An error occurred while recording a voice message. What problems might arise? Solution: log out and log in

At the end of September, VKontakte added the ability send voice messages. This is a very innovative innovation, I think in the near future more than half of users will stop typing text messages and will dilute their dialogues with sound notifications. Since not everyone is used to the new product and not everyone has yet managed to figure it out, let's see together how to use voice messages with different devices and how to share them with friends.

How to send a voice message from a computer

Sending a message via audio to a friend is no longer difficult. For successful audio interaction, the sender must have a microphone to record the message, without it Voice messages in VK will not work. In the section we select necessary dialogue and we see next to text field microphone icon.

I repeat once again, if you don’t have microphone icon in dialogues, then you do not have a recording device connected to your computer and you will not be able to record and send a message. Now let's move directly to the question of how to send voice messages. Click on the microphone, vk asks for permission to use the microphone, click Allow.

After clicking on the microphone, recording occurs - we say what we are going to transmit. How to stop deleting and transmitting an audio message drawn for you in the picture

How to send a voice message to VKontakte from your phone

Developers official applications VKontakte has implemented this functionality for all operating systems: windows phone, iphone, android. Now anyone can write a message to a friend using the microphone that is present in every phone (no way without it). Whether from an iPhone or from an Android, we simply go through the dialogue with the user, hold down the microphone icon and pronounce the contents of the message. To stop, you just need to release your finger and you can send it. To cancel an action and delete a voice message, just swipe your finger to the left. On windows phone recording looks like that:

On other devices the principle of operation is the same.

How to download a voice message from VKontakte

Thus, we have examined in detail sending voice messages from different devices, introduce variety into your communication, all the best!

Every successful innovation has back side medals. The same applies to voice messages (VO) on VKontakte. People periodically have problems with them: they cannot be played, they cannot be recorded, they were recorded without sound, etc. And, despite the fact that developers put a lot of effort into fixing these problems, users continue to experience certain errors.

Today I will tell you what to do if voice messages in VK do not work. We will talk about the most common problems, identify their causes and consider solutions.

What problems might arise?

The software code responsible for managing the GS on VKontakte is imperfect. Especially when this tool first appeared. Over time, the developers have eliminated the most common errors associated with the malfunction of the social network. Today, in most cases, problems appear precisely because of malfunctions of the devices on which they are played, the Internet connection, user inattention, etc.

The most common problems with voice messages not working in VK:

  • Can not hear;
  • not playable;
  • is not sent;
  • recording error;
  • the GS icon is missing;
  • Voice messages disappeared.

What to do if HSs don’t work?

Before moving on to each point separately, it is worth taking some steps simple steps. Perhaps after this, voice messages in VK will work.

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Restart your browser or mobile application.
  3. Restart your device (PC, laptop or smartphone).
  4. Clear cache & cookies on your device using special programs.

If, after the above steps, the HS still does not work, then read the material further.

Can not hear

One of the most common problems is when a message is played back and nothing is heard. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the sender has a faulty microphone;
  • low volume level on the listener's device;
  • faulty speakers;
  • the function is not supported by the device;
  • problems on VK servers.

First, you should look at the equalizer. If the band is smooth, without drops, then the problem is in the sender’s microphone. It may be faulty and you are listening empty message. In this case, the device should be sent to a service center.

If there are differences in the equalizer band, but when playing the HS on another device, the sound is normal, then it is the listener who has the problem. To begin with, you should increase the volume. No matter how strange it may sound, most users simply forget to turn up the volume.

If this does not help, you should check the performance of the speakers. If they fail, there will also be no sound when playing other files (for example, music or movies).

Less often, the reason lies in the fact that the device does not support this function. But if previously voice messages were played back correctly, and after rebooting the device and clearing the cache the problem did not disappear, then most likely there were problems with the VK servers. IN in this case you just have to wait.

Can't play

Most often, this is encountered by those users whose Internet connection is unstable or too slow. By pressing the play button, the device cannot download the voice message and, as a result, play it.

You can check the stability and speed of your connection by turning on music or a movie online. If the audio or video recording stops, it means that the Internet connection is not stable.

Sometimes this problem can occur for users of browsers with VPN enabled. The "Play" button will be inactive. Disable this feature and check what has changed. If the GS still cannot be played, then most likely the function is not supported by your device or problems arose from the social network itself.

Is not sent

This situation may arise due to a lack of connectivity or a weak Internet connection.

Error while writing

Some VK users experience errors when recording GS. And what do you think is the reason? The reason is Viber. I don’t know exactly how Viber affects the performance of voice messages on VKontakte. But I know one thing for sure - reinstalling or deleting Viber solves this problem.

No voice message icon

The icon may be missing for two reasons:

  • old version of the application (for mobile devices);
  • lack of a connected microphone (for PC).

The first reason can be eliminated by updating the application on your smartphone. And the second, as a rule, occurs only on a PC and is solved by connecting a microphone.

If the microphone is connected, but there is no GS icon, then it’s worth checking whether your PC sees it. A lack of drivers or a faulty socket may mean that even the connected recording device will not be recognized by the computer.

HS gone missing

And the last problem we considered today is the missing HS. This happens infrequently and the reason for this is failures in the operation of the VK website. You can write to support to clarify the cause of the error, or simply wait for it to be resolved. But if only the voice messages left by the interlocutor disappeared, then, apparently, he simply deleted them.

Bottom line

Today I told you about the most common reasons why voice messages in VK do not work. If you have encountered one of them, then you now know how to solve it. Don’t forget that you can always contact the VKontakte support service and your case will be individually reviewed by specialists.

What to do when audio recordings do not load (music does not play) in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet? What to do if the music is missing? Here we will give specific solutions to this problem, and also understand why this happens.

This instruction is current for 2019.

Attention: sometimes it happens that VK is buggy. If you play any song, there will be an error when playing the audio recording. And so it is for everyone. In this case, there is nothing to do but wait. Listen to music somewhere on another site. Solutions for other cases are below.

If you have a bug in the old version VKontakte applications, when you go to “Music”, “My audio recordings”, this is due to the fact that background listening music on the phone from November 1, 2017 is limited to 30 minutes per day. You will have to update the application to remove the error. Perhaps if you don't do this, you won't have any music at all. It turned out that the freebie was not eternal! Read more at the end of the page.

The music is gone

Solution: log out and log in

Try logging out of your account in the application (that is, from your page) and logging in again. Just make sure you remember your username and password first. This usually fixes the error when the music is missing:

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. Gear button at the top right - settings will open.
  3. At the very bottom is the point "Go out".
  4. Log into the application again by entering your username and password.

If you don’t remember your password, you will have to make a new one, that is, restore access: Recovering a password, VKontakte access. The most important thing here is that the page is linked to your current phone number.

Errors when playing audio recordings

You want to turn on music in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet (most often on Android), but the music doesn’t play and you get one of the errors:

It is also possible that you go to “My Music” and all the music is completely gone. In “Recommendations” there is “Error. Try again". In audio recordings of friends, the music also does not show, it seems to have disappeared.

Solution: clear the audio cache in the VK application

For Android smartphones (not iPhones) there is the following solution: clear audio cache. This is the memory on your phone where the songs you play are saved. Gradually it ends and this error occurs. But this setting is not available in all versions of the application.

  1. Open the application settings - the fifth button in the bottom row, then the gear button at the top right.
  2. Next open "Basic".
  3. Find an item "Clear music cache" and press.
  4. Turn off "Cache Music"(switch to the right of this inscription).
  5. Turn it on again "Cache Music" the same switch.

Now try playing the song again. If it works, congratulations! Now you know how to fix the problem.

If it's still an error, what other ways are there to solve the problem?

  1. Change the location where you save the music - if internal memory is selected there, switch to a memory card (go to the application settings, then "Basic" Further "Location").
  2. Delete all VK application data in the phone settings: for example, “Settings - All applications - VKontakte - Erase data” and there too "Clear cache".
  3. Try restarting your smartphone (turn it off and on again).
  4. Uninstall the VK application completely and install it again from Google Play.
  5. If you open a recording in the application that has music attached, there will be a “three dots” menu at the top right. Click on them and choose "Open in browser." A page with this song will open in the browser, and you can play it.
  6. Change your Android phone to an iPhone (or an Android tablet to an iPad).

Why does this error occur? What should I do to make sure it doesn't exist anymore?

This error occurs when your phone or tablet runs out of memory to save audio. When enabled in application settings "Cache music" it saves each song in memory so that next time you don't have to download it again, but play it right away. And the memory is gradually filled with music. Perhaps this defect will be corrected in the future. Don’t be lazy to update the VK application when new versions appear.

In the meantime, there are two solutions: either disable "Music Caching" in the settings (see above how to do this), or clean the memory from time to time (item in the settings "Clear music cache"). Also, if you are good at Android, you can try changing the location where you save the audio. Maybe now the music is saved in internal memory phone, but you need to save it to a memory card - because there is more space there.

What should I do if I have a Windows Phone and the audio won’t load and it gives me an error?

Phones to Windows Phone become a thing of the past and are no longer supported. The operation of the VK application on them is no longer guaranteed, including music playback. Best buy new phone(iPhone or something normal on Android).

What to do if “Playing this audio is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder”?

The fact is that each song has an owner (copyright holder) who controls the rights to copy and reproduce this song. If someone else uploaded a song to the VKontakte website, and then everyone listens to it for free, the copyright holder is not happy with this situation - after all, he does not receive money from it! In essence, they are stealing from him. Therefore, he negotiates with the VKontakte website so that the song cannot be listened to for free. That's when you get this error. What to do? Buy a song or the entire album for money and listen to your pleasure. This is life, nothing personal.

"Background music listening is limited." How to remove the restriction?

There is no way to remove the limitation (error). If you don’t want to subscribe to music, you can only open the full version of VK on your phone (there is no time limit) and turn on the music in it. But this is not very convenient.

There are other paid music services, which are no worse, and maybe even better. Many people even do without VK in order to listen to music (after all, before there was no VK, but they still listened to music).

See also

Try “Login” - the start page of the site

If you make a website home page in your browser, then when you launch it, you will immediately see which of your friends is currently online (they won’t see you), whether you have new messages, likes, marks on photos, and the like. You can connect other sites, not only VKontakte. Very comfortably! Login to any site with one click.

– new convenient function from the site developers. Don't waste time typing on the keyboard, dictate a message and send it to your interlocutor.

How to send a voice message in VK

Attention! To take advantage new feature from a computer, you need to connect a microphone.

The scheme is simple: in a conversation with an opponent, there is a microphone sign to the right of the field for typing messages.

Let's press it. When recording starts, speak a message into the microphone. To send it, you should left-click on the airplane sign (1) on the right - your opponent will receive a message with your voice. To cancel, click the cross on the left (2). The message that was just recorded but not sent will be deleted.

If you use the VKontakte mobile application for communication, sending an audio message is also not difficult. Before launching the application, do not forget to connect the Internet - mobile or Wi-Fi.

Sending from a mobile phone or tablet

  • Launch the VKontakte application.
  • Select "Messages" from the menu on the left.
  • Find a conversation with a friend to whom you want to send an audio message.
  • To the right of the text entry field is a microphone icon.

  • Press and hold the microphone icon while recording. As soon as you stop holding your finger, the message will be sent. You can delete it while recording by swiping the audio tape to the left without lifting your finger from the screen.
  • Click on the microphone icon and pull it up, then release your finger. The recording will continue until submitted or cancelled. You can send a message using the image of an airplane in the right corner, and cancel by clicking the word “cancel” in the left.

After sending a message, the interlocutor can listen to the recording by clicking blue circle with a white triangle in the center.

Is it possible to delete a voice message

It doesn’t matter from which device you want to record and send a voice message, or on which device it will be listened to. If the message is correctly recorded and sent to the interlocutor, then he will definitely hear it.
In this case, the sent message cannot be returned! You, of course, can remove it from your dialogue, but the interlocutor will still hear the recording. Therefore, think carefully about what you send and to whom.

How to save a recording

A person always has a desire to capture and preserve best moments life. You might want to download and save a recording from your loved one. But we have to disappoint you: the VKontakte developers did not provide such a function. But there are several alternatives. For example, funny: try playing on full volume, and record the message on the voice recorder. Now you can dispose of it as you wish. But this is already the last century.

VKontakte users have long figured out how to download a file. True, this will only be possible with personal computer.
Let's look at an example of downloading in Google browser Chrome. Open a dialogue where there is a voice message. Press the key combination: Ctrl+shift+I or F12.

In the window that opens on the right we see the code. We are looking for the voice message code - it is marked with the words “data-mp3”.

Help: You can simplify the task by pressing Ctrl+F and pasting into the search window: data-mp3.

Select the block with the words “data-mp3”. Don't worry, you won't make a mistake, the computer won't let you highlight too much. To copy a block, click on it right key mice. In the window that opens, click the word “Copy” (1), and then “Copy outherHTML” (2).

Paste into any Text Document. We are looking for a line that starts with “https://” (1). Copy (2) it from quotes to quotes.

How to change a voice message

Once you've sent a message, you can't do anything about it. It cannot be changed either on a computer or on a phone. If you didn’t have time to send it, you can work on the errors. You just have to completely delete the message and then write it down again.

Solving problems with voice messages

It happens that VKontakte users encounter problems when sending voice messages. Now we’ll find out why the microphone icon is not visible, the received or sent message cannot be heard, and what to do if audio messages are not sent.

Attention! Before listening to the message, check the connection and functionality of the speakers, headphones, and volume slider

If speakers or headphones are connected and you are sure they are working properly, check the volume settings. Take a look at your computer screen. At the bottom right, in the notification area, there is a speaker icon. Make sure the volume control is not at zero. Try running any sound file for check.

If the sound does not work in any program, and the volume control is turned up, there is most likely a problem with the drivers or sound card. In this case, contact those who understand computers.

If the sound works in other programs, the problem may be with the browser - check the settings and check the box next to the words “Enable sound alerts" Try opening VK in another browser and listen to the message there.

It is also possible that you received an “empty” message. Turn it on again, look carefully at the equalizer. If its line remains flat during playback, your interlocutor has problems with the microphone. He sent you “silence.”

If you access the VKontakte website from a personal computer, then the microphone icon is already present - the site is updated automatically. More difficult with mobile application. If you don't have a microphone icon, check your app version. Make sure you are using a new one. Try updating through the app store or delete old version and download the new one (version 2.9 and higher). Once the installation is complete, a microphone icon will appear in the lower right corner of the dialog box. Allow the access that the system will request the first time you click the icon.

Other problems with voice messages

Let's try to figure out why the message is not being recorded and is not sent if everything is updated and the microphone sign is there. Conventionally, all problems with shipping are divided into two types - mechanical and software.
If you are reading our article, most likely you are not a programmer. But you can check whether the technology is to blame for the fact that voice messages do not work.


First, let's make sure the microphone is working. Take advantage standard applications yours operating system to record the sound of your voice. If the microphone is connected, but the voice is not recorded, try changing the location of the plug, switching to a different port. Not working again? Look for another headset, preferably a new one, and check if it works.


The first thing you need to check is your browser and its settings. Is there a ban on using a microphone? Also – through the sound settings – check the microphone connection. Try sending a message using VK running in a different browser. See how current the drivers are sound card, maybe they need to be updated?

The problem may also be that the browser denies access to the microphone. Now you will learn how to configure it so that everything works. We go to the browser settings. Then press the lines “ Additional settings" - "Personal data" - "Content settings" - "Microphone". Next, open access to the microphone or set up exceptions. Add VKontakte to the list of allowed sites to prevent an error when recording audio messages disappeared.

More recently, VK made an interesting feature for users to create messages. Now, if you are too lazy to type the answer, you You can record a voice message on VK. This option is available not only to those who are used to using a PC, but also when sending messages from a gadget. You can send messages to all users you have or . When recording a voice message for the first time:

  1. Expand the dialogs and select the person you are going to send the recording to.
  2. You will see a microphone icon in the message field. Click on it.
  3. VK will ask you for permission to use your microphone. Tap the Allow button.

Now you can talk. The entry will be created online. Once you finish the message, click on the “Stop” button. You can listen to the message before sending. However, it will not be possible to correct it or cut out individual pieces from the recording. If you don't like something in a post, there's a cross icon on the left. Touch it and the message will be deleted.

How to send a voice message in VK

To send a voice message to VK, After creating it, you need to touch the arrow button, which is located on the right. Your message will now be heard by another user. If you have not previously had a joint dialogue, you send a message by going to the other participant’s page, then the microphone icon will not appear immediately. From the message form you need to go to the dialogue. Then you will notice the microphone sign. Voice messages can be sent not only in a personal conversation, but also when between several people. To ensure that the recording downloads so that the other person can listen to it to the end, do not make messages too long.

It is better to send several messages than one for 10-20 minutes. When sending such messages, VK may give you an error. All your work will be in vain. The error may also occur if your browser is not working properly. In this case, you need to take a screenshot of the console page that appears when it is impossible to send messages, and send it to tech. VK support. How to do it? Touch the F12 button at the moment when an error appears on the screen. Make a screenshot in a way convenient for you. Write . You will find a help section for the new design in the header of the site. In the window with your avatar on the right you will see an arrow; by touching it, you will see a help section. Click on a section. Select the category that is responsible for the messages. Open any of general issues and click on the button “This doesn’t solve my…” Here you will have the opportunity to write to the VK admins and attach a screenshot with the error. Technicians will try to help you solve this problem.

How to send a VK voice message from an iPhone

If you can't record messages from your PC yet, but you really want to use the new feature, You can send a VK voice message from an iPhone. To do this, also move to the dialogue. Next to the send field you will see the already familiar voice recording icon. Touch and hold the microphone while you speak. Once the message is ready, you can send it. If you change your mind, swipe the message left and it will be removed from your conversation. It is important that at this moment you have sound turned on on your iPhone, and also set new iOS. Also in the settings of the application itself, turn on all sounds. Allow VK to interact with your microphone.