Word knowledge tests for engineers. Computer science test on the topic "Text processor MS Word". The interval is set using the commands

Option 1.

1. A text editor is a program designed for:

    creating, editing, formatting text information;

    working with images in the process of creating game programs;

    managing PC resources when creating documents;

    automatic translation from symbolic languages ​​into machine codes.

2. What is paragraph indentation?

3. The character entered from the keyboard when typing is displayed on the display screen at a position determined by:

    specified coordinates;

    cursor position;


    position of the previous letter typed.

4. When typing, one word is separated from another:





5. Using a computer, text information can be:

    store, receive and process;

    only store;

    only receive;

    just process.

6. Which operation is not used to edit a test:

    text printing;

    deleting an incorrectly typed character in the text;

    inserting a missing character;

    replacing an incorrectly typed character;

    text formatting?

7. The procedure for automatic text formatting includes:

    writing text to a buffer;

    deleting text;

    canceling a previous operation performed on text;

    automatic arrangement of text according to certain rules.

8. Copying a text fragment in a text editor involves, first of all:

    indicating the position from which the fragment should be copied

    highlighting the copied fragment

    selecting the appropriate menu item

    opening a new text window.

9. Searching for a word in a text using a given pattern is a process:

    information processing;

    information storage;

    transfer of information,

    destruction of information.

10. What is insert mode?

11. Specify the numbers of quick buttons that perform the specified action:

    Paste from clipboard.

    Cut out.

    Copy to clipboard.

    Check your spelling.

12. What operations are the following quick buttons intended for:

    Installing fonts.

    Setting paragraph indents.

    Setting the font style.

    Print the first letter of a paragraph.

13. What operation can be performed using this dialog box

    Search and replace in text

    Change text font

14. What is the Word editor buffer used for?

    For long-term storage of several text fragments
    and drawings.

    to temporarily store a copy of a block or a deleted block.

    to protect information from viruses.

    to correct errors when entering commands.

    To send text for printing.

15. what is a paragraph?

    A paragraph is a piece of text whose input process ended by pressing the Esc key.

    A paragraph is a piece of text whose input process ended by pressing the Delete key.

    A paragraph is a piece of text whose input process ended by pressing the Enter key.

    A paragraph is a piece of text whose input process ended by pressing the Shift key.

Test on the topic “Text editor Word”.

Option 2.

1. In the row “symbol - ... - line - text fragment” the following is missing:





2. The main functions of a text editor include:

    Copying, moving, destroying and sorting text fragments;

    Creating, editing, saving, printing texts;

    Strict adherence to spelling;

    automatic processing of information presented in text files.

3. The cursor is:

    text input device;

    keyboard key;

    the smallest element of the image on the screen;

    a mark on a display screen that indicates the position at which a character entered from the keyboard will be displayed.

4. Message about the location of the cursor, indicated:

    in the status bar of a text editor;

    in the text editor menu;

    in a text editor window;

    on the taskbar.

5. Text editing is:

    the process of making changes to existing text;

    the procedure for saving text on disk as a text file;

    the process of transmitting text information over a computer network;

    the procedure for reading previously created text from an external storage device.

6. What is the purpose of the assistant?

    To decorate the document window.

    For quick tips or help.

    To demonstrate the animation capabilities of WORD.

    To insert animation into document text.

7. The following text was typed in a text editor:





The Find and Replace All command to correct all errors might look like this:

    find P replace with RA;

    find RO replace with RA;

    find ROB replace with RAB;

    find BROB replace with BRAV;

    find BROBO replace with BRABO.

8. The text editor menu is:

    part of its interface that provides transition to performing various operations on text;

    subroutine providing resource management
    PC when creating a document;

    a kind of “window” through which the text is viewed on the screen;

    information about the current state of the text editor.

9. In a text editor, when setting page parameters, the following are set:

    typeface, typeface size;

    indent, interval;

    margins, orientation;

    style, pattern.

10. What is the DELETE key used for?

    To delete the character before the cursor.

    To move to the next paragraph.

    For retreat places.

    To save text.

    To delete the character following the cursor.

11. What is paragraph indentation?

    The distance from the edge of the sheet to the beginning of the text.

    The distance from the page margin border to the beginning of the text.

    The distance from the edge of the sheet to the border of the page margins.

    The distance from the page margin border to the beginning of the first line of a paragraph of text.

12. Specify the numbers of quick buttons that perform the specified action:

    Inputting a document from disk.

    Print the document.

    Write a document to disk.

    Creating a new document

13. What operations are the following quick buttons intended for:

    Paragraph alignment.

    Setting paragraph indents.

    Setting page margins.

    Installing fonts.

14. What operation can be performed using this dialog box

    Search and replace in text

    Change page margin sizes

    Change paragraph indents and red line sizes

    Change text font

15. What is replacement mode?

    A method of adding text to a document that shifts existing text to the left to make room for the text you type.

    A method of adding text to a document that moves existing text down to make room for the text you type.

    A method of adding text to a document while leaving existing text in place.

    A method of adding text to a document in which existing text is shifted to the right to make room for text to be entered.

    A method of adding text to a document in which existing text is removed to make room for text to be entered.

Test on MS WORD Tasks may have several answer options

1. How can you cancel an incorrect operation if you make a mistake?

1 Using the Ctrl+z command

2 This is impossible.

3 This is only possible with the help of the network administrator.

4 Using the commandCancel from Quick Access Toolbar

2. The Enter key must be pressed:

1 At the end of the line

2 At the end of a sentence

3 At the end of the paragraph

4 At the end of a word

3. To move the cursor around the working field, you can use the following keys:

1 Cursor arrows

2 Tabs

3 PgUp, PgDn

4 Shift

5 Home, End

6 Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End

4. Is it possible to delete an incorrectly typed character?

1 Yes, press the Backspace key if the cursor is to the left of the character; press the Delete key if the cursor is to the right of the symbol.

2 Yes, press the Backspace key if the cursor is to the right of the character; press the Delete key if the cursor is to the left of the character.

3 Yes, press Esc key

4 It is impossible.

5. How to copy a piece of text using the mouse?

1 Select the text, left-click and drag the text

2 Select and drag text by left-clicking and holding down the CTRL key

3 Select and drag text by left-clicking and holding down the SHIFT key

4 Select and click on the Cut icon

6. How to move a selected piece of text using the clipboard?

1 Left-click on the Copy icon

2 Select the menu command Home/Cut

3 Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X

4 Select the menu command Home/Copy

7. How to delete a character in text?

1 Place the keyboard cursor behind the character to be deleted and press the Delete key

2 Place the keyboard cursor behind the character to be deleted and press the Backspace key

3 Place the keyboard cursor in front of the character to be deleted and press the Backspace key

4 Place the keyboard cursor in front of the character to be deleted and press the Delete key

8. How can I quickly go to the beginning of a document?

1 Press the HOME key

2 Press CTRL+HOME keys

3 Press SHIFT+HOME keys

4 Press ALT+HOME keys

9. When entering text, which keyboard keys can be pressed to move to a new paragraph?

1 Shift

2 Enter

3 Shift + Enter

4 Ctrl + Enter

10. For what purpose can the File – Save As command be used?

1 To save a document in a different text format

2 To maintain compatibility with Word 98–2003

3 To save a document under a different name

4 To obtain information about saving documents

11. What keyboard keys can you press to split one paragraph into two?

1 BackSpace

2 Ctrl + Enter

3 Enter

4 Shift + Enter

12. Microsoft Word is...

1 Text editor

2 Graphic editor

3 Font editor

4 Electronic document editor

13. What command can you run to save a file under a different name?

2 Office Button – Prepare – Properties

4 Office Button – Versions

14. What functions can this group of buttons perform?

1 Editing

2 Formatting

3 Review

4 Page layout

15. What needs to be done to save document changes in MS Word?

1 Execute the command "Office Button - Save".

2 Execute the command "Office Button - Save As".

3 Execute the command "Office Button - Prepare - Properties".

4 Execute the command "Office Button - Open...".

16. How can I change the underline color of text?

1 Toolbar – Borders and Shading

2 Having done Font – Underline

3 Using the Formatting toolbar

4 Cannot be changed

17. You want to write your sentence in italics. To do this you need:

1 Place the cursor at the beginning of the sentence, click the Italic button

2 Click the mouse to the left of the sentence, click the Italics button

3 Select a sentence and press the Ctrl+I key combination

4 Select the sentence using the Shift key and the corresponding arrow, click the Italic button

18. To select text fragments, you can do the following:

1 To highlight a word, you can double-click on the word with the mouse

2 To select a word, you can move the cursor to the word and select it by pressing Shift and the right arrow

3 To select a paragraph, you can click on the paragraph three times

4 To select a line, you can click once on the line

19. Is it possible to type one word in a paragraph with increased letter spacing?

1 It’s impossible, all words in a paragraph are printed with the same distance between letters.

2 You can, you need to select this word and use the Home / Font / Spacing command.

3 You can, you need to select this word and execute the Home/Paragraph command.

4 You can, if you only enable animation font|animation.

20. You need to designate one or more characters with a subscript. What Word command allows you to perform this text effect?

1 Box | Formula

2 Home/Font

3 Select the icon on the Font Formatting toolbar

4 Insert | Symbol

21. When preparing a text, there are often situations when it is necessary for two words to always be on the same line, for example, 1 cm or 2000. What is the most rational way to use in this case?

1 Disable automatic word wrapping in the entire document

2 Connect words with a non-breaking space Ctrl+Shift+ Space

3 Disable automatic word wrapping in a paragraph

4 Connect words with soft hyphenation

22 How to indent the first line in a paragraph?

1 Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph, then select Home|Paragraph|First line indent

2 Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph/ Move the limiter on the ruler (top)

3 Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph and press the Tab key

4 Place the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, then press the Tab key

23 How is the heading in the right corner in the text below obtained?

1 Tabulation

2 Formatting the first paragraph with left indentation and left alignment

3 Spaces

4 By setting the text in two columns with an empty left column

24 How to change the space between lines within a paragraph?

1 Select Home|Font|Spacing|Sparse

2 Select the required paragraph, then select Home/|Font|Spacing|Offset|Up

3 Select Home|Font|Modify|Elevated

4 Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph, then select Home|Paragraph|Indents and spacing|Spacing|Line spacing

25 How does changing the document display scale affect the printing of the document?

1 Increases font size when printing

2 No effect

3 Enlarges the size of designs when printed

4 Requires page resizing

26 It is necessary to highlight all the information in the document from the location of the cursor to the end of the document. What actions ensure this?

1 Keys Ctrl+A(eng)

2 Keys Ctrl+5(Num)

3 Keys Ctrl+Shift+End

4 Command Home/Format by sample

27 How can you insert a symbol into text© ?

1 Using the Insert – Caption command

2 Using the Insert – Symbol command

3 Using the Insert – Formula command

4 Using the Insert – Drop Cap command

28 Which dialog box element is used to set the paragraph indentation (red line)?

1 "1

2 "2

3 "3

4 "4

29 What sets the 1.25 cm projection?

1 Shift the first line of a paragraph 1.25 cm to the right of the left margin

2 Shift the first line of a paragraph 1.25 cm to the left of the left margin

3 Shift the entire paragraph, except the first line of the paragraph, 1.25 cm to the right of the left margin

4 Shifts the entire paragraph, except the first line of the paragraph, 1.25 cm to the left of the left margin

30 What is the left margin of the page in this figure?

1 3 cm

2 2 cm

3 It is impossible to determine the size of the left margin from the picture

4 1 cm

31 How to insert a character that is not on the keyboard?

1 Select the menu item Insert – Symbol

2 Select the menu item Insert/Drop cap|

3 Select the menu item Insert | Formula

4 Select the menu item Insert | Object

32 To write a number to a power (for example, x2), you need:

1 select: Home menu, Font command

3 Write the value of the degree in a smaller font size

4 select: icon on the font formatting ribbon

33 What sets the left margin to 2 cm?

1 Shifts the entire paragraph 2 cm to the left of the left margin

2 Shifts the entire paragraph 2 cm to the right of the left margin

3 Left page margin size

4 Shifts only the first line of a paragraph 2 cm to the left of the left margin

34. The Clipboard can contain from 1 to ___ objects

35. Auto-assembled table of contents can be done using:

1. Apply the Heading style to the headings, then select the Links/Table of Contents command

2. Apply the Subtitle style to the headings, then select the Links/Table of Contents command

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1. To save a MS Word document:
Save command on the File menu
the Compare and Merge Corrections command in the Tools menu
command Options – Save menu Tools
Clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar

2. To create a document background, you can use
the Header and Footer command in the View menu
context menu commands
command Background menu Format
Formatting toolbar buttons

3. Templates in MS Word are used to...
creating similar documents
copying identical parts of a document
inserting graphics into a document
replacing misspelled words

4. To set the formatting of a text fragment, use...
View menu commands

Format menu commands
inline application styles

5. Text editors include the following programs:
Microsoft Office Applications
Internet Explorer
MS Word

6. You can preview your document in the following ways:
Click the Preview button on the Standard toolbar
File menu Preview command
File Menu Page Options command
Page Layout command of the View menu

7. To download MS Word you need...
In the Start menu, select Programs, in the submenu, click on Microsoft Office, and then - Microsoft Word
In the Start menu, select Documents, in the drop-down submenu, click on the line Microsoft Word
type Microsoft Word on your keyboard and press Enter
In the Start menu, select Run and type Microsoft Word in the command line

8. To move a piece of text, do the following:
Select a piece of text, Edit – Copy, click to mark the insertion location, Edit – Paste
Select a piece of text, Edit – Cut, click to mark the insertion point, Edit – Paste
Select a piece of text, Edit – Go, at the insertion point Edit – Paste
Select a piece of text, File – Send, click to mark the insertion location, Edit – Paste
Select a piece of text, click on the Cut button on the Standard toolbar, click to mark the insertion location, click on the Paste button on the Standard toolbar

9. Placing text from the beginning of the page requires...
enter empty lines
insert section break
insert page break
check the corresponding box in the Paragraph dialog box in the Format menu

10. The Microsoft Word application status bar displays:
Information about the number of pages, sections, current page number
Windows of open application documents
Information about the typing language and spelling status in the document
information about the properties of the active document

11. To highlight text fragments, use...
Edit menu commands
drag-and-drop operation with the left mouse button pressed
highlight bar
Shift or Ctrl keys

12. The red line in the document is set
Pressing the Tab key
In the Paragraph dialog box, the Format menu
Required number of spaces
Use a marker to indent the first line along a horizontal ruler

13. The orientation of a sheet of paper in an MS Word document is set
in page settings
in paragraph options
when specifying the row alignment method
when inserting page numbers

14. In a text editor, when setting page parameters,…

margins, orientation, footers
style, template

15. You can split a document into pages:
using the Break command of the Insert menu
using the Paragraph command of the Format menu
adding lines using the Enter key
key combination Ctrl + Enter

16. The difference between a regular footnote and an endnote is that...
the text of a regular footnote is located at the bottom of the page on which the footnote is located, and for an endnote - at the end of the entire document
different symbols are used to highlight footnotes; there is no difference
the number of endnotes for a document is not limited, unlike regular ones

17. "Thesaurus" is
list of synonyms for the search text and selects one that most closely matches the search word
list of antonyms of the searched text and selects one that most closely matches the search word
list of the most frequently occurring words in the current document
a list of synonyms for the search text found in the current document, and selects one that most closely matches the search word

18. In MS Word, it is impossible to apply formatting to...
file name
page number

19. A text editor is:
application software used to create and manipulate text documents
application software used to create and manipulate tables
application software used to automate accounting tasks
software used to create applications

20. In the process of formatting text, changes...
font size
paragraph options
sequence of characters, words, paragraphs
page settings

21. Under what conditions can you create an automatic table of contents in MS Word:
paragraphs of the future table of contents have the same indentation
paragraphs intended to be placed in the table of contents are formatted using standard heading styles
paragraphs of the future table of contents are aligned to the center of the page
paragraphs intended for placement in the table of contents are collected in one section

22. The footer may contain...
any text
FULL NAME. author of the document
document's name
document creation date

23. There are no lists in the MS Word editor:

24. You can display the necessary application toolbars using the menu:

25. In a text editor, a necessary condition for performing a copying and formatting operation is...
setting the cursor to a specific position
saving file
file printout
highlighting a piece of text

26. Searching for a piece of text in an open MS Word document is carried out using the command:
Find in Main Menu
Find and restore Help menu
Find the Edit menu
Finding files in the File menu

27. To check spelling in a document:
Select the document, then Tools - Spelling
Using the Tools menu commands
Clicking the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar
Command Spelling menu Tools

28. When you launch Microsoft Word, by default a new document is created with the name:
New document1

29. To create a new document, do the following...
Clicking the New button on the Standard toolbar
command New menu Window
File menu Insert command
command New menu File

30. The main functions of text editing are...
highlighting text fragments
setting line spacing
text entry, correction, insertion, deletion, copying, moving
spell check

31. Changing page parameters is possible...
only after final editing of the document
just before editing the document
before printing the document

32. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting a font are...
Font, typeface, size, style
indentation, spacing, alignment
margins, orientation
style, template

33. Syllable shift can be enabled using the command:
Edit / Paste
Service / Language
Format / Font
File/Page Settings

34. To select a paragraph, do the following
Click anywhere in a paragraph while holding down the Ctrl key
Shift-click anywhere in a paragraph
double-click to the left of the paragraph in the selection bar
the operation of dragging the left mouse button along the selection bar

35. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are...
typeface, size, style
indentation, spacing, alignment
margins, orientation
style, template

36. The main functions of text editors are...
creating tables and performing calculations on them
text editing, text formatting, working with styles
graphic application development
creation of databases

37. The beginning of a new section in a Word document is determined by:
moving to a new page
moving to a new column
inserting a section break line
by pressing the "Enter" key

38. To set field values ​​for a new document in the MS Word editor, you must:
select the “Templates” command from the “File” menu, in the window that appears, set the necessary attributes
select the “Page Setup” command from the “File” menu, in the window that appears, set the necessary attributes
select the "Paragraph" command from the "Format" menu
select the “Preview” command from the “File” menu, set the necessary attributes in the window that appears

39. Specify the mode in which the document is presented on the screen in the form in which it will subsequently be printed
Web document
page layout
reading mode

40. The Microsoft Equation program is intended for:
Creating tables
Creating curly texts
Writing complex mathematical formulas

41. The use of sections when preparing a text document serves
to change the document layout on one page or on different pages
to change the document layout on only one page
only for changing the document page numbering order
for better “readability” of the document

42. To highlight the entire document, use...
Command Select All Edit menu
key combination Shift + A
the operation of dragging the left mouse button across the entire document
triple click the mouse in the selection bar
key combination Ctrl + A

43. To work with lists, use:
Standard toolbar buttons
View menu commands
Formatting toolbar buttons
Format menu commands

44. Page parameters of the current document are set using the menu command...

Microsoft Office Word Test.

Option 1

1. In the Word menu you can format the document:

2. The “File” tools of the application dialog box allow you to:

    to check spelling;

3. Inserting characters into Microsoft Word :

    Insert + Symbol;

    Format + Font;

    View + Symbol;

    View + Tab;

    Format + Paragraph

4. In which menu Word v can be done preview:

    Service + preview:

    File + preview:

    Format + viewing:

    View + preview:

    Edit + Preview:

5. Specify the wrong alignment type in MS Word:

    on the left edge;

    on the right edge;

    in the center;

    in width;

    by paragraph.

6. In MS WORD to add a frame to the entire document


    execute the commands: Format\Borders and Fill\Page - Frame;

    execute the commands: Format\Borders and Fill\Border-Frame;

    select the text and click on the Tables and Borders button on the Standard panel;

    run the commands: File\Page Settings...

7.To replace one font with another, you need to run the command:

    Format + Paragraph;

    CTRL +END ;

    At the beginning of the paragraph, press the SHIFT + END keys;

    Format + Font;

    There is no correct answer among the given answers.

8. To quickly copy, use the command

    Documents + Put in a folder;

9. Is the interval set using commands?

    Format + Font;

    Format + Paragraph;

    File + Table Options;

    Insert + Symbol;

    Insert + Spacing.

10. In Word, in which menu item can you select landscape or portrait mode?
document orientation:

Option 2

1. Using which Word menu can you divide text into columns:

2. What Word commands can be used to set page margins:

    View + Page Options + Margins tab;

    Tools + Fields + Page Options;

    Edit + Margins;

    Insert + Fields tab;

    File + Page Setup + Fields tab.

2. In MS Word, the Create command is intended to:

    To create a new document;

    To create a new table in a document;

    To create columns in a document;

    To create a new drawing;

    To insert a picture into a document.

4. The Edit tools in the application dialog box allow you to:

    create, open, save, print files, etc.

    provide a number of important file editing functions;

    insert necessary objects;

    format selected blocks of the current document.

5. The “View” tools of the application program dialog box allow you to:

    create, open, save, print files, etc.

    provide a number of important file editing functions;

    select the viewing mode of the current document;

    insert necessary objects;

    format selected blocks of the current document.

6. The “Insert” tools of the application dialog box allow you to:

    create, open, save, print files, etc.

    provide a number of important file editing functions;

    select the viewing mode of the current document;

    insert necessary objects;

    format selected blocks of the current document.

7. The “Format” tools of the application program dialog box allow you to:

    create, open, save, print files, etc.

    provide a number of important file editing functions;

    select the viewing mode of the current document;

    insert necessary objects;

    format selected blocks of the current document

8.Which Word menu contains the spelling:

9. In which Word menu can you cancel an action (input):

10. Which Word menu can be used to determine page numbers.

Option 3

1.In which Word menu is sorting located?

2. Is text animation set using commands?

    Format + Font + Animation;

    Format + Paragraph + Font + Animation;

    File + Font + Animation;

    Insert + Symbol + Animation;

    Insert + Font + Animation

3.Is the scale set using commands?

    View +Scale;

    Format +Scale;

    File + Scale

    Insert + Scale;

    Insert + Scale

4. Initial letter Microsoft Word:

    Insert + initial letter;

    Format + drop cap;

    View + drop cap;

    View + drop cap;

    Format + drop cap

5. Is italicization of text set using commands?

    Format + Font + Italic;

    Format + Paragraph + Font + italics;

    View + Font + italic;

    Insert + italics;

    Insert +Font+Italic

6.The information (sign) model is...

    anatomical model

    building layout

    ship model


7.In a text editor, the main parameters when setting a font are...

    typeface, size, style

    indent, interval

    margins, orientation

    style, template

8.In the process of formatting text, changes...

    font size

    paragraph options

    sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

    page settings

9.How can I insert pictures from my computer into a document?

    Insert - pictures

    View-drawing-from file

    Inserting a picture from a file

    Inserting from a computer picture

10.Basic commands of the EDIT menu:

Option 4

1.Inserting a fragment in MS Word is carried out using the key combination:

    Ctrl + M.

  1. All + Insert .

2.To delete a paragraph of text in Microsoft Word, you must:

    Press the Del button.

    Select a fragment - Press the Del key.

    Select a fragment - Edit - Copy.

    Edit - select all.

    In the INSERT menu - AutoText - Header and Footer.

3.Basic commands of the EDIT menu:

    Break, page numbers, date and time.

    Regular, electronic document, page layout.

    Cut, copy, paste

    Font, paragraph, list, borders and fills.

4.Word. Basic VIEW menu commands:

    Cut, copy, paste.

    Regular, electronic document, page layout.

    Break, page numbers, date and time.

    Font, paragraph, list, borders and fills

5.The Cut command corresponds to the following key combination:

    Ctrl + X .

    Ctrl + P .

    Ctrl + C .

    Ctrl + V .

    Ctrl + B .

6.How to open an existing file in Microsoft Word

    Start - Search.

    My computer - File name.

    File - Open.

    Start - Help.

    F key 1.

7. How to display the Format toolbar:

    View - Toolbars - Formatting.

    Tools - Options - Formatting.

    Edit - Toolbars.

    File - Toolbars.

8. MS WORD is:

    Text editor.

    Spreadsheet system.


    None of the above options.

    Graphics editor.

9. To create a table in the text editor MS Word, you need:

    From the INSERT menu, select the Object command.

    In the TABLE menu, select the Add table command.

    From the FORMAT menu, select the Tab command.

    From the TABLE menu, select the Split Table command.

    In the FORMAT menu, select the Drop Cap command.

10. In the MS Word editor, to view the document you need:

    Execute the command File - Open.

    From the View menu, select Page Layout.

    From the File menu, select the "Preview" command.

    In the Format menu, select the "Preview" command.

    From the Edit menu, select the "Preview" command.

Test in the discipline "Informatics"

Topic: "Text editor Microsoft Word"

Question No: 1

The main functions of a text editor are...

Possible answers:

    Automatic processing of information presented in text files Creating, editing, saving and printing texts Managing PC resources and processes that use these resources when creating text Copying, moving, destroying and sorting text fragments

Question No: 2

When you click on the button with the image of a floppy disk on the toolbar, ...

Possible answers:

    Saving a document Writing a document to a floppy disk Reading information from a floppy disk Printing a document

Question No: 3

How can I change the font?

in some fragment of the Word text editor?

Possible answers:

    Change the font using the toolbar Call the “change font” command Mark the desired fragment; call the "change font" command; call the “insert” command Mark the desired fragment; change font using toolbar

Question No: 4

When you click on the button with the image of scissors on the toolbar...

Possible answers:

    Previously cut text is inserted A page break occurs The selected text is deleted A document outline appears

Question No: 5

When can you resize a picture in Word?

Possible answers:

    When it is inserted When it is selected When it is colored When it is working

Question №: 6

Lexicon, Writer, Word, Notepad are...

Possible answers:

    Graphic editors Spreadsheets Text editors DBMS

Question No: 7

Text editor and spreadsheets are...

Possible answers:

    Application software Service programs System software Tools

Question No: 8

How can you copy a piece of text in the Word text editor?

Possible answers:

    Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; stand in the right place; call the "paste" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the “copy and paste” command Mark the desired fragment; call the "copy" command; call the "paste" command

Question No: 9

A text editor can be used to...

Possible answers:

    Performing computational operations Drawing Writing an essay Composing a piece of music

Question No: 10

The cursor is...

Possible answers:

    A mark on a display screen that indicates the position at which a character entered from the keyboard will be displayed. The smallest element on the screen. A key on the keyboard. A text input device.

Question No: 11

How can you transfer a piece of text in the Word text editor?

Possible answers:

    Mark the desired fragment; call the "transfer" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "cut" command; call the "paste" command; Mark the desired fragment; call the "cut" command; stand in the right place in the text; call the “insert” command Mark the desired fragment; call the "move with insert" command

Question No: 12

A text editor is...

Possible answers:

    Programs for entering, editing and formatting text Software tools for creating and modifying graphic objects Programs for storing and processing data presented in tabular form Software tools for storing and processing large volumes of data

Question No: 13

Which autoshapes cannot be added with volume?

Possible answers:

    Multi-piece Flat Large Colored

Question No: 14

Text that repeats at the top or bottom of a page in Word is called...

Possible answers:

    Style Template Logo Footer

Question No: 15

When you click on the button with the image of a left-curved arrow

on the toolbar...

Possible answers:

    The last command is canceled A dialog box for adding a hyperlink appears A page break occurs The last command is repeated

Question No: 16

The following sequence of actions: " set mouse pointer

to the beginning of the text; Press and hold the left mouse button

move the mouse in the desired direction" in the Word text editor will...

Possible answers:

    To move text To copy text to the clipboard To select text To delete text

Question No: 17

Button " Non-printing characters"text editor allows us to see...

Possible answers:

    Spaces between words Invisible characters Punctuation End of paragraph mark or empty paragraph

Question No: 18

How much computer memory will a 20-character phrase take up?

Possible answers:

    20 machine words; 160 bytes; 20 bits; 20 bytes;

Question No: 19

You can work with tables in the Word text editor.

What operations can be performed on table cells?

Possible answers:

    hide cells merge cells split cells show cells

Question No: 20

To exit the text editor, use the key combination...

Possible answers:

    Shift+F4 Alt+F4 Ctrl+F4 Alt+F10
