Nl star personal office. Skin cancer in cats: symptoms and treatment at home. The best network company in Russia

The NL International resource offers consumers several options for logging into their personal account:

  • with the registration of a new account (allows you to receive additional bonuses);
  • without registering an account;
  • with an already registered account.

With registration and Client Club bonus program

To register a new account on the site, you need to:

If you log into your personal account on the official NL International website through your account, the user receives additional bonuses.

If a consumer becomes a member of the Client Club system and works with a personal manager, he receives even more benefits:

  1. You can make purchases not only in the online store, but also in NL International stores. Customers have the opportunity to use any existing types of delivery, including PickPoint and InPost. It is also possible to pay for the order upon receipt of the purchase.
  2. The company regularly holds various competitions and promotions. The most loyal customers can receive pleasant gifts.
  3. Users have their own Personal Office on the company’s official website. It displays all the information regarding the purchase history and credits to the gift account. It also displays information about ongoing promotions and message history.
  4. If necessary, you can use online consultations with managers. You can ask a company representative to contact the consumer by telephone.

Users of the Client Club receive constant support and support, as well as advice on any issues.

Without registering

If you do not register a personal office on the NL website, the user also has the opportunity to make purchases. The difference is that with a registered profile, the consumer receives significantly more benefits than without registration.

To make purchases without registering an account, you need to enter the “Cart” and click on the “Continue without registration” button.

If you already have an account

If you have an account, you can log into your personal account on the site in three ways:

Login to your personal office

If you are already registered as a client

If the user is registered as a client, then the following information will be required for authorization, which is entered after clicking on the link

  1. Login. The user ID, bank account number, and mobile phone number can be used. You can use one of three options. All information is specified during registration and after successful account creation is sent to the user’s email.
  2. The user is assigned a password by the system itself, and it is also sent by email after registration.

If you are not registered

If the user is not registered as a client, then to enter his personal office he must register.

What's hidden in your personal account?

By registering in a personal office, the client can:

  • learn more about the program;
  • make purchases;
  • correspond in the private messages section;
  • start your own network business with the NL company.

About the program

By going to your personal account, the user is provided with detailed information about the current program. You can learn about privileges, as well as options for obtaining and restoring cards.

Client Club privileges

Privileges available to registered users:

  1. Bonus program. The starting bonus is 3%, and as purchases are completed this figure can increase to 10%.
  2. Convenience. The company provides consumers with many useful services.
  3. Regular participation in various promotions and sweepstakes. Users can receive nice gifts.
  4. Information content. In their personal account on the website, users receive all useful information about changes in the system.

bonus program

The system gives the consumer a gift account, which allows:

  1. Save 3% from each purchase made through your personal office.
  2. If the total amount of purchases made through the resource is 10 thousand rubles, 5% bonuses will be credited to the consumer’s account.
  3. When the total amount of purchases is 25 thousand rubles, the user’s gift account will receive 7% bonuses from each paid order.
  4. The largest bonus - 10% - will be awarded to the consumer when the total amount of all paid purchases is 50 thousand rubles.

Purchase and delivery services

Separately, it should be said about the purchasing and delivery options for registered users:

  1. Possibility of payment by bank card.
  2. Make payments in the online store using an internal account. You can top it up using the Qiwi system - through the terminal or the Qiwi wallet system.
  3. If you have a significant amount of bonuses in your account, you can pay for your purchase with bonus funds.
  4. Possibility of payment upon receipt if the “Door to Door” delivery service is ordered. Moreover, if the order value is less than 5 thousand rubles, then door-to-door delivery will cost 250 rubles. If the total purchase amount is more than 5 thousand rubles, then delivery is free.
  5. Users of the Client Club system have the opportunity to order free delivery to the regional office of NL International. You will have to pick up your purchase from the office yourself.
  6. The corporate delivery service operates in Moscow, as well as in eleven million-plus cities throughout Russia. In total, corporate services are available in 792 localities across the country.

More information about ordering on the official NL website, as well as payment and delivery methods, can be found in the video made by user Karina Korkishko.

Two ways to receive a card

There are two options for card design:

  1. Receiving a plastic card with an individual number assigned to it. The card is issued by a company representative and activated by a specialist or an NL store employee.
  2. Registration of a virtual Client Club card with a personal number. The card is registered after activating your account in the online store and providing the ID of your personal manager. The plastic card number itself can be found on the store’s website, in your personal office.

Card personalization

Regardless of the type of card, be it plastic or virtual, it is assigned a personal number. But this card is not personal and can be used not only by the user, but also by his friends and relatives. To do this, the plastic card must be presented to the seller in the store or identified when purchasing online. If the user is provided with a gift as a result of the drawing, he must present an ID and card number.

It is important that all personal information is entered correctly when registering an account. Otherwise, you will have to correct the data; the procedure is performed through your personal office. Here you need to clarify with the company representative what information is subject to editing.

Card recovery

If the plastic card is lost, it will have to be restored. All bonus funds credited to it are renewed along with it. For restoration, the consumer must contact a company representative. The procedure can be managed by a personal manager.

Client Club stability

Nuances of the Client Club system:

  1. In accordance with the company's rules, each consumer is contacted by a specific manager. He is assigned only one card number, be it plastic or virtual. If a consumer has several cards, then bonus funds from different accounts cannot be summed up.
  2. The consumer has the opportunity to change his personal manager. In this case, the procedure for changing the card is performed. The accumulation of bonus funds begins again.

Stanislav Senitsky spoke in detail about registering bonus cards in the Client Club system.

My purchases

The “My Purchases” section contains information about purchases made by the user. Here you can find out about the cost of transactions performed, as well as the date of purchase of goods and shipment.

My Messages

In the “My Messages” section, the user can contact representatives of the NL International Service Department. You can find out any information you need regarding the company’s products, as well as ask any questions you may have. There is a special “Question and Answer” section for this purpose. To get an answer, you need to enter the question you are interested in in the form that opens and click on the “Submit” button.

Start a business with NL

One of the advantages of NL International is that the company allows ordinary users to conduct online business.

About company

NL International is an international network company that has been operating on the market since 2000 and entered the international market in 2003. The company's headquarters is located in Novosibirsk. Today NL International has more than 700 thousand clients. The company employs 250 thousand managers.

NL International has 84 stores and more than three hundred offices located in:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kazakhstan.

Under the NL International brand, 16 trademarks are registered and more than 250 products are produced.

NL International Products:

  1. Energy Diet. Smart food, the consumption of which provides the right balance of nutrition to the body without adding calories.
  2. Joy Field. Natural fruit bars in various flavors.
  3. Enerwood. Exclusive tea blends, as well as natural dry fruit drinks.
  4. Sklaer. Toothpastes.
  5. Be Loved. The line of these products includes personal care programs for women's skin.
  6. Professional products for home hair care.
  7. TenX. Decorative cosmetics for all skin types.
  8. Crispento. Natural hypoallergenic deodorants for men and women.
  9. Fineffect. Safe eco-friendly products for home cleaning and laundry.

NL International company successfully cooperates with:

  • Mercedes Benz;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • Reso Guarantee;
  • Travelers Coffee.

Separately, it should be said about the charity that NL International is involved in. The company regularly contributes funds to the Sunny City children's fund. Deductions are transferred to the fund’s account from every purchase made, thanks to which more than 24 thousand children were able to receive help. As part of NL International, the Autobonus program operates. For achievements in sales, the best employees of the company receive Mercedes Benz cars.

More information about the work of an international network company is provided by the NL International channel.

What is the essence of business

The essence of the business that every user can build:

  1. You need to use the products that the company produces and then get cashback.
  2. Advertising. The consumer can recommend NL products to his friends, relatives and acquaintances and receive financial rewards for this.
  3. Creating your own sales network and increasing profits.
  4. You can gather your team and teach new employees what you have already learned. This helps increase profits.

Business without risks

Building a business with International is a guaranteed business without risks:

  1. Already built and ready network business system. With the right approach, the consumer will be able to build his network on a ready-made business model. This is a modern and mobile format for doing business, which is the future.
  2. The company provides its clients with everything they need to successfully launch a business project. These are products in demand on the international market, logistics, and convenient services. NL International also regularly provides its employees with offices for meetings, where company employees can exchange experiences and receive practical advice.
  3. The company's employees do not need to purchase in bulk. It is enough to invest an amount that is comfortable for building a business, and the volume can be increased gradually.
  4. You don't have to quit your day job to start a business with NL International. Even students can engage in entrepreneurial activities. You can start a business in parallel with your main job or study.
  5. Regular support. A company employee who starts a business with NL International is provided with a personal mentor. The company representative will be interested in the success of the new employee, so they will support him in all endeavors and help with training.

The NL International channel provided a video that describes in detail how the company's new service NL Store+ works.

Is there money here?

Of course, business with NL International brings good profits. The amount of income depends only on the desires, determination and ambitions of the company employee.

Profit could be like this:

  1. From 20 to 30 thousand rubles after 1-2 months of working with the company.
  2. In a year, the user can earn from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. 12 months after starting work, the most promising employees can win a Mercedes Benz car.
  3. Then the monthly profit can range from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

NL Mercedes

It is quite possible to get your own car for free; to do this you need to be a successful employee of the company. To do this, you need to register to participate in the NL International program.

The principle of obtaining a car:

  1. A company employee must obtain a DS qualification.
  2. This qualification must be maintained for three months.
  3. Then an application for participation in the program is submitted.
  4. If the company's management appreciates the employee's merits, he will be given the keys to a new Mercedes Benz free of charge.

When filling out an application, it is necessary to take into account that the higher the employee’s qualifications, the more prestigious a car he can receive:

  1. Employees with DS qualification are issued C- and CLA-class cars.
  2. Employees with DT qualification receive C-class sports cars.
  3. Workers who qualify DT1 can win a Mercedes Benz E-Class.
  4. Company managers with DT2 qualification can receive a GLC sports class car.
  5. Employees who have received the DT3 qualification can be presented with CLS and GLE class cars.
  6. The company gives GLS-class vehicles to managers with DT4 qualification.
  7. The highest level is DT5. Employees who receive this qualification can become owners of S-class cars.

To become the owner of a car, a company employee must maintain his qualifications and gain momentum in the business. Today, more than 400 company managers drive their own cars. New vehicles are issued to the best employees of the company weekly. You can learn more about the program on the company’s official website or by calling 8-800-2500-800.

Video “How to get a new Mercedes while working for NL International?”

NL International registration – how to buy in NLstore – NLstar registration

The NL International company has more than 400 stores and offices in 16 countries (several more countries will open in the near future) + international delivery throughout the world. NLStore brand stores offer a huge range of products highest quality. People who value product quality can easily change their usual stores to NLStore stores, because they offer similar product groups as in mass market stores:

    • Beauty products (decorative and care cosmetics, products for face and body skin, personal care products, etc.)
    • Household goods (everything for washing, cleaning, washing, etc.)
    • Health products (dietary supplements, teas, fruit drinks, etc.)
    • Sports nutrition (line of protein and sports bars Energy Pro)
    • Functional nutrition (Energy Diet, Energy Diet Smart, muesli)
    • A total of 16 lines and more than 400 product names. Every month the range is replenished with several new products.

Absolutely all products presented in NL International branded stores are safe for humans, nature and the surrounding family - this is ECO products. People who have tried the range NLStor stores, become their regular customers and do not want to return to “regular” stores.

The NL International company offers to profitably buy/use products with a cumulative bonus of 3-10% by issuing a Customer Card, or earn money by recommending the products/stores you like and the business itself - for this you need to register as an NL manager.

On the official website of NL International - There are 2 types of registration:

    1. registration by customer of the storeNLStore
    2. registration by ManagerNL International ( . )

Registration by a store customer NLStore:

nlinternation client card. Purchases in the NLstore store with cashback up to 10%

1. To register as a Client, you need to go to LINK. (For the Baltics: )
NLstar website registration.
3. Fill in all fields and click “register”
4. A message will be sent to the phone number you specified. SMS, which will contain basic information: Your LOGIN (Customer Card number) And PASSWORD to access your personal account
5. Go to the main page of the website and click on the “ Personal office“.
6. Enter your LOGIN and PASSWORD in the appropriate fields according to the information received in the SMS.
7. You will get to your NLstore client's personal account.

In your nlstore personal account you can:

  • read about Client Club bonus program from Nl International ,
  • view information about accumulated bonuses,
  • go to the main page of the NLStore online store - make and track your purchases,

You will also need your customer card number when making purchases in offline NLstore stores - just tell the seller it!

Registration by NL International Manager

1. To register as a Manager, you need to go to LINK. ( . )
2. You will be taken to the main page NLstar website registration.
3. Registration is free. You are given access to the personal account of the NL International manager. If there is no activity on your contract (minimum 35pv) for 2 calendar months, your contract will be cancelled.
4. Fill out all fields correctly. and Click “continue”. (The NL International company does not transfer your data to third parties and does not engage in spam mailings - you can fill out everything with confidence!)

If you currently do not have all the data at hand, add this instruction (page) to your favorites/bookmarks

5. You will receive two SMS:

  • first SMS – with activation code to complete the registration procedure;
  • second SMS – with ID number and password to enter your personal office.

6. Go to the main page of the website and click on the “ button Personal office“:
7. Enter your LOGIN and PASSWORD in the appropriate fields according to the 2nd information received in the SMS:
8. You will end up in personal account of the manager of NL International.

In the personal account of the nl international manager you can:

  • Complete training in the application, familiarize yourself with the IDC reward system
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to receive cashback in most online stores through Nlstore+
  • read about NL International Partners and the possibility of receiving an auto bonus from NL
  • Go to the “my business” section

In the “my business” section the following will be available:

  • a set of referral links and the ability to register your own NLStar Partners and Clients
  • information about previously registered Clients and Managers (downline)
  • information about the current LO (Personal Volume) and GO (Group Volume)
  • information about the current amount of remuneration

Surgery for oncology in animals is the most common and logical treatment method. Unfortunately, it often turns out to be ineffective. This is due to the characteristics of malignant tumors. With rare exceptions, they all have a tendency to form metastases.

And if metastases have appeared, simply cutting out the tumor will not do anything. A couple of weeks, a month or a year will pass, and a dozen more new tumors will be detected in your pet. Therefore, surgery in the treatment of cancer is used if at least several of the following conditions are met:

  • Oncology in cats must be operable. Simply put, if the tumor is located somewhere in the medulla oblongata, the chances of surgery being successful are close to zero. “Human” surgeons rarely take on such cases!
  • The animal's condition should be normal. If a cat can no longer walk due to pain and exhaustion, there is no talk of any surgery (or for now). It must first be brought into adequate shape, tumor growth must be suppressed with the help of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and only then the issue of surgical elimination of the problem must be resolved.
  • Finally, a trivial problem - not all veterinary clinics have equipment and qualified specialists capable of performing a truly complex operation. Therefore, it may turn out that you will have to take your pet to another city.

It is immediately necessary to emphasize this: if the tumor is large, inoperable, and the animal can no longer get up, eat, or even go to the toilet due to terrible pain, it is recommended to euthanize it. There is no chance of successful treatment, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to improve the general condition of the pet.

Due to the diversity of organs, most symptoms appear depending on the organ affected. However, there are a number of common signs that can be observed in all types of cancer.

One of the first signs is a deterioration in general health - the cat becomes lethargic, drowsy, and loses appetite. Then a noticeable weight loss occurs, the coat deteriorates, and bald patches appear.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma– characterized by the presence of ulcerations on the affected areas, they often have noticeable swelling and are prone to crusting.
  • Mastocinoma is characterized by extensive and rapid spread, presented in the form of nodules that are located in groups, with a diameter from a couple of millimeters to 3 centimeters. Baldness and ulceration are possible, they often itch and are subject to secondary infection due to the cat's scratching.
  • At basal cell carcinoma head damage is observed. In the clinic it is considered conditionally benign, since it does not metastasize. However, the tumor has extremely aggressive growth and quickly grows into the surrounding tissue, which it destroys. It may present in the form of ulcerative lesions and inflammation of the toes.
  • Fibrosarcoma also belongs to the general group of skin cancer. It comes in two types – soft tissue and post-injection. Externally, it looks like infiltrated tissue, dense to the touch and without clear boundaries. Most often they are located on the withers and can reach sizes of more than 10 cm.
  • Osteosarcoma most often affects the bones of the legs, skull, hips and shoulders. The cat begins to fall on one paw, take care of it while walking, noticeable lameness. Frequent fractures of the affected limb are characteristic.
  • Breast cancer It looks outwardly like a dense nodule, fused with the surrounding tissues and located in the thickness of the mammary gland. Most often occurs in an unsterilized cat aged 10-12 years. They can ulcerate and become infected. Any formation in the gland must undergo a biopsy and histological examination for malignancy, since it is impossible to distinguish from benign without this.

How long a pet with cancer can please its owners depends primarily on the type of tumor. The stage is of great importance, so owners need to know what symptoms occur in a cat with cancer and contact the veterinary clinic in time.

If the mustachioed creature’s immune system is active, then there is hope for a good result in the treatment; with passive immunity, the attending physician at some stage will suggest that the owners stop the therapy and euthanize the cancer patient so as not to torment him.

There is no specific age category: a kitten up to a year old or an older cat can get sick. If we look at general statistics, then most often neoplasms are registered in pets who have crossed the five-year mark. In cats, tumors account for about 20% of all diseases.

This is what an animal with skin cancer looks like

It is logical that the symptoms depend on the location. If the process is somewhere outside, then it is not difficult for a person to suspect something is wrong; Things are more difficult when the focus is hidden deep inside the body.

General signs that may indicate the presence of a tumor:

  • poor appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dullness and ruffled fur;
  • oppression and apathy;
  • swelling;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • bleeding from natural orifices;
  • disturbances in the processes of breathing, defecation, urination;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor emanating from the cat.

In addition, owners should always pay close attention to any formations that have appeared on the animal’s body (face, ears, mammary glands), and their nature: growth rate, soreness, swelling, swelling, etc.

Careful monitoring of your pet and preventive annual examinations by a veterinarian will help identify the disease at an early stage. Symptoms of cancer:

  • refusal of food;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • depression;
  • the appearance of tumors in the oral cavity, in the mammary glands or in the ears;
  • the appearance of age spots and non-healing ulcers on the skin;
  • plaintive meowing for no apparent reason;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • bleeding gums and bad breath;
  • dyspnea;
  • bloody stool;
  • the appearance of a dry cough, turning into a hysterical cough (sometimes discharge of pus is observed).

A clear sign of oncology is the appearance of neoplasms.

According to statistics, mammary gland cancer most often develops in cats (about 60% of cases). If at least one of the characteristic signs is detected, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinary hospital.

You need to log in to your NL personal office on the company’s official website -

You can enter your account:

  • after registering;
  • without registering;
  • as manager of NL International.

With registration and Client Club bonus program

Step-by-step instructions for registering in the NL Star online store look like this:

After completing these steps, a window will appear asking you to log in. As a login, you must enter the phone number specified during registration. The password will be generated by the NL Star website and sent by e-mail. You can select the “Contact a manager” option and click the “Continue” button. In the window that appears, you need to check whether the system has correctly determined the location and, if necessary, change the city.

The advantage of logging into an NL personal office is automatic participation in the Client Club program, which implies:

  • delivery in a way convenient for the client;
  • choice of payment for goods;
  • participation in promotions and competitions;
  • receiving gifts from the company;
  • control of data on purchases and movement of bonuses on your personal account;
  • support and accompaniment by your manager.

Without registering

Detailed instructions for purchasing goods without registering on the company’s website look like this:

  1. Go to the official website of NL International.
  2. In the window that appears, select “Continue without registration.”

By submitting an application for the purchase of NL International products without registration, the client does not receive the benefits associated with the Client Club program.

If you already have an account

If you have an account, log in like this:

  1. Go to the official website of the company.
  2. Click on the “Trash” icon located in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the “I have an account” option.
  4. After entering the selected data, click the “Login” button.

The user can choose the most convenient way to enter his personal office:

Login to your personal office as a manager

You can log into your personal office as a manager on the Russian website of the NL company using the link - https:// redirectto=/ru/login/

If you are already registered as a client

If you are registered, you can enter your personal office using the following information:

  • login (one of three options - manager ID, mobile phone number or client card);
  • password (from the letter sent after registering a personal account).

If you are not registered

If the employee did not previously have an account, you can log into your personal office as a manager only after registering on the company’s official website.

What's hidden in your personal account?

A personal office allows the company manager to:

  • develop and control your structure;
  • track personal purchases;
  • maintain correspondence with other registered users.

The company's clients can:

  • control purchases;
  • monitor changes in your bonus account.

About the program

In the personal office of NL International, users are provided with information about the current and possible privileges of the Client Club program.

Client Club privileges

Program participants have the following benefits:

  • bonuses (from 3 to 10%);
  • present;
  • participation in promotions and sweepstakes;
  • convenient personal account;
  • Regular receipt of information about updates in the program or company.

bonus program

The bonus accumulation program implies the following:

  • starting bonus NL when making online or offline purchases - 3% of the order value;
  • after reaching the mark of 10,000 rubles, the company increases the rate - 5%;
  • 25,000 rubles - 7%;
  • 50,000 rubles - 10% of the cost of each subsequent order.

Purchase and delivery services

The advantages of the goods purchasing service look like this:

  • payments through a terminal or QIWI wallet;
  • payment from an internal or bonus account when ordering online;
  • payment in cash after delivery “To the door”;
  • payment by bank card.

Delivery Features:

  • at the specified address: free for purchases of 5,000 rubles and paid (250 rubles) if the cost of the goods is less than 5,000;
  • free delivery to the regional office with subsequent pickup or ordering the “Door to Door” service;
  • PickPoint or InPost: up to 5,000 rubles - 250 rubles, over 5,000 - free.

Two ways to receive a card

You can get a customer card like this:

  1. Contact a company representative or an NL store.
  2. Receive a virtual card yourself after registering on the site and choosing a personal manager.

Card personalization

Personalizing a card involves assigning a personal number. Before receiving it, it is important to check the correctness of all specified data.

The card can be used by a club member and/or his family members and other people. But, to receive gifts and prizes, you must present an identification document.

Card recovery

If your plastic card is damaged or lost, you can contact a manager or other representative of the NL company for free restoration. All bonuses are automatically transferred to the new card.

Client Club stability

The stability of the Client Club lies in the fact that a program participant is assigned a personal manager and a personal card. When you change the manager, a new card is issued, and the bonuses are not transferred, but accumulated again.

My purchases

In the “My purchases” section you can control:

  • funds spent to pay for the order;
  • date of departure to final destination;
  • list of purchased goods.

My Messages

In this section, you can fill out the form provided with your question and receive an answer from a specialist.

Start a business with NL

In order to start doing online business, you need to visit the official website of NL International and get acquainted with information about the company.

About company

The NL company was registered in 2000 in Russia, the main office is located in Novosibirsk. Since 2003, the company entered the international market.

NL International can be characterized as follows:

  • 16 own brands;
  • more than 300 product names;
  • 100 stores;
  • more than 350 offices;
  • 450,000 managers (the figure is constantly growing);
  • the number of clients exceeds 1,200,000 people;
  • more than 300 cities and 24 countries;
  • daily visits to the portal by 150,000 people;
  • 24/7 hotline support;
  • more than 100,000 calls per month;
  • 26,000 daily orders in the online store;
  • a huge number of subscribers on social networks.

Video with a presentation of the business system of the international company NL Internationa, taken from the official website of the company.

What is the essence of business

The essence of network business with the NL company is as follows:

  • purchasing a high-quality certified product with a refund of part of the money spent;
  • recommendations of the company's products for a fee;
  • creating your own business structure in order to increase income.

Networking is fashionable

Advantages of running a network business:

  • mobile format;
  • covering all costs associated with advertising and logistics at the expense of the company;
  • organizing offices for meetings and presentations;
  • convenient services;
  • the opportunity to work or study in parallel;
  • no need to invest a lot of money;
  • interest and comprehensive support from a personal manager.

, « ,
NL International has electronic resources that allow you to work effectively - promote a product, build your management team, and track your income.
On the official website of the NL company there is a personal account (personal electronic office). In your personal account you can perform the following actions:

  • register managers - participants in a business project;
  • order goods online;
  • monitor money transfers;
  • exercise control over the activities of your own network of managers of your team;
  • get acquainted with company news.

The Client Club program allows a manager who is a participant in a business project in the NL company to assign clients (who registered using his referral link) and track their volumes, and for the client to accumulate bonus points from each purchase.
How are there ways to purchase goods from NL? Purchases can be made through your personal account on the official website of the NL company. You can also make purchases through the mobile application.
What methods of payment for goods are available at NL? You can pay for your order by credit card when purchasing goods through the website. You can also pay for your purchase through the Qiwi system.
How does NL deliver goods? Delivery can be ordered to the door or to the point of delivery of goods (company office).
If you still have questions when ordering a product or paying for it, you can get answers to your questions by calling the toll-free number 8-800-2500-800. Company operators will answer your questions. If you encounter technical problems, you can send a message through your personal account.
In your personal account (personal office) on the official NL website there are links to the company’s corporate news. For example, opening new offices in a city or correcting technical errors.
There is also a link (tab) called “My Business”. When you click on the “My Business” tab, you will be taken to the corresponding section of your personal account (personal office). A manager who is a participant in a business project of the NL company in this section can see his structure of the network of managers, as well as the amount of remuneration. At the top of the “My Business” section of your personal account there are four information blocks (in the form of circles). So, in the second information block the types of remuneration are indicated:

  • the highest indicator (cash account);
  • second indicator from the top (gift account);
  • third indicator from the top (delta score).

The cash account displays the amount earned by the company manager. This amount includes both the individual sales volume and the group sales volume of his management team. Funds are credited to the gift account when a certain level of points accumulated in the system is reached. So, for every 200 points scored, the system awards 3,000 rubles. For a present. The delta account displays the amount of remuneration depending on the sales volume (both individual and group sales volume). Funds in the delta account can be used to purchase products. If the funds in the delta account have not been used, they are transferred to the cash account at the beginning of the next month.
The third information block displays the manager’s personal sales volume. The fourth information block displays the group sales volume of partners - participants in the network of managers.
In the first information block there is a link “Statement”. When you click on the “Statement” tab, you will be taken to the corresponding section. This section displays first-line managers (managers - project participants whom you invited to the business project via your referral link). In this case, first-line managers who have more than one point are displayed. The section displays the personal volume of the partner manager, as well as his group sales volume. The section also displays qualifications. We'll talk about the qualification system another time. For example, the qualification in a certain month may be “Master”, that is, the group volume of the manager - participant in the business project was more than 1,000 points. We will talk about the point system separately later. In short, each company's product has points (PV-pivi), measured in PV. For a certain volume of goods sold, a certain amount of points is awarded.
Also in the first information block there is a link “Dounline”. When you click on the “Downline” tab, you will be taken to the corresponding section. This section shows the structure of the network of managers - participants in the business project that you have built. At the same time, those partner managers whose registration in the system “burns out” are highlighted in red. If within two months the manager does not score a total of 70 points for each month, then the contact with the company is terminated.
There are many more links and sections in your personal account, which we will talk about later if possible.
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