How to reduce Android battery consumption. Rules for using an Android battery. Malware infection

. Without a doubt, the most weak point modern smartphones and tablets is the battery, the capacity of which is in the current mobile devices sometimes there is barely enough for a day active use.

Today we will look at the basic practical techniques to save battery power on smartphones and tablets running the operating system. Google systems Android.

So, here is a list of seven main ways to save battery Android battery smartphones:

Reducing the automatic turn-off time of the screen backlight and brightness

Modern smartphones have relatively large screens high resolution, which, together with the processor that provides image output to them, consume the lion's share of the energy stored in the battery.

Therefore, the first and most logical step would be to reduce screen time to a minimum. We won’t be able to do this while we’re working with a smartphone, but we can quite easily reduce the screen’s operating time in rest mode: to do this, we just need to reduce the time after which the screen backlight will be automatically extinguished.

To do this you need to follow these steps

2. Select the “Screen” section, and in it the “Sleep mode” item.

3. Decide which time works best for you, using the principle: less time = more savings.

The second aspect of savings: screen brightness. Automatic adjustment The screen brightness is definitely very useful feature, which is actively used by millions of people around the world. However, it causes the light sensor to work continuously and does not always set optimal ratio brightness that is comfortable for the user and the brightness at which maximum savings will be ensured.

Therefore, in some cases it is worth experimenting with this parameter by setting its value manually.

How to reduce screen brightness?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. Select the “Screen” - “Brightness” section.

3. Use the slider to set the screen brightness to your desired level.

Simple wallpapers can save battery life on many smartphones

Usage simple wallpaper enough controversial issue in terms of battery saving. However, no one will argue with the fact that live wallpapers, the image of which is constantly changing, consume significantly more energy than wallpapers with a regular, stationary picture.

In addition, owners of smartphones with AMOLED screens should keep in mind that the brighter and light colors displayed on the display, the more energy it consumes. This is due to the fact that each dot (pixel) on such screens is a separate LED, which, when illuminated, consumes energy from the battery.

For these reasons, the most optimal wallpaper on AMOLED screens there will be just a black background.

Restrict applications from receiving web data in the background

operating system Android is multitasking system, in which many applications, both system and user-run, are running simultaneously.

And if you switched from one application to another, this does not mean that previous application has completed its work completely: it can work quite actively in background, receiving, for example, data from the Network and processing it, which consumes a significant amount of energy from the battery.

How to disable unnecessary applications in the background?

1. Go to the System Settings section.

2. In the section " Wireless network» Open the “Data transfer” item.

3. In the list, find applications that you think consume too much data, and selecting specific ones, disable the ability for them to download data in the background.

Disable unnecessary communication modules

Data exchange via wireless modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE and GPS require a lot of energy, and each of the adapters listed above contributes significantly to the drain on your smartphone's battery if you have it turned on 24/7.

Therefore, when leaving home, you should turn off Wi-Fi module, and turn it on only when you come to work, or to another place where you will connect to the Network via Wi-Fi. The same goes for NFC module And Bluetooth adapter, which should be turned on only while listening to music through wireless headphones or speakers and pairing with other devices.

If you don't need your smartphone to know its (and your) location, turn off the shutter location mode quick settings your device.

Disable automatic app updates

Automatic application updates are a very convenient thing. If our device is connected to a mobile or Wi-Fi networks, in this mode it automatically and regularly checks Google Play Market for the availability of the most latest versions applications, as well as games that we installed previously.

Automatic application updates, especially if it is performed through a connection to the operator’s network mobile communications can significantly affect time battery life our smartphones and tablets.

How to disable automatic update applications?

1. Launch Google Play Store.

2. In the Settings section, find and open the “Auto-update applications” item

3. Select one of the options: “Never” or “Only Via Wi-Fi”.

Turn off vibration mode

Vibration response mode, when you press the smartphone screen, it responds with a slight vibration - a very good thing in terms of ease of use, providing confirmation of the press virtual buttons and triggering of other interface elements. However, in active use mode, this function can significantly affect the accelerated drainage of the battery of our mobile devices.

How to turn off unnecessary vibrations?

1. Go to the System Settings section, Sounds.

2. Find the “Other sounds” item here.

3. Disable “Vibration response” and, if necessary: ​​“Vibrate on call”.

Use Power Saving Mode

And, perhaps, almost the most serious and important aspect in ensuring the longest operating time of a smartphone or tablet in offline mode is the use of energy saving mode, which has appeared recently in the operating room Android system 5 Lollipop.

This mode significantly limits the number of applications running in the background, reduces screen brightness, disables some graphic effects etc., doing everything possible to ensure the longest battery life for the device.

You can make this mode turn on automatically on your smartphone when its battery is discharged to a certain level, or turn it on manually if necessary.

How to enable power saving mode?

1. Go to System Settings.

2. Select Battery.

3. Click on the menu button in the form of a vertical ellipsis and select “Power Saving Mode”

Here you can turn the power saving mode on and off using the switch at the top of the screen, or enable the mode to automatically enter it when the battery level is 5 or 15%

Every year, developers improve technology and introduce new functions. Iron modern smartphone almost as good as a computer: several cores, a large amount of RAM, support for 3D graphics and HD video. But the higher the functionality, the shorter the battery life. This is the only drawback that the developers cannot fix.

Therefore, saving battery on Android devices is practically the most main question users.

After the purchase

You need to start taking care of your battery immediately after purchase. Firstly, for the first time you need to charge your smartphone while it is turned off. Secondly, when used for the first time, to zero, and only after that turn it on to the network. In the future, you need to charge it when there is about one-third of the energy left in the battery. Thirdly, do not leave your phone connected to the network all night. Because after fully charged it will begin to lose charge again to a certain level, and then it will begin to recharge again. This will reduce the service life of the battery itself.

If you follow these simple rules, the battery will last much longer and will not cause problems.

Data transfer

A huge amount of energy is spent on data transmission. All you have to do is turn off Wi-Fi Mobile Internet(3G, GPRS/EDGE), Bluetooth - and battery saving on an Android device will be a significant percentage.

It can be disabled in the settings, or you can simply set it to “Airplane” mode. But the latter option may have consequences - it disables communication completely. You may miss an important call or message.

The same goes for GPS. If there is no need to determine your position, then it is better to turn it off.


It is better to reduce the screen brightness to a level acceptable for the eyes. The backlight also “eats” a certain amount of energy. And the brighter it is, the more charge it will require. You can do this by going to “Settings - Display - Brightness”. Some models have a function automatic settings brightness It adjusts the backlight depending on the ambient light level - this also saves battery power on Android devices.

To save energy, you should also lock the screen when your phone is not in use.


Vibration wastes a decent amount of energy. Moreover, on Android it is used not only for calls and messages, but also in applications or when pressing the screen.

To avoid missed calls, you can leave the vibration alert on, but in all other cases, turning off vibration is a way to save battery power on Android smartphones and tablets.

System settings

Disable auto-updates. Their work is invisible, but when using the Internet they greatly strain the system.

Try to reboot the system less often. Oddly enough, battery savings on Android devices will be greater if the device is not rebooted. The fact is that rebooting takes a lot of charge, because the phone has to turn off and on all applications, the system and other functions.

Background processes

Uncontrollable background processes is an energetic black hole. Therefore, it is worth closing applications that are not actively used. Even if the program is not running, its processes are running and consuming battery power.

Also than more apps running simultaneously, the greater the energy consumption.

You can deal with background applications manually or using the so-called “Task Killers” (otherwise known as “Task Manager”).

These are small utilities that “kill” processes. But the programs do not do this entirely correctly, which is why unnecessary amounts remain in the phone’s memory, errors appear and frequent reboots are required.

You can also delete unnecessary processes from startup, again using programs. But if there is an application widget on the desktop, it will still launch.


Widgets create heavy load on the system. Even if you don’t do anything, Android is always ready for you when you want to use programs from your desktop. In addition, widgets are constantly updated, which also does not save battery.


Any smartphone on the Android platform has account synchronization. It allows you to access data on any device if you know your login/password. So, if this function is enabled, then information is constantly exchanged with remote server. This also requires a considerable amount of energy.

Whether to turn it off or not is everyone's personal choice. In certain cases, for example, if your phone is broken or lost, synchronization will come in handy to restore contacts, messages and other data. Battery saving on Android devices should be reasonable, and you shouldn't disable really necessary functions.

Special programs

On Play Store There are many applications, free and paid, just enter into the search: “App for Android, battery saver.” Such programs provide fast access to data transfer settings, screen settings, application operation, reduce the load on RAM, complete unnecessary processes. And as a result - battery saving.

The program on the Android device scans the memory for services that waste a lot of energy and pauses their operation. For necessary programs, like an alarm clock, there is a white list.

But before you choose a specific program, you should carefully read the description, since most of these utilities are banal process killers that terminate everything indiscriminately and can pose a threat to correct operation systems. At the same time, there is a high risk of running into an application that consumes much more energy than it saves. Also, before installation, you should consider what OS version the program runs on. For example, the Battery Saver application works great on Android 4.2, but will not work on Android 2.2.

How to find energy consumers

You can independently find applications that use too much energy, or which you don’t even know are working. For this purpose, the Android operating system has special function. You need to go to settings, select “About phone”, then “Battery” and “Battery usage”. After analyzing the applications that consume the most energy, you can disable them if necessary.

Many users will understand this. Despite rapid advances in technology mobile phones that came with the advent of sharp, clean screens and more fast chips, the batteries are not far away. According to a 2014 survey by research firm IDC, this is the reason why there is a burning desire for more long term Battery life has skyrocketed to the top of the list of factors consumers consider when purchasing smartphones.

So why is battery technology still underwhelming? Many companies have been developing smarter battery technologies over the years, including methods to increase battery capacity tenfold or charge a device by extracting energy from thin air. But the fact is that the creation of lithium-ion battery packs is the technology on which most modern batteries– is cheap and easy to reproduce, while being safe. So, for the foreseeable future, we will be stuck at this stage.

1. Auto brightness adjustment.

Your smartphone screen uses more power than any other component, so the easiest way to slow down battery drain is to dim the screen brightness. Over the course of an hour of our testing, the iPhone 6s with screen brightness set to minimum used 54% less battery power than with maximum brightness. Test phone on Android platform used 30% less energy for the same experiment.

2. Email.

Email can have a significant impact on battery life if you have many accounts and you receive a large number of emails. Your smartphone can automatically update email, using a server-to-client technology known as “push,” which delivers new messages to your phone the moment they are sent. This technology can consume power from enormous speed, because it requires your phone to constantly “listen” for new messages. So if you receive a lot of emails, there's a good chance your phone is consuming a lot of power.

3. Say No to Online Music.

The next tip may be unpleasant news for you. Today, with services such as Vkontakte and Apple Music, online playback is the most popular way to listen to music. But the thing is that this method consumes a large amount of battery power. During testing carried out by our website team, when playing music online via WiFi connection Over the course of two hours, 10% of the battery reserve was used. Playing the same music that was saved directly to the device for the same two hours consumed only 5% of the battery charge.

4. Turn off wireless connections.

You may have already noticed that while you are somewhere where there is no good wifi or coatings cellular communications, you feel like your phone's battery is draining much faster. This happens because the phone uses energy to search good signal and trying to install good connection, if this signal is very weak.

5. Battery usage log.

After playing a little detective, the user can even achieve best results. AND iPhone system, and the Android platform provide an easy way to understand which app is using a lot of battery.

In case of iPhone phones and Android, open the Settings app and the Battery menu and you'll see sorted lists (from largest to smallest) of apps that consume the most power.

AND Apple company, And Google company To save battery power, they recommend disabling pop-up push notifications, which are essentially application warnings. Notifications require regular communication with notification servers, and each one causes your phone to "wake up" for a few seconds, including turning on the screen to show you the message and allow you to respond to it.

Beware of myths about keeping your phone charged!

1. Closing applications that are not in use.

There is a lot of inaccurate conventional wisdom on how to extend battery life. Let's start with one of the worst "tips": closing (or "force quitting" as it's commonly called) applications that this moment you don't use. According to this theory, apps running in the background use your phone's components, so quitting those apps will save your battery.

While this theory may be true for a computer, smartphones are designed differently. Once an app is no longer prioritized (meaning you are not actively using it at the moment on your smartphone screen), all or most of its processes are frozen. In other words, while the app may still be downloaded to your phone's memory, it's probably not doing much in the background that's draining your battery.

2. Don't assume that turning off Wi-Fi helps in all cases.

A common tip for extending battery life is to turn off Wi-Fi. However, if you are in a strong area Wi-Fi signal, your phone uses less power to connect to Internet networks at Wi-Fi assistance than using a cellular connection. If you regularly use location-sensitive apps, having Wi-Fi turned on helps your phone locate its location without relying solely on a battery-draining GPS connection. So, it actually helps you to extend your battery life.

3. Let Siri and Google listen to your commands.

Both iPhone and Android phones include hands-free calling options virtual assistants with help voice commands. You can simply tell your iPhone, “Hey Siri!” or “Hey Google!” any Android phone and then speak your request or command. Although convenient, this option requires your phone to constantly listen for a special phrase, which drains battery.

But still, if one of your phones supports this option, disabling it will only save you a small amount of charge. During iPhone testing 6s and Nexus 6P, we noticed only a minor difference in battery usage when the virtual assistant was always on versus when the virtual assistant was turned off for two hours.

4. Non-native chargers.

A common warning that circulates on the Internet is that you should only use the chargers that come with your phone, otherwise you may damage the battery. In fact, the phone itself contains all the circuitry that is responsible for charging the battery. AC adapters (to be more precise) simply convert alternating current from wall socket to low current D.C. low voltage, which they supply via the USB port.

That's why you can also charge your phone using a USB port on your computer, a USB power bank, or Charger in your car: the phone is designed to allow charging from a variety of power sources that can generate wide range current

Saving device battery on Android- a problem for most users. How to save Android battery power and extend battery life.

By using the material posted in this article, you will not only be able to significantly reduce the battery consumption of your Android device, but also increase the battery life, as well as increase the speed of your phone or tablet as a whole.

In this article we will look at:

  1. Rules for using an Android battery
  2. What affects the battery level of Android devices
  3. What program do you need to save Android battery?
  4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

Did you know that even if you charge your phone once a day, after 2 years the battery will last 80% less?

Battery life is affected by:

  • Accumulator charging
  • Battery storage
  • Using and caring for the battery and device

See the article where we not only provide the most effective rules for operating batteries, but also give advice on their practical application: .

Now that you have necessary program To save your Android battery, we will look at how to reduce the battery consumption of your Android device.

4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

The theoretical part of saving Android battery is over, let's move on to practical lesson on the topic of: how to reduce battery consumption android devices.

Some functions can be used via standard settings your Android, but it’s much more convenient when it’s all in one application.

1. Setting up the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

  • On home page application, click the “Smart Savings” button. Go here to " White list memory" and select only those applications that should always run in the background - they will not close during optimization and auto-completion.
  • Turn on "Auto-shutdown applications"- when the android is blocked they will close background applications, except those you selected in the white list.
  • Enable the " Disabling Wi-Fi and sync when the display is off" if you don't need to receive notifications from social networks and email via Wi-Fi when you're not using your phone. To do this, go to “More options” - "Saving when switched off" screen".
  • if you have root rights, you can turn off the launch unnecessary applications when you turn on your phone or tablet in the “Startup Management” menu and enable automatic lowering of the processor frequency when the screen is off in the “Processor Management” item.
  • Set up automatic switching on/off of functions by time, for example, during sleep (brightness, delay, mobile data, Wi-Fi, calls, SMS, Bluetooth, auto-sync, sound, vibration). To do this, go to the “Mode” menu, configure the required mode and select it in the “Schedule” item.
  • Add a widget to main screen. To do this, hold on empty space desktop, in the menu that appears, select “Widgets” - "Savings Widgets Battery Doctor» (or “Battery Doctor Widget” - more compact).
  • Other settings are optional.

2. Using the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

Basic convenience Battery applications Doctor is that after setting it up, it requires a minimum of actions from you and virtually no waste of time.

  • You need to periodically press the large round button in the center after using applications. "Savings - Diagnostics" in the application itself and « » or on the circle in the widget on the main screen for fast optimization.
  • Turn on/off functions to save battery, and you can immediately see how many minutes you were able to increase or decrease the battery consumption of your Android device:
    • WiFi
    • Data
    • Brightness (5 options)
    • Volume
    • Vibration
    • Screen lock delay (6 options)
    • Airplane mode
    • Synchronization
    • Bluetooth
    • Auto-rotate screen

To do this, click on the window in the Battery Doctor widget, which displays the remaining work time. You can also switch pre-configured modes here.

  • In the "List" menu you can see what percentage of batteries are being used running applications, and you can turn off or delete unnecessary or power-hungry ones.
  • Just for fun, you can find out how much you were able to increase your battery life this week thanks to the Android battery saving program - Battery Doctor. To do this, on the start page of the program, click under the “Economy - Diagnostics” button on the rectangle where the battery percentage and remaining operating time are displayed. It also indicates how long your Android will last when used. various functions, And detailed information about the battery condition.

3. Other steps to save Android battery

Live wallpapers, widgets, launchers, animation

In order to save battery and improve the speed of Android:

  • Do not install live wallpapers on your Android screensaver. It is best to use a black background or pictures in dark colors - the display consumes virtually no energy to display black color.
  • Try to use as few widgets as possible on the home screen, especially dynamic ones - they use RAM and display performance.
  • Do not use launchers (shells for android).

Sensors and indicators

If possible, disable sensors and indicators in your Android settings that you do not use (especially if you have a Samsung or LG):

  • Gesture control.
  • movements.
  • functions associated with determining gaze and head position.
  • screen sensitivity.

etc., depending on your device.

Other wireless technologies

Disable if you are not using features such as NFC, Wi-Fi Direct, S-Beam.

In this article, we looked at: why the battery runs out quickly on Android, what program is needed to save the Android battery, saving the battery of an Android device, rules for using batteries, what affects the battery level android devices, how to reduce the battery consumption of a smartphone on Android OS.

Ask questions in the comments and share your results. Save your friends from " rosette-dependencies" - share the article with them on in social networks, and also subscribe to new releases :)

  • February 22, 2019


Ratings: 5

Saving device battery on Android- a problem for most users. How to save Android battery power and extend battery life.

By using the material posted in this article, you will not only be able to significantly reduce the battery consumption of your Android device, but also increase the battery life, as well as increase the speed of your phone or tablet as a whole.

In this article we will look at:
1. Rules for using the Android battery
2. What affects the battery level of Android devices
3. What program is needed to save Android battery?
4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

1. Rules for using the Android battery

If you have Lately The battery on your Android runs out quickly, the problem may be in the battery itself, and it can only be solved by buying a new one.

Did you know that even if you charge your phone once a day, after 2 years the battery will last 80% less?

Battery life is affected by:

  • Accumulator charging
  • Battery storage
  • Using and caring for the battery and device

See the article where we not only provide the most effective rules for operating batteries, but also give advice on their practical use:

2. What affects the battery level of Android devices

To find out why the battery drains quickly on an Android device, and how to reduce the battery consumption of an Android device, you must first determine what affects the battery level of android, and then you will not be left without the main means of subsistence at the most inopportune moment!

The Android operating system itself is built in such a way that it works even in a locked state. great amount processes that use the battery.

Now let’s look at what’s haunting your device, and later you’ll learn how to deal with it:

1) Display

Depending on the type of display, its size, brightness level, color range A lot depends on your screensaver and screen settings in general! Of course, we are no longer able to influence the size and matrix of the screen, and the rest is in our hands

2) Operating system and running processes

The Android OS itself and the processes necessary for its operation consume about 30% of the battery resources, because of this the battery on Android quickly runs out, even if you hardly use it. To reduce such numbers to a minimum, we will look at how to properly configure background work, launching and synchronizing applications. In addition to the fact that the device will hold a charge longer, this will also significantly increase its overall operating speed.

3) Wireless network

It is very important to ensure that you do not have mobile data, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and S Beam turned on unnecessarily! Even constantly running one of these functions will significantly reduce the battery life of the device, and running them together, even a 10,000 mAh battery will not save you.

4) Live wallpapers, widgets, launchers, animation

And here, of course, the battle is not simple: Battery vs Beauty. The choice is yours, of course, but one must remain:0

5) Sensors and indicators

Sensors and indicators are built into the Android device to make it more comfortable use and increasing functionality depending on the device (auto-rotate screen, eye tracking, etc.).

6) Processor

The processor also consumes battery power very noticeably, since the quality and speed of the device depends on it (root is required).

7) Battery status

The most important thing for battery life is its physical state. Prevention of this disease is described in paragraph 1 of this article “Rules for operating batteries,” and treatment can only be changing the battery. We will tell you further how to find out the status and current capacity.

8) Signal level mobile network and Wi-Fi

The battery on Android also drains quickly when weak signal networks.

We have found out what affects the Android battery level and now we can proceed to the question of how to reduce the battery consumption of an Android device.

To do this, we need a program to save Android battery.

3. What program is needed to save Android battery?

In order to obtain information about the current state of battery charge and figure out how to reduce the battery consumption of an Android device, we will need Android battery saving program.

We suggest using the application Battery Doctor– with its help, we quickly and conveniently managed to reduce the battery consumption of the Android device ( Samsung Galaxy Note 3) on 60% .

The program has its own home screen widget, which displays necessary information and allows you to do the main work to save battery in a couple of clicks, namely:
- shows the remaining battery life of the android
- there is a button for quick application optimization
- supports fast switching pre-configured modes indicating battery life for each
- buttons to turn on/off the main functions that affect the battery consumption of the Android device with the display of the changed battery life.

Download Battery Doctor for free:

Now that you have the necessary program to save Android battery, we will look at how to reduce the battery consumption of your Android device.

4. How to reduce battery consumption of an Android device

The theoretical part on saving Android battery is over, let's move on to the practical lesson on the topic: how to reduce battery consumption android devices.

Some functions can be used through the standard settings of your Android, but it is much more convenient when it is all in one application.

1. Setting up the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

  • On the application start page, click the “Smart Savings” button. Go to the “Memory White List” here and select only those applications that should always run in the background - they will not close during optimization and auto-completion.
  • Turn on "Auto-shutdown applications"- when Android is blocked, background applications will be closed, except those you selected in the white list.
  • Turn on Turn off Wi-Fi and sync when display is off if you don't want to receive social media and email notifications over Wi-Fi when you're not using your phone. To do this, go to “More options” - "Saving when switched off" screen".
  • If you have root rights, you can turn off unnecessary applications from launching when you turn on your phone or tablet in the “Manage startup” menu and enable automatic lowering of the processor frequency when the screen is turned off in the “Processor management” item.
  • Set up automatic switching on/off of functions by time, for example, during sleep (brightness, delay, mobile data, Wi-Fi, calls, SMS, Bluetooth, auto-sync, sound, vibration). To do this, go to the “Mode” menu, configure the required mode and select it in the “Schedule” item.
  • Add a widget to your home screen. To do this, hold it on an empty space on the desktop, select “Widgets” in the menu that appears - "Battery Doctor Saving Widgets"(or “Battery Doctor Widget” - more compact).
  • Other settings are optional.

2. Using the Android battery saving program Battery Doctor

The main convenience of the Battery Doctor application is that after setting it up, it requires a minimum of actions from you and virtually no wasted time.

  • You need to periodically press the large round button in the center after using applications. "Savings - Diagnostics" in the application itself and « » or on a circle in the widget on the main screen for quick optimization.
  • Turn on/off functions to save battery, and you can immediately see how many minutes you were able to increase or decrease the battery consumption of your Android device:
    • WiFi
    • Data
    • Brightness (5 options)
    • Volume
    • Vibration
    • Screen lock delay (6 options)
    • Airplane mode
    • Synchronization
    • Bluetooth
    • Auto-rotate screen

To do this, click on the window in the Battery Doctor widget, which displays the remaining work time. You can also switch pre-configured modes here.

  • In the “List” menu, you see what percentage of the battery is used by running applications, and you can turn off or delete unnecessary or power-hungry ones.
  • Just for fun, you can find out how much you were able to increase your battery life this week thanks to the Android battery saving program - Battery Doctor. To do this, on the start page of the program, click under the “Economy - Diagnostics” button on the rectangle where the battery percentage and remaining operating time are displayed. It also shows how long your Android will last when using various functions, and detailed information about the battery status.

3. Other actions to save Android battery

Live wallpapers, widgets, launchers, animation

In order to save battery and improve the speed of Android:

  • Do not install live wallpapers on your Android screensaver. It is best to use a black background or pictures in dark colors - the display consumes virtually no energy to display black color.
  • Try to use as few widgets as possible on the home screen, especially dynamic ones - they use RAM and display performance.
  • Do not use launchers (shells for android).

Sensors and indicators

If possible, disable sensors and indicators in your Android settings that you do not use (especially if you have a Samsung or LG):

  • Gesture control.
  • movements.
  • functions associated with determining gaze and head position.
  • screen sensitivity.

etc., depending on your device.

Other wireless technologies

Disable it if you do not use functions such as NFC, Wi-Fi Direct, S-Beam.

In this article we looked at: why the battery runs out quickly on Android, what program is needed to save Android battery, saving battery on Android devices, rules for using batteries, what affects the charge level android batteries devices, how to reduce the battery consumption of a smartphone on Android OS.

Ask questions in the comments and share your results. Save your friends from " rosette-dependencies» - share the article with them on social networks, and also subscribe to new issues