MCEdit is a program for working with minecraft maps. McEdit - creating your own Minecraft maps

Do you want to build something big and beautiful, but it takes a long time to build by hand? There is a way out - the program MCEdit, which will significantly simplify construction and save your time.


In order to work with the program, it must be copied to the computer. You can do this in two ways:

  1. The first is to download the installation file and run it. After this, you need to select the installation location for the program and wait about a minute. That is, this is the usual setup;
  2. The second way is to download the archive and unpack it to the desired location. I like this method better, since I have to tinker less, and when deleting a program, I don’t have to delete shortcuts and clear entries in the registry. That is, this is an installation of the portable version.

First start

So, let's launch. A black window with yellow text will appear.

We will need the inscription “Open a level...” with its help we will open the one we need. How to do it? Click on the inscription and find the folder with minecraft (%appdata%/.minecraft/). After that, go to the saves folder, and then to the folder with the map. The level.dat file will be there and we open it. If the file is not damaged, a map will appear. Example on the screen:

Basic Tools

  • After loading the map, 9 squares with icons will appear at the bottom of the window. These are the tools. The first one (on the left) is allocation. It allows you to select the required area of ​​the map. To do this, move the cursor over the required cube and click on the left mouse button. Then, holding down the right mouse button to rotate, and using the W, A, S or D buttons, you need to move to another area and click on another cube with the left mouse button. This will highlight a zone in the form of a parallelogram;
  • The next tool is brush. With it you can insert, remove or replace cubes. After selecting it, a window will appear on the left to select options. There you can select the brush shape - to do this, click on the yellow inscription to the right of the brush inscription. You can also change the size of the brush; to do this, you need to enter the numbers you need to the right of the letters L, W, H;
  • Another necessary tool - copying. To use it, you must first select an area, and then click copy twice. A copy of the selected area will appear, but in a green tint. In the window on the left, you can rotate the object in three planes, and also reflect it horizontally or vertically. After that, by moving the mouse, select the place where you want to place the object and press the left mouse button. You can then move the object by entering your values ​​in the forms to the left of the nudge label. Then you need to confirm the copying by clicking on the yellow Clone inscription;
  • There is also a tool FILL. It allows you to modify cubes in a selected area. To use it, you need to select the area and click on the FILL button. Then you need to select the required cube in the window that appears in the center and click on OK, and then on FILL in the window on the left. This will replace the entire selection with the selected cubes;
  • There is a Filter tool, but we won’t need it, since it is intended for the minecraft classic version;
  • The button labeled Import allows you to import a scene in schematic format, which is created by another program, which will be discussed in another article. For example, you can create a ring, or a bridge, and then insert it into the game;
  • The following 2 tools and images of the player's head allow you to move both the player himself and the spawn point where he will appear after death;
  • Well, here is the last tool - chunk control. It will also not be needed in construction;
  • The only option I use is Relight, it allows you to recalculate the lighting in the chunk.

Personal opinion

In my opinion, the program is very useful. It allows you to save a lot of time, especially when you need to make large walls or place many identical objects. But the program has 2 big disadvantages. Recently a snapshot of minecraft came out, with the new anvil map format. And this program does not support it. In addition, in this snapshot the maximum world height has changed from 128 to 256, but MCEdit can only build up to 128. I hope the developers will fix this soon.

When working with maps for the game Minecraft, we often need to cut out certain areas, add new biomes, do regeneration, and much more. Standard game tools and plugins do not always help, which is why you have to use third-party software. Today I want to tell you about the program MCEdit minecraft. This program will allow you to operate with millions of blocks simultaneously without any load on the computer's processor and RAM. You've probably noticed more than once that in single-player and online Minecraft games, maps take quite a long time to load. That's true, right?

With this help you can avoid such problems. Now I will tell you an example of using this software. Let's say we need to copy a building to the server. The problem is that the map is in a single-player game, and we need to transfer some part of the construction to a server where people play online on the same joint project. So, this problem can be solved in a few minutes using the MCEdit program. We load a map in which the future building to be moved is located. Next, download the program from our website. We install it on a personal computer and launch it.

Now what? Now you need to specify the path to the map. Open it in the editor. Within a few seconds the entire map will be loaded for editing. Be extremely careful. You need to select a specific area of ​​territory, which will be copied later to the server. To do this, you need to highlight the territory diagonally. Use the mouse keys to highlight and backspace to move around with the control buttons. Ready? Now click on the Save button. Be sure to give the future file a name and save it in the “schematic” format.

Next, I’ll tell you how to transfer this file to the server. Log in via ftp access to your Minecraft server. Find the plugins folder. In it, go to the section. This is a special plugin that allows us to work with different block sizes on the server. Now copy the saved file to this folder. Subsequently, you will need to go to the server and enter the command //schematic load name.schematic, where name is the name of your saved file. As soon as a piece of the map is loaded into the clipboard, you will need to enter the //paste command and the building will be pasted.
That's what this utility is for. Download MCEdit for minecraft You can do it on our website completely free of charge. We monitor all updates and publish new versions of programs.

Today I will talk about the MC Edit program, with which you can create your own maps and mount downloaded objects! I’ll start from the very beginning so that you don’t have any difficulties when working with the program!

So what is MC Edit? Mcedit is an open source world editor for any version of Minecraft. Mcedit was first created to allow players to create their own Minecraft maps and customize existing worlds! MC Edit allows you to work with tools for laying blocks in various shapes, integrated with the Minecraft server to create a landscape! There is support for multiplayer worlds and editors for certain blocks! You can download the program from the official website!

Let's get to work!

So, after you have downloaded MC Edit from the link above, installed it on your computer, launch the program from the shortcut on your desktop - mcedit.exe, we see this window:

Click "Open a Level..." And select the level.dat file in the save folder of your Minecraft client!

Your Minecraft map opens before us, which we have to edit!

Let's look at the controls: Movement is carried out using the W A S D buttons, as in the usual lane! The camera is rotated by holding RMB, selecting a region is done by LMB!

On the right - we have a window for working with the selected region, there we can: remove the selection, delete selected blocks, copy this region, paste it to another location and export the diagram to the computer!

The second icon on the hotbar allows you to create mountains from different materials, in this case I have stone. The choice of material is made on the panel on the left!

Next comes cloning - that is, transferring the selected region to another location, which I talked about earlier!

We'll skip the next button and move on to import! This button allows you to import ready-made diagrams or your own blanks!

Well, the last buttons allow you to transfer the player’s spawn!

In the upper left corner click on the menu - MCEdit

There we click “save” and the world will begin to be generated! After successful completion, press Alt+F4 to exit!

Now let's go into the game and choose our world!

That's all, actually! I think you have mastered the basics of working with this program and I helped you at least a little!

Happy card making, dear readers!

You can create any buildings you want.

You can replace blocks in any region you select.


Here's a quick overview of some of the many tools we have:

- Selection: Select the area with the mouse diagonally. Press R03;R03;one more time to change the scale, length, height. You can delete blocks or export them for a schematic file.
- Brush: Click to fill the selected area with blocks. Select brush size, shape and block type.
- Clone: Copies selected blocks. ERF keys for transforming blocks.
- Fill: Allows you to replace blocks in the selected area.
- Filter: Use one of the standard filters to smooth terrain or change topsoil, or create your own R03;R03; filter plugin using Python.
- Crane: Import a schematic file or an entire level.
- Player: Click to move character. Click twice to teleport.
- Spawn: Click to move your character to the spawn point. Not available in empty level. Click twice to teleport.
- Chunk: creation, deletion, and various templates. Removes everything that is not selected.

Your personal schematics are stored in the My Documents folder, in a folder named "MCEdit-schematics". These are your working copies, with standard Mcedit schematics included by default. Your personal settings for Mcedit are stored in the "Documents" folder, in the "mcedit.ini" file .

Hold down the left mouse button and use the move buttons (default: WASDQZ) to move the corresponding object around. Hold Shift to change the distance.

If you have a powerful machine, press Control-F and the draw distance will increase.

To work with MC editor you need the following program: