The phone does not receive 2g network. Why iPhone doesn't connect to the network: the main reasons. Correction of time to restore access to the cellular network

An annoying problem that many users face is that the phone does not connect to the network. When you find yourself in such a situation, it is easy to feel cut off from the world.

First, you should see if there is at least some level of signal reception on the display. If yes, it is quite possible that you have chosen a network that is not supported by your operator. In this case, fixing the problem will not be difficult. Just go to “settings” and select the “automatic” network search feature. If unsuccessful, specify the required network manually in the same menu.

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Why can't my phone connect to the network?

There are several reasons why there is no network on your phone. Let's consider the possible options:

  1. The network on the phone has disappeared, which means the radio contact is failing. It is impossible to repair such a breakdown on your own, since radio contact is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements. Finding out which of them has failed is only possible with the help of a full diagnostic at a service center.
  2. The phone has stopped receiving the network (does not search for the network). This indicates a breakdown of the transmitter power amplifier. Only replacing the part will help fix the problem. It is impossible to carry out such repairs at home. To solve the problem, you should contact a mobile phone repair service center.
  3. The phone has poor network reception. In this case, the reason lies in a faulty antenna. Since the antenna is a rather fragile device, it often stops functioning due to a strong impact or when the phone is dropped. Replacing the antenna will help fix the problem.
  4. The phone cannot find the network and says there is no signal. This indicates a software failure. To resume normal functioning, the phone needs a flashing. You can reflash your phone properly only at a service center.
  5. The phone loses network. Most often this happens due to the user's fault or due to the device being flooded. To find out the cause of the malfunction, you must take the phone to a service center for diagnostics. If the phone has been exposed to moisture, you need to contact the service center specialists as quickly as possible, since the corrosion that has begun is killing the phone more and more every minute.

Common causes of malfunction

  • You are in an area with low base station signal strength
    If you are far out in the country, in the forest, in a basement, in the subway, in the depths of an old building with meter-thick brick walls, and your device shows a low network level or has lost it altogether, then most likely your device is working. And network loss is caused by low signal power from the base station in a particular location. Also, the loss of the network by the device can be caused by a temporary shutdown of the base station itself on the operator’s side.
  • Software failure
    If the problem with the network is caused by a software failure, perform the following steps: remove and insert the battery, if that doesn’t help, do a soft reset through the menu, if that doesn’t help, do a hard reset through the service menu. For Android, this is a specific key combination: you need to turn off the device, hold down the volume button and at the same time the power button for 3-5 seconds until the service menu appears on the display. For different models, different key combinations are used (volume up, volume down, home button), but always with simultaneous pressing of the power button. In the service menu, use the volume buttons to select wipe data or factory reset. A hard reset will completely delete all client data (phone book, photos, installed programs, etc.) from the device’s memory, i.e. the device will return to the factory state in which the device was when you purchased the device. If a hard reset does not help, then your device requires a software update in our authorized service centers using official programs provided by phone manufacturers. By updating your software in our authorized service centers, you can be sure that you will receive the latest software version from the manufacturer.
  • Defective antenna, antenna key, radio processor, power amplifier, display, etc.
    If your device no longer sees the network in the area of ​​reliable reception, then most likely it requires component repair and electrical replacement of the radio unit microcircuits. Self-repair by the user of such a defect is impossible. In our service center, they will diagnose the main board, identify the damaged microcircuit and use a soldering station to replace it, and if the radio unit microcircuits under the compound (glue) are damaged, they will replace the entire main board with a new one.

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Every person has at least once encountered a problem when the phone does not connect to the network. Such a nuisance can appear at the most inopportune moment. Users often discuss this topic on the Internet. Surprisingly, the brand of the phone does not affect this at all. This can happen with both an expensive iPhone and a cheap Chinese one.

However, if the phone does not connect to the network, this does not mean that the device is broken. Before drawing any conclusions, you need to check whether there is a cellular network signal. An icon should appear on the home screen. It often happens that the user chooses a network that is not supported by the operator. All the necessary information about this is in the gadget menu. And this is only one reason, but there are others that will be discussed in this article.

Faulty SIM card

Often the problem lies in the SIM card, which is responsible for communicating with the network. Items tend to deteriorate and SIM cards are no exception. Especially if the card is often moved from phone to phone. This can cause contacts to deteriorate. In this case, the phone simply cannot register on the network.

If the problem is with the SIM card, then diagnosing it is easy. Take another card and insert it into your phone. If the problem disappears, then the card needs to be changed. Go to the nearest mobile operator subscriber service center and change to a new one.

The phone does not connect to the network - the reason is in the device

At this stage, the problem bifurcates into software and hardware. First, check your settings. Perhaps, through the spontaneous intervention of your children or the children of your guests, they were shot down. To do this, go to the “Settings” of your phone and select the “Automatic” network search mode. If this does not help, try to find the network manually directly from your operator.

Also, this problem is possible due to incorrect firmware if you have recently used it. Or software glitches. They should already be diagnosed by specialists; it will be difficult to figure out the basics of telephone yourself. Experts will help you with this by determining the reason why your phone does not connect to the network, completely free of charge.

If you had signal reception before the firmware, then you need to select the frequency settings. To do this, go to your phone (dialer) and enter the code: *#*#4636#*#* , you will be taken to the engineering menu of the Android operating system. Go to the phone information, scroll to the middle, click on the turn off radio button, and then select from the drop-down list to configure the preferred network type GSM Auto, WCDMA preferred or WCDMA Only.

  • GSM Auto - the phone itself will determine the best network coverage and select the required frequency, for example 2G/3G/4G.
  • WCDMA Preferred - will try to use 3G by default, wherever possible.
  • WCDMA Only – always use 3G. By the way, this option does not work on some phones, for example Meizu.

If, after selecting one of the three options, you still see the old option, do not panic. The desired option is selected and already saved.

Then press the radio button again. Reboot your device, after rebooting your smartphone you should have a network again. If this does not happen, write in the comments, we will try to figure it out.

And finally, I would like to say that if the engineering menu did not help you and Android still does not catch the network with another SIM card, then the problem may be with the antenna or radio module. In this case, you must send the device to a service center for diagnostics.

However, we note that the most common breakdown in a situation where the phone does not receive the network, in 90% of cases, is problems with the antenna. As a result of falling or careless handling of the phone (throwing it on the sofa after a conversation, carrying it in a bag without a case), the cable is damaged. Which of course is an obstacle to the normal operation of the antenna and signal reception. You can find out the cost of repairing the cable on our website, in the corresponding section. Just select your phone model and fault.

Often the problem of finding a network is not critical to repair and will not require much time. However, its mere presence is depressing, because it forces you to look for a way to make a call every time you have your almost working phone. So don't delay with repairs. And if you cannot identify the cause on your own, go to specialists.

Why can't my phone connect to the network? Other reasons

Additional reasons why the phone does not connect to the network:

  1. You are in an area with low base station signal strength. If you are far out in the country, in the forest, in a basement, in the subway, in the depths of an old building with meter-thick brick walls, and your device shows a low network level or has lost it altogether, then most likely your device is working. And network loss is caused by low signal power from the base station in a particular location. Also, the loss of the network by the device can be caused by a temporary shutdown of the base station itself on the operator’s side.
  2. If the phone stops receiving the network after contacting the service, then most likely the problem is of a software nature and the technicians simply updated the firmware incorrectly. Contact the service and tell us about the problem.
  3. The lack of communication may be due to the fact that the radio path has become unusable. To identify problems, a complete diagnosis is required, carried out only by specialists.
  4. The phone may not receive the network when its signal transmission power amplifier fails. To fix the problem, you need to completely replace the components. It is impossible to do this at home, so go to the specialists.
  5. Another common cause is due to moisture getting into the phone. If you accidentally dropped your phone in the bathroom or got it wet in the rain, you need to go to a service center for diagnostics as soon as possible, since over time this will lead to corrosion.
  6. Phones from the Middle Kingdom. With the advent of access to the World Wide Web, every resident of Russia has the opportunity to buy cheap phones through Chinese online stores. It is worth noting that the difference in price is significantly different, but there are also more risks. By purchasing a phone from an authorized sales point, the buyer can inspect the gadget, try it in operation, and also receive a guarantee that provides free service for a certain period. What do shops in the Middle Kingdom offer? You can judge the phone you are purchasing only by the picture. It is not always possible to find out the exact characteristics, so some buyers are faced with the problem that the phone does not support the Russian cellular communication standard. In this case, the user will no longer be able to do anything.

Many people are interested in which phone catches the network better, especially in unusual situations. According to existing reviews and some studies, Nokia devices stand out in this regard.

Why doesn't iPhone detect the network?

There are many prerequisites that lead to disruptions in the operation of a smartphone.

If the iPhone has stopped receiving the network, this means that one of the following reasons is present:

  • Reset to factory settings was carried out
  • device firmware was being flashed
  • iPhone was repaired
  • the gadget has not been used for a long time
  • the time was set incorrectly

Sometimes iPhone cannot find a network when exposed to adverse weather conditions or when the wrong software features are installed.

After updating the device, you need to check the cell phone settings to make sure that all functions are available, the iPhone sees the SIM card and has good network reception.

Signs of Apple equipment breakdowns

It happens that a new smartphone does not see the operator’s network even in an area with an excellent signal, this indicates problems with your device.

Symptoms of an incorrectly functioning network include:

  • The gadget does not see the cellular network
  • iPhone lost network and can't find it
  • poor signal reception
  • looking for Internet providers for a long time
  • constantly displays the message “Searching”

Another sign of a problem is the situation when the connection on the smartphone is lost in a place where there is no network, but upon returning to the coverage area, it is weakly restored. If the iPhone says “Search” and does not find an operator for a long time, then there are problems that need to be fixed.

If a smartphone catches the network well, but connects poorly to it or loses it, this means that it needs repair.

How to fix the problem yourself?

If your iPhone can't connect to the network, you can try to fix the problem yourself.

To do this you need to perform a number of specific actions:

  • check network settings
  • turn on and after 10 seconds turn off “Airplane mode”
  • overload the gadget
  • remove and inspect the sim
  • check for updates
  • insert another SIM card

If your phone does not find an operator while abroad, follow these steps. Turn on the “Operator” item in the settings menu and select the “Automatic” function. After this, you will see a list of mobile operators and available mobile networks, from which you can choose the appropriate one. If everything worked out, this indicates that the iPhone is working properly.

If these steps don't help and you don't know what the problem is, you can try resetting your network settings. If, after performing these steps, the mobile device does not see the cellular network or has difficulty finding an operator, then you need to seek qualified help from specialists who will diagnose the device, be able to quickly determine the cause of the breakdown and fix the problem.

Sony Xperia 261j phone has almost no connection, and from the very beginning, to fix the problem, the board was replaced, but it didn’t get any better, replacing the SIM card also didn’t bring any results, I don’t know what to do, please advise what to do?

Good afternoon My phone DNS S4705 is already a year old and some problems with communication have begun to arise. I have a 2-SIM phone. 1 SIM card megaphone is used for the Internet, 2 Beeline is for calls and SMS, so in the middle of the day or in the evening the connection for calls and SMS first disappears, and then the Internet disappears. Tell me what to do?

Good afternoon, perhaps in the evening you are in an area with an unstable communication signal. Try turning off 3G mode, cellular reception should improve.

I can’t switch to dual mode, gsm mode is selected, now the network mode is clouded, how to switch to dual mode, please tell me the phone brand HUAWEI Y511-U30

Hello. I bought an HTC 516 dual SIM smartphone. 3g internet is lost. Before that, I had a Lenovo 680 with this SIM card in the same area, everything worked. I changed the settings as best I could, but it doesn't help. Please tell me.

Good afternoon, on the phone Lenova S960 the network fails, I restore the factory settings again, it catches it, it’s completely discharged and the network fails, rebooting doesn’t help and changing the SIM too

Hello! please tell me why my network disappears on Android, and in order for it to appear again I need to restart the tablet?

Hello! Please tell me, my iPhone 5 is losing network. in different places. when on the road it disappears on various bridges and overpasses. but on a flat road it's fine. and there is such nonsense in the premises. I reboot the phone, even changed the SIM card. but the problem remains

Hello, you may be using your phone in an area with poor network reception. Make sure there is a strong network signal in the area.

Hello, my phone lost connection when I tore off the stickers on the back of the phone! What should I do?

Hello, perhaps this sticker was an antenna. In this case, diagnostics is necessary.

2 days ago I bought an Alcatel one touch idol 2 phone, before that I had fly on both phones, the MegaFon SIM card network disappears every day and is not restored, after rebooting the phone everything is fine again. It says "emergency calls only". How to deal with this?

Good afternoon, it is possible that in the area where you use the phone, the reception of the cellular network signal is not reliable. Try changing the SIM card to a new one, or to a SIM card from another mobile operator.

I have a simple android. The network mode function is clouded and does not work. Why? If even after updating the entire phone it remains the same

Good afternoon, perhaps the phone's radio unit is damaged or the phone does not support mode switching.

Good day! The problem is that the network has disappeared and does not appear again. IMEI has disappeared, could this be related to this and how can I restore it? Thanks everybody!

Good afternoon, Since IMEI has disappeared, the phone cannot register with operator base stations, so it does not see the network. IMEI often gets lost when updating the software of gray phones. It is possible to restore it using a programmer, but it is not always possible.

Good afternoon, Vasily. Try changing the SIM card to a new one. Make sure there is stable network and 3G signal reception in the area.

Good afternoon My situation is like this. Not a stable network. The Internet, that is, it does not exist. I’ll reboot either the phone or the network, at first it lasts for 15 seconds and then disappears again. Sometimes it suddenly appears where it was not, sometimes it disappears where it just was. What it is? Fly era phone

Hello, I bought a phone yesterday, for 2 SIM cards, while I’m using one, this one’s network constantly jumps, mostly one stick, then 2 or 3! Well, there is a call connection! Please tell me - is this normal?

Hello Julia. Make sure there is good network reception in the area where you are using the phone. If possible, install a SIM card from another telecom operator.

Good afternoon The Internet on the phone disappears. I turn on the Internet, everything is fine, the 4G icon is on, everything works. After some time it says “No mobile network signal”, but I can make calls. Samsung S4 phone.
P.S. The problem started after a software update, there were no problems before.

Good day, Sergey! The software update may not have occurred correctly, try resetting your phone (attention: in this case, user data will be deleted, make a backup copy). Also try replacing the SIM card. Make sure your phone is in an area with good signal reception.

Please tell me, my phone techet x-medium lost connection and no longer appears. What could this be and how can I fix it?????????????????????

Good afternoon, the connection could be lost due to a faulty radio module, bring it in for diagnostics.

Hello, please tell me what can I do if my phone does not support 3G? Are there any options to connect?

Hello! Help please! I bought an Oysters T7 D 3G tablet, I bought it recently, I also often surf the Internet, 3 days passed and the 3G module began to disappear, it seems to be turned on, the 3G icon is there, but the Internet does not work. I read user reviews about this tablet , and everyone writes about this particular drawback, i.e. that this 3G module disappears and then doesn’t work at all. Please tell me what can be done, can I reflash it, will that help? I live in the Irkutsk region, the village of Korshunovsky, 3G connection is good in our village

Good afternoon, if you are confident in good, stable 3G signal reception, then the problem is probably in the software. Re-flashing will be required. It is also possible that the radio unit itself may be faulty.

Hello, help, the network doesn’t disappear, but I can’t make calls indoors, and SMS and the Internet also can’t pick up the network, but I can only use it outside

Indoors you need to set the automatic mode, indoors it doesn’t catch “only 3G”, only automatic catches i.e. “2G-3G”

Good afternoon, I can’t switch my phone to 3G On Lenovo A516, help.

Good afternoon. In order to enable 3G, you need to go to settings, select network mode - network parameters - select GSM/WCDMA (automatic mode).

I bought an iPhone 5s and it worked fine for a month, but then suddenly the Internet began to disappear and the connection was jumping. There were no drops, no moisture got in either. I changed the SIM card, no changes. What could be the problem?

Good afternoon, it is possible that this is a malfunction of the cellular operator (base stations) or the signal power amplifier has failed, you can find out by submitting it for diagnostics.

Today, network setup on Android occurs automatically in most cases, but sometimes user participation may still be required to connect or select network parameters.

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To gain access to the network, it is often enough to insert a SIM card into the device. You need to make sure that the SIM card is activated and has cellular services connected. By default, automatic operator selection is enabled in the settings; the smartphone itself will find the network and connect to it. If not, enable this option or select your operator from the list of available ones yourself.

How to set network type on Android

Modern smartphones have the ability to work in several types (generations) of network: 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE). By default, the radio module will try to connect to a higher generation network; if that fails, it will try to connect to a lower generation network. This constant search for the best network negatively affects the battery charge. If you know that the 3G network is predominantly widespread in your region, you can select the appropriate option in the settings, thereby saving the device from unnecessary load when searching for 4G. If you do not use the Internet to watch videos or download large files, you can generally choose a 2G network. The Internet speed on this network leaves much to be desired, but setting up the network on Android in this way will help the battery hold its charge longer.

Setting up the Internet on Android also happens automatically, as does setting up the network on Android. However, there may be exceptions:

  • If you purchased a smartphone from some little-known manufacturer whose devices do not have automatic settings, then the settings will have to be entered manually.
  • If the smartphone is released for another country. In this case, connecting to the network may not be possible at all, since different countries may use different frequencies for cellular communications.

In order to enter Internet settings manually, you need to check with your operator's technical support for the necessary parameters for the access point (APN) and create a new access point.

Why does the network disappear on Android?

From time to time, Android smartphones, like all cell phones, may experience problems with the quality of their network connection. There are many factors that affect the signal level; it may not be the device itself or the operator. Here are some reasons why connection quality and Internet speed drop:

  • The long distance to the nearest PBX (automatic telephone exchange) tower is especially noticeable outside large populated areas.
  • Cell tower congestion - if many subscribers are simultaneously connected to one tower and using the Internet, then its speed for each subscriber drops.
  • Weather conditions - during rain, radio relay communication channels sharply lose their capacity.
  • Building density and other obstacles to the signal path. It happens that, due to obstacles, the device cannot catch the signal from the nearest telephone exchange and connects to a more distant one.
  • The quality of your smartphone - when purchasing a budget device, you must understand that it does not have the best components installed.
  • Some cases also negatively affect the quality of the received signal.

How to boost the signal on Android

To strengthen the signal in populated areas and beyond, so-called GSM/3G repeaters are used. The device is an amplified antenna that is capable of picking up a weak signal and amplifying it for use by subscribers. There are also applications designed to improve the quality of communication. They don't improve the signal itself, but they scan nearby cell towers and connect to the one with the best signal. If you are experiencing connection problems, you can try the application

Apple technology is one of the highest quality on the electronics market, but it happens that the iPhone does not catch the network. Signal quality may be poor or non-existent. To restore this important function, you should have some knowledge of the structure of the gadget. There are ways to restore an iPhone yourself, but first you need to find out what factors contributed to the failure of the mobile device and the lack of a network signal.

Why doesn't iPhone detect the network?

There are many prerequisites that lead to disruptions in the operation of a smartphone. If the iPhone has stopped receiving the network, this means that one of the following reasons is present:

  • Reset to factory settings was carried out
  • device firmware was being flashed
  • iPhone was repaired
  • the gadget has not been used for a long time
  • the time was set incorrectly

Sometimes iPhone cannot find a network when exposed to adverse weather conditions or when the wrong software features are installed.

After updating the device, you need to check the cell phone settings to make sure that all functions are available, the iPhone sees the SIM card and has good network reception.

Signs of Apple equipment breakdowns

It happens that a new smartphone does not see the operator’s network even in an area with an excellent signal, this indicates problems with your device.

Symptoms of an incorrectly functioning network include:

  • The gadget does not see the cellular network
  • iPhone lost network and can't find it
  • poor signal reception
  • looking for Internet providers for a long time
  • constantly displays the message “Searching”

Another sign of a problem is the situation when the connection on the smartphone is lost in a place where there is no network, but upon returning to the coverage area, it is weakly restored. If the iPhone says “Search” and does not find an operator for a long time, then there are problems that need to be fixed.

If a smartphone catches the network well, but connects poorly to it or loses it, this means that it needs repair.

How to fix the problem yourself?

If your iPhone can't connect to the network, you can try to fix the problem yourself. To do this you need to perform a number of specific actions:

  • check network settings
  • turn on and after 10 seconds turn off “Airplane mode”
  • overload the gadget
  • remove and inspect the sim
  • check for updates
  • insert another SIM card

If your phone does not find an operator while abroad, follow these steps. Turn on the “Operator” item in the settings menu and select the “Automatic” function. After this, you will see a list of mobile operators and available mobile networks, from which you can choose the appropriate one. If everything worked out, this indicates that the iPhone is working properly.

If these steps don't help and you don't know what the problem is, you can try resetting your network settings.

If, after performing these steps, the mobile device does not see the cellular network or has difficulty finding an operator, then you need to seek qualified help from specialists who will diagnose the device, be able to quickly determine the cause of the breakdown and fix the problem.

Benefits of qualified help

The design of Apple smartphones has its own characteristics and differs significantly from other mobile devices. The internal structure of the parts is unusual, so they can be easily damaged. To ensure that this does not happen, you need to entrust the repair to professionals.

If, after repairing your iPhone, you no longer see the network and you cannot fix the problem yourself, you should contact a specialist. Experienced specialists will quickly determine why the iPhone 5S has poor network reception and check the cellular signal. To do this, they perform a number of actions:

  • perform an external inspection of the mobile device to determine damage or defects
  • check network settings
  • install updates
  • configure network software functions
  • remove the battery and SIM cards
  • inspect internal components
  • check the signal and connection quality

Specialists are often faced with a situation where a mobile device is constantly searching, has poor visibility, or does not connect to the network at all. Experts are well aware of the causes of these problems, so restoring the functionality of the gadget does not take much time. Specialists will fix the problem within 10 minutes; only in some cases, if internal components are damaged, the work may take several hours.

Why should you order gadget repair from Yudu specialists?

The presence of a network in a mobile device is a fundamental factor in full-fledged operation. If your smartphone does not see well, does not detect the network, the search does not produce any results, the signal does not pass through and communication is not possible, contact experienced technicians registered with Yuda.

Specialists have high-precision modern equipment that allows them to quickly determine the reason for the lack of network. Thanks to their extensive experience, Yudu performers quickly repair the device and restore all network functions.