Examples from the textbook "Parallel Programming Technologies MPI and OpenMP". Derived data types. Point-to-point operations

Annotation: The lecture is devoted to the consideration of MPI technology as a parallel programming standard for distributed memory systems. The main modes of data transmission are considered. Concepts such as process groups and communicators are introduced. Covers basic data types, point-to-point operations, collective operations, synchronization operations, and time measurements.

Purpose of the lecture: The lecture is aimed at studying the general development methodology parallel algorithms.

Video recording of the lecture - (volume - 134 MB).

5.1. MPI: basic concepts and definitions

Let's consider a number of concepts and definitions that are fundamental to the MPI standard.

5.1.1. The concept of a parallel program

Under parallel program within the framework of MPI, we understand a set of simultaneously executed processes. Processes can run on different processors, but several processes can be located on one processor (in this case, they are executed in time-sharing mode). In the extreme case, a single processor can be used to execute a parallel program - as a rule, this method is used to initially check the correctness of the parallel program.

Each process of a parallel program is spawned from a copy of the same program code ( SPMP model). The program code, presented in the form executable program, must be available at the time the parallel program is launched on all processors used. The source code for the executable program is developed in the algorithmic languages ​​C or Fortran using one or another implementation of the MPI library.

The number of processes and the number of processors used are determined at the time the parallel program is launched using the MPI program execution environment and cannot change during calculations (the MPI-2 standard provides the possibility dynamic change number of processes). All program processes are sequentially numbered from 0 to p-1, Where p is the total number of processes. The process number is called rank process.

5.1.2. Data transfer operations

MPI is based on message passing operations. Among the functions provided as part of MPI, there are different doubles (point-to-point) operations between two processes and collective (collective) communication actions for the simultaneous interaction of several processes.

Can be used to perform paired operations different modes transmissions, including synchronous, blocking, etc. - full consideration of possible transmission modes will be performed in subsection 5.3.

As noted earlier, the MPI standard provides for the need to implement most of the basic collective data transfer operations - see subsections 5.2 and 5.4.

5.1.3. Concept of communicators

Processes of a parallel program are combined into groups. Under communicator MPI refers to a specially created service object that combines a group of processes and a number of additional parameters (context) used when performing data transfer operations.

Typically, paired data transfer operations are performed for processes belonging to the same communicator. Collective operations are applied simultaneously to all communicator processes. As a result, specifying the communicator to use is mandatory for data transfer operations in MPI.

During calculations, new process groups and communicators can be created and existing ones deleted. The same process can belong to different groups and communicators. All processes present in the parallel program are included in the communicator created by default with the identifier MPI_COMM_WORLD.

If you need to transfer data between processes from different groups it is necessary to create a global communicator ( intercommunicator).

A detailed discussion of MPI's capabilities for working with groups and communicators will be performed in subsection 5.6.

5.1.4. Data types

When performing message passing operations, you must specify the data to be sent or received in MPI functions. type sent data. MPI contains big set basic types data that largely coincides with data types in the algorithmic languages ​​C and Fortran. In addition, MPI has the ability to create new derived types data for more accurate and brief description contents of forwarded messages.

A detailed discussion of MPI's capabilities for working with derived data types will be performed in subsection 5.5.

5.1.5. Virtual topologies

As noted earlier, paired data transfer operations can be performed between any processes of the same communicator, and all processes of the communicator take part in a collective operation. In this regard, the logical topology of communication lines between processes has the structure of a complete graph (regardless of the presence of real physical channels communication between processors).

At the same time (and this was already noted in Section 3), for the presentation and subsequent analysis of a number of parallel algorithms, it is advisable to have a logical representation of the existing communication network in the form of certain topologies.

MPI has the ability to represent multiple processes in the form gratings arbitrary dimension (see subsection 5.7). In this case, the boundary processes of the lattices can be declared neighboring and, thereby, based on the lattices, structures of the type torus.

In addition, MPI has tools for generating logical (virtual) topologies of any required type. A detailed discussion of MPI's capabilities for working with topologies will be performed in subsection 5.7.

And finally the last row Notes before starting MPI review:

  • Descriptions of functions and all examples of programs provided will be presented in the algorithmic language C; features of using MPI for algorithmic Fortran language will be given in clause 5.8.1,
  • Brief description of available implementations MPI libraries And general description runtime MPI programs will be discussed in clause 5.8.2,
  • The main presentation of MPI capabilities will be focused on the version 1.2 standard ( MPI-1); additional properties standard version 2.0 will be presented in clause 5.8.3.

When starting to study MPI, it can be noted that, on the one hand, MPI is quite complex - the MPI standard provides for the presence of more than 125 functions. On the other hand, the structure of MPI is carefully thought out - the development of parallel programs can begin after considering only 6 MPI functions. All additional features MPI can be mastered as the complexity of the developed algorithms and programs increases. Namely, in this style – from simple to complex – the entire educational material according to MPI.

5.2. Introduction to parallel program development using MPI

5.2.1. MPI Basics

Let us present the minimum required set of MPI functions, sufficient for the development of fairly simple parallel programs. Initialization and termination of MPI programs

First function called MPI should be a function:

int MPI_Init (int *agrc, char ***argv);

to initialize the MPI program execution environment. The parameters of the function are the number of arguments in command line and the text of the command line itself.

Last function called MPI must be a function:

int MPI_Finalize(void);

As a result, it can be noted that the structure of a parallel program developed using MPI should have the following form:

#include "mpi.h" int main (int argc, char *argv) (<программный код без использования MPI функций>MPI_Init(&agrc, &argv);<программный код с использованием MPI функций>MPI_Finalize();<программный код без использования MPI функций>return 0; )

It should be noted:

  1. File mpi.h contains definitions of named constants, function prototypes and data types of the MPI library,
  2. Functions MPI_Init And MPI_Finalize are mandatory and must be executed (and only once) by each process of the parallel program,
  3. Before the call MPI_Init function can be used MPI_Initialized to determine if a call has previously been made MPI_Init.

The examples of functions discussed above give an idea of ​​the syntax for naming functions in MPI. The function name is preceded by the MPI prefix, followed by one or more words of the name, the first word in the function name begins with capital character, words are separated by an underscore. The names of MPI functions, as a rule, explain the purpose of the actions performed by the function.

It should be noted:

  • Communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD, as noted earlier, is created by default and represents all processes of the parallel program being executed,
  • Rank obtained using the function MPI_Comm_rank, is the rank of the process that made the call to this function, i.e. variable ProcRank will take different values ​​in different processes.

Parallelization in C language
Example 3b. Parallelization in Fortran
Example 4a. Determining the characteristics of the system timer in C language
Example 4b. Defining system timer characteristics in Fortran

1.4. Sending and receiving messages between separate processes

1.4.1. Point-to-point operations

1.4.2. Sending and receiving messages with blocking

Example 5a. Exchange of messages between two processes in C language
Example 5b. Exchange of messages between two processes in Fortran
Example 6a. Message exchange between even and odd processes in C
Example 6b. Message exchange between even and odd processes in Fortran
Example 7a. Forwarding to a non-existent process in C
Example 7b. Forwarding to a non-existent process in Fortran
Example 8a. Buffered data sending in C language
Example 8b. Buffered data sending in Fortran language
Example 9a. Obtaining information about message attributes in C language
Example 9b. Obtaining information about message attributes in Fortran
Example 10a. Definition of latency and bandwidth in C language
Example 10b. Defining latency and throughput in Fortran

1.4.3. Sending and receiving messages without blocking

Example 11a. Exchange by ring topology using non-blocking operations in C language
Example 11b. Exchange over a ring topology using non-blocking operations in Fortran
Example 12a. Communication scheme "master - workers" in C language
Example 12b. Communication diagram "master - workers" in Fortran language
Example 13a. Matrix transposition in C language
Example 13b. Transposing a matrix in Fortran

1.4.4. Pending interaction requests

Example 14a. Scheme of an iterative method with exchange along a ring topology using deferred queries in C language
Example 14b. Scheme of an iterative method with exchange over a ring topology using deferred queries in Fortran

1.4.5. Deadlock situations

Example 15a. Exchange over a ring topology using the MPI_Sendrecv procedure in C language
Example 15b. Exchange over a ring topology using the MPI_SENDRECV procedure in Fortran

1.5. Collective process interactions

1.5.1. General provisions

1.5.2. Barrier

Example 16a. Modeling barrier synchronization in C language
Example 16b. Modeling barrier synchronization in Fortran

1.5.3. Collective data transfer operations

1.5.4. Global Operations

Example 17a. Modeling global summation using a doubling scheme and the collective operation MPI_Reduce in C language
Example 17b. Modeling global summation using a doubling scheme and the collective operation MPI_Reduce in Fortran

1.5.5. Custom Global Operations

Example 18a. Custom global function in C language
Example 18b. Custom global function in Fortran

1.6. Groups and communicators

1.6.1. General provisions

1.6.2. Operations with process groups

Example 19a. Working with groups in C
Example 19b. Working with groups in Fortran

1.6.3. Operations with communicators

Example 20a. Breaking down a communicator in C
Example 20b. Partitioning a communicator in Fortran
Example 21a. Renumbering processes in C
Example 21b. Renumbering processes in Fortran

1.6.4. Intercommunicators

Example 22a. Master-worker scheme using an intercommunicator in C language
Example 22b. Master-worker circuit using an intercommunicator in Fortran

1.6.5. Attributes

1.7. Virtual topologies

1.7.1. General provisions

1.7.2. Cartesian topology

1.7.3. Graph topology

Example 23a. Master-worker diagram using graph topology in C language
Example 23b. Master-worker scheme using graph topology in Fortran

1.8. Sending different types of data

1.8.1. General provisions

1.8.2. Derived data types

Example 24a. Rearranging matrix columns into reverse order in C language
Example 24b. Rearranging matrix columns in reverse order in Fortran

1.8.3. Data Packing

Example 25a. Sending packed data in C language
Example 25b. Sending Packed Data in Fortran

1.9. info object

1.9.1. General provisions

1.9.2. Working with the info object

1.10. Dynamic Process Control

1.10.1. General provisions

1.10.2.Creation of processes

Example 26a. Master-worker scheme using process spawning in C language
Example 26b. Master-worker scheme using process spawning in Fortran

1.10.3. Client-server communication

Example 27a. Exchange of data between server and client using a public name in C language
Example 27b. Exchange of data between server and client using public name in Fortran language

1.10.4. Removing a process association

1.10.5. Socket Communication

1.11. One-way communications

1.11.1. General provisions

1.11.2. Working with a window

1.11.3. Data transfer

1.11.4. Synchronization

Example 28a
Example 28b
Example 29a. Exchange over a ring topology using one-way communications in C
Example 29b. Exchange over a ring topology using one-way communications in Fortran
Example 30a. Exchange over a ring topology using one-way communications in C
Example 30b. Exchange over a ring topology using one-way communications in Fortran

1.12. External interfaces

1.12.1. General queries

1.12.2. Information from status

1.12.3. Threads

1.13. Parallel I/O

1.13.1. Definitions

1.13.2. Working with files

1.13.3. Data access

Example 31a. Buffered reading from a file in C language
Example 31b. Buffered reading from a file in Fortran
Example 32a. Collective reading from a file in C language
Example 32b. Collective reading from a file in Fortran

1.14. Error processing

1.14.1. General provisions

1.14.2. Error handlers associated with communicators

1.14.3. Window-related error handlers

1.14.4. File-related error handlers

1.14.5. Additional procedures

1.14.6. Error codes and classes

1.14.7. Calling Error Handlers

Example 33a. Error handling in C language
Example 33b. Error Handling in Fortran

Chapter 2 OpenMP Parallel Programming Technology

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Basic Concepts

2.2.1. Compiling a program

Example 34a. Conditional compilation in C
Example 34b
Example 34c. Conditional compilation in Fortran

2.2.2. Parallel program model

2.2.3. Directives and procedures

2.2.4. Program Execution

2.2.5. Timing

Example 35a. Working with system timers in C
Example 35b. Working with system timers in Fortran

2.3. Parallel and serial areas

2.3.1. parallel directive

Example 36a. Parallel region in C language
Example 36b. Parallel region in Fortran
Example 37a. The reduction option in C language
Example 37b. The reduction option in Fortran

2.3.2. Short notation

2.3.3. Environment Variables and Helper Procedures

Example 38a. Procedure omp_set_num_threads and option num_threads in C language
Example 38b. Procedure omp_set_num_threads and option num_threads in Fortran language
Example 39a. Procedures omp_set_dynamic and omp_get_dynamic in C language
Example 39b. Procedures omp_set_dynamic and omp_get_dynamic in Fortran
Example 40a. Nested Parallel Regions in C
Example 40b. Nested Parallel Regions in Fortran
Example 41a. Omp_in_parallel function in C language
Example 41b. Function omp_in_parallel in Fortran language

2.3.4. single directive

Example 42a. Single directive and nowait option in C language
Example 42b. Single directive and nowait option in Fortran
Example 43a. Copyprivate option in C language
Example 43b. copyprivate option in Fortran

2.3.5. master directive

Example 44a. Master directive in C language
Example 44b. Master directive in Fortran

2.4. Data model

Example 45a. Private option in C language
Example 45b. The private option in Fortran
Example 46a. shared option in C language
Example 46b. The shared option in Fortran
Example 47a. firstprivate option in C language
Example 47b. firstprivate option in Fortran
Example 48a. threadprivate directive in C language
Example 48b. threadprivate directive in Fortran
Example 49a. Copyin option in C language
Example 49b. copyin option in Fortran

2.5. Work distribution

2.5.1. Low-level parallelization

Example 50a. Procedures omp_get_num_threads and omp_get_thread_num in C language
Example 50b. Procedures omp_get_num_threads and omp_get_thread_num in Fortran

2.5.2. Parallel loops

Example 51a. for directive in C language
Example 51b. The do directive in Fortran
Example 52a. Schedule option in C language
Example 52b. schedule option in Fortran
Example 53a. Schedule option in C language

This note shows how to install MPI, connect it to Visual Studio and then use with given parameters(number of computing nodes). This article uses Visual Studio 2015, because... This is the one my students had problems with (this note was written by students for students), but the instructions will probably work for other versions as well.

Step 1:
You must install the HPC Pack 2008 SDK SP2 (in your case there may already be a different version), available on the official Microsoft website. The bit capacity of the package and the system must match.

Step 2:
You need to configure the paths; to do this, go to the Debug - Properties tab:

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK\Include”

In the Library Directories field:

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK\Lib\amd64”

In the field with libraries, if it costs 32 bit version, instead of amd64 you need to register i386.



Step 3:

To configure the launch, you need to go to the Debugging tab and in the Command field specify:

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 SDK\Bin\mpiexec.exe”

In the Command Arguments field, specify, for example,

N 4 $(TargetPath)

The number 4 indicates the number of processes.

To run the program you need to connect the library

The path to the project must not contain Cyrillic. If errors occur, you can use Microsoft MPI, available on the Microsoft website.

To do this, after installation, just enter the path in the Command field of the Debugging tab:

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe”

Also, before running the program, do not forget to indicate its bit depth:

Example of running a program with MPI:

#include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) ( int rank, size; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); cout<< "The number of processes: " << size << " my number is " << rank << endl; MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }

Running the program on 2 nodes: