Part of the touchpad on the phone does not work. The touchscreen on a mobile phone does not work: we fix it ourselves. Why did the sensor stop working?

Modern mobile devices cannot be imagined without touch screens. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what to do if the sensor on your phone does not work only after studying the events that led to the breakdown. The screen is the main part of modern smartphones, without which they lose all functionality.

In order to find out why the sensor on your phone does not work, you will need to carefully examine your smartphone. Sometimes problems in the phone are visible to the naked eye, for example, if the screen is broken, and in some cases the functionality may be lost for no reason. Moisture ingress, rough mechanical impact and much more can affect the serviceability of the device.
If the source lies in a software glitch, then a situation may occur where the gadget does not respond correctly to your touch. Such problems often arise due to the actions of the owner himself, who, through negligence or inexperience, made changes to the operation of the system.

Common touch screen problems

Most common cause the reason why the touchscreen does not work is mechanical damage. Impacts and other impacts can lead to negative consequences. The most neutral will be chips; more serious problems will appear when a “cobweb” forms, in which the device can continue to function.

Because modern smartphones Since the device is quite fragile, even after falling from a height of human height, it stops working. If the device continues to function, and the damage is caused in the form of the formation of cracks in the case or its deformation, or the cessation of operation of part of the screen, then it is necessary to short time contact a specialist for repair work.

Another popular cause is moisture ingress. Despite the fact that the device looks like a monolithic device, it has small cracks and gaps through which liquid gets onto the main board.

Moisture and liquid entering the phone body

Moisture entering a cell phone leads to the beginning of the oxidation process of the contacts and the board. If the gadget gets into similar situation, then you shouldn’t disassemble your smartphone unless absolutely necessary. The first thing you need to do is dry the device. If drying does not produce results, then it is worth taking it to a specialized repair center, which is especially true for expensive models, intervention in internal circuit which leads to irreversible consequences. During repairs, you can use a cheap replacement device that will receive calls and SMS.

Oxide Elimination

In some cases, after moisture gets inside the gadget, through certain time it will start to work, but poorly or incorrectly. In this case, you can try to independently eliminate the oxide that appears upon contact with the liquid.

To do this, you will need a tool with which to remove the oxide (a plastic card, a screwdriver, and so on). Also needed: alcohol, toothbrush, eraser and napkins. Before disassembling your smartphone, you need to read the instructions, which can be found on the Internet.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully, as any awkward movement can lead to additional damage. The disassembled gadget must be folded onto a sheet or napkin so that it can be easily assembled, as per the drawing. Each place should be wiped with alcohol, an eraser and blotted with a dry cloth.

If traces of rust are found, it is removed with a toothbrush. The area is treated with alcohol, the remaining corrosion is removed with an eraser.

It will be especially difficult in cases where the cause is a sweet drink. Exposure to such a mixture has a chance of damaging the gadget, and without the intervention of a specialist, repair will be impossible.

Stained display

If the display becomes dirty without damaging the screen, then you just need to thoroughly wipe the sensor with cleaning fluid, and then remove the remaining moisture with a dry cloth. To save the display, it is recommended to use protective film, which is easily glued and removed in case of contamination.

Damage to the cable

Damage to the device cable is one of those causes of breakdown that cannot be fixed at home. Therefore, if the sensor sometimes does not work correctly, you should contact a specialist who can restore the device’s functionality with a guarantee.

Software glitch

  1. Reboot your smartphone. In some cases, changed software operation settings will not be applied after a system reboot.
  2. Use the built-in sensor testing program. To do this, you need to enter a combination that is unique to the device of each brand.
  3. Check the temperature of the device and place the device in favorable conditions.
  4. Check the operation of the memory card and SIM card.
  5. Boot the gadget in safe mode.

In some cases, the problem can be solved by these in simple ways. If your attempts have not yielded any fruit, then you should contact the experts.

Touch mobile phone in Lately has become one of the most popular models phone, because it is easy to use, and thanks to new technologies, you can significantly increase the size of the screen without increasing the dimensions of the phone. A touch screen mobile phone requires careful and careful attitude, because any impacts or damage can damage the sensor, causing the phone to stop responding to touch.

If a part doesn't work touch screen, it is necessary to find out the cause of the breakdown. Very often, due to impacts and damage, cracks appear on the touchscreen, which can lead to some area of ​​the screen being damaged. In such a case, only replacing the phone's touch screen can help solve this problem. You need to find out which part of the touchscreen is not working. The problem may also be in the phone's cable. When dropped or bumped, it can move away, so the screen contacts are weakly responsive to touch. This is the reason why the phone does not always respond to presses.

If half of the touch screen does not work, we can say that the touch screen contacts that connect to the main board of the phone have come loose and the signal is not being transmitted correctly. This is why one half of the screen can respond adequately to touches, while the other half only works when you press the touchscreen hard enough. In this case, you need to carefully disassemble the phone and look at the touchscreen contacts. Everything must be done very carefully, since the device contains a lot small parts, if you lose them you will have to go to a phone repair shop.

The phone's touchscreen may not work because some parts have failed, but such cases are quite rare, since almost always the problem lies in the phone's touchscreen itself. There are also cases when the phone’s touch screen does not work after hypothermia. This happens especially often in winter. There is no need to panic, you just need to wait a little until the phone warms up. After this, the screen will work properly again.

Disassembling the phone is appropriate if dirt or moisture gets into the middle; this can also cause failure of certain parts of the screen. After everything is removed, you need to carefully reassemble the phone - the screen should work correctly. In any case, you should definitely consult with a specialist in this field.


All of the vertical applications do not work for me and I can never play or download games.

Here's a little about the touchscreen, maybe it will help:

There was a 10mm horizontal strip. I just did it like in the video. I didn’t believe it would work, but kicker #8212 works. Thanks a lot. By the way, a piezo lighter was enough. It’s not clear, but for how long?

Half of the screen doesn't work, the reason is that it broke, thank you very much, I'll just change the glass

What to do if one part of the tablet does not work

Occasionally part of the screen works

The tablet fell. A crack appeared on the screen, now half of the screen does not work completely (((

the screen is not broken, small does not work horizontal stripe in the center of the screen

This is vital, and also its namesake.

Found a solution to the problem?

Ahaha, two problems with the same problem)))

After hitting the tablet inner glass a crack appeared. The tablet turns on but the screen is black, only the crack lights up. Please tell me the tablet can be repaired. How to save him?

No, you don’t need to send your tablet or phone for repair if the screen is leaking, because they will replace the glass and nothing will change, and it turns out that you just wasted your money.)

The phone is unbroken, the upper horizontal part on the sensor does not work

The entire phone does not work, the upper horizontal part on the sensor

The phone didn’t fall, the screen just stopped working, the curtain only opens and closes, the buttons rarely work, what can I do?

My screen doesn’t work in the middle and sometimes it doesn’t work in other places, it’s like it’s moving!


There is one small crack on the screen. One part works (top) and the other does not. what to do??

Broaaann't working top part sensor

Why is it on the top of the phone (Vertex for 5 k(((() the top doesn’t hurt but the bottom, great!

The sensor was replaced, the touch below did not work, and still does not work

I have a phone Umi London trashed the top part but the part below doesn’t work well before robotla so trashed

Hello, help me, my Asus Zenfon 2 has a problem with the upper part of the screen not working stably? Factory settings didn't help, could the cable come loose?

What is the name of the house to go back to the menu?!

Phone LENOVO S720 touchscreen partially does not work. In places where #8212 does not work there are greenish spots. what is the reason?

Tell me #8230I play on a tablet and often in 3D games, the movement and skill controls do not match the placement of buttons on the screen#8230how to solve the problem?

The bottom of the screen does not work, you have to turn the phone over every time. no cracks

Unlike their ancestors, modern smartphones are controlled using a touchscreen and several auxiliary buttons. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a situation worse than the one when the screen on the phone does not work.

This manifests itself in its complete inoperability, loss of part important functions or accidental sensor activations. It is especially unpleasant when a black phone screen catches the user at the most inopportune time.

There are several reasons why your phone has a black screen:

  • the device fell;
  • the microcircuit has failed;
  • the connecting cable flew out;
  • moisture has entered the device.

It is almost impossible to immediately understand why the phone screen does not work. The only exceptions are obvious damage that leads to the appearance of cracks on the display or deformation of the case. But first things first.

The phone fell

To damage the display, just one fall of the gadget from a small height is enough. The greatest risk is a collision with asphalt or rocky soil, when the impact falls on a certain part of the protective glass.

If after this, the user’s display no longer works, the glass on the device could have cracked, resulting in damage to the touchscreen along with the display, or the cable could have popped out. It would be reasonable to take the gadget to a specialist for diagnosis, making sure to note that you dropped it.

Screen control chip failure

Another extremely common occurrence is the failure of the graphics chip. The display stops receiving information from the device and no longer shows images. It is extremely difficult to identify this problem at home. IN in this case, all components must be completely replaced. This operation will not be possible if the device is smashed to pieces.

Worn or disconnected cable

Compared to most hardware components, the cable can be replaced without additional re-soldering of the device board. Usually, solving such a problem takes several hours, even when the cable is completely broken.

It is possible that the display no longer lights up, not because of a broken cable, but because it was disconnected from the main board as a result of a strong impact. Repair work will only take a few minutes, cost varies depending on complexity internal structure gadget.

Moisture and liquid entering the phone body

One of the worst scenarios for why the screen won't light up is if the hardware comes into contact with moisture. Whether it is steam or a few drops of liquid, they can cause destruction of the board contacts, causing short circuits or express yourself in a specific way when the sensor does not respond to your touch or divide the image into several zones.

The solution to this problem will depend on the amount of oxide formed. If you delay repairs, thorough cleaning may not be enough and you will have to resort to replacing damaged modules.

Oxide Elimination

It is possible to fight oxide on your own. Immediately after moisture gets into the gadget, it is recommended to completely disassemble the device and check it for the presence of electromechanical corrosion. The affected area is treated with 96% medical alcohol to better effect use a toothbrush soaked in alcohol and dry the board.

It’s worth warning right away that such personal intervention can only worsen the condition of the smartphone. It is better to give the device to the specialists, where they will treat it with a water-repellent solution and ensure high-quality washing using ultrasonic bath. Dry it in a heating cabinet at a certain temperature. It is often impossible to say for sure whether the device can be saved due to extensive damage to the hardware of the board.

Advantages of specialized service centers

Has an obvious advantage full diagnostics device with subsequent replacement of failed parts. Unlike carrying out these manipulations at home, the risk that the master will touch an important unit through negligence is minimized.

Additionally, you will receive a warranty for the entire device, and not for an individual part that had to be replaced. As replacement parts, use only original spare parts without using low quality Chinese analogues.

Rather than try to fix the problem yourself, it is better to immediately contact specialists who have experience in restoring mobile devices and the necessary tools for this. This is especially true for those who need an urgent screen replacement.


The display of a mobile device is very fragile and can be damaged not only due to a strong impact, but also due to moisture getting into it. It becomes almost impossible to save your device without the use of special tools, and in the vast majority of cases, intervention inexperienced user, leads to complete damage to the hardware board or individual modules.


Damage due to which part of the screen on an iPhone does not work occurs quite often, despite the fact that smartphones Apple differ high quality. Mechanical damage, liquid getting under the display, wear of screen parts can cause the top or bottom of the iPhone to stop working. touch display, his right or left-hand side. Sometimes if part iPhone screen does not work, you can troubleshoot the touchscreen yourself.

Why does the display module malfunction?

If part of your iPhone's screen isn't working, it may have been damaged by a shock or fall. After all, most often touchscreen malfunctions occur for the following reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the touch screen
  • the appearance of cracks on the display, due to which the bottom of the screen or other side does not work
  • liquid getting inside the iPhone
  • wear and tear of screen parts due to excessive use of the iPhone

Also, part of the iPhone screen may stop functioning due to system failures in case of unqualified flashing of the device, interruption of update settings and other violations during the operation of the iPhone.

What problems may occur

If you dropped your iPhone, allowed it to hit the asphalt, or if liquid got inside the device, various damages may occur on the iPhone display - from obvious to subtle. Most often, breakdowns are as follows:

  • The top or bottom of the display does not work
  • One side of the iPhone display is not working
  • no contact with touch screen
  • the smartphone lives its own life, carries out commands not given to it
  • There are cracks on the screen

Almost any damage display module devices lead to the fact that part of the display does not work fully, so it is impossible to operate the smartphone properly. If part of the display on your phone does not work, the problem must be repaired and the smartphone must be repaired.

Is it possible to fix the damage yourself?

If part of your smartphone's display is not working, you can try to fix the problem yourself. To understand whether it is possible to restore the functionality of the iPhone display, first of all you need to understand the reason for its malfunction. If the device has not suffered serious mechanical damage and a small area of ​​the screen is not working, you may not need to replace the display. To understand why part of the display is not working, follow these steps:

  • restart the device by simultaneously pressing the “Power” and “Home” keys
  • replace the protective film on the screen - it may be the reason why the bottom of the display or another part of it is not working
  • remove the case from the device - it can damage half the screen
  • try changing it Charger and other components of your smartphone - they may not work correctly

If these tips did not help you, you will not be able to do without the help of specialists. Also, you should not try to repair the touch screen yourself if you have dropped or otherwise damaged the device, it has cracks from impact, etc.

Where to order professional device repair

If a section of the screen on your smartphone does not work and you cannot fix it yourself, you can try to find a specialized service center. However, if you do not want to waste time and overpay, use the services of a private contractor Yudu. A qualified technician will determine the cause of the malfunction due to which part of the display does not work, and will perform it professionally and inexpensively.

The main advantages of Yudu performers are as follows:

  • prompt diagnostics of the device, finding out the reasons why the lower part of the screen or its other side does not work
  • no queues or waiting – master Yudu will only deal with your smartphone, which you dropped and damaged
  • quick repair of half the screen - your smartphone will work immediately after repair, as if you never dropped it
  • reduced cost of services due to the absence of intermediaries and markups
  • convenient and quick way ordering services to restore the functionality of the lower part of the iPhone display directly on the website or using a mobile application

If part of the screen on your smartphone does not work, trust

Modern gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. The telephone is the most common gadget. Almost every person has it. Unfortunately, even the most reliable phones can break due to shock, water or software glitches. The most common problem that many mobile device users face is that the sensor does not respond to touch. If the device is still under warranty, then you should immediately contact the service center. Otherwise, there is no need to rush, because there are cases when the problem can be easily and quickly fixed. The sensor does not respond to touch, what should I do in this case? Let's look at all aspects of this problem.

Phone screen repair

Before solving the problem, you need to make sure what is causing your display to break down. This could be mechanical damage, liquid getting inside the device, or software glitch. If you are sure that you did not drop the phone or spill liquid on it, then we can assume that this is a software glitch.

Cleaning your mobile phone screen

First, you can simply clean the display of your device. You will not harm the phone in any way, but improve the connection and perhaps the problem will be solved. This method may help if the sensor does not respond to touch. What to do?

Take a suitable cloth and liquid to clean the screen. It is better to use lint-free or any other natural fabric. To clean the display, we will need a glass or monitor cleaner.

If this method does not help, then you should move on to next steps. Of course, they may not help either. The real reason Only a professional can fix breakdowns, but even he cannot solve every problem.

Software glitch that caused the display to break

If the display of your mobile device reacts to your touch in some places, then you can try to make it Hard Reset system, This full reset settings. But it’s worth remembering that this can only help if the sensor glitches from time to time. After resetting the settings, install applications that can clean system registry. This will eliminate errors caused by RAM. Recommended applications are WinFixer and Cleaner4. Unfortunately, the second utility is paid, but has good functionality. The first program is suitable for you if you are not sure of the reason why the display does not respond well to touch, and you are not going to spend money.

All actions should be performed without a memory card. It may contain viruses that cause system malfunctions. After resetting the settings and cleaning the registry, you need to put the SD card in place and scan the device with an antivirus. Select full check devices and wait. But even after these actions, the sensor does not respond to touch. What to do? In this case, it is necessary to proceed to replacing the sensor, since the reason is not caused by a software failure.

Mobile phone display replacement

The sensor does not respond to touch - what should I do? If previous methods did not help, then you need to replace the damaged display. Most often, this needs to be done when the device has been dropped, cracks have appeared, or moisture has entered. In the latter case, you may not even notice how liquid got into the phone, as this can happen due to temperature changes. So, condensate that accumulates in mobile device, will interfere normal operation phone. At first, black spots may appear when working with the gadget, and later the sensor itself will stop responding to touches. In this case, you will need to change the screen.

Phone screen repair - not too much difficult process, the main thing is attentiveness and accuracy. Any person can do this. The sensor does not respond to touch - what should I do? First you need to disassemble your device, but you should remember the sequence of actions so that there are no problems with assembly in the future. All plugs and latches are removed using a thin object. You will need to carefully remove all elements from the latches with this object.

After disassembling your smartphone, you need to remove the display. It is necessary to check how the display is attached to the matrix. This can be done in two ways: monolithic or separate. This is very important, since when ordering a new screen, this aspect will need to be specified.

The sensor can also be connected to printed circuit board different ways. Exists contact method, in this case the sensor is simply disconnected and is wired. In the latter case, you should be very careful.

If you need to detach the matrix from the sensor, you must follow these recommendations:

  • First, heat the surface to 60 degrees. This can be done using a regular hair dryer. It should be heated evenly so that the glass does not crack and the glue heats up.
  • Next, you need to find a flat and thin object to easily disconnect the sensor from the matrix. To do this, simply pry the edges and carefully lift them up.

All that remains is to attach the new sensor. How to do it? The kit should include the sensor itself and glue. First we apply special glue, and then carefully attach the sensor.

Cost of a new display

How much does it cost? Of course different models For smartphones, the cost of the screen will vary. On average, to change the display on phones with a diagonal of 4.5 or 5 inches, you will need to pay about 700 rubles.

If you don’t want to disassemble the phone yourself, you can contact a specialist. The master will ask about 2000 rubles. Although this procedure is not very complicated and you can change the screen yourself. You just need to approach this carefully and carefully.

Touch buttons don't work

Lower touch buttons directly relate to the screen and in the event of their failure, it is necessary to perform all the actions that we have already considered. If the touch buttons do not work, you should first do a full reset. Next, clean the system registry and scan your device for viruses. Unfortunately, if the steps taken do not help, you will need to change the screen.