How to transfer playlists from Spotify, Google Play Music, Deezer and other services to Apple Music. My experience using Google Play Music or "Goodbye iTunes"

Devices on Android based are becoming more and more popular every day (Android is already in the lead, graph below), many users are switching to them from other platforms, for example iOS. Oh, I remember when I had an iPhone 3gs, everything was fine, the camera was very convenient and high quality, many functions were thought out, but iTunes was just killing me, in order to transfer music to your phone from a computer you need this mega “convenient” and “intuitive” iTunes such perversions to do... In general, if you are a lucky person who switched from iPhone to Android, in this article we will look at how easy it is to transfer music from iPhone to Android.

Mobile platforms usage schedule (Russia)

Transfer music from iTunes to Google Play itunes to google play

You can transfer music from iPhone to Android (itunes to google play) using cloud storage Google Play Music using a download manager. In addition, in the future, this utility will be able to automatically import all the tracks you add to iTunes to Google server, so you can continue to use Apple's music harvester on your computer.

To install the utility, open the service page in your browser and go to the music section, click the “replenish your music library” button in the upper right part of the page, and then click on the “install download manager” button. Download and install the program, after launching, you will need to enter your details google account. On the next screen, keep the “Upload songs to Google Play” menu item highlighted and click the “Next” button. Then in the next dialog box you need to specify where exactly you want to import from music content. Point to "iTunes" and click "Next". Next, you can choose to download to cloud service separate playlists, if you have them. To download all the tracks from the collection, leave everything unchanged and click the “Next” button. On the next screen you will be able to confirm your actions or refuse automatic download tracks to the Google cloud, every time you add a new one music file on iTunes. Click the “Next” button one last time and your music content will begin to upload to the cloud. By the way Independent Licensing Center will help in obtaining ISO 9001, 14000 and 18000 certificates

Now you can find your music from iTunes by simply opening the application Play Music on your smartphone or PC. However, you can listen to it if you have an Internet connection; to listen to music offline, you will need to download it to the device (on which you want to listen), to do this, select the desired album or artist, click the button with the image of three dots and select the “Save to” menu item device."

There is a lot of text, but in fact everything is done in a few minutes.

) immediately after launch will attract great amount users. Firstly, the streaming service has become available in all countries at once, and secondly, the company offers three months free use. Added to this is the strength of the Apple brand, as well as great system recommendations, exclusives and playlists curated by world-famous stars. However, there is still one problem. Apple Music will be an excellent choice for beginners, but users of other streaming services will think twice about the need to switch. There is little pleasure in making playlists of your favorite tracks again, especially if during the time using Google Play Music, Deezer and Spotify have accumulated dozens or even hundreds of them.

Officially, Apple has made support for importing playlists only for Beats Music users, which formed the basis of the new service. Consequently, third party developers started looking for ways to transfer playlists from other services to Apple Music. In the editorial office of iGuides, we decided to figure out where and how you can import playlists from minimal costs time and effort, and at the same time tried these instructions in action to send playlists from previously favorite streaming services to Apple Music.

Spotify never launched in Russia, but it has many users who register accounts in other countries and gain access from using VPN or pay for premium using gift cards, purchased on Ebay. Needless to say, officially working in Russia Apple Music seems much more attractive?

The best choice for exporting from Spotify is a browser-based service Exportify. Why him? If there are analogues, its competitive advantage is in exporting not only the playlists themselves, but also tagged tracks in the Starred section, which the service groups into a separate playlist. But there is one drawback - Safari browser flatly refuses to download playlists from Exportify in .CSV format, so you'll have to use Chrome. Immediately after connecting to Exportify account The Spotify user will see a list of his playlists, which can be saved all together, or selectively if some are no longer relevant.

To import received playlists, use StAMP, which stands for Spotify to Apple Music Playlists. The application launches iTunes and begins to independently search and add tracks to Apple Music one by one. While the music is being transferred, the computer is blocked. Using an automated script looks funny: StAMP moves its window and iTunes window in the way that is most convenient for him, and after that he begins to search for the desired compositions and independently click on the button to add the found tracks. Each song takes a few seconds, so to import large quantities playlists will have to be patient.

StAMP supports two sources: a connected Spotify account and playlists in CSV format. I recommend the second option. The application does not create a separate playlist of selected tracks, so to transfer the Starred section to Apple Music, it is better to use the Exportify service, which I described above. Unfortunately, automatic sorting There is no provision for music by playlists, so after finishing StAMP the user will have to independently sort the added songs into playlists.

Another important nuance- StAMP costs $5, and free version Only ten tracks from the playlist can be transferred. However, for malicious defaulters, the developer left a loophole in the form of the ability to continue importing tracks from the point where the process was interrupted by the requirement to buy a license.

Transfer playlists from Google Play Music to Apple Music

Unlike Spotify, the developers have not come up with a way to export playlists from Google Play Music and save them in .CSV format convenient tools, so you have to do everything manually using Chrome browser, JavaScript code And text editor. However, in reality all this is not as scary as it sounds.

In Chrome, open the Google Play Music playlist you want to export. After that, in the browser menu, find the section “ Additional tools" and run " JavaScript Console" In the window that opens, paste the following code:

Var playlist = document.querySelectorAll(".song-table");
for(var i =0; i Var l = playlist[i];
var title = l.querySelectorAll("td .content").textContent;
var artist = l.querySelectorAll("td .content").textContent;
var album = l.querySelectorAll("td .content").textContent;
console.log(artist + " " + title);

After pressing Enter, the console will display a formatted list of artists and tracks, which you need to copy and paste into any text editor. Unfortunately, StAMP only supports CSV files with special formatting, so you'll have to manually add tracks to Apple Music. However, having a text file with playlists on hand makes doing this more convenient.

However, if you know a little about JavaScript and also have an understanding of the syntax of delimiters in CSV format tables, you can use an example of the necessary file for use with the StAMP utility and still automate the addition of tracks from Google Play Music to Apple Music.

Transfer playlists from Deezer to Apple Music

To export playlists from Deezer, similar to Google Play Music, you will have to opt for receiving a text file with tracks and then adding them to Apple Music. To do this you can use the service Coinverter, which allows you to get the names of tracks and artists from public Deezer playlists via links, or from personal ones when connecting an account.

However, from the text list it is also possible to manually create a file in CSV format for use with the StAMP utility and automate the import of files into Apple Music.

If you still don’t want to add files to Apple Music manually, you can complicate the path of exporting playlists a little and add an intermediate option in the form of Spotify. Since using the StAMP utility is the most convenient way to transfer music, then you can create a free Spotify account () and using the service Soundiiz export playlists from Deezer, Rdio, Tidal, SoundCloud, Last.FM or Xbox Music to it. After that, you need to get the playlists exported to Spotify using Exportify, then download StAMP and follow the instructions above. This transfer of music using Spotify as an intermediary will take no more than half an hour, after which you can drink a mug or two of aromatic coffee, enjoying the contemplation of the script and the process of adding tracks to Apple Music.

How to transfer your iTunes library without too much fuss? Surely this question worries many new owners of Android devices, whose experience of using an Apple device is a thing of the past. In this article we will tell you what transfer methods exist and how they differ from each other.


Perhaps this option is the most obvious and simple of all three. You can access your iTunes music library using File Explorer, without even launching the program. However, you still have to open iTunes at least once to find out where the iTunes Media folder is located.

Important clarification. If you are a Mac user, you will most likely need a special utility - . As we have already said, this method is the simplest, but if you are an active iTunes user, you may like the second option, which, by the way, will allow you not only to transfer music, but subsequently automatically synchronize it.

I used this method when switching from iOS to Android. In fact, everything here is also very simple, although at first glance the manipulations may seem somewhat confusing. You've probably already heard about the web version of the Google Play Music service. There you have access to cloud storage that can accommodate up to 50,000 tracks, which will definitely be enough for most users.

The obvious advantage of this transfer is that the music will always be in sync. That is, when you add new songs to iTunes, they will automatically be downloaded to Google Play Music, and therefore to your phone. Perhaps, many will find it more convenient to use not the web version, but a special client for Windows or Mac - Music Manager, which we have already mentioned above. The principle of working with it is exactly the same.

If you don’t want to send your tracks to the Google server and prefer to store your music collection locally on your computer, but still not deprive yourself of the benefits of synchronization, then there is a separate solution for you too.

The advantage of this method is the synchronization of not only songs, but also playlists, although this transfer option requires the presence of a desktop client.

That's all. Which option will you choose? (or already chosen) You? Maybe you have something to add? Leave your comments below.

Google recently launched its music service in Ukraine Play Music. With attractive conditions, a database of more than 20 million songs, smart software solutions, and even a very positive rating from users in countries where the service has been present for a long time. There was no way to ignore the new product, so I put aside my favorites along with the local library and music from Vkontakte and took up the test. But Play Music turned out to be not just an interesting product - the service once and for all changed my music listening pattern, and at the same time made music solutions from Apple completely unnecessary, untied my iPhone and iPad from iTunes, and left no chance for music piracy. Do you think it’s too much for one product, even a leading player?

Google Play Music is available with a monthly subscription, and it opens up all the possibilities - access to every track, album, collection stored in the library, downloading songs to devices, synchronizing libraries, recommended and custom radio stations with flexible settings. And for this “full stuffing” they ask for 59 UAH 49 UAH per month, at the current exchange rate - $4.2. That is, the amount is not at all burdensome for the majority, for iPhone and iPad owners for sure.

In general, Google did not reinvent the wheel. The Play Music service combines a cloud library of more than 20 million tracks and customizable online radio (much like iTunes Radio). You can access music from your computer browser or through applications for mobile platforms. On iOS this is the Play Music [iTunes] player, which I will talk about in more detail below. Traditionally for cloud solutions, most actions take place online, which guarantees instant data synchronization between all devices. Whether it's adding a new album to My Library, liking a track, or creating a new playlist.

But Google didn't limit itself to the "classics". The main advantage of Play Music is that you can download any tracks, collections or albums to your device for offline access. Let's compare two scenarios:

How to Add Music to iPhone or iPad Using iTunes (Without iTunes Match Subscription):

  1. Download audio files to your computer
  2. Import files into iTunes
  3. Connect iPhone or iPad to computer
  4. Mark the required files
  5. Start synchronization

How to add music to iPhone or iPad using Play Music:

  1. Search for a suitable album/track in the player on your device
  2. Click the “Download” icon

Play Music eliminates the need to buy music and with this service there is no point in using different pirated sources. Why waste time searching (plus bother with changing clumsy tags, assigning beautiful covers), and especially pay for each album, if you can just listen? Or download in one touch and listen?

Personally, I haven’t actually updated my music library in the last 3-4 months. On the computer I listened mainly to radio from Apple, created and customized several “stations”, and collected selected tracks on Vkontakte. I tried not to think about the legal side of the issue. There were a dozen proven albums on the iPhone; I was too lazy to look for something new, buy and download it, and then manually sync it. Well, with our mobile Internet and numerous “dead zones” (the same metro), it was rare to pamper yourself with streaming music on the road. Play Music has made everything very simple.

How to start using Play Music

Since the service is from Google, the first condition for use is having a company account. But, due to the popularity of Gmail, almost every network user has it. The system will also request bank card details, from which in the future (the first month is free) the fee for using the service will be debited.

Google Play Music

The process of creating a Play Music account is completed by selecting your favorite genres and artists. If you take your time and highlight more cool music, Play Music will delight you with excellent selections from the very first minutes. Naturally, not only those musicians who were noted by you, but many others similar in style and mood.

Play Music player

Or rather players, because the service is available both in the browser and on mobile platforms. But the interface is the same everywhere, except that on iOS and Android there are “Download” buttons.

The player includes several sections: My Music Library, Playlists, Radio and Review. The applications also have filtering based on available offline content, which is convenient.

Music library And playlists not much different from most players. Filtering by genres, artists, albums, tracks is not forgotten, there is a search. Unless the playlists include both those created by you and those recommended based on the already formed “musical history”.

Radio stations extremely flexible. They can be formed from albums, artists, tracks and genres, Play Music offers a variety of thematic selections. But there are no stations from famous personalities and companies, like in iTunes. Otherwise, everything is no worse, but there are more opportunities. Firstly, the list of tracks of the “radio station” can be adjusted at your discretion: swap songs, delete unwanted ones. Secondly, songs can be downloaded to the device into the Music Library and added to a playlist. Or go to the song album and add it to your audio collection.

Menu Review designed to expand the musical horizons of the service user. It includes Genres, Interesting, Recommended and New sections and brings you a barrage of new music to suit your preferences. In two days, thanks to the Review alone, I discovered seven new performers. I’m writing this material and cheering myself up with the album “Mandatory Fun” from “Weird Al” Yankovic. I very much doubt that I would have met him anywhere else.

Menu interface playback just awesome. Nothing superfluous, large buttons, mandatory information is in place. In addition, the album cover is not static, but slowly “floats” from left to right and back. There is zero practical benefit, but it looks very impressive. “Like/Dislike” buttons were placed above the cover. You shouldn’t forget about them, because in this way you introduce the system to your musical preferences.

This is what the Chrome browser mini-player looks like

The service and applications have many small useful features; you can’t tell about everything so quickly. It's easier to connect and experience it in person. I’ll just briefly describe storing music on iOS devices, since I’m offering Play Music as an alternative to the Music player in conjunction with iTunes.

Tracks can be downloaded individually or as entire albums, without exception. Once the download is complete, they are available in the My Library menu, with a small orange icon indicating which content is available offline. Clicking the icon again deletes files from memory; you can also look at the program settings in the “Manage downloaded files” menu and understand the situation more thoroughly. In this version of Play Music, information about the amount of occupied memory is poorly visible, but this bug will clearly be fixed. Here you can delete all tracks with one click.


I've been listening to music very actively for two days. While working on a Mac, drinking a cup of coffee on an iPad, on the road with an iPhone. I’m listening to more and more new artists, experimenting with genres, jumping from albums to radio stations and back again. And so far I haven’t come up with a single reason to give up Play Music and return to the usual scenario - the Music App, iTunes Radio, VKontakte playlists. Perhaps it would be possible to save 49 UAH, but this is some kind of frivolous weak argument.

Google Play Music

P.S. Google has taken care of a convenient tool for transferring music from iTunes to Play Music. A very good move.

  • Considering the fact that Apple is not yet thinking about releasing an iTunes application for Android, you can safely use the iTunes analogue on an Android gadget, which is the application doubleTwist Player.

    The most common method is to simply copy files from iTunes to a temporary folder on your computer. Then connect your Android device via USB cable to your PC and copy the music to the card of your smartphone or tablet. If this option does not suit you, then you can use third-party programs. Some apps allow you to directly copy music from iTunes to Android.

    One of them is doubleTwist Player, which is compatible with both Windows and Mac OS. This program allows you to transfer entire playlists, individual music files and videos from iTunes to Android. Another advantage of doubleTwist Player is the ability to stream audio to Apple TV and various sound bars via Wi-Fi.

    Using the free app or Google Play service, you can easily use iTunes content on your Android smartphone.


    1. Install doubleTwist Player: Go to, select “Download for PC” and install the utility.
    2. Download apps to your smartphone: Open the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone and download the doubleTwist Player app. To transfer content over a wireless WLAN network, select “Add-ons” in the program and buy AirSync for 150 rubles.

    3. Launch AirSync: To activate a wireless connection, tap the settings icon in the upper right corner, select the “AirSync” tab and set the “Enable AirSync” slider to the “On” position. Note the five-digit unique code that will appear below.

    4. PC and Android Device Connection: When the doubleTwist application is launched, the personal computer automatically recognizes the smartphone connected to it. Select the name of your device and, if you have configured the program to use the same wireless connection as on your computer, enter the five-digit AirSync code in the appropriate field. The connection will happen automatically. You can start transferring content via USB right away.

    5. Transfer audio files: Now you can start transferring the files you need. In the “Library” section of your computer, click on the “Music” category, activate “Sync” there and select the files you want to add by playlists, albums, or performers. The content transfer will begin immediately after clicking on the “Sync now” button.

    Using Google Music to Sync with iTunes

    Alternative way to sync with iTunes- use the Google Play service. Since library transfers involve playlists, you need to create a playlist with all the tracks you want to copy.

    1. Install the download manager: If you want to transfer audio files to your Android device via the Google Play service, open the link and click on “Accept and Continue”. Now click the “Add music library” button at the top right of the page, and then “Install download manager”.

    2. Transfer music from iTunes: now login to your Google account. When prompted for the location of the collection, you should select the “iTunes” option and click “Next.” Then select the music playlists you want to transfer.

    3. Manage music in Google Music: Later, you will be able to select and upload some other content from the Upload folder in the Upload Manager. Also, if you wish, you can create a local archive of audio files in the “Download” folder, and if necessary, quickly go to the music player in the web client.