How to interest people in contact. Ways to attract users to a VKontakte group

If you are registered on VKontakte, then at least once you have received a personal message with an invitation to join the community, or unknown people have asked you to be your friend. These are two clumsy and ancient ways to increase the number of subscribers.

It would seem that it is bad. Sit back and bombard people with friend requests and messages for free. But everything is not so wonderful.

  1. You can send no more than 20 letters per day to people who are not friends. Of these letters, according to experience, about 25-50% are opened, and no more than 5% are entered.
  2. After 1-1.5 weeks, the page from which the letters were sent will be frozen and then blocked regularly when spam is sent again.
  3. You can invite no more than 50 people as friends per day. Of these, approximately 7-10 will confirm the application, and the ability to send an invitation to the group will be active for a maximum of 3-4 of those who add you as friends. At the same time, no more than half will join the group (subscribe to updates) - 2 people.
  4. Every 3-5 invitations a captcha pops up. And considering that you will be choosing people for your community, the whole process will take at least 1.5-2 hours.

It turns out that the effectiveness of such methods is very low, you can use one non-existent person for about 3-4 weeks until he is finally closed (and you should not expect trust in such profiles), the methods require large investments in man-hours. Oh yes, and don’t forget about the irritation and dissatisfaction that your letters and friend requests will cause. And this will definitely happen.

The question arises: what to do? How to increase the size of the community? For this purpose, VKontakte has several proven types of advertising, and new methods appear often. Let's look at the most popular and in demand, as well as potentially interesting ones that have just been announced, in more detail.

1. Proven standard
  • image with text (title of 25 characters, description of 60 and picture 90x65);
  • large image (heading of 25 characters and image 90x120);
  • exclusive format, only one of your ads will be shown on the page, but its price is higher than the others (25-character headline and 90x160 image);
  • community promotion (the picture and title are selected automatically from the community design, there is a “Join” button).

Among the advantages are wide targeting settings for displaying ads for your target audience, the ability to control the budget and make changes if necessary.

The best thing here is the price. One user can cost you less than 2 rubles. (If good conversion for impressions on the ad).

2. Advertising in communities

This is a way to talk about your community in other, for example, similar thematic public pages. Here you can either search for communities for advertising yourself (relevant if you have a small regional business, because there is no geotargeting in the community exchange settings), or use a special community exchange.

Here are two ways to promote yourself:

  1. An entry with text and an attachment, which will simply be posted in the community feed.
  2. Reposting another post. Here you first create a post in your community, and then post it in others via a link.

Second way the more interesting it is so that potential subscribers immediately see your community and can go to its page.

Don't forget about pages with wiki markup. They can be attached either to a regular post with a link or to a post that you will repost. The advantage of such a page is that in the header for users who have not subscribed to your community updates there will be a “Subscribe” button.

As for the cost, it can vary significantly depending on the topic: in the range from 150 to 150,000 rubles. for 1 publication. Optimal placement at a price of 500-2000 rubles. for publication.

3. Special format

Another interesting and relatively the new kind attracting subscribers to the community - advertising in the news. In this format, your ad will be displayed in a special block for the user in news feed. When you click on it, a person goes to the community page and there they can see the news and subscribe to updates.

The price is set per impression and depends on the theme and settings made. 1000 impressions will cost you about 20 rubles.

4. New “like on Facebook”

At the end of April, VKontakte announced the launch of a new advertising format that will allow promoting posts from communities in users’ news feeds. A similar feature has long been implemented in Facebook. There you can already promote any of the posts on your page.

Where to invest or some personal experience

Of course, you always want to know what will work more efficiently and where to invest money first. There is no clear answer to this question. Everything needs to be checked and tested.

For example, in an advertising campaign for a website, posts posted through the exchange work most effectively. From them we get approximately 3-3.5 times more subscribers than from other methods of advertising on VKontakte with a comparable budget. In second place in terms of effectiveness are ads configured for retargeting (retargeting group - website visitors). Next are ads aimed at the audience of related communities, then ads shown to the target audience selected using the settings of the advertising system (when gender, age, hobbies, etc. are indicated).


Attract your audience only using proven methods that are officially approved by VKontakte. Other approaches will not only waste your time, but can also damage your reputation by causing negativity. And restoring your reputation will cost you much more than the amount saved.

If you have never advertised on VKontakte before, but want to try, we will help you. Our specialists will create advertisements for you and launch a VKontakte campaign or develop advertising post, will select communities and make a publication.

  1. Friend people with whom you have a lot of mutual friends. This method works due to the fact that people think something like this: “Since so many of my friends already trust this person, then I can trust too.”
  2. Posting information about your group in groups of related topics where your target audience is present
  3. Conducting competitions.

In this tutorial we will talk about the first method, So...

Method 1. Leave “liked” posts

When someone clicks “Like” on your post, in the language of a social media user, this is called “like” (from English to like). Internet marketers, in turn, came up with the word “likeable” - i.e. one that makes you want to give a lot of likes.

In order for your own subscribers to promote you, it is important for you to write likeable posts. What benefits do you get when someone likes your post?

  1. When a publication quickly gains a lot of “Likes”, it can end up in the recommendations section on the website (it is located under the “My News” link in the “Recommendations” tab). Then not only your subscribers, but also random people can see it. Unfortunately, this opportunity is unlikely to bring you many new clients for two reasons. Firstly, the algorithm for getting into the recommendations is not written down anywhere, so it is difficult to influence it. Secondly, not many people view this section.
  2. When a person likes a post, he sees a list of people who did the same before him. Moreover, the site works in such a way that the first in this list are people who are already members given user in friends. This increases the level of trust in your group: if my friends and I like it, then they offer something good.

But on the network, a like is not as valuable as the repost that follows it. Every time the user clicks “Like”, a window pops up in front of him for a few seconds, asking him to tell his friends about the publication:

Accordingly, the more people like a post, the greater the chance that one of them will share it with their friends. Well, reposting is already an increase in the reach of the group’s audience and the opportunity to get new potential clients.

A little secret: Usually people are afraid to be the first at something. Therefore, by publishing new entry in a group, click “Like” below it. This increases the chance that the next person who sees it will like it by exactly 2 times.

What should posts be like so that people want to like them and share them with friends?

  • something that makes them laugh: jokes, comics or pictures
  • what seems philosophical to them: wise quotes, aphorisms, phrases famous people
  • something that will definitely be useful to them in life: 10 tips on how... (for example, lose weight), 5 steps to... (for example, tidy up your wardrobe), a list of 10... (for example, foods that must be in everyone’s diet girls)
  • something that evokes emotion: photographs of children and animals
  • something that is beautiful or unusual: for example, a selection of celebrities wearing a certain style of dress, a collection of conceptual shoes, a series of photographs taken in the same color scheme and so on.

Naturally, all this should correspond to the theme of your group or be close to it.

2. Remember that brevity is the sister of talent.. People don't like you on social networks long texts, but they love short, laconic phrases and pictures. It should take the reader (in this context, it would be more correct to say the viewer) no more than 2-3 seconds to understand what you want to say. And only if for this a short time you managed to “hook” the subscriber, he may agree to pay more attention to your publication.

3. Try never to publish just text, but be sure to supplement it with a picture. As we have already written many times, information presented in the form of an image (photo, drawing, diagram) is absorbed 80% better than text. Learn to use Photoshop and write the main idea of ​​your publication right on the picture (remember how we did). To meet the stated goal (to attract readers and encourage them to like), the pictures must meet the following criteria:

  • be bright, eye-catching, but at the same time easily perceived at first glance
  • correspond in meaning to the message to which this picture attached
  • The text on the image should be concise and easy to read: for inspiration, look at the headlines of articles on the covers of glossy magazines
  • We recommend signing the address of your group in the pictures: then, even after several reposts, a person will always be able to find the source. This is especially true for photographs of goods that you post in albums or on the group wall: write a small note on them: “You can buy on”

4. Sometimes your posts may contain the urge to share them with friends. If you publish something useful, add a note: for example, “5 rules for caring for women’s underwear. Remember and place it on your wall...", "10 best options gifts for a successful man. Don’t forget to tell your friends,” “March 8 is coming soon and all the girls dream of getting a big toy. Post it on your wall to give a hint ;).”

Be sure to track what type of posts are getting the most likes from your followers and consider these statistics when planning future posts.

An important and pleasant addition: if someone reposted your post, and his friends liked it, then these likes will also be added to the original post, and the list of likers will be visible in the same way when you hover the mouse over the “Like” button. The same applies to reposts made from a repost of your original publication.


Analyze existing publications made in your group according to the criteria given in the lesson: whether they are likeable. Take into account the knowledge gained in the lesson when writing new posts. Start signing the group's address on all pictures added to albums.

When you first start blogging, you build it from scratch. No matter how well you have researched your Target Audience, you will still make mistakes. But the problem is different, no one will point them out to you, at least not yet.

I suggest you take advantage of the experience of Neil Patel, one of the world's best Internet marketing specialists. Below you will find one of my favorite blog promotion articles.

Once you have sufficiently researched your Target Audience, you can attract your first 100 fans. They will be a “tool” for the development of your blog.

Regular readers will leave comments, reviews and post. With the help of active visitors, you can track any movement on your blog based on their responses. They will give a signal if they don’t like something on the blog, these will be comments, a response to email or simply user silence.

If you already have 100 subscribers, but there are no comments or reviews, this is not the users’ problem, but yours, because this is your content!

In reality, you are simply caught in the gap between perfect communication and dull silence. Some of your posts may have 10-15 comments from 100 subscribers, while others may have only 1 or 2 replies.

Use this feedback to adjust your blog's performance, attract subscribers and improve content. Then you will be able to see the consistent development of the blog and the rapid growth in the number of subscribers.

So, where are we now?

You have new blog, but there are no subscribers (or very few). Finding them is your main task. You want to get your first 100 fans.

You have an impetus to action. You must create content, develop it, build relationships with subscribers, and much more. You are the only one who can do all this, taking into account the fact that your blog does not yet generate income.

How to attract blog subscribers

Optimal strategy #1: Guest guide

The first step of your strategy should be guest posting. The most popular places (blogs and forums) where your potential followers hang out are the perfect place to start.

You need to find popular blogs with a huge target audience. Small part this audience will become your Target Audience. You can attract them to your site by inviting them through a guest post. Guest posting is an important strategy for growing blogs of all sizes.

A common mistake you can make is to write a guest post that you think will be popular with subscribers. However, even if this post becomes popular and brings you new subscribers, they may not be useful for your blog and business in general.

Instead, find text that will look good on the blog you're posting. This text will be of interest to target visitors if it is written from a different angle to the general topic.

For example, if I were to write a guest post on Forbes (which I do regularly), I would not write an article on the general topic of the state of the world economy. Although this could become popular, I would rather write less popular articles on how latest events in economics can affect your business, about Internet marketing and other similar topics.

Always remember that your goal is at this stage— get 100 regular subscribers to your website! Attract their attention first, and only then deal with traffic.

Best Strategy #2: Create the Right Type of Content for Your Blog

As I said before, time is limited. While ideally you might need to skip a ton of content to get your blog into orbit, it's not that important.

IN this moment You have few visitors (or even none). You don't need to create content all the time, no one reads it anyway.

It's better to spend more time getting traffic from other sources before creating a large number of posts on your blog.

This means that you need some content on your blog, but certain types of content have advantages over others. Writing an opinion post is a waste of time, why should anyone care what you think at the moment? It's sad, but it's a fact. You need to establish yourself as an expert before you start writing posts like this.

But there are types of content that work at this stage. In particular, you should create posts that will attract quality backlinks and help you build relationships with advanced and influential users. If you do it right, it can lead to some decent targeted traffic.

These magical content types are:
. Roundup posts
. Ego bait posts
. Cover Guy Posts

You probably already know what a roundup link means. You arrange a survey of several authoritative users in a niche and post the results. Some of the influencers will comment on the post, post a link to it, or share it on social networks.

"Ego Bait" covers wide range. Essentially, you are appealing to the ambitions of influencers and the ambitions of companies. You help them improve their image by showing how, with the help of their advice, you can solve your or someone else’s problem. Let them know you created the post and maybe they'll link to it.

Finally, you can use the cover guy tactic. This type is similar to "ego bait", you use tactics next level. Find a couple of authoritative examples, a specific strategy or technique and move along the established path.

One more thing, listen to advice and track your results. Do a case study of your results and you will be impressed, it's great motivation. This will serve as real proof to you of how great you are in your business!

Optimal strategy #3: Paid traffic

If you have more money than time, and you are ready to invest in your business - paid traffic is for you, it will accelerate the growth of your business!

This, by the way, is completely optional. Many successful blogs never resorted to paid advertising, but at the same time there are popular sites that sometimes resort to this strategy.

Big advantage paid advertisements is the opportunity to get a target audience in the absence of traffic on this base. But this can be expensive, especially if you are new to working with online advertising. It's important that you spend a little time researching before you blow away a thousand or two dollars.

Best Strategy #4: Develop a Social Media Presence

Last, but not the least important, is your social media presence.

Popular social media- platforms have full bins of traffic, especially such as VKontakte, Facebook, etc., they almost certainly include your target audience.

The problem is that any good social media strategy takes time. If you're looking to grow in social media, be prepared to use the platforms for a few months until they start paying off and getting decent traffic.

If you are really determined to promote on social media, use paid traffic to generate traffic on your website. For example, paid advertising on Facebook is relatively cheap and allows you to quickly create a credible and popular page.

I don't recommend using social media as your primary traffic strategy unless you're willing to invest in it consistently. However, you can identify one or two channels and use them while you focus on growing traffic through other methods.

What about SEO?

If you know me well, you will remember how much I love and benefit from SEO. But on the other hand, when building an author page, you shouldn’t focus too much on the SEO at the beginning.

It will take several months of publications to gain authority and trust from search engines. quality Content. You will be able to see real organic growth in your traffic in about a year, and then you will be able to pay more attention to SEO development.

Do you already have your own community on Facebook or VKontakte, but not enough people? What can you do to ensure that your public page is filled with new subscribers? How to make a user fall in love with your community?

It’s no secret that modern social networks are literally flooded with public pages and groups. Often, finding a worthy group can take a lot of time. There are more and more communities that are far from ideal and created only for the sake of making money from advertising. This is why more and more people choose not to join new groups.

In this regard, a whole heap of questions arises, starting from “how to create a group” and ending with the most painful question “how to make a user fall in love with your group.” After all, you must admit that it’s a shame when slag publics reach the top, and yours, which is really useful, remains at the very end.

What is important to remember when creating a new community?

  1. Purpose of creation. It is important to understand the goals you are pursuing when creating a new community. If your group is aimed at making money from advertising, then you will have to invest a lot of money. This is due to the fact that such groups are not brand-oriented, which means they will have a general theme, of which there are a whole bunch today.
  2. We'll have to work hard. If your community is highly specialized, you will have to carefully select posts that will be of interest to your target audience. Accordingly, first you need to find out exactly what your target audience is and how it will interact with you. As a rule, the promotion and activation of this type of group will take about 2 months of work with free promotion.
  3. Thematic communities. It is important to clearly understand that when creating a thematic community, for example, about business or network marketing, you won't reach critical mass. So, the community is gradually gathering people on VKontakte, because is a very thematic project.

This seems to have been sorted out. Now let's move on to next step. After creating a new community, it is logical that you will want to invite living people to appreciate your work.

How to invite people to your community?

  • Use word of mouth marketing. Create entries and posts that will be relevant at the moment. For example, if you are developing a community that talks about clothing style, it would be logical to adjust posts according to the seasons. You won’t publish photos of swimming trunks and swimsuits in mid-January, will you? =) This way people will find you themselves.
  • Not hackneyed content. Try to create new content. People are very good at reposting posts they haven't seen yet. Create new picture based quality material from photo stocks. Make a cool video review, etc. Posts like these will make people interested in joining your community.
  • Inviting friends. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Ask a friend to invite a couple of people to yours new group. A couple of extra clicks won't make it difficult. Certainly, we're talking about O real friends, and not those who were added to the friends list for quantity.
  • Inviting strangers to be friends on personal page, then to the group. This method can also be effective, but you will need a second page so that if it gets blocked, your main page will always be active. The scheme looks something like this: go to the search and add a person to your friends; write a heart-warming message that will make your new friend pay attention to you; a couple more days of short phrases or comments under photos; Please get to know your group.
  • Paid targeted advertising. The advantage of such advertising is obvious. You make a selection based on your target audience and only this audience sees your advertising. Accordingly, the person who is most interested in your content subscribes to the group.

Of course, it is important not only to attract people, but also to interact with them. Try to publish posts that will be interesting, and not just to fill the community. Create a soulful atmosphere.

Hello, dear visitors of the blog ““, in this article we will look at effective ways attracting users to your groups and public pages V social network In contact with.

Every day you sit on a social network and you may not realize how much money people have earn there. You can do anything, from advertising to selling any things. There are a lot of such pages and groups for making money, and if you start doing this, your group may simply be lost in the search engine.

To be one of the first in the search engine of a social network, you need to have a sufficient number of people who are already in the group. Search system sorts based on many criteria, and one of them is the number of subscribers in your group. It turns out that in order to attract users you must already have users.

It is for this purpose that we will look at six examples of attracting living and active users to your developing group. By live users it is meant that these will be real people, like you and me. We will not consider methods such as inviting friends, installing bots, etc.

Six ways to attract an audience to a VK group

  1. First and most in a simple way there will be creation in your group unique content . People always react quickly to something new. Of course, you won’t see an immediate effect, but over time you will feel an influx of new users.
  2. Spam. Spam means finding people who might be interested in your group. This can be mistaken for spam, because you will write to such users the same (or very similar) messages in which you will advertise your group. We do not recommend this method, because your accounts from which you send such messages will quickly get banned.
  3. Collaboration with similar groups. Most groups will be happy to work with you for a certain amount. This way you will share your followers. In such a situation, you both benefit, since over time you will still recoup your costs. You can read more about this method.
  4. Advertising. There are many types advertising campaigns(for example, targeted advertising - we described what it is), through which you can also promote your group. True, this activity is one of the most expensive pleasures. It will be cheaper to pay other groups to promote yours.
  5. There are many groups on VKontakte for mutual PR. It is enough to write on their wall your link to your group and you will private messages thousands of users just like you will be knocking in droves. This is a very effective, but time-consuming method.
  6. And finally, a very effective, but too expensive method. This is to pay defined by people on a social network and they will easily provide you with thousands of live subscribers. This method is very expensive, but the results will be amazing. But beware of scammers!

The Internet is literally teeming with similar questions, but many methods are illegal or ineffective. You have learned several legal and very effective solutions this problem. It is worth noting that promoting a group on VK is a very long journey, which can take weeks or even a month, but the result will be very positive. If you take this seriously, you will easily achieve strong results.