Write a message from your laptop to your phone. What is SMS? Text message. How to send SMS

The ability to send short text messages via mobile phones appeared back in 1992, when, along with voice communications, manufacturers of mobile communication devices implemented the transfer of information from subscriber to subscriber in text form. Although the new technology seemed very promising, operators were in no hurry to adopt it. The mobile communications market was still in its formation stage, and no one knew exactly how the innovation would be received by users for whom simple telephone communication already cost a lot of money at that time.

Today, sending SMS is one of the most popular methods of exchanging text messages, although it must be admitted that in recent years, users have increasingly begun to prefer Internet instant messengers. However, thanks to a competent approach to monetization, SMS technology has become actively used in the field of corporate services, for example, for two-factor authentication, confirmation when performing various financial transactions, and so on.

How to send SMS through the official websites of MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2

Almost all major mobile operators have made it possible to send SMS via the Internet from a regular computer, and completely free of charge. Special programs have been created for these purposes, but you can do without them by sending a text message to the subscriber from the operator’s official website. Let's see how to send SMS via the Internet from the websites of the most popular cellular operators in Russia.


Let's start with MTS. We go to the website moskva.mts.ru/personal/sendsms and enter your phone number in the form provided, then the subscriber’s phone number, write a message in the large field and send it, not forgetting to select a confirmation picture. An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your number, which you will need to enter immediately on the website, and only after that the message will be transmitted to the subscriber. Everything is free, but the sender’s number must belong to MTS. There is also a small limitation - the length of the SMS cannot exceed 50 characters.


Sending SMS from a computer through the Megafon website is a little easier. The message length for this operator is limited to 250 characters; you do not need to enter a captcha. As with MTS, only subscribers of this operator can send messages from the Megafon website after they indicate their phone number and receive a confirmation code on it. You can send an SMS on the page moscow.megafon.ru/help/info/message.


The most favorable conditions for sending free SMS messages are from the Beeline operator. Here it is enough to indicate the subscriber number, and no confirmation in the form of a code is required. Sending an SMS from a computer to a phone is much easier, but the recipient must be a Beeline user. The length of the message should not exceed 140 characters in Latin or 70 in Cyrillic. To protect against bots, you can enter a captcha. The service is available at moskva.beeline.ru/customers/products/mobile/services/details/otpravka-sms.

Tele 2

Not everything is so smooth with the Tele2 operator. Previously, the company provided the opportunity to send SMS for free on the most favorable terms, but then decided to change the policy and from now on this requires a pre-order of the Business SMS service. The connection itself is free, but the monthly plan will cost you money. In general, the service is available to Tele2 corporate clients - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. You can read the conditions in detail on the official page msk.tele2.ru/business/business-sms.

The best online services for sending SMS for free to any operator

The services provided by telecommunications companies for transmitting SMS messages from websites are limited, but in addition to official services, there are also special resources that are not tied to a specific operator. They allow you to send SMS from your computer to your phone for free to any operator. Here are the most popular ones.

My SMS Box

A wonderful service that allows you to send free SMS to any mobile number. The advantages of the service are anonymity, no registration requirement, support for mobile operators in other countries, convenience and simplicity. To send a message, you need to go to the page mysmsbox.ru/about#/send, enter the recipient’s number in international format, the text of the message itself in the form provided, indicate your number (a confirmation code will be sent to it) and click the send button.

Additionally, My SMS Box supports adding numbers to your address book and creating anonymous chats. The database contains many SMS templates (congratulatory, humorous, etc.), city codes in Russia and different countries, search by address and mobile operator is implemented. The project also operates a special service that allows you to receive the most comprehensive information about the caller’s number.


A simple service with which you can send free SMS via the Internet to a phone with the number of any Russian operator. The algorithm of actions is extremely simple - enter the recipient’s number, the text of the message, collect a picture from disparate elements and press the send button. The maximum length of a message is 60 characters; after sending, the service displays advertising to the user as a kind of “payment”. The service is available at smscat.ru.


Unlike SmsCat, this resource allows you to send free SMS to numbers of operators in different countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA, UK, Germany and 8 more countries. The service does not require registration or authorization. There may be a slight delay in sending messages. Additionally, it is supported to receive a response message from the recipient to your phone or email. The service is available on the Internet at www.world-sms.org.


Another site that allows you to send free SMS to numbers of operators in different countries. The service is simple and convenient to use. The sender is required to select a country, phone number, enter a message, a verification captcha and click the “Submit” button. Currently, the service is experiencing minor technical problems, which is why it is recommended to type all SMS in Latin characters.

Desktop programs for sending SMS via the Internet

Unfortunately, free SMS sending services do not always work correctly, so there is no 100% guarantee that your SMS message will reach the recipient. There are, of course, more reliable tools, but, as a rule, they provide their services on a paid basis and require mandatory registration. In addition to Internet services, there are also special programs that can send free SMS to numbers of Russian and foreign operators. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.


A well-known program that can send SMS via the Internet for free to mobile phones of cellular operators in Russia and some countries of the former CIS. The application supports MMS sending, transliteration, proxy, automatic operator selection and database updating, use of CMC templates, address book and journal.

Using iSendSMS is as easy as pie – enter the recipient’s number, the text of the message and click the “Send” button. Additionally, you can specify the subject of the message, the date of sending, and add a personal signature. Among other features of the application, you can view information about operators, create bulk SMS campaigns and edit built-in message templates.

ePochta SMS

Another program with which you can send SMS via the Internet using the ePochta SMS service gateway. It is positioned as a professional tool for creating CMC mailings, but can also be used to send single messages to numbers of more than 200 operators. Registration in ePochta SMS is required; the program has tariffs for sending messages; the possibilities for sending SMS for free are limited and are offered only in test mode.

The program supports replacing the sender's name, using SMS templates, scheduling mailings, receiving a delivery report, working with address books, creating exceptions, maintaining statistics, viewing the balance and remaining available messages. It is worth noting the presence of a simplified version of the interface, containing only three main fields.


This program is a phone management manager; it is not as specific as the previous two, however, it can also be used to send SMS to numbers of different operators. MyPhoneExplorer requires pairing with a mobile phone via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or cable. To send a message, in the menu on the left you need to go to the section of the same name, click on the “Create a new message” button on the control panel, indicate the recipient’s phone number in the window that appears and enter a message of no more than 160 characters in Latin or 70 characters in Cyrillic.

In addition to sending SMS, the program has such functions as managing calls, creating calendar events, notes and alarms, multi-synchronization, sending files from a computer to the phone, obtaining information about the phone, firmware, battery level, memory and a number of other parameters. The MyPhoneExplorer application is free and works with Android smartphones and Sony Ericsson phones with a model interface.

SMS Organizer

Our review ends with SMS Organizer, the most advanced program for sending short messages and sending SMS messages. Sending SMS via the Internet for free is limited to a fixed number of messages; when the limit is reached, you will have to top up your balance with real money. The application itself is free.

The capabilities of this tool include receiving message delivery reports, using templates and text substitutions, maintaining address books, importing and exporting contacts into Microsoft Excel, creating black lists and general reporting with saving in Excel, and sending messages on a schedule. It supports working with the vCard 3.0 format, backing up to the cloud, using encryption and proxies, monitoring account status, and using filters when creating mailings.

Working with SMS Organizer begins with creating a list of contacts, which may include the phone number, full name and postal address of the recipient. To send an SMS, you need to create a new mailing list, specify the required numbers in your address book, and after they appear in the list of “Contacts (recipients) of the mailing list,” click “Send message.”

Bottom line

As you can see, sending SMS from a computer to a phone for free is quite possible, but you need to keep in mind that the transfer of short text messages to mobile phone numbers is in any case regulated by the policies of operator companies. This means that you still shouldn’t count on the stability of free SMS delivery. When sending such a message from a third-party Internet service, be prepared for the fact that it will never be transmitted. Only the official websites of the operators themselves can provide guarantees.

Many people send each other text messages from their mobile phones every day, without even thinking about what SMS is and how this service affects modern society.

What is SMS?

So what is SMS? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to decipher the Russian abbreviation, since it is just a transcription of the English SMS (Short Message Service), which means “short message service”. This special technology allows mobile users to share mini-letters among themselves (160 in total in Latin and no more than 70 characters in Cyrillic).

Today, such messages are an integral part of the modern world and mobile technologies in general. This service is used by more than 90% of cellular customers, and the number of messages sent has long exceeded hundreds of billions per year. By sending a short text to the number of another subscriber, you can make an appointment, notify about an important event, congratulate you on your birthday or express condolences for the loss of a loved one.

When did the short message service appear?

The short message service was first created specifically for GSM Phase 1 (a digital standard supporting data rates of up to 10 kbit/s). The introduction of SMS into the standard took place in 1989, thanks to well-known people: Friedhelm Hillebrand (Deutsche Telekom), Kevin Holley (Cellnet), Ian Harris (Vodafone) and others.

The first message was sent in December 1992, in the UK. An SMS was sent from a computer to a phone over Vodafone's GSM network. It was a simple Merry Christmas.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, SMS messages began to be exchanged only a year ago.

Advantages and disadvantages of short message service

A lot of time has passed since the first text message was sent, and since then the mobile communication service has changed a lot and received many advantages. But, unfortunately, due to the rapid development of technology, in addition to its advantages, the SMS sending service also has disadvantages. All this is described in the corresponding table below.

Advantages and disadvantages of SMS



Supports all cellular networks, from GSM to UMTS.

Slow message delivery speed - from 5 to 10 seconds, depending on the mobile operator.

Receive notifications about the delivery or receipt of SMS.

Limit on the number of entered characters per message.

The ability to send a text message to a subscriber who is out of network coverage or in situations where a telephone conversation is not possible (for example, during a meeting).

Frequent technical problems with sending SMS messages between different mobile operators.

But, despite the presence of quite significant disadvantages, SMS is very popular among mobile subscribers. In addition, almost every year many developers try to improve the service. They produce various devices and software that are designed to make life easier for users. These include, for example, T9 input technology or voice SMS dialing for Android phones. With these features on your smartphone, you can forever forget about the inconvenience of typing a text message.

How does SMS work?

Short text messages are transmitted in the same way as a voice signal, from the base transceiver station (BS) through switching centers and to the SMSC (Short Message Service Center) message processing center. It is SMSC that is responsible for receiving, storing and further sending them. After the message reaches the processing center, it is sent to the nearest BS, where the recipient is located.

If the subscriber’s phone is turned off or he finds himself out of the network coverage area, the center will save the message until he is in touch again. If the recipient is not online for a long time, the sender will receive an SMS notification indicating that it is impossible to send the message. If the switch has established a connection with the subscriber, then the message is transmitted through standard signaling channels.

When a text is received, it is displayed on the phone screen and stored in the subscriber identification module, SIM card. If the connection fails, the switch notifies the SMSC center about this in order to repeat the transmission of information.

Methods for sending SMS messages

What SMS is and how this service works has already been said earlier. Now you can find out how a text message is sent.

There are only three ways to send SMS:

  • From mobile to mobile phone.
  • From computer to mobile phone.
  • From mobile phone to computer.

How to send SMS from mobile to mobile?

To send a short text message from one mobile phone to another mobile phone you need to:

  1. Go to the “Messages” section in the main phone menu.
  2. Click “Create message”.
  3. Add the recipient's number (manually or using contact search).
  4. Print the message itself.
  5. Click "Submit".

In addition, some mobile phones allow you to send SMS through Contacts. To do this you need:

  1. Go to "Contacts".
  2. Select recipient number.
  3. Click on the message icon next to the phone number.
  4. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 of the standard procedure for sending SMS.

It’s also worth mentioning special widgets (simple controls) in new smartphones. The icons of these small programs can be placed on the main screen of your mobile phone and you can go to the “Messages” menu without performing any additional actions.

Sending short text messages is a paid service. The cost of SMS is indicated in tariff plans and can vary significantly depending on the selected mobile operator. It can be from 1 rub. and above, the most expensive messages sent to other countries.

How to send SMS from computer to mobile phone?

Sending SMS from a computer to a phone is even easier than from one mobile phone to another. This can be done using the website of a specific cellular operator or third-party resources, of which there are more than enough on the Internet. Most of these online resources do not charge a fee for providing services, but in return they attach small advertising messages to the main text of the message.

To send from the site, you need to know:

  • name of the mobile operator (Beeline, Megafon, MTS, etc.);
  • recipient's phone number;
  • country and operator code (for example, when sending SMS to Ukraine, instead of the usual +7(9xx), the code +3(8xx) is used.

In addition to the websites of cellular operators and third-party Internet resources, you can also send messages using programs familiar to many users. For example, the function of sending SMS is present in Mail Agent, QIP or Skype. But such a service will already cost money.

How to send SMS from a mobile phone to a computer and is it possible?

Many who know what SMS is will not believe it, but you can send a message from a mobile phone to a computer. To do this, the recipient will need an ordinary GSM modem, which must be connected to a PC.

To receive SMS messages on your computer, you must first install a SIM card in the modem from which the lock (PIN code) will be removed. In some cases, in order to receive messages, the user will have to make additional hardware settings.

Common problems with sending SMS and ways to solve them

Many people often encounter various problems when sending messages. For example, an SMS notification does not arrive or, after successfully sending a message, the recipient does not receive it. In such cases, there are several ways to solve problems:

  1. Check the availability of funds in the account.
  2. Check the availability and congestion of the connection (SMS often does not work correctly on holidays).
  3. Change SMS sending via GPRS to GSM.
  4. Check if SMSC is installed on your phone and if it is configured correctly.
  5. Try sending a message in full international format - +7(9xx)xxx-xx-xx.
  6. Check whether the correct SMS format is set in the mobile phone settings. Russian mobile operators only accept text and GSM alphabet formats.
  7. Check that the SIM card is full (if you do not receive SMS notifications).
  8. Contact the recipient, there may be problems on his part.
  9. Call your mobile operator's service desk and ask them to send you new SMS configuration settings.

Fun facts about texting

And finally, some interesting facts about SMS messages:

  • The USA is the leader in sending short text messages.
  • Every year, subscribers around the world send more than 6 trillion text messages, which is more than 190 thousand SMS per second.
  • In order to reduce the number of characters in one SMS message, residents of many countries use abbreviations of certain phrases and phrases.
  • People who frequently type messages, including SMS, may develop tenosynovitis (inflammation of the hand tendon).
  • Modern cellular networks can receive SMS messages during a subscriber's telephone conversation. This does not affect mobile or voice traffic in any way.
  • “Smishing” is a special type of fraud through sending SMS messages, the purpose of which is to seize the user’s confidential data or his money.
  • A person's concentration on typing SMS is much greater than that of a driver.
  • The Guinness Book of Records has a registered record for the fastest SMS typing speed, which is 264 characters per minute.
  • In many countries, the service of sending short text messages is more popular than a regular telephone conversation. Thus, 74% of users worldwide use this service.

Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who does not know how to send short text messages from a mobile phone. But in modern conditions, many people use laptops, so more and more often users have a question: how to send SMS from a computer to save time and money? This is easy to do if you install one of the free programs on your PC, which we will discuss below.

Bulk sending of free SMS using online services

SMS messages can be sent to not one, but several users at once. Such services help maintain continuous contact with relatives and friends, and can also be useful for doing business (advertising, marketing). Using mass SMS sending from your computer, you can simultaneously send an invitation to a wedding, birthday or visit to your phone to all those people you want to see at the celebration.

To send mass SMS messages from a computer via the Internet, you must first find web resources (sites) that provide such services. These programs have rich capabilities, the main of which are:

  1. Bulk sending of free SMS.
  2. Sending messages on a schedule.
  3. SMS sending history.
  4. Delivery tracking.
  5. Ability to set a delay between messages.
  6. Ability to set the priority of numbers for sending SMS.
  7. Automatic sending speed – up to 100 SMS per second.

Special programs for sending SMS to telecom operators

Sending free SMS from your computer to your phone will be done using a special application that you need to find and download to your computer. In this case, the user can send an anonymous message or a cool SMS that is already in the program - there is no need to invent anything, and typing text from a PC keyboard is much faster. For anonymously sending SMS from a mobile phone, there is a unique java application “iSMS”, which is compatible with all phone models. It is supported by such Russian operators as MTS, MOTIV, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline.

A small but convenient program on your computer will remember the numbers of all users to whom messages will be sent, in addition, it will independently access the websites of mobile operators, sending SMS through them. As a result, the user will only have to select the number of interest from the list, type the desired text on the keyboard and click on the “Send” button. Let's find out more about the most popular programs for sending text SMS from a computer.

SMS Sender

The SMS Sender application is an add-on program for Microsoft Windows designed to send SMS text messages via a mobile phone. With its help, it is easy to send free messages in any language that is supported by the operating system. Watch the video instructions on how to install and use the SMS Sender application on your computer:

SMS Free Sender

For the lucky owners of smartphones running the Android and IOS operating systems (OS for iPhone), a special Free SMS Sender application has been developed. It works on the same principle as similar versions on a PC: the SMS text is entered, the recipient is selected and sent. Depending on the Internet connection, a captcha will appear after a few seconds to confirm the sending of the message. The big advantage of this program for sending free SMS Free SMS Sender is the complete absence of advertising.

The application interface includes an address book that displays the first name, last name, phone number and email address of the person to whom you plan to send a free letter. Other information is easily displayed, for example, the date of all shipments, and notifications sent long ago are erased. The application process is automatic: it independently determines the operator, creates a list of contacts with whom communication occurs more often.


Although the free WebSMS application was created by foreign programmers, it interacts well with mobile operators in Russia and the CIS countries. Thanks to the clear interface, any user can send a virtual letter, but its length will be limited. An interesting feature of WebSMS is the ability to send voice messages and MMS. In addition, the application offers users many templates that can be useful in an emergency.

The process of sending short letters is completely automatic. The application independently determines the location and makes the appropriate settings. For example, it’s easy to write SMS to MTS for free from a computer while abroad, but it’s better to type texts in Latin letters, since not all foreign operators support the Cyrillic alphabet.

Microsoft SMS Sender

This is a very convenient utility for sending short free messages to a mobile phone from a computer. It supports only the SMS standard, provides an intuitive interface and uses characters from all international alphabets. Transferring MMS, ringtones and pictures is not supported by the application. Microsoft SMS Sender is not responsible for delivery, and SMS transmission is carried out by connecting the phone to the computer. To connect the application you will need:

  • download the utility from the found link and unpack it;
  • select the folder where this program will be installed;
  • Then it will install itself and automatically create a shortcut on the desktop.

Send Free SMS Messages to Mobile Phones

We bring to your attention another popular utility that can send virtual letters from your computer to any cellular operator. It has a clear interface and perfectly performs its task wherever there is Internet access. If you need to send an SMS to a person who does not know your email address, then add your signature to it. The utility is compatible with all phone operating systems, be it Android or any other.

How to read a message on your phone via computer

To read an SMS on a computer, you need to transfer it to your PC, and this can be done using an infrared port, Bluetooth or a USB cable. To do this, connect the phone using any chosen method, after which an icon will appear on the PC screen warning that the operating system (OS) has detected a new device. Next, install the combination program using the installation disk that came with your mobile phone, and then select the “Messages” section.

Next, find the folder you want to save, mark it and click the “File” button, then “Export”, create a folder into which messages will be copied, transfer the necessary information. But if you want to send, for example, Beeline SMS for free from a computer, then you should download and install any of the above programs. The data from your phone will be synchronized with the data stored in the PC memory every time you connect.

At any moment you may encounter a situation where you urgently need to send an SMS message from your computer. Fortunately, telecom operators and third-party software developers have provided this option. Let's look at all the most popular methods of sending SMS from a PC to a phone and draw conclusions about the convenience of each of them.

The simplest and most reliable way to send SMS via the Internet is to use an official specialized service from a telecom operator. Almost any well-known operator allows any of its clients to use this function.

Let's take a closer look at message transfer services from MTS, Beeline, TELE2, Megafon and Kyivstar.


MTS is one of the most popular companies providing mobile communication services in Russia. To use the service for sending SMS on the official MTS website, the user does not need to have a ready-made account, but it is still necessary to have a phone with an MTS SIM card on hand.

To send a message from the MTS website, you must:

  1. Follow the link to the mobile operator's website. The user should see a window with a choice of the type of message to be sent - SMS or MMS.

  1. In this field you must enter the phone numbers of the sender and recipient, as well as the text of the SMS message itself. The length should not exceed 140 characters. After entering the captcha and clicking on the “Next” button, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to the sender’s number.

  1. We are waiting for the confirmation code to be sent to the specified sender number. The message will contain a notification that someone is trying to send a free SMS from the MTS website.

  1. All that remains is to paste the received code into the appropriate field and click on “Next”. The message will be sent to the recipient.

Sending SMS from the site is absolutely free. The procedure for sending MMS is practically no different.

In addition to the free online service, MTS offers its customers to use a message forwarding program installed on their PC, however, when using it, SMS messages will be charged according to the sender’s tariff plan.


Megafon is also one of the largest players in the market for providing communication services in the Russian Federation. It does not require a personal account to send SMS messages through the site, but you will still need a SIM card with a phone.

To send SMS via the Megafon website, you must do the following:

  1. We go to the site using the link - a window should open with fields for entering numbers and text.

  1. Enter the sender's number (a code will be sent to it), the recipient's number and the text of the SMS message. Click on “Send”.

  1. Enter the received code in the field that appears and confirm sending. As in the case of MTS, sending SMS messages from the Megafon website is absolutely free.

Unlike MTS, Megafon has not implemented the function of sending free MMS messages, but this does not in any way interfere with the use of a simple and convenient online service.


Beeline took into account the shortcomings of competitors' services and provided, perhaps, the most convenient online service for exchanging SMS - the user does not need to have a phone with a SIM card at hand, which greatly simplifies the situation (especially when the site has to be used precisely because the phone is not working). However, the recipient of the SMS can only be a Beeline subscriber.

To use the service from Beeline, you need:

  1. Follow the link to open the sending service.

  1. Enter the recipient's number and text, then enter the code from the picture and click on the “Send SMS” button.

  1. No additional confirmation in the form of a code is required - the message will be sent immediately and absolutely free of charge.

As you can see, the Beeline service is extremely easy to use and can really help out in an emergency.


The service from TELE2 is an absolute analogue of the service from Beeline. There is only one obvious difference - only one SMS message can be sent from one computer.

To send SMS via the TELE2 website you need:

  1. Open the address to go to the sending page.

  1. Enter the recipient's number (TELE2 subscriber only), insert the text of the message and click on “Send”.

  1. The SMS will be sent immediately - no confirmation codes or captcha entries or codes from pictures are required.

Let's move on to considering the capabilities of the last operator, whose country of location is Ukraine.


The Kyivstar SMS service also differs little from the analogues described above. Its special feature is the ability to send 5 free messages per day. Their size should not exceed 120 characters in Latin or 70 in Cyrillic.

To use the service from Kyivstar you must follow the following instructions:

  1. We go to the official sending website to open a specialized page.

  1. Enter the recipient's phone number in the field provided for it, select the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, insert the text, go through the captcha from reCAPTHA and click on the “Add power” button.

  1. No confirmation is needed - the message will be sent without delay.

As you can see, popular mobile operators provide their users with quite convenient free services for sending SMS from a computer.

Specialized programs

In addition to official services, there are other specialized online services and computer programs that are not tied to any operator and work free of charge.

Let's consider the most popular and reliable of them - among the selected services there will be both online services and utilities installed on a PC.

My SMS Box

This service allows you to send messages to absolutely any number, regardless of the operator. The sender's number is also not indicated, which makes it anonymous to the recipient.

To use the My SMS Box functionality, you need to:

  1. Follow the link to open the official page of the SMS assistant. Click on the “Send SMS” button.

  1. Enter the recipient's phone number, text, captcha and the number to which the code will be sent. Click on “Submit”.

  1. Paste the received password into the field provided for it and click on “Deliver SMS”.

  1. Successful delivery will be accompanied by a corresponding message.

  1. In order for the recipient to respond via anonymous chat, you need to hover over the corresponding line and click on “Get link”.

  1. To complete the procedure, you need to set the name of the future chat and a title for the recipient, then click on “Create”.

  1. To send a link to the recipient, you need to click on the corresponding button under the newly created chat.

  1. You can transfer the link in two ways - by copying and sending it to your interlocutor personally or by sending it via SMS. When using the second option, all communication will be completely anonymous.

The online service is truly extremely easy to use and provides a much wider range of options than the websites of individual operators.


iSendSMS is a completely free tool for sending messages. Its main disadvantage is the limited list of operators to whose subscribers you can send messages, but this list is still quite wide.

We will not consider in detail all the functionality of the utility. You just need to install the application, open it, enter the recipient’s number, select an operator, insert text and click on the “Send” button.

Let's look at the latest program that provides expanded access to the functions of a connected smartphone.


MyPhoneExplorer is a free utility for managing a smartphone or tablet using a computer. The program is compatible with devices based on the Android operating system.

To send a message to a phone via MyPhoneExplorer, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download and install the regular or portable version of the application from the official website, open it, click on the “File” section in the main menu and select “Connect”.

  1. Select one of the connection methods suggested by the system, for example, “Phone with Google Android OS connected via a USB cable.” When choosing the first option, the phone and computer must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network, the second - connected via Bluetooth (the program client must also be installed on the smartphone), the third - via a USB cable.

  1. We fulfill all the conditions described by the program for a specific type of connection and click on “Next”.

  1. If the connection is successful, the program will begin synchronizing data with the smartphone.

  1. Once synchronization is complete, you can go to the “Messages” section and click on the “New message” button.

  1. Enter the recipient's number (the program will display a list of contacts, you can select from it), enter the text of the letter and click on “Send”. The SMS will be sent to the recipient.

We will not consider the functionality of other similar utilities - most of them are paid and are designed to carry out mass mailings to numbers.

We talked about the most popular, effective and reliable ways to send SMS from a computer to a phone. Let's move on to the conclusions.


Almost all popular operators have made sure that their customers can send SMS messages to other subscribers directly from the official website. Third-party developers have not lagged behind, providing a huge number of alternative solutions.

If you want to send a letter to a client of your operator, the easiest way is to use the official service. If you plan to send SMS to clients of other operators, you can use third-party services and utilities such as My SMS Box and iSendSMS.

Video instruction

We attach a video instruction that explains in as much detail the process of using each of the above services.

Today, few people imagine a full life without correspondence with friends. Often this function is performed using a variety of instant messengers that work via the Internet. However, sometimes you may need to send a regular text message to your phone. In this case, you may not always have to pay the operator for sending such an SMS. In this article we will look at how to send a message from a computer to a phone using the most common methods.

Method 1. Operator website

The first method is the simplest, but sometimes you have to search. Where exactly on the site is the required function located? The fact is that most operators have provided the ability to send messages to their subscribers for free through the corporate website. To do this, you just need to know which operator the recipient is a subscriber to and fill out the appropriate form.

For that. To prevent users from abusing this feature, operators usually limit the ability to send up to several messages per day from one IP address. By the way, many foreign operators also have this function, so you can send messages to your friends who live abroad in this way.

Method 2: Installing additional programs

There is software, often distributed free of charge, that performs the same functions. Its convenience is that you do not have to select a provider and look for the site address. Just enter the phone number and the text of the message, and the program will automatically select the desired address and send it. Sometimes a captcha may be required, depending on the security measures in place on the operator's corporate website.

The advantage of this method is its simplicity, but be careful when searching for and installing such software, since there are a large number of programs that claim to perform this function, but in fact are virus software. In view of this, download programs only from trusted sources.

Method 3: Sending messages via email

Few people know, but you can often send SMS from a regular email account. Most operators provide an address for each number in the format “number@corporate_site_address”, when sending a letter to which it reaches the recipient in the form of a regular SMS. To find out if a particular operator has this opportunity, use the search or call the hotline.

The advantage of this method is complete anonymity of sending if it is made from a new mailbox. In addition, in this way you can even send messages to a certain circle of people, for example, your clients, and completely free of charge.

Method 4. Sending through online services

Also quite simple but effective method. Its operation is often somewhat reminiscent of the principle of programs installed on a computer for sending messages, with the only difference being that you do not need to install anything. You just need to open a website that contains a variety of options for sending messages and select the appropriate one. Depending on how such a site was created, it can either redirect directly to operator pages for sending messages, or send them directly from its form.

Whatever method you choose, you can always send a free message to any person you need, even if he does not have the Internet at that moment.

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