Google contacts are not synced to the phone. How to set up Google Chrome data synchronization. Activate the display of contacts

Google – the entire basis of the “green robot” is built on it. When purchasing new mobile friend, first of all you need to create your account. After creating it, do a few more manipulations to correct operation, the last stage of which is synchronization.

How to complete all these processes and how to enable synchronization Google account on Android on last stage, described in detail below.

Account creation

Creating one is quite simple, following these tips:

  1. In the field provided, enter any “name” of your choice. It will be registered as an email address. Moreover, you only need to come up with the beginning of the address, since the ending is set by default.
  2. Create a strong password.
  3. After clicking "OK", a user box is created.

IN mandatory You need to remember the address and password, since they will be required many times in the future.

Copy and restore

After creating an account, the system will prompt you to install backup and recovery. What does it mean?

  • backup is the preservation of all information located on the medium, which is transferred to the account of its owner;
  • recovery - since the gadget is a computer brainchild, a failure can occur at any time. In addition, the owner can, on his own initiative, reinstall and reset to factory settings. Any reinstallation will delete all information. To avoid losing it, “Recovery” will help, which after reinstallation will restore everything without loss. The entire database will be stored in the so-called “cloud”.

How to enable Google account synchronization on Android

Synchronization can make work as comfortable as possible. Main advantages:

  1. Browser. After synchronization, the user will gain access to them each time he logs into the sites on which he is registered (for example, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Avito). There will be no need to enter your login and password every time.
  2. Contacts. The function is convenient not only on smartphones. Majority modern tablets are produced with phone capabilities (you can use them to make calls). All numbers available on the gadget will be synchronized with Google, this will allow you to “get” all phone numbers if you change or lose your SIM card.
  3. Access to applications. Applications can be safely downloaded from a dedicated Play service A market that is installed on all “robot” devices. These applications include games, antivirus programs, films, music, books, social networks, text editors, browsers, live wallpapers, translators and many others, depending on your needs. All Play features Markets will become available only after synchronization.

They will help you figure out how to do this the following recommendations. Acts as an assistant Lenovo tablet on robot RAM version 6.0.

First of all, go to the settings, scroll almost to the end, to “Personal data”, find the “Accounts” column.

A window will open in which to select Google.

Next, click on the email address (will appear automatically), synchronization will begin. Please note that this requires an Internet connection. The process may start on its own, or you may need to manually click on all the arrows.

The process is complete. With this system operation The following parameters are synchronized:

  • browser (in in this example Chrome);
  • gmail (user's email);
  • Play movies;
  • photo;
  • disk;
  • applications;
  • calendar;
  • contacts.

The gadget is ready for full and systematic work!

Updates are required periodically, especially after the Internet is turned off, to improve overall performance and for other reasons. In order not to bother yourself with all the above manipulations each time, you can enable auto mode. We'll look at how to enable it in detail below.

  • To begin, proceed according to the already familiar scheme. Go to settings, go to “Personal data”, select the “Accounts” column.

Important! When auto-sync is enabled, more fast consumption battery charge. Synchronization will always work in background, regularly updated, and accordingly, the equipment will be in an active status, and the battery life will become less long-term.

To disable auto mode, you need to uncheck the box. But when disconnected they will not come system messages! For example, about received letters in your mailbox. This may result in important information not being received on time. So you have to choose: log into your Mailbox, in manual control, connect the base synchronization or sacrifice battery power, but receive all the important news on time.

If you decide to buy new smartphone or you need to transfer a lot of information from a gadget, synchronization will become a lifesaver. When you access from any medium using your main account address, you can open all the data from the original source.

As can be seen from the article, the problem is how to enable regular or automatic synchronization Google account on Android is quite easy to solve. Tricks that are very easy to implement will help make using your favorite “robot” easier! Make your own virtual space as comfortable as possible!

Most people are used to adding phone numbers to the memory of your smartphone. However, this method of storing data often fails.

In order to protect the device's memory, the developers Android platforms added synchronization with Google to your smartphones to import contacts. According to many users, it is the most safe system"cloud" storage. The level of trust in her increases every year.

  • how to add to Google Cloud;
  • how to look in Google;
  • how to transfer from Google to device memory;
  • how to save via Gmail.

Main advantages

One of the main advantages of this transfer method is that you can never lose this information. System technical protection guarantees that the information will not be available to third parties.

You can edit information either from personal computer, and via a smartphone or tablet. For each person on Google, you can select a photo and add other phone numbers to it.

For ease of searching, the service allows you to divide information into groups: by organization name, address, type of activity, and so on. You can also add:

  • Email;
  • Date of birth;
  • Residence address;
  • Personal website on the Internet.

As a result, you get a unique notebook, where all the details will be described necessary information. If your mobile device stops functioning and the information on it is lost, you can restore it through Google.

To start synchronization, enter Personal Area, after which you will understand how to transfer data from your phone

Creating a Google Account

First register your email. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the official website of the system;
  2. Then click on the “Mail” tab. If you have never registered an email before, a page with a registration form will open;
  3. Fill in your personal information, namely full name, number, create a login (it should not coincide with existing ones), select a password;
  4. Then click "Save".

Google will take you to the created email page.

If you have several means of communication at once, and you need to have the same lists of numbers on all devices, then link each of your devices to an account. Then, when you add a new number on one device, it is automatically duplicated on the other.

Many people wonder how to transfer contacts from a smartphone to cloud storage. Thus, synchronization will extend to notes, calendar entries, photos, videos, applications or other information contained in the phone.

How to sync contacts on your phone

Once your account is created, you can start setting up contact synchronization on Android from cloud storage. To do this you need:

  1. Enter the main menu of the mobile device;
  2. Select the “Settings” section;
  3. Go to “Accounts and synchronization”, where at the bottom of the screen you will find the “Add account” button;
  4. To do this, use your email that you registered earlier. Some smartphone models may offer to create a new account;
  5. Enter your username and password, then close the tab;
  6. Then open the desired section;
  7. In the settings menu, click the “Import - Export” tab. Among the sources for copying, select your account, which will be presented as an email;
  8. Then click “Next”. After this, you can mark the numbers that you want to move to the “cloud”. Once finished, click the “Copy” sign, which is located in the lower right corner;
  9. The system will perform this operation for some time, then you can log into the desired section from your Google account. Edit the list yourself as you see fit.

If you are wondering how to transfer contacts from Sim cards phone in Google, then in the “Select source” section, select it.

How to transfer contacts from Google account to device memory

If you need to pull out contacts and copy them from the cloud to the device’s memory, to do this, go to the website:

  1. Log in to your email. There is an arrow near the main Gmail logo, click on it;
  2. After this, it will appear in the menu from which select the item with the data;
  3. Check all and click "Download".

They can be transferred in three ways:

The methods are universal, since you do not have to synchronize your phones. In order to organize a transfer from a Google account to Android, you need to:

  1. Copy it to Microsoft program Outlook or Outlook Express. Services are designed specifically for storage;
  2. Save the document to your computer;
  3. Connect your smartphone via USB and transfer the document to the phone’s memory;
  4. Open it through the mobile editor and gradually copy the information in the corresponding section.

If your smartphone is synchronized with Google, then this process can be speeded up several times. For this:

  1. Open a folder with objects on your phone;
  2. In the menu section, click “Advanced”.
  3. In order to transfer them, select the “Import” item.

The source will be a document located on Google. After that, transfer everything to the memory of your smartphone.


I hope our tips helped you. Try the universal algorithm described above. I tried to explain in as much detail as possible how to import contacts into the Google cloud, and then, if necessary, download contacts back. Also stated above detailed instructions on account registration, synchronization and other functions.

See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

Since the operating room Android system is a proprietary development of Google, synchronizing the contacts of your smartphone or tablet with the corresponding accounts is very easy and useful. Below we will describe in detail how to do this.

Synchronizing contacts Android + Google

First, it’s worth saying a few words about why contact synchronization may be needed. Even if you are not a very sociable person and rarely use services from Google and social networks, saving key contacts by synchronization can be useful in the case when a failure occurs on an Android device and the device needs to be reset to factory settings (the same is reasonable for possible problems when gaining root access).

Synchronization is useful if you have several phones and quickly want to transfer numbers and personal data from one to another. The key nuance in this process is the presence of a mailbox in the Gmail system, which you can get in just a couple of minutes absolutely free. If you already have it, select “Settings” on your smartphone screen and follow the path “ Accounts\synchronization” -> “Add account”. Here enter your gmail address and password. We are waiting for the OS to make the connection. Next on your mobile device open “Contacts”, left touch button use them to call up the menu and select “Import\Export”. We specify “Phone” (or a card, if the data is stored on it) as the source, and find our gmail account in the target storage. Here you can select which specific records you want to transfer (to do this, click the copy sign in the lower right corner). Interestingly, when adding each new contact, it will be transferred to the cloud Google storage and added to synchronized devices.

How to make corrections to Google Contacts?

During the procedure from point 1, try not to press the buttons several times. Synchronization occurs in the background, therefore, at first glance, it may not be noticeable to the user. If, nevertheless, duplicates have formed, you can correct the list, add or remove the necessary positions from it using the link Naturally, you are allowed to add photos, notes, other phone numbers and important information, which will always be at hand.

Why don't my Google contacts sync on Android?

This error can occur for a number of reasons. If synchronization does not occur, try the following:

  • go to the “Settings” item;
  • select “Mail, addresses, calendars”;
  • select “CardDAV”;
  • switch “Contacts” to the “On” state;
  • go from “CardDAV” to the “Advanced” account;
  • activate the switch “Use. SSL”;
  • Save the changes by clicking “Account” and “Finish”.

Before to a certain extent this process safe as it is protected by the company's privacy policy. On the other hand, if someone gains access to your passwords and mailbox, your contacts and personal data may be at risk. Therefore, take care in advance to come up with a strong, fairly complex, but memorable password that will be impossible to guess or guess.

Smartphones running the Android operating system are so popular among users because of their affordable price, large quantity free applications and very rich functionality, which, by the way, can be increased. But this won't be needed in in this case: A function such as synchronizing contacts with Google on Android is available to the user without any smartphone upgrades.

Why is this necessary?

The function of synchronizing contacts from your phone with a Google account was created specifically to protect phone numbers from loss as a result of breakdown or loss of your native gadget. It just seems that phone numbers are easy to recover. However, as practice shows, many users in the event of any incident with mobile device more people mourn irretrievably lost phone numbers. This is because you can buy a phone and a SIM card anywhere, but some numbers, such as those of distant relatives or business partners, can be very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

To ensure that there are as few such deplorable cases as possible, the Android developers have introduced such a useful function.

How to sync contacts with Google on Android?

You can do this simple operation as follows. The first thing you need to do is create an account Google entry. We will assume that this step has already been completed, since without it it is impossible not only to synchronize, but also to access Play Market and, accordingly, download something. However, if it so happens that there is no such account, you must create one on

So, there is an account. Now we go to the settings of the smartphone, look for an item such as “Accounts and synchronization” and go to it. Here you can see all accounts not only from Google, but also from other applications, for example, Webmoney, VKontakte accounts, and others. However, we won't need the extra ones. By the way, in the section where all accounts are presented, in the right top corner There is a synchronization slider switch. So, before synchronizing contacts with Google on Android, you need to click on it for the data exchange to begin. If it is already turned on, do not touch it. Let's return to our account. Let's go into it. We put a tick (if not) next to the contacts, simultaneously marking what we consider necessary.

Halfway to success

We succeeded in connecting the phone and PC through synchronization, now we need to think about how to synchronize contacts with Google on Android 4.4 and other versions operating system. Let's go to phone book, open the options and click a button like Back up, “Export to”.

After clicking, a choice will appear of where the backup copy of the phone book will be saved. We save it to the memory card.

Click “Options” again, but now the choice will fall on the “Import” button. In the list of import paths that appears, select “Memory card”, then click on mailing address account.

The search for a backup copy on the memory card will begin, and when it is found, we mark it with a bird and begin the import process. Just wait a few minutes and all phone numbers will be copied to your account.

Transferring contacts to a new smartphone

To transfer your phone book, you need to do nothing more than synchronize contacts with Google on Android 4.2 and other versions. We perform the same manipulations as described above. Namely: go to “Settings”, open the “Accounts and synchronization” section and start the data transfer process. After that, already familiar phone numbers will appear in the phone book.

Where can I see these contacts on a PC?

We figured out how to synchronize contacts with Google on Android via a PC. Now let's see where they can be found on the computer. Why do this? Well, first of all, out of interest. Secondly, these contacts can be edited: add photos, divide phone numbers into groups and much more. Thirdly, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with your Google account and find out what advantages it has over other accounts from

IN address bar browser, enter the address and log in. At the top left we find the Gmail button with an arrow, click on it and switch to “Contacts”. All phone numbers that were copied from the mobile device appear on the screen.

What can you do here? Once you open a contact, you can change it by clicking on the pencil. Here you can add:

  • email;
  • organization;
  • job title;
  • pseudonym;
  • photo;
  • address;
  • birthday, etc.

But simple editing The matter is not limited to contact. So, phone numbers can be entered into circles (family, friends, acquaintances, etc.), placed in groups, found similar profiles, etc.

If there is a problem how to sync contacts with Google on Android, but the ability to sync in the usual way no (for example, there is no Internet on the phone, but there is on the computer), you can proceed as follows.

First, create a backup copy of the phone book. That is, go to the phone book, click “Export” and save. Now you need to transfer this backup file to your computer using any in a convenient way. Then we go to Google mail, also switch to “Contacts”. But now in the left toolbar, click on “More”, where you need to select “Import”. Select the file with backup copy phone book and click on “Import”, after which all the numbers from the smartphone will appear.

You can perform such a procedure as synchronizing contacts from Google on Android with a photo, in the same way back to your smartphone. Only now on the toolbar in e-mail click on "Export" and save to vCard format. Then we transfer this file to mobile phone in any convenient way. Then we open the phone book, but now click on the “Import” button from the memory card, and then select required file and rejoice at the complete phone book that has appeared.

Other synchronization methods

This method of synchronization using a PC is not the only one. You can transfer the necessary data using specialized utilities. They can be from an official developer and suitable only for one brand of phone, or from an unofficial developer - for all models and brands. The only thing you need in this case is a USB cable, a downloaded program, installed drivers and the desire to do it. The process will only take a few minutes, during which all the necessary data will be successfully saved.

The most important thing in a phone is The address book, or otherwise – a list of contacts, SMS, photos and notes. Most of us store them in the phone's memory, not thinking about the fact that one day everything may disappear without the possibility of recovery. For example, the settings were reset or the device simply broke down.

In this case, Google has provided Android synchronization with its services. How to do synchronization on Android or how to set up synchronization on Android?

Of course, you must have a Gmail mailbox created - otherwise you will not be able to download applications from the Play market and use many Google services.

Create a Gmail mailbox

Just in case, we will describe the process of creating a mailbox.

  • Type in your browser and press enter.
  • When the page loads, you will see “Mail” in the top right corner:

  • Click on the inscription “Mail” and you get the following:

  • Click “Create an account”. A window will appear with a form that you need to fill out:

  • Come up with a name for your mailbox (it will be written before and a password (the more complex it is, the more difficult it will be for attackers to hack it).

You may not provide real personal information if you want to maintain anonymity. But be sure to indicate the phone number from which you want to synchronize contacts with Gmail.

You also need to go through additional check– enter the text that will appear in the picture shown to you. And you need to check the box next to the item “I accept the Terms of Use and agree to the Google Privacy Policy.” Otherwise, registration will be impossible.

  • When all the required fields are filled in, click “Next”. And receive your inbox.

Creating an account on an Android smartphone

1. On your smartphone, go to Settings -> Accounts and synchronization:

2. In the Accounts and Sync menu, find and click Add Account:

3. Choose Google:

5. Since you already have a Google mailbox, enter it:

6. You now have an account on your phone, which will allow you to sync your contacts.

Android synchronization with computer

Synchronizing Android with PC is very simple in essence. To do this, you don’t even have to connect the device to the computer, as before. Synchronizing Android with PC via USB has gone out of fashion, now all information can be transferred using cloud services Google.

1. First of all, in the browser on your computer, log into your Google account. Click on the icon of small squares in the upper right corner and select “Disk” in the menu that appears:

2. You will be prompted to install Google Drive(or Google Drive) to a computer – to synchronize data and collaboration in the Internet. Agree.

3. After installation is complete, the Google Drive icon will appear in the notification area:

4. Now install Google Drive on your smartphone.

The synchronization process will take some time. Once completed, you will be able to transfer any files from your smartphone to your PC and from your PC to your smartphone.

The easiest way to synchronize bookmarks, passwords and history of visited sites is in Google Chrome:

  • Go to your Google account in your browser on your computer and select “ Additional settings synchronization":

  • select what data you will transfer to your mobile phone:

Now when using Google Chrome on your smartphone and computer, your bookmarks, passwords and everything else will be synchronized.

Synchronization and password backup, bookmarks can also be made when using other browsers. For example, for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, you can install the Xmarks Sync add-on.

Android synchronization with Google

Now we'll tell you how to synchronize Android with Google. To do this, do the following.

  1. Go to Settings -> Accounts and Synchronization again.
  2. Click on your Google account.
  3. You will be taken to the sync menu, where you select what you want to sync:

Sync Android contacts with Google

Synchronizing Android contacts is described in detail in.

Android synchronization of notes

In order to synchronize notes on your smartphone and PC, you just need to do a couple of simple manipulations. All you need to do is install Google Keep on your Android device and add application of the same name into your Google Chrome, through the Chrome Web Store. After installing the application, all your notes will be automatically synchronized. You can write notes on your computer and then read them on your smartphone and vice versa. A very convenient thing.

Convenient Chrome app launcher for syncing with Android

Google added to its Chrome browser application launch button. This button is somewhat similar to the start button in Windows. For ease of use synchronization Android data on a PC, the button on the taskbar is simply irreplaceable. It will install automatically when Google installation Chrome or you can install it manually; to do this, go to Start - All applications - Google Chrome and drag the “Chrome Launcher” shortcut to the taskbar.

Android calendar synchronization

Everything you write in Google calendar automatically syncs with Google cloud. Android Sync with Google allows you to add calendar events from your smartphone to your computer by installing the Chrome extension of the same name.

Sync photos on Android

Synchronization Android accounts and Google provides more than just contacts. The same can be done with photos and video files. How to synchronize Android photos with Google?

  1. On your smartphone, launch the Photos app.
  2. Go to settings and set the "Startup" switch to the "On" position.

You can also create a schedule for the synchronization procedure, as well as specify the size of photos when downloading and the applications from which photos will also be added to the storage.

Now your photo and video files will be automatically uploaded to Google service+ and, accordingly, synchronize with those stored on your device.

Note: photos with a resolution of less than 2048x2048 pixels of space in cloud storage don't occupy. For photos with more high resolution volume free storage limited to 15 GB. If you want more space, you have to pay.

If you want to disable auto-sync, then simply set the “Autoload” switch to the “Off” position.

Note: When the “Auto-sync” option is turned on, deleting photos on your smartphone also leads to deleting the photo on Google!

How to enable synchronization on Android

In order for Android synchronization with a computer to occur for a specific item, simply click on the item you are interested in in the Settings > Accounts menu section. After this the process will begin. It will continue for several minutes.

For example, if you synchronize contacts, after synchronization on your Android device is completed, all contacts from your device will appear on If necessary, you can edit them.

Now, if you activate your Google account on another Android device, all contacts saved on Google will be automatically transferred to your smartphone. Also, when you add a new contact on one of the devices, auto-sync will occur - it will appear on all devices synchronized with it and in your Google account (of course, if the Internet is working).

How to enable auto-sync on Android

Auto-sync eliminates the need for the user to do it manually. To activate this mode, you need to go to the “Accounts” menu (or in another option “Accounts”) and synchronization) and check the box next to the appropriate option.

How to disable synchronization on Android

Disabling Android synchronization is as easy as turning it on. To do this, just turn the switch against Google in the “Accounts” menu section to the “Off” position.