MTS is hard to hear the interlocutor. Poor audibility during a call on Sony Xperia. Check volume and connection levels

at Android platform you can hear yourself, make noise, crackle, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix it.

Many users encounter a problem when phone or tablet on Android based starts to be capricious. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with the fact that during a conversation (call) any distortion or defects in sound transmission/reproduction appear. The reason for this may be:

1st: Software glitch - i.e. the problem is a software glitch

2nd: Hardware failure - i.e. the problem is in the hardware (i.e., replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget is required)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases there are problems with the operation of the data transmission and playback system and directly with the adjustment and correction of incoming and outgoing calls smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch which you can easily fix on your own.

Fixing a software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings", find there « backup and reset" in which you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, using this method is often effective, but it entails deleting all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if even after this the problem is not resolved, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving problems with communication and network reception phone number and tablet based Android method implementation of additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a lot of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more effective it is, as a rule. Best monitors system functions, adjusts, and fixes everything possible mistakes settings and synchronization is small and easy to use, free utility for Android devices. Download the app from Google Play and watch it additional options in the description it is possible . After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, in principle, nothing more is required from you. The application will take full control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will begin to charge 20% faster, and its performance will also increase significantly, which will affect the loading speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system runs at 50% faster.)

Method 3.

Changing the device software, or as it is also called "re firmware ".This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and can be resolved by contacting the Service Center. To carry out this task yourself, you need to contact the website of the manufacturer of your device, download the utilities necessary for flashing the firmware and the firmware itself, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brings results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repairing your tablet a or smartphone a.

phoning when talking on a phone or tablet / when talking on a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform, you can hear yourself, phoning, crackling, or any other defects appear. What to do and how to fix it.

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What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone?

Almost everyone now has such a gadget as mobile phone or smartphone. It is very convenient to use, because with its help you can contact and talk with any person, knowing his number, no matter where he is.

Although it often happens that when calling a subscriber, or a call from another person, you may not hear the person at the other end of the “wire,” even though he can hear you perfectly. You see that the connection is established, the timer is running, and there is silence on the handset.

If you are using a smartphone, then the malfunction in which you cannot hear the interlocutor on the phone may be due to accidental.

This often happens due to network failures, for example due to bad weather or other interference. Call to find out why Bad quality communications. When they tell you that there are no problems on their part, then next step remove the SIM card and then insert and repeat the call.

If the problem does not go away, then in this case the solution is quite simple: when you are sure that the other end can hear you, the call time is counting down, offer to call him back. If after making a new call from the subscriber there is still silence on the phone, then you should check the sound.

Sometimes, you can simply not notice and turn off the microphone. So try turning up the volume. If this does not help, then try rebooting the gadget and make the call again.

Speakers are dirty

One of the reasons may also be a situation where the speaker is clogged with dust. IN in this case The housing is either replaced or cleaned.

These are the most common sound problems and ways to solve them, but there are other, more serious reasons for which you cannot hear your interlocutor on the phone.

Serious reasons

If you have done everything stated above, but it did not help, you can return your phone or smartphone to factory settings, since the program can sometimes crash. This operation is done through the “Settings” menu in the “Backup and reset” section.

Depending on the model and brand of phone, smartphone, this section may be called differently. The bottom line is that by going to the “Restore and reset” section, you select “Reset settings to factory settings” and perform this operation.

I want to warn you, if your gadget has any important data, photos, audio recordings or videos, first transfer everything you need to a flash drive or computer. Since after this reset operation, all data will be deleted, and your device will return to the state in which you bought it.

technical issues

When you can’t hear your interlocutor on the phone, but you tried all sorts of options, then the malfunction may be more serious. For example, related to such technical problems:

  1. Break in the speaker coil.
  2. The contact on the cable responsible for sound may come off.
  3. If the phone is hit hard when dropped, the contacts on the board may break.
  4. The element responsible for ensuring the operation of the speaker itself or the sound chip may fail.

In this case, if you are not an expert in this field, then you should give the phone to service center for diagnostics. There will be held necessary work aimed at correcting damage. Since you may need to replace the microphone and perform other procedures to repair your smartphone.

I can’t hear the person I’m talking to on the phone, result

Thus, the article presented the most common causes of problems with the microphone and the phone itself. If the gadget was purchased recently, and you have such a malfunction, and the phone has never fallen, then you should take it to the store for a return or replacement of the product.

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The situation when the owner of an Apple device observes poor audibility of the interlocutor’s voice during a call is a fairly common problem. At the same time, if you set the call to loud mode connection, a voice appears. As the experience of many users shows, this problem is most often typical for gadgets of the sixth version. Repair shop specialists note that in iPhone 6, as well as iPhone 5, 5S and other Apple phone models, the sound disappears very often, which is the reason why the owners of these gadgets call for repairs.

If you have the problem of being unable to hear your interlocutor on an iPhone 6 or iPhone 5, read this article. It describes the most common causes of this problem and how to fix it.

Summarizing the experience of repair technicians, we can conclude that when the interlocutor is hard to hear on the iPhone 6, the reason for this is one of the following factors:

1 Device speaker failure. Moreover, the problem may lie in both the hardware and software parts of the device. It will be extremely difficult for the user to cope with such malfunctions on his own. However, it is worth mentioning some methods that may restore sound, and the owner of the smartphone will avoid going to a repair shop. 2 Influence third party programs and applications for sound quality. Few people think that serious violations can be caused by such a trivial reason. However, it should be excluded too. To do this, you need to look at what software you installed on the device, especially in Lately. Next you need to figure out which of the downloaded and installed programs could have a negative impact on the iPhone's audio settings. If any are found, the further course of action is very simple - you need to remove the programs from the smartphone. Usually, after this, the sound functions of the device are normalized, and the sound becomes clear and beautiful, as before. 3 Finding the lever quiet mode in mute state. At the same time, the lever is marked in red. What is required from the user in such a situation? Nothing complicated - just switch the element to a different position. 4 Incorrect extraction portable speakers. Due to such a misunderstanding, of course, the sound cannot disappear completely, but its quality will deteriorate significantly. Most often the sound becomes quiet, like a whisper. Therefore, try not to forget whether you connected headphones to your device today, and was it after this action that the problem arose? If everything fits, the source of the problem, and therefore its solution, has been successfully found. In such a situation, it is necessary to reinsert the plug into the socket and then remove it. 5 Damage to the upper cable or audio connector. In this situation, as in the previous one, the sound does not completely disappear, but it becomes barely audible. Although, if the sound volume during a conversation is not very good, do not worry and immediately think that the device has serious malfunctions or breakdowns. You may have accidentally set the call volume on your device to low. If this is the problem, you just need to press the volume up button during a conversation.

First, you should turn off your phone and then turn it on again. If there is still no sound, you will have to take the device to a specialist for diagnostics. Remember that the sooner you turn to professionals, the cheaper the cost of repairs will be.

In a situation where the sound does not disappear completely, but disappears only sometimes, an action such as updating the firmware on iPhone 6 can help.

If the button is turned on, but the owner of an iPhone 6 still has difficulty hearing the interlocutor or does not hear him at all, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the problem is not with his device, but with the device of the person he is calling.

6 Malfunctions (not breakdowns) of the speaker. This is often caused by moisture getting inside the case, which results in short circuit in the motherboard circuits. The same can be observed due to contamination of the element with small debris and dust. Specifically, the protective mesh is most often contaminated. And if this happens, audibility during a conversation may not be ideal. 7 Mechanical damage. Obviously, if the device is dropped or hit, the microphone or speaker may be damaged to some extent. According to the experience of specialists, most often the audio cable or speech codecs are damaged. system board iPhone 6. 8 Dust exposure. A little has already been said above about this problem, but we will dwell on it again to say how to fix it. Logically, it is clear that in such a situation it is necessary to clean the protective mesh from dust. To carry out this procedure, it is better to contact a repair shop. The service is inexpensive, and under the supervision of an experienced technician it will be done efficiently and without damaging other parts of the smartphone.

Above were the main sources of problems with sound in iPhones 5 and 6. If, after performing all the steps to improve or restore the sound, it does not return or its quality leaves much to be desired, then serious repairs are indispensable. In such a situation, the matter is resolved, as a rule, not by repair, but by complete replacement of such an important part as the auditory speaker.

The manufacturer himself gives a number of tips on how to correct the situation when the interlocutor is insufficiently audible when talking on iPhone 6. Below are the most effective of them. If you are faced with the problem of poor hearing on an Apple device or, even worse, with complete absence sound, take a close look at these recommendations. Perhaps, with their help, you can fix the situation yourself, avoiding a trip to a repair shop and unnecessary expenses.

So, if you have problems implementing sound functions in smartphones, Apple advises:

  • Try increasing the sound volume. This is done simply - using the sound volume control buttons. During the process, you need to make sure that the sound level indicator appears on the display, i.e. its volume.
  • Check the audio headset connection. If a headset is connected to the device, there will be 100% sound in the speaker. To correct this situation, you need to perform only 2 steps:
  • Clean the receiver. Not for the first time throughout this article, we repeat that the reason poor quality The sound in an Apple phone may be due to simple contamination of the receiver’s protective mesh. To resolve this problem, Apple recommends taking the following steps:
  • Check the functionality of the receiver. If you suspect a problem with the receiver, do the following:
  • Reboot or update your smartphone. Often, doing one of these steps will resolve the audio issue on your device. To do this, you need to restart the iPhone and retest the system. If after this the sound does not appear, you need to update operating system up to the newest version.
  • Check that nothing has been plugged into the headphone jack.
  • Go to the gadget settings section, select Bluetooth and disable this option.

After completing the steps described above, the sound should appear again.

  • See if the receiver is blocked, which may occur due to covering it with a case or film. If the device is new, the protective plastic film on both panels – front and back – must be removed.
  • Carefully inspect the protective film, and if dirt is visible to the naked eye, you need to wipe the element with a small brush. But, it is important to remember that the brush must be completely dry to avoid moisture getting inside the device. As any iPhone user knows, moisture is one of the main enemies of the device, which can lead to serious damage to internal parts.
  • Turn on speaker during a call. If during this action the sound remains of poor quality or there is no sound, it means there are problems with the network or with signal reception. In such a situation, you can try to call another subscriber a little later or in a different place.
  • Login to the program voice recordings, create a short recording of an audio file.
  • Click the icon at the top of the display. The sound playback between the receiver and speaker will be switched.
  • Click the appropriate button to record audio using the gadget's built-in receiver.

If after this you hear a clear, clear recording High Quality, which means the problem lies in the network of the telecom operator or in the system voicemail. And if the misunderstanding is still not resolved, it would be correct to contact the device manufacturer directly. This can be done through the official website by writing to the support service.

If none of the methods given above - both from specialists and from apple company, didn’t help, don’t waste time. As soon as possible, contact one of the certified repair centers or the support service of the manufacturer of Apple gadgets.

Have you noticed that during some calls on your iPhone you can’t hear the other person? This problem quite common among owners Apple smartphones. Its reason may be as follows: iOS error, or due to a malfunction or contamination of the iPhone receiver. What to do in any of these cases is described in this instruction.

Check volume and connection levels

First you need to check basic settings. First, make sure that the volume level during a call is not set to minimum value. During a call, adjust the volume using the control buttons - the screen should display a volume indicator and its current status.

Secondly, make sure that the headset is not connected to the iPhone, since in this case there will be no sound in the smartphone receiver. Make sure that nothing is connected to the headphone jack or dock connector, and that there is no . In addition, go to the menu " Settings» → Bluetooth and turn off Bluetooth.

Clean the receiver

The iPhone receiver may not work properly if it is dirty or clogged. Make sure the receiver is not blocked by anything, e.g. protective film or cover, and also check whether the receiver grille is clogged. In the latter case, you need to clean it with a clean, dry brush with soft bristles.

Advice! If you just purchased an iPhone, remove the plastic films from the panels of the smartphone.

Force restart your iPhone

Quite often the problem is with bad work iPhone receiver is due to a software bug. Produce forced reboot smartphone by holding down the buttons Nutrition And Home(volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus) in order to clear errors.

Restore iPhone

Even more in an effective way corrections software error is iPhone recovery. For this:

Note: You must have the latest version installed on your computer. iTunes version. You can update iTunes on Mac from the Updates tab in Mac App Store, on Windows in the menu “Help” → “Updates”. If iTunes is not installed on your computer, download latest version possible at official Apple website.

Step 1. Download the latest one for your iPhone iOS version on this site .

Step 2. Connect your iPhone to your computer, and then enter the smartphone into recovery mode. To do this, simultaneously hold down the buttons Home And Nutrition on 10 Seconds, then release the Power button but continue to hold the button Home during 6-9 seconds. If you did everything correctly, iTunes will report iPhone detection in recovery mode.

Note: iPhone translation 7 and iPhone 7 Plus recovery mode is slightly different. Instead of the Home button, you should hold the Volume Down button.

Step 3: Hold the key Shift and while holding it press " Restore» on iTunes. In the window that opens, select the previously downloaded firmware file.

Step 4. Confirm to start the recovery procedure.

After the restoration is complete, perform the initial iPhone setup, and then check whether the error with the incorrect operation of the device’s receiver has been corrected.

Contact the service center for help

If none of the methods described above helped, in your case the problem is hardware. Only service center specialists can help solve it.

Quite often on the page " Xperia problems» user messages appear Xperia phones who complain of poor hearing during a conversation. Therefore, it was decided to create a small guide to solve this problem.

“They can’t hear me well and I can’t hear my interlocutor well” is one of the common problems Sony Xperia.

Basically, poor audibility during calls on Sony Xperia occurs due to incorrect operation software, those algorithms that, on the contrary, should help you hear better and be heard, but we will consider all options.

The main reasons for the problem when I/the interlocutor is hard to hear

First and the most common reason for insufficient audibility is the “Noise Reduction” and “Subscriber Voice Enhancement” settings (not available on all firmwares). You need to go to Settings - Call and at the very bottom find these items and disable them. After this, you need to restart your smartphone and check whether the audibility situation has changed. It is worth noting that this opportunity disappeared in Android 6.0 Marshmallow-based firmware on some new Xperia devices. For example, on Xperia X and Xperia X Performance.

Second common reason the fact that you/the interlocutor is hard to hear may occur due to the settings mobile network. You need to go to Settings - Mobile network - Mobile network settings and try changing the Preferred network type from one to another (LTE (preferred)/WCDMA/GSM to WCDMA (preferred)/GSM). Many Xperia owners noted that this improved their audibility during conversations.

Third the reason lies in the voice search “OK Google”. There are cases when users complained about the lack of sound during a call (the other party cannot hear you). This is typical not only for Sony Xperia, but also for any other Android devices. To check the impact of voice search, you need to go to Google Now- Settings - Voice search- Recognize “OK Google” and disable this feature. Afterwards you need to reboot the device.

Fourth The reason why you or your interlocutor is hard to hear when talking to Sony Xperia may occur after a firmware update. It happens that the new software has some bugs or the update did not install on the phone as it should. Therefore, if none of the above helped, then you need to try Hard Reset(full reset) Xperia devices. To do this, go to Settings - Reserve. copy and reset - Master reset - Reset phone settings. After this, ALL data from the phone’s memory will be deleted and software phone will return to original appearance. Usually this always helps.

Fifth The reason for poor hearing during conversations is moisture trapped in the earpiece and microphones. This concerns waterproof smartphones Sony Xperia. After Sony device If your Xperia has been in water, you need to let the membranes that protect the speakers and microphones dry for some time.

Sixth The reason is the most unpleasant and it is related to hardware problems. If you or your interlocutor are hard to hear, and possible reasons, mentioned above, have already disappeared, then most likely the matter is a manufacturing defect in the speaker or microphone. In addition, problems with poor hearing may occur due to internal damage to the smartphone as a result of falls or impacts. Then you should contact the service center.

Write in the comments if this manual was useful and helped you get rid of problems with poor hearing. Also share in the comments if you found any more probable reasons bad connection.