How to install open office on Windows 7. How to install open office with Russian grammar checking function

Most computer users use office files(documents, tables, databases) use package applications Microsoft Office. These are programs such as Word, Excel, Access, Power Point.

But besides them there are other options. One of the best is the OpenOffice suite, which is practically in no way inferior both externally and internally.

OpenOffice - demon paid package office programs. Can both open and create/edit files Microsoft format Office. It also has a very similar interface (location of elements, buttons, etc.).

Package contents:

  • Writer- text editor, an alternative to MS Word.
  • Calc is a table creation program, an alternative to MS Excel.
  • Draw - vector graphics editor(analogous to Paint).
  • Impress - presentation creation, alternative to MS PowerPoint.
  • Base - working with databases (DBMS), instead of MS Access.
  • Math - editor of mathematical formulas.

Download OpenOffice for Windows
Official website:
(size 130 MB)

Why do we need Open Office?

For many people, working on a computer means, first of all, printing documents, compiling tables and databases, and creating presentations. All this is done in special applications which are called office.

The most popular set of such programs is Microsoft Office, and it is the one most often installed on the computer. But this is a paid package and its cost starts from 3,000 rubles.

You can get it for free only for thirty days (for evaluation) or using a pirated version.

Of course, if you have a working MS Office package, then everything is in order - you can open and create documents, tables, presentations, etc.

But if there is no such set, then working with office programs simply will not work. Not only will you not be able to create a single similar file, but you will also not be able to open a ready-made one.

It also happens that you have Microsoft Office on your computer, but at some point the package programs stopped working.

Fortunately, there is beauty free solution- OpenOffice. This package is practically no different from the earlier ones. Microsoft versions Office (97-2003).

For example, this is what Writer looks like (analogous to MS Word):

And this is what Calc looks like (analogous to MS Excel):

How to use

  1. Download the installation file.
  2. Open it and install it (see Installing OpenOffice).
  3. A shortcut appears on the Desktop.

We launch it and select the type of file that we want to create: Text document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing, Database or Formula. Immediately after this, the corresponding program will open.

Note: all MS Office files will be launched by default in the appropriate program from the OpenOffice suite. That is, documents created in Word will open in Writer, Excel files- in Calc, Power Point presentations - in Impress.

Installing OpenOffice

For clarity, all stages are shown in pictures. To enlarge an image, simply click on it, and to go to next step use arrows.

How to save a file created in the program

File created in office program from the OpenOffice set, saved in a specific format by default. Of course, you can then work with it on your computer, but on another computer where there is no such package, it may not even open.

How to do it:

1. Click on the “File” button at the top left and select “Save as...”.

2. At the bottom of the save window, click on the “File type” part and from the list select the item where it says Microsoft and at the end 97/2000/XP.

OpenOffice is a free office suite freely distributed software, which in turn is a complete alternative to its world famous paid competitor Microsoft Office. The openoffice package presented on this site is taken from the official website and is therefore completely safe.

With this program you can perform all the functions as in Microsoft Word (Writer). Main advantage Open Office it's free - place it wherever you want and as much as you want. If you compare it with Microsoft Word, then all the functions that are in open office e similar, and in some places superior to their competitor. By analogy with Microsoft Office, Open Office has at its disposal a word processor (analogous to Word), a spreadsheet, presentation, graphic, mathematical, and vector graphics editor. With this extension pack, you can perform any spectrum necessary tasks, be it a presentation or a quarterly accounting report.

Writer is as easy to use as Word and supports all common document formats.
The developers decided not to create a twin brother, but to do something new and very easy to use. And we can say with full confidence that they did it perfectly.

It is worth paying attention to Latest updates for the office. The first thing that catches your eye is the nice design and advanced functions. All functionality of this product has been further simplified for the user.

Simplifications were created specifically for students, schoolchildren, and those who have little experience in working with PCs. The settings are very easy to understand, and it is not at all difficult to customize the operation of the software product specifically for your tasks.

Also, when saving documents, you can explicitly specify the file format, that is, save the text in Open Office or Microsoft Office format, which is very convenient in terms of compatibility. For example, if you created a document in open office and want to open it in Microsoft Office 2003 or more earlier versions, we recommend immediately saving the text in Microsot Word 97/2003 format.

OpenOffice is legal program, which large enterprises are beginning to install, educational establishments. This product is not commercial.

The most important advantage of this program is that it can work autonomously from flash drives (portable version).

In order to establish yourself this program, no need to make hundreds of tedious clicks on links.
Open Office can be downloaded for free via a direct link from our website, downloading which will only take a few minutes. And you will be able to independently evaluate all the delights of working with the application, as well as see the latest improvements to the popular office suite.

There are very few flaws in Open Office and they are insignificant, which in turn cannot in any way affect quality work with important documentation.

Our users choose Open Office for its simplicity and ease of use, and it is also free and unpretentious to computer resources, which in no way limits its rich functionality. A variety of settings in document design is the most important thing in similar programs. And again, learning to use OpenOffice is very easy, it comes with the program detailed instructions manual.

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6

Open Office free download, Openoffice free download

OpenOffice- convenient package of common office applications, which is offered completely free of charge. The software characterized by multilingual support, the ability to work in major operating systems, a simple and friendly interface, familiar from a similar set Microsoft programs Office, and therefore many users strive OpenOffice download to your computer. Downloading is easy using the link at the bottom of our page.

OpenOffice can be freely installed on computers in private companies, government institutions, schools, universities and homes without paying any royalties. The package never expires, and users can also download future versions of the program for free as they become available.

The main components of OpenOffice:

  • Writer - a text editor, an analogue and replacement for the MS Word processor;
  • Calc - spreadsheets for accounting and other calculations, compiling extensive catalogs, lists, price lists (replacement for MS Excel);
  • Impress - a tool for preparing office presentations (analogous to MS Powerpoint);
  • Draw - simple two-dimensional Vector graphics(instead of Paint);
  • Base - an application similar to MS Acess, provides DBMS (database management);
  • Math - optional useful program for writing and editing mathematical equations.

All data software package are saved in open international format Open Document Format (ODF). The package is approved by the standardization system and ensures normal Flash support; documents created using are easily exported to PDF format. An innovation in the third version of the program is support for .docx, .pptx, .xlsx files. You can now save everything by default Microsoft documents Office since 2007.

The convenience of new versions of the program is that the package does not need to be installed on HDD, since it simply runs from the folder. You can always download OpenOffice for free and quickly and save it on a flash drive, using the application as needed on your or your work electronic device.

In the Write editor, you can check the spelling of Russian text and automatic transfer words on another line, but you must first download and install a spelling dictionary. This can be done using special service. However, the updated version of 4.1.1, released in 2014, no longer requires installation of a dictionary, since spell checking is built into the program.

Office OpenOffice program- convenient and multifunctional, best alternative and decent competition licensed product Microsoft Office. Many entrepreneurs install the OpenOffice package at their workplaces in order to significantly save money. If you need a good and accessible assistant in compiling texts and tables, simple graphic developments and creating presentations, then download OpenOffice in Russian, and learning and mastering the program will not have any problems.

OpenOffice download free

Download Open Office for free from the official website Our website monitors all software updates so that you have latest version OpenOffice.

Before working with documents, you should understand how to install an open office. Installation file The package can be downloaded from the official website

This package is cross-platform, that is, it can be installed on various OS. In this article we will look at the installation option on Windows 8.

To download the installation file and the Russian language checking application, go to the website

Select the Download OpenOffice section. To see the picture better, click on it and view it in full size. Opens in a new window.

On next page you need to click on the button with the green arrow

Next, download the file to your computer, the link to which is located in the green area of ​​the page called Windows (Exe) Russian.

After clicking on the file name, the download does not start immediately, but after five seconds. If the download does not start, click on one of the provided alternative sources(1 or 2) from the download page.

After the file is downloaded to your computer, run it double click left mouse button and following the wizard's instructions, install OpenOffice.

To install the Russian language checking package, go to the page

Scroll down a little and download the LanguageTool program from the first button.

The download will start immediately from this site. Wait for it to finish. Transfer the downloaded file to the folder with Open Office installed. This will be located in the ProgramFiles of the Windows operating system disk.

Now you need to open an open office, select from the menu Tools - Manage Extensions - Add. Next, select the newly placed file with the Russian language check extension. Click OK.

The changes will take effect after restarting OpenOffice. If the program is started with quick start, that is, constantly working in background, then you need to find its icon on the right side of the taskbar, that is, in the system tray. Right-click on it and disable the application or exit it.

After that, open the open office again. Now you have figured out how to install open office with a Russian language verification package and can do it yourself. For thoughts on whether it is needed at all, read

Stay with us. We invite you to visit our website and receive new useful information about how to work effectively in the open office suite OpenOffise or Libre Office.

  • HTML editor files, i.e. WWW pages;
  • Spreadsheet system Calc;
  • Presentation preparation system Impress;
  • Picture editor Draw;
  • Formula editor Math.
  • OpenOffice is in many ways similar to other, long-known and familiar office software suites. However, it also has important differences:

    • There are versions OpenOffice and for the operating system Linux, and under Windows (other operating systems are also supported - FreeBSD, Mac OS X). This allows you to fully work with the same documents on computers with different operating systems.
    • OpenOffice legally freely distributed with source code. Thus, there is no problem of unlicensed software.
    • File formats OpenOffice open, documented and widely known. Besides, OpenOffice can successfully work with files of many formats, including files created by other well-known office packages.

    In that brief introduction We, of course, cannot describe all the rich possibilities OpenOffice. We will provide guidance only on installing the system, as well as basic actions in the word processor and HTML file editor. Information about the rest of the work OpenOffice available in the hint system (although on English language).

    In many ways, work in OpenOffice is similar to working in any other office suite. Wherein OpenOffice able to work with data files of many common formats. Therefore, we hope that the start of application OpenOffice will not cause you any particular difficulties.

    Launch OpenOffice

    Launching components OpenOffice produced from the menu OpenOffice V KDE or Gnome:

    • Word processor Writer launched by item "Text Document";
    • The HTML editor is launched by point « HTML document» ;
    • Spreadsheet system Calc launched by item "Document spreadsheet» ;
    • Presentation preparation system Impress launched by item "Presentation";
    • Picture editor Draw launched by item "Drawing";
    • Formula editor Math launched by item "Formula".

    Immediately after the first start, you should perform some additional settings For correct operation with Russian language.

    Installation and initial setup OpenOffice

    Initial package installation OpenOffice produced during installation ASPLinux. Launch any of the components OpenOffice you can directly from the toolbar by clicking on the corresponding icon. We recommend starting with Writer(you can also select a submenu item "OpenOffice"KDE or Gnome"Text Document"). When launched, a window will appear prompting you to import address book. Click the button "Cancel".

    For correct operation OpenOffice with Russian language, including verification and HTML editing-files, you need to make some additional settings. To do this, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Options". The settings window will open OpenOffice.
    In this window you can change many settings related to operation various components OpenOffice. However, we will only describe the settings that need to be made to proper operation systems with Russian language.

    On the left side of the window, select "Language settings". The tree of sub-items will open. Select "Linguistics".

    The item should be selected in the upper right part of the window , and there should be a check mark next to it. If this is not the case, turn on the checkbox with a mouse click. Click on the button "Edit..." in the upper right part of the window. A window will appear "Editing modules" \.

    The language field must be selected "Russian"; if not, click to select. Then turn on the checkbox in front of the item "OpenOffice MySpell SpellChecker".

    In addition to Russian, you can enable spell checking for Ukrainian, German and French in the same way. For in English it is enabled initially. After turning on spell checking for the languages ​​you need, click the button "Close". Window "Editing modules" will close. You will be returned to setting options OpenOffice. Select an item on the left side of the window. The tree of sub-items will open. Select "HTML Compatible".

    In field "Set of signs" you should select the encoding in which you want to save HTML files.

    Standard encoding for the Internet - "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)". Select an item "Text Document" on the left side of the window. The tree of sub-items will open. Select "Basic fonts".

    Here you need to select the fonts used for various types text. You must specify fonts installed on the system that correctly support the Russian language - for example, Helvetica. When you have finished setting the parameters, press the button "OK" at the bottom of the window. Now you can work with office suite programs OpenOffice.

    Text editor/processor Writer

    Basic text editing functions

    Work with basic functions Writer- entering text, moving through the text, selecting a block, cutting it, copying or pasting it - is almost similar to working in any of the known word processors with graphical interface(for example, for Windows or Macintosh).

    Viewing Modes

    IN OpenOffice Writer There are two modes for viewing and editing text on the screen - "page layout" And "online markup". When you use page layout, the screen displays the page as it would appear when printed. If installed "online markup", the text is shown without pagination and with a width that fills the entire window Writer- i.e. the way text is typically displayed in web browsers. Mode "online markup" convenient for preparing documents distributed in in electronic format, as well as when writing large texts. Switching between modes "page layout" And "online markup" done in the main menu - item "View", then "Online marking". In addition, on the panel located to the left of the text, there is an icon that allows you to switch the viewing mode.


    Writer allows you to set the text viewing scale (zoom) as a percentage. To change the scale, select the item in the main menu "View", then "Scale". In the window that appears, you can choose from several fixed scale options, or by selecting "Smooth", specify an arbitrary scale value.

    Then you should press the button "OK". The new scale will be set. The scale selection window can also be called up by double-clicking with the left mouse button on the scale value, which is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window Writer.


    Writer allows you to check spelling both while typing (underlining misspelled words) and when calling the check function. To turn on or off underlining misspelled words, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Spelling", "Auto check".

    When a word is underlined, you can choose from the correct options offered by the system or add given word V . To do this, click on the word right click mice. A menu will appear containing correct options, and there is also an item "Add". To check spelling in all text, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Spelling", "Examination", or press the key. The verification process will begin.

    When a word is found that is not in the dictionary, a window appears "Spelling" .

    In this window, you can indicate whether this word should be corrected (you can select one of the options offered by the system or enter your own), replace it with the selected option throughout the text, skip it (leaving it unchanged) or skip it throughout the entire text. Button "Add" allows you to add a given word to the dictionary.

    Word completion

    Interesting feature OpenOffice Writer- auto-completion of words. If you have typed the first few letters of a word that you have previously typed, Writer automatically substitutes this word. If the suggested option doesn't suit you, just keep typing. And if it fits, press - the word will be typed in full, and you can continue typing from the next word. Sometimes this opportunity can significantly save time, and with normal typing the behavior Writer does not change. If auto-completion annoys you, you can disable it. If the system often suggests a specific word that does not suit you, you can delete this particular word. To perform these operations, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "AutoCorrect/AutoFormat..." and click on the item "Word Completion" at the top of the window

    To disable auto-completion, click the mouse to remove the “tick” in the item "Complement words". To prevent the system from suggesting a particular word, you should find it in the list on the right side of the window (it is sorted alphabetically), select it with a mouse click and delete it by clicking the button "Delete entry".

    Search and replace

    Like any modern text editor, OpenOffice Writer allows you to search through text and replace the found sequence of characters with another. To search or replace, select the item in the main menu "Edit", then "Find and Replace...", or press the keys. The Find and Replace window will appear.

    In it you can enter the string of characters you want to find, and, if necessary, another one with which it should be replaced. Button "Find" allows you to find this line. Button "Replace" replaces the found line with a new one and finds where this line appears in the text next time (new button click "Replace" will replace and search next line and so on.). To replace one line with another throughout the text, use the button "Replace All".

    Basic text formatting

    As with most well-known word processors, formatting text in Writer is carried out separately by characters and by paragraphs. Character format includes font, size, underlining/italics, etc.; to paragraph format - indents (horizontal and vertical), alignment, etc.

    Formatting characters

    To change the format of characters (letters), select these characters. If you specify a character format change without highlighting characters, it will apply to the characters you enter immediately afterwards (without moving the cursor).

    The simplest formatting change - turning on/off bold text, italics and underlining - is done by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar ([F], [K], [H]). To change the font, you can select it from the list present on the toolbar.

    For more complex formatting of characters, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Signs". A window will appear "Sign" .

    In this window, by switching the items at the top of the window, you can configure everything possible options formatting related to characters. It is important that the text language is also set in this window. IN OpenOffice Writer language is a property of the sign. Each word is spell checked according to the language specified for it.

    Paragraph formatting

    parform To change the format of a paragraph, just place the cursor in this paragraph. To change the formatting of several paragraphs at once, select them. Changing the alignment is done by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar.

    For more complex paragraph formatting, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Paragraph". A window will appear "Paragraph" .

    In this window, by switching the items at the top of the window, you can configure all possible formatting options related to the paragraph. In particular, you can specify the design of paragraphs in the form of a numbered or unnumbered list (item "Numbering").

    Formatting text using styles

    Like many common office word processors, OpenOffice Writer allows you to format text using styles. The main type of styles is paragraph styles.

    The paragraph style determines the formatting of both the paragraph itself (indents, etc.) and the formatting of characters in the paragraph (font, size, etc.).

    If a paragraph is formatted with a style, changing the style automatically changes the paragraph formatting. This is the first benefit of using styles. For example, if you wanted to change the font and size of all the headings in a text, without using styles you would have to make changes to each heading individually. But if all the headings are formatted using styles "Heading 1", "Heading 2" etc., it is enough to change only these styles.

    In addition, paragraph styles allow you to create logical text layout, i.e. indicate the boundaries of sections, chapters, etc., as well as special types paragraphs (for example, quotes or examples). The beginning of sections and chapters is determined using styled headings "Heading 1", "Heading 2" etc. Writer can automatically generate a table of contents of text, specifying paragraphs with these styles as section titles. It is also possible to automatically number sections.

    In addition to paragraph styles, character styles are supported. The character style controls character formatting without affecting paragraph formatting. Character styles are convenient to use, for example, to highlight quotes in text.

    A window is used to work with styles "Stylist" .

    To call this window, select the item in the main menu "Format", then "Stylist", or press the key. Initially in the window "Stylist" a list of paragraph styles is shown.

    Applying styles

    To specify a paragraph formatting style, place the cursor on that paragraph, and then select the desired style by clicking in the window "Stylist" . (If the cursor is placed on an empty paragraph, the style will still be assigned, and subsequent text will be formatted using that style.)

    To specify a style for several paragraphs at once, you need to select these paragraphs, and then select the desired style by clicking in the window "Stylist" .

    To apply character styles, you must switch the window "Stylist" to character style list mode. To do this, left-click on the icon with the letter [A] in this window. After that, to format a section of text using a character style, you should select that section, and then click in the window "Stylist" specify the desired style. If you specify a character style without highlighting, it will apply to the characters you enter immediately afterwards (without moving the cursor). To switch window "Stylist" back to the paragraph style list mode, you should select in this window the icon with a letter similar to [P].

    Editing styles

    To change any of the styles (paragraph or characters), select this style in the window "Stylist" "Change". The style editing window will appear.

    The options at the top of the window allow you to change various character formatting properties and (for a paragraph style) paragraph formatting properties. Paragraph "Organization" used to set style properties. Field "Name" defines the name of the style. Field "Associated with" specifies the base style for of this style; If the base style is changed, similar changes are automatically made to this style.

    There is also a field for paragraph styles "Next Style". In it you can specify which style the next paragraph is automatically formatted with (when entering text), if the previous paragraph is formatted with this style. So, the header style is usually set to the following style "Main text"; This allows you to enter text immediately after entering the title, without wasting time on choosing a style. To create a new style, you should right-click in the window "Stylist" and select the item in the menu that appears "Create". A style editing window will appear in which you can specify all necessary properties style. If the window "Stylist" is in paragraph style list mode, a paragraph style is created; if it is in character style list mode, then a character style is created.

    In addition, the system allows you to format the paragraph by ordinary means, and then automatically create a style with exactly that formatting. To do this, after formatting the paragraph, click in the window "Stylist" second right icon in the right top corner. The system will prompt you to enter the name of the new style, after which it will be created and appear in the list. You can also delete a previously created style. To do this, select a style in the window "Stylist" click the mouse, and then press the right mouse button and select the item in the menu that appears "Delete". However, the system does not allow you to delete styles that are present in Writer initially.

    Page formatting

    Writer allows you to customize the page size, as well as the header, footer (that is, the lines at the top and bottom of the page) and other page formatting properties. Moreover, for different pages can be installed different formatting using page styles.

    Setting the Page Format

    To set the page format, enable a header or footer, etc., call the item in the main menu "Format", then "Page". The page style editing window will appear.

    In this window you can set, in particular:

    • Page Size (item "Page" at the top of the window);
    • Page numbering style - Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, etc. Paragraph "Page", field "Markup Settings" - "Format";
    • Enable and indent header and footer - items « Page header» And « footer» . In particular, in any of these items you can disable the “tick” ; this will create different headers and footers for even and odd pages.;
    • Enable and view the frame around the page - item "Framing";
    • Formatting text on a page in several columns - item "Columns".

    Having set the required page format, click the button "OK".


    To enable page numbering, you must first enable the required header or footer. By turning on the header and footer, you can edit it (in text viewing mode "Page layout") as normal text.

    With the cursor in the footer, select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Field", then "Page number". The page number appears. On each page it will automatically appear and be set to the desired value.

    To move the page number (along with the rest of the header text) to the left corner, center or right corner, place the cursor in the header and switch the paragraph alignment (left, center or right) using the corresponding button on the toolbar Writer.

    If the number should be located differently on an even and odd page, you should disable the “tick” for the header in which the page number is located in the page style editing window. “Same content left/right”. After this, place the number in the right way in the footer on one even and one odd page.

    Page styles

    In many cases, you want to ensure that different pages are formatted differently—for example, disabling the page number for the title page.

    OpenOffice Writer allows you to set completely independent formatting for different pages - up to various sizes leaf. Page styles are used for this. (Using page styles is quite complex and beyond the scope of this quickstart.)

    Working with chapters of text

    If chapter headings are marked with row styles "Title", and the level of headings is reflected in the use of styles (i.e., for example, for sections top level used "Heading 1", for subsections - "Heading 2" etc.), OpenOffice Writer allows you to automatically number chapters and create a table of contents.

    Chapter numbering

    To produce automatic numbering chapters, select the item in the main menu "Service", then "Chapter Numbering". A window will appear "chapter numbering" .

    Here you can configure the chapter numbering. The right side of the window shows an example of numbering in the form that is configured in this moment. You can find the desired numbering option by trying various settings and watching the example change.

    Generating table of contents

    For automatic creation table of contents, place the cursor at the point in the text where the table of contents should be. Select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Pointers", then "Pointers...". A window will appear "Insert Pointer"

    In this window, you can insert various pointers, but the initially proposed option is the table of contents. In field "Rate to Level" You can specify which level headings should be included in the table of contents.

    For example, with a value of 3, the table of contents will include all paragraphs with the style "Heading 1", "Heading 2" And "Heading 3". After pressing the button "OK" the system will generate a table of contents and place it where the cursor was located.

    Inserting pictures

    OpenOffice Writer allows you to insert pictures (taken from files) into the text and specify their location, as well as whether they will be “flowed” by the text. To insert a picture into the text, select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Drawing", then "From the file..." A window for inserting a picture from a file will appear.

    Here you can choose required file.

    When selecting a file with a mouse click (if the checkbox is enabled "View") turns it on preview on the right side of the window. To insert the selected picture into the text, click the button "Open".

    By right-clicking on the picture, you can call up the picture settings menu. Using this menu you can set, in particular:

    • How will the picture be positioned in the text (item "Binding") - at a fixed position in relation to the page, to a certain paragraph, to a certain character, or as a sign. If the picture is positioned "as a character", it is inserted into the line in the same way as a regular character (but its size does not change when the font size is changed).;
    • Will the text “flow around” the drawing and, if so, in what way (paragraph "Wrap around").

    Saving and reading files

    OpenOffice Writer saves and reads files in .sxw format. This format is fully published and based on open standards. In addition, it allows you to save and read files in .rtf (Rich Text Format), .doc (Microsoft Word 95 or 97/2000/XP) and other formats.

    Saving a file

    To save the current text on disk as a file, select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save", or press the keys. If the file has already been saved, it will be saved again under the same name. If it has not yet been saved, a window will appear to select the name and format of the saved file.

    In this window, you can select the desired directory to save the file, specify the file name, and select its format (type). After specifying the file name and type, click the button "Save". After this, the file will be written to disk.

    Saving a file under a new name

    If you are working with a file that has already been saved and want to save it under a different name (or in a different format - for example, .rtf or .doc), select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save as…" A file name selection window will appear (see Figure 23), and you can specify the new file name and format.

    Reading a file

    In this window, you can find the desired directory and select the file in it that you want to open. After clicking on the desired file, click "Open". Writer reads the file and, if the reading is successful, you will be able to view and edit the contents of this file.

    Editing HTML

    Editing HTML files(format for WWW pages) in OpenOffice very similar to text editing in OpenOffice Writer. (In reality, HTML editing is done precisely Writer, working in special regime). This allows you to create WWW pages without special training, and also easily convert text documents on WWW pages. You can use almost all the techniques described above for editing HTML documents. Writer.

    Basic HTML editing

    HTML documents can be formatted in the same way as regular documents. However, the resulting WWW pages will be quite inconvenient to view. To correctly format HTML documents, you should use special paragraph styles that are automatically suggested in the window "Stylist" when editing such a document.

    For body text, use a style "Main text", for headings - group styles "Title", for quotes - "Quote" etc. You can specify the alignment of paragraphs, as well as highlight sections of text in bold, italics or underlining. But changing the font is very undesirable - this can lead to difficulties for some users when viewing your page.

    Link Creation

    As you know, important HTML element- the ability to create hyperlinks to other documents.

    In this window you should indicate the document to which the link is made, as well as the text of the link. The link text is indicated in the field "Text". The method of specifying the document to which the link is made is switched on the left side of the window.

    When selecting an item « » you can enter a link to a document on the Internet in full format(URL). Paragraph "Letters and Messages" allows you to describe a link to an address Email(mailto) or news group usenet(news). Selecting the item "Document", you can insert a link to an existing document on disk. It should be taken into account that although in the field "Path" the full path to the document is indicated; in fact, if the documents are in the same directory, a link is created only to the document name - therefore, if both files are transferred to the Internet, the link continues to work.

    Finally, the point « new document» allows you to create a link to a document that has not yet been created on disk. The system provides the opportunity to immediately create this document (to do this, select the item "Edit Now" at the top of the window) or create a link without creating a document (item "Edit later"). It is important to select the correct file type from the list (for example, "HTML Document"), and not just indicate full name file. When the link information is entered, click the button "Apply". The link will be created.

    To edit a link, place the cursor on it and select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Hyperlink". The same window will appear (see \Fig.25), but filled in, with the data of the specified link. In this window you can make the necessary changes and click the button "Apply".

    Saving and Reading HTML Files

    Saving and reading when editing HTML files is done exactly the same as in Writer. It is important that the files include HTML drawings are not saved. Therefore, when you transfer a file to another computer or to the Internet, they may be lost. Even if both the file and the pictures for it are transferred to another computer, but they are located in different directories, the pictures may disappear from the document. To prevent this from happening, it is best to keep all the pictures you insert into the document in the same directory as the document itself, and transfer them to another computer or to the Internet along with the document. It should be taken into account that OpenOffice can read almost any file in HTML format, but Russian letters will not always be displayed correctly. This is not a bug in OpenOffice, and the disadvantage of such files is that the encoding of Russian letters is not indicated or is indicated incorrectly. Instead of koi8-r, the encoding of Russian letters should be specified in this file; the most common encodings are koi8-r, windows-1251 and utf8.

    Editing HTML Source Text

    OpenOffice allows you to switch from editing the content of an HTML document in visual mode (i.e., in the form in which it will be visible in a web browser) to working with the source text on HTML language. This can be useful in a number of cases where you need to check and correct the HTML text itself. To enable or disable source editing mode HTML text, select the item in the main menu "View", then « Original text HTML".

    Creating WWW pages using Autopilot

    OpenOffice contains "Autopilot of WWW pages", allowing for short term and create a standard and quite beautiful WWW page without additional effort. To take advantage "Autopilot", select the item in the main menu "File", then "Autopilot", then "Web page..." A window will appear "Web page autopilot" .

    By selecting field values, you can immediately see on the screen what the created page will look like. Having selected the desired type, press the button "Ready". You will be able to edit an HTML document that immediately has the necessary appearance. Now you just need to fill it with information.

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