Apple warranty period. Conditions for submitting Apple equipment for warranty and post-warranty repairs

iPhone warranty service in Russia has always been Apple's Achilles heel in the Russian Federation - too many questions related to this constantly arise among buyers of Apple smartphones. Over the years, the situation has improved somewhat, but still, when buying an iPhone abroad, many are not sure that the device will be serviced in Russia. Together with Apple, we decided to dot the i's.

Today we indicated that in addition to the A1778 model, which is officially supplied to the Russian Federation, the iPhone 7 model A1660 is also entitled to warranty service in Russia. Despite claiming this, some readers persistently said that the A1660 would not be repaired under warranty in Russia.

Since we always pay attention to your feedback, we decided to double-check the information - what if something has changed, or an Apple employee misled us? We quickly contacted a company consultant, who confirmed the readers’ words: the A1660 is not serviced in Russia.

How can this be if just a couple of weeks ago we were told the opposite? We could not leave this issue unresolved, fortunately the consultant met halfway and promised that a senior specialist would contact us to resolve the issue. Five minutes later, the phone received a call - and not from anywhere, but from the city of Cork (Ireland), where Apple's European office is located.

In the conversation, the senior specialist noted that the consultant we had just chatted with had been misinformed and therefore provided irrelevant information. In fact, the iPhone 7 A1660 will be serviced under warranty in Russian service centers on the same basis as the A1778. At the moment, even some Apple employees may have incorrect information on this issue, let alone representatives of authorized service centers. Therefore, when readers called and inquired about the services, they were told that the warranty for the A1660 in the Russian Federation does not apply. However, some were still given reliable information.

If they still give you false information about the iPhone warranty, feel free to show them/send them a link to this article.

Apple is a serious player in the market that values ​​​​its reputation very much. The company strives to do everything to provide comfort to its customers. One of the most important points in its development strategy is strong user support.

According to the rules of the global guarantee prescribedApple, every owner of brand gadgets can count on receiving support and service for a year from the date of purchase of the device. During this period, you are guaranteed free service if any problems are detected.

The only exceptions are damage caused by improper handling (falls, getting wet, overheating or hypothermia of the device). It is precisely such damage that specialists who accept the device for service first pay attention to.

However, as for iPhones, special warranty rules are prescribed for them, and every self-respecting user should be familiar with them.

iPhones and warranty

iPhones belong to that special group of devices whose warranty begins not “on the receipt”, but upon the start of use. That is, it is the date of switching on and activation of the smartphone on the network (or on Apple servers), and not the date of purchase, that is the starting point for the warranty period.

Therefore, if you are purchasing an iPhone as a gift, you can safely postpone its delivery until the desired date, because... The grace period will not start ticking until the device registers on the network for the first time.

If suddenly during operation any problems are identified, we advise you to immediately visit a certified center. What is needed to confirm the right to service?

By and large, receipts are not so important for Apple products - all information on the gadget is encrypted under its serial number. Russian realities rather oblige the storage of receipts, since many suppliers are not eager to service defective gadgets. Well, in case of loss (blocking, theft) of a smartphone, the presence of the original box and receipt will be strong evidence that you are its owner.

According to the unspoken rule, in addition to the receipt, you must also provide the original iPhone box. Therefore, until the one-year period from the date of sale has expired, do not throw it away under any circumstances! It is possible that if you come across a defective device, and this is proven after an examination, it will be replaced. And your iPhone in its original packaging will be recycled.

In addition, in this way the manufacturer will find out exactly where the “problematic” product was released, because The box contains all the information about the specific place of production of the smartphone.

There is also such a term as “paid replacement”. It provides for the possibility of replacing a hopelessly damaged iPhone for an additional fee. This program is used with the caveat that before this the smartphone should not be opened or subjected to repair work.

Therefore, if you broke (drowned) your iPhone, first of all go to an authorized center, and do not try to fix it yourself. In this case, you have a chance to purchase a new gadget for just over half the price, with a full guarantee. The only condition is that the old iPhone will have to be left in the SC.

Warranty periods after service

After repair work (or examination for defects), the user will be returned his (or a new) smartphone with accompanying documentation. And then a reasonable question arises: how will the warranty period be calculated now? The procedure for providing a guarantee is especially interesting in cases where you have exchanged a defective iPhone for another.

Here, what type of service the gadget received is of decisive importance. If you are given another smartphone instead of a defective one, the one-year warranty countdown starts anew from the moment of replacement (activation). If only some part was changed in the iPhone, then the primary warranty continues to apply - minus the time that the device spent under maintenance (and therefore was not used by the owner). Again, to confirm this fact, be sure to keep all documents about the manipulations performed!

You can find out all the details of the warranty for your device (including the activation date, expiration dates of the warranty, etc.) using a special Apple service. You just need to enter the serial number of the gadget into the window. However, as support representatives note, the information in this service may not be displayed correctly, because Factory-restored smartphones are often provided as replacements, and sometimes employees forget to “reset” the warranty information on them.

In this case, the main evidence confirming your right to a year of free service are documents from the service center that issued the replacement iPhone. So don't lose them!

Regional subtleties

Many have already heard that Apple has a “creative” approach to providing warranties for devices purchased outside of their place of residence. For a long time, people who bought an iPhone in America, for example, were directed to seek service at the point of purchase. It is clear that all this red tape for the user is a waste of time and money. In a good way, there is no hidden profit for the company in this. The fact is that the “stuffing” of iPhones for different regions may differ due to different quality standards, communications, etc. So in your region of residence there may well be a real problem with the availability of the necessary components for a “foreign” iPhone.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such incidents, we recommend purchasing the following gadgets for use in the Russian Federation:
They are certified in Russia and are definitely subject to free service under warranty. In all other cases, you need to look specifically at each device.

But there is also good news. It is more profitable to purchase iPhones in the Russian Federation due to the possibility of legally extending standard warranty periods, since our country has a minimum period of 2 years.
In this connection, the regional branch, Apple Rus, officially provides its interpretation of the standard one-year Apple warranty - in the context of the requirements of Russian legislation (namely, Article 19, paragraph 5 of the law on consumer protection).

Therefore, you can qualify for free help not after a year, but after two. It is clear that only devices legally imported into the Russian Federation that have passed the PCT are subject to two-year maintenance.
So, at least in some ways, domestic legislation is still encouraging. And when you contact regional service centers, feel free to defend your rights!

Reasons for denial of service

Devices with obvious mechanical damage are not subject to warranty service: bent body, broken screen or buttonHome, "drowned people". If any software interference in the operation of the system is detected, the user will also be denied free service. Therefore, either remove the jailbreak and update to the latest version of iOS, or repair the iPhone at your own expense.

Also, all types of consumables are not subject to free replacement: protective anti-glare coatings, batteries, headsets, ports, etc. By the way, the brand new iPhone 7, if it loses its seal, will also not be replaced. The manufacturer honestly warns that over time the level of dust and water resistance will decrease, since the insulating gaskets (which are the same consumables) dry out, and, as a result, micropores appear at the joints.

After repair, be prepared for the fact that all your personal data, applications or settings will be erased. Therefore, before servicing, be sure to make a full backup copy on your computer (since a backup created “over the air” does not contain all the information). But all this can only be done if the iPhone is working. If not, you will have to negotiate with the service employees, perhaps they will help you reset valuable information from a non-working device.

There was recently a conversation on my Twitter about warranty service for Apple equipment in Russia. Due to the specific nature of my employment, and I work with Apple equipment in a retail store, this topic is not uncommon. You will be surprised, but not all users know that if there is something wrong with the iPhone, Apple can exchange it for a new one. The display is loose, the front camera has moved out, there is no focus on the iPhone 6 Plus, there is no network on the iPhone 5s RFB - these are the most common reasons for exchanging Apple smartphones under warranty. But there is a nuance: the phone or tablet must have official certification in Russia.

There is a common misconception that Apple equipment does not break. It breaks. Quite often the cause of these breakdowns is a manufacturing defect. Let me note separately, and this is my personal observation, that the number of these breakdowns is constantly growing. This is probably due to growing production volumes. As my experience shows, iPhones are the ones that break most often. At the same time, it is worth understanding that they sell more than other Apple products. If your smartphone or tablet has been in use for less than a year, you have not repaired it and generally used it carefully, then the existing problem may be grounds for exchanging it for a new one.


First of all, it’s worth clearing things up. Smartphones and equipment with PCT certification are covered under warranty service in Russia. A device purchased in the USA will be denied warranty service in Russia. If your iPhone was purchased in Russia, then you are under Apple’s protection and can count on a solution to the problems that arise. There is another category - “Europeans” or Eurotest. Devices purchased in Europe are not covered under warranty service under Apple's terms and conditions in Russia. The decision on warranty service is made by the service center to which the user contacts. There is no universal solution here. If your iPhone is a Euro test and a problem is discovered with it, contact, if possible, several certified service centers. There is a chance that some of them will accept your device for service.

It’s very easy to find out whether your gadget’s warranty is up to date. Each individual device has its own personal serial number. For iPhone or iPad, go to “Settings”, then “General”, “About this device”.

For Mac, Apple menu, About This Mac, Overview tab.

Please note that the serial number of the device and its box must be the same. If the symbols on the device and its box are different, I recommend returning it to the seller as soon as possible. They sold you either stolen or repaired equipment.

First, you need to make sure that your device has support in Russia. This can be done on a special page on the Apple website. Here you must enter the serial number of the device. If it falls under warranty, the system will indicate the duration of the current warranty period. If this period has expired, then you will have to fix the breakdown yourself - the warranty is no longer valid.

If your device was purchased outside of Russia, the system will notify you about this:

If your iPhone, iPad or other Apple gadget is still under warranty, was purchased in Russia or Europe, and there is some problem with it, then feel free to take it to the nearest service center.

All Apple equipment purchased in Russia in our country is covered by Apple's limited warranty for 12 months. It is called limited because the device cannot be returned under warranty if it has been exposed to moisture, has been repaired, or has been subjected to severe physical impact. Multiple dents, bent body or cracked glass will void the warranty. Sensors illuminated by moisture inside the device will void the warranty. Installed unlicensed software will void the warranty. The use of non-certified accessories will result in a denial of warranty.

There is another myth associated with Apple technology. Some users are convinced that “American” iPhones are better than “Russian” ones. Allegedly, Apple uses low-quality components for the Russian market, which ultimately results in frequent problems and defects. Of course this is not true. The production line of all smartphones and other Apple equipment is the same for all countries. They differ only in the included charger and set of documentation. It may differ for different countries.


Another special feature of Apple technology is that when purchasing any device with the Apple logo, neither receipts nor warranty cards are needed for warranty service. Apple uses personal device serial numbers for this. The peculiarity of retail trade in Russia is that you still need a receipt when buying an iPhone or other Apple gadget. Firstly, to confirm a purchase in a specific store. Not every reseller will undertake to service your device without presenting a purchase receipt. Secondly, there are times when even Apple may require you to provide a receipt confirming the purchase of the device. Suppose you forgot your Apple ID, password, answers to security questions, or, as often happens, you were not aware of the actions when you registered an account in iCloud. Only the top level of Apple security can unlink your iPhone from a locked Apple ID. To complete the application, you will be asked to send photographs of the device and the original purchase receipt to the specified email. This receipt is proof that this device belongs to you.

Apple divides its devices into two types of warranty: from the moment of activation and by receipt. The receipt warranty applies to iPad, iPod, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV. The guarantee from the moment of activation only works for iPhone. And I’ll tell you a secret: according to the consumer protection law, all components included with the device also have a warranty equal to the device. This means that if the headphones start to malfunction before the iPhone warranty expires, you need to contact the seller, he will solve the problem.

Paid replacement

Despite the fact that Apple is still delaying the opening of a full-fledged Apple Store in Russia, the company continues to meet the needs of Russian users. One of these steps is a paid warranty replacement. Paid replacement - the opportunity to get a new device to replace your broken, drowned or with any other problem. If you ran your iPhone over with a tank or launched it from the sixteenth floor, Apple will exchange it for a new one for an additional fee.

It often happens that it is not advisable to repair a device: Apple does not produce original spare parts, and using the services of dubious services is not the best solution. Fixing serious damage to a device may cost more than a paid replacement. In this case, paid replacement is the most suitable option. But there is one condition: your smartphone, tablet or other Apple device should not have been repaired before being sent to a service center for a paid replacement. Otherwise, the service center will simply refuse to replace your device with a new one, making a corresponding note in the warranty card.

Another common problem is cables. The original Lightning cable is expensive, but it guarantees stable operation of your device. In addition to Apple, there are many other manufacturers whose chargers are approved for use with Apple equipment. Among them are Belkin, Ozaki, Griffin, Incase, Mophie. As a rule, a high-quality Lightning cable costs at least 1000 rubles. But in any case, before buying a Lightning cable, you should decide on the manufacturer and check on their website the approximate cost of the charger. Let me remind you that if you buy a counterfeit Lightning cable, you risk losing the warranty on your iPhone, iPad or iPod.


To avoid possible problems with Apple equipment, I first recommend that you decide on the place of purchase. Read user reviews of different stores, study the assortment, compare prices. Not everyone knows that Apple itself conducts trading activities in Russia only through its online store. There are no Apple retail stores in Moscow or any other city in our country. The Apple Shop, recently opened in Moscow's TSUM, is different from the Apple Store - a full-fledged Apple retail store. Apple Shop is a shop-in-shop format that operates in large shopping centers around the world. We have already written about .

Since I myself work in a store with Authorized Reseller status, I recommend choosing a seller that Apple knows about. Such a store must be either Authorized or Premium Reseller. A device purchased from one of these stores will have an official Apple warranty for a year and certification in Russia. These stores receive equipment from official Apple distributors, DiHouse, Marvel, Merlion and OCS Distribution. Some resellers, for example Svyaznoy or MVideo, receive equipment from Apple, bypassing distributors. But this is already an internal kitchen. Finding one of these stores in your city is easy. There is a page on the Apple website that helps you find the nearest authorized retailer or certified service center. All Apple equipment sold in such stores has Russian certification, and with it an official guarantee for a year.

International guarantee

Let's look at another common concept - international guarantee. When we talk about a full replacement warranty, the term "worldwide warranty" no longer applies to any Apple device. Authorized service centers do not repair problematic equipment: your iPhone or iPad is always replaced with new ones. The only exceptions are special repair programs. This happened with the batteries of the iPhone 5, with the iPhone 6, whose front camera moved out, the same thing happened with the iPhone 6 Plus - its main camera module stopped focusing. This decision by Apple is due to the number of problematic devices. Since the company is launching a program to replace components, it means that the number of problematic devices is so large that Apple is not able to replace them with new ones. In this case, the worldwide guarantee comes into force. If your device falls under one of these programs, then you can have your device repaired free of charge at an authorized service center. And it doesn’t matter in which country it was purchased. To clarify the model and the operation of the repair program for your device, you must again contact the Apple website or the company’s support. Russian-speaking specialists will answer all questions.

A user whose device was not purchased in Russia depends to a greater extent on the service center he contacts. Here, the decision on warranty service for your non-PCT device is made by the specialists of the SC. But if there is still hope with the “Europeans”, since some service centers also work with them, then the service center is unlikely to be able to accept the remaining devices under warranty. Authorized service centers throughout the country have the opportunity to send non-PCT equipment to the USA, where all warranty procedures will be completed with them. But you need to ask the service center specialists about this.

Main points:

1. Buy Apple equipment in Russia and from official resellers. iPhones break often. It's nice to receive a completely new gadget instead of a defective one without any hassle.

2. Use quality accessories. Chinese cables will lead your device to the grave and even official certification will not help it.

3. You can always exchange a broken phone for a new one at an additional cost. Paid replacement is the most convenient way to solve problems with Apple equipment.

4. Worldwide warranty is a common myth.

5. For answers to most questions, there is Russian-speaking Apple support - 88003335173.

Many people buy an iPhone with the firm belief that they have purchased a reliable, glitch-free device that will serve them for at least several years. As a rule, such a belief does not last very long after the purchase :)

In general, it is not clear where the strong belief was formed that Apple technology is reliable and never breaks. It breaks and how! Any person involved in equipment repair, be it an official Apple service center or a small workshop, will confirm this to you. Yes, you can see this for yourself: queries like “iPhone replacement under warranty”, “iPhone is broken”, “ipad repair under warranty”, etc. are very popular in search engines.

iPhones have especially big problems with reliability. Just a couple of months have passed since, and a large number of their users have already managed to contact service centers with various kinds of problems and breakdowns: the screen is loose, focus cannot be achieved, a problem with the front camera, etc.

In this article, we will talk about whether you should have your iPhone or any other gadget replaced free of charge under warranty, whether Apple products are covered by an international warranty, and what kind of warranty repair problems you may encounter.

Features of the guarantee in the Russian Federation

Warranty service for Apple equipment in Russia has its own specifics. Namely, the technology must be purchased in Russia and have Rostest certification (PCT). In this case you can count on:

  • Warranty service for 12 months
  • Free replacement of iPhone (iPad, etc.) if problems are identified that are not the fault of the user

Therefore, if you bought an iPhone in Russia, then it is under the protection and warranty of Apple. If any problem arises with it within a year (the camera stops working, charging does not work, the screen blinks, etc.), feel free to take it to the official Apple warranty service center. In most cases, they will simply replace it with the same new one, since Apple does not produce original spare parts for its products for repair.

You can find the addresses of authorized Apple sales representatives and official service centers in your city on this page:

But if your iPhone has scratches on the case, chips or other damage caused by improper or careless use, then you will be denied a replacement device. There are other reasons for denial of warranty service.

Reasons for denial of warranty

If you installed unlicensed software on your iPhone or used uncertified accessories, this is grounds for denial of warranty.

And one more surprise: if you bought your Apple device in the USA or Europe, then you will almost certainly be denied warranty service in the Russian Federation! Why is that? What about Apple's international warranty?

As we already mentioned, the iPhone must have PCT certification. If it is not there, then according to Apple's terms Warranty service in the Russian Federation is not required. In very rare cases, however, service centers in Russia accept both American and European devices, but, we repeat, they are not obligated to do this, according to Apple’s terms of service.

How to find out the terms of the warranty

Even before contacting the service center, you can find out for yourself the specifics of the warranty for your device. First you need to get to know him personal serial number. For iPhone and iPad, go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “About this device”.

For Mac: Apple menu -> About This Mac -> Overview tab.

Now, knowing the serial number, go to a special page on the Apple website:

This is a page for checking the right to warranty service and service support in Russia. In the top window, enter the serial number, and just below - the code from the picture. Based on the results of the check, you will receive information about the warranty status:

If all three points are marked in green, then everything is in order - feel free to contact the nearest Apple service center. If the second item is marked in orange (the period has expired), then you will have to repair the device yourself; the warranty on it has expired.

The system will also inform you if your device was purchased outside the Russian Federation:

In this case, you will have to repair the device at your own expense. However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try visiting Apple service centers - it may well be that one of them will accept your iPhone, iPad or other “Apple gadget.” There are such stories from users on the Internet. But we repeat once again that this will be their own decision, they are not obliged to do so in this case.

Paid device replacement

Apple also has a service option such as paid warranty replacement. This option is suitable when the device has become unusable due to your fault: it was dropped from a great height, drowned in a river, sat on the screen, etc. You can exchange such a device for a new one with an additional payment.

But even here there are additional conditions: Your device should not have been repaired. Otherwise, you won't get a paid replacement.

Apple International Warranty

“Well, what about the international guarantee?” you ask. Isn’t its point that if you buy a device in any country, you can apply for warranty coverage in any other country in the world? In the case of Apple, this is not entirely true.

Apple's international warranty implies a complete replacement of the device if it is detected defect due to manufacturer's fault, for example, as was the case with the batteries of the iPhone 5. The same thing is now observed in relation to the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus - their problem unit is the camera, which either moves out or stops focusing, etc.

In this case, you can contact any authorized Apple service center, regardless of which country you purchased your iPhone in, and they will replace it with a new one completely free of charge. However, in the case of the Russian Federation, again, not everything is so simple: most likely your iPhone without PCT will not be replaced, but will be sent to the USA, where they will decide on its future fate: either repair or replace.

Bottom line

iPhones, iPads, etc. Apple products break down no less often than products from other manufacturers. Therefore, the hope that you will receive a trouble-free device for several years in the form of an Apple Phone may remain nothing more than a hope. The great excitement around iPhones has led to the fact that control over their quality has become much lower in recent years, and there are much more devices that end up in service centers under warranty. Any employee of such a service center will confirm this to you.

Would you say that American iPhones are better in quality than Russian ones? This is far from true, there is no difference in quality - models for different countries differ only in the charger and documentation. Moreover, all Apple products are manufactured in China, and there are no people on the assembly line who would sort iPhones by country based on the quality of the final product: this good one will go to Europe and the USA, and this unsuccessful one will go to Russia :) But the difference is in the warranty conditions for There really is one in different countries, and that’s what we tried to talk about in this publication.

A warranty period is assigned for all technically complex products. This time is especially relevant for those products that are expensive, such as iPhone mobile phones.

Apple undoubtedly values ​​its name, and therefore is concerned not only with the release of high-quality products, but also with their timely warranty service. The purchased iPhone comes with a one-year warranty.

To contact service centers, you need to know not only the repair period, but also the rules that allow you to do it for free. The manufacturer sets a number of requirements for consumers that must be adhered to.

The day the product is sold is considered the beginning of the warranty period. If the date of acquisition cannot be proven, then it begins from the date of manufacture of the product. With iPhones, things are completely different. Each Apple gadget has its own unique number, and upon initial activation it is registered online. Therefore, the warranty begins from the moment the phone is activated. This is extremely convenient, since the registration date can subsequently be viewed online and no supporting documents are required.

Please note that the warranty for iPhones has a territorial limitation. The service life of devices purchased in the Russian Federation is two years, because this is the minimum service period for technically complex goods according to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992. But in the USA and other countries, only 12 months are guaranteed, since their legislation allows this. Although when purchasing a gadget, a standard year will be specified in the documents, the right to service for Russians is extended for the same period.

The warranty only applies to damage resulting from improper factory assembly or transportation. If the phone is used carelessly, the owner will not be able to count on free service.

Buying a defective phone

Apple advertises its products as ultra-reliable, capable of providing trouble-free operation for several years. The popularity of this company's gadgets really speaks to the mass recognition of quality. Despite the high prices for iPhones, they are purchased by different segments of the population. But you should not think that this type of equipment cannot have a manufacturing defect. As practice shows, in recent years the number of factory breakdowns has increased, this is probably due to increasing production.

Buying a phone with a defect is not uncommon. Many models have recurring problems that most buyers come across. iPhone 6 Plus owners often complain about the lack of focus, and the iPhone 5s RFB often lacks network. A slipped front camera and display play can be detected on many models. Buyers should be aware that any detected error can only be corrected by service centers. You should not carry out even minor repairs yourself. iPhone manufacturers are also jealous of any system interventions. The owner is recommended to use updates from a certified version of IOS, otherwise the phone may simply be refused service.

Warranty service

Apple warranty service is provided only in the country where it was purchased. This condition is not a whim, but has serious reasons. Each country introduces its own quality standards, the application of which is mandatory for goods sold on its territory. Service centers located in Russia allow servicing of exactly those models of devices that are sold here. An American gadget can only be repaired in the USA.

Speaking about the guarantee, do not forget that it applies only to those devices that are officially imported into Russia and certified in the prescribed manner. Such gadgets have a PCT sign, which means the following: the iPhone has passed RosTest and meets quality standards in all respects.

When contacting the service with a problem with the phone, the consumer can count on:

  1. Complete replacement of the device with a new one.
  2. Fault repair.
  3. Partial or full refund of the phone.

The choice of warranty service conditions is, in theory, the responsibility of the buyer, but the final result depends more on the causes of the breakdown than on the wishes of the owner himself.

Replacement with a new gadget

Apple's manufacturer's policy is aimed at reducing conflict situations, and therefore, most often, if a manufacturing defect is detected, the iPhone is easily replaced with a new device. The old phone is sent to the factory, where all the shortcomings are eliminated and it goes on sale in an already updated form.

You can return the gadget if, after checking it at the service center, it was found that the cause of unsatisfactory performance was a manufacturing defect, and not poor care of the product. To return an item, please contact the place where it was purchased. After submitting a claim to the store, take the iPhone to a service center, where a specialist will perform an inspection and issue a conclusion.

You can exchange your phone even if it was broken due to the fault of the owner. Such an exchange is carried out subject to the fulfillment of two mandatory conditions:

  1. The old phone is for rent.
  2. An additional payment is made for a new device, usually it is 50% of its cost or a little more.

Therefore, if your iPhone breaks down, do not rush to send it for paid repairs; weigh the pros and cons; perhaps replacing it will be more profitable than repairing it.

Device repair

Free repair of a broken iPhone in service centers is carried out only if:

  1. The warranty is still valid. If the owner does not know exactly the operating time of the device, then he can check this by going to the “Settings” option and selecting the “Basic” - “About this device” tab.
  2. It shows no obvious signs of abuse by the owner.
  3. The phone system corresponds to the factory one - IOS.

You can contact any service center that is geographically convenient for you to visit. If one of them refuses to repair, you can contact the next one. After visiting several services, it is quite possible to find one that will take on the problem.

Before sending the device for repair, you should copy all personal data from there, because all information is usually erased when the system is rebooted, and it is not always possible to restore it.

Receiving the money

It is not possible to demand money back from the seller for a previously purchased mobile phone in all cases.

Based on the STD Law, many buyers have convinced themselves that any purchase can be returned to the store within the first 14 days if the size, color or other external parameters do not fit. This is only partially true; indeed, there are a number of products that are subject to such replacement, but mobile phones are not included in this list. This gadget is a technically complex product that cannot be replaced on the basis that the buyer has simply changed his mind.

Receipt of paid funds is possible for the following reasons:

  1. The serial number of the product on the device and the box is different. This means that the phone has been replaced and is possibly counterfeit.
  2. A manufacturing defect has been detected.
  3. The seller hid essential information about the product, for example, the fact that it was being repaired.

You can only get your money back if the phone is returned to the store within the first two weeks. If you contact us later, you can only count on repairs and replacements. But if the service keeps the iPhone for more than 45 days, then by law the owner can insist on receiving the money spent.

Procedure for returning goods

When buying an Apple phone, few people think about the possibility of a return, but such a possibility exists. To further exercise your consumer and warranty rights, you must:

  1. Save your purchase receipts. In most countries, this document is not needed to return iPhones, but in Russia it is still an essential necessity. The receipt, first of all, proves the purchase of the gadget in a specific store, because another seller will not accept a broken phone. When going to court, it is this receipt that allows you to substantiate your claims, indicating how much the device cost.
  2. Do not throw away the box until the end of the warranty period. You will need it when exchanging a product for a new one or receiving money back.

Any problems with the functioning of the gadget must be expressed in writing.

This paper is drawn up by the buyer in duplicate and submitted to the store. One application remains with the seller, and the second is marked by the seller that the buyer’s claims have been accepted for consideration.

The application form must clearly state the complaints that have arisen and the problems discovered and indicate the method of solving it that will suit the applicant. The claim is considered within 20 days, and along with its acceptance, the iPhone is sent for examination to obtain an authoritative opinion on its condition.

It is most profitable for the consumer to buy a phone on the official Apple website. This online store offers its extended return guarantee. Within 14 days, gadgets purchased through can be returned without explanation. There is no need to prove the existence of a marriage or other nuances; in this case, even a change of opinion may be the basis.

Procedure and deadline for refund

The easiest way to get a refund is available to those who used the services of the official website. After the courier picks up the unwanted device and delivers it to the warehouse, the funds will be returned to the buyer within 3-10 days. They are credited to the same account from which they were written off. When returning the iPhone to the store, you will also have to wait up to 10 days, which is exactly how long the seller is legally allotted for the return operation of crediting the money.

The most difficult case is buying a gadget on credit. You can proceed with this registration in different ways, but it all depends on whether the first payments have already been made. If the cost is partially paid, then it will need to be divided into two components - the one that will be transferred to the buyer, and the one that must be returned to the bank. The seller is obliged to return all money paid, including those taken to obtain the loan and insurance. If you refuse to resolve the problem voluntarily, you can go to court.

Refusal of warranty service

Service centers do not accept phones for service for all iPhone owners. Apple sets quite strict requirements for users, and violation of them threatens to be denied free repairs. One of the pitfalls for buyers is the installed jailbreak. Not everyone knows that unauthorized interference with a gadget’s systems is considered hacking, and therefore warranty service will be denied. A positive point is the fact that it is quite easy to remove traces of installation; you just need to reinstall the system to the “native” one. It is worth doing this before filing a claim, because after the correction they will not be allowed to restore the warranty.

Warranty repairs are not carried out for those devices that have been damaged due to poor handling. If the phone has chips, dents, cracks, or broken glass, then there can be no talk of free service. And, conversely, if you handle the iPhone carefully, identified problems can be classified as a manufacturing defect even after a long period of use.

Possible reasons

When contacting a service center, be prepared for the fact that you may be denied repairs and service for the following reasons:

  1. The phone was purchased outside the Russian Federation.
  2. The device is not certified by RosTest, which means it does not fall under the standard protection scheme.
  3. There are clear signs of impacts on the outer sides of the gadget.
  4. The product has leaks from the external or internal sides, which indicates moisture has entered it.
  5. System updates were made using uncertified programs.

It should be remembered that the absence of a receipt or box cannot in any way affect the decision to repair and service, since you can check the warranty period in other ways.

Regional features of service

There is an opinion among consumers that iPhones sold in the United States are better equipped and therefore of higher quality. This is a common fake that is absolutely not true. Any device can break down, regardless of where it was purchased. But it will not be possible to exchange, repair or return an iPhone that was purchased abroad in Russia. There are serious reasons for this, which have nothing to do with the desire to deceive the buyer.