How to distinguish a fake iPhone 5s from the original. Hieroglyphs in large quantities. Equipment and external parameters

It is incredibly popular not only among users mobile technology, but also among numerous Chinese manufacturers. Copies of Apple gadgets (often of extremely low quality) are common in Russia - you can be sure that if a seller offers an iPhone for next to nothing, there is no question of the original.

It's better to buy an iPhone online cellular communication or large stores electronics - in this case, deception is excluded. However, if you think that paying 50 thousand rubles for a gadget in a salon is too much, and you prefer the option of buying it “from hand”, remember that you are taking a risk. In such a transaction, special attention must be paid to inspecting and checking the iPhone.

Visual inspection is not always effective, because the “Chinese masters” have already become accustomed to constructing fakes that are externally identical to the original. However, there is no need to neglect the inspection - checking will protect you from purchasing the lowest quality “fake” and will not take much time.

Signs Chinese iPhone- This:

Availability of two or three slots for SIM cards

A genuine iPhone supports only one SIM card, which is placed in a special tray that is removed from the device using a needle.

Removable battery

This sign echoes the previous one. If you see a seller remove the iPhone battery to install under it"Sim cards", end the deal immediately.

Screen diagonal that does not match the original

Remember these characteristics:

You shouldn’t be too pedantic in measuring the diagonal: the same iPhone 5 has a diagonal, to be precise, not 4 inches, but 4.065. If you are too picky, you may miss out on a good deal.

Availability of antenna

Sellers present the antenna as an advantage - supposedly it will be possible to listen to the radio without connecting a headset. In fact, the presence of a retractable antenna is a sign of a “fierce” fake.

Screen grain

If you can turn on your iPhone before purchasing, that will be great. Experienced Apple user will always distinguish the original from the fake by the gadget’s screen alone - the original has a display created using RETINA technology, characterized by a very high pixel density.

Poor quality logo

If the legendary “bitten apple” on the back of the device is a sticker or applied with paint, there can be no two opinions - they are trying to sell you a copy.

Stylus included

Not a single modern manufacturer (including including Apple) does not currently produce gadgets with resistive displays. Among the originals, the included stylus can only be found in Samsung Note series.

Sticky sensor

If you have to make an effort to, for example, swipe from right to left to go to another screen, you are dealing with a “fake”.

Availability of touch buttons

On the front edge of a real iPhone there is only one button - “ Home”, and it is physical.

Hieroglyphs in large quantities

Even though iPhones are assembled in China, they are still developed in the USA. You should encounter hieroglyphs only once - when, after the first launch, the smartphone welcomes you to different languages. The interface of the original device is Russified.

Please note: the inscription on the back of the gadget “ Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China"shouldn't scare you! Both real iPhones and fakes are assembled in China - the difference is that the originals come from special Apple factories.

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake: other ways

If the iPhone does not outwardly show any signs of a Chinese counterfeit, use other verification methods:

Check the Settings menu

Follow the path " Settings» — « Basic" and try to find the section " Software Update" In original devices it is located directly under the “ About this device».

There is no this section in the settings of Chinese fakes.

Pay attention to the quality of the Russification of the menu. Russian language is considered one of the most difficult, therefore spelling mistakes in the names of sections and paragraphs Chinese iPhones- Not unusual.

Check Siri

The presence of the Siri voice control program distinguishes the original iPhone from a fake - the Chinese have not yet learned how to integrate this program into their “fake” ones. Just hold down the " Home"for a few seconds and look at the result.

Go to the AppStore

The iOS operating system has closed code, That's why third party developers They can’t put it on gadgets. All Chinese fakes operate on Android or simple home-written platforms. You can check which OS is on your gadget by visiting the application store. If you are using Android, then by clicking on the AppStore icon you will be taken to Google Play- this is another one the right way distinguish a “natural” Apple product from a fake.

If your smartphone runs on a proprietary operating system, you won’t be able to access any of the app stores at all.

Connect your gadget to iTunes

This way to distinguish an original iPhone from a “fake” one is the most effective and simple, but it requires a computer or smartphone at hand. When connecting the original iPhone via USB cable iTunes will accurately try to recognize and synchronize it. If iTunes remains indifferent, most likely, this is a fake.

You can also check your Apple smartphone for originality by serial number and IMEI - read how this is done.

Is it possible to distinguish an original from a copy by its packaging?

When purchasing an iPhone, the object of inspection should also be the package contents. Remember: iPhone equipment has never changed. The box should contain:

Envelope, inside of which there is a color instruction. The instructions have a high-quality appearance and two stickers with the Apple logo on the cover. The same envelope should also contain a pin for removing the SIM.

SZU white weighing approximately 60 grams, produced in factories Foxlink or Flextronix. There is no need to take a scale with you to check your iPhone: all the information should be present on the charger itself.

USB cable. Original cable can be distinguished from a fake by the inscription “ Designed By Apple..." — on the real product it is barely visible, but on the copy it is applied with thick paint. The cable is also white.

Headphones. They are the most difficult to distinguish from a fake - outwardly probably full copy. A “fake” can be detected by touch - the wire of the original headphones is softer - however, such a check only makes sense when there is something to compare with.

The absence of one of the elements of the kit, as well as the presence of an extra one, is a signal to cancel the iPhone purchase deal.

Pay attention to such a small detail as the packaging of accessories: all components must be neatly placed in a box and wrapped in transparent film. The absence of film and “chaos” in the opened box do not always indicate that the iPhone is fake or used - perhaps the sellers simply used the accessories for personal purposes, which, however, is also unpleasant for the buyer and unacceptable. If possible, request the iPhone from the warehouse in a sealed package.


The huge number of Chinese iPhone counterfeits can be explained simply: Apple does not fight plagiarism in the Middle Kingdom. There are two reasons: firstly, there are many small industries located in China, from which it is possible to sue large sums it still won’t work, secondly, to be at enmity with Chinese manufacturers- this means turning the largest sales market against yourself. The Americans themselves do not suffer from Chinese counterfeits: their standard of living allows them to purchase original devices and don't look for savings. But for Russians, who traditionally strive for cheap prices, the “Chinese flood” is a problem. To avoid being scammed, you need to buy smartphones only from reputable dealers, avoid gamble offers, and when checking, pay attention to the aspects described in this article

There are different types of fakes: some can be seen from a kilometer away, while others are practically indistinguishable from the original, especially for inexperienced user. If this is your first iPhone, and you haven’t used smartphones in general or used them little, it’s better not to save money and buy new iPhone in the shop.

It’s worth using the device for a while before meeting with the seller. Take it from your friends, twirl it in your hands, go online, play - in general, get at least a little used to it. Then, when purchasing, you will immediately notice something is wrong. This tip will help you identify an iPhone 6s that is genuine and not fake.

1. Obvious hack: microUSB, memory card slot, antenna, removable cover, two SIM cards

Such fakes are now very rare, but still check your smartphone for very obvious discrepancies with the original. There has never been a microUSB connector in the iPhone; the iPhone 6s uses Lightning. In the photo Lightning is on top, microUSB is on the bottom.

Leave immediately if it turns out that the iPhone they are trying to sell you has a removable back cover or has a slot for memory cards. Also remember that Apple smartphones There were no two SIM cards and no: only fakes can have two (or even three) SIM cards.

2. Box

Often, the boxes of counterfeit iPhones are slightly different from those in which the original ones are packaged. It's easy to tell by the box original iPhone 6s. Carefully watch the video of Apple blogger Wylsacom unboxing the iPhone 6s. Pay attention to all the details of the box and packaging. If they sell you something different, don't buy it!

3. Build quality

Apple pays close attention to ensuring that its smartphones are assembled perfectly. “Counterfeiters” often don’t care about this. Take the original smartphone in your hands, twist it, press different places- look how he behaves. Then do the same with the iPhone you are purchasing. If it creaks, wobbles and almost falls apart in your hands, this is an obvious fake.

4. Operating system

If the smartphone looks similar to the original one, this does not mean that you no longer need to worry. The case and box are relatively easy to fake, but with software part everything is more complicated. Fake iPhones use operating system Android system, stylized for iOS.

The seller may say that he has already unlinked his Apple ID from the smartphone, and it will not be possible to check the system. There are two ways to avoid this:

  1. agree with the seller what he will bring activated iPhone 6s, and if you buy it, it will simply untie it in front of you;
  2. Create your Apple ID before purchasing, and use it to activate your iPhone when you meet.

For everything to work out, you need to meet the seller where there is internet. Make an appointment at a cafe with public Wi-Fi or distribute the Internet from your smartphone.

To identify iPhone 6s, not Chinese fake, go to the app store App Store. If it's not the App Store, but Google Play, it's a fake. In the screenshots below, the App Store is on the left, Google Play is on the right.

Check the IMEI in Settings (General - About device), on the box and on the back of the smartphone. The number must match in all three cases.

Punch serial number, look for it in Settings - About device. Enter it in a special section of the official Apple website. Here you can check the smartphone model, whether it is still under warranty and whether it is activated.

5. SIM card

Pre-cut your SIM card to fit the format nano SIM or get new set at the office of a cellular operator. After checking, insert the SIM card into the iPhone and check if it works: make a call or access the Internet via mobile network. The smartphone may be locked under American operator, and then it will not work with our SIM cards.

How to distinguish an original iPhone 6s from a fake

  1. Make sure that the smartphone does not have microUSB, a slot for memory cards, an antenna, a second SIM, and that the back cover is not removable.
  2. Check if the box is original.
  3. Check the build quality of your smartphone.
  4. Make sure your smartphone runs on iOS and not Android in disguise.
  5. Compare the IMEI on the box, the case and from the settings - it should match.
  6. Enter the device serial number on the official Apple website.
  7. Make sure that the smartphone makes calls and accesses the Internet with your SIM card.

Demand always gives rise to supply, but not always good and expected. With the advent of the iPhone 5, an unprecedented demand arose around the gadget, in one Apple moment couldn’t even cope, and deliveries of the new product were delayed by 2-3 weeks, but then the brave guys from China got involved, and a flood of fake iPhone 5s poured into the market. Moreover, these creations from China are no less in demand than real iPhone 5. Let's discuss in detail how to distinguish an iPhone 5 from a fake from China and avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

Almost every person who was not previously familiar with the iPhone 5 can buy a fake iPhone. Apple products. Therefore, our first advice will be this: if you have a friend who has an iPhone, then be sure to take the gadget from him and “use” it for at least 10 minutes. This time will be enough for you to get acquainted with the device and ultimately identify a fake iPhone 5. If If there is no such possibility, then you should pay attention to distinctive features original iPhone 5, described below.

How to distinguish iPhone 5 from a fake from China. Basic moments.

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying an iPhone 5 is frame.

1. The case of a real iPhone 5 is made of aluminum, while the fake one is made of plastic, usually cheap;

2. Counterfeit iPhone 5 comes in several colors, including red. Original smartphone from Apple latest generation Available in 2 colors - black and white;

3. Rear iPhone cover it does not open just like that, it is screwed with special screws to the case and is removed only for service purposes, you do not get direct access to the battery;

With the case, everything is more or less clear to you, we continue to expose the fake iPhone 5, then you should pay attention to the connectors of the device.

1. The original iPhone has its own unique 30 pin or 8 pin connector, no USB or mini usb connectors not on a real Apple smartphone;

2. If you bought a Chinese fake, then you will definitely become the happy owner of a gadget with TV. Remember, there is no TV function on the real Apple iPhone;

3. B original smartphone from California there is no memory card slot and it does not support 2 SIM cards.

In addition to everything described above, you should pay attention to the inscriptions that are located on the phone body. On the original all the inscriptions are on English language, no Chinese. On fakes, as a rule, the company logo - a bitten apple - is missing, or it is distorted.

What should be written on back cover original iPhone?

Rear iPhone part In addition to the bitten apple, the following inscriptions are decorated:

  • iPhone;
  • then the inscription Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China;
  • model number FCC ID, IC device serial number;
  • Below are the certification marks and the FOXCONN plant logo.

Very often, fakes are decorated with funny inscriptions ala “iFone”, “Phone”, “eyePhone” and so on... Pay attention to these features.

And finally, the last moment, which will finally help you understand, how to distinguish iPhone 5 from a fake from China- this is mobile operating system— iOS.

1. The best thing you can find on board a fake iPhone is Android OS; at worst, a crooked home-made operating system with limited functionality;

2. Pay attention to the translation of menu items on your phone. On fakes, they either have an abbreviation (for example, not Calendar, but calendar), or simply have an inadequate translation (instead of Organizer - Organizer);

3. The original iPhone has a lot of standard applications, in addition there is app Store - distinguishing feature iOS.

This concludes our FAQ on the topic of how to distinguish an iPhone 5 from a fake from China, I hope we have given you comprehensive answers to all your questions. Be careful and remember that free cheese only in a mousetrap. Well, the new iPhone 5 can’t cost 10,000 rubles....

In today's article I would like to tell how to distinguish an original iPhone 8 from a fake one. I hope if you read this article before buying an iPhone, you can avoid buying fake phone or return the money for a fake. But let's hope this never happens.

How to distinguish an iPhone 8 from a fake? To do this, always pay attention to the following:

1. Carefully inspect the box: its design and appearance. This box is well made and has several unique opportunities in terms of design.

2. Accessories must look like Apple accessories and have the company's shape and design.

3. During startup, if you see any Chinese language or Android logos, it is definitely fake. Don't be fooled by the Apple logos during boot, as fake ones usually add those for effect.

4. There should not be any pre-installed third party applications such as Twitter, Facebook or whatsapp out of the box. Also, if your device skips the installation process, then it is a fake.

5. Fingerprint Scanner - This is usually fake, you can also register with your finger and then try using another finger to unlock. The fakes will open from any finger and only pretend to scan fingerprints.

6. The display quality is poor compared to the real iPhone 8.

7. In fakes, everything moves slowly and sluggishly, especially in transition animation and performance. IN real iPhone 8 there are no such problems.

8. Remove and examine Charger. There must not be any hieroglyphs, and its weight must be at least 60 grams.

9. Carefully inspect the headphones. Distinguish them from fakes the most difficult thing, because outwardly they almost do not match. But there is one nuance: the original iPhone wire headphones soft.

10. Pay attention to the appearance of the device. As a rule, a fake is lighter and does not have any audio channels, That's why low level volume.

11. Open the back cover of the phone. In fact, the original is a solid candy bar; a non-specialist cannot remove the back cover or somehow disassemble the phone.

12. Explore software part devices. Differences fakes From the original to the face, due to the lack of many functions, it offers a TV tuner, which is missing in the original iPhone.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the operating system version

This is the easiest way to find out if you are dealing with fake iPhone 8 or not. Out of the box the phone works iOS control 11, a Chinese copies, in most cases, with using Android 5.0 lollipop or 6.0 Marshmallow, as well as skin that makes them look like iOS.

On home screen tap settings > general > volume. iOS version of your device should appear on the screen. If it's not iOS 11.

Another sign that may mean that the phone is running under Android control is the color of the charge as a percentage. The real iPhone 8 should show it in white, while the fake Android one will show it in blue.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Registration 3D Touch Display

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check screen

The original iPhone's screen should be clear. iPhone screen 8 uses OLED display, which has more high density pixels, which makes the screen more contrasty, vibrant and full of colors. Fake iPhones have dull color screens due to the low cost of their parts.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the welcome screen

This is also necessary, especially if you cannot distinguish a fake from an original by looking at the physical characteristics. Try turning off then turning on your iPhone. The fake iPhone will have a welcome screen like the words “Welcome”, while the original one will show you the logo on the iPhone. On the main screen you will see iPhone icon shop. Try clicking on it. If he throws you into Google store, then you understand what needs to be done...

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check Siri

The Siri app can only be launched on the original iPhone. Siri doesn't work on fake iPhone.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Try checking your operating system

If you see any other applications that are not similar to iOS apps, this is 100 percent fake. Apple only uses iOS as its official operating system.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Connect it to iTunes

Another simple step that can easily help you spot a fake iPhone 8. If you connect it to iTunes and it doesn't show anything or you get an error message, it's clear that you have a cheap fake on your hands.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the serial number on the Apple website

Go to your phone's Settings menu, then General > About, which will show the serial number. Go to the site and enter it in the specified field. This should tell you whether the phone is genuine or a fake.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Can you add to the home screen on iPhone?

Most iPhone clones on the market run on Android. Although iPhone clones Designed to mimic a real iPhone, thereby disallowing additional home screens, you can download launcher apps that will allow you to change your phone's default interface. Download launchers to your phone and use them as the default launcher.

Final Thoughts

I hope the tips above were helpful. And you learned how to distinguish an original iPhone 8 from a fake! If so, please share on social media. networks and write a comment.

Apple produces the most popular and expensive gadgets modernity, such as MacBook - one of the best laptops and iPhone - the most famous smartphone in the world. And naturally, dishonest entrepreneurs are trying to grab their market share by setting up the production of copies of the coveted iPhone. Of course, Chinese craftsmen have already learned how to effectively counterfeit products, but they are still very far from the originals. For example, the Android operating system instead of iOS, a poor-quality screen and a slow sensor, and much more.

A bunch of unscrupulous sellers and stores pass off fakes as real Apple smartphones, which are bought by gullible customers. Just for such people, I have compiled a list of what you should check first when buying an iPhone.

iPhone in a box

Buying a smartphone in a sealed box from someone else has an almost 100% chance of falling for a scammer. In this case, the seller does not even need to put a fake inside; a small stone weighing the size of a telephone is enough.

IPhone in a box with intact packaging film on top, safe to buy only in official reseller stores. In other stores, it is reasonable to require opening the box and inspecting the smartphone.

Looking closely at the smartphone

No matter how perfect iPhone replica If you didn’t come across it, its creators technically cannot do everything one-on-one like Apple’s. Therefore, even a quick external inspection can reveal a fake. What to look for:

  • On the back cover of all original iPhones there is the inscription: Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China, model number and certification marks.
  • Oddly enough, the iPhone does not have an antenna.
  • All iPhones since 2012 have a proprietary lightning connector. It looks different from USB-C and even more so from mini-usb.
  • The back cover of the iPhone is not removable, i.e. is held on by bolts.
  • All iPhones run on proprietary operating system iOS system. They cannot have Android system.
  • When you turn on the phone, a bitten apple should appear; there can be no hieroglyphs, strange crooked fonts or other calligraphic errors in the original iOS.

The serial number cannot be faked

If the appearance and operating system are not in doubt, let's proceed to the actual effective way expose the fake. Namely, we check the serial number on the Apple website. To check you need to perform several steps:

  1. On the iPhone itself you need to go to “ Settings» — « Basic» — « About this device» — « Serial number«.
  2. Open the page for checking serial numbers on the official apple website.
  3. Enter the serial number in the window that says “ Enter the serial number hardware equipment " and click " Continue«.
  4. If iPhone original, information will appear about the possibility of receiving support from Apple by phone and the activation date of the smartphone. If the serial number is fake, then the message will be " Unfortunately, this serial number is not correct. Check your data and try again«.

Feeding iPhone to iTunes

This method is for lazy people who find it difficult to check the serial number manually on the website. But for this you will need a computer with installed iTunes program from Apple.

Open iTunes and connect iPhone to computer using usb cable— lightning from charging. All information about the original smartphone should appear in the program. Such as: model name, serial number, memory capacity.

If iTunes doesn't detect the phone, then it's a replica. If, of course, the cable itself and the connector on the iPhone are working properly.