good news. Tele2 offers you to send MMS from its official website absolutely free of charge. What actions need to be taken to achieve this?

First, you will need authorization. If you are already registered in your “Personal Account”, you will be able to use this account in this case. Next, fill out all the fields without errors (recipient number, message subject, etc.), attach the desired files and click “Send”.

Please note that after the limit of free messages has been exhausted, you can send the next one only by paying 50 kopecks, which is much cheaper than regular data transfer.

Read also:

Internet for tablets: offers for active network users

For users of modern mobile devices, the mobile operator Tele2 offers favorable tariff plans and additional services with mobile Internet packages. This makes it even easier for network clients to stay always online. However, to use Internet services of any kind, subscribers need to configure their device for correct operation.

Automatic Internet settings from Tele2

Receiving automatic parameters for using the Internet from any mobile device is carried out as follows:

  1. The operator's network client needs to order settings for his device by calling the service number toll-free.
  2. After receiving an application, the system automatically searches for the required parameters by phone model in the operator’s constantly growing database.
  3. If the parameters are available, the subscriber will be notified by the system via SMS message.
  4. The user is recommended not to perform any actions with the mobile device for several minutes in order to successfully receive data.
  5. After receiving all the necessary Internet parameters for the client’s phone model, it is recommended to save the settings as default data.
  6. For correct operation of services based on the received parameters, users are recommended to perform the standard procedure of restarting the system on their mobile device.

Video instructions for setting up the Internet, modem mode and mms messages on Tele2 for iPhone and iPad

How to manually set up Tele2 Internet on a smartphone

Correct Tele2 internet settings:

House. page:
Proxy server: disabled
Access point APN:
Username: empty
Password: empty

If the necessary Internet settings for the client’s smartphone or tablet model are not available, it is recommended to use independent settings input according to the following principle:

  1. Open the access point settings subsection for mobile Internet.
  2. It is recommended to check detailed information on the Android version on the operator’s website in the section for self-configuring the Internet on devices.
  3. After entering all the necessary data, the user needs to press the function menu button at the bottom of the smartphone display.
  4. The entered parameters should be saved as default settings.
  5. After saving the profile data, it is recommended to check for settings from the Tele2 operator.
  6. To guarantee the operation of Internet services on the device, it is recommended to reboot the system.

How to manually configure Tele2 MMS on a smartphone

Correct MMS Tele2 settings:

Network name: any of your choice
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 8080
Authentication Type: No
APN type: mms

If the necessary MMS parameters for the client’s smartphone or tablet model are not available, it is recommended to use independent settings entry according to the following principle:

  1. Open the main menu of your smartphone and go to the individual settings and settings section or find it in the list of applications located on the device’s desktop.
  2. Go to the main menu for wireless or other network options.
  3. Go to the mobile networks section.
  4. Open the access point settings subsection for MMS.
  5. Make sure that in the section there are no settings for the Tele2 operator access point, which just need to be activated.
  6. If there are no settings, then at the bottom of the display you need to click on the “+” button to add data for a new access point.
  7. In the new window that appears, you must enter all the necessary operator network parameters.